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In a commons dilemma laboratory analog subjects were allowed individually to draw valuable points from a slowly regenerating pool. Subjects participated in groups of four and faced the dilemma of either rapidly drawing a large number of points for themselves (but thereby destroying the pool), or limiting their own harvesting so that the pool would regenerate, benefiting the group. All subjects were, in addition, informed of the optimum strategy for harvesting before the game began, but results showed that this strategy was rarely used. Two factors were added to the basic game: (1) dividing the resource pool into individual harvesting territories, and (2) making the varying levels of resources visible. Each of these increased the harvest and production of the resource, but only territoriality increased the supply. Only when both factors were applied together did the groups approach the optimal harvesting strategy earlier spelled out to them. Possible mediating variables and applications are discussed.This paper is based on a dissertation thesis by the first author conducted at Arizona State University entitled Territoriality and the Tragedy of the Commons: A Social Trap Analysis. Grateful appreciation is extended to D. Linder, R. Hershberger, S. Braver, I. Sandler, A. Betz, R. Cialdini, and E. P. Willems for their assistance and advice.  相似文献   

Corresponding with the increasing global resource demand, harvesting now affects millions of hectares of boreal forest each year, and yet our understanding of harvesting impacts on boreal carbon (C) dynamics relative to wildfire remains unclear. We provide a direct comparison of C stocks following clearcut harvesting and fire over a 27-year chronosequence in the boreal forest of central Canada. Whereas many past studies have lacked measurement of all major C pools, we attempt to provide complete C pool coverage, including live biomass, deadwood, forest floor, and mineral soil C pools. The relative contribution of each C pool to total ecosystem C varied considerably between disturbance types. Live biomass C was significantly higher following harvesting compared with fire because of residual live trees and advanced regeneration. Conversely, most live biomass was killed following fire, and thus post-fire stands contained higher stocks of deadwood C. Snag and stump C mass peaked immediately following fire, but dramatically decreased 8 years after fire as dead trees began to fall over, contributing to the downed woody debris C pool. Forest floor C mass was substantially lower shortly after fire than harvesting, but this pool converged 8 years after fire and harvesting. When total ecosystem C stocks were examined, we found no significant difference during early stand development between harvesting and fire. Maximum total ecosystem C occurred at age 27 years, 185.1 ± 18.2 and 163.6 ± 8.0 Mg C ha?1 for harvesting and fire, respectively. Our results indicate strong differences in individual C pools, but similar total ecosystem C after fire and clearcutting in boreal forests, and shall help improve modeling terrestrial C flux after stand-replacing disturbances.  相似文献   

Summary A month-long study was conducted on the comparative foraging behavior of 20 colonies of the leafcutting ant, Atta cephalotes L. in Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The study was conducted during the middle of the wet season, when trees had mature foliage and the ants were maximally selective among species of potential host plants. The colonies always gathered leaves from more than a single tree species but on average one species constituted almost half the diet with the remaining species being of geometrically decreasing importance. Colonies exhibited greater diversity in their choice of leaves and lower constancy of foraging when the average quality of resource trees was lower, as predicted by elementary optimal foraging theory. Furthermore, the ants were more selective of the species they attacked at greater distances from the nest. However, the ants sometimes did not attack apparently palatable species, and often did not attack nearby individuals of species they were exploiting at greater distances.A classical explanation for why leafcutting ants exploit distant host trees when apparently equally good trees are nearer, is that the ants are pursuing a strategy of conserving resources to avoid long-term overgrazing pressure on nearby trees. We prefer a simpler hypothesis: (1) Trees of exploited species exhibit individual variation in the acceptability of their leaves to the ants. (2) The abundance of a species will generally increase with area and radial distance from the nest, so the probability that at least one tree of the species will be acceptable to the ants also increases with distance. (3) The ants forage using a system of trunk-trails cleared of leaf litter, which significantly reduces their travel time to previously discovered, high-quality resource trees (by a factor of 4- to 10-fold). (4) Foragers are unware of the total pool of resources available to the colony. Therefore once scouts have chanced upon a tree which is acceptable, the colony will concentrate on harvesting from that tree rather than searching for additional sources of leaves distant from the established trail.  相似文献   

Summary Australian meat ants often inhabit colonies with widely dispersed nest holes, and this study examines how resource is harvested and distributed in a colony ofIridomyrmex sanguineus Smith (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). The three principal types of foragers (tenders, honeydew transporters, scavengers) exhibited nest hole fidelity, where harvested resource was consistently delivered to the same nest hole by each foraging individual. Australian meat ants thus use a harvesting system based on dispersed central place foraging. Evidence of frequent larval transport among nest holes, age polyethism developing in the direction of foraging, and the tendency for nest-associated workers to accept new nest holes more readily than foragers, suggests that workers develop fidelity to the particular nest hole in which they eclose. Coupled with larval transport, nest hole fidelity may allow a colony with widely dispersed nest holes to adjust its structure to more efficiently harvest a resource distributed unevenly in space or time.  相似文献   

Studies with disparate taxa suggest that generalist populations are composed of relatively specialist individuals that use a narrow part of a population's resource pool. Models based on optimum diet theory (ODT) can be used to predict different patterns of variation in resource use among individuals. In this work, we investigated the diet and measured the degree of individual specialization of three anuran species, Hypsiboas leptolineatus, Pseudis cardosoi and Scinax granulatus, from the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. The study is based on gut content obtained using a stomach‐flushing technique. Additionally, we tested for a correlation between the individuals’ diet and morphological variation. Furthermore, we applied methods based on network theory to investigate patterns of resource use among individuals of each species. All three study species showed generalized diets and significant values of individual specialization. However, we did not find any correlation between diet and morphology, indicating that diet variation is not a consequence of morphological trade‐offs. The individual‐resource networks of H. leptolineatus and S. granulatus showed a nested pattern. This result indicates the presence of individuals with more diverse diets than others, and the diets of the more specialist individuals are a predictable subset of the diets of the more generalist ones. The individual‐resource network of P. cardosoi did not show a distinct pattern, diverging from what was predicted by optimal diet theory‐based models. Although nested or modular patterns are commonly found in individual‐resource networks, our results indicate that they are not ubiquitous and that random patterns can also be found.  相似文献   

Intra-specific competition defines the relationship between population density and the performance of individual organisms (R-function). Observation of this relationship in nature shows it to be frequently nonlinear, and it has been argued, on intuitive grounds, that this nonlinearity is due to the type of competition (scramble or contest) being expressed. Here, we use an individual-based simulation model to investigate the effects of three resource partitioning schemes, representing different types of competition, on the form of the R-function. Results indicate that all resource partitioning schemes can give rise to concave or convex functions depending on the balance between maximum individual birth rate, maintenance cost, and demand for resources. Given high growth rates and maintenance costs, contest competitors tend to exhibit less concavity than scramblers. Therefore, population stability can be strongly affected by the strategy of resource partitioning. Life histories and environmental conditions that encourage the homogeneous distribution of resources among individuals lead to complex and unstable dynamics. Stable dynamics is fostered by heterogeneous resource distribution, which could result from such things as social hierarchies, individual and environmental variability, and large, indivisible resource packets.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物应用广泛,对其展开原生资源调查,有助于对其进行更为合理的保护与利用。该研究经过野外调查、收集整理有关资料,确定福建原生棕榈科资源为8属10种,其中鱼尾葵(Caryota maxima)为福建分布新记录。福建省棕榈科植物呈全省分散分布,南部种类更加丰富,以漳州市为最多(有8种),其次是龙岩、福州(各有4种)。棕榈、毛鳞省藤在福建省各市均有分布,属福建省广分布种;大叶蒲葵、鱼尾葵、刺葵、变色山槟榔、白藤仅见漳州分布,属福建省狭分布种。福建原生棕榈科植物大部分生长在亚热带常绿阔叶林中、林缘、山谷水沟旁等地,人为采伐利用或生境丧失是其导致濒危主要因素,就地保护、迁地保护、加强相关科学研究等是当前主要的保护措施。  相似文献   

In this study, we have demonstrated that the type and feeding regimen of amino acids have a significant impact on the quality as well as the quantity of DNA vectors produced. Nutrient pool and factorial design experiments were carried out in order to identify the amino acids involved in increased biomass and induction of plasmid amplification. Leucine, glycine, and histidine were responsible for increased biomass and leucine starvation in the presence of histidine was implicated in plasmid amplification. Supercoiling of the plasmid was optimized using a dual feeding strategy. As a result of this, a fed-batch fermentation strategy for the production of a 6.9 kb plasmid, pSVß, in Escherichia coli DH5α was developed. In batch fermentation, a maximum plasmid yield of 39.4 mg/L equivalent to 11.3 mg/g dry cell weight (DCW) was achieved with casein hydrolysate limitation. About 90% of plasmid was in the supercoiled (SC) form after 31 hr of fermentation but only remained so for a short period, leading to a very brief window for harvesting cells at scale. Subsequently, a fed-batch fermentation using a dual feeding strategy was employed. A mean maximum plasmid yield of 44 mg/L equivalent to 9.1 mg plasmid/g DCW was achieved. After 25 hr, 90% of plasmid was in the SC form and remained at this level for the remaining 10 hr of the fermentation, allowing adequate time for the harvesting of cells without the loss of supercoiling of product. This study emphasized that optimizing fermentation strategy and identifying the essential nutrients are beneficial for bioprocessing of plasmid DNA for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of the Bisa people of northern Zambia on species, life cycles and host plants of the caterpillars they exploit for food and for household income generation, and the traditional control of caterpillar harvesting, were investigated through a household survey. The accessed indigenous knowledge on caterpillar biology was validated through a forest survey, caterpillar collections and identifications. Eight species of caterpillars were harvested from the surrounding miombo woodlands. Their life systems and host plants were well understood by members of local communities and this knoweldge was communicated amongst them orally. Popular commercial species were Gynanisa maya Strand and Gonimbrasia zambesina Walker. Over 20 miombo tree species hosted the two species but the mean numbers of the caterpillars on Julbernadia paniculata Troupin were significantly larger than those on other host plants (p < 0.05), indicating that J. paniculata was probably the main host plant of the two species. Traditional regulation of caterpillar harvesting involved: (i) monitoring for edible caterpillar development and abundance and for changes in caterpillar habitats, (ii) protection of host plants and moth eggs against late bush fires, through use of traditional fire technology, and (iii) temporal restriction of edible caterpillar harvesting. The possibility of the Zambian Government promoting caterpillar harvesting as an economic incentive to the Bisa people to conserve both this renewable edible caterpillar natural resource and their environment is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a scheduling strategy for workstation clusters able to effectively and fairly schedule general-purpose workloads potentially made up by compute-bound, interactive, and I/O-intensive applications, that may each be sequential, client-server, or parallel. The scheduling strategy allocates resources to processes of the same parallel applications in such a way that they all get the same CPU share regardless of the level of resource contention on the respective machines, and relies on an extended stride scheduler to fairly allocate individual workstations. A simulation analysis carried out for a variety of workloads and operational conditions shows that our strategy (a) delivers good performance to all the applications classes composing general-purpose workloads, (b) fairly allocates resources among competing applications, and (c) outperforms alternative strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Investment in silken tubes may give tubicolous chironomid larvae more to lose than non‐tube building taxa when physical disturbances or the actions of other organisms induce dispersal. In this study, two chironomid species from flood‐prone Australian tropical streams were subjected to repeated experimental destruction of their larval and pupal tubes in laboratory experiments, with life‐history parameter responses recorded. 2. When subjected to the tube destruction treatments, Echinocladius martini (Orthocladiinae), whose larvae construct branched loose silken tubes in fast flow, showed no reduction in survivorship to adult, whereas Polypedilum australotropicus (Chironominae), which builds compact tightly woven tubes incorporating detrital material within pool leaf packs, showed reduced survivorship of about 25%. 3. For both species, tube destruction reduced pupal duration, regardless of whether destruction occurred in the larval stage only, or in both the larval and pupal stages. This may be a response to the risks of exposure outside tubes in nature, particularly for pupae, which are incapable of spinning silk. 4. Tube destruction caused little or no reduction in adult size, longevity, or female fecundity (oocyte number) for either species, but oocyte development and size was retarded in E. martini females, reflecting the energetic and nutritive costs of the tube destruction treatments. 5. Contrasts in the responses of the two species reflect differences in tube‐building behaviour and in situ habitat use. These results demonstrate that tube loss can affect the fitness of individual chironomids, though both species proved generally resilient, which may reflect their long‐term exposure to variable tropical lotic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of harvesting the aboveground biomass on the growth of Phragmites australis in the subsequent growing season was investigated following cutting in June or July. Seasonal changes in rhizome biomass and total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) in seven age categories, from newly formed to six-years-old, were monitored for the two treatment stands and a control stand. The growth of the stands, as indicated by the aboveground biomass, showed a significant decline due to cutting in June but did not show a significant difference due to cutting in July, compared to that of the control stand. The timing of harvesting of aboveground biomass affected the annual rhizome resource allocation. A similar trend was observed for the pattern of resource allocation, as described by biomass variation of different rhizome-age categories for July-cut and control stands. However, the biomass of June-harvested rhizome categories tended to be smaller than the other two stands, indicating substantially reduced resource storage as a direct result of harvesting the aboveground biomass during the previous growing season. This implies that cutting of aboveground biomass in June is a better option for control of P. australis stands than cutting later in summer.  相似文献   

Animal personality has been investigated in a variety of contexts but few studies have investigated the effects of individual‐level traits on processes that occur at the group or population level. Vacancy chains describe sequences of linked vacancy moves in systems where individuals use discrete and reuseable resource units. When a new resource unit becomes available, this can cause a cascade of moves between resource units, beyond the first individual that encounters the new unit. Thus, vacancy chains can drive the distribution of resources through a population. Here, I investigate the effect of variation in boldness on movements between vacant gastropod shells in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus. Boldness was quantified using the duration of a startle response, which varied consistently between individuals. In groups of five crabs, introduction of a single new shell led to aggregate benefits, in terms of improving shell quality, across all group members. Boldness did not influence the extent of these benefits or the extent to which they were distributed between crabs of different sizes. Initially, vacancy chains were longer, indicating that more individuals moved between shells, for bold groups compared with shy groups. After 24 h, however, the chain length was longer for shy groups. Thus, although participation in a vacancy chain may lead to similar benefits, these could be more widespread for groups comprising shy individuals that show long startle responses, low inquisitiveness and low aggression. Similar effects on resource acquisition could be present in other examples of animals that utilise reusable resource units and show consistent between‐individual differences in behaviour.  相似文献   

Consumer communities are being re‐arranged through unprecedented rates of human‐mediated invasions and extinctions. Such changes in consumer diversity potentially alter community function and impact on resource populations. Although insect herbivore invasions are increasingly common, the influence of such species additions on native resident herbivore guilds, along with their individual and combined effects on native plant resources, are rarely investigated. Here, we used site‐to‐site and plant‐to‐plant variation in herbivore composition to examine how the addition of an invasive exotic weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus, combines with a guild of native floral herbivores (tephritid flies, pyralid moths) to influence two key components of herbivore community function – aggregate herbivore densities and cumulative levels of seed destruction – on a native thistle, Cirsium canescens. Invasion of a site by R. conicus more than doubled aggregate herbivore density, resulting in increased levels of seed destruction and a halving of seed production by the native thistle. Further, herbivore function was significantly higher on individual plants attacked by R. conicus, compared to plants attacked only by native herbivores. Insect densities and levels of seed destruction on plants attacked by multiple herbivore taxa never exceeded those observed for plants attacked by R. conicus alone, suggesting that increases in herbivore community function with invasion resulted from the inclusion of a functionally dominant insect rather than any complementarity effects. Some evidence for interference between insects emerged, with a trend towards reduced moth and weevil densities in two and three taxon mixtures compared with plants attacked by each taxon alone. However, density compensation was limited so that, overall, the addition of a novel herbivore to the floral guild was associated with a significant increase in herbivore community function and impact on seed production. The results suggest that invasion of a functionally dominant herbivore into an unsaturated recipient community can augment function within a resource guild.  相似文献   

Species utilizing distinct resources for offspring production often show plasticity in reproductive strategies as a function of resource quality. For species using ephemeral pools, strategies are mainly shaped by a time constraint related to pool stability, resource availability and the colonizing community. We studied reproductive strategies in Amazonian poison frogs (Dendrobates ventrimaculatus) that are characterized by oviposition in distinct, small and resource-limited water bodies in leaf axils of plants and the transport of newly hatched tadpoles on the back of males to similar water bodies. Cannibalism of eggs by tadpoles was found to be the main cause of egg mortality. Typically, at the end of the rainy season new clutches of eggs were deposited in water bodies already containing a tadpole. Manipulation of the available number of water bodies showed that this observation did not result from resource limitation. We conclude that D. ventrimaculatus has a plastic reproductive strategy that includes provisioning its tadpoles with fertilized eggs as a function of desiccation risk of water bodies housing its offspring. Provisioning behavior is expected to increase developmental rate and, therefore, chances of metamorphosis for tadpoles that hatched towards the end of the rainy season. The plastic food provisioning strategy may be an important evolutionary link to bi-parental and female care with development of obligate unfertilized egg provisioning in the genus Dendrobates.  相似文献   

Glutathione and ascorbate are essential components of the general antioxidative strategy to overcome oxidative stress due to environmental constraints such as pollution. The variation of glutathione and ascorbate contents in duckweed (Lemna minor) was investigated after a 48 h exposure to copper, diuron and folpet under laboratory conditions in order to determine whether changes in their level could serve as suitable and early biomarkers of pollution. One could observe that diuron and folpet caused the glutathione level to increase, its redox status remaining unchanged, while copper led to a depletion of this antioxidant and to an increase in its oxidation rate. When duckweed was contaminated by folpet and the metal, an increase of the ascorbate pool size occurred from concentrations as low as 1 mg l?1 and 50 μg l?1 respectively. While the ascorbate pool became more oxidized because of exposure to copper concentrations ≤ 200 μg l?1, folpet caused an increase in its reduction rate. Diuron was responsible for depletion of ascorbate, the redox status of which remained unchanged. Because it is an adaptation to stress and a defence process, the increase in the antioxidant pool size was proposed as a biomarker of exposure to an unsafe environment. Since depletion of antioxidant and an increase in its oxidation rate weakened cellular defences and indicated a precarious state, they could constitute early indicators of toxicity. So they were proposed as potential biomarkers of toxicity. It was concluded that the antioxidant content in duckweed might serve as a useful biomarker for monitoring water quality.  相似文献   

The Abe Bailey Nature Reserve, South Africa has been identified as a potential community resource reserve compatible with biodiversity conservation. As part of the planning and public participation phase this study investigated the potential for sustainably harvesting medicinal plants. Medicinal plant use data on local species, parts used and harvesting techniques, in collaboration with neighbouring traditional healers were collected. A census of these plants was conducted in the reserve and frequency, density and abundance were calculated. A medicinal plant rating system for assessing conservation priorities was used to combine both social-qualitative and ecological-quantitative data. Five medicinal species suitable for high impact harvesting were identified. Thirty-four species have potential to be set up as harvesting trials to determine sustainable quotas. Thirty-one medicinal species including Boophane disticha, Dicoma anomala, Eucomis autumnalis, Hypoxis hemerocallidea, Pentanisia prunelloides and Indigofera daleoides are considered to be site-specific sensitive species and should not be harvested from the reserve. Following this research an on site nursery has been started at the reserve. A multi-pronged approach involving harvesting trials, propagation and plant rescue from developments to cope with escalating demand and dwindling natural populations needs to be implemented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Logging has often been implicated in the decline of caribou (Rangifer tarandus), but its effects are incompletely understood. We used a distance-based approach to assess the effects of progressive clearcut logging on the summer (28 May to 15 Sep) range of caribou in Newfoundland, Canada. We compared distances of random locations and of caribou, from 9 years of radiotelemetry, to landcover types across 3 spatial scales: population range, individual ranges, and radiolocations. We tested for incremental avoidance of cutovers and mature softwood forests, the preferred type for caribou and forest harvesting, while controlling for the confounding effects of each. At the individual range, females selected for hardwood and softwood forests, bogs, and barrens, and they avoided open water. Patterns for males were similar, although they avoided bogs and barrens at both scales. The sexes differed in their response to forest harvesting. Females progressively avoided cutovers, both pre- and postharvest, likely due to their spatial proximity. Females maintained an average of 9.2 km from active cutovers. Cutover avoidance was evident even if we controlled statistically for distances to other habitats, and it accounted for heightened disuse of softwood forests. Compared with females, males occurred in proximity, with no incremental response to clearcutting. These results imply deleterious effects of timber harvesting on female caribou. Long-term investigations will enhance our capacity to evaluate such anthropogenic habitat changes.  相似文献   

Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), found in mangroves along the Brazilian coast, is an artisanal fishery resource harvested as a source of income and for subsistence. A 12?month study of U. cordatus was conducted in a mangrove area of the southeastern Brazilian coast to estimate the growth, longevity, sex ratio and population density of the crabs. A total of 1024 crabs (505 males and 519 females) were sampled. Carapace width (CW) ranged from 49 to 90?mm (mean?±?SD: 71.2?mm?±?6.0) for males and from 52 to 83?mm (69.3?mm?±?4.9) for females. Males dominated the largest CW classes. The asymptotic size (CW) and the asymptotic weight (WW) were estimated as 93.4?mm and 305.5?g, respectively, for males and as 87.1?mm and 221.5?g, respectively, for females. The estimated maximum longevities were 17.6?years for males and 15.7?years for females. The males (k?=?0.17, Φ?=?1.171) and females (k?=?0.19, Φ?=?1.159) showed similar growth rates. The mean density was 0.41?±?0.19?burrows?m?2. Of this total mean density, 85.8% corresponded to the immediate harvesting potential and 14.2% to the future harvesting potential. Given that U. cordatus is a long-lived species that grows slowly, an appropriate strategy for the management is crucial to ensure the sustainable exploitation of this resource.  相似文献   

Joint cultivation of the dominant strains of acetogenic, sulfate-reducing and methanogenic microorganisms isolated from water samples of the North Stavropol underground gas storage facility (UGSF) was carried out for revealing their probable trophic relationships. It was shown that acetogenic strains Eubacterium limosum AG12 and Sporomusa sphaeroides AG8-2 growing on methanol could form a considerable pool of hydrogen, which may support development of hydrogenotrophic cultures, the methanogen Methanobacterium formicicum MG134, or the sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio desulfuricans SR12. Growth of this sulfate-reducing strain was not stimulated under joint cultivation with Methanosarcina barkeri MGZ3 on methanol, probably due to its inability to take up low hydrogen concentrations observed during methanosarcina development. The results show that acetogens in the UGSF system are the most important consumers of methanol and hydrogen and after exhaustion of the latter and switching over to methanol utilization they can supply hydrogen to other microorganisms, including methanogens and sulfate reducers. The role of methanosarcina in the UGSF increases as the hydrogen and CO2 reserves are exhausted, and methanogenesis on methanol becomes the main way of its destruction.  相似文献   

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