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Aim We examined evidence for the mesopredator release hypothesis at a subcontinental scale by investigating the relationship between indices of abundance of the dingo Canis lupus dingo (top‐order predator) and the invasive red fox Vulpes vulpes (mesopredator) in three large regions across mainland Australia. The red fox is known to be one of the major threats to the persistence of small and medium‐sized native vertebrates across the continent. Location Australia. Methods Indices of abundance were calculated from three independently collected datasets derived from bounty returns and field surveys. Data were analysed using univariate parametric, semi‐parametric and nonparametric techniques. Results Predator abundance indices did not conform to a normal distribution and the relationships between dingo and fox abundance indices were not well described by linear functions. Semi‐parametric and nonparametric techniques revealed consistently negative associations between indices of dingo and fox abundance. Main conclusions The results provide evidence that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can be exerted at very large geographical scales and suggest that relationships between the abundances of top predators and mesopredators are not linear. Our results have broad implications for the management of canid predators. First, they suggest that dingoes function ecologically to reduce the activity or abundance of red foxes and thus are likely to dampen the predatory impacts of foxes. More generally, they provide support for the notion that the mesopredator‐suppressive effects of top predators could be incorporated into broad‐scale biodiversity conservation programmes in many parts of the world by actively maintaining populations of top predators or restoring them in areas where they are now rare. Determining the population densities at which the interactions of top predators become ecologically effective will be a critical goal for conservation managers who aim to maintain or restore ecosystems using the ecological interactions of top predators.  相似文献   

The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of top‐order predators results in an increase in the abundance of smaller predators (mesopredators) due to a reduction in intra‐guild predation and competition. The irruption of mesopredators that follows the removal of top‐order predators can have detrimental impacts on the prey of the mesopredators. Here we investigated the mechanisms via which the presence of a top‐order predator can benefit prey species. We tested predictions made according to the MRH and foraging theory by contrasting the abundances of an invasive mesopredator (red fox Vulpes vulpes) and an endangered prey species (dusky hopping mouse Notomys fuscus), predator diets, and N. fuscus foraging behaviour in the presence and absence of a top‐predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo). As predicted by the MRH, foxes were more abundant where dingoes were absent. Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and foxes was extensive, and fox was recorded in 1 dingo scat possibly indicating intra‐guild predation. Notomys fuscus were more likely to occur in fox scats than dingo scats and as predicted by the MRH N. fuscus were less abundant in the absence of dingoes. The population increase of N. fuscus following rainfall was dampened in the absence of dingoes suggesting that mesopredator release can attenuate bottom‐up effects, although it remains conceivable that differences in grazing regimes associated with dingo exclusion could have also influenced N. fuscus abundance. Notomys fuscus exhibited lower giving‐up densities in the presence of dingoes, consistent with the prediction that their perceived risk of predation would be lower and foraging efficiency greater in the presence of a top‐predator. Our results suggest that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can create a safer environment for prey species where the frequency of fatal encounters between predators and prey is reduced and the non‐consumptive effects of predators are lower.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Adaptive divergence occurs even between insufficiently isolated populations when there is a great difference in environments between their habitats. Individuals present...  相似文献   

Biological control of crop pests is considered a good alternative or complement to the use of pesticides. However, legislation restricts the importation of natural enemies of pests. A potential way to circumvent this limitation is by using experimental evolution and/or artificial selection to improve native biological control agents. Here, we review studies that have used these methodologies and evaluate their success. Experimental evolution or artificial selection has been used on a wide range of traits, with most focusing on improving the performance of natural enemies in ecologically relevant environments, such as in the presence of pesticides or at different temperatures. Although most studies were poorly replicated, the selected traits generally improved following the selection process. However, correlated responses (often in the form of trade‐offs) with other traits of interest were common. We suggest that the selection procedure can be improved by increasing replication and performing experimental evolution under more semi‐natural environments, to ensure that the most useful traits are being selected.  相似文献   

As acyclic oligonucleotides have been suggested as a primitive model of DNA or RNA in prebiotic times, we compared some biochemical properties of these analogues to that of natural ones. Firstly, an acyclic analogue of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates was tested as a potential substrate of enzymes intervening in nucleic acids synthesis. GlyTTP, a dTTP analogue with a missing 2-methylene group is notaccepted as a substrate by either DNA polymerase or deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT). Secondly, themodified dodecathymidylate (GlyT)12, the racemic acyclic sugar analogue of (dT)12, proved to be anefficient primer for DNA polymerase and TdT, though the associative properties of (GlyT)12 are very weak as shown by UV spectroscopy in phosphate buffer without magnesium chloride. But (GlyT)12 has the advantage to be 500-times more stable against hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase than the corresponding oligothymidylate.  相似文献   

It has been recently proposed that the decrease in diversity towards the severe end of the humped-back diversity–biomass model of Grime was driven by a collapse of facilitation due to extreme conditions of either stress or physical disturbance. In order to test the hypothesis that disturbance is the primary direct factor driving the collapse of interactions occurring along environmental severity gradients, we conducted a removal experiment in the highly stressed French coastal dunes along a gradient of disturbance due to sand burial. Four dune species were used as targets and transplanted with and without neighbours in four communities along the gradient. The experiment was conducted twice, a dry and an average year. Results of the experiment showed that during the dry year the effect of the environment was prominent and only one species was facilitated for survival in the least disturbed community. During the average year, interactions for growth were important only in the same community, with positive or negative responses depending on the natural position of the target species within the coastal dune gradient. In accordance with our hypothesis, most interactions for both survival and growth were observed in the least disturbed community exhibiting the highest diversity. There were no interactions in the most disturbed community with the lowest diversity.  相似文献   

Soil carbon is a large component of the global carbon cycle and its management can significantly affect the atmospheric CO2 concentration. An important management issue is the extent of soil carbon (C) release when forest is converted to agricultural land. We reviewed the literature to assess changes in soil C upon conversion of forests to agricultural land. Analyses are confounded by changes in soil bulk density upon land‐use change, with agricultural soils on average having 13% higher bulk density. Consistent with earlier reviews, we found that conversion of forest to cultivated land led to an average loss of approximately 30% of soil C. When we restricted our analysis to studies that had used appropriate corrections for changes in bulk density, soil C loss was 22%. When, from all the studies compiled, we considered only studies reporting both soil C and nitrogen (N), average losses of C and N were 24% and 15%, respectively, hence showing a decrease in the average C : N ratio. The magnitude of these changes in the C : N ratio did not correlate with either C or N changes. When considering the transition from forest to pasture, there was no significant change in either soil C or N, even though reported changes in soil C ranged from ?50% to +160%. Among studies that reported changes in soil N as well as soil C, C : N ratios both increased and decreased, with trends depending on changes in system N. Systems with increasing soil N generally had decreased C : N ratios, whereas systems with decreasing soil N had increased C : N ratios. Our survey confirmed earlier findings that conversion of forest to cropland generally leads to a loss of soil carbon, although the magnitude of change might have been inflated in many studies by the confounding influence of bulk‐density changes. In contrast, conversion of forest to uncultivated grazing land did not, on average, lead to loss of soil carbon, although individual sites may lose or gain soil C, depending on specific circumstances, such as application of fertiliser or retention or removal of plant residues.  相似文献   

Environmental flow releases are a tool for wetland restoration, but there has been no systematic evaluation of their success. We systematically assessed 102 published studies from a wide range of wetland ecosystems across the globe to determine whether releasing environmental flows could maintain or promote biodiversity and increase ecosystem services, and which strategies were most effective. We found that environmental flow releases remarkably increased regulating services (sediment regulation and water purification) and supporting services (primary production and habitat maintenance), and maintained biodiversity and provisioning services. Biodiversity responses were positive only in river wetlands, and were negative in coastal, lake, and marsh wetlands; the overall delivery of ecosystem services responded positively in all ecosystem types except artificial wetlands. The effects were positive for ecosystem services under all environmental flow regimes, and seasonal minimum flow releases could maintain biodiversity and improve ecosystem services. We also found that long‐term environmental flow releases (years to decades) maintained biodiversity. Values of a change‐in‐flow parameter (D) ranging from 0 to 10% improved both biodiversity and ecosystem services. In summary, long‐term implementation, a high‐flow regime, and D ranging from 0 to 10% for the environmental flows promoted biodiversity and improved ecosystem services around the world, particularly in river wetlands. Regional‐level conclusions might be applicable to guide the implementation of environmental flow releases, but small sample sizes reduce their reliability. We also found that the effect sizes of environmental flow release projects for biodiversity and ecosystem services were significantly and positively correlated in rivers, but not in other wetlands.  相似文献   

Objective: To conduct a systematic review, with meta-analysis, of studies assessing the association between night work and the risk of breast cancer, using available epidemiological evidence. Method: Relevant studies were identified by searching several databases and the reference lists of retrieved articles. We combined the relative risks (RR) from individual studies using a random-effects model. Subgroup analysis was carried out as the data showed statistically significant heterogeneity. Results: Thirteen studies consisting of eight case–control studies and five cohort studies were included in the analysis. In the combined analysis of all studies, night work was associated with an increased risk for breast cancer (RR = 1.20, 95%CI = 1.08–1.33). The higher-quality studies showed a similar finding with a pooled RR of 1.40 (95%CI = 1.13–1.73). Both case–control studies (RR = 1.32, 95%CI = 1.17–1.50) and cohort studies (RR = 1.08, 95%CI = 0.97–1.21) showed a positive association between night work and the risk of breast cancer. No publication bias was found either from Begg's funnel plot (P = 0.086) or the Egger's test (P = 0.107). Additional well-conducted and large-scale epidemiological studies are needed.  相似文献   

Recent stopped-flow kinetics demonstrated the existence of an intermediate before the occurrence of the final product of the reaction of both iron-containing microperoxidase-8 (Fe(III)MP-8) and manganese-containing microperoxidase-8 (Mn(III)MP-8) with H(2)O(2). The intermediate was assigned to be (hydro)peroxo-iron. With both mini-catalysts the final state obtained after 30-40 ms showed a resemblance to PorM(IV)MP-8[double bond]O(R(+)*); (R(+)*) is a radical located at the peptide. Quantum mechanical calculations indicate that hydroperoxo-iron is inactive as a catalytic intermediate in cytochrome P450 (P450)-type catalysis. Instead, the calculations suggest that peroxo-iron acts as the catalytic intermediate in P450-type catalysis. In addition, the calculations demonstrate that, although less likely, the possibility that oxenoid-iron acts as a catalytic intermediate in P450 catalysis cannot be fully excluded. An interesting aspect of the reactions catalysed by MP-8 is the possibility that, in view of the reversibility of the reactions between (hydro)peroxo-iron and oxenoid-iron, H(2)O plays a decisive role, at least in some cytochromes P450, in the removal of halogens, avoiding the production of compounds hazardous to the organism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to examine the literature that has investigated the potential relationship between mechanomyographic (MMG) frequency and motor unit firing rates. Several different experimental designs/methodologies have been used to address this issue, including: repetitive electrical stimulation, voluntary muscle actions in muscles with different fiber type compositions, fatiguing and non-fatiguing isometric or dynamic muscle actions, and voluntary muscle actions in young versus elderly subjects and healthy individuals versus subjects with a neuromuscular disease(s). Generally speaking, the results from these investigations have suggested that MMG frequency is related to the rate of motor unit activation and the contractile properties (contraction and relaxation times) of the muscle fibers. Other studies, however, have reported that MMG mean power frequency (MPF) does not always follow the expected pattern of firing rate modulation (e.g. motor unit firing rates generally increase with torque during isometric muscle actions, but MMG MPF may remain stable or even decrease). In addition, there are several factors that may affect the frequency content of the MMG signal during a voluntary muscle action (i.e. muscle stiffness, intramuscular fluid pressure, etc.), independent of changes in motor unit firing rates. Despite the potential influences of these factors, most of the evidence has suggested that the frequency domain of the MMG signal contains some information regarding motor unit firing rates. It is likely, however, that this information is qualitative, rather than quantitative in nature, and reflects the global motor unit firing rate, rather than the firing rates of a particular group of motor units.  相似文献   

Global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to both increase, but their combined effect on plant communities has been far less investigated than the single factors of global change. Moreover, drought events are expected to become more frequent and intense in the near future what might alter plant responses to the changing climate.In this study synthesised grassland communities in a current or future climate were subjected to several drought levels (0, 15, 22 and 35 days of drought). The grassland communities were grown in six sunlit, climate-controlled chambers. Three of the chambers were exposed to ambient temperature and CO2 (current climate), while the other three were continuously warmed 3 °C above ambient temperature at 620 ppm of CO2 (future climate).The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of drought on the response of grassland communities to a future climate. Therefore, the response to future climate was observed (1) in the absence of drought and (2) in the occurrence of an extreme drought event, both early and late in the growing season.
  • (1)In the absence of drought, plant productivity was positively affected by future climate early in the growing season. Later in the growing season this effect tended to turn negative, resulting in a disappearance of the overall effect of climate at the end of the growing season.
  • (2)During drought there was a stronger decrease in net CO2 assimilation rate (Asat) in future than in current climate due to stronger stomatal closure. Consistently, the beneficial biomass response to future climate stagnated during drought. At the end of the season, after a period of recovery, there was no effect of climate on plant productivity. As in the absence of drought, plant productivity was not affected by climate at the end of the growing season. Hence, the occurrence of an extreme drought event during the growing season did not alter the overall response of plant productivity to a future climate.

pT181 and other closely related rolling circle plasmids have the nicking site for initiation of replication between the arms of a GC-rich inverted repeat sequence adjacent to the binding site for the dimeric initiator protein. Replication is initiated by the initiator-induced extrusion of this sequence as a cruciform, creating a single-stranded region for nicking by the protein. Nicking is followed by assembly of the replisome without relaxation of the secondary structure. Following termination, the initiator protein is released with a short oligonucleotide attached to one subunit, which prevents it from being recycled, a necessary feature of the plasmid's replication control system. The modified initiator can cleave single-stranded substrates and can nick and relax supercoiled plasmid DNA weakly. Although it can bind to its recognition sequence in the leading strand origin, the modified protein cannot induce cruciform extrusion, and it is proposed that this inability is the key to understanding the biological rationale for having the nicking site at the tip of a cruciform: the need to provide the functional initiator with a catalytic advantage over the modified one sufficient to offset the numerical advantage and metabolic stability of the latter.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition has been demonstrated to be an important shaping force for snake communities worldwide, but relatively few studies have investigated its occurrence and extent with island assemblages of snakes. In Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea), two species of whip snakes (Colubridae) co-occur, one of them being abundant and widespread (Hierophis viridiflavus) and the other being localized and critically endangered (Hemorrhois hippocrepis). A previous hypothesis suggested that the latter species would be confined to suboptimal habitats by the former species, which is a stronger competitor for food. As a consequence, He. hippocrepis would not only be rare but would also be smaller in body size in Sardinia than in other regions of its range where Hi. viridiflavus does not occur. In 1999?C2010, we studied habitat selection, food habits, and body sizes of these two snakes in sympatric populations, applying a suite of statistical tools including null models and Monte Carlo simulations. We observed that dietary habits were different between species (compared to Hi. viridiflavus, He. hippocrepis more frequently preyed upon rodents and less frequently on lizards, and within rodent prey, more frequently upon Rattus and less frequently upon Mus), but not in a way compatible with competitively induced trophic niche partitioning. The two species were similar in terms of prey size and predator-size?Cprey-size relationships. They also differed in habitat selection (maquis was the preferred habitat for both, but Hi. viridiflavus was found significantly more often than He. hippocrepis in grasslands, cultivations, and artificial pinewoods) but again in a non-competitively directed way. In addition, there was no evidence for the hypothesis that He. hippocrepis was confined to suboptimal habitats. Body sizes were similar between species (with males being significantly larger than females), and Sardinian He. hippocrepis were not smaller than conspecifics inhabiting regions without Hi. viridiflavus. Overall, our study showed that the two species differed in some aspects of their ecology, but these differences could not be due to competitive interactions. The conservation implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

The approach or presence of an observer may affect the behavior of nearby birds, rendering them either more or less detectable than when no observer is present due to a change in singing rates. To test whether there are systematic detection biases associated with the presence of an observer during point count bird surveys, we compared the occurrence and singing rates of birds during a 10-min period immediately preceding the time when an observer arrived to conduct a count and during the formal count itself by extracting song information from autonomous sound recorders. We obtained recordings of 36 species of birds detected at ≥5 locations in one of three vegetation types, including burned conifer forest, green conifer/riparian streamside forest, and riparian bottomland/marshland. We found that species richness and both the probability of occurrence and singing rate for any of the species recorded were unaffected by the presence of an observer. In addition, the probability of occurrence did not differ significantly among four 2.5-min recording sessions during 10-min counts when an observer was present. Thus, the presence of an observer did not appear to introduce any detectable systematic bias that would make bird lists or unadjusted occurrence rates inaccurate on that basis alone. In addition, rates of bird occurrence across 2.5-min temporal subsets of a 10-min count did not vary in a systematic way that would violate the assumption of equal occupancy across adjacent time periods as sometimes used to build detection histories in occupancy modeling.  相似文献   

Platelets are subjected to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields during standard aggregometry measurements owing to the use of a magnetic stir bar in the instrument. This study evaluates the effects of this magnetic field exposure on platelet aggregation by comparing the results obtained in a modified aggregometer. Blood samples from healthy volunteers were anticoagulated using citrate or heparin. Platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) samples were prepared. A mechanical stirring device was attached to the aggregometer instead of the magnetic stir bar system. The PRP samples were stirred using a stirring rod tip that did not produce any magnetic fields in one channel of the aggregometer; in the other channel, a stirring rod carrying a small magnet at its tip was used. As a result, a magnetic field in the extremely low frequency range and in the amplitude range of 1.9–65 mT was applied to the platelets assigned to the channel where the magnetic stirring rod tip was used. Aggregation was induced using adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen, or epinephrine. The slopes, maximum aggregation values, and areas under the aggregation curves were compared between the magnetic and neutral stirring rod tip groups. For samples stirred with the magnetic stirring rod tip, a significant decrease was observed in 12 of the 14 parameters evaluated for aggregations induced with ADP or collagen compared to the neutral stirring rod tip, regardless of the method used for anticoagulation. This observation indicates that the magnetic stir bars used in standard aggregometry may significantly alter aggregation parameters and platelets may be possible targets of electromagnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 34:349–357, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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