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Up to now, the complement fixation test (CFT) has been the basis for the serological diagnosis of influenza virus infection in routine laboratories. Generally, low CF titers (1:20 or 1:40) are difficult to interpret. This means that the differentiation between recent and remote influenza infections is not possible by CFTs on single sera. Nonetheless this is generally possible by the subtype- and immunoglobulin class-specific immunofluorescence test (IFT) reported in this paper. Sera from 76 patients with confirmed influenza infection were tested and we obtained the following results: only 27.6% contained antibodies of all immunoglobulin classes, 51% contained IgG and IgA antibodies (without IgM) and 3.9% responded only with the IgG isotype. The IFT-positive and CFT-negative were 5.2% and the IFT-negative and CFT-positive 4%. In 7.9% no antibody rises were detected by CFT or by IFT despite virus isolation. Results from IFT may permit the interpretation of low CF titers. In contrast to CFT, IFT makes possible the differentiation between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons because vaccinated persons regularly produce IgM antibodies against all strains of the vaccine.  相似文献   

Nocardia brasiliensis is a facultative intracellular microorganism that produces a human chronic infection known as actinomycetoma. Human and mouse anti- N. brasiliensis antibody response identify P24, P26 and P61 immunodominant antigens. In this work, we generated immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to immunodominant P61 antigen. The monoclonal IgM (NbM1) and IgG2a (NbG1) antibodies were assessed for their in vitro bactericidal activity, in vivo protective effect and ability to block catalase activity. These mAbs specifically recognized P61, but they did not inhibit its enzyme activity. The in vitro bactericidal effect of NbG1 was higher than the killing ability of the IgM mAb. In vivo experiments with a murine model of experimental infection with N. brasiliensis injected into rear footpads was used to test the effect of NbM1 and NbG1. The negative untreated group developed a chronic actinomycetoma within 4 weeks. IgM mAbs conferred protection to BALB/c mice infected with N. brasiliensis . IgG mAb lacked this protective effect. IgM mAb showed a dose–response correlation between antibody concentration and lesion size. These results demonstrate that humoral immune response mediated by antigen-specific IgM antibody protects against an intracellular bacterial infection.  相似文献   

We have previously generated human monoclonal anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (anti-HIV-1) antibodies 2F5IgG and 2G12IgG with an exceptional cross-clade neutralizing potential. 2F5IgG and 2G12IgG passively administrated to macaques were able to confer complete protection from both intravenous and mucosal challenge with pathogenic HIV-simian immunodeficiency virus chimeric strains and have shown beneficial effects in a phase-1 clinical trial. We now class-switched 2F5 and 2G12 to the immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgA isotype, to enforce features like avidity, complement activation, or the potential to neutralize mucosal transmission. For this purpose we expressed functional polymeric 2F5 and 2G12 antibodies in CHO cells and evaluated their anti-HIV-1 activity in vitro. The class switch had a strong impact on the protective potential of 2F5 and 2G12. 2G12IgM inhibited HIV-1 infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures up to 28-fold-more efficiently than the corresponding IgG and neutralized all of the primary isolates tested. The 2F5 and 2G12 antibodies of all isotypes were able to interact with active human serum to inhibit viral infection. Furthermore, we demonstrated that polymeric 2F5 and 2G12 antibodies but not the corresponding IgGs could interfere with HIV-1 entry across a mucosal epithelial layer in vitro. Although polymeric 2F5 antibodies had only limited potential in the standard neutralization assay, the results from the mucosal assay suggest that 2F5 and 2G12 antibodies may have a high potential to prevent natural HIV-1 transmission in vivo.  相似文献   

Antibodies (Abs) contribute to the control of influenza virus infection in vivo by reducing progeny virus yield from infected cells (yield reduction [YR]) and by inhibiting progeny virus from spreading the infection to new host cells (virus neutralization [VN]). Previous studies showed that the infection could be resolved in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice by treatment with hemagglutinin (HA)-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that exhibit both VN and YR activities but not by MAbs that exhibited only YR activity. To determine whether virus clearance requires both activities, we measured the therapeutic activity of an HA-specific MAb (VN and YR) and its Fab fragment (VN) by intranasal (i.n.) administration to infected SCID mice. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Fab cleared the infection with i.n. 50% effective doses (ED(50)s) of 16 and 90 pmol, respectively. To resolve an established infection solely by VN activity, Fab must be present in the respiratory tract at an effective threshold concentration until all infected cells have died and production of virus has ceased. Because IgG and Fab had different half-lives in the respiratory tract (22 and 8 h, respectively) and assuming that both operated mainly or solely by VN, it could be estimated that clearance was achieved 24 h after Ab treatment when both reagents were present in the respiratory tract at approximately 10 pmol. This dose was approximately 200 times larger than the respiratory tract-associated Ab dose resulting from administration of the intraperitoneal ED(50) (270 pmol) of IgG. This indicated that our procedure of i.n. administration of Ab did not make optimal use of the Ab's therapeutic activity.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a pulmonary influenza virus infection in SCID mice can be cured by treatment with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the viral transmembrane protein hemagglutinin (HA) but not for matrix 2. Since both types of MAbs react with infected cells but only the former neutralizes the virus, it appeared that passive MAbs cured by neutralization of progeny virus rather than reaction with infected host cells. To prove this, we selected a set of four HA-specific MAbs, all of the immunoglobulin G2a isotype, which reacted well with native HA expressed on infected cells yet differed greatly (>10,000-fold) in virus neutralization (VN) activity in vitro, apparently because of differences in antibody avidity and accessibility of the respective determinants on the HA of mature virions. Since the VN activities of these MAbs in vitro were differentially enhanced by serum components, we determined their prophylactic activities in vivo and used them as measures of their actual VN activities in vivo. The comparison of therapeutic and prophylactic activities indicated that these MAbs cured the infection to a greater extent by VN activity (which was greatly enhanced in vivo) and to a lesser extent by reaction with infected host cells. Neither complement- nor NK cell-dependent mechanisms were involved in the MAb-mediated virus clearance.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have isolated and characterized the Lyt-1+, -2- T contrasuppressor (Tcs) cells from mice systemically primed with SRBC. Adoptive transfer of splenic Tcs cells from these mice abrogates oral tolerance and supports IgM and IgG anti-SRBC plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses; however, unlike the responses seen after transfer of Tcs cells derived from orally primed mice, low IgA responses were seen. Mice systemically primed with lower SRBC doses (0.01 to 1%) exhibited contrasuppression only within the L3T4- T cell subset, whereas mice primed with a high dose of SRBC (10%), harbored Lyt-1+, -2- Tcs cells in both the L3T4+ and L3T4- subsets. Both the L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cell subsets supported IgM and IgG responses when adoptively transferred to orally tolerized mice, and when added to tolerized spleen cell cultures. Splenic Tcs cells from systemically primed mice supported mainly IgG1 and IgG2b subclass anti-SRBC PFC responses, a pattern also seen with Tcs cells derived from orally primed mice. Both L3T4+ and L3T4- Tcs cells from systemically primed mice exhibited well established characteristics of contrasuppressor cells including binding to Vicia villosa lectin and expression of I-J. The splenic effector Tcs cells which support IgM, IgG1 and IgG2b anti-SRBC PFC responses are antigen-specific, since both L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cells from spleens of mice primed with 10% SRBC reverse tolerance to SRBC, but not to horse erythrocytes (HRBC). Further, both L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cells from HRBC-primed mice reverse tolerance to IgM and IgG anti-HRBC, but not to anti-SRBC responses. Isolation of T3-positive Lyt-1+, -2- and L3T4- Tcs cell subsets by flow cytometry followed by adoptive transfer, showed that effector Tcs cells express T3 and presumably contain an Ag-R (TCR-T3 complex). These studies show that systemic priming with heterologous RBC induces splenic Ag specific Tcs cells in a dose-dependent manner, which support IgM and IgG subclass responses, but not IgA responses.  相似文献   

A profound state of specific tolerance for the contact sensitivity reaction can be produced by i.v. exposure to hapten on the surface of syngeneic macrophages. When the same haptenated cells are incubated with specific antibody to form cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes, i.v. injection induces immunity rather than tolerance. We observe that such cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes induce not only effector cells for contact sensitivity but also hapten-specific contrasuppressor T (Tcs) cells, which are capable of rendering effector cells resistant to the inhibitory effects of Ts cells. Whereas the induction of the effector cells of contact sensitivity by cell-bound complexes required I region compatibility between the injected cells and the recipient, the induction of Tcs cells showed no genetic restriction. On the other hand, induction of contrasuppression required intact Fc on the complexed antibody, inasmuch as F(ab')2 fragments of specific antibody did not induce immunity. In addition, Tcs cells could also be induced by Ag-antibody complexes on opsonized TNP-mouse RBC treated with anti-TNP antibody. Immunity induced by cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes was observed only when antibodies of the IgM, IgG3, or IgG1 isotypes are used to generate the complexes. Further studies demonstrated that the Tcs cells induced in this way displayed the phenotype of Tcs cells described in other systems (Lyt-1+,2- I-J+, Vicia villosa lectin-adherent) and released a hapten-specific contrasuppressor factor. These studies indicate that Tcs cells can be induced independently of other T cells (such as the effector cells of contact sensitivity) and are likely to be responsible for some of the immunoregulatory effects of cell-bound Ag-antibody complexes. The role of antibody isotype in the induction of Tcs cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Sendai virus, a paramyxovirus which causes murine pneumonia, grew to approximately 10-fold higher titers and was cleared less rapidly from the lungs of 129/J (129) than H-2b-compatible C57BL/6J (B6) mice. The more susceptible 129 mice also made higher titers of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a) virus-specific antibody. Analysis with acutely irradiated (950 rads) mice and immunologically reconstituted bone marrow (BM) radiation chimeras indicated that the enhanced virus growth was a function of the radiation-resistant respiratory epithelium. Prolonged exposure to more virus in turn influenced the magnitude of IFN-gamma production, most of which was made by CD4+ T lymphocytes. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the 129 pattern of a higher virus-specific serum Ig response skewed towards IgG2a mapped to the reconstituting BM. Thus, the characteristics of the humoral response are at least partly dissociated from both the antigen load, resulting from viral replication, and the level of IFN-gamma production. Further analysis of double chimeras (B6+129 BM-->B6 recipients) confirmed that the divergent humoral immune response to Sendai virus in B6 and 129 mice is largely determined by the inherent characteristics of the lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Traditionally, immunoglobulin A (IgA) was thought to neutralize virus by forming complexes with viral attachment proteins, blocking attachment of virions to host epithelial cells. Recently we have proposed an intracellular action for dimeric IgA, which is actively transported through epithelial cells by the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR), in that it may be able to bind to newly synthesized viral proteins within the cell, preventing viral assembly. To this effect, we have previously demonstrated that IgA monoclonal antibodies against Sendai virus, a parainfluenza virus, colocalize with the viral hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein within infected epithelial cells and reduce intracellular viral titers. Here we determine whether IgA can interact with influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) protein within epithelial cells. Polarized monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells expressing the pIgR were infected on their apical surfaces with influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8-Mount Sinai. Polymeric IgA anti-HA, but not IgG anti-HA, delivered to the basolateral surface colocalized with HA protein within the cell by immunofluorescence. Compared with those of controls, viral titers were reduced in the supernatants and cell lysates from monolayers treated with anti-HA IgA but not with anti-HA IgG. Furthermore, the addition of anti-IgA antibodies to supernatants did not interfere with the neutralizing activity of IgA placed in the basal chamber, indicating that IgA was acting within the cell and not in the extracellular medium to interrupt viral replication. Thus, these studies provide additional support for the concept that IgA can inhibit replication of microbial pathogens intracellularly.  相似文献   

Cell suspensions of mouse plasma-cell tumours secreting IgA (immunoglobulin A) and IgM (immunoglobulin M) were incubated with radioactive leucine for various periods of time. The secreted immunoglobulins were precipitated from the culture medium with specific rabbit antisera to determine the relative distribution of radioactivity among the different molecular species, and to estimate the fraction of total radioactivity in the J chain. For IgM-secreting cells there is a balanced synthesis of 7S subunits and J chains, and the secreted product is uniformly assembled to the pentamer. In cells secreting IgA, however, the results demonstrate that the pool of intracellular J chain is less than the intracellular IgA pool. The concentration of J chain is therefore limiting and is less than the requirement for complete polymerization. The major factor that determines whether an intracellular monomer is secreted as such or is polymerized with the addition of J chain is therefore the amount of intracellular J chain. When this is limiting, as it is in cells secreting IgA, then monomer will be secreted.  相似文献   

For the detection of bacteria coated with immunoglobulins in urine the monoclonal antibodies against human IgA, IgG and IgM conjugated with peroxidase were used. For comparison, the immunofluorescence technique was also employed. The results obtained by two methods revealed that immunofluorescence were less sensitive. It was found that bacteria were predominantly coated with IgA (41,9 +/- 22,4%) and IgG (34,1 +/- 15,3 %) immunoglobulins. The IgM antibodies were found rarely (12,8 +/- 8%).  相似文献   

Late IgG and IgM from a rabbit immunized with herpes virus were tested for ordinary neutralizing (N) antibody, complement-requiring neutralizing (CRN) antibody and in addition CRN antibody detectable by overnight sensitization at 0 C (s-CRN antibody). Heat stability tests showed that IgG s-CRN antibody was slightly less resistant to heating at 70 C than were N and CRN antibodies, whereas all three activities of IgM were quickly degraded at this temperature. Dose-response curves with varying amounts of complement (C) or anti-antibody revealed a marked difference between IgG s-CRN and IgM s-CRN antibodies. While 1-hr sensitization at 37 C was insufficient to detect IgG s-CRN antibody, it had the same effect as overnight sensitization at 0 C for IgM s-CRN antibody. When sensitization at 0 C was prolonged to 3 days, unexpectedly high endpoints exceeding 1:10,000 were obtained even with IgM. consequently, enhancement by C was several hundred-fold with IgM in contrast to 5- to 10-fold enhancement of IgG s-CRN antibody, which was similar to that after overnight sensitization. Also IgM obviously required more C than did IgG. These results suggest that IgM of late serum is slower reacting and more C-dependent than IgG s-CRN antibody. Tests with early rabbit sera indicated that the s-CRN antibody detectable by 3-day sensitization reaches a high level before the appearance of N antibody.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing various immunodeficient mouse models of rotavirus (RV) infection demonstrated significant roles of RV-specific secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells in the clearance of RV and protection from secondary infection. Secretion of small but detectable amounts of IgA in RV-infected alphabeta T-cell receptor knockout mice (11) and distinctive anatomical localization and physiology of B1 cells suggested that B1 cells might be capable of producing RV-specific intestinal IgA in a T-cell-independent fashion and, therefore, be responsible for ablation of RV shedding. We investigated the role of B1 cells in the resolution of primary RV infection using a SCID mouse model. We found that the adoptive transfer of unseparated peritoneal exudate cells ablates RV shedding and leads to the production of high levels of RV-specific intestinal IgA. In contrast, purified B1 cells do not ablate RV shedding and do not induce a T-cell-independent or T-cell-dependent, RV-specific IgA response but do secrete large amounts of polyclonal (total) intestinal IgA. Cotransfer of mixtures of purified B1 cells and B1-cell-depleted peritoneal exudate cells differing in IgA allotypic markers also demonstrated that B2 cells (B1-cell-depleted peritoneal exudate cells) and not B1 cells produced RV-specific IgA. To our knowledge, this is the first observation that B1 cells are unable to cooperate with CD4+ T cells and produce virus-specific intestinal IgA antibody. We also observed that transferred CD4+ T cells alone are capable of resolving RV shedding, although no IgA is secreted. These data suggest that RV-specific IgA may not be obligatory for RV clearance but may protect from reinfection and that effector CD4+ T cells alone can mediate the resolution of primary RV infection. Reconstitution of RV-infected SCID mice with B1 cells results in the outgrowth of contaminating, donor CD4+ T cells that are unable to clear RV, possibly because their oligoclonal specificities may be ineffective against RV antigens.  相似文献   

The C terminus of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) contains three cysteine residues that are highly conserved among HA subtypes, two in the cytoplasmic tail and one in the transmembrane domain. All of these C-terminal cysteine residues are modified by the covalent addition of palmitic acid through a thio-ether linkage. To investigate the role of HA palmitylation in virus assembly, we used reverse genetics technique to introduce substitutions and deletions that affected the three conserved cysteine residues into the H3 subtype HA. The rescued viruses contained the HA of subtype H3 (A/Udorn/72) in a subtype H1 helper virus (A/WSN/33) background. Rescued viruses which do not contain a site for palmitylation (by residue substitution or substitution combined with deletion of the cytoplasmic tail) were obtained. Rescued virions had a normal polypeptide composition. Analysis of the kinetics of HA low-pH-induced fusion of the mutants showed no major change from that of virus with wild-type (wt) HA. The PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in eggs ranged from that of virus with wt HA to 16-fold lower levels, whereas the PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in MDCK cells varied only 2-fold from that of virus with wt HA. However, except for one rescued mutant virus (CAC), the mutant viruses were attenuated in mice, as indicated by a > or = 400-fold increase in the 50% lethal dose. Interestingly, except for one mutant virus (CAC), all of the rescued mutant viruses were restricted for replication in the upper respiratory tract but much less restricted in the lungs. Thus, the HA cytoplasmic tail may play a very important role in the generation of virus that can replicate in multiple cell types.  相似文献   

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