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Adaptive evolutionary change is contingent on variation and selection; thus, understanding adaptive divergence and ultimately speciation requires information on both the genetic basis of adaptive traits as well as an understanding of the role of divergent natural selection on those traits. The lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) consists of several sympatric "dwarf" (limnetic) and normal (benthic) species pairs that co-inhabit northern postglacial lakes. These young species pairs have evolved independently and display parallelism in life history, behavioral, and morphological divergence associated with the use of distinct trophic resources. We identified phenotype-environment associations and determined the genetic architecture and the role of selection modulating population genetic divergence in sympatric dwarf and normal lake whitefish. The genetic architecture of 9 adaptive traits was analyzed in 2 hybrid backcrosses individually phenotyped throughout their life history. Significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) were associated with swimming behavior (habitat selection and predator avoidance), growth rate, morphology (condition factor and gill rakers), and life history (onset of maturity and fecundity). Genome scans among 4 natural sympatric pairs, using loci segregating in the map, revealed a signature of selection for 24 loci. Loci exhibiting a signature of selection were associated with QTL relative to other regions of the genome more often than expected by chance alone. Two parallel QTL outliers for growth and condition factor exhibited segregation distortion in both mapping families, supporting the hypothesis that adaptive divergence contributing to parallel reductions of gene flow among natural populations may cause genetic incompatibilities. Overall, these findings offer evidence that the genetic architecture of ecological speciation is associated with signatures of selection in nature, providing strong support for the hypothesis that divergent natural selection is currently maintaining adaptive differentiation and promoting ecological speciation in lake whitefish species pairs.  相似文献   

As natural selection must act on underlying genetic variation, discovering the number and location of loci under the influence of selection is imperative towards understanding adaptive divergence in evolving populations. Studies employing genome scans have hypothesized that the action of divergent selection should reduce gene flow at the genomic locations implicated in adaptation and speciation among natural populations, yet once 'outlier' patterns of variation have been identified the function and role of such loci needs to be confirmed. We integrated adaptive QTL mapping and genomic scans among diverging sympatric pairs of the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) species complex in order to test the hypothesis that differentiation between dwarf and normal ecotypes at growth-associated QTL was maintained by directional selection. We found evidence of significantly high levels of molecular divergence among eight growth QTL where two of the strongest candidate loci under the influence of directional selection exhibited parallel reductions of gene flow over multiple populations.  相似文献   

Adaptation and reproductive isolation, the engines of biological diversity, are still elusive when discussing the genetic bases of speciation. Namely, the number of genes and magnitude of selection acting positively or negatively on genomic traits implicated in speciation is contentious. Here, we describe the first steps of an ongoing research program aimed at understanding the genetic bases of population divergence and reproductive isolation in the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). A preliminary linkage map originating from a hybrid cross between dwarf and normal ecotypes is presented, whereby some of the segregating AFLP markers were found to be conserved among natural populations. Maximum-likelihood was used to estimate hybrid indices from non-diagnostic markers at 998 AFLP loci. This allowed identification of the most likely candidate loci that have been under the influence of selection during the natural hybridisation of whitefish originating from different glacial races. As some of these loci could be identified on the linkage map, the possibility that selection of traits in natural populations may eventually be correlated to specific chromosomal regions was demonstrated. The future prospects and potential of these approaches to elucidate the genetic bases of adaptation and reproductive isolation among sympatric ecotypes of lake whitefish is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of reproductive barriers and the evolutionary forces that drove their divergence represents a considerable challenge towards understanding speciation. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic basis of intrinsic and extrinsic post-zygotic isolation in diverging populations of dwarf and normal lake whitefish with allopatric glacial origins. We found that the rate of embryonic mortality was 5.3-6.5 times higher in dwarf-normal hybrid backcrosses during development than in F1 dwarf and normal crosses. When comparing embryos that died during development against larvae that successfully hatched, patterns of Mendelian segregation at 101 loci whose linkage is known identified 13 loci distributed over seven linkage groups that exhibited significant shifts in segregation ratios leading to significant segregation distortion at these loci in the surviving progeny. Controlled crosses and quantitative trait loci analysis revealed a significant genetic basis for developmental time until emergence, a trait critical to fish larval survival in nature. Hatching backcross progeny exhibited asynchronous emergence and transgressive segregation, suggesting that extrinsic post-zygotic isolation may select against hybridization in specific environmental contexts. Evidence of a genetic basis for increased embryonic mortality followed by asynchronous emergence indicated that intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms are not mutually exclusive in the formation and maintenance of reproductive isolation, but may be jointly promoting population divergence and ultimately speciation.  相似文献   

Rogers SM  Isabel N  Bernatchez L 《Genetics》2007,175(1):375-398
Elucidating the genetic architecture of population divergence may reveal the evolution of reproductive barriers and the genomic regions implicated in the process. We assembled genetic linkage maps for the dwarf and Normal lake whitefish species complex and their hybrids. A total of 877 AFLP loci and 30 microsatellites were positioned. The homology of mapped loci between families supported the existence of 34 linkage groups (of 40n expected) exhibiting 83% colinearity among linked loci between these two families. Classes of AFLP markers were not randomly distributed among linkage groups. Both AFLP and microsatellites exhibited deviations from Mendelian expectations, with 30.4% exhibiting significant segregation distortion across 28 linkage groups of the four linkage maps in both families (P < 0.00001). Eight loci distributed over seven homologous linkage groups were significantly distorted in both families and the level of distortion, when comparing homologous loci of the same phase between families, was correlated (Spearman R = 0.378, P = 0.0021). These results suggest that substantial divergence incurred during allopatric glacial separation and subsequent sympatric ecological specialization has resulted in several genomic regions that are no longer complementary between dwarf and Normal populations issued from different evolutionary glacial lineages.  相似文献   

An 18-day experiment was conducted to investigate the uptake and sublethal toxicity of dietary Ni in adult lake whitefish (LWF, Coregonus clupeaformis) and lake trout (LT, Salvelinus namaycush) fed diets containing 0, 1000 and 10000 microg Ni/g, prepared with and without brine shrimp. The results of this experiment were used to design an experiment of longer duration in which one of the fish species was selected and exposed to lower dietary Ni doses. In the present study feed refusal was observed in LT and LWF fed 10000 microg Ni/g, after three and 4-5 feedings, respectively. LT fed Ni-contaminated diets exhibited different patterns of Ni accumulation than LWF. Increased Ni concentrations in all LWF tissues, except the intestine, were associated with increased doses of Ni. Copper and Zn concentrations in kidney and liver of LWF were altered. Metallothionein concentrations in kidneys of LT fed 1000 microg Ni/g and 10000 microg Ni/g and LWF fed 10000 microg Ni/g and in livers of LWF fed 10000 microg Ni/g (diet without shrimp only) increased significantly. Increased lipid peroxide production in the plasma of LT fed 10000 microg Ni/g was observed. Blood glucose and electrolytes were affected by Ni exposure. Histopathological alterations were observed in kidneys of LWF fed low and high dose diets, livers of whitefish fed high dose diets, and intestines of LWF fed high dose diets and LT fed low and high dose diets. LT fed high dose diets exhibited significant decreases in weight.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility (MHC) immune system genes may evolve in response to pathogens in the environment. Because they also may affect mate choice, they are candidates for having great importance in ecological speciation. Here, we use next‐generation sequencing to test the general hypothesis of parallelism in patterns of MHCIIβ diversity and bacterial infections among five dwarf and normal whitefish sympatric pairs. A second objective was to assess the functional relationships between specific MHCIIβ alleles and pathogens in natural conditions. Each individual had between one and four alleles, indicating two paralogous loci. In Cliff Lake, the dwarf ecotype was monomorphic for the most common allele. In Webster Lake, the skew in the allelic distribution was towards the same allele but in the normal ecotype, underscoring the nonparallel divergence among lakes. Our signal of balancing selection matched putative peptide binding region residues in some cases, but not in others, supporting other recent findings of substantial functional differences in fish MHCIIβ compared with mammals. Individuals with fewer alleles were less likely to be infected; thus, we found no evidence for the heterozygote advantage hypothesis. MHCIIβ alleles and pathogenic bacteria formed distinct clusters in multivariate analyses, and clusters of certain alleles were associated with clusters of pathogens, or sometimes the absence of pathogens, indicating functional relationships at the individual level. Given that patterns of MHCIIβ and bacteria were nonparallel among dwarf and normal whitefish pairs, we conclude that pathogens driving MHCIIβ evolution did not play a direct role in their parallel phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

We performed a combined analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite loci among lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) populations in order to assess the levels of congruence between both types of markers in defining patterns of genetic structuring, introgressive hybridization and inferring population origins in the hybrid zone of the St. John River basin. A second objective was to test the hypothesis that secondary contact between glacial lineages always resulted in the occurrence of sympatric dwarf and normal whitefish ecotypes. Fish were sampled from 35 populations and polymorphism was screened at mtDNA and six microsatellite loci for a total of 688 and 763 whitefish, respectively. Four lakes harbouring a single whitefish population of normal ecotype admixed with mtDNA haplotypes of different lineages were found. This confirmed that secondary contact between whitefish evolutionary lineages did not always result in the persistence of reproductively isolated ecotypes. Microsatellites further supported the definition of distinct glacial lineages by identifying lineage-specific allelic size groups. They also further supported the hypothesis that ecotypes originated from either a single founding lineage (sympatric divergence) or following secondary contacts between lineages (allopatric divergence), depending on the lake. In general, however, the pattern of population differentiation and introgressive hybridization observed at microsatellites was in sharp contrast with that depicted by mtDNA variation. Both factorial correspondence analysis and analysis of admixture proportion revealed a much more pronounced pattern of introgressive hybridization than depicted by mtDNA analyses. Variable levels of introgression indicated that environmental differences may be as important as the historical contingency of secondary contact in explaining the persistence of sympatric ecotypes and the differential pattern of introgressive hybridization among lakes. Whitefish populations from the St. John River basin hybrid zone represent a rare illustration of a continuum of both morphological and genetic differentiation within a given taxon, spanning from complete introgression to possibly complete reproductive isolation, depending on lakes. Thus, each lake may be viewed as a different temporal snapshot taken throughout the gradual process of speciation.  相似文献   

Telomeresaretheendsoftheeukaryoticchromosomesandconsistoftandemlyshortrepeatsequenceswhicharedescribedbytheconsensus[d(T/A)14dG18]ninmostorganisms.ThetelomericrepeatsofArabidopsis,[TTTAGGG]n,wereclonedin1988[1].Ganaletal.[2]reportedthetomatotelomeresequence,[TT(T/A…  相似文献   

Parallel phenotypic divergence in replicated adaptive radiations could either result from parallel genetic divergence in response to similar divergent selection regimes or from equivalent phenotypically plastic response to the repeated occurrence of contrasting environments. In post‐glacial fish, replicated divergence in phenotypes along the benthic‐limnetic habitat axis is commonly observed. Here, we use two benthic‐limnetic species pairs of whitefish from two Swiss lakes, raised in a common garden design, with reciprocal food treatments in one species pair, to experimentally measure whether feeding efficiency on benthic prey has a genetic basis or whether it underlies phenotypic plasticity (or both). To do so, we offered experimental fish mosquito larvae, partially burried in sand, and measured multiple feeding efficiency variables. Our results reveal both, genetic divergence as well as phenotypically plastic divergence in feeding efficiency, with the phenotypically benthic species raised on benthic food being the most efficient forager on benthic prey. This indicates that both, divergent natural selection on genetically heritable traits and adaptive phenotypic plasticity, are likely important mechanisms driving phenotypic divergence in adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Coregonine fish represent the most successful evolutionary lineage of salmonids with Coregonus as the most speciose salmonid genus inhabiting numerous postglacial lakes across the northern hemisphere. We isolated and characterized 31 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Coregonus clupeaformis with an average number of 5.3 alleles per locus (range three to eight) and an overall expected heterozygosity of 0.74 ± 0.11. Two loci revealed significant linkage associations through analyses of mapping families. Six additional salmonid taxa assessed for cross‐species amplification revealed between 18 and 26 positive amplifications and between two and 12 polymorphic loci per species.  相似文献   

Liriodendron tulipifera L., a member of the Magnoliaceae, occupies an important phylogenetic position as a basal angiosperm that has retained numerous putatively ancestral morphological characters, and thus has often been used in studies of the evolution of flowering plants and of specific gene families. However, genomic resources for these early branching angiosperm lineages are very limited. In this study, we describe the construction of a large-insert bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from L. tulipifera. Flow cytometry estimates that this nuclear genome is approximately 1,802 Mbp per haploid genome (±16 SD). The BAC library contains 73,728 clones, a 4.8-fold genome coverage, with an average insert size of 117 kb, a chloroplast DNA content of 0.2%, and little to no bacterial sequences nor empty vector content clones. As a test of the utility of this BAC library, we screened the library with six single/low-copy genic probes. We obtained at least two positive clones for each gene and confirmed the clones by DNA sequencing. A total of 182 paired end sequences were obtained from 96 of the BAC clones. Using BLAST searches, we found that 25% of the BAC end sequences were similar to DNA sequences in GenBank. Of these, 68% shared sequence with transposable elements and 25% with genes from other taxa. This result closely reflected the content of random sequences obtained from a small insert genomic library for L. tulipifera, indicating that the BAC library construction process was not biased. The first genomic DNA sequences for Liriodendron genes are also reported. All the Liriodendron genomic sequences described in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank data library. The end sequences from shotgun genomic clones and BAC clones are under accession DU169330–DU169684. Partial sequences of Gigantea, Frigida, LEAFY, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase genes are under accession DQ223429–DQ223434. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of a dwarf and normal whitefish has been documented in six post-glacial lakes. Here, we relate the structure and seasonal variations of the epibenthic invertebrate communities to the extent of phenotypic differentiation in these species pairs. The highest phenotypic differentiation occurs in lakes characterized by less overlap in size distribution between limnetic and epibenthic prey which could represent enhanced ecological opportunities for trophic specialization and adaptive divergence. Differences in community assemblages and seasonal variation of biotic and abiotic conditions may also play a role. Accumulating evidence indicates that strong directional selection acting on dwarf whitefish may be more important than divergent selection acting on both sympatric forms in driving whitefish phenotypic divergence and ultimately, ecological speciation. Along with Landry et al. (2007), this study supports the general hypothesis that parallelism in divergence among sympatric dwarf and normal whitefish is associated with parallelism in limnological adaptive landscape.  相似文献   

Eggs were collected from two stocks of lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis , in Lakes Michigan and Huron to assess the effect of egg composition and prey density on larval growth and survival. Egg composition parameters including wet weight (mg egg−1), dry weight (mg egg−1), percent water, total caloric content (cal egg−1), caloric density (cal egg−1), percent lipid content, and total lipidcontent (mg egg−1) were measured. Fish hatched from six parental females in each stock were fed one of four rations (0, 18, 24, 50 brine shrimp larva−1 day−1) after yolk sac absorption. Length at hatch, endogenous growth, exogenous growth, and survival were measured during a 42-day laboratory experiment. Length at hatch of larvae was positively related to egg caloric content ( r 2=0.780). Endogenous growth for lake whitefish larvae was positively related to percent lipid content ( r 2=0.896) and total egg lipid content ( r 2=0.876) of parental females. Exogenous growth and survival of larval lake whitefish was positively related to prey availability. Larval fish growth was accurately modelled ( r 2=0.973) as a function of prey abundance using a threshold-corrected hyperbolic equation. These results indicate that both egg composition and prey availability have the potential to influence the growth and survival dynamics of larval lake whitefish significantly.  相似文献   

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