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Conidiation and lytic enzyme production by Trichoderma viride at different solids concentration of pre-treated municipal wastewater sludge was examined in a 15-L fermenter. The maximum conidia concentration (5.94 × 107 CFU mL−1 at 96 h) was obtained at 30 g L−1 suspended solids. The maximum lytic enzyme activities were achieved around 12–30 h of fermentation. Bioassay against a fungal phytopathogen, Fusarium sp. showed maximum activity in the sample drawn around 96 h of fermentation at 30 g L−1 suspended solids concentration. Entomotoxicity against spruce budworm larvae showed maximum value ≈17290 SBU μL−1 at 30 g L−1 suspended solids concentration at the end of fermentation (96 h). Plant bioassay showed dual action of T. viride, i.e., disease prevention and growth promotion. The rheological analyses of fermentation sludges showed the pseudoplastic behaviour. In order to maintain required dissolved oxygen concentration ≥30%, the agitation and aeration requirements significantly increased at 35 g L−1 compared to 30 and 25 g L−1. The oxygen uptake rate and volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, kLa at 35 g L−1 did not increase in comparison to 30 g L−1 due to rheological complexity of the broth during fermentation. Thus, the successful fermentation operation of the biocontrol fungus T. viride is a rational indication of its potential for mass-scale production for agriculture and forest sector as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

The biotransformations of a series of substituted sulfides were carried out with the filamentous fungi Botrytis cinerea, Eutypa lata and Trichoderma viride. Several products underwent microbial oxidation of sulfide to sulfoxide with medium to high enantiomeric purity. With regard to sulfoxide enantioselectivity, the (R)-enantiomer was favoured in biotransformations by T. viride and E. lata while the (S)-enantiomer was favoured in those by B. cinerea. A minor amount of sulfone product was also obtained.  相似文献   

通过研究绿色木霉菌LTR-2分生孢子提取物的抑菌活性及化学成分,为进一步提取纯化新型抗生素提供依据。采用固体麸皮培养基培养绿色木霉菌LTR-2,以二氯甲烷浸提法提取分生孢子中的抗菌物质,采用菌丝生长法测定提取物的抑菌活性,并用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行分析,峰面积归一法计算有关成分的相对含量。绿色木霉菌LTR-2分生孢子的提取物抑菌谱广,对供试11种植物病原真菌均有不同程度的抑制作用;抑制效果好,对禾谷丝核菌的抑制率为89.3%。从提取物中分离鉴定出60多种化学成分,其中烷烃类成分数量最多,为43种,其他成分有酮类、有机酸类、醇类、烯类等,主要成分是麦角固醇,含量为41.90%。结论:绿色木霉菌LTR-2分生孢子提取物具有抑菌作用。通过化学成分分析,提取物中含有化合物5,6-二氢-6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮,含量为2.35%,结合文献报道,推测5,6-二氢-6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮是提取物中起抑菌作用的物质。  相似文献   

李哲  李璇  崔婷婷  任云 《微生物学报》2023,63(9):3560-3573
【目的】本文借助基因编辑技术在具有生物防治潜力的绿色木霉(Trichoderma viride)中敲除组蛋白去乙酰化酶编码基因TvRpd3,来研究TvRpd3基因及其编码蛋白在提高木霉病原菌拮抗能力中的作用。【方法】利用融合PCR和同源重组策略构建了TvRpd3基因缺失的突变菌株,通过对峙培养、表型观察、免疫组化检测、代谢组学分析等系统比较TvRpd3基因敲除前后菌株的组蛋白乙酰化修饰水平、次级代谢产物合成、病原菌拮抗能力以及田间防治效果等。【结果】与野生型菌株相比,缺失TvRpd3基因的木霉工程菌(?TvRpd3)对多种病原菌表现出了更强的对峙抑制效果,其所产的发酵液对小麦白粉病、烟草黑胫病和番茄枯萎病的防治效果分别提高了62.27%、57.45%和70.71%。同时,敲除TvRpd3基因也显著改变了木霉工程菌所产次级代谢产物的种类和产量,抗生性物质的产量大幅提高。【结论】绿色木霉TvRpd3基因及其介导的组蛋白乙酰化修饰在提高绿色木霉生物防治中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

In this study, agar plate interaction between Schizophyllum commune and Trichoderma viride was investigated to characterise the physiological responses occurring during interspecific mycelial combat. The metabolite profiles and morphological changes in both fungi paired on agar were studied relative to the modulation of phenoloxidase activity in S. commune. The calcium ionophore A23187 was incorporated in self-paired cultures of S. commune to explore possible involvement of calcium influx in the response of S. commune to T. viride. The levels of lipid peroxides and protein carbonyls in the confronted mycelia of S. commune were also measured. Contact with T. viride induced pigmentation and cell wall hydrolysis in S. commune with concomitant increase in phenoloxidase activity, rise in the levels of oxidative stress indicators and increased levels of phenolic compounds, antioxidant γ-amino butyric acid, and pyridoxine and osmo-protective sugar alcohols. Calcium ionophore mimicked the pigmentation in the T. viride-confronted mycelia of S. commune, implicating calcium influx in the response to T. viride. The changes in S. commune are indicative of targeted responses to osmotic and oxidative stresses and phenoloxidase-mediated detoxification of noxious compounds in the contact interface with T. viride, which may confer resistance in natural environments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the enzymes produced by Trichoderma reesei Rut C30 and the good extracellular β-glucosidase-producing mutant Trichoderma atroviride TUB F-1663 to that of commercial preparations in the enzymatic hydrolysis and the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of steam-pretreated spruce (SPS).The concentrated TUB F-1663 enzyme was found to be the most efficient in the hydrolysis of washed SPS at 50 g/L water-insoluble solids (WIS) in terms of the glucose produced (18.5 g/L), even in comparison with commercial cellulases (14.1–16.7 g/L). The enzyme preparations were studied at low enzyme loadings (5 FPU/g WIS) in SSF to produce ethanol from SPS. The enzyme supernatant and whole fermentation broth of T. atroviride as well as the whole broth of T. reesei proved to be as efficient in SSF as the commercial cellulase mixtures (ethanol yields of 61–76% of the theoretical were achieved), while low ethanol yields (<40%) were obtained with the β-glucosidase-deficient T. reesei supernatant.Therefore, it seems, that instead of using commercial cellulases, the TUB F-1663 enzymes and the whole broth of Rut C30 may be produced on-site, using a process stream as carbon source, and employed directly in the biomass-to-bioethanol process.  相似文献   

【背景】褪黑素(melatonin)是动植物内广泛存在的一种小分子生物胺类物质,在促进生物生长和提高环境耐受性等方面发挥重要作用。木霉(Trichoderma)既是重要的生防菌株也是高效的工业产品生产菌株,能够合成丰富的代谢产物。【目的】针对目前木霉菌株中还未发现褪黑素合成的问题,构建具有褪黑素合成能力的绿色木霉(Trichoderma viride)工程菌,并对其生理特性进行研究。【方法】在绿色木霉Tv-1511中异源表达了来源于人基因组的芳烷基胺N-乙酰转移酶(aralkylamineN-acetyltransferase,AANAT)编码基因hAANAT和乙酰复合胺-O-甲基转移酶(acetylserotonin-O-methyltransferase,ASMT)编码基因hASMT,高效液相色谱法(highperformance liquid chromatography, HPLC)检测了木霉工程菌合成褪黑素的产量,并利用生化方法检测了工程菌的生长、抗逆及对植物的促生抗病能力。【结果】获得了具有褪黑素合成能力的绿色木霉工程菌,此株工程菌具有更好的生长和产孢特性、更强的逆境胁迫耐...  相似文献   

A field trial has been set up to assess the biological control potential of a Trichoderma viride isolate, T60. This isolate had been shown in previous laboratory tests to be particularly effective against certain basidiomycete decay fungi. Wood was treated with T60 spores using vacuum pressure impregnation in a pilot preservation plant. Treated stakes were planted in the field site along with CCA-treated and untreated control samples. Replicate samples were also set up in an accelerated decay facility employed to give a comparison to the field trial results. This paper describes the setting up and monitoring of the field and fungal cellar trials, and presents results of moisture monitoring and sapstain assessment which indicate that Trichoderma viride isolate T60 has a marked effect on the rate of sapstain development under certain conditions. The paper also discusses the efficacy of pressure impregnation of spore suspensions for use as biological control agents  相似文献   

A previous paper reported on the establishment of a field and fungal cellar trial set up to determine the biocontrol potential of a specific Trichoderma isolate against wood decay fungi. This paper reports on the analyses used to examine the protective effect of the selected isolate, and presents results indicating an initial protective effect against both basidiomycetes and soft rot fungi. The parameters assessed in the field and fungal cellar trials were soft rot decay, basidiomycete decay, Trichoderma colonisation, moisture content and nitrogen content. The results of these analyses show that the introduction of a biological control agent has had a significant effect on moisture content, decay and nitrogen content. A protective effect has been observed against soft rot and basidiomycete decay fungi in field samples.  相似文献   

植酸酶的纯化及其酶学性质初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从绿色木霉LH374固态发酵产物中提取植酸酶。粗酶液经硫酸铵沉淀、凝胶过滤、离子交换层析纯化后,提纯倍数可达13.3,回收率为27.1%。酶学性质研究表明,植酸酶最适作用温度为55℃、最适作用pH为6.0,米氏常数Km为0.15mmol/L。  相似文献   

【目的】从健康亚麻植株的根际土壤中筛选对亚麻立枯病菌具有较强抑菌作用的拮抗菌,优化其产生抑菌活性物质的发酵条件,为其生防利用奠定基础。【方法】采用稀释平板涂布法和对峙培养法进行拮抗菌的筛选;根据菌株形态学特征、生理生化特性以及16S r RNA基因序列分析对其进行鉴定;利用温室抗病实验确定其生防效果;通过单因素实验和均匀设计实验优化其发酵条件。【结果】分离筛选到一株对亚麻立枯病菌具有显著拮抗作用的细菌HXP-5,且其对另外7种植物病菌真菌均有拮抗作用;鉴定菌株HXP-5为枯草芽孢杆菌;温室抗病实验结果表明其生防效果可达71.22%;其产生抑菌活性物质的最佳发酵条件为:葡萄糖为2.3%,胰蛋白胨+酵母粉(3:1)为0.25%,Na Cl为0.18%,发酵时间为72 h,发酵温度为27°C,转速为210 r/min,250 m L摇瓶装液100 m L,接种量为1.7%。【结论】经鉴定,对亚麻立枯病病菌具拮抗作用的菌株HXP-5为枯草芽孢杆菌,且对亚麻立枯病具有较强的防治效果,发酵条件进行优化后其对亚麻立枯病病原菌显示出更强的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Axenic cultivation of biocontrol fungus Trichoderma viride was conducted on a synthetic medium and different wastewaters and wastewater sludges in shake flasks to search for a suitable raw material resulting in higher biocontrol activity. Soluble starch based synthetic medium, dewatered municipal sludge, cheese industry wastewater sludge, pre-treated and untreated pulp and paper industry wastewater and slaughter house wastewater (SHW) were tested for T. viride conidia and protease enzyme production. The maximum conidia production followed the order, soluble starch medium (>109 c.f.u./mL), untreated pulp and paper industry wastewater (4.9 × 107 c.f.u./mL) > cheese industry wastewater (1.88 × 107 c.f.u./mL) ≈ SHW (1.63 × 107 c.f.u./mL) > dewatered municipal sludge (3.5 × 106 c.f.u./mL) > pre-treated pulp and paper industry wastewater (1.55 × 106 c.f.u./mL). The protease activity of T. viride was particularly higher in slaughterhouse wastewater (2.14 IU/mL) and dewatered municipal sludge (1.94 IU/mL). The entomotoxicity of soluble starch based synthetic medium was lower (≈6090 SBU/μL) in contrast to other raw materials. The entomotoxicity inversely decreased with carbon to nitrogen ratio in the growth medium and the conidia concentration and protease activity also contributed to the entomotoxicity. The residual c.f.u./g formulation of T. viride conidia were up to approximately, 90% after 1 month at 4 ± 1 °C and about 70% after 6 months at 25 ± 1 °C. Thus, production of T. viride conidia would help in marketability of low cost biopesticide from the sludge and safe reduction of pollution load.  相似文献   

A broad spectrum of fungal antagonists was evaluated as potential biocontrol agents (BCAs) against the soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani using a new combination of in vitro and in vivo assays. The in vitro characterisation of diverse parameters including the ability to parasitise mycelium and to inhibit the germination of Rhizoctonia sclerotia at different temperatures resulted in the selection of six potential fungal antagonists. These were genotypically characterised by their BOX-PCR fingerprints, and identified as Trichoderma reesei and T. viride by partial 18S rDNA sequencing. When potato sprouts were treated with Trichoderma, all isolates significantly reduced the incidence of Rhizoctonia symptoms. Evaluated under growth chamber conditions, the selected Trichoderma isolates either partly or completely controlled the dry mass loss of lettuce caused by R. solani. Furthermore, the antagonistic Trichoderma strains were active under field conditions. To analyse the effect of Trichoderma treatment on indigenous root-associated microbial communities, we performed a DNA-dependent SSCP (Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism) analysis of 16S rDNA/ITS sequences. In this first assessment study for Trichoderma it was shown that the pathogen and the vegetation time had much more influence on the composition of the microbiota than the BCA treatment. After evaluation of all results, three Trichoderma strains originally isolated from Rhizoctonia sclerotia were selected as promising BCAs.  相似文献   

In vitro assays were undertaken to evaluate the control of two sapstain fungi, Leptographium procerum and Sphaeropsis sapinea by a combination of chitosan or chitosan oligomer and an albino strain of Trichoderma harzianum. Spore germination and hyphal growth of the test fungi were assessed on media amended with chitosan or chitosan oligomer with and without T. harzianum using either simultaneous inoculation with test fungus or inoculation 1, 2, or 3 days after pre-infection with test fungus.There was no mycelial growth of the test fungi regardless of chitosan concentrations used when either L. procerum or S. sapinea was simultaneously inoculated with T. harzianum. However, the dose–response of chitosan or chitosan oligomer on the test fungi was apparent when T. harzianum was not simultaneously inoculated with test fungus but introduced later. There was a greater growth reduction at higher concentrations (0.075–0.1% v/v) of chitosan, and overall chitosan oligomer was more effective than chitosan aqueous solution.Chitosan alone was able to restrict or delay the germination of spores but the combination of chitosan and T. harzianum inhibited spore germination and hence colony formation of test fungi regardless of time delay.  相似文献   

由尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型热带四号小种(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race4, FocTR4)引起的香蕉枯萎病(banana Fusarium wilt, BFW)是全世界范围内难以防治的真菌病害,给香蕉产业造成巨大的经济损失。本研究旨在筛选高效拮抗FocTR4的木霉生防菌株,并对其发酵代谢产物进行分离、提纯和鉴定,为香蕉枯萎病的高效生物防治提供重要生防菌株和活性化合物资源。从作物根际土壤中分离出木霉菌株,通过平板对峙培养、发酵液对病原菌孢子萌发及菌丝生长抑制,测试筛选出高效抑制FocTR4的生防木霉菌株;通过构建系统发育树明确生防菌株的分类地位;通过柱色谱法分离纯化菌株发酵液中活性成分,通过核磁共振波谱法(nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, NMR)解析活性成分的结构;通过香蕉苗感病盆栽实验检测生防木霉菌株对香蕉枯萎病的防治效果。结果表明,本研究筛选到了1株拮抗FocTR4的菌株JSHA-CD-1003,平板对峙抑制率为60.6%;发酵液在24 h内能完全抑制FocTR4孢子萌发,7 d内对FocTR4菌丝生长的抑制率为52.6%;基于内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer, ITS)和tef1-α基因串联序列构建系统发育树,该菌株鉴定为短密木霉(Trichoderma brevicompactum),通过柱色谱法分离提纯和NMR鉴定单一活性化合物为木霉素(trichodermin),最小抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)为25 μg/mL;盆栽生防实验表明,菌株JSHA-CD-1003发酵液对香蕉枯萎病的叶片黄化防治率为47.4%,球茎褐化防治率为52.0%。因此,JSHA-CD-1003通过产生木霉素有效抑制FocTR4孢子萌发和菌丝生长,对FocTR4引起的香蕉枯萎病具有良好的生物防治效果,是一株具有生防潜力的菌株。  相似文献   

The Trichoderma reesei xln2 gene coding for the pI 9.0 endoxylanase was isolated from the wild-type strain QM6a. The gene contains one intron of 108 nucleotides and codes for a protein of 223 amino acids in which two putative N-glycosylation target sites were found. Three different T. reesei strains were transformed by targeting a construct composed of the xln2 gene, including its promoter, to the endogenous cbh1 locus. Highest overall production levels of xylanase were obtained using T. reesei ALK02721, a genetically engineered strain, as a host. Integration into the cbh1 locus was not required for enhanced expression under control of the xln2 promoter.  相似文献   

The in vitro germination of 11 Metarhizium anisopliae and 11 Beauveria bassiana isolates originating from substrates collected in rural peridomestic areas in Central Brazil where triatomines are common was tested. Conidia completed germination up to 24 h after exposure to water activity of >0.99 aw in all isolates tested. At lower 0.93 aw germination was delayed but conidia of most isolates germinated at high rates (>98 %) within 216 h of incubation. Activities of 2 M. anisopliae and 2 B. bassiana isolates with different patterns of germination at 0.93 aw were tested in Triatoma infestans third instar nymphs. There was no relationship between germination kinetics in vitro at 0.93 aw and their activity in vivo at 98, 75 and 43 % relative humidity (rh). Isolates with accelerated germination at 0.93 aw were not more virulent at 75 and 43 % rh compared with isolates with retarded or no germination. Highest mortalities were observed at 98 % rh, and they did not exceed 25 % after 25 d incubation at lower 75 and 43 % rh. Isolates that originated from a region with an extensive annual arid period showed no adaptation to lower humidity in their activity against T. infestans.  相似文献   

Clonostachys rosea (CR) is a common worldwide saprophyte with destructive effect against several plant pathogenic fungi showing antagonistic features against a wide variety of pathogens. We recently isolated a strain of C. rosea, named CR47, from wheat crown infected with Fusarium culmorum (FC); this strain proved to be effective against Fusarium seed borne diseases of cereals under field condition. In this paper the function of C. rosea applied as seed treatment on wheat seedling growth was investigated. In addition, we investigated the expression pattern of peroxidases and chitinases as well as PR4 proteins following both CR treatments of seeds and FC infection and also in the three-component system pathogen–antagonist–wheat. Several chitinase isoforms were induced by CR-treatment both in coleoptiles and roots, whereas some peroxidase isoforms were induced only in the presence of both antagonist and pathogen. In the latter case, it seems that CR-treatment by itself promotes plant growth and reduces the peroxidase expression, while enhances some chitinase isoforms probably involved in cell wall disruption. Moreover, both the antagonist and the pathogen studied induced PR4 protein expression, which probably exerts its role on the invading microorganisms by a translation-inhibitory process that could be ascribed to their ribonuclease activity.  相似文献   

[目的]本研究以工业生产菌株里氏木霉为研究对象,鉴定翻转酶基因drs2对其纤维素酶表达及分泌的影响.[方法]首先通过BLAST序列比对,从里氏木霉中鉴定出翻转酶基因drs2,并通过同源重组的方法在里氏木霉中构建了drs2基因的敲除菌株△drs2.对△drs2菌株及其对照株在不同碳源上的生长发育、蛋白分泌、纤维素酶及半纤...  相似文献   

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