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Population genetics and phylogeography of sea turtles   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Bowen BW  Karl SA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(23):4886-4907
The seven species of sea turtles occupy a diversity of niches, and have a history tracing back over 100 million years, yet all share basic life-history features, including exceptional navigation skills and periodic migrations from feeding to breeding habitats. Here, we review the biogeographic, behavioural, and ecological factors that shape the distribution of genetic diversity in sea turtles. Natal homing, wherein turtles return to their region of origin for mating and nesting, has been demonstrated with mtDNA sequences. These maternally inherited markers show strong population structure among nesting colonies while nuclear loci reveal a contrasting pattern of male-mediated gene flow, a phenomenon termed 'complex population structure'. Mixed-stock analyses indicate that multiple nesting colonies can contribute to feeding aggregates, such that exploitation of turtles in these habitats can reduce breeding populations across the region. The mtDNA data also demonstrate migrations across entire ocean basins, some of the longest movements of marine vertebrates. Multiple paternity occurs at reported rates of 0-100%, and can vary by as much as 9-100% within species. Hybridization in almost every combination among members of the Cheloniidae has been documented but the frequency and ultimate ramifications of hybridization are not clear. The global phylogeography of sea turtles reveals a gradient based on habitat preference and thermal regime. The cold-tolerant leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) shows no evolutionary partitions between Indo-Pacific and Atlantic populations, while the tropical green (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and ridleys (Lepidochelys olivacea vs. L. kempi) have ancient separations between oceans. Ridleys and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) also show more recent colonization between ocean basins, probably mediated by warm-water gyres that occasionally traverse the frigid upwelling zone in southern Africa. These rare events may be sufficient to prevent allopatric speciation under contemporary geographic and climatic conditions. Genetic studies have advanced our understanding of marine turtle biology and evolution, but significant gaps persist and provide challenges for the next generation of sea turtle geneticists.  相似文献   

Basic reproductive data from 21 green turtle (Chelonia mydas),8 leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), 7 hawksbill (Eretmochelysimbricata), 7 olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea),6 loggerhead(Caretta caretta), 1 Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempi), and1 flatback (Chelonia depressa) populations are provided. Someintraspecific and interspecific relationships between size ofnester and clutch, egg size and hatchling size are analyzed.Measurements of reproductive rates (=numbers of hatchlings perfemale per year) in 11 populations varied from 35 to 200 inan olive ridley and loggerhead colony, respectively. Nestingbehavior of each species is described in terms of type of nestingemergence and time spent on the nesting beach (=chelonery).The relatively large number of yolkless eggs laid by many leatherbacksand by some hawksbills invites further study. Some aspects ofsea turtle nesting behavior and reproduction are compared tothose of other chelonians.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution of bycaught sea turtles could inform conservation strategies and priorities. This research analyses the distribution of turtles caught as longline fisheries bycatch on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean. This research collected 18,142 bycatch observations and 47.1 million hooks from large-scale Taiwanese longline vessels in the Atlantic Ocean from June 2002 to December 2013. The coverage rates were ranged from 0.48% to 17.54% by year. Seven hundred and sixty-seven turtles were caught, and the major species were leatherback (59.8%), olive ridley (27.1%) and loggerhead turtles (8.7%). Most olive ridley (81.7%) and loggerhead (82.1%) turtles were hooked, while the leatherbacks were both hooked (44.0%) and entangled (31.8%). Depending on the species, 21.4% to 57.7% were dead when brought onboard. Most of the turtles were caught in tropical areas, especially in the Gulf of Guinea (15°N-10°S, 30°W-10°E), but loggerheads were caught in the south Atlantic Ocean (25°S-35°S, 40°W-10°E and 30°S-40°S, 55°W-45°W). The bycatch rate was the highest at 0.030 per 1000 hooks for leatherbacks in the tropical area. The bycatch rates of olive ridley ranged from 0 to 0.010 per thousand hooks. The loggerhead bycatch rates were higher in the northern and southern Atlantic Ocean and ranged from 0.0128 to 0.0239 per thousand hooks. Due to the characteristics of the Taiwanese deep-set longline fleet, bycatch rates were lower than those of coastal longline fisheries, but mortality rates were higher because of the long hours of operation. Gear and bait modification should be considered to reduce sea turtle bycatch and increase survival rates while reducing the use of shallow hooks would also be helpful.  相似文献   

Paolo Casale  Gaspard Abitsi  Marie Pierre Aboro  Pierre Didier Agamboue  Laureen Agbode  Nontsé Lois Allela  Davy Angueko  Jean Noel Bibang Bi Nguema  François Boussamba  Floriane Cardiec  Emmanuel Chartrain  Claudio Ciofi  Yves Armand Emane  J. Michael Fay  Brendan J. Godley  Carmen Karen Kouerey Oliwiwina  Jean de Dieu Lewembe  Donatien Leyoko  Georges Mba Asseko  Pulcherie Mengue M’adzaba  Jean Hervé Mve Beh  Chiara Natali  Clauvice Nyama-Mouketou  Jacob Nzegoue  Carole Ogandagas  Richard J. Parnell  Guy Anicet Rerambyath  Micheline Schummer Gnandji  Guy-Philippe Sounguet  Manjula Tiwari  Bas Verhage  Raul Vilela  Lee White  Matthew J. Witt  Angela Formia 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2017,26(10):2421-2433
Gabon hosts nesting grounds for several sea turtle species, including the world’s largest rookery for the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Africa’s largest rookery for the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) and smaller aggregations of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). To assess the level of incidental captures of turtles by the Gabonese trawl fishery, an onboard observer program was conducted in the period 2012–2013. A total of 143 turtles were captured by 15 trawlers during 271 fishing days. The olive ridley turtle was the main species captured (80% of bycaught turtles), with mostly adult-sized individuals. The remaining 20% included green turtles, hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles and undetermined species. Bycatch per unit of effort (BPUE) of olive ridley turtles varied greatly depending on the period of the year (range of means: 0.261–2.270). Dead and comatose turtles were 6.2 and 24.6% respectively (n = 65). By applying the available fishing effort to two BPUE scenarios (excluding or considering a seasonal peak), the total annual number of captures was estimated as ranging between 1026 (CI 95% 746–1343) and 2581 (CI 95% 1641–3788) olive ridley turtles, with a mortality ranging from 63 (CI 95% 13–135) to 794 (CI 95% 415–1282) turtles per year depending on the scenario and on the fate of comatose turtles. Such a potential mortality may be reason for concern for the local breeding population of olive ridley turtles and recommendations in terms of possible conservation measures and further research are given.  相似文献   

Three species of sea turtles (the leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea; the green turtle, Chelonia mydas; and the olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea) nest abundantly in the Guianas, especially on the beaches adjacent to the mouth of the Marowijne River. Tagging demonstrated that green turtles nesting in Surinam are recruited from feeding grounds in or near the State of Ceará, Brazil, while olive ridleys, after nesting in Surinam, spread out over 3800 km of the coast of northern South America. A single tagged leatherback was recovered in Ghana.  相似文献   

To establish baseline data on the distribution, abundance and threats to marine turtles in Viet Nam we conducted surveys with local fishers, community members and provincial Ministry of Fisheries staff from 17 of Viet Nam’s 29 coastal provinces. These data indicate that five species of marine turtle reside in Viet Nam’s waters (loggerhead, olive ridley, leatherback, green and hawksbill turtles), and four species nest on Viet Nam’s beaches (all of the above except the loggerhead turtle). It is evident from these data that significant declines have occurred in both foraging and nesting populations of all five marine turtle species found in Viet Nam. The greatest current threats to marine turtle populations in Viet Nam are habitat degradation, the accidental and opportunistic of turtles capture by fishers and the direct take of nesting females and their eggs. Successful conservation efforts have been made in recent years through collaboration between international Non Government Organisations and several Vietnamese Government Ministries. Continued success of these projects and the development and implementation of marine conservation policy will depend upon building awareness among Government employees, fishers and the general public about marine turtle biology, ecology, and the need to protect them.  相似文献   

Sea turtle movements often occur in open‐sea unsheltered areas, and are therefore likely to be influenced by major oceanographic processes. Only recently has work started to examine the possible relationships of these movements with dynamic oceanic features, and consequently a clear picture of such interaction is only available in a few cases. Newborn sea turtles are thought to rely on oceanic currents to reach their pelagic nursery habitats. The actual extent and timing of these developmental migrations are known for only a few populations, but these movements probably last several years and range over thousands of km. Large juveniles that have been tracked during their pelagic stage were found to make long‐distance movements, sometimes swimming against the prevailing currents. Older juveniles of most species leave the pelagic habitat to recruit to neritic developmental habitats. This is a very poorly documented phase of the sea turtle life‐cycle, and the few available indications show that turtles may have to swim actively for enormous distances to counterbalance their previous drift with the current. The course and extent of adult postnesting migrations vary greatly among different turtle species, but two main patterns are evident. Some species, like green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles, shuttle between the nesting beach and a specific feeding area used for the entire inter‐reproductive period. In these cases, individuals swim, rather than drift, to complete their journeys, with possible advection due to currents sometimes helping them to quickly reach their target, but sometimes providing navigational challenges. Other species such as the olive ridley and the leatherback turtle, leave the coastal nesting areas to reach the pelagic environment where they forage, and perform wandering movements. Major oceanographic processes (such as main currents and eddies) have been recently shown to have a remarkable influence on leatherback movements, making it questionable whether these journeys are to be considered migrations or, rather, prolonged stays in vast feeding areas.  相似文献   

We evaluate the conservation status and threats faced by sea turtle nesting populations at Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa). Beaches were monitored to obtain a detailed sea turtle nest census and, where possible, tagging of adult females was undertaken. Four sea turtle species were found nesting in the area: the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) and the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata); with the former two species nesting in regionally important numbers. Nesting activity was concentrated between November and February, with a peak in December–January. Tagging and recapture of green turtles in two consecutive seasons suggested an estimated 560 (interquartile range: 420–1,681) and 414 (interquartile range: 190–1,255) nesting females in the area, respectively. Estimated numbers of nesting leatherbacks ranged from 123 to 215 and 243 to 293 in the first and second season, respectively. The other two species were less abundant (olive ridley: 19–29 and 28–43; hawksbill: 4–10 and 2 turtles). Data were compared with more recent surveys in the area and contextualised with information on human related threats. Despite the size of nesting stocks, ongoing permitted and illegal take of adult turtles at the nesting site constitutes a serious threat for these breeding aggregations. Additionally, tag returns from throughout the Gulf of Guinea suggest that the level of take in regional fisheries may also be a major threat.  相似文献   

The pattern and control of respiration is virtually unknown in hatchling sea turtles. Using incubator-raised turtles, we measured oxygen consumption, frequency, tidal volume, and minute volume for leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) turtle hatchlings for the first six days after pipping. In addition, we tested the hatchlings' response to hypercapnic, hyperoxic, and hypoxic challenges over this time period. Hatchling sea turtles generally showed resting ventilation characteristics that are similar to those of adults: a single breath followed by a long respiratory pause, slow frequency, and high metabolic rate. With hypercapnic challenge, both species responded primarily by elevating respiratory frequency via a decrease in the non-ventilatory period. Leatherback resting tidal volume increased with age but otherwise, neither species' resting respiratory pattern nor response to gas challenge changed significantly over the first few days after hatching. At the time of nest emergence, sea turtles have achieved a respiratory pattern that is similar to that of actively diving adults.  相似文献   

The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a federally threatened species and listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions to amplify 11 novel tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the loggerhead sea turtle. We tested primers using samples from 22 females that nested at Melbourne Beach, Florida (USA). Primer pairs yielded an average of 11.2 alleles per locus (range of 4–24), an average observed heterozygosity of 0.83 (range 0.59–0.96), and an average polymorphic information content of 0.80 (range 0.62–0.94). We also demonstrate the utility of these primers, in addition to primers for 15 loci previously described, for amplifying microsatellite loci in four additional species representing the two extant marine turtle families: olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea).  相似文献   

Electroretinographic recordings were made from hatchling loggerhead and leatherback sea turtle eyecup preparations to generate dark-adapted spectral sensitivity curves. Both species were maximally sensitive to wavelengths between 500 and 540 nm, with a secondary peak near 380 nm. The spectral sensitivity curve for leatherbacks was attenuated at the long wavelength end of the spectrum relative to that of the loggerheads. This difference may reflect adaptations to lighting available at the relatively shallow (loggerhead) versus deeper (leatherback) sites where each species forages. The broad spectrum of wavelengths detected by both species (near UV to yellow–orange) indicates that vision is likely mediated by more than one photopigment, potentially rendering these turtles capable of color vision.  相似文献   

Cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudines: Cheloniidae) from the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The aerobic cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of 45 apparently healthy female olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) was studied at Nancite nesting beach, in Santa Rosa National Park (Costa Rican North Pacific) during July and August 2002. Bacterial samples were obtained by inserting sterile swabs directly into the cloaca and the nasal cavities of the turtles. Ninety-nine aerobic bacterial isolates, including 10 Gram-negative and 5 Gram-positive bacteria, were recovered. The most common bacteria cultured were Aeromonas spp. (13/45) and Citrobacter freundi (6/45) from cloacal samples and Bacillus spp. (32/45), Staphylococcus aureus (6/45) and Corynebacterium spp. (5/45) from nasal ducts. The results of the present study showed that the aerobic bacterial flora of nesting female olive ridleys was composed of several potential human and animal microbe pathogens.  相似文献   

Strandings of marine megafauna can provide valuable information on cause of death at sea. However, as stranding probabilities are usually very low and highly variable in space and time, interpreting the results can be challenging. We evaluated the magnitude and distribution of at-sea mortality of marine turtles along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, México during 2010–11, using a combination of counting stranded animals and drifter experiments. A total of 594 carcasses were found during the study period, with loggerhead (62%) and green turtles (31%) being the most common species. 87% of the strandings occurred in the southern Gulf of Ulloa, a known hotspot of loggerhead distribution in the Eastern Pacific. While only 1.8% of the deaths could be definitively attributed to bycatch (net marks, hooks), seasonal variation in stranding frequencies closely corresponded to the main fishing seasons. Estimated stranding probabilities from drifter experiments varied among sites and trials (0.05–0.8), implying that only a fraction of dead sea turtles can be observed at beaches. Total mortality estimates for 15-day periods around the floater trials were highest for PSL, a beach in the southern Gulf of Ulloa, ranging between 11 sea turtles in October 2011 to 107 in August 2010. Loggerhead turtles were the most numerous, followed by green and olive ridley turtles. Our study showed that drifter trials combined with beach monitoring can provide estimates for death at sea to measure the impact of small-scale fisheries that are notoriously difficult to monitor for by-catch. We also provided recommendations to improve the precision of the mortality estimates for future studies and highlight the importance of estimating impacts of small–scale fisheries on marine megafauna.  相似文献   

Large annual fluctuations are seen in breeding numbers in many populations of non-annual breeders. We examined the interannual variation in nesting numbers of populations of green (Chelonia mydas) (n = 16 populations), loggerhead (Caretta caretta) (n = 10 populations), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) (n = 9 populations) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) (n = 10 populations). Interannual variation was greatest in the green turtle. When comparing green and loggerhead turtles nesting in Cyprus we found that green turtles were more likely to change the interval between laying seasons and showed greater variation in the number of clutches laid in a season. We suggest that these differences are driven by the varying trophic statuses of the different species. Green turtles are herbivorous, feeding on sea grasses and macro-algae, and this primary production will be more tightly coupled with prevailing environmental conditions than the carnivorous diet of the loggerhead turtle.  相似文献   

Olive ridley turtles, although widely distributed globally and in Indian coastal waters, have undergone declines in recent years due to anthropogenic factors, particularly fishery‐related mortality. Assessment of genetic variability in existing populations is critical to the development of effective conservation strategies. Here we describe the development of six highly polymorphic microsatellite loci from a simple sequence repeat‐enriched genomic DNA library of olive ridley turtle. Characterization of five of these loci using 83 individual olive ridley turtles revealed eight to 24 alleles per locus, high observed and expected heterozygosity values and broad cross‐species amplifications. The sixth microsatellite was found to be monomorphic in the olive ridley samples but was polymorphic in two related marine turtle species. These microsatellites thus provide efficient genetic markers to understand the population structure, phylogeography and species relationships of olive ridley and other marine turtle species.  相似文献   

Marine turtles are large reptiles that compensate for high juvenile mortality by producing hundreds of hatchlings during a long reproductive lifespan. Most hatchlings are taken by predators during their migration to, and while resident in, the open ocean. Their survival depends upon crypticity, minimizing movement to avoid detection, and foraging efficiently to grow to a size too difficult for predators to either handle or swallow. While these behavioral antipredator tactics are known, changes in morphology accompanying growth may also improve survival prospects. These have been only superficially described in the literature. Here, we compare the similarities and differences in presumed morphological defenses of growing loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) posthatchlings, related species that differ in growth rate, timing of habitat shift (the return from oceanic to neritic locations), and size at maturity. In both species, vertebral spination and carapace widening increase disproportionally as small turtles grow, but later in ontogeny, the spines regress, sooner in ridley than in loggerhead turtles. Carapace widening occurs in both species but loggerheads are always longer than they are wide whereas in Kemp's ridley turtles, the carapace becomes as wide as long. Our analysis indicates that these changes are unrelated to when each species shifts habitat but are related to turtle size. We hypothesize that the spines function in small turtles as an early defense against gape‐limited predators, but changes in body shape function throughout ontogeny—initially to make small turtles too wide to swallow and later by presenting an almost flat and hardened surface that large predators (such as a sharks) are unable to grasp. The extremely wide carapace of the Kemp's ridley may compensate for its smaller adult size (and presumed greater vulnerability) than the loggerhead. J. Morphol. 276:929–940, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Marine turtles are divided into two families, the Dermochelyidae and the Cheloniidae. The majority of species are currently placed within the two tribes of the Cheloniidae, the Chelonini and the Carettini, but debate continues over generic and tribal affinities as well as species boundaries. We used nucleotide sequences (907 bp) from the ND4–LEU tRNA region and the control region (526 bp) of mitochondrial DNA to resolve areas of uncertainty in marine turtle (Chelonioidae) systematics. The ND4–LEU tRNA fragment was more conserved than the fragment from the control region, with sequence divergences ranging from 0.026 to 0.148 and 0.067 to 0.267, respectively. Parsimony analysis based only on the ND4–LEU tRNA data suggests that the hawksbill,Eretmochelys imbricata,lies within the tribe Carettini and is closely related to the genusCaretta,but could not resolve the position of the flatback,Natator depressus.A similar analysis based only on the control region sequence data suggested thatN. depressusis affiliated with the Chelonini, but failed to resolve the position ofE. imbricataand the loggerhead,Caretta caretta.In contrast to these results, the combination of both data sets with published cytochrome b data produced a phylogeny based on 1924 bp of sequence data which resolves the position ofE. imbricatarelative toCarettaandLepidochelysand joinsN. depressusas sister to the Carettini. Based on the molecular data, the Chelonini contains theCheloniaspecies, while the Carettini contains the remaining species of Cheloniidae. The control region sequence divergence between Pacific and Atlantic populations of the leatherback,Dermochelys coriacea,was relatively low (0.0081) when compared with the green turtle,Chelonia mydas(0.071–0.074). Atlantic and Pacific populations ofCh. mydaswere found to be paraphyletic with respect to the black turtle,Ch. agassizi,suggesting that the current taxonomic designations within the PacificCheloniaare questionable. This analysis shows the utility of combining sequence data for different regions of mtDNA that by themselves are insufficient to obtain robust phylogenies.  相似文献   

Tractable conservation measures for long-lived species require the intersection between protection of biologically relevant life history stages and a socioeconomically feasible setting. To protect breeding adults, we require knowledge of animal movements, how movement relates to political boundaries, and our confidence in spatial analyses of movement. We used satellite tracking and a switching state-space model to determine the internesting movements of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) (n = 18) in Central Africa during two breeding seasons (2007-08, 2008-09). These movements were analyzed in relation to current park boundaries and a proposed transboundary park between Gabon and the Republic of Congo, both created to reduce unintentional bycatch of sea turtles in marine fisheries. We additionally determined confidence intervals surrounding home range calculations. Turtles remained largely within a 30 km radius from the original nesting site before departing for distant foraging grounds. Only 44.6 percent of high-density areas were found within the current park but the proposed transboundary park would incorporate 97.6 percent of high-density areas. Though tagged individuals originated in Gabon, turtles were found in Congolese waters during greater than half of the internesting period (53.7 percent), highlighting the need for international cooperation and offering scientific support for a proposed transboundary park. This is the first comprehensive study on the internesting movements of solitary nesting olive ridley sea turtles, and it suggests the opportunity for tractable conservation measures for female nesting olive ridleys at this and other solitary nesting sites around the world. We draw from our results a framework for cost-effective protection of long-lived species using satellite telemetry as a primary tool.  相似文献   

Orissa, on the east coast of India, is one of the three mass nesting sites in the world for olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea). This population is currently under threat as a result of fishery-related mortality; more than 100 000 olive ridleys have been counted dead in the last 10 years in Orissa. In general, the globally distributed olive ridley turtle has received significantly less conservation attention than its congener, the Kemp's ridley turtle (L. kempi), because the latter is recognized as a distinct species consisting of a single endangered population. Our study of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes suggests that the ridley population on the east coast of India is panmictic, but distinct from all other populations including Sri Lanka. About 96% of the Indian population consisted of a distinct 'K' clade with haplotypes not found in any other population. Nested clade analysis and conventional analysis both supported range expansions and/or long-distance colonization from the Indian Ocean clades to other oceanic basins, which suggested that these are the ancestral source for contemporary global populations of olive ridley turtles. These data support the distinctiveness of the Indian Ocean ridleys, suggesting that conservation prioritization should be based on appropriate data and not solely on species designations.  相似文献   

Sea turtle hybridization is a common phenomenon in Brazil between loggerheads (Caretta caretta) and hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata) as well as between loggerheads and olive ridleys (Lepidochelys olivacea). In a previous study we showed that the reproductive output of loggerhead/hawksbill hybrids is similar to that of parental species, suggesting no negative effect of hybridization at this life stage. In this study, we used pooled amplicon sequencing to assign species identity to dams and their progeny, and to investigate the fitness consequences of hybridization, using hatchling viability as a proxy for fitness. We genotyped 4829 hatchlings from egg clutches laid by 78 loggerheads, 13 hawksbills, seven loggerhead/hawksbill hybrids, and three loggerhead/olive ridley hybrids. The proportion of viable hybrid (heterozygous) hatchlings was similar to that of homozygous hatchlings (based on data at two loci), independent of the dam’s genotype. Multiple species paternity was observed in 35.7% of the nests. Both hybrid males and females were fertile and produced viable offspring, and we found no evidence for hybrid breakdown. We suggest a genome-wide study of the hybrids and parental species to better characterize hybrids, as well as studies on additional demographic and ecological parameters to further assess the effects of hybridization and its consequences for sea turtles and their environment.  相似文献   

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