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长江安庆段河流湿地生态系统呼吸及其影响因子 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究湿地生态系统呼吸(Reco)对评价湿地生态系统碳汇功能具有重要的意义.采用涡度相关法对位于长江中游河流湿地的杨树人工林生态系统进行了长期的定位观测,根据2005-07-23~2007-12-15的数据对Reco进行估算,并分析Reco对主要环境因子的响应特征.结果表明:(1)Reco具有明显的季节变化,每年的最大值出现在8月份,最小值出现在1月份,Reco受空气温度、土壤温度和土壤含水量共同影响,总体上看空气温度是驱动Reco的主要因子;(2)在几种模拟生态系统呼吸的模型中,Van't Hoff方程、Arrhenius方程、Lloyd-Talor方程在统计意义上具有同等的能力,由空气温度和土壤含水量共同驱动的连乘模型对Reco的拟合效果最好;(3)使用连乘模型估算的2006年生态系统呼吸总量为1074.7 gC·m-2·a-1,2007年为1127.0 gC·m-2·a-1,与亚热带和温带的森林站点的测定值相接近. 相似文献
We propose an operational definition of spatial structure in the oceanic ecosystem; it is equivalent to the large-scale, horizontal distribution of the dominant ecophysiological rate parameters for the questions of interest. In an important, particular case, the relevant rate parameters are those that characterize autotrophic production. In the ocean, these parameters are believed to be distributed in a manner that is not smoothly continuous. Rather, they seem to have a piecewise continuous distribution. This leads to a requirement to partition the ocean into a suite of provinces where the boundaries between the provinces mark the locations of abrupt changes in the magnitudes of the rate parameters. The area covered by a particular province represents an area of common physical forcing, insofar as the forcing is relevant to autotrophic production. The boundaries are taken to be elastic rather than fixed, such that they can respond to variations in forcing. At any given time, the boundaries can be located with the aid of remotely sensed imagery, especially ocean-color imagery. Received 7 January 1999; accepted 2 June 1999. 相似文献
研究植物功能性状随环境梯度的变异和关联格局, 对于认识不同环境梯度下群落构建和植物适应型具有重要意义。该研究以漓江河岸带不同河段植物群落为研究对象, 调查了研究区内36个样方的物种组成, 测量了样方内42种木本植物的叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)和木材密度(WD)的功能性状值, 并运用性状梯度分析法对3个功能性状进行群落内(α组分)和群落间(β组分)组分分解及相关性分析。结果表明: (1)群落平均LA表现为中游最小且和下游差异显著, 群落平均WD则表现为中上游显著高于下游, 群落平均SLA在两两河段间均差异显著。(2)不同河段的3个植物功能性状β组分差异显著且实际观测值均小于随机模拟的零模型分布, 但α组分在河岸带不同河段均差异不显著且3个功 能性状的α组分分布范围均小于β组分, 说明在河岸带不同河段的群落构建过程中环境筛选的作用要大于群落内种间的相互作用。(3)性状SLA与LA在群落间和群落内呈现出实际观测和随机模拟的相关性均较低, 暗示了LA和SLA各自代表了植物在不同生态策略上的维度; 但SLA和WD实际观测值和随机模拟值呈现出较强的负相关关系, 暗示这2个性状对于环境筛选表现出较高的整体趋同适应性, 体现了植物功能性状对群落间环境变异的依赖性大于群落内种间相互作用的依赖性。 相似文献
Riparian ecosystems are recognized as sinks for inorganic nitrogen (N). Denitrification, a heterotrophic microbial process,
often accounts for a significant fraction of the N removed. Characteristics of both riparian soils and hydrologic vectors
may constrain the locations where denitrification can occur within riparian ecosystems by influencing the distribution of
substrates, water, and suitable redox conditions. We employed spatially explicit methods to quantify heterogeneity of soil
characteristics and potential rate of denitrification in semi-arid riparian ecosystems. These results allow us to evaluate
the relative contributions of hydrologic vectors (water courses that convey materials) and soil resources (materials required
by biota) to spatial heterogeneity of denitrification. During dry and monsoon seasons we contrasted a mesic site, characterized
by shallow groundwater and annual inundation by floods, with a xeric site that is inundated less often and has a deeper water
table. Potential denitrification was detected throughout the mesic floodplain and the average rate of denitrification was
greater at the mesic site than at the xeric site, indicating the influence of water availability on denitrification. At the
xeric reach, sharp declines in pools of soil resources and rate of denitrification occurred away from the stream, demonstrating
the importance of the stream in determining spatial patterns. Using geographically weighted regression analysis, we determined
that soil organic matter and soil nitrate were significant predictors of denitrification at the xeric site, but that factors
influencing denitrification varied spatially. Spatial heterogeneity of carbon (C) and N substrates in soils likely influenced
spatial patterns of denitrification, but distribution of C and N substrates was ultimately organized by hydrologic vectors.
Droughts will increase the abundance of reaches with hydrogeomorphic templates similar to the xeric reach studied here. Consequences
of such a transition may include a reduced rate of denitrification and patchy distribution of denitrification in floodplain
soils, which will decrease the contribution of riparian ecosystems to N removal.
TKH designed and completed the study and wrote the paper; EAW contributed methods and edited the paper; NBG designed the study
and edited the paper. 相似文献
Ecosystem function for water retention and forest ecosystem conservation in a watershed of the Yangtze River 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The ecosystem function for water retention in a watershed of the Yangtze River was discussed in this study. The watershed was divided into 90 types of vegetation–soil–slope complex. A GIS-embodied spatial database was used to explore the relationships between the capacity of water retention by a complex and its types of vegetation, soil and slope. Furthermore, the capacity of water retention of every complex was estimated statistically by using estimation models. The spatial distribution of various capacity of water retention in the watershed was demarcated on a map based on the attributions and the locations of complexes. In addition, we evaluated integrally the situation of water retention in the watershed based on the estimation for the complexes from which it was distinctly recognized that the serious situation mainly results from the poor capacity of water retention of vegetation. The variation-location effect describes the phenomenon in which an identical variation of a factor may produce different effects on overall situation, when this variation occurs in a different spatial location. According to the variation-location effect on the expansion of forestland, a strategy 'spatial pattern-based forestland extension was proposed to conserve forest ecosystem and improve the situation of water retention in the watershed. 相似文献
Abstract Stock grazing has degraded many riparian ecosystems around the world. However, the potential for ecosystem recovery following the removal of grazing stock is poorly known. We developed a conceptual model to predict the responses of native and exotic herbaceous plants to grazing exclusion, based on site productivity and the degree of initial vegetation degradation. The effects of excluding grazing stock on richness, cover and composition of herbaceous plants were examined over 12 years in the degraded understorey of a riparian forest in Gulpa Island State Forest in south‐eastern Australia. We predicted that grazing exclusion would lead to limited changes in vegetation cover, richness and composition, owing to presumed low site productivity and the high degree of understorey degradation. Results showed that the cover, richness and composition of native and exotic species varied significantly among years. Over all plots, regions and years, total cover was slightly but significantly lower in grazed than in ungrazed plots (43.4% vs. 50.8%). While the cover of native plants increased over time in both treatments, the rate of increase was slightly greater in ungrazed plots. Grazing exclusion had no effect on the richness of native or exotic species, but had a significant but minor impact on plant composition, with different common species (mostly exotics) being promoted or diminished in ungrazed plots. The composition of grazed and ungrazed areas did not become more different over time. Overall, the effects that could be attributed to grazing exclusion were relatively minor and transient. Results are consistent with predictions based on site productivity and initial degradation, and should not be extrapolated to other more productive, or less degraded, riparian systems. 相似文献
漓江河岸带木本植物功能性状跨尺度变异研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
研究植物功能性状变异,有助于揭示植物对环境的适应策略以及群落构建机制。以漓江河岸带木本植物为研究对象,利用广义线性模型和"varcomp"函数对漓江河岸带主要木本植物的3个叶功能性状(比叶面积SLA;叶面积LA;叶厚度LTH)跨不同尺度(样方、物种、个体、叶)变异进行方差分解,分析各尺度的相对贡献及变异的主要来源。结果表明:(1)植物功能性状在4个巢式尺度的解释方差规律较一致,均表现为物种(0.51-0.70) > 个体(0.21-0.22) > 叶和残差(0.09-0.20) > 样方(0-0.07);(2)4个功能性状种间尺度的解释方差均最大(SLA、LA和LTH分别为64%、70%和51%);其次种内尺度的解释方差(SLA、LA和LTH分别为34%、30%和42%)仅次于种间。(3)样方尺度的解释方差很小甚至为零。发现:(1)植物功能性状变异主要由种间变异驱动;(2)种内性状变异是功能性状变异的重要且不容忽视的来源;(3)生境过滤并非直接作用于群落间物种组成,而可能是通过直接作用于植物功能性状的总体分布来影响植物群落构建过程,基于功能性状的生境过滤可能在漓江河岸带植物群落构建中起重要作用。 相似文献
Hybridization may threaten the conservation status of rare species through genetic assimilation and may confound the ability
to distinguish among taxa. We studied these issues in an endangered shrub, Purshia subintegra (Rosaceae), known from four populations growing on limestone outcrops in central Arizona (USA). Using amplified fragment
length polymorphisms (AFLP) and the Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in STRUCTURE, we identified three distinct genetic
lineages among Arizona Purshia subintegra and P. stansburiana. An initial split divided San Carlos Basin P. subintegra (considered P. pinkavae by Schaack) from northern P. stansburiana populations (FST = 0.394). A subsequent split separated northern P. stansburiana from two P. subintegra populations at Horseshoe Lake and Burro Creek (FST = 0.207), which comprised a nearly perfect admixture of the two lineages identified in the initial analysis. In the Verde
River Valley P. subintegra is sympatric with P. stansburiana and exhibited an average 27% P. stansburiana genes for 5 of 6 stands analyzed, indicating ongoing hybridization and backcrossing with P. subintegra. Individuals carrying >90% P. subintegra markers are identifiable 68% of the time based on morphology, with leaf lobing, leaf size, and leaf length acting as the
most reliable indicators of taxonomic status. However, the genetic and morphological distance correlation among individuals
was low (r = 0.17, P = 0.0002), indicating that morphology cannot always accurately predict genetic admixture or taxonomy. Overall, our study
confirmed the genetic distinctiveness of the San Carlos Basin population, an ancient natural hybrid origin of P. subintegra, and the presence of a hybrid swarm in the Verde Valley, whose conservation value may lie in its heightened genetic diversity. 相似文献
S. T. Mehetre P. D. Sherkhane N. B. K. Murthy S. P. Kale 《Soil & Sediment Contamination》2003,12(5):613-618
Fate of 14C-chlorpyrifos was studied in a model rice ecosystem. The level of 14C-residues in floodwater showed initially a rapid decline in first 10 days. These residues were observed till 30 days. The insecticide residues in soil did not show any appreciable build-up, thereby indicating that the residue levels of this insecticide may not be significant. Extractable residues were formed up to 10–13% of the applied 14C-activity during the period of 136 days, while the bound fraction of 14C-residues reached a maximum of 2.9% after 92 days. Algae and rice plants showed 14C-residues to the extent of only 0.01% of the applied 14C-activity. Rice grains did not show any residues at all. These results indicate that chlorpyrifos undergoes considerable degradation in rice soils and does not leave residues, which may be of environmental concern. 相似文献
This study tested an hypothesis concerning patterns in species abundance in ecological communities. Why do the majority of species occur in low abundance, with just a few making up the bulk of the biomass? We propose that many of the minor species are analogues of the dominants in terms of the ecosystem functions they perform, but differ in terms of their capabilities to respond to environmental stresses and disturbance. They thereby confer resilience on the community with respect to ecosystem function. Under changing conditions, ecosystem function is maintained when dominants decline or are lost because functionally equivalent minor species are able to substitute for them. We have tested this hypothesis with respect to ecosystem functions relating to global change. In particular, we identified five plant functional attributes—height, biomass, specific leaf area, longevity, and leaf litter quality—that determine carbon and water fluxes. We assigned values for these functional attributes to each of the graminoid species in a lightly grazed site and in a heavily grazed site in an Australian rangeland. Our resilience proposition was cast in the form of three specific hypotheses in relation to expected similarities and dissimilarities between dominant and minor species, within and between sites. Functional similarity—or ecological distance—was determined as the euclidean distance between species in functional attribute space. The analyses provide evidence in support of the resilience hypothesis. Specifically, within the lightly grazed community, dominant species were functionally more dissimilar to one another, and functionally similar species more widely separated in abundance rank, than would be expected on the basis of average ecological distances in the community. Between communities, depending on the test used, two of three, or three of four minor species in the lightly grazed community that were predicted to increase in the heavily grazed community did in fact do so. Although there has been emphasis on the importance of functional diversity in supporting the flow of ecosystem goods and services, the evidence from this study indicates that functional similarity (between dominant and minor species, and among minor species) may be equally important in ensuring persistence (resilience) of ecosystem function under changing environmental conditions. 相似文献
漓江河岸带枫杨群落主要木本植物种间联结与相关分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
种间联结能够反映植物群落中物种间的关系和群落的稳定程度,对植被的恢复与重建、生物多样性保护等具有重要的意义和价值。为了解漓江河岸带枫杨群落的种间联结特征,基于2×2联列表,通过方差比率(VR)、χ~2检验、Pearson相关系数、Spearman秩相关系数检验及PCA排序等,对枫杨群落主要木本植物种间关联性进行定量分析和生态种组划分。结果表明:(1)乔木层、灌木层以及乔木和灌木层的总体种间关联性均呈不显著正联结,表明枫杨群落处于较稳定的阶段;(2)χ~2检验结果显示,绝大多数种对呈不显著关联,说明群落各种对间关联较弱,各物种间呈独立分布格局;(3)Pearson相关检验和Spearman秩相关检验发现各层次的显著率均较低,种间相关性不显著的种对占绝大部分,种间相关性不强;(4)χ~2检验、Pearson相关系数检验和Spearman秩相关系数检验结果虽具有一致性,但也存在一定的差异,Spearman秩相关系数检验更具灵敏性,结合3种方法使用效果更佳;(5)根据PCA排序和种间联结关系,将20个主要物种划分为4个生态种组。 相似文献
2001—2010年疏勒河流域生态系统质量综合评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
疏勒河流域属于典型的干旱区内陆河流域,生态环境脆弱,对其进行生态系统质量评价意义重大.本文利用多源遥感数据,依据生态系统生产能力指数(EPI)/生态系统稳定性指数(ESI)/生态系统承载力指数(EBCI),建立遥感综合评价模型,对疏勒河流域2001—2010年的生态系统质量进行综合评价.结果表明: 疏勒河流域2001—2010年生态系统质量平均值为43.21,处于较低水平.EPI、ESI和EBCI的均值分别为47.16、58.09和28.52,说明疏勒河流域生态系统承载力较低.2001—2010年,EPI和EBCI分别增加了18.9%和20.1%,ESI下降了9.4%.流域生态系统质量总体呈现出先增加后下降的趋势,2001、2005和2010年生态系统质量年均值分别为 43.71、44.80和41.13.农田生态系统质量最高,水体生态系统质量最低.人工生态系统质量综合评价值为46.43,明显高于自然生态系统. 相似文献
氮沉降增加将影响草原生态系统固碳, 但如何影响草原生态系统CO2交换目前为止还没有定论。同时, 不同类型和剂量氮素对生态系统CO2交换影响的差异也不明确。选取内蒙古额尔古纳草甸草原, 开展了不同类型氮肥和不同剂量氮素添加条件下生态系统CO2交换的野外测定。实验设置尿素和缓释尿素2种类型氮肥各5个剂量水平(0、5.0、10.0、20.0和50.0 g N·m-2·a-1)。结果显示, 生长季初期及中期降雨量低时, 氮素添加抑制生态系统CO2交换; 而生长季末期降雨量较高时促进生态系统CO2交换。随着氮素添加水平的提高, NEE和GEP均显著增加, 当氮素添加量达到10 g N·m-2·a-1时, NEE和GEP的响应趋于饱和。2种氮肥(尿素和缓释尿素)仅在施氮量为5 g N·m-2·a-1时, 缓释尿素对生态系统CO2交换的促进作用显著大于尿素, 在其它添加剂量时差异不显著。研究结果表明: 氮素是该草甸草原生态系统的重要限制因子, 但氮沉降增加对生态系统CO2交换的影响强烈地受降雨量与降雨季节分配的限制, 不同氮肥(尿素和缓释尿素)对生态系统CO2交换作用存在差异。 相似文献
The temporal availability of propagules is a critical factor in sustaining pioneer riparian tree populations along snowmelt-driven
rivers because seedling establishment is strongly linked to seasonal hydrology. River regulation in semi-arid regions threatens
to decouple seed development and dispersal from the discharge regime to which they evolved. Using the lower Tuolumne River
as a model system, we quantified and modeled propagule availability for Populus fremontii (POFR), Salix gooddingii (SAGO), and Salix exigua (SAEX), the tree and shrub species that dominate near-channel riparian stands in the San Joaquin Basin, CA. A degree-day
model was fit to field data of seasonal seed density and local temperature from three sites in 2002–2004 to predict the onset
of the peak dispersal period. To evaluate historical synchrony of seed dispersal and seasonal river hydrology, we compared
peak spring runoff timing to modeled peak seed release periods for the last 75 years. The peak seed release period began on
May 15 for POFR (range April 23–June 10), May 30 for SAGO (range May 19–June 11) and May 31 for SAEX (range May 8–June 30).
Degree-day models for the onset of seed release reduced prediction error by 40–67% over day-of-year means; the models predicted
best the interannual, versus site-to-site, variation in timing. The historical analysis suggests that POFR seed release coincided
with peak runoff in almost all years, whereas SAGO and SAEX dispersal occurred during the spring flood recession. The degree-day
modeling approach reduce uncertainty in dispersal timing and shows potential for guiding flow releases on regulated rivers
to increase riparian tree recruitment at the lowest water cost. 相似文献
模拟氮沉降对长江中下游滩地杨树林土壤呼吸各组分的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤呼吸是土壤碳库向大气输出碳的主要途径,也是大气CO2重要的源。活性氮的生成和沉降速率的增加影响了生态系统的碳循环,研究氮沉降量增加对土壤呼吸各组分的影响,对于了解土壤呼吸在气候变化中的作用有重要意义。以长江中下游滩地杨树人工林为对象,通过定位模拟氮沉降实验,研究了滩地杨树人工林生态系统土壤呼吸的变化特征和土壤呼吸各组分对几种氮沉降量浓度的响应。结果表明:土壤呼吸及其各组分均有明显的季节变化特征,由于试验地发生淹水现象而呈现双峰曲线特征;模拟氮沉降显著抑制了杨树人工林土壤呼吸作用。对照组、低氮水平处理组、中氮水平处理组和高氮水平处理组的土壤总呼吸速率的年均值分别为3.21、2.82、2.82、2.72μmol m-2s-1,相当于每年排放出的CO2的量分别为42.06、37.06、36.20、35.69 t/hm2;各组土壤微生物呼吸的年均值分别为2.12、2.05、1.96、1.99μmol m-2s-1,模拟氮沉降抑制了土壤微生物呼吸作用,但其影响不显著;各组根呼吸的年平均值分别为1.09、0.77、0.86、0.75μmol m-2s-1,模拟氮沉降对根系呼吸有显著的抑制作用。 相似文献
Abstract. 1. The variability of species combinations and membership assembly patterns in an insect pre-dispersal seed predator guild were studied at various spatial and temporal resolutions using presence/absence and abundance data in null models. The guild consists of seven beetle species (four bruchids and three curculionids) and one moth species that live on a perennial vetch, Vicia tenuifolia Roth (Leguminosae).
2. The seed predator guild varied considerably in the number of members and species combinations in space and time, and, contrary to expectations, there was no evidence of interspecific competition among guild members, supporting the view that other processes, including chance events, could contribute to guild formation.
3. It is concluded that, apart from the possibility of stochastic co-occurrence, it is the narrow host specialisation that constrains seed predator members to participate in the guild, and small differences in habitat preference can also lead to spatial and temporal variation. 相似文献
2. The seed predator guild varied considerably in the number of members and species combinations in space and time, and, contrary to expectations, there was no evidence of interspecific competition among guild members, supporting the view that other processes, including chance events, could contribute to guild formation.
3. It is concluded that, apart from the possibility of stochastic co-occurrence, it is the narrow host specialisation that constrains seed predator members to participate in the guild, and small differences in habitat preference can also lead to spatial and temporal variation. 相似文献
一个农牧结合生态系统营养循环的源,库,流 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
一个农牧结合生态系统营养循环的源、库、流曾江海,张玉铭(中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所050021)Source,PoolandFluxofNutrientCyclinginaCombinedAgro-AnimalHusbandryEcosyste... 相似文献
Interactive Effects of Ungulate Herbivores, Soil Fertility, and Variable Rainfall on Ecosystem Processes in a Semi-arid Savanna 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Large herbivores can both positively and negatively affect primary productivity and rates of nutrient cycling in different
ecosystems. Positive effects of grazers in grasslands have been attributed to migratory behavior of the dominant ungulate
species and soil fertility. We studied the effects of grazers on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and N cycling
on central Kenyan rangeland characterized by intense, chronic grazing by a mixed community of cattle and resident native ungulates.
Exclosure studies conducted at high and low levels of soil fertility showed that both soil fertility and annual rainfall patterns
mediate the effects of grazers on ANPP and N cycling. In a low-rainfall year with short (1 month) growing seasons, grazers
reduced aboveground productivity regardless of soil nutrient availability. However, in a high-rainfall year with a 5-month
growing season, grazers increased ANPP on nutrient-rich glades and suppressed ANPP on nutrient-poor bushland sites. Concomitant
studies of grazer effects on N cycling revealed complex interactions with the seasonal pattern of N-mineralization and inorganic
N availability. Grazers increased the size of the inorganic N pool available to plants at the onset of the growing season,
particularly in nutrient-rich glades. However, grazers also decreased N mineralization rates at all sites early in the growing
season. Measures of N availability via ion-exchange resin bags suggested that the combined effects of grazers on inorganic
N pool fluctuations and N-mineralization rates resulted in a net increase in N availability at glade sites and a net decrease
in N availability at bushland sites. The net effect of grazers on soil N availability mirrored grazer effects on ANPP in the
high-rainfall year. Overall, our results suggest that grazer effects on N dynamics are closely linked to effects on productivity
and resilience to drought. Furthermore, even under optimal conditions of high soil fertility and above-average rainfall, grazer
promotion of ANPP in this chronically grazed system dominated by resident ungulates was small compared to systems dominated
by migratory ungulates. 相似文献