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Hemes c are characterized by their covalent attachment to a polypeptide via a widely conserved CXXCH motif. There are multiple biological systems that facilitate heme c biogenesis. System I, the cytochrome c maturation (CCM) system, is found in many bacteria and is commonly employed in the maturation of bacterial cytochromes c in Escherichia coli-based expression systems. System III, cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL), is an enzyme found in the mitochondria of many eukaryotes and is used for heterologous expression of mitochondrial holocytochromes c. To test CCM specificity, a series of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c(552) variants was successfully expressed and matured by the CCM system with CX(n)CH motifs where n = 1-4, further extending the known substrate flexibility of the CCM system by successful maturation of a bacterial cytochrome c with a novel CXCH motif. Horse cytochrome c variants with both expanded and contracted attachment motifs (n = 1-3) were also tested for expression and maturation by both CCM and CCHL, allowing direct comparison of CCM and CCHL substrate specificities. Successful maturation of horse cytochrome c by CCHL with an extended CXXXCH motif was observed, demonstrating that CCHL shares the ability of CCM to mature hemes c with extended heme attachment motifs. In contrast, two single amino acid mutants were found in horse cytochrome c that severely limit maturation by CCHL, yet were efficiently matured with CCM. These results identify potentially important residues for the substrate recognition of CCHL.  相似文献   

Simon J  Hederstedt L 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(22):4179-4188
Organisms employ one of several different enzyme systems to mature cytochromes c. The biosynthetic process involves the periplasmic reduction of cysteine residues in the heme c attachment motif of the apocytochrome, transmembrane transport of heme b and stereospecific covalent heme attachment via thioether bonds. The biogenesis System II (or Ccs system) is employed by β-, δ- and ε-proteobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, Aquificales and cyanobacteria, as well as by algal and plant chloroplasts. System II comprises four (sometimes only three) membrane-bound proteins: CcsA (or ResC) and CcsB (ResB) are the components of the cytochrome c synthase, whereas CcdA and CcsX (ResA) function in the generation of a reduced heme c attachment motif. Some ε-proteobacteria contain CcsBA fusion proteins constituting single polypeptide cytochrome c synthases especially amenable for functional studies. This minireview highlights the recent findings on the structure, function and specificity of individual System II components and outlines the future challenges that remain to our understanding of the fascinating post-translational protein maturation process in more detail.  相似文献   

The system I cytochrome c biogenesis pathway requires CcmD, a small polypeptide of 69 residues in Escherichia coli. Here it is shown that CcmD is a component of the CcmABC ATP-binding cassette transporter complex. CcmD is not necessary for the CcmC-dependent transfer of heme to CcmE in the periplasm or for interaction of CcmE with CcmABC. CcmD is absolutely required for the release of holo-CcmE from the CcmABCD complex. Evidence is presented that the topology of CcmD in the cytoplasmic membrane is the N terminus outside and the C terminus inside with one transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Guanidinated cytochrome c. II   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Escherichia coli genes required for cytochrome c maturation.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The so-called aeg-46.5 region of Escherichia coli contains genes whose expression is induced under anaerobic growth conditions in the presence of nitrate or nitrite as the terminal electron acceptor. In this work, we have examined more closely several genes of this cluster, here designated ccmABCDEFGH, that are homologous to two separate Bradyrhizobium japonicum gene clusters required for the biogenesis of c-type cytochromes. A deletion mutant of E. coli which lacked all of these genes was constructed. Maturation of indigenous c-type cytochromes synthesized under anaerobic respiratory conditions, with nitrite, nitrate, or trimethylamine N-oxide as the electron acceptor, was found to be defective in the mutant. The biogenesis of foreign cytochromes, such as the soluble B. japonicum cytochrome c550 and the membrane-bound Bacillus subtilis cytochrome c550, was also investigated. None of these cytochromes was synthesized in its mature form when expressed in the mutant, as opposed to the situation in the wild type. The results suggest that the E. coli ccm gene cluster present in the aeg-46.5 region is required for a general pathway involved in cytochrome c maturation.  相似文献   

DsbD from Escherichia coli transports two electrons from cytoplasmic thioredoxin to the periplasmic substrate proteins DsbC, DsbG and CcmG. DsbD consists of an N-terminal periplasmic domain (nDsbD), a C-terminal periplasmic domain, and a central transmembrane domain. Each domain possesses two cysteines required for electron transport. Herein, we demonstrate fast (3.9 x 10(5) M(-1)s(-1)) and direct disulfide exchange between nDsbD and CcmG, a highly specific disulfide reductase essential for cytochrome c maturation. We determined the crystal structure of the disulfide-linked complex between nDsbD and the soluble part of CcmG at 1.94 A resolution. In contrast to the other two known complexes of nDsbD with target proteins, the N-terminal segment of nDsbD contributes to specific recognition of CcmG. This and other features, like the possibility of using an additional interaction surface, constitute the structural basis for the adaptability of nDsbD to different protein substrates.  相似文献   

Cytochromes c are characterized by the presence of a protoporphyrin IX group covalently attached to the polypeptide via one or two thioether bonds to Cys side chains. The heme attachment process, known as cytochrome c maturation, occurs posttranslationally in the periplasm (for bacterial cytochromes c) or in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (for eukaryotic cytochromes c) through a pathway dependent on the organism. It is demonstrated in this work that a mitochondrial cytochrome c expressed in Escherichia coli that undergoes maturation under control of the E. coli cytochrome c maturation factors achieves a native-like structure and stability. The recombinant protein is characterized spectroscopically (by circular dichroism (CD), absorption, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy) and it is verified that the heme and its environment are indistinguishable from authentic horse cytochrome c. Mass spectrometry reveals that the recombinant protein is not acetylated at the N terminus, however, no significant effect on protein structure or stability is detected as a result.  相似文献   

Equilibrium and kinetic data are reported for the reversible denaturation of horse heart ferricytochrome c by guanidine hydrochloride. The results are analyzed by the procedures described in the preceding paper Ikai &; Tanford 1973. Although most of the kinetic results may be described in terms of only two exponential decay terms, mechanisms involving three species cannot account for the results in detail. Among four-species mechanisms examined, the most satisfactory proves to be the mechanism N ? X1 ? D ? X2, in which X1 is an intermediate on the pathway between native (N) and denatured (D) states, whereas X2 is a relatively highly ordered state on a dead-end pathway. We have interpreted this as representing an incorrectly folded form of the polypeptide chain. The rate constants required to account for the data are such that the first step in the conversion of the disordered polypeptide chain to the native protein would be the rapid formation of X2. Depletion of this incorrectly folded state and ultimate conversion of all of the protein to the native state occurs more slowly, the rate-limiting step in the transition zone being the reaction DX1.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of c-type cytochromes in the periplasm of Escherichia coli often results in low soluble product yield, apoprotein formation, or protein degradation. We have expressed cytochrome c from Methylophilus methylotrophus in E. coli by coexpression of the gene encoding the cytochrome (cycA) with the host-specific cytochrome c maturation elements, within the ccmA-H gene cluster. Aerobic cultures produced up to 10 mg holoprotein per liter after induction with IPTG. In the absence of the maturation factors E. coli failed to produce a stable haem protein. Cytochrome c" isolated from the natural host was compared with the recombinant protein. No structural differences were detected using SDS-PAGE, UV-Visible spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. The success in expressing the mature cytochrome c in E. coli allows the engineering of the cycA gene by site-directed mutagenesis thereby providing an ideal method for producing mutant protein for studying the structure/function relationship.  相似文献   

The covalent attachment of heme to mitochondrial cytochrome c is catalysed by holocytochrome c synthase (HCCS, also called heme lyase). How HCCS functions and recognises the substrate apocytochrome is unknown. Here we have examined HCCS recognition of a chimeric substrate comprising a short mitochondrial cytochrome c N-terminal region with the C-terminal sequence, including the CXXCH heme-binding motif, of a bacterial cytochrome c that is not otherwise processed by HCCS. Heme attachment to the chimera demonstrates the importance of the N-terminal region of the cytochrome. A series of variants of a mitochondrial cytochrome c with amino acid replacements in the N-terminal region have narrowed down the specificity determinants, providing insight into HCCS substrate recognition.  相似文献   

The import of cytochrome b2 and cytochrome c peroxidase into mitochondria was investigated by pulse-chase experiments with intact yeast cells combined with subcellular fractionation. Import and processing of the precursors of these intermembrane space proteins is blocked by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, indicating that an "energized" inner membrane is required. Cytochrome b2 is processed in two steps. The first step involves energy-dependent transport across both mitochondrial membranes and cleavage by a matrix-located protease to yield an intermediate which is smaller than the precursor, but larger than the mature protein. The second step involves conversion of the intermediate to the mature form. Whereas the precursor and the mature form are soluble, the intermediate is membrane-bound and exposed to the intermembrane space. The maturation of cytochrome c peroxidase is much slower than that of cytochrome b2. Proteolytic processing rather than import is rate-limiting since cytochrome c peroxidase precursor labeled during a 3-min pulse is already found attached to the outer face of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Import of cytochrome b2 and probably also of cytochrome c peroxidase thus involves energy-dependent transport to the matrix and cleavage by a matrix-localized protease. Maturation of cytochrome b2 proceeds in the sequence: soluble precursor leads to membrane-bound intermediate form leads to soluble mature form.  相似文献   

首先以马心细胞色素c(Horse Cytc)蛋白的氨基酸序列为查询序列,利用生物信息学方法进行相似性搜索,获得了一系列细胞色素c(Cytc)蛋白的氨基酸序列,然后对Cytc蛋白进行了多重对齐分析、进化分析和三维结构比较分析。分析结果表明:Cytc中某些特定部位的氨基酸残基高度保守;相近物种来源的Cytc具有较近的亲缘关系,而来源于同一物种不同部位的Cytc却具有较远的亲缘关系;来源于不同物种的Cytc,即使具有较远的亲缘关系,却具有极其相似的三维空间结构。这些研究结果将为基于Cytc进行蛋白分子设计与构建提供指导意义。  相似文献   

Interaction of cytochrome c with electron carriers in intact and damaged (with destroyed outer membrane) rat liver mitochondria was studied. It was shown that the increase in ionic strength causes changes in the respiration rate of damaged mitochondria due to the reduction of the cytochrome c affinity for its binding sites in the organelles. This suggests that cytochrome c concentration in the intermembrane space of intact mitochondria is increased by salts, whereas the increase in ionic strength has a slight influence on the rates of succinate oxidase and external rotenone-insensitive NADH-oxidase of intact mitochondria. At low ionic strength values, the Michaelis constant (KM) value of external NADH-oxidase for cytochrome c exceeds by one order of magnitude that for succinate oxidase, while the maximal activity of these two systems is nearly the same. The increase in ionic strength causes an increase in the KM value for both oxidases. Interaction of cytochrome c with mitochondrial proteins was modelled by cytochrome c interaction with cibacron-dextran anions. It was concluded that the ionic strength-sensitive electrostatic interactions play a decisive role in cytochrome c binding to electron carriers in mitochondrial membranes. However, cytochrome c content and its binding parameters in intact-mitochondrial membranes prevent the latent activity of external NADH oxidase to be revealed in intact mitochondria after the increase in the ionic strength of the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of two subunits, yet is active in both electron transport and proton translocation. A cloning approach and immunologic screening protocol is described for the isolation of the subunit II gene expressed in E. coli. DNA sequencing should establish the extent of homology to eukaryotic oxidase.  相似文献   

The process of maturation of multiheme proteins is not yet well known, while that of monoheme ones has been relatively well investigated. Two kinds of partly unfolded tetraheme cytochrome c3 were obtained on overexpression in Shewanella oneidensis TSP-C. These proteins were characterized by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It turned out that the tetraheme architecture, and the fifth and sixth ligand coordination are almost mature, while some parts of the polypeptide are unfolded. The unfolded residues are mainly located in the helix-rich region including heme attachment and axial ligand sites. This suggests that the formation of the heme architecture, coordination of axial ligands and helix formation should be coupled with each other. While the former two can take place automatically, the helix formation would need help by a chaperone-like function in the cytochrome c maturation (Ccm) machinery. It must be working in sulphate-reducing bacteria. The Ccm machinery in S. oneidensis is likely insufficient to help the maturation of proteins with cyclic heme architectures. This is the first report providing an insight into the process of maturation of tetraheme cytochrome c3.  相似文献   

CcmH (cytochromes c maturation protein H) is an essential component of the assembly line necessary for the maturation of c-type cytochromes in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria. The protein is a membrane-anchored thiol-oxidoreductase that has been hypothesized to be involved in the recognition and reduction of apocytochrome c, a prerequisite for covalent heme attachment. Here, we present the 1.7A crystal structure of the soluble periplasmic domain of CcmH from the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa-CcmH*). The protein contains a three-helix bundle, i.e. a fold that is different from that of all other thiol-oxidoreductases reported so far. The catalytic Cys residues of the conserved LRCXXC motif (Cys(25) and Cys(28)), located in a long loop connecting the first two helices, form a disulfide bond in the oxidized enzyme. We have determined the pK(a) values of these 2 Cys residues of Pa-CcmH* (both >8) and propose a possible mechanistic role for a conserved Ser(36) and a water molecule in the active site. The interaction between Pa-CcmH* and Pa-apocyt c(551) (where cyt c(551) represents cytochrome c(551)) was characterized in vitro following the binding kinetics by stopped-flow using a Trp-containing fluorescent variant of Pa-CcmH* and a dansylated peptide, mimicking the apocytochrome c(551) heme binding motif. The kinetic results show that the protein has a moderate affinity to its apocyt substrate, consistent with the role of Pa-CcmH as an intermediate component of the assembly line for c-type cytochrome biogenesis.  相似文献   

The maturation of c-type cytochromes requires the covalent attachment of the heme cofactor to the apoprotein. For this process, plant mitochondria follow a pathway distinct from that of animal or yeast mitochondria, closer to that found in alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria. We report the first characterization of a nuclear-encoded component, namely AtCCME, the Arabidopsis thaliana orthologue of CcmE, a periplasmic heme chaperone in bacteria. AtCCME is targeted to mitochondria, and its N-terminal signal peptide is cleaved upon import. AtCCME is a peripheral protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane, and its major hydrophilic domain is oriented toward the intermembrane space. Although a AtCCME (Met(79)-Ser(256)) is not fully able to complement an Escherichia coli CcmE mutant strain for bacterial holocytochrome c production, it is able to bind heme covalently through a conserved histidine, a feature previously shown for E. coli CcmE. Our results suggest that AtCCME is important for cytochrome c maturation in A. thaliana mitochondria and that its heme-binding function has been conserved evolutionary between land plant mitochondria and alpha-proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin and cytochrome c6 are two small soluble electron carriers located in the intrathylacoidal space of cyanobacteria. Although their role as electron shuttle between the cytochrome b6f and photosystem I complexes in the photosynthetic pathway is well established, their participation in the respiratory electron transport chain as donors to the terminal oxidase is still under debate. Here, we present the first time-resolved analysis showing that both cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin can be efficiently oxidized by the aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase in Nostoc sp. PCC 7119. The apparent electron transfer rate constants are ca. 250 and 300 s(-1) for cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin, respectively. These constants are 10 times higher than those obtained for the oxidation of horse cytochrome c by the oxidase, in spite of being a reaction thermodynamically more favourable.  相似文献   

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