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The urothelium is a sensory structure that contributes to mechanosensation in the urinary bladder. Here, we provide evidence for a critical role for the Piezo1 channel, a newly identified mechanosensory molecule, in the mouse bladder urothelium. We performed a systematic analysis of the molecular and functional expression of Piezo1 channels in the urothelium. Immunofluorescence examination demonstrated abundant expression of Piezo1 in the mouse and human urothelium. Urothelial cells isolated from mice exhibited a Piezo1-dependent increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations in response to mechanical stretch stimuli, leading to potent ATP release; this response was suppressed in Piezo1-knockdown cells. In addition, Piezo1 and TRPV4 distinguished different intensities of mechanical stimulus. Moreover, GsMTx4, an inhibitor of stretch-activated channels, attenuated the Ca2+ influx into urothelial cells and decreased ATP release from them upon stretch stimulation. These results suggest that Piezo1 senses extension of the bladder urothelium, leading to production of an ATP signal. Thus, inhibition of Piezo1 might provide a promising means of treating bladder dysfunction.  相似文献   

TRPV1 receptor agonists such as the vanilloid capsaicin and the potent analog resiniferatoxin are well known potent analgesics. Depending on the vanilloid, dose, and administration site, nociceptor refractoriness may last from minutes up to months, suggesting the contribution of different cellular mechanisms ranging from channel receptor desensitization to Ca(2+) cytotoxicity of TRPV1-expressing neurons. The molecular mechanisms underlying agonist-induced TRPV1 desensitization and/or tachyphylaxis are still incompletely understood. Here, we report that prolonged exposure of TRPV1 to agonists induces rapid receptor endocytosis and lysosomal degradation in both sensory neurons and recombinant systems. Agonist-induced receptor internalization followed a clathrin- and dynamin-independent endocytic route, triggered by TRPV1 channel activation and Ca(2+) influx through the receptor. This process appears strongly modulated by PKA-dependent phosphorylation. Taken together, these findings indicate that TRPV1 agonists induce long-term receptor down-regulation by modulating the expression level of the channel through a mechanism that promotes receptor endocytosis and degradation and lend support to the notion that cAMP signaling sensitizes nociceptors through several mechanisms.  相似文献   

Activation of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels by depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores involves physical interactions between the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) sensor, STIM1, and the channels composed of Orai subunits. Recent studies indicate that the Orai3 subtype, in addition to being store-operated, is also activated in a store-independent manner by 2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate (2-APB), a small molecule with complex pharmacology. However, it is unknown whether the store-dependent and -independent activation modes of Orai3 channels operate independently or whether there is cross-talk between these activation states. Here we report that in addition to causing direct activation, 2-APB also regulates store-operated gating of Orai3 channels, causing potentiation at low doses and inhibition at high doses. Inhibition of store-operated gating by 2-APB was accompanied by the suppression of several modes of Orai3 channel regulation that depend on STIM1, suggesting that high doses of 2-APB interrupt STIM1-Orai3 coupling. Conversely, STIM1-bound Orai3 (and Orai1) channels resisted direct gating by high doses of 2-APB. The rate of direct 2-APB activation of Orai3 channels increased linearly with the degree of STIM1-Orai3 uncoupling, suggesting that 2-APB has to first disengage STIM1 before it can directly gate Orai3 channels. Collectively, our results indicate that the store-dependent and -independent modes of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channel activation are mutually exclusive: channels bound to STIM1 resist 2-APB gating, whereas 2-APB antagonizes STIM1 gating.  相似文献   

The epithelial Ca2+ channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) undergoes Ca2+-induced inactivation that protects the cell from toxic Ca2+ overload and may also limit intestinal Ca2+ transport. To dissect the roles of individual signaling pathways in this phenomenon, we studied the effects of Ca2+, calmodulin (CaM), and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) in excised inside-out patches. The activity of TRPV6 strictly depended on the presence of PI(4,5)P2, and Ca2+-CaM inhibited the channel at physiologically relevant concentrations. Ca2+ alone also inhibited TRPV6 at high concentrations (IC50 = ∼20 μm). A double mutation in the distal C-terminal CaM-binding site of TRPV6 (W695A/R699E) essentially eliminated inhibition by CaM in excised patches. In whole cell patch clamp experiments, this mutation reduced but did not eliminate Ca2+-induced inactivation. Providing excess PI(4,5)P2 reduced the inhibition by CaM in excised patches and in planar lipid bilayers, but PI(4,5)P2 did not inhibit binding of CaM to the C terminus of the channel. Overall, our data show a complex interplay between CaM and PI(4,5)P2 and show that Ca2+, CaM, and the depletion of PI(4,5)P2 all contribute to inactivation of TRPV6.  相似文献   

Covalent modification of the specific cysteine residue(s) by oxidative stress robustly potentiates transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and sensitizes nociception. Here we provide biochemical evidence of dimerization of TRPV1 subunits upon exposure to phenylarsine oxide and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), two chemical surrogates of oxidative stress. A disulfide bond formed between apposing cysteines ligates two C termini, serving as the structural basis of channel sensitization by oxidative covalent C-terminal modification. Systematic cysteine scanning of the C terminus of a cysteineless TRPV1 channel revealed a critical region within which any cysteine introduced phenylarsine oxide activation to mutant TRPV1. Oxidative sensitization persisted even when this region is substituted with a random peptide linker containing a single cysteine. So did insertion of this region to TRPV3, a homolog lacking the corresponding region and resistant to oxidative challenge. These results suggest that the non-conserved linker in the TRPV1 C terminus senses environmental oxidative stress and adjusts channel activity during cumulative oxidative damage by lowering the activation threshold of gating elements shared by TRPV channels.  相似文献   

Orai1, the pore subunit of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels, has four transmembrane segments (TMs). The first segment, TMI, lines the pore and plays an important role in channel activation and ion permeation. TMIII, on the other hand, does not line the pore but still regulates channel gating and permeation properties. To understand the role of TMIII, we have mutated and characterized several residues in this domain. Mutation of Trp-176 to Cys (W176C) and Gly-183 to Ala (G183A) had dramatic effects. Unlike wild-type channels, which exhibit little outward current and are activated by STIM1, W176C mutant channels exhibited a large outward current at positive potentials and were constitutively active in the absence of STIM1. G183A mutant channels also exhibited substantial outward currents but were active only in the presence of 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), irrespective of STIM1. With W176C mutant channels inward, monovalent currents were blocked by Ca(2+) with a high affinity similar to the wild type, but the Ca(2+)-dependent blocking of outward currents differed in the two cases. Although a 50% block of the WT outward current required 250 μm Ca(2+), more than 6 mm was necessary to have the same effect on W176C mutant channels. In the presence of extracellular Ca(2+), W176C and G183A outward currents developed slowly in a voltage-dependent manner, whereas they developed almost instantaneously in the absence of Ca(2+). These changes in permeation and gating properties mimic the changes induced by mutations of Glu-190 in TMIII and Asp-110/Asp-112 in the TMI/TMII loop. On the basis of these data, we propose that TMIII maintains negatively charged residues at or near the selectivity filter in a conformation that facilitates Ca(2+) inward currents and prevents outward currents of monovalent cations. In addition, to controlling selectivity, TMIII may also stabilize channel gating in a closed state in the absence of STIM1 in a Trp-176-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Mucin hypersecretion is a key pathological feature of inflammatory respiratory diseases. Previous studies have reported that acids (gastroesophageal reflux or environmental exposure) induce many respiratory symptoms and are implicated in the pathophysiology of obstructive airway diseases. To understand these mechanisms, we measured acid-induced mucin secretion in human bronchial epithelial cells. In the present study, acid induced inward currents of transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV)1 and mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) secretion dose dependently, which were inhibited by TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine in a concentration-dependent manner. TRPV1 agonist capsaicin mediated a concentration-dependent increase in TRPV1 inward currents and MUC5AC secretion. Furthermore, capsaicin enhanced acid-induced TRPV1 inward currents and MUC5AC secretion. Acid-induced Ca(2+) influx was prevented by capsazepine dose dependently and enhanced by capsaicin. Pretreatment only with capsaicin also increased the Ca(2+) concentration in a concentration-dependent manner. These data suggest that pharmacological inhibition of calcium-permeable TRPV1 receptors could be used to prevent acid-induced mucin secretion, thereby providing a potential mechanism to reduce their toxicity.  相似文献   

Canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels are widely expressed in the brain and play several roles in development and normal neuronal function. In the cerebellum, Purkinje cell TRPC3 channels underlie the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential observed after parallel fiber stimulation. In these cells TRPC3 channel opening requires stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1, activation of which can also lead to the induction of long term depression (LTD), which underlies cerebellar motor learning. LTD induction requires protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase G (PKG) activation, and although PKC phosphorylation targets are well established, virtually nothing is known about PKG targets in LTD. Because TRPC3 channels are inhibited after phosphorylation by PKC and PKG in expression systems, we examined whether native TRPC3 channels in Purkinje cells are a target for PKG or PKC, thereby contributing to cerebellar LTD. We find that in Purkinje cells, activation of TRPC3-dependent currents is not inhibited by conventional PKC or PKG to any significant extent and that inhibition of these kinases does not significantly impact on TRPC3-mediated currents either. Based on these and previous findings, we propose that TRPC3-dependent currents may differ significantly in their regulation from those overexpressed in expression systems.  相似文献   

Extracellular influx of calcium or release of calcium from intracellular stores have been shown to activate mammalian TRPA1 as well as to sensitize and desensitize TRPA1 electrophilic activation. Calcium binding sites on both intracellular N- and C-termini have been proposed. Here, we demonstrate based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and bilayer patch-clamp studies, a direct calmodulin-independent action of calcium on the purified human TRPA1 (hTRPA1), causing structural changes and activation without immediate subsequent desensitization of hTRPA1 with and without its N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (N-ARD). Thus, calcium alone activates hTRPA1 by a direct interaction with binding sites outside the N-ARD.  相似文献   

The TRPV4 Ca(2+)-permeable channel is sensitive to mechanical stimuli. In the current study we have employed immunocytochemical staining in kidney slices and functional assessments (Ca(2+) imaging) in isolated, split-opened, tubule segments to define TRPV4 sites of expression and flow-dependent function in the collecting duct system. Staining patterns revealed strong expression of TRPV4 along the entire collecting duct system with highest levels at the apical (luminal)/subapical region of the principal cells (PCs), the dominant cell type, with more diffuse staining in intercalated cells (ICs). Using fluorescence Ca(2+) imaging and the selective TRPV4 agonist, GSK1016790A, we demonstrated functional TRPV4 channels in PCs and ICs of split-opened cortical collecting ducts and connecting tubules. The agonist was ineffective in inducing a rise in [Ca(2+)](i) in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) or in tubules from TRPV4-deficient animals. Most importantly, a 10-fold elevation in luminal (apical) fluid flow induced a rapid and sustained influx of Ca(2+) that was abolished by the TRPV channel inhibitor, ruthenium red, or in tubules isolated from TRPV4 deficient animals. We concluded that TRPV4 is highly expressed along the entire collecting duct system where it appears to function as a sensor/transducer of flow-induce mechanical stresses.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) homeostasis plays a critical role in a variety of cellular processes. We showed previously that stimulation of the prostate-specific G protein-coupled receptor (PSGR) enhances cytosolic Ca(2+) and inhibits proliferation of prostate cells. Here, we analyzed the signaling mechanisms underlying the PSGR-mediated Ca(2+) increase. Using complementary molecular, biochemical, electrophysiological, and live-cell imaging techniques, we found that endogenous Ca(2+)-selective transient receptor potential vanilloid type 6 (TRPV6) channels are critically involved in the PSGR-induced Ca(2+) signal. Biophysical characterization of the current activated by PSGR stimulation revealed characteristic properties of TRPV6. The molecular identity of the involved channel was confirmed using RNA interference targeting TrpV6. TRPV6-mediated Ca(2+) influx depended on Src kinase activity. Src kinase activation occurred independently of G protein activation, presumably by direct interaction with PSGR. Taken together, we report that endogenous TRPV6 channels are activated downstream of a G protein-coupled receptor and present the first physiological characterization of these channels in situ.  相似文献   

An intramolecular interaction between a distal (DCRD) and a proximal regulatory domain (PCRD) within the C terminus of long Ca(v)1.3 L-type Ca(2+) channels (Ca(v)1.3(L)) is a major determinant of their voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent gating kinetics. Removal of these regulatory domains by alternative splicing generates Ca(v)1.3(42A) channels that activate at a more negative voltage range and exhibit more pronounced Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation. Here we describe the discovery of a novel short splice variant (Ca(v)1.3(43S)) that is expressed at high levels in the brain but not in the heart. It lacks the DCRD but, in contrast to Ca(v)1.3(42A), still contains PCRD. When expressed together with α2δ1 and β3 subunits in tsA-201 cells, Ca(v)1.3(43S) also activated at more negative voltages like Ca(v)1.3(42A) but Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation was less pronounced. Single channel recordings revealed much higher channel open probabilities for both short splice variants as compared with Ca(v)1.3(L). The presence of the proximal C terminus in Ca(v)1.3(43S) channels preserved their modulation by distal C terminus-containing Ca(v)1.3- and Ca(v)1.2-derived C-terminal peptides. Removal of the C-terminal modulation by alternative splicing also induced a faster decay of Ca(2+) influx during electrical activities mimicking trains of neuronal action potentials. Our findings extend the spectrum of functionally diverse Ca(v)1.3 L-type channels produced by tissue-specific alternative splicing. This diversity may help to fine tune Ca(2+) channel signaling and, in the case of short variants lacking a functional C-terminal modulation, prevent excessive Ca(2+) accumulation during burst firing in neurons. This may be especially important in neurons that are affected by Ca(2+)-induced neurodegenerative processes.  相似文献   

TRPC6 is a cation channel in the plasma membrane that plays a role in Ca(2+) entry following the stimulation of a G(q)-protein coupled or tyrosine kinase receptor. A dysregulation of TRPC6 activity causes abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle cells and glomerulosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of TRPC6 activity by protein kinase C (PKC). We showed that inhibiting PKC with GF1 or activating it with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate potentiated and inhibited agonist-induced Ca(2+) entry, respectively, into cells expressing TRPC6. Similar results were obtained when TRPC6 was directly activated with 1-oleyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol. Activation of the cells with carbachol increased the phosphorylation of TRPC6, an effect that was prevented by the inhibition of PKC. The target residue of PKC was identified by an alanine screen of all canonical PKC sites on TRPC6. Unexpectedly, all the mutants, including TRPC6(S768A) (a residue previously proposed to be a target for PKC), displayed PKC-dependent inhibition of channel activity. Phosphorylation prediction software suggested that Ser(448), in a non-canonical PKC consensus sequence, was a potential target for PKCδ. Ba(2+) and Ca(2+) entry experiments revealed that GF1 did not potentiate TRPC6(S448A) activity. Moreover, activation of PKC did not enhance the phosphorylation state of TRPC6(S448A). Using A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells, which endogenously express TRPC6, we observed that a novel PKC isoform is involved in the inhibition of the vasopressin-induced Ca(2+) entry. Furthermore, knocking down PKCδ in A7r5 cells potentiated vasopressin-induced Ca(2+) entry. In summary, we provide evidence that PKCδ exerts a negative feedback effect on TRPC6 through the phosphorylation of Ser(448).  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential melastatin-1 (TRPM1) is essential for the light-induced depolarization of retinal ON bipolar cells. TRPM1 likely forms a multimeric channel complex, although almost nothing is known about the structure or subunit composition of channels formed by TRPM1 or any of its close relatives. Recombinant TRPM1 was robustly expressed in insect cells, but only a small fraction was localized to the plasma membrane. Similar intracellular localization was observed when TRPM1 was heterologously expressed in mammalian cells. TRPM1 was affinity-purified from Sf9 cells and complexed with amphipol, followed by detergent removal. In blue native gels and size exclusion chromatography, TRPM1 migrated with a mobility consistent with detergent- or amphipol-bound dimers. Cross-linking experiments were also consistent with a dimeric subunit stoichiometry, and cryoelectron microscopy and single particle analysis without symmetry imposition yielded a model with approximate 2-fold symmetrical features. Finally, electron microscopy of TRPM1-antibody complexes revealed a large particle that can accommodate TRPM1 and two antibody molecules. Taken together, these data indicate that purified TRPM1 is mostly dimeric. The three-dimensional structure of TRPM1 dimers is characterized by a small putative transmembrane domain and a larger domain with a hollow cavity. Blue native gels of solubilized mouse retina indicate that TRPM1 is present in two distinct complexes: one similar in size to the recombinant protein and one much larger. Because dimers are likely not functional ion channels, these results suggest that additional partner subunits participate in forming the transduction channel required for dim light vision and the ON pathway.  相似文献   

Microglia are immune cells that release factors, including proinflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide (NO), and neurotrophins, following activation after disturbance in the brain. Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) is important for microglial functions such as the release of cytokines and NO from activated microglia. There is increasing evidence suggesting that pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders is related to the inflammatory responses mediated by microglia. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophin well known for its roles in the activation of microglia as well as in pathophysiology and/or treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. In this study, we sought to examine the underlying mechanism of BDNF-induced sustained increase in [Ca2+]i in rodent microglial cells. We observed that canonical transient receptor potential 3 (TRPC3) channels contribute to the maintenance of BDNF-induced sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation. Immunocytochemical technique and flow cytometry also revealed that BDNF rapidly up-regulated the surface expression of TRPC3 channels in rodent microglial cells. In addition, pretreatment with BDNF suppressed the production of NO induced by tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), which was prevented by co-adiministration of a selective TRPC3 inhibitor. These suggest that BDNF induces sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation through the up-regulation of surface TRPC3 channels and TRPC3 channels could be important for the BDNF-induced suppression of the NO production in activated microglia. We show that TRPC3 channels could also play important roles in microglial functions, which might be important for the regulation of inflammatory responses and may also be involved in the pathophysiology and/or the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Intracellular NAD(+) levels ([NAD(+)](i)) are important in regulating human T lymphocyte survival, cytokine secretion, and the capacity to respond to antigenic stimuli. NAD(+)-derived Ca(2+)-mobilizing second messengers, produced by CD38, play a pivotal role in T cell activation. Here we demonstrate that [NAD(+)](i) modifications in T lymphocytes affect intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis both in terms of mitogen-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increase and of endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) store replenishment. Lowering [NAD(+)](i) by FK866-mediated nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase inhibition decreased the mitogen-induced [Ca(2+)](i) rise in Jurkat cells and in activated T lymphocytes. Accordingly, the Ca(2+) content of thapsigargin-sensitive Ca(2+) stores was greatly reduced in these cells in the presence of FK866. When NAD(+) levels were increased by supplementing peripheral blood lymphocytes with the NAD(+) precursors nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, the Ca(2+) content of thapsigargin-sensitive Ca(2+) stores as well as cell responsiveness to mitogens in terms of [Ca(2+)](i) elevation were up-regulated. The use of specific siRNA showed that the changes of Ca(2+) homeostasis induced by NAD(+) precursors are mediated by CD38 and the consequent ADPR-mediated TRPM2 gating. Finally, the presence of NAD(+) precursors up-regulated important T cell functions, such as proliferation and IL-2 release in response to mitogens.  相似文献   

Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1) is a multitransmembrane domain-spanning endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-located protein that is evolutionarily conserved and protects against apoptosis and ER stress. Furthermore, BI-1 is proposed to modulate ER Ca(2+) homeostasis by acting as a Ca(2+)-leak channel. Based on experimental determination of the BI-1 topology, we propose that its C terminus forms a Ca(2+) pore responsible for its Ca(2+)-leak properties. We utilized a set of C-terminal peptides to screen for Ca(2+) leak activity in unidirectional (45)Ca(2+)-flux experiments and identified an α-helical 20-amino acid peptide causing Ca(2+) leak from the ER. The Ca(2+) leak was independent of endogenous ER Ca(2+)-release channels or other Ca(2+)-leak mechanisms, namely translocons and presenilins. The Ca(2+)-permeating property of the peptide was confirmed in lipid-bilayer experiments. Using mutant peptides, we identified critical residues responsible for the Ca(2+)-leak properties of this BI-1 peptide, including a series of critical negatively charged aspartate residues. Using peptides corresponding to the equivalent BI-1 domain from various organisms, we found that the Ca(2+)-leak properties were conserved among animal, but not plant and yeast orthologs. By mutating one of the critical aspartate residues in the proposed Ca(2+)-channel pore in full-length BI-1, we found that Asp-213 was essential for BI-1-dependent ER Ca(2+) leak. Thus, we elucidated residues critically important for BI-1-mediated Ca(2+) leak and its potential channel pore. Remarkably, one of these residues was not conserved among plant and yeast BI-1 orthologs, indicating that the ER Ca(2+)-leak properties of BI-1 are an added function during evolution.  相似文献   

Cav1.2 Ca(2+) channel activity diminishes in inside-out patches (run-down). Previously, we have found that with ATP, calpastatin domain L (CSL) and calmodulin (CaM) recover channel activity from the run-down in guinea pig cardiac myocytes. Because the potency of the CSL repriming effect was smaller than that of CaM, we hypothesized that CSL might act as a partial agonist of CaM in the channel-repriming effect. To examine this hypothesis, we investigated the effect of the competitions between CSL and CaM on channel activity and on binding in the channel. We found that CSL suppressed the channel-activating effect of CaM in a reversible and concentration-dependent manner. The channel-inactivating effect of CaM seen at high concentrations of CaM, however, did not seem to be affected by CSL. In the GST pull-down assay, CSL suppressed binding of CaM to GST fusion peptides derived from C-terminal regions in a competitive manner. The inhibition of CaM binding by CSL was observed with the IQ peptide but not the PreIQ peptide, which is the CaM-binding domain in the C terminus. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CSL competes with CaM as a partial agonist for the site in the IQ domain in the C-terminal region of the Cav1.2 channel, which may be involved in activation of the channel.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates the ubiquitous store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) pathway that sustains long-term Ca(2+) signals critical for cellular functions. ER Ca(2+) depletion initiates the oligomerization of stromal interaction molecules (STIM) that control SOCE activation, but whether ER Ca(2+) refilling controls STIM de-oligomerization and SOCE termination is not known. Here, we correlate the changes in free luminal ER Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](ER)) and in STIM1 oligomerization, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between CFP-STIM1 and YFP-STIM1. We observed that STIM1 de-oligomerized at much lower [Ca(2+)](ER) levels during store refilling than it oligomerized during store depletion. We then refilled ER stores without adding exogenous Ca(2+) using a membrane-permeable Ca(2+) chelator to provide a large reservoir of buffered Ca(2+). This procedure rapidly restored pre-stimulatory [Ca(2+)](ER) levels but did not trigger STIM1 de-oligomerization, the FRET signals remaining elevated as long as the external [Ca(2+)] remained low. STIM1 dissociation evoked by Ca(2+) readmission was prevented by SOC channel inhibition and was associated with cytosolic Ca(2+) elevations restricted to STIM1 puncta, indicating that Ca(2+) acts on a cytosolic target close to STIM1 clusters. These data indicate that the refilling of ER Ca(2+) stores is not sufficient to induce STIM1 de-oligomerization and that localized Ca(2+) elevations in the vicinity of assembled SOCE complexes are required for the termination of SOCE.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) is a Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation channel mainly expressed in a subset of nociceptive neurons. TRPA1 functions as a cellular sensor detecting mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli. Because TRPA1 is considered to be a key player in nociception and inflammatory pain, TRPA1 antagonists have been developed as analgesic agents. Recently, by utilizing species differences, we identified the molecular basis of the antagonistic action of A967079, one of the most potent mammalian TRPA1 antagonists. Here, we show a unique effect of A967079 on TRPA1 from diverse vertebrate species, i.e. it acts as an agonist but not as an antagonist for chicken and frog TRPA1s. By characterizing chimeric channels of human and chicken TRPA1s, as well as point mutants, we found that a single specific amino acid residue located within the putative fifth transmembrane domain was involved in not only the stimulatory but also the inhibitory actions of A967079. AP18, structurally related to A967079, exerted similar pharmacological properties to A967079. Our findings and previous reports on species differences in the sensitivity to TRPA1 antagonists supply useful information in the search for novel analgesic medicines targeting TRPA1.  相似文献   

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