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Dorsoventral (DV) specification is a crucial step for the development of the vertebrate telencephalon. Clarifying the origin of this mechanism will lead to a better understanding of vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) evolution. Based on the lamprey, a sister group of the gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates), we identified three lamprey Hedgehog (Hh) homologues, which are thought to play central signalling roles in telencephalon patterning. However, unlike in gnathostomes, none of these genes, nor Lhx6/7/8, a marker for the migrating interneuron subtype, was expressed in the ventral telencephalon, consistent with the reported absence of the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) in this animal. Homologues of Gsh2, Isl1/2 and Sp8, which are involved in the patterning of the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) of gnathostomes, were expressed in the lamprey subpallium, as in gnathostomes. Hh signalling is necessary for induction of the subpallium identity in the gnathostome telencephalon. When Hh signalling was inhibited, the ventral identity was disrupted in the lamprey, suggesting that prechordal mesoderm-derived Hh signalling might be involved in the DV patterning of the telencephalon. By blocking fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling, the ventral telencephalon was suppressed in the lamprey, as in gnathostomes. We conclude that Hh- and FGF-dependent DV patterning, together with the resultant LGE identity, are likely to have been established in a common ancestor before the divergence of cyclostomes and gnathostomes. Later, gnathostomes would have acquired a novel Hh expression domain corresponding to the MGE, leading to the obtainment of cortical interneurons.  相似文献   

The midbrain-hindbrain interface gives rise to a boundary of particular importance in CNS development as it forms a local signalling centre, the proper functioning of which is essential for the formation of tectum and cerebellum. Positioning of the mid-hindbrain boundary (MHB) within the neuroepithelium is dependent on the interface of Otx2 and Gbx2 expression domains, yet in the absence of either or both of these genes, organiser genes are still expressed, suggesting that other, as yet unknown mechanisms are also involved in MHB establishment. Here, we present evidence for a role for Notch signalling in stabilising cell lineage restriction and regulating organiser gene expression at the MHB. Experimental interference with Notch signalling in the chick embryo disrupts MHB formation, including downregulation of the organiser signal Fgf8. Ectopic activation of Notch signalling in cells of the anterior hindbrain results in an exclusion of those cells from rhombomeres 1 and 2, and in a simultaneous clustering along the anterior and posterior boundaries of this area, suggesting that Notch signalling influences cell sorting. These cells ectopically express the boundary marker Fgf3. In agreement with a role for Notch signalling in cell sorting, anterior hindbrain cells with activated Notch signalling segregate from normal cells in an aggregation assay. Finally, misexpression of the Notch modulator Lfng or the Notch ligand Ser1 across the MHB leads to a shift in boundary position and loss of restriction of Fgf8 to the MHB. We propose that differential Notch signalling stabilises the MHB through regulating cell sorting and specifying boundary cell fate.  相似文献   

Emerging questions in cell biology necessitate nanoscale imaging in live cells. Here we present scanning angle interference microscopy, which is capable of localizing fluorescent objects with nanoscale precision along the optical axis in motile cellular structures. We use this approach to resolve nanotopographical features of the cell membrane and cytoskeleton as well as the temporal evolution, three-dimensional architecture and nanoscale dynamics of focal adhesion complexes.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) signal through high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptors to regulate a diverse range of cellular processes, including cell growth, differentiation and migration, as well as cell death. Here we identify XFLRT3, a member of a leucine-rich-repeat transmembrane protein family, as a novel modulator of FGF signalling. XFLRT3 is co-expressed with FGFs, and its expression is both induced after activation and downregulated after inhibition of FGF signalling. In gain- and loss-of function experiments, FLRT3 and FLRT2 phenocopy FGF signalling in Xenopus laevis. XFLRT3 signalling results in phosphorylation of ERK and is blocked by MAPK phosphatase 1, but not by expression of a dominant-negative phosphatidyl inositol 3-OH kinase (PI(3)K) mutant. XFLRT3 interacts with FGF receptors (FGFRs) in co-immunoprecipitation experiments in vitro and in bioluminescence resonance energy transfer assays in vivo. The results indicate that XFLRT3 is a transmembrane modulator of FGF-MAP kinase signalling in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The zebrafish epithalamus, consisting of the pineal complex and flanking dorsal habenular nuclei, provides a valuable model for exploring how left-right differences could arise in the vertebrate brain. The parapineal lies to the left of the pineal and the left habenula is larger, has expanded dense neuropil, and distinct patterns of gene expression from the right habenula. Under the influence of Nodal signaling, positioning of the parapineal sets the direction of habenular asymmetry and thereby determines the left-right origin of habenular projections onto the midbrain target, the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN). In zebrafish with parapineal reversal, neurons from the left habenula project to a more limited ventral IPN region where right habenular axons would normally project. Conversely, efferents from the right habenula adopt a more extensive dorsoventral IPN projection pattern typical of left habenular neurons. Three members of the leftover-related KCTD (potassium channel tetramerization domain containing) gene family are expressed differently by the left and right habenula, in patterns that define asymmetric subnuclei. Molecular asymmetry extends to protein levels in habenular efferents, providing additional evidence that left and right axons terminate within different dorsoventral regions of the midbrain target. Laser-mediated ablation of the parapineal disrupts habenular asymmetry and consequently alters the dorsoventral distribution of innervating axons. The results demonstrate that laterality of the dorsal forebrain influences the formation of midbrain connections and their molecular properties.  相似文献   

Oda-Ishii I  Ishii Y  Mikawa T 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13689


The notochord is a signaling center required for the patterning of the vertebrate embryic midline, however, the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the formation of this essential embryonic tissue remain unclear. The urochordate Ciona intestinalis develops a simple notochord from 40 specific postmitotic mesodermal cells. The precursors intercalate mediolaterally and establish a single array of disk-shaped notochord cells along the midline. However, the role that notochord precursor polarization, particularly along the dorsoventral axis, plays in this morphogenetic process remains poorly understood.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show that the notochord preferentially accumulates an apical cell polarity marker, aPKC, ventrally and a basement membrane marker, laminin, dorsally. This asymmetric accumulation of apicobasal cell polarity markers along the embryonic dorsoventral axis was sustained in notochord precursors during convergence and extension. Further, of several members of the Eph gene family implicated in cellular and tissue morphogenesis, only Ci-Eph4 was predominantly expressed in the notochord throughout cell intercalation. Introduction of a dominant-negative Ci-Eph4 to notochord precursors diminished asymmetric accumulation of apicobasal cell polarity markers, leading to defective intercalation. In contrast, misexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of a planar cell polarity gene Dishevelled preserved asymmetric accumulation of aPKC and laminin in notochord precursors, although their intercalation was incomplete.


Our data support a model in which in ascidian embryos Eph-dependent dorsoventral polarity of notochord precursors plays a crucial role in mediolateral cell intercalation and is required for proper notochord morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs) play a widespread role in intercellular communication among bacteria. The Australian macroalga Delisea pulchra produces secondary metabolites which have structural similarities to AHL molecules. We report here that these metabolites inhibited AHL-controlled processes in prokaryotes. Our results suggest that the interaction between higher organisms and their surface-associated bacteria may be mediated by interference with bacterial regulatory systems.  相似文献   

The limb bud has a thickened epithelium at the dorsal-ventral boundary, the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), which sustains limb outgrowth and patterning. A secreted molecule fibroblast growth factor (FGF)10 is involved in inducing Fgf8 expression in the prospective AER and mutual interaction between mesenchymal FGF10 and FGF8 in the AER is essential for limb outgrowth. A secreted factor Wnt7a and a homeobox protein Lmx1 are involved in the dorsal patterning of the limb, whereas a homeobox protein Engrailed 1 (En1) is involved in the dorsal-ventral patterning as well as AER formation. Radical fringe (R-fng), a vertebrate homolog of Drosophila fringe was also found to elaborate AER formation in chicks. However, little is known about the molecular interactions between these factors during AER formation. The present study clarified the relationship between FGF10, Wnt7a, Lmx1, R-fng and En1 during limb development using a foil-barrier insertion experiment. It was found that a foil-barrier inserted into the chick prospective wing mesenchyme lateral to the mesonephric duct blocks AER induction. This experiment was expanded by implanting Fgf10-expressing cells lateral to the barrier and examined whether FGF10 could rescue the expression of the limb-patterning genes reported in AER formation. It was found that FGF10 is sufficient to induce Fgf8 expression in the ectoderm of the foil-inserted limb bud, concomitantly with R-fng and En1 expression. However, FGF10 could not rescue the expression of the dorsal marker genes, Wnt7a or Lmx1. Thus, it is suggested that epithelial factors of En1 and R-fng can induce Fgf8 expression in the limb ectoderm in cooperation with a mesenchymal factor FGF10. Some factor(s) other than FGF10, possibly from the paraxial structures medial to the limb mesoderm, is responsible for the initial dorsal-ventral specification of the limb bud.  相似文献   

Development of the central nervous system is coordinated by intercellular signalling centres established within the neural tube. The isthmic organizer (IsO), located between the midbrain and anterior hindbrain, is one such centre. Important signal molecules secreted by the IsO include members of the fibroblast growth factor and Wnt families. These signals are integrated with dorsally and ventrally derived signals to regulate development of the midbrain and rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain. The IsO is operational for a remarkably long period of time. Depending on the developmental stage, it controls a variety of processes such as cell survival, cell identity, neural precursor proliferation, neuronal differentiation and axon guidance. This review focuses on the fibroblast growth factor signalling, its novel molecular regulatory mechanisms and how this pathway regulates multiple aspects of cell behaviour in the developing midbrain and anterior hindbrain.  相似文献   

The organizer at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB organizer) has been proposed to induce and polarize the midbrain during development. We investigate the requirement for the MHB organizer in acerebellar mutants, which lack a MHB and cerebellum, but retain a tectum, and are mutant for fgf8, a candidate inducer and polarizer. We examine the retinotectal projection in the mutants to assay polarity in the tectum. In mutant tecta, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons form overlapping termination fields, especially in the ventral tectum, and along both the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis of the tectum, consistent with a MHB requirement in generating midbrain polarity. However, polarity is not completely lost in the mutant tecta, in spite of the absence of the MHB. Moreover, graded expression of the ephrin family ligand Ephrin-A5b is eliminated, whereas Ephrin-A2 and Ephrin-A5a expression is leveled in acerebellar mutant tecta, showing that ephrins are differentially affected by the absence of the MHB. Some RGC axons overshoot beyond the mutant tectum, suggesting that the MHB also serves a barrier function for axonal growth. By transplanting whole eye primordia, we show that mapping defects and overshooting largely, but not exclusively, depend on tectal, but not retinal genotype, and thus demonstrate an independent function for Fgf8 in retinal development. The MHB organizer, possibly via Fgf8 itself, is thus required for midbrain polarisation and for restricting axonal growth, but other cell populations may also influence midbrain polarity.  相似文献   

FGF signalling is needed for the proper establishment of the mesodermal cell layer in Drosophila embryos. The activation of the FGF receptor Heartless triggers the di-phosphorylation of MAPK in the mesoderm, which accumulates in a graded fashion with the highest levels seen at the dorsal edge of the mesoderm. We have examined the specific requirement for FGF signalling in the spreading process. We show that only the initial step of spreading, specifically the establishment of contact between the ectoderm and the mesoderm, depends upon FGF signalling, and that unlike the role of FGF signalling in the differentiation of heart precursors this function cannot be replaced by other receptor tyrosine kinases. The initiation of mesoderm spreading requires the FGF receptor to possess a functional kinase domain, but does not depend upon the activation of MAPK. Thus, the dispersal of the mesoderm at early stages is regulated by pathways downstream of the FGF receptor that are independent of the MAPK cascade. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the activation of MAPK by Heartless needs additional cues from the ectoderm. We propose that FGF signalling is required during the initial stages of mesoderm spreading to promote the efficient interaction of the mesoderm with the ectoderm rather than having a long range chemotactic function, and we discuss this in relation to the cellular mechanism of mesoderm spreading.  相似文献   

Regionalization of embryonic fields into independent units of growth and patterning is a widespread strategy during metazoan development. Compartments represent a particular instance of this regionalization, in which unit coherence is maintained by cell lineage restriction between adjacent regions. Lineage compartments have been described during insect and vertebrate development. Two common characteristics of the compartments described so far are their occurrence in epithelial structures and the presence of signaling regions at compartment borders. Whereas Drosophila compartmental organization represents a background subdivision of embryonic fields that is not necessarily related to anatomical structures, vertebrate compartment borders described thus far coincide with, or anticipate, anatomical or cell-type discontinuities. Here, we describe a general method for clonal analysis in the mouse and use it to determine the topology of clone distribution along the three limb axes. We identify a lineage restriction boundary at the limb mesenchyme dorsoventral border that is unrelated to any anatomical discontinuity, and whose lineage restriction border is not obviously associated with any signaling center. This restriction is the first example in vertebrates of a mechanism of primordium subdivision unrelated to anatomical boundaries. Furthermore, this is the first lineage compartment described within a mesenchymal structure in any organism, suggesting that lineage restrictions are fundamental not only for epithelial structures, but also for mesenchymal field patterning. No lineage compartmentalization was found along the proximodistal or anteroposterior axes, indicating that patterning along these axes does not involve restriction of cell dispersion at specific axial positions.  相似文献   

Cadherin-11 is a cell–cell adhesion molecule whose expression is often correlated with cellular migratory phenomena. We recently demonstrated that cadherin-11 activation by immobilized cad11–Fc (cadherin-11 ectodomain fused to Fc fragment) promotes axonal extension of spinal cord explants. Here, we show that this induced neurite outgrowth is dependent on the FGF receptor (FGFR) activity. Downstream, DAG lipase/CAM kinase and PI3 kinase pathways are required, but not the MAP kinase signalling. We also demonstrate that a tagged form of FGFR1 co-immunoprecipitates with β-catenin containing cadherin-11 immunocomplexes. FGFR1 and β-catenin show colocalization and enhanced association during cadherin-11 engagement, suggesting that FGFR1 interaction with cadherin-11 adhesion complexes is reinforced during cell contact formation. In vitro pull-down experiments using recombinant ectodomains suggest that cadherin-11/FGFR interact directly through their extracellular domains. Altogether, we propose that cadherin-11 recruits the FGFR upon adhesive engagement at nascent contacts, triggering the activation of downstream pathways involved in growth cone progression.  相似文献   

FGF signalling controls the timing of Pax6 activation in the neural tube   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have recently demonstrated that Pax6 activation occurs in phase with somitogenesis in the spinal cord. Here we show that the presomitic mesoderm exerts an inhibitory activity on Pax6 expression. This repressive effect is mediated by the FGF signalling pathway. The presomitic mesoderm displays a decreasing caudorostral gradient of FGF8, and grafting FGF8-soaked beads at the level of the neural tube abolishes Pax6 activation. Conversely, when FGF signalling is disrupted, Pax6 is prematurely activated in the neural plate. We propose that the progression of Pax6 activation in the neural tube is controlled by the caudal regression of the anterior limit of FGF activity. Hence, as part of its posteriorising activity, FGF8 downregulation acts as a switch from early (posterior) to a later (anterior) state of neural epithelial development.  相似文献   

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