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The homology and terminology of the sclerotized structures, specifically the uncus and gnathos, formed by the fused segments caudal to the ninth abdominal segment in males of Lepidoptera, specifically in the Pyraloidea, have been confused in the literature. Based on comparative morphology of sclerotized structures and musculature, the uncus, scaphium, gnathos, and subscaphium are defined and described for stabilization in future systematic studies. Muscles IX–X (ex) and IX–X (int) are associated with these sclerotized structures and attached to the tegumen anteriorly. They are present in most of the species examined and are consistently topologically constrained in their origins and insertions; no differences were observed at the familial level. Muscle IX–X (int) is lacking in Pyralinae (Pyralidae) and this condition is hypothesized to be derived independently and an autapomorphy for this subfamily. The unique subteguminal processes of the Schoenobiinae are structures independent of the gnathos contrary to previous thought, and are instead associated with the valvae.  相似文献   

Male genital structures and muscles of bombycoid moths have repeatedly been misidentified in the literature. Furthermore, the genital structures of some bombycoid families, such as the poorly known Australo-New Guinean Anthelidae, have essentially remained unstudied. Based on comparative morphology, this study details the principal arrangements of male genital sclerites and muscles in all bombycoid families, with particular focus on basic structures and their modifications in Anthelidae. Emphasis is placed on the homology of and fusions between these structures and their function, providing a basis for the interpretation of modifications in future phylogenetic and taxonomic studies. This includes the unique fusion of gnathos and valvae in several bombycoid families, the arrangement and extent of the fused tegumen and vinculum, as well as the homology of the "transtilla". Further, a modification of the valve adductor muscle (the segment IX sternum to valva muscle, m4) widely regarded as a synapomorphy of Bombycoidea is demonstrated to be non-existent, as is the presumed presence of the valve abductor muscle (the segment IX tergum to valva muscle, m2) in Saturniidae.  相似文献   

Nine muscles were found in the genital complex of Megalopygidae: the paired m1, m2(10), m4, m5(7), m6(5), m7(6), the unpaired m20, m21, and the phallobase muscles. This arrangement corresponds to the ground plan of Zygaenoidea with some reductions. The archaic muscles of the “musculi phallici internus” system, located inside the phallotheca and aedeagus, were revealed for the first time in representatives of the entire superfamily Zygaenoidea. We suggest that the traditional interpretation of m21 as the inner longitudinal muscle of the aedeagus should be preserved, while the inner muscles of the phallotheca should be designated as musculi phallobasi interni m36. Division of the family into two subfamilies, Megalopyginae and the more archaic Trosiinae, is supported by our results, and the homology of the modified appendages of the tergal complex and vinculum is refined. A list of autapomorphies of the family is given.  相似文献   

The muscles of the male abdomen and genitalia of Micropezidae were studied for the first time by the example of Neria commutata (Czerny, 1930). Based on analysis of the sclerites and musculature of the male genitalia of Micropezidae as compared to those of the previously studied Acalyptratae and Aschiza, we revealed several apomorphies of this group. The hypandrial complex is characterized by the presence of the phallic retractors and protractors M1 and M2, and the epandrial complex, by the presence of muscles M3 of the subepandrial sclerite, muscles M4 of the surstyli, muscles M7 of the cerci, and also the tergosternal muscles M5; all these muscles correspond to the ground plan of Cyclorrhapha. The following characters are considered apomorphic: the splitting of intersegmental sternal muscles ISM5–6 into 4 pairs that ensure the functioning of the forcipate appendages of sternite V; development of syntergosternite VII and reduction of muscles ISM6–7; the splitting of muscles M3 of the subepandrial sclerite into 4 pairs, enhancing the function of this sclerite; the appearance of pregonites with the associated muscles M42, which probably occurred independently several times in the evolution of different groups of Cyclorrhapha; asymmetry of syntergosternites VII and VIII and their muscles. The sclerites and muscles of the epandrium and hypandrium are characterized by complete symmetry.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper reports the genus Erotis Meyrick for the first time from China. Two new species Erotis expansa sp. nov. and Erotis punctalosa sp. nov. are described. E. expansa sp. nov. is related to E. phosphora Meyrick both in appearance and in the male genitalia, but can be differentiated from the latter by uncus broader and slightly concave at middle of caudal margin, gnathos nearly as long as uncus and valva with costa almost straight in the male genitalia. E. punctalosa resembles E. expansa sp. nov. externally, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the female genitalia: eighth tergite caudally almost straight; two signa large thorn-like, basal plate irregularly triangular in shape, with fine spines along anterior margin. The photographs of the adults and the genital structures of the new species are provided. A key to all the known species of Erotis is given.  相似文献   

Skippers of the tribe Baorini are evidently a monophyletic group in the subfamily Hesperiinae. In this study, a new Baorini member Tsukiyamaia albimacula gen. n. et sp. n. is described from north Myanmar, southwest China and north Vietnam. Despite its peculiar and striking wing-pattern, this new genus has some important characters of Baorini, such as a broad and bifid uncus and a well-developed gnathos. Based on an analysis of male genitalia and the molecular phylogenies inferred from both mitochondrial and nuclear genes (28 taxa, total aligned length: 2968 bp), it is proposed that the genus Tsukiyamaia is closely related to the genus Polytremis, which has high species diversity in China. This study not only describes a new skipper but also highlights that Tsukiyamaia is important in clarifying phylogenetic relationship of Polytremis and its allies.  相似文献   

首次报道了平织蛾属Erotis Meyrick在中国的分布,并描述了2新种:阔平织蛾Erotis expansasp.nov.和点平织蛾Erotis punctalosa sp.nov.。阔平织蛾采自贵州江口,与Erotis phosphoraMeyrick相似,但其雄性外生殖器的爪形突较宽大,后缘中部微凹;颚形突几乎与爪形突等长;抱器背平直。点平织蛾采自广西防城,与阔平织蛾Erotis expansa sp.nov.外形近似,但其雌性第八腹节背板后缘较平直;囊突角状,基部骨化板为不规则三角形,其前缘有微刺。文中给出了该属世界已知种检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

With some exceptions, the internal and external reproductive organs of the female and male giant looper, Boarmia selenaria Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera : Geometridae) are similar to those of other Lepidoptera; the same is true for the spermatophore. However, there is no enlargement of the vas deferens before it enters the ductus ejaculatorius duplex, the accessory glands are not closely united, the claspers are of a complex type, transtilla, furca, socii and coremata are not present, and the 2 arms of the gnathos fuse distally, whereas in the Satyridae, Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae, the 2 halves remain separate.  相似文献   

The new subfamily of Cossidae; Catoptinae Yakovlev, subfam. n., well distinguished from other representatives of the family, is described. The new subfamily includes two genera: Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (type genus) and Chiangmaiana Kemal et Koçak, 2006. A catalogue of the subfamily is presented. One new synonym Catopta hyrcanus (Christoph, 1888) = Catopta brandti Bryk, 1947, syn. n., is established. The new subfamily has the following distinguishing features: short valvae; reduced processes of transtilla; vesica with numerous cornuti; pearshaped bursa copulatrix; and very short ductus bursae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(2):513-521
The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Mahanta tanyae was sequenced and extensively compared with all seven additionally reported zygaenoid mitogenomes. The M. tanyae mitogenome is circular, double-stranded, and 15,323 bp long. Gene content, gene order, and orientation are all typical of Lepidoptera, despite the existence of gene rearrangements for some other zygaenoid mitogenomes. Comparative analyses further showed that the incomplete termination codon T is consistently recognized in the mitochondrial cox1, cox2 and nad4 genes of all zygaenoid species, as well as in the nad5 gene in two limacodid species. Among 13 protein-coding genes, nad6 exhibits the highest evolutionary rate. The structure for each tRNA is highly conserved, including loss of the dihydorouidine (DHU) arm in trnS1 (AGN), but remarkable nucleotide variation exists, primarily in the pseudouridine (TψC) loops. Interestingly, in four species of Zygaenidae, the anticodons for trnS1 (AGN) are consistently UCU, instead of the routinely used codon GCU, in all three species of Limacodidae. In the intergenic region between trnS2 and nad1, a short sequence before the motif “ATACTAA” is present in the M. tanyae mitogenome that is unique among reported zygaenoid mitogenomes. In the A + T-rich region between the motif “ATTTA” and the microsatellite (AT)n element, some nucleotides were present for most zygaenoid mitogenomes, which is, to our knowledge, rare even in reported lepidopteran mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses based on the combined 37 mitochondrial genes confirmed the position of M. tanyae in Limacodidae of the Zygaenoidea.  相似文献   

The muscles of the male genitalia were studied for the first time in two species endemic to the Oriental zoogeographical region, namely Curetis bulis from the subfamily Curetinae (Lycaenidae) and Paralaxita damajanti from the tribe Abisarini (Riodinidae). Both taxa possess a common plan of musculature reflected in the positions of muscles m1, m2(10), m5(7), m7(6), m21, and m28. Two new autapomorphies of Curetis bulis were discovered: the splitting of m4 into two muscles and a shift of the attachment site of one of these muscles onto the dorsal area of the anellus. Apomorphic differences in the position of the genital muscles were found between Paralaxita damajanti and the previously studied Polycaena tamerlana from the family Riodinidae. A new synapomorphy between the latter two species, namely splitting of the aedeagus protractors m6(5), was also found.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101928
Caissa kashungii sp. n. and Squamosa wungchanngamii sp. n. are described as new Limacodidae from India. These new species are illustrated with images of the adults and male genitalia and compared with similar species. Additionally, three species S. chalcites Orhant, 2000, Cania (Paracania) robusta Hering, 1931 and Rhamnosa (Rhamnosa) convergens Hering, 1931 are recorded as new to India from Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Diagnosis and distribution are provided for all taxa listed and the males and their genitalia are illustrated.LSID codewww.zoobznk.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:32CDB346-275D-4C66-906C-656FC613E195.  相似文献   

研究了中国线波纹蛾属Wernya Yoshimoto,1987,记述2新种,巨钩线波纹蛾W.hamigigantea sp.nov.,曲线波纹蛾W.cyrtoma sp.nov.,中国1新纪录种及其1新亚种,灰褐线波纹蛾海南亚种W.griseochrysa hainanensis subsp.nov.;修订了纽线波纹蛾W.thailandica Yoshimoto,1987在中国分布的亚种;取消了W.solena(Swinhoe,1894)和W.punctata Yoshimoto,1987在中国的分布记录。给出中国线波纹蛾属7种2亚种的检索表。  相似文献   

Like most animals with internal fertilization, spiders tend to have species-specific genitalia, allowing closely related species to be identified by their reproductive morphology more easily than by non-genital characters. This implies that genitalia evolve on average more rapidly than non-genital morphological traits. Here we describe two putative species of Pholcidae from Taiwan (Pholcus pingtung, n. sp.; Pholcus chengpoi, n. sp.) that differ conspicuously in their microhabitat (rocks vs. leaves), coloration, color pattern, and body proportions, but have almost indistinguishable genitalia and cytochrome oxidase I (co1) sequences. The two species have identical yet highly unusual male cheliceral modifications, strongly arguing for sister species. Despite the almost identical genitalia and co1 sequences, we treat the two ‘morphs’ as species for three reasons: (1) they are easily distinguished by several characters; no intermediate specimens were found; (2) subtle yet consistent differences in genital (uncus) shape support the idea of reproductively isolated entities beyond the more conspicuous non-genital differences; (3) each locality provided both types of microhabitat but only one of the two species, arguing against environmental plasticity or polymorphism. We conclude that probably a very recent expansion into a novel microhabitat has led to speciation and rapid ecological and non-genital differentiation, with insufficient time to accumulate significant genital and genetic differences.  相似文献   

Skeleton and musculature of valvae were examined in 19 species from the section Polyommatus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) revised by Bálint and Johnson (1997). Functional organization of male genitalia in the section Polyommatus was shown to be relatively constant. Significant interspecific variation of the skeleton and muscles was found only in the structure of valvae. During their evolution, the valvae became elongated, the costal torsion and longitudinal medial fold appeared on their medial wall, the subcostal groove was formed, and the intravalval muscle differentiated into two muscles forming a chiasma. This muscular chiasma was formed at least twice in the evolution of the group, in Polyommatus Latreille, 1804 + Aricia [Reichenbach], 1819 and in Plebeius Kluk, 1802. The genus Chilades Moore, [1881] is the least advanced as concerns the functional organization of the valvae. The genera Polyommatus and Aricia are the most advanced and constitute a sister pair. The intermediate position is occupied by Plebeius Kluk, 1802 and probably Madeleinea Bálint, 1993. The genus Albulina Tutt, 1809 is a compound taxon, its species occupying an intermediate position between Polyommatus and Aricia on the one hand, and Plebeius on the other hand. With a sole exception, they are characterized by a plesiomorphic state of the valval musculature that does not allow their mutual phylogenetic relations to be evaluated consistently. The only examined species of the genus Agriades Hübner, [1819], A. glandon (De Prunner, 1798), also possesses undifferentiated musculature, but according to the characters of the vaginal area, its females are close to the branch Polyommatus + Aricia.  相似文献   

Sparganocosma docsturnerorum Brown, new genus and new species, is described and illustrated from Área de Conservación (ACG) in northwestern Costa Rica. The new genus shares a long, crescent- or ribbon-shaped signum in the corpus bursae of the female genitalia with Aesiocopa Zeller, 1877, Amorbia Clemens, 1860, Amorbimorpha Kruse, 2011, Coelostathma Clemens, 1860, Lambertiodes Diakonoff, 1959, Paramorbia Powell & Lambert, 1986, Rhynchophyllus Meyrick, 1932, Sparganopseustis Powell & Lambert, 1986, Sparganothina Powell, 1986, and Sparganothoides Lambert & Powell, 1986. Putative autapomorphies for Sparganocosma include the extremely short uncus; the smooth (unspined) transtilla; and the upturned, free, distal rod of the sacculus. Adults of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum have been reared numerous times (>50) from larvae collected feeding on rain forest Asplundia utilis (Oerst.) Harling and Asplundia microphylla (Oerst.) Harling (Cyclanthaceae) at intermediate elevations (375–500 m) in ACG. Whereas most Sparganothini are generalists, typically feeding on two or more plant families, Sparganocosma docsturnerorum appears to be a specialist on Asplundia, at least in ACG. The solitary parasitoid wasp Sphelodon wardae Godoy & Gauld (Ichneumonidae; Banchinae) has been reared only from the larvae of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum.  相似文献   

卢筝 《昆虫学报》1998,41(2):174-178
小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rott.雄性外生殖器由第8腹节的5对肌肉支持,它具有充分功能的抱器(clasper)和第9腹节的侧骨片,具有8对外生殖器特有的肌肉。具有一对由第9,10,11节原始腹部神经节的侧神经组成的成对的粗大神经干9+10+11,神经干的神经分支分布神经到外生殖器。  相似文献   

Psammodrilus aedificator sp.n. is described from an arctic subtidal sandy habitat at 2–3 m depth. The new species represents a link between the two genera Psammodrilus and Psammodriloides, but it has a distinct warty collar shared only with Psammodrilus balanoglossoides. This unique structure was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Each wart consists of one large cell with microvilli arranged in a hexagonal pattern. The collar epidermis is devoid of cilia. The head consists of prostomium and peristomium, the thorax consists of 7(8) segments, both tagmata totally ciliated. Each of the six pairs of cirri have an aciculum. The abdomen consists of 20 segments and is ciliated except for the dorsal sulcus. Psammodrilus aedifcator sp.n. is sessile and forms a “house” of agglutinated sand grains. Only females (8 mm) and a few juveniles (4 mm) were found in July-August. Mature eggs are extremely large (310 μm), evidently an adaptation to arctic conditions. Throughout the year the interstitial fauna at the type locality was rich, both in species and individuals. Some of the associated fauna included coelenterates, many turbellarians, nemerteans, chaetonotid gastrotrichs, archiannelids and polychaetes and, less abundantly, a few gnathostomulids, macrodasyid gastrotrichs, nematodes, eutardigrades, halacarids, harpacticoid copepods and ostracods.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the systematic position of the rare and endangered satyrine butterfly Caenoptychia boulleti Le Cerf, the only included species in Caenoptychia (type species), based on adult morphology and molecular data. The results showed that Caenoptychia Le Cerf belongs to the Euptychia Hübner clade, and the genus is synonymized with Euptychia, new synonymy. Euptychia boulleti (Le Cerf) is a new combination. The male genitalia of E. boulleti showed at least one important synapomorphy with the other species of Euptychia, which is the presence of a posterior projection of the tegumen above the uncus. Molecular data reinforces the position of Caenoptychia within the genus Euptychia.  相似文献   

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