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Two new species of mealybugs (Pseudococcidae), Puto (Ceroputo) chetverikovi n. sp. and Fonscolombia toubkalensis n. sp., are described and illustrated. Thirteen other species are noted for the first time to fauna of Morocco or to Africa as a whole. Additionally, one species of closely related family Eriococcidae, Acanthococcus ericae (Signoret, 1875), is also reported for the first time to Morocco.  相似文献   

Seven mealybug genera, Kalaginella gen. n., Archanginella gen. n., Metadenopsis Matesova, Metadenopus ?ulc, Glycycnyza Danzig, Inopicoccus Danzig, and Volvicoccus Goux, all with a simplified anal apparatus and lacking cerarii, are revised and illustrated. Kalaginella intermedia gen. et sp. n. and Archanginella kyzylkumica gen. et sp. n. are described from the Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum deserts, correspondingly. Mirococcopsis stipae Borchsenius, 1949 is considered a junior synonym of Volvicoccus volvifer Goux, 1945.  相似文献   

A key to, and reviews of 30 species of the genus Heliococcus from the former USSR, Mongolia, and North Korea are given. All the species discussed are illustrated and redescribed. A new species, H. astragali sp. n., is described. Lectotypes are designated for nine nominal species. The following new synonymies are established: Heliococcus atraphaxidis Baz. (= inconspicuous Baz., = kirgisicus Baz.); H. bohemicus ?ulc (= danzigae Baz.); H. destructor Borchs. (= kehejanae Ter-Grig., = slavonicus Borchs. et Terezn., = ziziphi Borchs.); H. halocnemi Borchs. (= xerophilus Mat.); H. radicicola Goux (= saxatilis Borchs.); H. sulcii Goux (= marginalis Goux, = tesquorum Borchs., = caucasicus Borchs., = artemisiae Ter-Grig.), syn. nn.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Seyneria oligocerariferasp. n. and Trionymus sengirkumensissp. n. (Pseudococcidae) are described based on the material collected in Mangystau and Atyrau provinces of...  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of over 90 species of mealybugs are presented (71 for the first time). The diploid chromosome number (2n) ranged from 8 to 64, but over 68% of the species had 2n=10, and 10 is considered to represent the ancestral 2n in this family. Since only 4 species had 2n<10,and 26 had 2n>10, it is concluded that in this family increases in 2n occurred much more often than decreases. The data are compared to those from two other coccid families, the Diaspididae and the Eriococcidae. Unexpectedly, in both the Pseudococcidae and the Diaspididae the frequency of species with the modal 2n is lowest among species from monotypic genera and from genera from which only a single species was examined, and increases with the increase in the number of species examined per genus.(died June 10, 1977)  相似文献   

Eggs, crawlers, early nymphs, late nymphs, and adults of the pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), were tested for their susceptibility to methyl bromide in 2-h laboratory fumigations at ambient conditions (25 degrees C, 95% RH). Dose-response tests indicated that the egg was the most susceptible life stage with an LC99 of 20.2 mg/liter. Based on probit analysis of dose-response data, no significant differences were observed among susceptibilities of the crawler, early stage or late stage nymphs, or adults at either the LC50 or LC99 level, but late stage nymphs were more tolerant than early stage nymphs in a separate paired comparison test. Confirmatory tests showed that a dose of 48 mg/liter methyl bromide, the USDA-Animal Plant Health Inspection Service treatment dose schedule for mealybugs at 21-26 degrees C, produced 100% mortality of all life stages. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the methyl bromide treatment schedule for mealybugs will provide quarantine security for M. hirsutus infesting commodities for export or import.  相似文献   

Serological studies on five species of Pseudococcidae (Homoptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Populations of Planococcus cini, Planococcus ficus, Pseudococcus obscurus, Pseudococcus calceolanae and Pseudococcus longispinus were selected for immunoelectrophoretic tests from which correlation and distance coefficients were calculated. Cluster analysis of serological data allowed construction of a dendrogram in which the phylogenetic relationships among the five species are presented. The conclusions were found to be in agreement with modern views on taxonomic interrelations among the five species based on female and male morphology. The recent separation of Planococcus citn' and Planococcus ficus as independent species is emphasized.  相似文献   

In laboratory bioassays, male Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) and Planococcus ficus Signoret were attracted to body sections of females that included the metathoracic legs. Extracts of the metathoracic legs of female P. ficus were much more attractive to males than extracts of the other legs, and males exhibited copulatory behavior towards these extracts. Scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of translucent pores on the coxae of mature but not immature females. Collectively, the data suggest that the female-produced sex pheromones of these species are released from the metathoracic legs, probably from the translucent pores.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mealybug Trabutina mannipara (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1829) is described and illustrated, and a neotype female selected from topotypic material collected in the Sinai Peninsula. A lectotype female is designated for Trabutina palestina Bodenheimer (1927) which is shown to be a junior synonym of T.mannipara.  相似文献   

Dysmicoccus williamsi sp.n. is described and illustrated. A key is provided for the indentification of Oriental species of Dysmicoccus Ferris.  相似文献   

A key to six species of the genus Dysmicoccus from the former USSR is given, provided with comprehensive information on the nomenclature, morphology, and taxonomy of the widely variable D. walkeri. The following new synonymies are established: D. walkeri Newstead (= D. kazanskyi Borchs., syn. n.; = glandularis Baz., syn. n.; = badachshanicus Nurm., syn. n.; = innermongolicus Tang in Tang and Li, syn. n.). Lectotype of D. kazanskyi is designated. Dysmicoccus multivorus (Kir.) is considered in the revision of the genus Trionymus Berg (Danzig, 1997), the rest species are discussed in the monograph of the Far Eastern fauna (Danzig, 1980).  相似文献   

A list of the coccid species damaging plants in the collection of the greenhouses of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, Kola Peninsula, is given. The dynamics of the pests’ presence and number of their hosts since 1957, and effect of pesticides on the pests are shown.  相似文献   

Vapor heat treatments were developed against life stages of the mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Treatments tested were 47 degrees C for 5-50 min in 5-min increments and 49 degrees C for 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 min. All tests were conducted with mixed age M. hirsutus on Chinese pea, Pisum sativum L. Treatment at 47 degrees C required 45 min to kill all M. hirsutus, whereas treatment at 49 degrees C required 10 min. The adult female and nymphal stages were the most heat tolerant at 47 degrees C, but the egg stage was the most heat tolerant at 49 degrees C. Use of the vapor heat treatments on other commodities will require achieving or exceeding the proper temperature and duration at all locations on the host where M. hirsutus may reside.  相似文献   

The genus name Euripersia Borchs. is considered a junior synonym of Fonscolombia Licht. based on the absence of essential differences between type species of these genera. The key to Fonscolombia includes, in addition to the type species, nine species from Russia and adjacent countries. Eight of these species are redescribed and illustrated, F. butorinae Danzig et Gavrilov, 2005 has been recently described as new. Two species originally described in Euripersia do not belong to this genus. One is transferred to Trionymus Berg, and thus a new combination is established: Trionymus mongolicus (Danzig), comb. n. Synonymy of Euripersia caulicola with Phenacoccus incertus Kir. has been established recently (Danzig, 2005). Other species presently placed in Euripersia (Ben-Dov, 1994) need a revision. Lectotypes are designated for 4 nominal species. Fonscolombia is related to Phenacoccus Sign., the separation of these two genera is not clear. Fonscolombia is characterized by broad-oval and convex body, poorly developed anal lobes, short, 6-8-segmented (F. edentata and F. herbacea with 7–9-segmented) antennae, and cerarii present on the last abdominal segments only (C 3 sometimes present). Most species live on roots of grasses (F. butorinae between leaves near soil, F. herbacea, on dicotyledonous herbs) and are characterized by ovoviviparity.  相似文献   

Mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) adults, nymphs, crawlers, and eggs were tested for their susceptibility to hot water immersion at 47, 48, and 49 degrees C. Eggs inside ovisacs were found most tolerant with prolonged survival compared with other stages at all temperatures. Ovisacs required an average of 1.38, 1.46, and 1.62 times longer treatment duration than adults, nymphs, and crawlers, respectively, for 99.9% predicted mortality at 47, 48, and 49 degrees C. Lethal time estimations were calculated from inverse predictions of regressions derived from logit-transformed data as well as those created using a kinetic model. LT 99.9 estimations were 47.0, 21.2, and 11.9 min at 47, 48, and 49 degrees C, respectively, by using regressions with logit transformations. The kinetic model predictions were 43.9, 19.6, and 11.1 min at 47, 48, and 49 degrees C, respectively. During the study no emergence from eggs inside ovisacs was found after treatments of 52, 24, and 14 min at 47, 48, and 49 degrees C, respectively. Results from this study provide efficacious temperature-time treatments.  相似文献   

Studies on the tolerance of pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), to ionizing irradiation were undertaken to determine the dose needed to disinfest commodities of this pest. Overall, radiotolerance of M. hirsutus was found to increase with maturity. Target doses of 50 Gy reduced eclosion of eggs to <50%, but doses as great as 750 Gy did not eliminate hatching during the study. At 100 Gy, M. hirsutus eggs, crawlers, and nymphs were controlled, because progeny were not produced despite crawlers and nymphs living for much longer periods than unexposed individuals. Fecundity of treated crawlers and nymphs was greatly impacted by treatment of 100 Gy; crawlers developing into adults produced no eggs, and 10 adults of 3,983 treated nymphs (0.25%) produced 309 eggs. Few adult females exposed as nymphs deposited eggs because male nymphs died during development, which left the females unfertilized. By comparison, 89% of female nymphs treated at 100 Gy and mated as adults with nonirradiated males produced a total of 1,447 eggs (19 eggs per female). Evidence from this study suggests M. hirsutus reproduces sexually, not parthenogenetically. Adults, the most resistant stage, exposed to target doses of 100 Gy produced eggs that were 1.2% viable, from which a small portion of individuals successfully completed development and produced progeny. A target dose of 250 Gy was sufficient to control adult M. hirsutus because, at that dose, none of the eggs produced by 3,093 irradiated adults eclosed. The minimum dose needed to ensure quarantine security is between 100 and 250 Gy.  相似文献   

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