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The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-population variability of the Gm/Km system in the Madonie Mountains, one of the main geographical barriers in north-central Sicily. We analysed 392 samples: 145 from Alia, 128 from Valledolmo, 25 from Cerda and 94 from Palermo. Serum samples were tested for G1m (1,2,3,17), G2m (23), G3m (5,6,10,11,13,14,15,16,21,24,28) and Km (1) allotypes by the standard agglutination-inhibition method. We found the typical genetic patterns of populations in peripheral areas of the Mediterranean basin, with a high frequency of haplotypes Gm5*;3;23 and Gm5*;3;... The frequency of Gm21,28;1,17;... (about 16%) is rather high compared with other southern areas. Of great importance is the presence of the common African haplotype Gm 5*;1,17;..., ranging in frequency from 1.56% at Valledolmo to 5.5% at Alia. The presence of this haplotype suggests past contacts with peoples from North Africa. The introduction of African markers could be due to the Phoenician colonization at the end of the 2nd millennium b.c. or to the more recent Arab conquest (8th–9th centuries a.d.).  相似文献   

Luca Basilone 《Facies》2009,55(1):115-135
The Rocca Busambra ridge in western Sicily is a shallow to pelagic Meso-Cenozoic carbonate structural unit of the Sicilian Chain with a variety of tectono-sedimentary features. Palaeofaults, unconformities (buttress unconformity, onlap, downlap), a network of neptunian dykes with several infilling generations, several large hiatuses, different facies and lateral facies changes, and erosional submarine and subaerial surfaces are observed. Detailed fieldwork and structural analyses have indicated the occurrence of fault planes with different orientations. These data, combined with facies studies and physical-stratigraphy analyses, allow for the distinction of different depositional regions. A lateral change from an open-marine carbonate platform with a stepped fault margin (located in the westernmost sector) to a deeper basinal depositional setting in the east, in the context of an upper slope scalloped margin and base-of-slope systems with talus breccias, is envisaged here. Extensional to transtensional tectonic pulses punctuated the sedimentary evolution during Early Toarcian, Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, and Early Miocene times. The collected data show that most fault planes have preserved their original orientations throughout the reactivation processes. The reconstructed Meso-Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution is closely related to the late syn-rift and post-rift tectonic evolution of the Tethyan continental margin.  相似文献   

The identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals is an ancient issue in population genetics and in the case of crops like wheat, it can be valuable information for breeding programs, genetic mapping and germplasm resources. In this work we determined the genetic structure of a set of 102 Argentinean bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) elite cultivars using 38 biochemical and molecular markers (functional, closely linked to genes and neutral ones) distributed throughout 18 wheat chromosomes. Genetic relationships among these lines were examined using model-based clustering methods. In the analysis three subpopulations were identified which correspond largely to the origin of the germplasm used by the main breeding programs in Argentina.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of the population of Sicily.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic heterogeneity within Sicily was investigated on the basis of ACP1, ADA, ESD, GLO1, PGD, PGM1, PGM2, SODA, ABO, and MN gene frequencies, and compared to those of other regions of Italy for which these same loci have been examined. Correspondence analysis revealed no differences within the island, at least at the provincial level, but showed genetic differentiation among Italian regions, distinctly clustering northern, central, and southern populations, respectively. These data indicate a close relationship between Sicily and southern Italy. In addition, the contribution of Middle Eastern populations to the gene pool of Sicily was evident.  相似文献   

We have investigated the genetic population structure within and the genetic differentiation between local populations of the large blue butterfly Maculinea alcon throughout the Jutland peninsula. Samples were collected as eggs on foodplants (Gentiana pneumonanthe), and reared to 4th instar caterpillars in the laboratory. A significant excess of homozygotes was found for all the investigated allozyme loci in most of the populations. A North-South cline was observed for the allele frequencies at some of the loci and for several linkage groups. Because some of the allele frequency clines were parallel to clines in adult morphological variation, we interpret our results as evidence for the co-existence of at least two gene pools within the Danish Maculinea alcon populations. Multilocus electrophoretic data revealed highly positive but variable FST values, which under this scenario would reflect varying frequencies of the Maculinea gene pools across the local populations. The significantly positive FIS values indicate that these gene pools are at least partly reproductively isolated (Wahlund effect). The co-occurrence of several Maculinea alcon gene pools on many local sites in Jutland is of great importance for conservation of the fragmented Maculinea populations. Our results show that there is probably more Maculinea biodiversity to conserve than was previously thought, and suggests that extant populations are more fragmented and vulnerable than counts of flying adults or eggs on foodplants indicate.  相似文献   

The population structure of two alleles similarly affected by selection, HbS and Beta-thalassemia, was studied in the same area, in Sicily. It was observed that Beta-thalassemia has uniform frequencies over the island, and that HbS shows a South-North cline. A singularity exists for HbS, in the twon of Butera, where the frequency of the S gene is six times higher than the island average. It was advanced that probably HbS entered Sicily from North Africa, when the Beta-thalassemia allele was already established in the Island. From the correlation analysis concluded that HbS came to Sicily with the frequency of HbS, it was concluded that HbS came to Sicily before the Arab invasions of the 700 's AD.  相似文献   

Colombia is a country with great geographic heterogeneity and marked regional differences in pre‐Columbian native population density and in the extent of past African and European immigration. As a result, Colombia has one of the most diverse populations in Latin America. Here we evaluated ancestry in over 1,700 individuals from 24 Colombian populations using biparental (autosomal and X‐Chromosome), maternal (mtDNA), and paternal (Y‐chromosome) markers. Autosomal ancestry varies markedly both within and between regions, confirming the great genetic diversity of the Colombian population. The X‐chromosome, mtDNA, and Y‐chromosome data indicate that there is a pattern across regions indicative of admixture involving predominantly Native American women and European and African men. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:13–20, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the prime concerns at zoos and at primate breeding facilities is to maintain genetic variability. This can be accomplished by avoiding inbreeding. It is relatively easy to assess genetic variability and the level of inbreeding by using pedigree information and genetic markers. In this study we used genetic markers controlled by 6 independent polymorphic loci (GPI, PGD, CA2, MPI, DIA1, Tf) to ascertain genetic variation in two captive and one wild population of rhesus monkeys. Two other loci ADA and NP were also examined and found to be monomorphic in the three populations. F-statistics and contingency chi-square analyses indicated that there was significant genetic differentiation among the populations. We also found that the mean heterozygosities were very similar in the three populations, in spite of the diverse breeding strategies. These data are important because rhesus monkeys are frequently used for biomedical research; and the genetic markers provide useful information for genetic management of captive colonies of nonhuman primates. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human skeletal remains, commonly at the focus of the archaeological investigations of cemeteries, recently have become of increasing importance in reconstructing the culture history of Sicily. A review of the history of osteological investigations on Sicily, including note of recent studies, demonstrates the considerable progress made in recent years and provides future researchers with indications of directions that are available to be taken. This list provides an update to an earlier study (Becker 1995–96). We now have a more useful indication of the extent of human skeletal material now available from Sicilian archaeological sites, from all periods, that may be used in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera, Arecaceae) are of great economic and ecological value to the oasis agriculture of arid and semi-arid areas. However, despite the availability of a large date palm germplasm spreading from the Atlantic shores to Southern Asia, improvement of the species is being hampered by a lack of information on global genetic diversity and population structure. In order to contribute to the varietal improvement of date palms and to provide new insights on the influence of geographic origins and human activity on the genetic structure of the date palm, this study analysed the diversity of the species.Methods Genetic diversity levels and population genetic structure were investigated through the genotyping of a collection of 295 date palm accessions ranging from Mauritania to Pakistan using a set of 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and a plastid minisatellite.Key Results Using a Bayesian clustering approach, the date palm genotypes can be structured into two different gene pools: the first, termed the Eastern pool, consists of accessions from Asia and Djibouti, whilst the second, termed the Western pool, consists of accessions from Africa. These results confirm the existence of two ancient gene pools that have contributed to the current date palm diversity. The presence of admixed genotypes is also noted, which points at gene flows between eastern and western origins, mostly from east to west, following a human-mediated diffusion of the species.Conclusions This study assesses the distribution and level of genetic diversity of accessible date palm resources, provides new insights on the geographic origins and genetic history of the cultivated component of this species, and confirms the existence of at least two domestication origins. Furthermore, the strong genetic structure clearly established here is a prerequisite for any breeding programme exploiting the effective polymorphism related to each gene pool.  相似文献   

遗传标记经历了形态标记、细胞学标记、生化标记和分子标记等4个阶段,其中分子标记的发展最为迅猛和有效。本文比较了几种主要分子标记方法的特点,为更好地利用分子标记提供了理论依据,并对分子标记在林木遗传多样性研究、遗传育种、DNA指纹图谱的构建、亲缘关系鉴定及分类研究等方面的应用做了介绍。  相似文献   

通过对5个香菇菌株重测序,以香菇L808-1菌株的全基因组序列为参考基因组,分析了这些菌株中插入/缺失(InDel)标记位点在香菇基因组10条染色体上的分布,并筛选了插入/缺失碱基数≥15的位点,合成了449对InDel标记引物。经过PCR和电泳检测,其中237对引物条带清晰。最终筛选出107个PIC≥0.3的标记作为核心InDel标记对来自国内的44份香菇菌株进行遗传多样性分析。聚类分析显示栽培菌株和野生菌株各自聚为一支,所选香菇菌株间存在明显的群体分层。群体结构分析显示香菇种质资源可分为4个亚群,主成分分析显示香菇菌株之间的位置及距离与聚类分析和群体结构分析结果相符。香菇InDel分子标记的开发与应用,为香菇核心种质的构建和种质资源育种引用提供了基础。  相似文献   

The green mussel, Perna viridis is ecologically and economically important in the coastal region of the South China Sea. Determining its population genetic structure at this fine geographic scale will help sustainable management of natural stocks. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of P. viridis from four locations in the South China Sea (n = 45–48) using nine microsatellite loci. The results showed moderate levels of genetic diversity in all four samples (mean A = 13.222–14.000, mean Ae = 7.092–7.571, mean Ar = 12.894–13.746, mean Ho = 0.596–0.656, mean He = 0.690–0.733) and a large effective population size estimate for the pooled sample (total Ne estimates = infinity, 95% CI = 1869.0-infinity). We did not detect any sign of recent bottleneck events in P. viridis populations in the South China Sea. The conventional and a model-based analysis reveal low, non-significant genetic divergence among the four samples (FST = − 0.001–0.005, P > 0.05/6). The results obtained from this study can provide valuable genetic information for the conservation and fishery management of P. viridis by retaining the high Ne estimates.  相似文献   

This work investigates the spatial distribution and species composition of mesopelagic fish larvae and their relationship with the main oceanographic events in the area studied. Samples were collected during a hydrographic and ichthyoplanktonic survey carried out in the Strait of Sicily in July 2000. Sorting revealed that 1258 out of the 4098 fish larvae identified belonged to mesopelagic species; Cyclothone braueri(67.6% of the total), Electrona Risso(7.8%) and Myctophum punctatum(7.7%) were the most prevalent species, with 850, 97, and 98 individuals, respectively. The surface density patterns of mesopelagic fish larvae appear to be related to the hydrographic characteristics and structures determined by the surface circulation path.  相似文献   

Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. (Orchidaceae), once a common perennial herb, is now designated as endangered throughout most of its distribution due to habitat destruction and fragmentation, and the impacts of horticultural collection. We investigated the genetic characteristics of this species for conservation purposes, using microsatellite markers to examine the genetic diversity and structure of 15 native and 5 ex situ populations in Japan. The results imply that although allelic variation is low in Japanese C. japonicum, sexual reproduction by seed, as well as clonal propagation, may occur in some populations. Both native and ex situ populations were found to be genetically differentiated, indicating that some populations may have experienced recent population declines, genetic fragmentation, or bottlenecks. The degree of genetic drift from the putative ancestral population, inferred through STRUCTURE analysis, was more pronounced in northern populations than in southern populations. Some of the ex situ conserved populations exhibited a low degree of differentiation from ancestral native populations. Our results imply that conservation of C. japonicum in Japan is best supported by maintaining individual populations and their unique genetic characteristics.  相似文献   

A group of Taiwan aborigines, the Toroko, was typed for 21 classical genetic loci. This is part of an ongoing program aimed at a comprehensive study of Taiwan aborigines. In this first paper a short summary of historical, archeological, and anthropological data in the literature is made, and results of the present survey are compared with older results from other aborigine tribes. An analysis of other neighboring populations from southeast Asia has also been carried out in order to give a preliminary answer to the question of origin of Taiwanese aborigines. Fifteen populations were studied for 13 loci by tree analysis, principal components, and isolation by distance. Tree analysis and principal component analysis gave results in fairly good agreement and indicate three major population clusters: a northeast cluster (Ainu, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu); a southeast cluster (south China, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, and Toroko); and a third cluster including Malaya and Borneo. The positions of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia are somewhat peripheral. Analysis of the tree shows some potential cases of convergence, perhaps owing to admixture, and of divergence. The analysis of isolation by distance shows that geographic propinquity is a reasonably good predictor of general similarity in this area.  相似文献   


Brassica rupestris Raf. is a chasmophyte species that includes two subspecies, both endemic to Central-Western Sicily (Italy). Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used to detect genetic diversity within and among eight populations representative of the species' distribution range. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed both at the population (PPB = 53.88%, H S = 0.212, Sh = 0.309) and at the species level (PPB = 96.55%, H T = 0.307, Sh = 0.464). The correlation between genetic and geographical distances was negative (Mantel test, r = ?0.06, P < 0.95). The two subspecies of B. rupestris, subsp. rupestris and subsp. hispida, showed remarkable genetic similarity and molecular data did not unequivocally support their distinctness. The pattern of genetic variation revealed by our study bears important consequences for conservation management: It is desirable to preserve B. rupestris populations in situ with a “dynamic” strategy, while, ex situ conservation programmes might be improved to safeguard maximum genetic diversity.  相似文献   

李霓  蒋严妃  苏雪  陈纹  张辉  孙坤 《广西植物》2016,36(5):557-563
该研究利用SSR分子标记,对肋果沙棘(Hippophae neurocarpa)分布区北缘青海祁连地区5个自然居群进行分析,旨在了解小地理尺度下肋果沙棘北缘居群的遗传多样性和片段化分布居群的遗传结构,为肋果沙棘居群的资源保护提供了依据。采用6对微卫星引物对107个样本DNA进行扩增,共检测到27个等位变异,变幅为2~9个,平均每个位点有4.67个,平均观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.142和0.230,Shannon信息指数(I)的变幅介于0.280~0.567之间,平均值为0.374,说明肋果沙棘北缘居群的遗传多样性较为丰富。遗传分化系数Fst=0.483,分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明肋果沙棘有48.33%的变异存在于居群间,51.67%存在于居群内。对5个居群之间的遗传距离与地理距离做Mental检验,结果表明遗传距离与地理距离相关性不显著,对基因流检测发现居群间的Nm为0.328,推测遗传漂变是居群分化的关键因素之一。Structure分析把5个居群分为2组。UPGMA聚类分析表明5个居群聚为2个分支,其中居群ARX为单独的一支,与主坐标分析的结果一致。基于分布区北缘青海祁连肋果沙棘自然居群的遗传结构分析,建议应尽可能多地保护不同的地方居群。  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system of sheep and goats. Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (c-AMP) plays a key role in many biological processes, membrane permeability, lipogenesis, metabolism, neuronal activity, muscular contraction, cellular differentiation, hormonal and enzymatic activities, proteins synthesis, etc. and in inflammation, immune processes, cellular growth regulation and carcinogenesis. In this work the c-AMP plasmatic levels in Scrapie infected sheep and goats were studied. The study was carried out on 31 sheep of Comisana breed and 35 autochthonous goats belonging to two farms from Sicily. The evaluation of c-AMP levels in blood samples, taken from the jugular vein, was carried out by radioimmunoassay (RIANEN” c-AMP 125 - Dupont NEN Diagnostic). The results obtained show significantly higher c-AMP levels in animals with Scrapie (40.88 ± 2.08 pmol/L in sheeps; 43.54 ± 1.62 pmol/L in goats) than healthy animals used as controls (26.45 ± 0.76 pmol/L in sheeps; 28.17 ± 1.58 pmol/L in goats). The increase in c-AMP plasmatic levels could be correlated to alterations of central nervous system functioning and variations of neurotransmitters (NA, Ach, GABA, etc.) responsible for behavioural and neurological changes in Scrapie infected sheep and goats.  相似文献   

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