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Elevated carbon dioxide (CO(2)) has recently been shown to affect chemosensory and auditory behaviour, and activity levels of larval reef fishes, increasing their risk of predation. However, the mechanisms underlying these changes are unknown. Behavioural lateralization is an expression of brain functional asymmetries, and thus provides a unique test of the hypothesis that elevated CO(2) affects brain function in larval fishes. We tested the effect of near-future CO(2) concentrations (880 μatm) on behavioural lateralization in the reef fish, Neopomacentrus azysron. Individuals exposed to current-day or elevated CO(2) were observed in a detour test where they made repeated decisions about turning left or right. No preference for right or left turns was observed at the population level. However, individual control fish turned either left or right with greater frequency than expected by chance. Exposure to elevated-CO(2) disrupted individual lateralization, with values that were not different from a random expectation. These results provide compelling evidence that elevated CO(2) directly affects brain function in larval fishes. Given that lateralization enhances performance in a number of cognitive tasks and anti-predator behaviours, it is possible that a loss of lateralization could increase the vulnerability of larval fishes to predation in a future high-CO(2) ocean.  相似文献   

Mature mouse oocytes were exposed prior to in vitro fertilization to visible light during 1, 2, or 4 hr at an intensity of 4,000 lux. Compared to controls cultured under identical conditions but protected from light, exposed eggs did not show any significant modification of cleavage speed and rate. After transfer of blastocysts obtained in vitro in uteri of pseudopregnant females, the implantation rate and the proportion of normal fetuses were not found to be different in relation to preliminary light exposure of oocytes fertilized and cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of late stage reef fish larvae may potentially influence their dispersal, recruitment success and energetic expenditure during the recruitment process. To date, methods of examining the vertical distribution of reef fish larvae either under-sample late stage individuals, or are incapable of discretely sampling the water column. The aim of this study was to develop a light trap able to sample a narrow depth range enabling fine scale patterns of vertical distribution to be examined. The experimental traps radiated light in a relatively narrow beam with a maximum vertical angle of radiation of 7.5°, indicating that the traps could be placed 4.8 m apart and still sample discrete depth strata. Their catch efficiency was similar to conventional light traps, indicating that they are adequate sampling units. Preliminary data showed that most families are more abundant near the surface, although many have significant numbers of individuals lower in the water column. Some families (inc. Apogonidae) occurred in higher abundance at greater depths. Our experimental light traps permit increased resolution of the vertical distribution of late stage larval reef fishes in the field.  相似文献   

B Riedstra 《Animal behaviour》2004,67(6):1037-1042
Recently we proposed that early feather pecking is a form of social exploration. Social recognition, important for exploration, is a lateralized function in the domestic chick. Lateralization of functions can be influenced by light exposure late in embryonic development. Therefore, we investigated whether this light exposure affected early posthatching feather-pecking behaviour in domestic chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus. White leghorn embryos either were exposed to light or remained in darkness in the last week of incubation. After hatching, they were housed in groups of two light-exposed and two dark-incubated chicks. Light-exposed chicks showed more feather pecking than did their dark-incubated cagemates. Dark-incubated chicks preferred to direct feather pecks to unfamiliar peers than to familiar peers; light-exposed chicks showed no preference. These effects were present in the first week after hatching and remained at least another 3 weeks. These results support the hypothesis that early gentle feather pecking is part of the normal behavioural repertoire of young chicks and influences social exploration. We discuss a possible mechanism underlying these results. We also suggest that it may be worthwhile not to expose embryos to light during the last week of incubation when housing hatchlings in commercial conditions, where feather pecking is a serious problem.  相似文献   

Although some studies have pointed out to embryo/fetal toxicity, knowledge about the potential toxicity of the fungicide epoxiconazole is still limited. Once the results of these previous studies have raised some concern, this study studied the effects of epoxiconazole maternal exposure on the physical endpoints in the development of rat pups. To accomplish that, the effects of epoxiconazole (50.0, 100.0, and 150.0 mg/kg) were examined when rats were exposed at two different developmental stages: during the first 6 days of pregnancy or in the organogenesis period (6-15 days). After parturition, pups were tested for growth and maturational milestones. Maternal exposure to the fungicide, independently of phase, resulted in significantly early mean time to vaginal opening and delayed time to testes descent in pups. Weight gain rate in pups and their mothers was not affected for the tested exposure period. The findings of this study emphasize that epoxiconazole maternal exposure may lead to alterations in developmental patterns in nursing pups, consistent with the known influence of epoxiconazole on steroid hormone synthesis.  相似文献   

Food availability affects growth in a coral reef fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G. P. Jones 《Oecologia》1986,70(1):136-139
Summary Pomacentrus amboinensis is common on small patch reefs within One Tree Lagoon (Great Barrier Reef), where it preferentially settles onto deep reefs. A preliminary experiment, in which juveniles were transplanted to identical reef structures at two sites, within two depth strata, indicated that juvenile growth and survivorship were better in deeper water. The hypothesis that this difference was due to food availability was tested by a supplemental feeding experiment, carried out at another two randomly chosen sites, within the same two depth strata. Fish were fed each day over a one month period, during which no mortality was observed. The growth rates of juveniles were markedly higher on all food-supplemented reefs, when compared to controls. Growth differed between depth strata, but there was no interaction between the food x depth factors, which would have suggested a greater effect of food supplementation in either habitat. Thus, although the difference between depths cannot be attributed to food availability, the results have a more general significance. Food appears to be a limiting resource (in terms of growth) in both the marginal shallow habitat, and the more suitable deeper habitat.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how mood, work time, light exposure, activity, and sleep indices are affected by the differences of latitude and season in healthy volunteers. Twenty-four subjects (38.92±11.32 yrs) in Rochester, Minnesota, USA (latitude 44°1'N) and 30 subjects (47.03±16.32 yrs) in San Diego, California, USA (latitude 32°43'N) completed a 1 yr protocol measuring daily logs including daily work time and sleep diary; the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D); the eight-item atypical subscore of the Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Seasonal Affective Disorder version (SIGH-SAD); and actigraphic measures of light exposure and sleep for one-week in each solstice of summer and winter. Higher scores of CES-D (p=0.038) and the eight-item atypical subscore of SIGH-SAD (p=0.009), and longer indoor (p=0.001) and shorter outdoor (p=0.002) work times were observed during winter than summer only in Rochester, with no differences in San Diego. The mesor of light was decreased in both Rochester (p≤0.001) and San Diego (p=0.004) during winter compared to summer, with no differences in the mesors (24 h means) of activity and sleep. The eight-item atypical subscore of SIGH-SAD was significantly negatively correlated with the mesor of light (p=0.034). Sleep indices showed no significant differences between two locales or two seasons. A more prominent depressive mood in Rochester than San Diego during winter can be explained by decreased light exposure of healthy subjects in Rochester. Despite a significant difference of mood and light exposure between the two seasons in Rochester, there were no differences in activity or sleep. Therefore, mood might be more reactive than activity and sleep in the seasonal variation induced by differential light exposure.  相似文献   


In humans and most other species, changes in the intensity and duration of light provide a critical set of signals for the synchronisation of the circadian system to the astronomical day. The timing of activity within the 24 h day defines an individual’s chronotype, i.e. morning, intermediate or evening type. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between environmental light exposure, due to geographical location, on the chronotype of university students. Over 6 000 university students from cities in the Northern Hemisphere (Oxford, Munich and Groningen) and Southern Hemisphere (Perth, Melbourne and Auckland) completed the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. In parallel, light measures (daily irradiance, timing of sunrise and sunset) were compiled from satellite or ground stations at each of these locations. Our data shows that later mid-sleep point on free days (corrected for oversleep on weekends MFSsc) is associated with (i) residing further from the equator, (ii) a later sunset, (iii) spending more time outside and (iv) waking from sleep significantly after sunrise. However, surprisingly, MSFsc did not correlate with daily light intensity at the different geographical locations. Although these findings appear to contradict earlier studies suggesting that in the wider population increased light exposure is associated with an earlier chronotype, our findings are derived exclusively from a student population aged between 17 and 26 years. We therefore suggest that the age and occupation of our population increase the likelihood that these individuals will experience relatively little light exposure in the morning whilst encountering more light exposure later in the day, when light has a delaying effect upon the circadian system.  相似文献   

Turbidity has both positive and negative effects on prey detection, by increasing or diminishing the contrast between prey and background due to the scattering of light. The positive effect of turbidity on prey contrast depends on the optical properties, scattering properties of suspended particles and the visual sensitivity of the predator. The positive effect of turbidity is pronounced for larval fish, given that their visual field is short, leaving fewer particles between them and their prey to scatter light and interfere with detection. This relationship, together with a decreased risk of predation, makes turbid environments more optimal for some species and size groups of fish (planktivores and fish larvae) and less so for others (adult piscivore fish). Thus, turbidity might have a structuring effect on a fish community. Recently it has been demonstrated that UV light might have positive effects on prey detection and consumption. How UV light might interact with different kinds of particles producing turbidity is not well documented.  相似文献   

Turbidity has both positive and negative effects on prey detection, by increasing or diminishing the contrast between prey and background due to the scattering of light. The positive effect of turbidity on prey contrast depends on the optical properties, scattering properties of suspended particles and the visual sensitivity of the predator.

The positive effect of turbidity is pronounced for larval fish, given that their visual field is short, leaving fewer particles between them and their prey to scatter light and interfere with detection. This relationship, together with a decreased risk of predation, makes turbid environments more optimal for some species and size groups of fish (planktivores and fish larvae) and less so for others (adult piscivore fish). Thus, turbidity might have a structuring effect on a fish community. Recently it has been demonstrated that UV light might have positive effects on prey detection and consumption. How UV light might interact with different kinds of particles producing turbidity is not well documented.  相似文献   

G. D. Constantz 《Oecologia》1979,40(2):189-201
Summary The population dynamics and energy allocations of the Gila topminnow, a small livebearing fish, were studied in two contrasting environments, a spring run of constant characteristics and a fluctuating desert wash. Topminnows grew and matured in two basic patterns. First, many fish in both areas matured the year after their birth. Second, spring fish born early in the breeding season grew rapidly, bred within five months, and died by eight months of age. Although spring fish assimilated more energy, wash fish actually expended more calories for growth and reproduction, partly because of lower maintenance costs. Reproductive effort of long-lived spring fish varied with age between 3.1 and 6.5%; whereas efforts of short-lived spring and wash fish increased steadily with age to 5.2 and 9.8%, respectively. Although spring fish produced eggs of higher energy content, females in both areas varied their investment per offspring, apparently tracking seasonal changes in the availability of food for fry. When long-lived spring fish experienced food shortage, they allocated less energy to both growth and reproduction; in contrast, wash and short-lived spring fish under similar conditions reduced only their growth allocation. The reproductive mass in spring fish appeared to be limited by food availability, incompletely filled the abdominal space, and reflected no tradeoff between fecundity and investment per offspring. Reproduction by wash fish appeared to be limited by body space and was characterized by a tradeoff between fecundity and egg size.  相似文献   

Prenatal substance use remains a significant issue in the United States. Initial reports regarding prenatal cocaine and methamphetamine exposure suggested profound adverse effects on child development. However, subsequent prospective, longitudinal investigations have found more subtle effects. What follows is a brief review of the health, growth, behavioral, and intellectual outcomes for children exposed to prenatal cocaine and prenatal methamphetamine. Factors that may mitigate or intensify subtle adverse effects manifested in exposed children will also be discussed. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:142–146, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe immunotoxicity induced by vanadium exposure have been reported in some toxicology researches. However, evidence from population-based epidemiological studies was lacking.MethodsThis study was conducted to assess the associations between prenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium and immune function of children. A total of 407 pre-school aged children were followed, whose peripheral blood was collected for T lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines analysis, as well as vanadium concentration measurement. Maternal urine samples were also collected to measure vanadium concentration. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the associations of maternal and children vanadium concentration with children’s immune function. Stratification analysis was further conducted to explore the potential gender-specific effects.ResultsThe geometric means of vanadium concentration in maternal urine and children plasma were 0.85 and 1.12 μg/L, respectively. Maternal urinary vanadium was inversely associated with the percentage of CD3+CD4+ cells [-5.53 % (-10.38 %, -0.41 %)] and absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-2.43 % (-5.05 %, 0.25 %)], and we only observed significant negative associations in males when stratifying by fetal gender. Children plasma vanadium was also associated with reduced absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-5.25 % (-9.57 %, -0.73 %)], but gender-specific effects were not observed. No significant associations of vanadium exposure with cytokines were found.ConclusionsPrenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium had suppressive impacts on childhood cellular immune. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of female multiple mating (FMM) demands evolutionary explanation, particularly in the light of the costs of mating. One explanation encapsulated by “good sperm” and “sexy‐sperm” (GS‐SS) theoretical models is that FMM facilitates sperm competition, thus ensuring paternity by males that pass on genes for elevated sperm competitiveness to their male offspring. While support for this component of GS‐SS theory is accumulating, a second but poorly tested assumption of these models is that there should be corresponding heritable genetic variation in FMM – the proposed mechanism of postcopulatory preferences underlying GS‐SS models. Here, we conduct quantitative genetic analyses on paternal half‐siblings to test this component of GS‐SS theory in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a freshwater fish with some of the highest known rates of FMM in vertebrates. As with most previous quantitative genetic analyses of FMM in other species, our results reveal high levels of phenotypic variation in this trait and a correspondingly low narrow‐sense heritability (h2 = 0.11). Furthermore, although our analysis of additive genetic variance in FMM was not statistically significant (probably owing to limited statistical power), the ensuing estimate of mean‐standardized additive genetic variance (IA = 0.7) was nevertheless relatively low compared with estimates published for life‐history traits across a broad range of taxa. Our results therefore add to a growing body of evidence that FMM is characterized by relatively low additive genetic variation, thus apparently contradicting GS‐SS theory. However, we qualify this conclusion by drawing attention to potential deficiencies in most designs (including ours) that have tested for genetic variation in FMM, particularly those that fail to account for intersexual interactions that underlie FMM in many systems.  相似文献   

Synopsis Vertical movements of bluegill were monitored in gradients of light intensity to assess this fish's photoregulatory ability and mechanisms. A computerized monitoring and control system created virtual gradients of light intensity by adjusting an overhead lamp's output in response to fish movements, in a vertical tube, to produce a programmed intensity at the fish's depth position. This approach separated the process of gradient formation from normal clues for photoregulation and allowed formation of light gradients incompatible with natural taxic responses to intensity. Hourly shifts in gradient position minimized the possibility of confounding photoregulation with position regulation. Observed patterns of movement reduced the extremes of light intensity to which bluegill were exposed, compared to no movement or random movement. Seven fish were tested, producing 10 experiments. In 4 of 10 experiments, the fish effectively photoregulated in gradients in which light intensity decreased with depth, as in natural habitats. In 1 of 10 experiments, the fish photoregulated in an inverse gradient, with intensity increasing with depth. Evidence of regulation in an inverse gradient suggests that normal taxic responses are not essential for photoregulation in bluegill.  相似文献   

Summary Although it is generally known that light strongly influences N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin production in the pineal gland, little information is available concerning morphological changes following light exposure. As exposure of rats to a short light pulse at night rapidly depresses melatonin synthesis, we decided to determine whether this experimental condition produces rapid changes in the pinealocyte organelles. A 30-min light pulse at night (six hours after lights out) provoked rapid changes in the relative volumes of some pinealocyte organelles. The volume fractions of mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and lipid droplets, and the numbers of dense-core vesicles and synaptic ribbons decreased, whereas the volume fraction of lysosomes increased. There were no differences in the volumes of granular endoplasmic reticulum and vacuoles containing flocculent material in those animals exposed to light compared with control animals. These results indicate that a short light pulse at night causes ultrastructural changes that can be interpreted as morphological features of diminished activity of pinealocytes.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The purpose of this study was to determine the threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) during exposure to 2450 MHz continuous wave (CW) microwaves that affected thermoregulatory behaviour in mice.

2. 2.|A Plexiglas shuttle box was placed inside a waveguide imposed with a temperature gradient. The temperature gradient allowed the mice to select a particular section of the shuttle box which was, presumably, related to their state of thermal comfort. Exposing the mice to 2450 MHz inside the waveguide at SARs of 0–5.3 W kg−1 for 1 h caused no significant change in their preferred ambient temperature.

3. 3.|Increasing SAR from 5.3 to 18.1 W kg−1 caused the animals to shift their position to the cooler end of the shuttle box.

4. 4.|Following termination of microwave exposure animals that had selected a cool ambient temperature returned to the warm side of the shuttle box.

5. 5.|It is concluded that for mice exposed to radiation at 2450 MHz the thermoregulatory behaviour is significantly affected at SARs of 5.3 to 9.9 W kg−1.

Author Keywords: Specific absorption rate; microwave exposure; thermoregulatory behaviour; mice; Mus musculus  相似文献   

Male genital morphology is remarkably diverse across internally fertilizing animals, a phenomenon largely attributed to sexual selection. Ecological differences across environments can alter the context of sexual selection, yet little research has addressed how this may influence the rapid, divergent evolution of male genitalia. Using the model system of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) undergoing ecological speciation across blue holes, we used geometric morphometric methods to test (i) whether male genital shape (the small, approximately 1 mm long, distal tip of the sperm‐transfer organ, the gonopodium) has diverged between populations with and without predatory fish and (ii) whether any observed divergence has a genetic basis. We additionally examined the effects of genetic relatedness and employed model selection to investigate other environmental factors (i.e. interspecific competition, adult sex ratio and resource availability) that could potentially influence genital shape via changes in sexual selection. Predation regime comprised the most important factor associated with male genital divergence in this system, although sex ratio and some aspects of resource availability had suggestive effects. We found consistent, heritable differences in male genital morphology between predation regimes: Bahamas mosquitofish coexisting with predatory fish possessed more elongate genital tips with reduced soft tissue compared with counterparts inhabiting blue holes without predatory fish. We suggest this may reflect selection for greater efficiency of sperm transfer and fertilization during rapid and often forced copulations in high‐predation populations or differences in sexual conflict between predation regimes. Our study highlights the potential importance of ecological variation, particularly predation risk, in indirectly generating genital diversity.  相似文献   

The following study was undertaken to localize androgen receptors (ARs) in various structures of the porcine ovary after prenatal exposure to antiandrogen flutamide. In utero treatment by antiandrogens may have adverse effects on reproductive function in immature and adult animals. Flutamide was injected into pregnant swines between days 20 and 28 (GD20) or 80 to 88 (GD80) of gestation. The ovaries were collected from treated animals and from control ones (non-treated) at two different points of development: from immature and adult pigs. Immunoexpression of AR was determined for preantral and antral follicles and for stroma cells. Immunostaining showed that AR expression in immature animals was unaffected in the primary follicles, while in the preantral and antral follicles the AR level fluctuated depending on day of treatment as well as on analyzed tissue. In adult animals, the immunoexpression of AR slightly decreased in antral follicles independently on the day of flutamide treatment. Therefore, AR expression in postnatal life may be affected by in utero exposure to antiandrogen flutamide.  相似文献   

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