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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a high contribution from agricultural soils and emissions that depend on soil type, climate, crops and management practices. The N2O emissions therefore need to be included as an integral part of environmental assessments of agricultural production systems. An algorithm for N2O production and emission from agricultural soils was developed and included in the FASSET whole-farm model. The model simulated carbon and nitrogen (N) turnover on a daily basis. Both nitrification and denitrification was included in the model as sources for N2O production, and the N2O emissions depended on soil microbial and physical conditions. The model was tested on experimental data of N2O emissions from grasslands in UK, Finland and Denmark, differing in climatic conditions, soil properties and management. The model simulated the general time course of N2O emissions and captured the observed effects of fertiliser and manure management on emissions. Scenario analyses for grazed and cut grasslands were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil texture, climatic conditions, grassland management and N fertilisation on N2O emissions. The soils varied from coarse sand to sandy loam and the climatic variation was taken to represent the climatic variation within Denmark. N fertiliser rates were varied from 0 to 500 kg N ha−1. The simulated N2O emissions showed a non-linear response to increasing N rates with increasing emission factors at higher N rates. The simulated emissions increased with increasing soil clay contents. N2O emissions were slightly increased at higher temperatures, whereas increasing annual rainfall generally lead to decreasing emissions. Emissions were slightly higher from grazed grasslands compared with cut grasslands at similar rates of total N input (fertiliser and animal excreta). The results indicate higher emission factors and thus higher potentials for reducing N2O emissions for intensively grazed grasslands on fine textured soils than for extensive cut-based grasslands on sandy soils.  相似文献   

N2O production from denitrification in soils contributes to the enhanced greenhouse effect and the destruction of the stratospheric ozone. Ungulate grazing affects denitrification and the production of N2O. The short-term effect of grazing on denitrification and N2O production has been examined in several grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of long-term grazing have rarely been studied. We measured denitrification and N2O production during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons in a long-term (17 years) experiment that had five grazing intensities (GI; 0.00, 1.33, 2.67, 4.00 and 5.33 sheep ha−1). We found that denitrification and N2O production rates were seasonally variable during the measurement period, with higher values observed in summer and lower values found in spring and autumn. The grazed treatments resulted in decreased denitrification and N2O production, primarily due to the reduced soil nitrate concentration and organic N content under the long-term grazing. This supported our hypothesis that long-term over-grazing suppresses denitrification and N2O production. Although significant differences in denitrification and N2O production were not found between the four GI, there was a general trend that cumulative denitrification and N2O production decreased as grazing intensity increased, especially in 2006. Lower N losses via denitrification and N2O production in the grazed plots, to some extent, may contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and help to preserve soil N and ameliorate the negative impacts of grazing on plant growth, productivity, and ecological restoration processes in the temperate steppe in northern China.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands are important stores of carbon and reservoirs of biodiversity that are vulnerable to global change. However, the carbon dynamics of individual peatland plant species is poorly understood, despite the potential for rising atmospheric CO2 to affect the vegetation’s contribution to overall ecosystem carbon function. Here, we examined the effects of 3 years exposure to elevated CO2 (eCO2) on (a) peatland plant community composition and biomass, and (b) plant carbon dynamics and the production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) using a 13CO2 pulse–chase approach. Results showed that under eCO2, Sphagnum spp. cover declined by 39% (P < 0.05) and Juncus effusus L. cover increased by 40% (P < 0.001). There was a concurrent increase in above- and belowground plant biomass of 115% (P < 0.01) and 96% (P < 0.01), respectively. Vascular species assimilated and turned over more 13CO2-derived carbon than Sphagnum spp. (49% greater turnover of assimilated 13C in J. effusus and F. ovina L. leaf tissues compared with Sphagnum, P < 0.01). Elevated CO2 also produced a 66% rise in DOC concentrations (P < 0.001) and an order of magnitude more ‘new’ exudate 13DOC than control samples (24 h after 13CO2 pulse-labelling 2.5 ± 0.5 and 0.2 ± 0.1% in eCO2 and control leachate, respectively, P < 0.05). We attribute the observed increase in DOC concentrations under eCO2 to the switch from predominantly Sphagnum spp. to vascular species (namely J. effusus), leading to enhanced exudation and decomposition (litter and peat). The potential for reduced peatland carbon accretion, increased DOC exports and positive feedback to climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

Profiles of subsurface soil CO2 concentration, soil temperature, and soil moisture, and throughfall were measured continuously during the years 2005 and 2006 in 16 locations at the free air CO2 enrichment facility situated within a temperate loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand. Sampling at these locations followed a 4 by 4 replicated experimental design comprised of two atmospheric CO2 concentration levels (ambient [CO2]a, ambient + 200 ppmv, [CO2]e) and two soil nitrogen (N) deposition levels (ambient, ambient + fertilization at 11.2 gN m−2 year−1). The combination of these measurements permitted indirect estimation of belowground CO2 production and flux profiles in the mineral soil. Adjacent to the soil CO2 profiles, direct (chamber-based) measurements of CO2 fluxes from the soil–litter complex were simultaneously conducted using the automated carbon efflux system. Based on the measured soil CO2 profiles, neither [CO2]e nor N fertilization had a statistically significant effect on seasonal soil CO2, CO2 production, and effluxes from the mineral soil over the study period. Soil moisture and temperature had different effects on CO2 concentration depending on the depth. Variations in CO2 were mostly explained by soil temperature at deeper soil layers, while water content was an important driver at the surface (within the first 10 cm), where CO2 pulses were induced by rainfall events. The soil effluxes were equal to the CO2 production for most of the time, suggesting that the site reached near steady-state conditions. The fluxes estimated from the CO2 profiles were highly correlated to the direct measurements when the soil was neither very dry nor very wet. This suggests that a better parameterization of the soil CO2 diffusivity is required for these soil moisture extremes.  相似文献   

Cech PG  Pepin S  Körner C 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):258-268
We enriched in CO2 the canopy of 14 broad-leaved trees in a species-rich, ca. 30-m-tall forest in NW Switzerland to test whether elevated CO2 reduces water use in mature forest trees. Measurements of sap flux density (JS) were made prior to CO2 enrichment (summer 2000) and throughout the first whole growing season of CO2 exposure (2001) using the constant heat-flow technique. The short-term responses of sap flux to brief (1.5–3 h) interruptions of CO2 enrichment were also examined. There were no significant a priori differences in morphological and physiological traits between trees which were later exposed to elevated CO2 (n=14) and trees later used as controls (n=19). Over the entire growing season, CO2 enrichment resulted in an average 10.7% reduction in mean daily JS across all species compared to control trees. Responses were most pronounced in Carpinus, Acer, Prunus and Tilia, smaller in Quercus and close to zero in Fagus trees. The JS of treated trees significantly increased by 7% upon transient exposure to ambient CO2 concentrations at noon. Hence, responses of the different species were, in the short term, similar in magnitude to those observed over the whole season (though opposite because of the reversed treatment). The reductions in mean JS of CO2-enriched trees were high (22%) under conditions of low evaporative demand (vapour pressure deficit, VPD <5 hPa) and small (2%) when mean daily VPD was greater than 10 hPa. During a relatively dry period, the effect of elevated CO2 on JS even appeared to be reversed. These results suggest that daily water savings by CO2-enriched trees may have accumulated to a significantly improved water status by the time when control trees were short of soil moisture. Our data indicate that the magnitude of CO2 effects on stand transpiration will depend on rainfall regimes and the relative abundance of the different species, being more pronounced under humid conditions and in stands dominated by species such as Carpinus and negligible in mono-specific Fagus forests.  相似文献   

A series of N4X (X = O, S, Se) compounds have been examined with ab initio and density functional theory (DFT) methods. To our knowledge, these compounds, except for the C2v ring and the C3v towerlike isomers of N4O, are first reported here. The ring structures are the most energetically favored for N4X (X = O and S) systems. For N4Se, the cagelike structure is the most energetically favored. Several decomposition and isomerization pathways for the N4X species have been investigated. The dissociation of C2v ring N4O and N4S structures via ring breaking and the barrier height are only 1.1 and −0.2 kcal mol−1 at the CCSD(T)/6-311+G*//MP2/6-311+G* level of theory. The dissociation of the cagelike N4X species is at a cost of 12.1–16.2 kcal mol−1. As for the towerlike and triangle bipyramidal isomers, their decomposition or isomerization barrier heights are all lower than 10.0 kcal mol−1. Although the CS cagelike N4S isomer has a moderate isomerization barrier (18.3–29.1 kcal mol−1), the low dissociation barrier (−1.0 kcal mol−1) indicates that it will disappear when going to the higher CCSD(T) level. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Restored forested wetlands reduce N loads in surface discharge through plant uptake and denitrification. While removal of reactive N reduces impact on receiving waters, it is unclear whether enhanced denitrification also enhances emissions of the greenhouse gas N2O, thus compromising the water-quality benefits of restoration. This study compares denitrification rates and N2O:N2 emission ratios from Sharkey clay soil in a mature bottomland forest to those from an adjacent cultivated site in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Potential denitrification of forested soil was 2.4 times of cultivated soil. Using intact soil cores, denitrification rates of forested soil were 5.2, 6.6 and 2.0 times those of cultivated soil at 70, 85 and 100% water-filled pore space (WFPS), respectively. When NO3 was added, N2O emissions from forested soil were 2.2 times those of cultivated soil at 70% WFPS. At 85 and 100% WFPS, N2O emissions were not significantly different despite much greater denitrification rates in the forested soil because N2O:N2 emission ratios declined more rapidly in forested soil as WFPS increased. These findings suggest that restoration of forested wetlands to reduce NO3 in surface discharge will not contribute significantly to the atmospheric burden of N2O.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5-triphosphate receptors are known to be involved in fast excitatory postsynaptic currents in myenteric neurons of the digestive tract. In the present study, the distribution of P2X2 and P2X3 receptor mRNA was examined by in situ hybridisation while P2X2 and P2X3 receptor protein was localised by immunohistochemical methods. In addition, P2X2 and P2X3 receptors were colocalised with calbindin and calretinin in the myenteric and submucosal plexus. P2X2- and P2X3-immunoreactive neurons were found in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses throughout the entire length of the rat digestive tract from the stomach to the colon. Approximately 60%, 70% and 50% of the ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus of the gastric corpus, ileum and distal colon, and 56% and 45% in the submucosal plexus of the ileum and distal colon, respectively, showed positive immunoreactivity to the P2X2 receptor. Approximately 10%, 2% and 15% of the ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus of the gastric corpus, ileum and distal colon, and 62% and 40% in the submucosal plexus of the ileum and distal colon, respectively, showed positive immunoreactivity to the P2X3 receptor. Double-labelling studies showed that about 10–25% of the neurons with P2X2 immunoreactivity in myenteric plexus and 30–50% in the submucosal plexus were found to express calbindin or calretinin. About 80% of the neurons with P2X3 receptor immunoreactivity in the myenteric plexus and about 40% in the submucosal plexus expressed calretinin. Approximately 30–75% of the neurons with P2X3 receptor immunoreactivity in the submucosal plexus expressed calbindin, while none of them were found to express calbindin in the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown improved soil stability under elevated atmospheric CO2 caused by increased plant and microbial biomass. These studies have not quantified the mechanisms responsible for soil stabilisation or the effect on water relations. The objective of this study was to assess changes in water repellency under elevated CO2. We hypothesised that increased plant biomass will drive an increase in water repellency, either directly or through secondary microbial processes. Barley plants were grown at ambient (360 ppm) and elevated (720 ppm) CO2 concentrations in controlled chambers. Each plant was grown in a separate tube of 1.2 m length constructed from 22 mm depth × 47 mm width plastic conduit trunk and packed with sieved arable soil to 55% porosity. After 10 weeks growth the soil was dried at 40°C before measuring water sorptivity, ethanol sorptivity and repellency at many depths with a 0.14 mm radius microinfiltrometer. This provided a microscale measure of the capacity of soil to rewet after severe drying. At testing roots extended throughout the depth of the soil in the tube. The depth of the measurement had no effect on sorptivity or repellency. A rise in CO2 resulted in a decrease in water sorptivity from 1.13 ± 0.06 (s.e) mm s−1/2 to 1.00 ± 0.05 mm s−1/2 (P < 0.05) and an increase in water repellency from 1.80 ± 0.09 to 2.07 ± 0.08 (P < 0.05). Ethanol sorptivity was not affected by CO2 concentration, suggesting a similar pore structure. Repellency was therefore the primary cause of decreased water sorptivity. The implications will be both positive and negative, with repellency potentially increasing soil stability but also causing patchier wetting of the root-zone.  相似文献   

Butterbach-Bahl  K.  Willibald  G.  Papen  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(1):105-116
In order to quantify N2-emissions from a spruce and a beech site at the Höglwald Forest, a new measuring system was developed, that allowed simultaneous, direct determination of N2- and N2O-emission with high accuracy (detection limit approx. 10 g N m–2 h–1 for N2 and <1 g for N2O) using a gas-flow core method. This method requires exchange of the soil atmosphere with an artificial atmosphere, that differs only in that N2 is substituted by He. The measuring system, the methodology of measurements and validation experiments are described in detail. Due to the huge heterogeneity of denitrification activity in different soil cores taken from our forest sites, no general trends of N2 and N2O production in relation to soil moisture and temperature could be demonstrated. Based on reasonable number of measurements, this work gives for the first time an estimate of the magnitude of N2-losses from temperate forest soils. Both the magnitude of N2-emissions (spruce: 7.2±0.7 kg N2-N ha–1 yr–1; beech: 12.4±3.1 kg N2-N ha–1 yr–1), as well as the N2O–N2 ratio (spruce: 0.136±0.04; beech: 0.52±0.19) were significantly higher for soils from the beech sites as compared to soils from the spruce site. The results suggests that N2-emissions from N-saturated forest soils, still receiving high loads of atmospheric N-deposition, are approx. 30% of atmospheric N-input at the spruce site, and approx. 50% at the beech site. Our results demonstrate that losses of nitrogen in the form of N2 cannot be neglected in the context of calculating N-balances for given forest sites.  相似文献   

The clinical significance of exogenous hCG treatment is to stimulate steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in the testis. However, the pathogenesis of detrimental effects on the testis arising out of chronic hCG treatment is yet to be clearly ascertained. In the present study we have shown that hCG treatment (100 IU/day) to rats for 30 days raises testicular oxidative stress leading to germ cell apoptosis and impairment of spermatogenesis. The treatment raises testicular H2O2 levels along with increase in lipid peroxidation and concomitant decrease in the enzymatic antioxidant activities like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione-s-transferase. The rise in the number of apoptotic germ cells was associated with up regulation of Fas protein expression and caspase-3 activity in the testis. However, serum testosterone which was elevated by 15 days of hCG treatment declined to pretreatment levels by 30 days. No significant alteration in serum gonadotropins was observed. The above findings indicate that the pathogenesis of deleterious effects following chronic hCG treatment is due to increase in testicular oxidative stress with high H2O2 availability leading to apoptosis among germ cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to test whether NH4 + and NO3 affect the growth, P demand, cell composition and N2 fixation of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii under P limitation. Experiments were carried out in P-limited (200 μg l−1 PO4-P) chemostat cultures of C. raciborskii using an inflowing medium containing either 4,000 μg l−1 NH4-N, 4,000 μg l−1 NO3-N or no combined N. The results showed the cellular N:P and C:P ratios of C. raciborskii decreased towards the Redfield ratio with increasing dilution rate (D) due to the alleviation of P limitation. The cellular C:N and carotenoids:chlorophyll-a ratios also decreased with D, predominantly as a result of an increase in the chlorophyll-a and N content. The NH4 + and NO3 supply reduced the P maintenance cell quota of C. raciborskii. Consequently, the biomass yield of the N2-grown culture was significantly lower. The maximum specific growth rate of N2-grown culture was also the lowest observed. It is suggested that these differences in growth parameters were caused by the P and energy requirement for heterocyte formation, nitrogenase synthesis and N2 fixation. N2 fixation was partially inhibited by NO3 and completely inhibited by NH4 +. It was probably repressed through the high N content of cells at high dissolved N concentrations. These results indicate that C. raciborskii is able to grow faster and maintain a higher biomass under P limitation where a sufficient supply of NH4 + or NO3 is maintained. Information gained about the species-specific nutrient and pigment stoichiometry of C. raciborskii could help to access the degree of nutrient limitation in water bodies. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) and its seasonal dynamics are key determinants of terrestrial productivity and, therefore, of the response of ecosystems to a rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. Despite the central importance of LAI, there is very little evidence from which to assess how forest LAI will respond to increasing [CO2]. We assessed LAI and related leaf indices of a closed-canopy deciduous forest for 4 years in 25-m-diameter plots that were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (542 ppm) in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment. LAI of this Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) stand was about 6 and was relatively constant year-to-year, including the 2 years prior to the onset of CO2 treatment. LAI throughout the 1999–2002 growing seasons was assessed through a combination of data on photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) transmittance, mass of litter collected in traps, and leaf mass per unit area (LMA). There was no effect of [CO2] on any expression of leaf area, including peak LAI, average LAI, or leaf area duration. Canopy mass and LMA, however, were significantly increased by CO2 enrichment. The hypothesized connection between light compensation point (LCP) and LAI was rejected because LCP was reduced by [CO2] enrichment only in leaves under full sun, but not in shaded leaves. Data on PAR interception also permitted calculation of absorbed PAR (APAR) and light use efficiency (LUE), which are key parameters connecting satellite assessments of terrestrial productivity with ecosystem models of future productivity. There was no effect of [CO2] on APAR, and the observed increase in net primary productivity in elevated [CO2] was ascribed to an increase in LUE, which ranged from 1.4 to 2.4 g MJ–1. The current evidence seems convincing that LAI of non-expanding forest stands will not be different in a future CO2-enriched atmosphere and that increases in LUE and productivity in elevated [CO2] are driven primarily by functional responses rather than by structural changes. Ecosystem or regional models that incorporate feedbacks on resource use through LAI should not assume that LAI will increase with CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ros Barceló A 《Planta》2005,220(5):747-756
Lignification in Zinnia elegans L. stems is characterized by a burst in the production of H2O2, the apparent fate of which is to be used by xylem peroxidases for the polymerization of p-hydroxycinnamyl alcohols into lignins. A search for the sites of H2O2 production in the differentiating xylem of Z. elegans stems by the simultaneous use of optical (bright field, polarized light and epi-polarization) and electron-microscope tools revealed that H2O2 is produced on the outer-face of the plasma membrane of both differentiating (living) thin-walled xylem cells and particular (non-lignifying) xylem parenchyma cells. From the production sites it diffuses to the differentiating (secondary cell wall-forming) and differentiated lignifying xylem vessels. H2O2 diffusion occurs mainly through the continuous cell wall space. Both the experimental data and the theoretical calculations suggest that H2O2 diffusion from the sites of production might not limit the rate of xylem cell wall lignification. It can be concluded that H2O2 is produced at the plasma membrane in differentiating (living) thin-walled xylem cells and xylem parenchyma cells associated to xylem vessels, and that it diffuses to adjacent secondary lignifying xylem vessels. The results strongly indicate that non-lignifying xylem parenchyma cells are the source of the H2O2 necessary for the polymerization of cinnamyl alcohols in the secondary cell wall of lignifying xylem vessels.  相似文献   

Here we examined whether Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM) is involved in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced antioxidant defense and the possible relationship between CaM and H2O2 in ABA signaling in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) plants exposed to water stress. An ABA-deficient mutant vp5 and its wild type were used for the experimentation. We found that water stress enhanced significantly the contents of CaM and H2O2, and the activities of chloroplastic and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR), and the gene expressions of the CaM1, cAPX, GR1 and SOD4 in leaves of wild-type maize. However, the increases mentioned above were almost arrested in vp5 plants and in the wild-type plants pretreated with ABA biosynthesis inhibitor tungstate (T), suggesting that ABA is required for water stress-induced H2O2 production, the enhancement of CaM content and antioxidant defense. Besides, we showed that the up-regulation of water stress-induced antioxidant defense was almost completely blocked by pretreatment with Ca2+ inhibitors, CaM antagonists and reactive oxygen (ROS) manipulators. Moreover, the analysis of time course of CaM and H2O2 production under water stress showed that the increase in CaM content preceded that of H2O2. These results suggested that Ca2+/CaM and H2O2 were involved in the ABA-induced antioxidant defense under water stress, and the increases of Ca2+/CaM contents triggered H2O2 production, which inversely affected the contents of CaM. Thus, a cross-talk between Ca2+/CaM and H2O2 may play a pivotal role in the ABA signaling.  相似文献   

The improvement of spinach growth is proved to relate to N2 fixation by nano-anatase TiO2 in this study. The results show that all spinach leaves kept green by nano-anatase TiO2 treatment and all old leaves of control turned yellow white under culture with N-deficient solution. And the fresh weight, dry weight, and contents of total nitrogen, , chlorophyll, and protein of spinach by nano-anatase TiO2 treatment presented obvious enhancement compared with control. Whereas the improvements of yield of spinach were not as good as nano-anatase TiO2 treatment under N-deficient condition, confirming that nano-anatase TiO2 on exposure to sunlight could chemisorb N2 directly or reduce N2 to NH3 in the spinach leaves, transforming into organic nitrogen and improving the growth of spinach. Bulk TiO2 effect, however, was not as significant as nano-anatase TiO2. A possible metabolism of the function of nano-anatase TiO2 reducing N2 to NH3 was discussed.  相似文献   

Holtum JA  Winter K 《Planta》2003,218(1):152-158
Do short-term fluctuations in CO2 concentrations at elevated CO2 levels affect net CO2 uptake rates of plants? When exposed to 600 μl CO2 l?1, net CO2 uptake rates in shoots or leaves of seedlings of two tropical C3 tree species, teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) and barrigon [Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dug.], increased by 28 and 52% respectively. In the presence of oscillations with half-cycles of 20 s, amplitude of ca. 170 μl CO2 l?1 and mean of 600 μl CO2 l?1, the stimulation in net CO2 uptake by the two species was reduced to 19 and 36%, respectively, i.e. the CO2 stimulation in photosynthesis associated with a change in exposure from 370 to 600 μl CO2 l?1 was reduced by a third in both species. Similar reductions in CO2-stimulated net CO2 uptake were observed in T. grandis exposed to 40-s oscillations. Rates of CO2 efflux in the dark by whole shoots of T. grandis decreased by 4.8% upon exposure of plants grown at 370 μl CO2 l?1 to 600 μl CO2 l?1. The potential implications of the observations on CO2 oscillations and dark respiration are discussed in the context of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) systems in which short-term fluctuations of CO2 concentration are a common feature.  相似文献   

We measured soil oxygen concentrations at 10 and 35 cm depths and indices of biogeochemical cycling in upland forest soils along a rainfall and elevation gradient (3500–5000 mm y–1; 350–1050 masl) and along topographic gradients (ridge to valley, 150 m) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Along the rainfall gradient, soil O2 availability decreased significantly with increasing annual rainfall, and reached very low levels (<3%) in individual chambers for up to 25 consecutive weeks over 82 weeks of study. Along localized topographic gradients, soil O2 concentrations were variable and decreased significantly from ridges to valleys. In the valleys, up to 35% of the observations at 10–35 cm depth were <3% soil O2. Cross correlation analyses showed that soil O2 concentrations were significantly positively correlated along the topographic gradient, and were sensitive to rainfall and hydrologic output. Soil O2 concentrations in valley soils were correlated with rainfall from the previous day, while ridge sites were correlated with cumulative rainfall inputs over 4 weeks. Soils at the wettest point along the rainfall gradient had very high soil methane concentrations (3–24%) indicating a strong influence of anaerobic processes. We measured net methane emission to the atmosphere at the wettest sites of the rainfall gradient, and in the valleys along topographic gradients. Other measures of biogeochemical function such as soil organic matter content and P availability were sensitive to chronic O2 depletion along the rainfall gradient, but less sensitive to the variable soil O2 environment exhibited at lower elevations along topographic gradients.  相似文献   

Hu X  Jiang M  Zhang A  Lu J 《Planta》2005,223(1):57-68
The histochemical and cytochemical localization of abscisic acid (ABA)-induced H2O2 production in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) plants were examined, using 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and CeCl3 staining, respectively, and the relationship between ABA-induced H2O2 production and ABA-induced subcellular activities of antioxidant enzymes was studied. H2O2 generated in response to ABA treatment was detected within 0.5 h in major veins of the leaves and maximized at about 2–4 h. In mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, ABA-induced H2O2 accumulation was observed only in apoplast, and the greatest accumulation occurred in the walls of mesophyll cells facing large intercellular spaces. Meanwhile, ABA treatment led to a significant increase in the activities of the leaf chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR), and pretreatment with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), the O 2 scavenger Tiron and the H2O2 scavenger dimethylthiourea (DMTU) almost completely arrested the increase in the activities of these antioxidant enzymes. Our results indicate that the accumulation of apoplastic H2O2 is involved in the induction of the chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, an oxidative stress induced by paraquat (PQ), which generates O 2 and then H2O2 in chloroplasts, also up-regulated the activities of the chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes, and the up-regulation was blocked by the pretreatment with Tiron and DMTU. These data suggest that H2O2 produced at a specific cellular site could coordinate the activities of antioxidant enzymes in different subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

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