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为了研究马铃薯萜类代谢物的生物合成机制,从马铃薯基因组数据中筛选到一个萜类合酶基因。通过RT-PCR方法,从致病疫霉侵染后的马铃薯品种‘费乌瑞它’中成功克隆到该基因,命名为StHcS,并对其进行生物信息学分析、生化功能鉴定及表达模式分析。结果表明:(1)序列分析显示StHcS编码区序列长1 497 bp,编码498个氨基酸,分子质量为74.78 kD。(2)StHcS基因编码的蛋白序列含有DDXXD催化功能域,与短柱茶(Camellia maliflora)中的四甲基环癸二烯甲醇合酶相似度最高。(3)蛋白体外催化实验和大肠杆菌代谢工程分析表明,StHcS可以催化生成倍半萜化合物四甲基环癸二烯甲醇(hedycaryol)。(4)基因表达分析显示,StHcS可以被致病疫霉侵染诱导表达反式法尼烯焦磷酸(FPP),且在侵染后72 h表达最高;GC-MS分析显示,在受侵染的马铃薯块茎中检测到四甲基环癸二烯甲醇。StHcS生化功能的鉴定为倍半萜合酶的研究提供了多样性,也是首次在马铃薯中发现的四甲基环癸二烯甲醇合酶,为马铃薯萜类代谢途径解析提供了参考。  相似文献   

类钙调蛋白(calmodulin-like protein, CML)是植物中一种重要的Ca~(2+)结合蛋白,在植物生长发育和胁迫响应过程中起着重要的作用。该研究通过生物信息学方法在马铃薯基因组中鉴定了StCML基因家族成员,并对它们的表达模式及胁迫响应进行了分析,为深入解析马铃薯StCML基因家族成员在生长发育和胁迫响应中的作用机制奠定理论基础。结果显示:(1)在马铃薯基因组中共鉴定到80个StCML基因,它们均具有EF-hand结构;根据系统进化树拓扑结构可分为5个亚家族,在1~5亚家族中分别含有18、12、14、12、和24个基因,大部分基因具有较为保守的基因结构和基序。(2)RNA-Seq数据分析发现,StCML基因主要在马铃薯的花、叶柄、芽、雄蕊、匍匐茎和块茎中有特异表达,并且主要对盐、热、干旱和赤霉素处理有响应。(3)qRT-PCR分析发现,在低温胁迫下StCML13、StCML21和StCML53表达上调;在高温胁迫下StCML11、StCML21和StCML39表达上调;盐胁迫下StCML21和StCML60表达上调;青枯菌处理下StCML53表达上调,StCML8、StCML 13、StCML 21和StCML 60表达下调。研究表明,StCML基因对多种胁迫均有响应。  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) were grown to maturity in open-top chambers under three carbon dioxide (CO2; ambient and 24 h d−1 seasonal mean concentrations of 550 and 680 μmol mol−1) and two ozone levels (O3; ambient and an 8 h d−1 seasonal mean of 50 nmol mol−1). Chlorophyll content, photosynthetic characteristics, and stomatal responses were determined to test the hypothesis that elevated atmospheric CO2 may alleviate the damaging influence of O3 by reducing uptake by the leaves. Elevated O3 had no detectable effect on photosynthetic characteristics, leaf conductance, or chlorophyll content, but did reduce SPAD values for leaf 15, the youngest leaf examined. Elevated CO2 also reduced SPAD values for leaf 15, but not for older leaves; destructive analysis confirmed that chlorophyll content was decreased. Leaf conductance was generally reduced by elevated CO2, and declined with time in the youngest leaves examined, as did assimilation rate (A). A generally increased under elevated CO2, particularly in the older leaves during the latter stages of the season, thereby increasing instantaneous transpiration efficiency. Exposure to elevated CO2 and/or O3 had no detectable effect on dark-adapted fluorescence, although the values decreased with time. Analysis of the relationships between assimilation rate and intercellular CO2 concentration and photosynthetically active photon flux density showed there was initially little treatment effect on CO2-saturated assimilation rates for leaf 15. However, the values for plants grown under 550 μmol mol−1 CO2 were subsequently greater than in the ambient and 680 μmol mol−1 treatments, although the beneficial influence of the former treatment declined sharply towards the end of the season. Light-saturated assimilation was consistently greater under elevated CO2, but decreased with time in all treatments. The values decreased sharply when leaves grown under elevated CO2 were measured under ambient CO2, but increased when leaves grown under ambient CO2 were examined under elevated CO2. The results obtained indicate that, although elevated CO2 initially increased assimilation and growth, these beneficial effects were not necessarily sustained to maturity as a result of photosynthetic acclimation and the induction of earlier senescence.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) is one of the production constraints of potato (Solanum tuberosum). The intent of the study was to evaluate potential of bacterial antagonists to suppress bacterial wilt disease development and evaluate the role of the strains as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in potato. One hundred-twenty rhizosphere bacterial isolates were screened against virulent strain of Ralstonia solanacearum PPRC-Rs. After in vitro screening, six antagonistic strains (PFMRI, BS-DFS, PF9, PF20, BC, and BS-wly) with inhibition diameter >11 mm were selected and studied further in the greenhouse, in vivo. During in vivo study, the strains were evaluated for their effect in suppressing disease development in terms of area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and increasing biomass (plant height and dry weight) of potato. Accordingly, PFMRI, BS-DFS, and PF9, significantly reduced AUDPC by 78.6, 66, and 64.3%, and wilt incidence by 82.7, 66.2, and 65.7%, respectively, compared to the control. During the sole application, the strains significantly (P < 0.0001) increased plant height by 35.6, 45.9, and 45%, and dry matter by 111, 130.4, and 129%, respectively compared to non-bacterized control. In the presence of the pathogen strain PFMRI, BS-DFS, and PF9 increased plant height by 66, 50, and 48.2%, and dry matter by 153.8, 96.8, and 92.5%, respectively compared to the pathogen treated control. Hence, the study shows that PFMRI, BS-DFS, and PF9 strains have potential use in potato bioprotection, as PGPR or in an integrated bacterial wilt management; whose effectiveness under a variety of field conditions should be investigated.  相似文献   

Summary Allelic complexity is a key feature of self-incompatibility (S) loci in gametophytic plants. We describe in this report the allelic diversity and gene structure of the S locus in Solanum tuberosum revealed by the isolation and characterization of genomic and cDNA clones encoding S-associated major pistil proteins from three alleles (S 1, S r1, S 2). Genomic clones encoding the S1 and S2 proteins provide evidence for a simple gene structure: Two exons are separated by a small intron of 113 (S 1) and 117 by (S 2). Protein sequences deduced from cDNA clones encoding S1 and Sr1 proteins show 95% homology. 15 of the 25 residues that differ between these S 1and S r1alleles are clustered in a short hypervariable protein segment (amino acid positions 44–68), which corresponds in the genomic clones to DNA sequences flanking the single intron. In contrast, these alleles are only 66% homologous to the S 2allele, with the residues that differ between the alleles being scattered throughout the sequence. DNA crosshybridization experiments identify a minimum of three classes of potato S alleles: one class contains the alleles S 1, S r1and S 3, the second class S 2and an allele of the cultivar Roxy, and the third class contains at present only S 4. It is proposed that these classes reflect the origin of the S alleles from a few ancestral S sequence types.  相似文献   

TCP转录因子是植物特有的一类转录因子,参与植物生物学过程的多个方面。为研究马铃薯TCP转录因子在响应低氮肥胁迫中的作用,该研究以氮肥供应不足(0.05 mmol·L-1)和氮肥供应充足(7.5 mmol·L-1)条件下马铃薯的根和叶片构建4个转录组文库进行测序,并对差异表达的TCP转录因子进行分析。结果表明:(1)在4个转录组文库中共鉴定TCP转录因子24个,它们主要分布在2号、3号、6号染色体上。(2)经结构域分析显示,24个TCP 转录因子均具有典型的basic-Helix-Loop-Helix结构域。(3)经系统进化分析显示,马铃薯与拟南芥TCP蛋白可聚集在一起,分属于10个亚类。(4)转录组测序结果显示,在低氮肥胁迫下,大多数TCP转录因子被抑制表达,有3个TCP转录因子在根中显著性差异表达,5个TCP转录因子在叶中特异性表达。(5)根据GO功能注释分析和马铃薯TCP转录因子与拟南芥TCP转录因子的亲缘关系分析推测,这些TCP转录因子参与了马铃薯对低氮肥胁迫的响应。该研究结果为进一步研究马铃薯与其他粮食作物TCP转录因子响应低氮肥胁迫的分子功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary The maize transposable element Ac has been introduced into potato via the T-DNA (transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Ac was inserted within the untranslated leader region of a neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) gene such that excision restored NPT-II activity. Two approaches to monitor Ac excision were used. (i) Using an Agrobacterium strain harbouring plasmid pGV3850::pKU3, leaf discs were selected on kanamycin (Km) after exposure to Agrobacterium. (ii) Using a strain containing plasmid pGV3850HPT::pKU3, the leaf discs were selected on hygromycin (Hm) and the resulting shoots were checked for NPT-II expression. Thirteen kanamycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850::pKU3 were isolated, suggesting that Ac had excised from the NPT-II gene. Out of 43 hygromycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850HPT::pKU3, 22 expressed the NPT-II gene, indicating that Ac had undergone excision in approximately 50% of the hygromycin resistant shoots. Southern analysis revealed that all kanamycin resistant plants contained the DNA restriction fragments expected when Ac excises from the NPT-II gene. The presence of Ac at new locations within the genomic DNA of several transformants was also detected.  相似文献   

TCP (teosinte branched1/cincinnata/proliferating cell factor)转录因子是植物特有转录因子家族,在植物整个生长发育过程中都有着很重要作用。目前,在茄子(Solanum melongena L.)中还没有关于TCP转录因子的相关报道。本研究利用生物信息学方法在茄子基因组数据库中鉴定出分布于11条染色体上的29个茄子TCP家族基因(eggplant TCP,SmTCP)。研究结果显示,该家族所有成员均含有编码TCP保守结构域的序列。这些成员氨基酸长度范围为201–538 aa,外显子数为1或2。亚细胞定位显示,有3个SmTCP (SmTCP02/03/21)蛋白位于细胞质中,其他SmTCP蛋白都位于细胞核中。系统发育树和序列特征分析均将29个SmTCP基因分成ClassⅠ(PCF)和ClassⅡ(CIN和CYC/TB1)两大类。共线性分析发现,17对(21个)SmTCP基因存在共线性关系,且这些存在共线性关系的基因都属于片段复制。基因表达模式分析显示,29个SmTCP基因家族成员在15个组织或器官中都有表达,但是不同成员的表达模式存在差异,其中CIN亚家族的4个基因(SmTCP18/19/20/25)在3个不同生长期的叶片中均较高表达。SmTCP启动子区域的顺式作用元件分析共发现4类顺式作用元件。本研究从多个角度分析了SmTCP基因分子基础,研究了TCP转录因子对茄子生长发育的影响,为茄子分子育种提供理论参考。  相似文献   

该实验以黄果龙葵和龙葵的根尖为实验材料,进行不同的预处理、固定和解离,确定出各种材料适合于核型分析的制片方法。结果表明:龙葵于15℃条件下经0.05%秋水仙素预处理2.5h,固定后用1mol/L HCl酸解后,染色观察,得到的染色体分散,易于染色体计数和形态观察。用此方法对黄果龙葵和龙葵进行核型分析,结果发现:黄果龙葵和龙葵都属于小型染色体,黄果龙葵为四倍体,核型公式为K(4n)=48=4sm+44m,核型不对称系数为56.22%,属于2B核型。龙葵为六倍体,核型公式为K(6n)=72=72m,核型不对称系数为55.89%,属于1B核型。  相似文献   

萜烯合成酶(terpene synthase,TPS)能催化不同的前体物质生成不同的萜类化合物,是合成萜类物质的关键酶。为探究杜鹃花TPS基因家族成员在萜类物质代谢过程中的表达模式,本文基于杜鹃花基因组数据库,利用生物信息学方法对杜鹃花TPS基因(TPS)进行家族成员鉴定;通过云锦杜鹃和诺娃杜鹃两种不同种高山杜鹃的转录组测序结果,结合qRT-PCR、顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,分析两种杜鹃不同发育时期花瓣中TPS家族成员表达水平和代谢物含量变化关系。结果表明,从杜鹃花基因组数据库中共鉴定获得47个RsTPS成员,RsTPS家族成员长度在591-2 634 bp之间,含有3-12个外显子不等,编码196-877个氨基酸;RsTPS家族成员主要分布在叶绿体和细胞质;系统进化分析结果显示RsTPS基因分为5个亚组。通过分析转录组数据得到7个功能注释为TPS的基因家族成员,发现TPS1TPS10TPS12TPS13的表达量在4个时期中呈现出先上升,到盛开期达到顶峰后再下降的趋势。对基因表达量变化与萜类物质含量变化进行相关性分析,发现TPS1TPS4TPS9TPS10TPS12TPS13表达量与云锦杜鹃不同时期花瓣中萜类物质含量变化呈显著性正相关,推测这6个基因家族成员可能是参与云锦杜鹃花香调控的关键基因。  相似文献   

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