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裸子植物一新科——竹柏科   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
竹柏科Nageiaceae是根据叶无中脉而具多数近平行细脉和雌性生殖器官接近原始的枝条状结构, 从裸子植物罗汉松科Podocarpaceae中分出的单属新科。 新科内有2个组,5个种,分布于太平洋西 海岸的东亚、南亚近海山地至新几内亚等南太平洋岛屿区域。 该科植物具有2个以上叶迹和无中脉的 多脉叶类型,在现存的裸子植物中十分特殊,仅与少数几个系统位置较为孤立或系统位置不甚清楚的 类群有一定相似之处,而与其他大多数具中脉叶类型的类群几乎没有任何过渡和联系。 古植物学证据 表明,自古生代以来,各不同地质时期均有这种多脉叶类型化石存在,同时,在某些古裸子植物化石 中,也存在接近Nageiaceae所具有的枝条状雌性生殖器官类型。 据此推测,在裸子植物系统发育中, 可能存在一条以叶具多脉为标志的M-演化线(multinerved-leaved evolutionary line),这条演化线可追溯至古裸子植物科达类甚至更古老的类群。  相似文献   

木材构造特征在裸子植物系统学中的意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文根据木材构造特征的进化趋势对裸子植物,特别是松杉纲内各目、科的系统位置和等级 进行了探讨。笔者认为:1.南洋杉科可从松杉目中独立出来成立南洋杉目。2.银杏更近于松杉目而与苏铁科有明显区别。3.罗汉松科、三尖杉科和红豆杉科应置于南洋杉科之后,松科之前,三尖杉科与红豆杉科亲缘关系更接近。4.建立金松科是合理的。5.为侧柏从崖柏属中分出成立侧柏属补充了木材方面的证据。6.进一步探讨了松科中一些属的系统位置,并建议松属可区分为三个亚属。7.穗花杉属置于红豆杉科中更为合适。 8. 同意郑万钧在铁杉属内建立长苞铁杉组。合并黄山松和台湾松。  相似文献   

睡莲科叶比较解剖   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文报道了睡莲科6个种比较解剖学的研究结果。莼菜的叶柄具一对维管束,其它5个种为 有限的、星散排列维管束,它们与单子叶植物相似;叶柄基本组织中除萍蓬草无气道外,其它种均有。叶为两面叶页,毛茛型气孔局限分布于叶腹面,但莲叶背面亦发育有少量气孔。莲的气孔在发育时属单唇型,成熟时则呈毛茛型。排水器、厚壁异细胞只见于莲。腺毛及吸水器除莲外,供研究的其它种在叶背面均存在。除莼菜及莲外,其它种都有星状石细胞。 根据本文的观察结果,我们认为莼菜属是睡莲科中较简化的属,它和Cabomba属有密切的亲缘关系,它们可独立成莼菜科(Cabombaceae),包括于睡莲目内。睡莲属、 萍蓬草属、芡属和王莲属(Victoria)彼此亲缘关系密切,可留于睡莲科。莲属具独特的形态,与睡莲科的其它属亲缘关系不甚密切,因此,不但可分立为莲科,而且可独立成莲目。  相似文献   

贝母属三个分类群的核型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对浙贝Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.(取材于浙江鄞县和舟山)、东贝 F.thunbergii var. chekiangensis Hsiao et K.C.Hsia和皖贝F.anhuiensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin的核型进行了分析比较, 其中东贝和浙贝(舟山)为首次报道.浙贝的核型:取材于浙江鄞县的为2n=24=4m(1sc) l)+4st(1sc) +16t(1sc),取材于浙江舟山为 2n=24=2m+2sm+12st(1sc)+8t(2sc),东贝的核型为 2n=24=2m+2sm+8st(2sc)+12t(4sc),皖贝的核型为2n=24=2m+2sm+8st(2sc)+12t(5sc)。3个分类群均属3B核型。  相似文献   

酸模叶蓼性状变异式样的统计分析及分类处理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文采用统计分析的方法,结合引种栽培试验,对酸模叶蓼(Polygonum lapathifolium L.)性状变异的实质和规律进行了研究,证明酸模叶寥植株的高度和节部膨大程度明显受环境条件影响,且两者的变异是独立的,没有相关性,因而不宜作为分类的依据。根据对原始文献和大量标本的考证,作者提出将酸模叶蓼与节蓼(P. nodosum Pers.)归并,并取消变种绵毛酸模叶蓼(P.lapathifolium var. salicifolium Sibth.)。  相似文献   

贵州异叶苣苔属一新种   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
毕节异叶苣苔 新种 图1 Whytockia bijieensis Y. Z. Wang et Z. Y. Li, sp. nov. Affinis W. chiritiflorae(Oliv. )W. W. Smith, a qua foliis angustioribus et lon-gioribus, sepalis basi tantum connatis, capsula irregulariter et imperfecte dehiscente, parteinferiore cupuliformi persistente differt.  相似文献   

本文报道了团藻目、壳衣藻科、异形藻属一新种——扁球异形藻。此种从非洲的土壤标本中分离 获得。营养细胞(囊壳、原生质体)与已知的其它8个种有明显的不同。生活史的培养观察发现有性生殖为异配,这是此属未曾被描述的一个特征。  相似文献   

亚圆叶剪叶苔 新种 图1HerbertussubrotundatusFuetYi,sp.nov.Fig.1SpeciesH.herpocladioidiScottetMilleraffinis,seddiffertfoliisovatis,apicead1/2bifidis,lobulisangusteovatotriangularibus,vittaindistincta.Plantaminor,caespitosa,brunneavelfuscobrunnea.Caulissuberectus,ad1~2cml…  相似文献   

对薄鳞蕨属5种3变种的孢子形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察。该属植物的孢子明显地分为两种类型:薄叶薄鳞蕨和杜氏薄鳞蕨的孢子为近球形,周壁为鸡冠状或拟网状纹饰;而华北薄鳞蕨、华西薄鳞蕨和绒毛薄鳞蕨的孢子为四面体状球形,周壁表面近光滑。第一种类型的孢子也存在于粉背蕨属,因此薄鳞蕨属和粉背蕨属的关系仍需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Theories about the seed scale of conifers are reviewed. The classical Foliar Nature theory of Delpino & Penzig suggested that the ovuliferous scales in pine are homologous to the foliar appendages of a cone axis. The Ligular theory of Sachs & Eichler maintained that the seed scale of conifers is comparative to a ligule, because it grows out from a foliar organ, namely the bract. Bessey thought that the seed scale of conifers is the combined outgrowths of an ovule from its chalazal end, which is a sui generis structure thereafter. Kubart misproposed the aril nature of the ovuliferous structure in Juniperus. Arber' s Partial-Shoot theory held that an ovuliferous scale is homologous to a simple and limited shoot (a partial shoot) based on the Telome theory, but Meeuse remarked that the Telome theory was abused here. Dupler emphasized the integumental nature of the ovuliferous scales in taxads. The Brachyblast theory of Braun has increasingly convinced the present botanists on account of excellent studies from teratology, anatomy, ontogeny and palaeobotany. Based on the established evidence from teratology, anatomy, ontogeny and palaeobotany, the present authors believe that the seed scales of living conifers may have evolved from the secondary reproductive branches of the early conifers by phylogenetic metamorphism and fusion, and little differentiation during ontoge-ny in the living representatives. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. 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Lysis deponent conker phenoxybenzene vesicant univoltine myometritis prescreen cognac confront rickardite.   相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast DNA from species of five different conifer genera was extracted and studied by Southern blot analysis. For all these species, hybridization with heterologous probes specific for 16 S and 23 S rDNA detected only one chloroplast DNA fragment per enzyme digest. This observation suggests that the 16 S and 23 S rRNA genes are not duplicated in these genomes. The unique 16 S rDNA-containing BamHI fragment from Pinus contorta Dougl. was cloned and restriction mapped. Apart from the 16 S rRNA gene, this fragment also contained the psbC and psbD genes. It is concluded that the chloroplast genomes of a wide taxonomic range of conifers lack one of the inverted repeat elements and that a dislocation of the psbDC gene cluster has occurred in P. contorta.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of male cones of coniferophyte from the Lower Permian (Artinskian and Kungurian) deposits of the Urals, Russia is described: Uralostrobus voltzioides Naugolnykh nov. gen., nov. sp. The cone shows characters typical of some representatives of conifers belonging to the order Voltziales: more or less isometrical bracts of rhombic shape, prolonged sporangia with attenuate apices, and bisaccate pollen of Illinites-type. General information on the associated female seed scales and vegetative leafy shoots is given as well.  相似文献   

 A new theory is presented on the cause of the prevalent directions of the spiral grain patterns found in conifers. The hypothesis is based upon the assumption that spiral grain has a function, i.e. that it represents a growth strategy to ensure survival of the trees. The mechanical function of the tree trunk is placed in focus, that is the ability of the trees to withstand external mechanical loads, mainly from wind. Spiral grain is an optimized growth feature when the trees are exposed to combined bending and torsion. Torsion occurs when the crown is asymmetric in the plane perpendicular to the wind direction. Systematic crown asymmetry, with heavier crowns on the south side, was confirmed by measuring the crown projections on 253 sparsely grown pines; 76.7% of the trees had longer branches on the south than on the north side, and the average length difference was 40.8 cm. By studying wind maps it was seen that most of the coniferous forests have prevailing westerly winds, which, when combined with the crown asymmetry, leads to a prevailing torque. Right-handed spiral grain in the outermost layers of mature trees is proposed to be a strategy to withstand this torque, i.e. to avoid stem breakage. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The recently developed approach to deriving genetic markers via amplification of random DNA segments with single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence was tested for its utility in genetic linkage mapping studies with conifers. Reaction conditions were optimized to reproducibly yield clean and specific amplification products. Template DNA from several genotypes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and white spruce (Picea glauca) were tested against eight ten-base oligonucleotide primers. Most of the tested primer/parent tree combinations yielded polymorphic PCR products (RAPD markers). Selected primers were then used in PCR reactions with template DNA isolated from offspring in Douglas-fir and black spruce diallel crosses among the same parental lines. The diallel study confirmed the appropriate inheritance of RAPD markers in the F1 generation. The value of these dominant RAPD markers for genetic linkage mapping in trees was established from both theoretical and applied perspectives.  相似文献   

A. Schulz 《Protoplasma》1992,166(3-4):153-164
Summary Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorochromes were used to visualize the assimilate-conducting sieve cells of conifers in vivo. When still nucleate, the cytoplasm of these cells shows streaming and occupies the cell periphery including the pitlike, thin wall regions where sieve areas would develop. During differentiation the nuclear fluorescence and the central vacuoles disappear. At maturity and after ER-specific staining the sieve areas are the most conspicuous character of sieve cells. Those linking two sieve cells are covered on either side with prominent amounts of ER, while those leading to a Strasburger (=albuminous) cell show fluorescence on the sieve-cell side only. Within the sieve-area wall fluorescence appears also in the common median cavity which is part of the symplastic path between sieve cells. Electron microscopy (EM) depicts the ER as complexes of densely convoluted tubules of smooth ER, equally on either side of a sieve area, provided that the fixation of this sensitive tissue is appropriate. Purposeful wounding causes a swelling and vesiculation of the ER-tubules which is visible in both CLSM and EM. Electron micrographs of ER-complexes at sieve areas -in this paper demonstrated in vivo -have often been argued to be artefacts, since they should raise flow resistance considerably and are not consistent with the Münch hypothesis on phloem transport. The implications of this location for phloem transport are discussed.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - DiOC 3,3-dioxacarbocyanine iodide - EM electron microscopy - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FDA fluorescein diacetate  相似文献   

Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are members of a superfamily of proteins widely distributed in plants. Their localization within the extracellular matrix and in some cases their hydrogen peroxide-producing activity suggests that these proteins are involved in cell wall metabolism during stress responses and developmental processes. Several very highly conserved conifer GLPs have been identified in somatic embryo tissues. In order to gain more knowledge on their potential involvement in the development of this particular tissue, we have characterized a new GLP gene, LmGER1 in hybrid larch. Anti-GLP immunserum and in-gel activity analyses suggested the presence of superoxide dismutase activity in apoplastic proteins from larch somatic embryos. These results could indicate a possible role for LmGER1 in this physiological process. The expression of LmGER1 has been followed during the maturation of somatic embryos and in different organs of young plantlets by homologous transformation with a promoter-gus construct. This promoter was activated in the root cap of young embryos and, later on, in the cotyledons and in the vascular procambium and xylem. Furthermore, the importance of this gene in embryo development was evaluated by transforming embryonal masses with a gene construct encoding a hairpin RNA leading to gene silencing. The potential role of LmGER1 in cross-linking of cell wall components is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular phylogeny of conifers using restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism of six polymerase chain reaction-amplified chloroplast genes — frxC, rbcL, psbA, psbD, trnK, and 16S. We detected 227 total site changes among species, representing 23, 26, 38, 48, 67, and 25 site changes in frxC, psbA, psbD, rbcL, trnK and 16S, respectively. The mean nucleotide substitution was 10.75% (SD 0.573) among species in five families. Forty maximally parsimonious trees were obtained using the Wagner parsimony method, and a 50% majority-rule consensus tree was obtained from them. Data analysis produced similar basic patterns when both the Wagner parsimony and the neighbor-joining methods were applied, and the main lineages were clearly separated. Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae species were used as the out-groups when applying Wagner parsimony methods. With the Wagner method, the consistency index was 0.510, the retention index was 0.879, and tree length was 435 steps. Our results indicated that Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae are closely related families and that Sciadopitys verticillata is the basal lineage of Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae. The neighbor-joining tree is similar to the 50% majority-rule consensus of the 40 Wagner parsimony trees except for the position of Keteleeria daversifolia, the Picea and Cedrus group, and the divergence within Cupressaceae.  相似文献   

A probe for chalcone synthase (CHS) was generated by PCR using chalcone synthase conserved sequences. The cloned PCR product has high similarity to both chalcone synthase and stilbene synthase sequences. The probe was used to examine the organization of chalcone synthase and stilbene synthase genes in Abies procera, Pinus lambertiana, P. monticola, Picea glauca, P. sitchensis, Pseudostuga menziesii, Taxus brevifolia, and Thuja plicata. A large number of hybridizing bands were found in all species except T. plicata which did not cross hybridize. The hybridization patterns are highly polymorphic between the species and are also polymorphic within several of them.  相似文献   

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