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Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - A test system based on immunochromatography in the sandwich format and intended for express detection of Helicobacter pylori antigens has been developed....  相似文献   

A rapid detection technology for okadaic acid (OA) in shellfish with one-step immunochromatographic assay using colloidal gold-labeled monoclonal antibody (Mab) probe was developed. OA is one of the diarrhetic shellfish toxins. Firstly, OA was conjugated to bovine serum albumin, and the conjugations as immunogen were injected into mice to raise the polyclonal antibody against OA. Hybridoma cells fused between spleen cells from immunized mouse and myeloma cells (Sp2/0) were prepared and injected into mice intraperitoneally at 1?×?106?cells to produce monoclonal antibody in the ascitic fluid. With the monoclonal antibody against OA, the idc-ELISA assay was established to detect OA. The calibration curve for OA was linear over the concentration range of 0.31–50 ng mL?1, and the detection limit for OA was 0.45 ng mL?1. On that basis, paper test strips for detecting OA were prepared, and a fast detection method for okadaic acid using gold-labeled immunological assay was established. With the paper test strips, the detection limit was 6.25 ng mL?1, and whole detection process for OA in shellfish samples needed only about 40 min.  相似文献   

Express immunochromatographic test-strip assays were developed for detection of five plant viruses varying in shape and size of virions: spherical carnation mottle virus, bean mild mosaic virus, rodshaped tobacco mosaic virus, and filamentous potato viruses X and Y. Multimembrane composites (test strips) with immobilized polyclonal antibodies against viruses and colloidal gold-conjugated antibodies were used for the analysis. The immunochromatographic test strips were shown to enable the detection of viruses both in purified preparations and in leaf extracts of infected plants with a sensitivity from 0.08 to 0.5 μg/ml for 10 min. The test strips may be used for express diagnostics of plant virus diseases in field conditions.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for human epidermal growth factor receptor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the human epidermal growth factor receptor solubilized with nonionic detergents which employs iodinated epidermal growth factor (125I-EGF) as the specific ligand is described. A monoclonal antibody (R1) that binds specifically to human EGF receptors [Waterfield, M. D., et al. (1982) J. Cell Biochem. 20, 149-161] was used to separate solubilized receptors saturated with 125I-EGF from free ligand by absorption to protein A-Sepharose, and the bound radioactivity was determined. The RIA was linear when increasing amounts of solubilized membrane protein were added and, when compared to the standard polyethylene glycol assay, was more reproducible. In addition, the background nonspecific binding obtained in the presence of a hundred-fold excess of unlabeled EGF was less in the RIA. Substitution of normal mouse serum for the monoclonal antibody gave very low nonspecific background ligand binding and avoided the use of large amounts of unlabeled EGF in the assay. Two major classes of binding sites for EGF were observed in membrane preparations from the cervical carcinoma cell line A431 or from normal human placental tissue. These were present in approximately equal amounts, with apparent dissociation constants of 4 X 10(-10) and 4 X 10(-9) M. Upon solubilization with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, only one class of EGF binding sites was detected in both cases, with a dissociation constant of 3 X 10(-8) M. The RIA can be used to monitor receptor purification and for quantitation of receptor number and affinity in various cell types.  相似文献   

Human whole blood serum reduces the binding of [125I]labeled mouse epidermal growth factor to cultured human fibroblasts as well as does 70-100 ng/ml mouse epidermal growth factor. However, at most 1-2% of the binding inhibitor detected in human whole blood serum is related to epidermal growth factor--the remaining consists of other factors released during preparation of serum, predominantly the platelet-derived growth factor, which are capable of altering the binding properties of the epidermal growth factor receptor. This accounts for much of the differences between values reported for epidermal growth factor concentration in blood by investigators using different assay procedures.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor is a well-defined peptide which stimulates cell growth and elicits cell responses in a variety of tissues by binding to specific receptors, EGF-R. A specific antiserum against the EGF receptor, which has previously been used to characterize EGF-R in human skin, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle, was used to survey the distribution of EGF-R in human nervous system. Portions of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded autopsy specimens were examined by use of immunohistochemical staining (PAP technique) with EGF-R antiserum. Many types of nerve cells, e.g., cerebral cortical pyramidal cells, hippocampal pyramidal cells, Purkinje cells, anterior horn cells, and dorsal root ganglion neurons, contained immunoreactive EGF-R. However, immunoreactive EGF-R were not detected in astrocytes, oligodendrogliocytes, and other small neurons such as granule cells. Intense immunostaining for EGF-R was also detected in ependymal cells from choroidal and extrachoroidal locations. Although immunoreactive EGF-R is widely distributed in human nervous system, the functional role of EGF and its receptor in the nervous system remains unknown.  相似文献   

Topography of human placental receptors for epidermal growth factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
These studies were undertaken to determine whether term human placental microvillus plasma membranes, which are exposed to maternal blood, and basolateral plasma membranes, which are in close proximity to fetal blood capillaries, contain receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF). These two highly purified membranes bound 125I-EGF with similar affinity (apparent dissociation constants, 0.07-0.12 nM, but the total number of available receptors was greater in microvillus (8.2 pmol/mg protein) compared to basolateral (4.9 pmol/mg protein) plasma membranes. Detailed characterization of 125I-EGF binding to these membranes revealed numerous similarities as well as differences. The two membranes contained two major (155 and 140 kDa) and at least three minor (115, 175, and 210 kDa) specific 125I-EGF binding proteins. The 115-kDa protein was only found in basolateral plasma membranes. The 155-kDa protein was predominantly labeled in microvillus, whereas the 140-kDa protein was labeled predominantly in basolateral plasma membranes. The addition of protease inhibitors did not alter the multiple 125I-EGF binding proteins pattern found in these membranes. EGF stimulated phosphorylation of 140- and 155-kDa proteins in both microvillus and basolateral plasma membranes. However, the 155-kDa protein was phosphorylated to a greater extent in microvillus, whereas both 140- and 155-kDa proteins were phosphorylated equally in basolateral plasma membranes. Light and electron microscope autoradiographic studies revealed that 125I-EGF preferentially associated with microvillus plasma membranes. The data demonstrates the presence of EGF receptors in outer cell membranes of syncytiotrophoblasts and suggests that maternal EGF may influence syncytiotrophoblast function by binding to receptors in microvillus plasma membranes, while fetal EGF may also influence syncytiotrophoblast function but via receptors in basolateral plasma membranes.  相似文献   

An immunochromatographic strip test was developed to detect sennoside A (1) and sennoside B (2) using anti-1 and anti-2 monoclonal antibodies. The qualitative assay was based on a competitive immunoassay in which the detector reagent consisted of colloidal gold particles coated with the respective sennoside antibodies. The capture reagents were 1- and 2-human serum albumin (HSA) conjugates immobilised on a nitrocellulose membrane on the test strip. The sample containing 1 and 2, together with detector reagent, passed over the zone where the capture reagents had been immobilised. The analytes in the sample competed for binding to the limited amount of antibodies in the detector reagent with the immobilised 1- and 2-HSA conjugates on the membrane and hence positive samples showed no colour in the capture spot zone. Detection limits for the strip test were 125 ng/mL for both sennosides. The assay system is useful as a rapid and simple screening method for the detection of 1 and 2 in plants, drugs and body fluids.  相似文献   

We have expressed the human EGF receptor (hEGF-R) in Xenopus oocytes by injecting mRNA synthesized in vitro using SP6 vectors containing receptor cDNAs. Each oocyte could express over 1 x 10(10) receptors of a single affinity class and these were able to bind and rapidly internalize EGF. Occupancy resulted in receptor tyrosine autophosphorylation, downregulation, and release of intracellular calcium. Occupied receptors also rapidly induced meiotic maturation in stage VI oocytes. Receptors lacking tyrosine kinase activity bound EGF normally, but did not downregulate or induce any biological responses. The rate of oocyte maturation was proportional to hEGF-R occupancy and was significantly faster than progesterone-induced maturation at nanomolar EGF concentrations. Mutant hEGF-R truncated at residue 973 displayed identical phenotypes in both mammalian cells and oocytes in that they were defective in their ability to release intracellular calcium, undergo ligand induced internalization and receptor downregulation. However, these receptors were fully capable of inducing oocyte maturation. The remarkable retention of specific biological activities of different hEGF-R in the context of oocytes suggests that this receptor system interacts with generally available cellular components that have been conserved during evolution. In addition, it suggests that cell surface tyrosine kinase activity may play an important role in regulating resumption of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

An immunochromatographic strip test using gold nanoparticles was developed for the rapid detection of Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) in human serum. The strip test based on the principle of sandwich immunoassay by the specific binding of antigens from S. typhi O901 and antibody of S. typhi O901 on a nitrocellulose membrane. Antibody-gold nanoparticle conjugate was used as the label and was coated onto a glass fiber membrane, which was used as a conjugate pad. To create a test and control zone, antibody of S. typhi O901 and an anti-IgG were dotted on the nitrocellulose membrane, respectively. Positive samples were displayed as red dots at the test and control zones of the nitrocellulose membrane, while negative samples resulted in a red dot only in the control zone. The limit of detection (LOD) was found to be 1.14×10(5) cfu mL(-1), which could be visually detected by the naked eye within 15 min. This strip test provided a lower detection limit and analysis time than a dot blot immunoassay (8.88×10(6) cfu mL(-1) for LOD and 110 min for reaction time). In addition, our immunochromatographic strip test was employed to detect S. typhi in human serum effectively, with high accuracy. This strip test offers great promise for a rapid, simple and low-cost analysis of S. typhi.  相似文献   

Nuclear-magnetic-resonance studies of human epidermal growth factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 1H-NMR spectra of native human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and a derivative lacking the final five residues have been assigned by two-dimensional methods, enabling their structures to be compared. The same structural features are observed for each protein, although the final five residues of native human EGF interact with residues earlier in the sequence. Comparison of the resonance shifts of human, rat and mouse EGF and human transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) enables shifts characteristic of the EGF conformation to be identified, providing standards by which the structures of related proteins may be assessed.  相似文献   

A rapid method for detection of the surface lipopolysaccharide antigen and the cells of the causative agent of bovine brucellosis was developed. The method represents a sandwich format immunochromatographic assay. The contact between the sample and the test strip with immobilized immunoreagents initiates the fluid movement along the membrane components of the test strip, immunochemical reactions, and the formation of colored bands. The novel method requires 10 minutes to determine the lipopolysaccharide antigen of the cell wall of the brucellosis causative agent at concentrations down to 10 ng/mL and the Brucella abortus cells at concentrations down to 106 cells/mL (5 × 104 cells in the sample). The specificity of the immunodetection was confirmed. The designed test system can be used for the rapid field diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle.  相似文献   

Herstatin is an autoinhibitor of the ErbB family consisting of subdomains I and II of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ErbB-2) extracellular domain and a novel C-terminal domain encoded by an intron. Herstatin binds to human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), blocking receptor oligomerization and tyrosine phosphorylation. In this study, we characterized several early steps in EGFR activation and investigated downstream signaling events induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and by transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in NIH3T3 cell lines expressing EGFR with and without herstatin. Herstatin expression decreased EGF-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and delayed receptor down-regulation despite receptor occupancy by ligand with normal binding affinity. Akt stimulation by EGF and TGF-alpha, but not by fibroblast growth factor 2, was almost completely blocked in the presence of herstatin. Surprisingly, EGF and TGF-alpha induced full activation of MAPK in duration and intensity and stimulated association of the EGFR with Shc and Grb2. Although MAPK was fully stimulated, herstatin expression prevented TGF-alpha-induced DNA synthesis and EGF-induced proliferation. The herstatin-mediated uncoupling of MAPK from Akt activation was also observed in Chinese hamster ovary cells co-transfected with EGFR and herstatin. These findings show that herstatin expression alters EGF and TGF-alpha signaling profiles, culminating in inhibition of proliferation.  相似文献   

A micro sustained release system for epidermal growth factor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J B Murray  L Brown  R Langer  M Klagsburn 《In vitro》1983,19(10):743-748
A technique for ensuring the controlled release of microgram and smaller amounts of biologically active epidermal growth factor (EGF) from polymeric delivery systems is described. We show that albumin in milligram quantities can facilitate the sustained release of picogram amounts of EGF for at least 3 wk. The EGF-containing polymer matrix can be placed directly into cell culture and will increase the proliferation rate of serum-starved cells. The method reported here should be suited particularly to the delivery of biologically active growth factors that are obtainable in only microgram or smaller amounts.  相似文献   

Three site-directed mutants of human epidermal growth factor, Leu-26----Gly, Leu-47----Ala, and Ile-23----Thr, were examined for their ability to stimulate the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The receptor binding affinities of the mutant growth factors were 20- to 50-fold lower, as compared to wild-type growth factor. At saturating concentrations of growth factor, the velocities of the phosphorylation of exogenously added substrate and receptor autophosphorylation were significantly lower with the mutant analogs, suggesting a partial 'uncoupling' of signal transduction. The mutant analogs were shown to compete directly with the binding of wild-type, resulting in a decrease in growth factor-stimulated kinase activity.  相似文献   

人表皮生长因子是激活表皮生长因子受体的生长因子家族的典型成员,由人体的多个组织器官合成与分泌,通过结合受体激活一系列信号途径,调控细胞的增殖、分化和迁移等。近年来,有关人表皮生长因子的研究已扩展到其在人类生理和病理作用的领域,尤其在组织再生和伤口愈合方面成为研究热点。文中综述了人表皮生长因子的研究进展,简要描述了其基因和蛋白的结构与特点、作用机制与生物学效应,重点介绍该生长因子在胃肠溃疡愈合、皮肤伤口修复和肿瘤病理过程中的作用与影响,从而为相关研究提供辅助信息。  相似文献   

Human, rat and mouse epidermal growth factors (EGF) bind to the same receptor on human placenta, but the binding characteristics differ. The apparent affinity constant (KA) for human EGF is higher (15 X 10(9) l/mol) than KA for rat EGF (10 X 10(9) l/mol). Mouse EGF binds with the lowest KA (5 X 10(9) l/mol). The pH optimum differs so that human and rat EGF bind with a pH optimum of 8.0, whereas mouse EGF binds with an optimum of pH 7.4. Half maximal dissociation is 130, 50 and 25 min for human, rat and mouse EGF, respectively. The structures of human, rat and mouse EGF differ somewhat. At least 11 of the first 24 residues differ. The N-terminal sequence of rat EGF is: Ala/Ser-Gly-X-Pro-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Asp-Gly-Tyr-X-Lys-Asp-Gly-Gly-Val-X-Met-Ty r-Val -Glu.  相似文献   

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