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Spatial scale is a critical consideration for understanding ecological patterns and controls of ecological processes, yet
very little is known about how rates of fundamental ecosystem processes vary across spatial scales. We assessed litter decomposition
in stream networks whose inherent hierarchical nature makes them a suitable model system to evaluate variation in decay rates
across multiple spatial scales. Our hypotheses were (1) that increasing spatial extent adds significant variability at each
hierarchical level, and (2) that stream size is an important source of variability among streams. To test these hypotheses
we let litter decompose in four riffles in each of twelve 3rd-order streams evenly distributed across four 4th-order watersheds,
and in a second experiment determined variation in decomposition rate along a stream-size gradient ranging from orders 1 to
4. Differences in decay rates between coarse-mesh and fine-mesh litter bags accounted for much of the overall variability
in the data sets, and were remarkably consistent across spatial scales and stream sizes. In particular, variation across watersheds
was minor. Differences among streams and among riffles were statistically significant, though relatively small, leaving most
of the total variance (51%) statistically unexplained. This result suggests that variability was generated mainly within riffles,
decreasing successively with increasing scale. A broad range of physical and chemical attributes measured at the study sites
explained little of the variance in decomposition rate. This, together with the strong mesh-size effect and greater variability
among coarse-mesh bags, suggests that detritivores account, at least partly, for the unexplained variance. These findings
contrast with the widespread perception that variability of ecosystem characteristics, including process rates, invariably
increases (1) with spatial extent and (2), in stream networks, when analyses encompass headwaters of various size. An important
practical implication is that natural variability need not compromise litter decomposition assays as a means of assessing
functional ecosystem integrity.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
An important goal in aquatic ecology is to determine the interacting variables that regulate community structure; however, complex biotic and abiotic interactions coupled with the significance of scale have confounded the interpretation of community data. We evaluated stream and riparian habitat features in southeastern Oklahoma, USA at a range of spatial scales from local, in-stream variables to large-scale, regional characteristics to address the following questions: (1) How much variation in trichopteran community composition can be attributed to local, regional, and spatial variables? and (2) What environmental variables are most important in determining trichopteran community structure? We collected data on caddisfly community structure, local and regional environmental variables, and spatial location on the landscape from 25 sites in four rivers. We analyzed these data using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and variation partitioning. Our analysis explained approximately 60% of the variation in caddisfly community composition. We found that local and regional environmental variables were near equal in importance in governing caddisfly communities, with each accounting for approximately a quarter of the explained variation. Although pure spatial variables were less important, the amount of variation shared among spatial variables and local and regional variables was substantial, indicating that biogeographic history is also key to understanding caddisfly distributions. We also found a strong influence of human landuse (i.e., percent of land in agriculture, distance to roads) on caddisfly community composition. Our study indicated that communities are influenced by factors across scales, and that bioassessments should focus on not only local habitat conditions, but also incorporate larger-scale factors. 相似文献
The dynamics of a population inhabiting a heterogeneous environment are modelled by a diffusive logistic equation with spatially varying growth rate. The overall suitability of an environment is characterized by the principal eigenvalue of the corresponding linearized equation. The dependence of the eigenvalue on the spatial arrangement of regions of favorable and unfavorable habitat and on boundary conditions is analyzed in a number of cases.Research supported by National Science Foundation grant #DMS 88-02346 相似文献
Summary This study examines patterns and causes of variation in the reproductive success of the desert annual Stipa capensis. Three nested scales of variation were analyzed: variation between individuals of the same plot, variation between different plots of the same habitat, and variation between different habitats in the same region. Perturbation experiments (irrigation and neighbors removal) were performed to test the effects of heterogeneity in soil water and neighborhood competition on the magnitude of variation in each scale. The results demonstrate that variation of reproductive success was highest within plots, lowest between plots, and moderate between habitats. Soil water heterogeneity contributed to spatial variation in all scales but was most important for differences between habitats. Neighborhood competition increased the variation within plots, but decreased the variation between habitats. The results further demonstrate that water limitation was negatively correlated with the position of the habitat along the run-off/run-on gradient. An opposite trend was obtained for the effect of competition. 相似文献
Community dynamics in local habitats are affected by landscape characteristics such as the area and connectivity of surrounding habitats at a functional spatial scale where the community responds to landscape structure. However, the functional spatial scale at which community composition is affected by landscape structure has never been explored. We assessed the functional spatial scales of composition change in birds and in three types of arthropod communities (canopy, forest-floor and flying ones) with regard to landscape heterogeneity resulting from a large typhoon in a temperate forest of Japan. We examined the effects of tree-fall disturbance on the communities at various spatial scales, with special attention to compositional evenness. The spatial scale of the best-fitting model, which was selected from models fitted to the disturbance area at stepwise spatial scales, was interpreted as the community-specific functional spatial scale. The composition of all communities studied was all significantly dependent on gap area. The functional spatial scale was highest in birds (370 m in radius), intermediate in flying arthropods (90 m) and lowest in canopy and forest-floor arthropods (10 m). This result may reflect typical dispersal ability and the spatial range of resource use in the community. Compositional changes in each community were consistent with theory regarding traits and responses of component taxa, although the enhancement of evenness was observed only in the arthropod communities. These results imply that management and reserve selection based on functional spatial scales can be effective in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services at the community level. 相似文献
Joan M. Herbers 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):201-211
Summary Ant communities in Vermont and New York woods were sampled in four time periods to determine species composition, relative abundances, and nest locations in space. The Vermont community was richer, containing more species and higher nest densities than New York. Both communities followed the geometric distribution of species abundances, suggesting that a single resource was mediating competition. The resource most clearly implicated was suitable nest sites, principally pre-formed plant cavities. Nonrandom species associations, underdispersion in every season, and the occurrence of incipient nests overwintering aboveground all implicated shortage of such cavities. Furthermore, microhabitat differences which produce suitable nest sites occur over a very small scale in these communities. 相似文献
Bolker BM 《Theoretical population biology》2003,64(3):255-270
Analytically tractable models of dynamics in continuous space rarely incorporate both endogenous and exogenous spatial heterogeneity. We use spatial moment equations in combination with simulation models to analyze the combined effects of endogenous and exogenous variability on population viability in a simple single-population model where landscape heterogeneity and local population density both affect mortality rate. The equations partition the effects of heterogeneity into an effect of local crowding and an effect of habitat association caused by differential mortality. Exogenous heterogeneity in mortality rate increases population viability through habitat association and decreases it through increased crowding; the net effect of exogenous heterogeneity is generally to improve population viability. This result is contrary to some (but not all) conclusions in the literature, which usually focus on the effects of fragmentation rather than the benefits of refuges to short-dispersing individuals. 相似文献
Gonzalo Castillo-Campos Gonzalo Halffter Claudia E. Moreno 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2008,17(7):1701-1714
The floristic diversity of Mexican tropical deciduous forests (TDF) is of critical importance given the high species richness (alpha diversity), species turnover (beta diversity), and the intense deforestation rates. Currently, most TDF landscapes are mosaics of agricultural land, secondary vegetation, and patches of relatively undisturbed primary vegetation. Here we illustrate how both primary forest remnants and secondary vegetation patches contribute to the floristic diversity of TDF in a landscape of volcanic origin in central Veracruz, Mexico. Our objectives were to assess sampling efficiency and inventory completeness, to compare mean and cumulative species richness between primary forest and secondary vegetation sites, and to analyze beta diversity between vegetation types. In an area of 12,300 m2 we recorded 105 families, 390 genera, and 682 species. Species inventories for both vegetation types were about 80% complete. Secondary vegetation is more alpha diverse than primary forest, both in terms of cumulative and mean species richness. We found a remarkably high beta diversity between vegetation types (75% of complementarity, 91.60% of mean dissimilarity). We also identified the species that contribute the most to similarity within vegetation types and to dissimilarity between vegetation types. Our results support the idea that assessing biodiversity on the landscape scale is an appropriate way to ascertain the impact of human activities. For this land mosaic, conservation of the flora would not be possible by focusing solely on primary forest remnants. We propose the implementation of a network of small conservation areas with a flexible structure, following the “archipelago reserve” model. 相似文献
Indirect effects of cattle grazing on shrub spatial pattern in a mediterranean scrub community 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Identifying the mechanisms and interactions that influence the spatial structure of vegetation is important for both scientific and practical purposes. Grazing is one of the most fundamental interactions in ecology but so far its effect on vegetation spatial pattern received little attention. In this study we propose a conceptual model that can be used to predict the effect of grazing on shrub spatial pattern in water-limited ecosystems where shrubs grow within a matrix of annual vegetation. According to the model, grazing may increase or decrease clumping in shrub distribution, depending on (1) the relative palatability of shrubs vs. annual plants to the herbivores, and (2) the manner (negative or positive) by which adult shrubs and annual plants affect the establishment of shrub seedlings. We tested our model in a Mediterranean scrub ecosystem by analyzing the development of shrub spatial pattern over a period of 40 years in plots characterized by contrasting intensities of cattle grazing. As predicted by the model, all plots showed a clumped pattern of shrub distribution in the absence of cattle grazing while intense cattle grazing reduced the clumpiness of the vegetation and generated a more random pattern of shrub distribution. Interestingly, plots representing the two grazing regimes did not differ significantly in their shrub cover, suggesting that shrub spatial pattern may be more sensitive to grazing than overall shrub cover. 相似文献
A geostatistical analysis of small-scale spatial variability in bacterial abundance and community structure in salt marsh creek bank sediments 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Small-scale variations in bacterial abundance and community structure were examined in salt marsh sediments from Virginia's eastern shore. Samples were collected at 5 cm intervals (horizontally) along a 50 cm elevation gradient, over a 215 cm horizontal transect. For each sample, bacterial abundance was determined using acridine orange direct counts and community structure was analyzed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting of whole-community DNA extracts. A geostatistical analysis was used to determine the degree of spatial autocorrelation among the samples, for each variable and each direction (horizontal and vertical). The proportion of variance in bacterial abundance that could be accounted for by the spatial model was quite high (vertical: 60%, horizontal: 73%); significant autocorrelation was found among samples separated by 25 cm in the vertical direction and up to 115 cm horizontally. In contrast, most of the variability in community structure was not accounted for by simply considering the spatial separation of samples (vertical: 11%, horizontal: 22%), and must reflect variability from other parameters (e.g., variation at other spatial scales, experimental error, or environmental heterogeneity). Microbial community patch size based upon overall similarity in community structure varied between 17 cm (vertical) and 35 cm (horizontal). Overall, variability due to horizontal position (distance from the creek bank) was much smaller than that due to vertical position (elevation) for both community properties assayed. This suggests that processes more correlated with elevation (e.g., drainage and redox potential) vary at a smaller scale (therefore producing smaller patch sizes) than processes controlled by distance from the creek bank. 相似文献
River ecosystems are the prime example of environments where unidirectional flow influences the dispersal of individuals. Spatial patterns of community composition and species replacement emerge from complex interplays of hydrological, geochemical, biological, and ecological factors. Local processes affecting algal dynamics are well understood, but a mechanistic basis for large scale emerging patterns is lacking. To understand how these patterns could emerge in rivers, we analyze a reaction-advection-diffusion model for two competitors in heterogeneous environments. The model supports waves that invade upstream up to a well-defined "upstream invasion limit". We discuss how these waves are produced and present their key properties. We suggest that patterns of species replacement and coexistence along spatial axes reflect stalled waves, produced from diffusion, advection, and species interactions. Emergent spatial scales are plausible given parameter estimates for periphyton. Our results apply to other systems with unidirectional flow such as prevailing winds or climate-change scenarios. 相似文献
Coupled map lattices (CMLs), using two coupled logistic equations, have been extensively used to model the dynamics of two-patch ecological systems. Such studies have revealed that migration rate plays an important role in determining the dynamics of the system, particularly when the two maps differ in their intrinsic growth rate parameter, r. However, under more realistic assumptions, a metapopulation can be expected to consist of more than two subpopulations, each with its own demographic parameters, which will in part be a function of the environment of that patch. The role of the spatial arrangement of heterogeneous (i.e. with different r values) subpopulations in shaping the dynamics of such a metapopulation has rarely been investigated. Here, we study the effect of demographic and spatial heterogeneity on the stability of one- and two-dimensional systems of 64 coupled Ricker maps with different r values, under periodic and absorbing boundary conditions. We show that the effects of migration rate on metapopulation stability do not depend upon either the precise spatial arrangement of the subpopulations in the lattice, or on the presence of a moderate proportion of vacant (uninhabitable) patches in the lattice. The results, thus, suggest that metapopulation models are robust to variation in spatial arrangement of patch quality and, hence, of demographic parameters. We also show that for any given arrangement of the patches, maximum stability of the metapopulation occurs when the migration levels are intermediate, a result that agrees well with previous studies on two-map CML systems. 相似文献
Tingting?Li Jian?Wu Hua?Chen Lanzhu?Ji Dapao?Yu Li?Zhou Wangming?Zhou Yuewei?Tong Yinghua?Li Limin?Dai
Intraspecific functional trait variability plays an important role in the response of plants to environmental changes. However, it is still unclear how the variability differs across three nested spatial scales (individual, plot, and site) and which determinants (climatic, soil, and ontogenetic variables) shape the trait variability. Along a latitudinal gradient in Korean pine broadleaved forest of northeast China, we quantified the extent of intraspecific variability of four functional traits in two dominant trees Pinus koraiensis and Fraxinus mandshurica at eight sites, including specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content (morphological traits) and leaf nitrogen content, leaf phosphorus content (physiological traits). Results showed a large trait variation within and between species (coefficient variation: 6.07–23.3%). The leaf physiological traits of F. mandshurica and morphological traits of P. koraiensis were more responsive at site scale, while the morphological traits of F. mandshurica and physiological traits of P. koraiensis were more responsive at individual scale. In addition, abiotic and biotic factors explaining functional trait variation differ markedly between the two tree species, with physiological trait of F. mandshurica being more associated with climate and soil, while traits variability in P. koraiensis was not affected by climate, soil, and ontogeny, except for leaf phosphorus content. Overall, we can predict that the physiological traits of broadleaved species tend to be more sensitive to environmental changes, while pines are more sensitive to competition. It is critical to determine which spatial scale and trait type should be taken into account in predictive models of vegetation dynamics. 相似文献
黑长臂猿栖息地旱冬瓜和潺槁木姜子种群分布格局和动态 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
旱冬瓜(Alnus nepalensis)和潺槁木姜子(Litsea glutinosa)是云南省无量山黑长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)栖息地中的两种常见乔木.利用最近邻体法和Heygi单木竞争指数模型,对两个种群的分布格局和竞争情况进行分析.结果表明,旱冬瓜在不同生长阶段均呈现随机分布,而伴生的潺槁木姜子种群则呈现随机分布 聚集分布 均匀分布的变化趋势.种间竞争和物种自身生物学特性对两个种群的分布格局具有显著影响.旱冬瓜种群的龄级结构为衰退型,潺槁木姜子种群则为成长型. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal variability in a butterfly population 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
C. D. Thomas 《Oecologia》1991,87(4):577-580
Summary The dynamics of a butterfly (Plebejus argus) population were analysed at two levels, (i) the population as a whole and (ii) sections within the population. Some sections of the population fluctuated out of synchrony with others, such that the variability [SD Log(Density+1)] shown by the population as a whole was less than the variability shown by each part of the population — overall temporal variability was dampened by spatial asynchrony. Since observed population variability depends on the spatial scale that is sampled, comparisons of population variability among taxa should be carried out only with caution. Implications for island biogeography and conservation biology are discussed. 相似文献
Although it has become increasingly clear that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play important roles in population, community,
and ecosystem ecology, there is limited information on the spatial structure of the community composition of AMF in the field.
We assessed small-scale spatial variation in the abundance and molecular diversity of AMF in a calcareous fen, where strong
underlying environmental gradients such as depth to water table may influence AMF. Throughout an intensively sampled 2 × 2 m
plot, we assessed AMF inoculum potential at a depth of 0–6 and 6–12 cm and molecular diversity of the AMF community using
terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of 18S rDNA. Inoculum potential was only significantly spatially autocorrelated
at a depth of 6–12 cm and was significantly positively correlated with depth to water table at both depths. Molecular diversity
of the AMF community was highly variable within the plot, ranging from 2–14 terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) per core,
but the number of T-RFs did not relate to water table or plant species richness. Plant community composition was spatially
autocorrelated at small scales, but AMF community composition showed no significant spatial autocorrelation. Saturated soils
of calcareous fens contain many infective AMF propagules and the abundance and diversity of AMF inoculum is patchy over small
spatial scales.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Martínez-Yrízar Angelina Núñez Silvia Miranda Haydeé Búrquez Alberto 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(1):37-48
The seasonal pattern of litter production was analyzed in three contiguous desert communities near the southern boundaries of the Sonoran Desert. There was a large spatial variation in annual litter production mainly caused by differences in the composition and structure of vegetation. In the most productive site (Arroyos) annual litterfall was 357 g m-2yr-1, a figure higher than some tropical deciduous forests. Litter production was only 60g m-2yr-1in the open desert in the plains (Plains) and 157 g m-2yr-1 in the thornscrub on the slopes (Hillsides). Topographic and hydrologic features influence the composition, structure and function of the vegetation, modifying the general relationship between rainfall and productivity described for desert ecosystems. The temporal pattern of litter production showed marked seasonality with two main periods of heavy litterfall: one after the summer rains from September to November (autumn litter production) and another after the winter rains from March to May (spring litter production). In the open desert areas, spring litter production was significantly higher than the autumn pulse, while in the slopes, the autumn production was the most important. The Arroyos site produced similar litterfall amounts during the two dry seasons. The species composition defined the season of maximum leaf-fall. In the Plains, the vigorous winter growth of ephemeral and perennial plants made up most of the litter production, while in the Hillsides, most perennials remained dormant throughout the winter-spring period and a significant peak of litterfall occurred only after the summer growth. This difference in growth between seasons was less pronounced in the Arroyos. The timing of maximum production of reproductive and woody litter also differed from site to site. 相似文献
Primula nutans Georgi is a herbaceous species broadly distributed in wetlands on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. These wetlands are often spatially
highly heterogeneous because of their hummock-and-hollow microtopography. To address how P. nutans can be so broadly distributed on these wetlands, we examined ramet distribution, abundance, and growth performance in environmentally
variable microsites at the centimeter scale. P. nutans showed significantly higher ramet density on the south-orientated microsites than on the north-orientated microsites. With
increasing relative microsite elevation on the hummocks, ramet density increased significantly, but individual leaf area decreased
significantly. Principle component analysis and multiple regression analysis indicated that microsites at higher elevations
tend to have higher light availability and higher ramet density. The study suggests that P. nutans shows high plasticity in the distribution, abundance, and growth performance in response to the microtopography at the centimeter
scale, which may contribute to the broad distribution of the species in the hummock-and-hollow wetlands in harsh alpine environments
on the Tibetan Plateau. 相似文献