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Ultrafiltration/diafiltration (UF/DF) is a typical step in protein drug manufacturing process to concentrate and exchange the protein solution into a desired formulation. However, significant offset of pH and composition from the target formulation have been frequently observed after UF/DF, posing challenges to the stability, performance, and consistency of the final drug product. Such shift can often be attributed to the Donnan and volume exclusion effects. In order to predict and compensate for those effects, a mechanistic model is developed based on the protein charge, mass and charge balances, as well as the equilibrium condition across the membrane. The integrated UF/DF model can be used to predict both the dynamic behavior and the final outcome of the process. Examples of the modeling results for the pH and composition variation during the UF/DF operations are presented for two monoclonal antibody proteins. The model predictions are in good agreement with a comprehensive experimental data set that covers different process steps, protein concentrations, solution matrices, and process scales. The results show that significant pH and excipient concentration shifts are more likely to occur for high protein concentration and low ionic strength matrices. As a special example, a self-buffering protein formulation shows unique pH behavior during DF, which could also be captured with the dynamic model. The capability of the model in predicting the performance of UF/DF process as a function of protein characteristics and formulation conditions makes it a useful tool to improve process understanding and facilitate process development.  相似文献   

Although a number of previous studies have demonstrated that solution pH can have a dramatic effect on protein transport through ultrafiltration membranes, the exact origin of this behavior has been unclear. Experimental data were obtained for the transport of a broad range of proteins with different surface charge and molecular weight. The effective hydrodynamic size of the proteins was evaluated using size‐exclusion chromatography. The membrane charge, both before and after exposure to a given protein, was evaluated using streaming potential measurements. In most cases, the electrostatic interactions were dominated by the distortion of the electrical double layer surrounding the protein, leading to a distinct maximum in protein transmission at the protein isoelectric point. Attractive electrostatic interactions did occur when the protein and membrane had a large opposite charge, causing a second maximum in transmission at a pH between the isoelectric points of the protein and membrane. The sieving data were in good agreement with theoretical calculations based on available models for the partitioning of charged solutes in cylindrical pores. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 27–37, 1999.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of electrostatic interactions in membrane systems, but there is still controversy about the underlying phenomena. Protein charge ladders, consisting of a set of chemical derivatives of a given protein that differ by single charge groups, were used to quantify the electrostatic interactions during protein ultrafiltration. Myoglobin charge ladders were generated by acylation, with the different derivatives analyzed simultaneously by capillary electrophoresis. Filtration experiments were performed using polyethersulfone and composite regenerated cellulose membranes, with the membrane charge determined from the streaming potential. As expected, the rejection increased as the protein became more heavily charged due to the increase in electrostatic repulsion. However, the transmission of the weakly charged myoglobin species increased dramatically at very low ionic strength. This increase in transmission was attributed to a shift in pH within the pore caused by hydrogen ion partitioning into the charged membrane. The sieving data were in good agreement with theoretical calculations accounting for the effects of this pH shift on the electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

High therapeutic dosage requirements and the desire for ease of administration drive the trend to subcutaneous administration using delivery systems such as subcutaneous pumps and prefilled syringes. Because of dosage volume limits, prefilled syringe administration requires higher concentration liquid formulations, limited to about 30 cP or roughly 100–300 g L?1 for mAb's. Ultrafiltration (UF) processes are routinely used to formulate biological therapeutics. This article considers pressure constraints on the UF process that may limit its ability to achieve high final product concentrations. A system hardware analysis shows that the ultrafiltration cassette pressure drop is the major factor limiting UF systems. Additional system design recommendations are also provided. The design and performance of a new cassette with a lower feed channel flow resistance is described along with 3D modeling of feed channel pressure drop. The implications of variations in cassette flow channel resistance for scaling up and setting specifications are considered. A recommendation for a maximum pressure specification is provided. A review of viscosity data and theory shows that molecular engineering, temperature, and the use of viscosity modifying excipients including pH adjustment can be used to achieve higher concentrations. The combined use of a low pressure drop cassette with excipients further increased final concentrations by 35%. Guidance is provided on system operation to control hydraulics during final concentration. These recommendations should allow one to design and operate systems to routinely achieve the 30 cP target final viscosity capable of delivery using a pre‐filled syringe. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:113–124, 2017  相似文献   

Membrane morphology is compared to protein depostion under passive adsorption and ultrafiltration conditions. Solute resistance of protein deposits for membranes of varying roughness, structure, and permeability can vary dramatically with operating conditions. Using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller adsorption isotherm (BET), study of the internal area and accessibility of several uttrafiltration membranes to protein deposition allows better understanding of the fouling mechanisms and interpretation of adsorbed protein quantities. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The application of pulsed electric field was investigated in the crossflow ultrafiltration of BSA (bovine serum albumn) to economize the application time of electric current as well as to avoid inherent problems of long-term application of electric field. During the application of various cyclic patterns of pulsed electric current, the averaged filtration flowrate and the degree of concentration were maintained higher than those obtained in the absence of electric current application. The temperature increase, pH change, and BSA loss by electrodeposition were all negligible during the operation. The averaged filtration flowrate increased as the ON/OFF duration ratio of electric current was higher and as the period of ON/OFF cycle was shorter. The re-establishment of concentration polarization was dependent to the duration of current OFF state and, therefore, a longer duration of OFF state was not favorable in maintaining higher filtration flow rate. Although the averaged filtration flowrate was enhanced as the magnitude of electric current increased, the flowrate enhancement became smaller as the magnitude of current increased because there exists a current value above which the degree of electrokinetic depolarization is no further improved.  相似文献   

Some factors determining protein aggregation during ultrafiltration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The factors contributing to protein aggregation in albumin ultrafiltration were investigated as a function of operation conditions. The nature of protein deposits was examined by electron microscopy. Protein aggregation appears to occur as a result of rapid supersaturation of protein molecules and high solvent velocity (shear) in the concentrated layer near the membrane surface. The shear occurring in the solvent flow on the membrane surface probably unfolds protein molecules and thus promotes flocculation due to collision between particles. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although virus filtration is now an integral part of the overall viral clearance strategy for the purification of many commercial therapeutic proteins, there is currently little understanding of the factors controlling the performance of the virus filters. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of solution pH on protein transmission and capacity during virus filtration. Data were obtained using bovine serum albumin as a model protein with Viresolve 180 membranes oriented with both the skin-side up and skin-side down. Membranes were also characterized using dextran sieving measurements both before and after protein filtration. Membrane capacity and protein yield were minimal at the protein isoelectric point, which was due to the greater degree of concentration polarization associated with the smaller protein diffusion coefficient at this pH. In contrast, the actual protein sieving coefficient was maximum at the protein isoelectric point due to the absence of any strong electrostatic exclusion under these conditions. The yield and capacity were both significantly greater when the membrane was oriented with the skin-side down. These results provide important insights into the effects of solution conditions on the performance of virus filtration membranes for protein purification.  相似文献   

Many liquid formulations for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) require the final ultrafiltration/diafiltration step to operate at high protein concentrations, often at or above 100 g/L. When operating under these conditions, the excipient concentrations and pH of the final diafiltered retentate are frequently not equal to the corresponding excipient concentrations and pH of the diafiltration buffer. A model based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation combined with volume exclusion was extended to predict both pH and excipient concentrations in the retentate for a given diafiltration buffer. This model was successfully applied to identify the diafiltration buffer composition required to achieve the desired pre-formulated bulk drug substance (retentate) conditions. Predictions were in good agreement with the experimental results, and reduced the number of experimental iterations needed to define the diafiltration buffer composition. Additionally, the predictive model was applied in a sensitivity analysis across ranges of protein charge, protein concentration, and diafiltration buffer pH and excipient concentration. This sensitivity analysis can facilitate the design of experiments for robustness testing, and allow for generalized predictions across classes of molecules such as MAbs.  相似文献   

Diafiltration of a protein solution into a new buffer is a common final step in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. However, the excipient concentrations in the retentate are not always equal to their corresponding concentrations in the new buffer (diafiltration buffer). This phenomenon was observed repeatedly during diafiltration of different therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in which the concentrations of histidine and either sorbitol or sucrose (depending on which was chosen for the diafiltration buffer) in the retentate were lower than in the diafiltration buffer. Experimental studies and theoretical analyses of the ultrafiltration/diafiltration (UF/DF) step were carried out to determine the primary causes of the phenomenon and to develop a mathematical model capable of predicting retentate excipient concentrations. The analyses showed that retentate histidine concentration was low primarily because of repulsive charge interactions between positively‐charged histidine molecules and positively‐charged protein molecules, and that volume exclusion effects were secondary for like‐charged molecules. The positively‐charged protein molecules generate an electrical potential that cause an uneven distribution of charged histidine molecules. This interaction was used to construct a mathematical model based on the Poisson‐Boltzmann equation. The model successfully predicted the final histidine concentration in the diafiltered product (retentate) from the UF/DF development and production runs, with good agreement across a wide range of protein and histidine concentrations for four therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. The concentrations of uncharged excipients (sorbitol or sucrose) were also successfully predicted using previously established models, with volume exclusion identified as the primary cause of differences in uncharged excipient concentrations in the retentate and diafiltration buffer. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using membrane ultrafiltration for the purification of pegylated proteins; however, the separations have all been performed at relatively low protein concentrations where intermolecular interactions are unimportant. The objective of this study was to examine the behavior at higher PEG concentrations and to develop an appropriate theoretical framework to describe the effects of intermolecular interactions. Ultrafiltration experiments were performed using pegylated α‐lactalbumin as a model protein with both neutral and charged composite regenerated cellulose membranes. The transmission of the pegylated α‐lactalbumin, PEG, and α‐lactalbumin all increase with increasing PEG concentration due to the increase in the solute partition coefficient arising from unfavorable intermolecular interactions in the bulk solution. The experimental results were in good agreement with a simple model that accounts for the change in Gibbs free energy associated with these intermolecular interactions, including the effects of concentration polarization on the local solute concentrations upstream of the membrane. These intermolecular interactions are shown to cause a greater than expected loss of pegylated product in a batch ultrafiltration system, and they alter the yield and purification factor that can be achieved during a diafiltration process to remove unreacted PEG. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:655–663, 2013  相似文献   

Ultrafiltration of high-purity grade bovine serum albumin has been carried out under various temperature between 5 and 30 degrees C and at various cross-flow velocities, pressures, and concentrations with the aim of studying protein denaturation and its consequences on the process. Three different pump heads have been tested. Denaturation of proteins in solution has been monitored by laser light scattering and size exclusion chromatography. The rate of protein denaturation increases with temperature, cross-flow, and time. It is observed that membrane fouling is different whether denaturation has occurred or not. Under high-concentration polarization, denaturation can occur in the boundary layer if the wall concentration exceeds 400 g/L. It is shown how the residence time, operating temperature, and pressure play an important part in membrane fouling. This can provide guidelines for process design and control.  相似文献   

This work investigates the fractionation of similar molecular weight proteins bovine serum albumin (69 kD) and bovine hemoglobin (67 kD) by ultrafiltration. Three different membranes, viz. regenerated cellulose, poly(sulfone) and surface modified poly(acrylonitrile), each with a nominal molecular cutoff rating of 100 kD, were examined. The experiments were conducted in dead end, crossflow and vortex flow filtration modes and the separation was studied as a function of feed pH and ionic strength. Under similar system hydrodynamics, the surface modified poly(acrylonitrile) membrane displayed the highest resolution with minimum membrane fouling. The separation could be improved further by operating at low applied pressure (40 kPa) and high mass transfer (> 20 × 10–6 m/s) in a vortex flow module. Under these conditions, the highest separation factor of 40 was obtained at the pI of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

High-resolution fractionation of proteins using ultrafiltration is feasible only at highly optimised conditions. Conventional process optimisation methodology demands both time and material. Pulsed sample injection ultrafiltration has been suggested as a rapid process optimisation technique. In the present work the scope of this technique is further extended by "parameter scanning ultrafiltration," which involves continuous change of a process parameter (e.g., pH, salt concentration). The time and material consumption are thus further reduced. The technique was validated using different proteins and membranes. Sieving coefficients at different pH and salt concentration were compared to those obtained in fixed parameter ultrafiltration experiments. As fractionation case studies the separation of monoclonal antibody from bovine serum albumin and separation of human IgG from human serum albumin were examined.  相似文献   

In glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle, Donnan potential measurements demonstrated that the net electric charge on the actin-myosin matrix undergoes a sharp switch-like transition at pCa50 = 6.8. The potentials are 2 mV less negative at the lower pCa2+ (P < 0.001). If ATP is present, the muscle contracts and breaks the microelectrode. Therefore the rigor state was studied. There is no reason to suppose a priori that a similar voltage switch does not occur during contraction, however.Calcium dependence is still apparent in muscles stretched beyond overlap (sarcomere length > 3.8 μm) and is also seen in the gap filaments between the A- and I-band ends; further stretching abolishes the dependence. These experiments strongly suggest that calcium dependence is controlled initially by the titin component, and that this control is lost when titin filaments break. We suppose that that effect is mediated by the titin kinase in the M-line region and may involve the extensible PEVK region of titin.There is great interest in the electric charge on proteins in muscle within the structural system. We suggest how changes in these charges may control the calcium activation process. We also suggest some simple experimental approaches that could clarify these effects.  相似文献   

Although ultrafiltration is currently used for the concentration and formulation of nearly all biotherapeutics, obtaining the very high target concentrations for monoclonal antibody products is challenging. The objective of this work was to examine the effects of the membrane module design and buffer conditions on both the filtrate flux and maximum achievable protein concentration during the ultrafiltration of highly concentrated monoclonal antibody solutions. Experimental data were obtained using both hollow fiber and screened cassettes and in the presence of specific excipients that are known to alter the solution viscosity. Data were compared with predictions of a recently developed model that accounts for the complex thermodynamic and hydrodynamic behavior in these systems, including the effects of back‐filtration arising from the large pressure drop through the module due to the high viscosity of the concentrated antibody solutions. Model calculations were in good agreement with experimental data in hollow fiber modules with very different fiber length and in screened cassettes having different screen geometries. These results provide important insights into the key factors controlling the filtrate flux and maximum achievable protein concentration during ultrafiltration of highly concentrated antibody solutions as well as a framework for the development of enhanced ultrafiltration processes for this application. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:692–701, 2016  相似文献   

Liu W  Wang DQ  Nail SL 《AAPS PharmSciTech》2005,6(2):E150-E157
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sucrose-glycine excipient systems on the stability of selected model proteins during lyophilization. Recovery of protein activity after freeze-drying was examined for the model proteins lactate dehydrogenase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in a sucrose-glycine-based excipient system in which the formulation composition was system-atically varied. In a sucrose-only excipient system, activity recovery of both model proteins is about 80% and is independent of sucrose concentration over a range from 1 to 40 mg/mL. When both sucrose and glycine are used and the ratio of the 2 excipients is varied, however, activity recovery decreases in a pattern that is consistent with the inhibition of activity recovery by glycine crystals, despite the presence of an adequate amount of sucrose to afford protection. Annealing of sucrose-glycine formulations causes a small but significant decrease in activity recovery relative to unannealed controls, whereas no annealing effect is observed with sucrose-only formulations. Addition of 0.01% polysorbate 80 to the formulation resulted in complete recovery of activity, irrespective of the sucroseglycine ratio or annealing. Addition of the same concentration of polysorbate 80 to the reconstitution medium caused an increase in activity recovery for each formulation, but the overall pattern remained unchanged. The data are consistent with an interfacial model for lyophilization-associated loss of protein activity involving denaturation at a solid/freeze-concentrate interface. Published: September 30, 2005  相似文献   

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