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The species composition of aquatic insects in theboreal stream, Skiftesåa, was investigated usingemergence traps, Malaise traps and kick samples. Atleast 13 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 25 Trichopteraand 120 Chironomidae species were recorded. This faunais representative for non-polluted, northern streams.The production of macrobenthos was estimated to beonly about 1 g dry weight per year and m2,possibly due to the fluctuating flow of water.  相似文献   

The surface water chemistry of Høylandet has beenstudied by performing two synoptic surveys, duringhigh runoff in the autumn of 1986 and during a lowflow period in the summer of 1988. Based on watersamples of up to 38 chemical variables from 75 sites,analyses show considerable variation in the chemicalcomposition. There is a strong altitude gradient, i.e.very dilute poorly buffered waters dominate at higherelevations near the timberline while progressivelyhigher salt content and alkalinities arecharacteristic at lower altitudes more dominated byforests. The influence of mires is less pronounced.The overall water quality is of oligotrophic naturewith low concentrations of strong acid anions andmetals known to be enriched under acidifiedconditions. The natural pH gradients are considerablebut with no indication of anthropogenic acidification.The data provide little support for the hypothesisthat in-catchment production of organically derivedacidity leads to acid runoff, which in thesecatchments appears compensated by increasedweathering. The findings are in general accordancewith other Høylandet catchment studies. It isconcluded that this area may serve as a representativepristine surface runoff analogue for catchmentscurrently affected by atmospheric deposition of strongmineral acids.  相似文献   

Ivar P. Muniz 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):145-154
The research activities on soil–freshwaterinteractions and freshwater biotic structure andprocesses in the Høylandet area during the years 1986–89are presented in this issue ofHydrobiologia. The 9 papers cover a range of topicsfrom physiochemical gradients and processes in soilsand freshwaters to selected aspects of freshwaterbiotic community structure and temporal variability.This synopsis aims (a) to present an overview of majorfindings, (b) to interpret the results in the contextof air pollution effects and (c) to outlinesuggestions for future research activities inHøylandet. The area has a sub-oceanic climate varyingfrom 1100 to 2200 mm of precipitation normallyoriginating from unpolluted airmasses from the NorthAtlantic. It is chemically dominated by sea salts, haslow concentrations and low deposition of mineralacids. The catchment geology is variable and complexand consists mainly of various granites and gneisses.The soils are undisturbed ancient soils,primarily iron podzols associated with forests, orintact histosols with strong organic characterassociated with mires, often quite acidic.They are sensitive because occurrence of predominantlyinsoluble unstable Al-complexes may leach out ifexposed to anthropogenically acidified soil drainagewater and turn up as toxic inorganic aqueous Al insurface runoff. Small amounts of locally generatednitrogen compounds are mostly retained in thecatchment. The water qualities of these Høylandetsites are run by inputs of sea salts, hydrologicalprocesses including dilution of the base flow, orlateral surface or overland flow and in-catchmentprocesses. Relative to affected areas, it appears thatthe inputs and catchment processes are in balance,i.e., that the inputs of strong acid anions, hydrogenions and sea salts are equilibrated by internalweathering and other processes and integrated withinapparently intact biogeochemical cycles. The overallresult is that these soils remain a net source ofalkalinity to the runoff. These results are confirmedby regional studies of water quality both at low andhigh flow which show that the humus and ionic contentof the water decreased with elevation, headwatersbeing more dominated by sea salts and dilutionprocesses. Excess sulphate concentrations are low, andfew if any sites appear anthropogenically acidified,the most acid pHs reflecting presence of natural weakorganic acids.The resulting surface water quality allows a diverseaquatic fauna and flora with representatives of manyacid-sensitive groups. The fish fauna consists ofself-reproducing salmonid populations with normaldemography and ecological interactions. Despite highin-lake mortality, both brown trout and Arctic charrexhibited normal age-class compositions, with noindication of the recruitment failure or highpost-spawning mortality commonly observed inacid-stressed situations. The zooplankton and benthos in the lakesare inhabited by populations of several acid sensitivespecies, like Daphnia spp and Gammaruslacustris, and with dominance of mayfly species ofthe genus Baetis in the stream fauna. Thediatom flora includes many species which are rare orabsent in acidified waters. The observed gradients indiversity and biomass seem dominated by localenvironmental conditions which reflect natural ratherthan man-made processes. The pristine nature of thearea also emerges from the paleoecological studies inLake Røyrtjønna which show that the low acidity ofthis lake evironment has persisted from preindustrialtill present times. Suggestion for future researchactivities in Høylandet are outlined.  相似文献   

The interaction of water basins and watercourses with the catchment surface in the Ob’-Irtysh catchment area is considered. The results of long-term observation of water, suspended matter, and bottom sediments in different segments of the watercourse are summarized and compared. The interaction of major and minor tributaries, natural and artificial water reservoirs with the catchment area is discussed in the context of industrial discharge of heavy metals. The areal distribution of metals along the Ob’ River is heterogeneous. The chemical composition of water in the upper reaches of Ob’ is determined by mercury and complex ore shows; in the middle and lower reaches, by catchments of major tributaries: Tom, Chulym, and, particularly, Irtysh. The Novosibirsk Reservoir purifies the water from coarse suspensions. Wetlands of the catchment enrich the main watercourse in metals and organic matter. Anthropogenic pollution from large cities (Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Surgut, and Nizhnevartovsk) additionally contaminate the watercourse. With abundance of organic matter, heavy metals are accumulated in bottom sediments and, as a consequence, in tissues of predatory fish. The results of long-term studies indicate that oil products and phenols are the main hazard for the middle and lower Ob’ River, especially at elevated water temperatures.  相似文献   

Detailed pollen analysis and pine megafossils from the immediate area of Rødalen in Central Norway have revealed new knowledge of Holocene alpine environments. A period of about 1,000 years characterised by pioneer herbs, dwarf-shrubs (Betula nana, Empetrum) and Juniperus followed the Holocene climatic amelioration. Local birch forest became established around 10.3 ka b.p., ca 150 years earlier than the local pine rise. Pine dominated at 1,100 m a.s.l. from 9.9 to 8.5 ka b.p., followed by birch forests until 1.3 ka b.p. when deforestation occurred. Slightly after 6 ka b.p., pine forests disappeared from the valley floor (930 m a.s.l.), an area that today is dominated by birch forest. Three short-lasting vegetational set-backs at ca 10.7, 10.5 and 10.3 ka b.p. may indicate climate oscillations. A temporary reduction of local forests reflects the Erdalen 2/9.7 ka b.p. event. The influence of the 8.2 event, superimposed on a cooling trend, lasted ca 400 years and involved a two-step vegetational regression: (1) A strong reduction of pine forests due to cooling and (2) reduction of alder due to cold and drought. Winter stress preventing pine regeneration may have caused scarcity of pine megafossils from the latter period. In the early Holocene, vegetation in the present alpine region was not in equilibrium with temperature development. It is suggested that the birch forest establishment lagged by about 1,000 years due to drought, whereas winter stress may have delayed the establishment of pine even longer.  相似文献   

Relationship between water quality variables and distribution, diversity and abundance of sedimentary chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) were examined in 51 limnologically different shallow lakes in Finland. The objective was to identify which of the water quality parameters influenced chironomids the most and to explore the potential of developing a palaeoecological tool to infer past changes in water quality for the use of lake management in conservation, preservation and restoration projects. In addition, taxon-specific optima and tolerances were calculated to identify indicators for ultraoligotrophic–hypereutrophic Finnish lakes. The statistical tests indicated that the chironomid assemblages were closely related to water quality. Of the examined environmental variables total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), colour, turbidity and hypolimnetic oxygen were the most important explanatory variables. Because autumnal epilimnetic TP had the highest eigenvalue (λ1:λ2) ratio, which indicates the relative significance of particular variable in explaining the variance in the species data, and lowest statistical significance level, it was considered to have the greatest potential for the development of a calibration model for quantitative inferences of past limnological conditions. In addition to the complete model, a reduced model using 41 lakes was developed that is independent of covariance with temperature. Of the tested model types, weighted averaging-partial least squares (WA-PLS) had the strongest relationship between observed and inferred TP values together with lowest error of prediction and maximum bias showing favourable model performance. In general, the results of taxon-specific indicator value showed close agreement with previous data. The results provided coherent autecological and synecological data that can be used in qualitative assessments of water quality and ecological status of lakes and most importantly as a basis for the new quantitative tool to be used in palaeolimnological studies and evaluations of TP reference conditions.  相似文献   

S. T. C. Wright 《Planta》1977,134(2):183-189
The amount of diffusible ethylene from excised wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Eclipse) increased when they were subjected to water stress. The quantity of ethylene produced was related to the severity of the stress, reaching a maximum at a leaf water potential leaf of approximately-12 bars. Irrespective of the severity of the stress, the maximum rate of ethylene production usually occurred between 135–270 min after applying the stress and then the rate declined. Part of the decline may have been due to an oxygen deficiency in the leaf chambers. In excised water-stressed leaves there was a sigmoid relationship between increasing ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA) levels and decreasing leaf water potential values. The two curves were displaced from each other by approximately 1 bar, with ethylene evolution leading that of ABA accumulation. The maximum rate of increase in ethylene occurred between-8 and-9 bars and for ABA between-9 and-10 bars. A significant increase in the levels of these two plant growth regulators was found when the leaf decreased outside the normal diurnal leaf range by 1 bar for ethylene and 2 bars for ABA. Because of the sigmoid nature of the curves there was no distinct threshold leaf value triggering-off an increase in ethylene or ABA, but with ABA the curve became very steep at a leaf value of-9.3 bars and this could be looked upon as a kind of threshold value.It seems unlikely that the stress-induced ethylene evolution in excised wheat leaves stimulated the accumulation of ABA, because when the leaves were subjected to a substantial water stress (e.g. leaf bars) ABA increased immediately and at a faster rate than ethylene.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - RWC relative water content - TLC thin-layer chromatography - leaf leaf water potential  相似文献   

Apart from differences in circadian phase position, individuals with different morningness–eveningness levels vary in many more characteristics. Particularly consistent relationships have been observed between morningness–eveningness and mood. Eveningness has been associated with disadvantageous mood, e.g. depressiveness in healthy individuals, and mood disorders. A concept of social jetlag suggests that evening subjects function in less advantageous environments due to discrepancies between internal and social time (societies promote morning-oriented functioning), which results in their lowered mood. Individual temperament, as defined by the Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT), refers to the capacity of the human organism to meet environmental requirements – the greater the capacity, the less negative impact of external conditions. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine which RTT traits are linked to both morningness–eveningness and mood dimensions and to test whether they account for the relationship between morningness–eveningness and mood. A sample of 386 university students (267 female) aged between 19 and 47 (M?=?21.15, SD?=?4.23) years completed the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology (UWIST) Mood Adjective Check List, Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire and Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory. Analyses revealed lower endurance (EN) and higher emotional reactivity (ER) related to eveningness as well as to lower hedonic tone (HT), energetic arousal (EA) and to higher tense arousal (TA). Moreover, eveningness was associated with lower HT, EA and higher TA. Among RTT traits, EN was most strongly related to eveningness, and mediation analyses revealed that this temperamental trait fully mediated the relationship between eveningness and the three mood dimensions. The remaining RTT traits did not provide more explanation of the association between morningness–eveningness and mood than EN itself. If subjects did not differ in EN, the association between morningness–eveningness and mood was absent. EN is discussed as a protective factor against negative consequences of social jetlag and particularly lowered mood in evening individuals.  相似文献   

Kjensmo  Johannes 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):151-159
Primarily as a result of road salting, the water masses ofLake Svinsjøen, a small meromictic lake in southeasternNorway, have been subject to great changes in salinity duringthe period 1947–1995. The greatest change in saltconcentration has occurred in the upper part of themonimolimnion (depth 10–15 m) where mean conductivityincreased 104.2 per cent, from 143 to 292 S cm–1. Inthe upper mixolimnion (depth 0-5 m), mean conductivity rosefrom 130 to 238 S cm–1 during the same period. Theions responsible for the salinity changes were Na+ andCl from de-icing salts, and Ca2+ and Cl fromsalts used to keep down dust from roads. Further sources ofCa2+ are the road asphalt and increased weathering andleaching of the lime-rich rocks caused by acid precipitation,the main source of the additional inputs of SO tothe lake. The salinity changes caused major changes inmeromictic stability, S . In the period1947-1966, S increased by 24 g cm cm–2,and the maximum level of meromictic stability, 125 gcm–2, was found in 1966. As a result of higher rate ofsalt accumulation in the upper part of the monimolimnion andin the mixolimnion, S decreased by 30 g cmcm–2 during the period 1966-1991, and a simultaneousrise in the chemocline took place. In the period 1991-1995 anadditional decrease of 26 g cm cm–2 occurred. Continuedectogenic inputs of salts through processes typical of thetime period investigated will in future further weaken thelake's meromictic stability, and may cause the demise ofmeromixis in Lake Svinsjøen, a development which may haveimportant implications for primary productivity of thelake.  相似文献   

Candolin U 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(6):1261-1267
Honest sexual signalling requires that the level of advertisement reveals mate quality. In the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, females base their mate choice mainly on the intensity of the males' red breeding coloration. Different results have, however, been obtained on the relationship between red breeding coloration and physical condition. In this study, the relationship was curvilinear in a natural population, with males in good and poor condition (measured as lipid content) having larger red areas than males of intermediate condition. By manipulating food intake and thus male condition prior to breeding, I further show that poor condition can induce an increase in signalling effort. This effect was further strengthened when the predation cost of signalling was increased by exposing the males to predators. This suggests that the reason for the high signalling effort of males in poor condition is their low probability of future reproduction and thus lower cost of signalling in terms of loss of future reproductive opportunities. Males in poor condition signal as a terminal effort and take larger risks and invest more in current reproduction than males in good condition. Finally, I discuss whether an effect of decreasing residual reproductive value on signalling effort could result in the breakdown of the honesty of the signal. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The long-term relationship between pollutant discharge and river water quality of biological/biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in the Yamato-gawa River, Japan, has been found to be similar to perturbation or dynamic equilibrium change of alternative stable states in the ecosystem fields with a linear relationship as a usual condition. Similar relationships have been observed in short-terms for single precipitation events both in the Richmond River, Australia, and in a mountainous watershed in Japan. On the contrary, nutrient concentrations have not changed in a long-term besides nutrient discharge increases in the Richmond River. In this paper, long-term chronological relationships of annual pollutant discharges and water quality in the Brisbane River, Australia, were investigated based on pollutant discharge estimations and water quality monitoring data as a case study in the “better” water quality river. Effects of precipitation variation were taken into account in the pollutant discharge estimations by introducing precipitation variance coefficient (PVC). Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in the river were found to be improved with fluctuations in the lower Brisbane River Catchment during 1975–2012. Long-term dynamic equilibrium alterations of pollutant discharge and water quality were found for TN and TP at the first time in the Brisbane River. The investigated term was found to be divided into two phases, 1975–2001 and 2001–2012 for TN, and 1975–2007 and 2005–2012 for TP. Both pollutant discharges and pollutant concentrations in the river were smaller in Phase 2 than Phase 1. Based on the relationships in the three rivers, a hypothesis on pollutant discharge and water quality from “better” to “worse” river water environment was presented that rapid and/or excess pollutant discharge increases cause perturbation or dynamic equilibrium alterations with the basal relationships as the linear relationships.  相似文献   

The current study had two main objectives. First, we examined gifted and non-gifted students’ diurnal preferences. Secondly, we examined the relationships among age, gender, personality, sleep quality, and chronotype of gifted students. Data were gathered from 276 gifted students and 1921 non-gifted students whose ages range between 7 and 17 years old, in same three cities in Turkey using the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) to assess diurnal preference, the Big Five Inventory (BIG-5) to assess personality and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to measure sleep quality. The first result indicated that gifted students were more morning-oriented compared to non-gifted students. The other main result was that the conscientiousness was the best predictor of CSM scores in gifted students. Additionally, conscientiousness, age, and global PSQI predicted CSM scores, respectively. Moreover agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability were positively related to morning orientation, while age, sleep quality, sleep latency, daytime dysfunction, and global PSQI were negatively related with chronotype in gifted students.  相似文献   

The mechanical arrangement of the PD organ of Cancer has been studied and equations derived which relate its length to the articulation angle of the PD joint and to the angle which the receptor strand makes with the dactylopodite flexor tendon. These relationships are discussed in the light of the anatomy of the PD articulation.  相似文献   

Mutations that reduced the rate of starch synthesis in pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos through effects on enzymes on the pathway from sucrose to adenosine 5′-diphosphoglucose (ADPglucose) also led to a reduction in the amylose content of the starch of developing embryos. Evidence is presented that this relationship between rate of synthesis and the composition of starch is due to the fact that amylopectin-synthesising isoforms of starch synthase have higher affinities for ADPglucose than the amylose-synthesising isoform. First, developing mutant embryos (rb, rug3 and rug4 mutants) displayed both reduced amylose contents in their starches and reduced ADPglucose contents relative to wild-type embryos. Second, incubation of detached, wild-type embryos for 6 h at high and low glucose concentrations resulted in differences in both ADPglucose content and the relative rates of amylose and amylopectin synthesis. At 0.25 M glucose both ADPglucose content and the proportion of synthesised starch that was amylose were about twice as great as at 25 μM glucose. Third, S 0.5 values for soluble (amylopectin-synthesising) starch synthases in developing embryos were several-fold lower than that for granule-bound (amylose synthesising) starch synthase. Estimates of the expected amylose contents of the starch of the mutant embryos, based on the reduction in their ADPglucose contents and on the S 0.5 values of the starch synthases, were very similar to the measured amylose contents. The implications of these results for the determination of starch composition are discussed. Received: 6 February 1999 / Accepted: 22 May 1999  相似文献   

The Holocene lake history, vegetation history and climate history of Brurskardstjørni, an alpine lake in the Jotunheimen Mountains of south-central Norway, are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on fossil pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, chironomids and sediment characteristics. Subsequent to deglaciation, the lake was formed at about 11,000 cal years BP. A diverse chironomid assemblage quickly colonised the lake, whereas the first diatoms were found about 400 years later. At that time, the lake water was turbid with a high pH. The surrounding soils were immature and unstable and dominated by open pioneer vegetation. Compared to the present, summer temperatures were warmer and there was less winter precipitation. From about 10,000 cal years BP, local organic production increased rapidly and from about 9,500 cal years BP a few macrofossils and a high pollen influx of birch suggest that the tree-line was close to the lake. Pine most likely reached its highest tree-line altitude around 9,000 cal years BP and has receded since that time. From about 5,000 cal years BP, the total amount of trees and shrubs decreased and the landscape became more open, probably due to decreasing temperatures and increasing effective moisture lowering the birch tree-line. Coinciding with a cooling during the last 3,000 years, lake-water pH decreased. There is large incongruence between the Holocene July temperatures inferred from pollen and chironomids. The biological proxies responded to a combined effect of environmental change and biotic interactions. This response is interpreted with reference to taxon–environment relationships in the modern calibration data sets and with reference to the latent structure and ecological demands of the fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

Daily deaths in ten large cities in the United States were correlated with weather elements for the months of January, April, July, and October of the years 1962–1965. In addition to showing the effects of spells of hot, humid weather and pollution episodes (extreme weather), it was determined that large interdiurnal changes of temperature, dewpoint, and pressure were accompanied by fluctuations in daily mortality. This applies to the northcentral and northeastern United States, where increases in mortality were coincident with prefrontal weather, decreases with postfrontal weather. Total mortality was the cause of death which correlated highest with the weather elements. Deaths over age 70, and under 70, follow in that order. There was little essential difference between arteriosclerotic heart disease and stroke in responsiveness to weather events.
Zusammenfassung Die täglichen Todesfälle in 10 Grosstädten der Vereinigten Staaten wurden mit Wetterelementen der Monate Januar, April, Juli und Oktober der Jahre 1962–1965 korreliert. Es konnte eine Beziehung zwischen Episoden von feuchtwarmemWetter und Luftverschmutzung und Mortalität nachgewiesen werden. Ausserdem ergab sich, dass grosse interdiurnale Schwankungen der Temperatur, des Taupunktes und Luftdruckes von Schwankungen der täglichen Mortalität begleitet sind. In den nordzentralen und nordöstlichen USA fielen Zunahme der Mortalität zusammen mit Vorfronten- und Abnahme mit Nachfronten-Wetter. Die Gesamtmortalität war die Todesursache, die am besten mit den Wetterelementen korrelierte, gefolgt von der Mortalität von Personen über und unter 70 Jahren. Ein wesentlicher Unterschied der Wetteranfälligkeit bei arteriosklerotischen Herzkrankheiten und Schlaganfall bestand nicht.

Resume On a mis en parallèle le nombre journalier de décès survenus dans 10 grandes villes des Etats-Unis et des paramètres météorologiques. L'étude se rapporte aux mois de janvier, avril, juillet et octobre des années 1962 à 1965. On a pu en tirer une corrélation entre les périodes chaudes à atmosphère polluée et une mortalité élevée. En outre, des variations interdiurnes prononcées de la température, du point de rosée et de la pression atmosphérique sont accompagnées de fluctuations marquées de la mortalité. Dans le nord-est, le nord et le centre des Etats-Unis, la mortalité augmente par situations préfrontales et diminue par situations postfrontales. La meilleure relation avec les éléments météorologiques est donnée par le nombre total de décès. Suivent ensuite les décès des gens âgés de plus de 70 ans, puis de ceux qui sont plus jeunes. On n'a par contre pas décelé d'effets météorotropiques marqués ni dans le cas de faiblesses cardiaques artériosclérotiques ni dans le cas d'attaques d'apopléxie.

Condensation of the author's Ph.D. dissertation in meteorology, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 1970.  相似文献   

The porphyrinogenic drug 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide causes the degradation of microsomal cytochrome P-450 and inhibits the synthesis of catalase in rat liver. The inhibition of catalase synthesis follows the induction of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase and the consequent overproduction of haem. The allylisopropylacetamide-mediated breakdown of cytochrome P-450 is a rapid event and has a reciprocal relationship to the pattern of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction. Breakdown of cytochrome P-450 appears to be one of the conditions leading to the ;derepression' of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples were collected from Lake Atnsjøen five times per year in the growth seasons 1990–2000. The samples were analysed for variation in the phytoplankton composition, and the total volume and volume of the main groups of algae were calculated. Lake Atnsjøen is a large, deep and unregulated lake with a surface area of 4.8 km2 and a maximum depth of 80.2 m. It is a nutrient-poor, oligotrophic lake with a maximum phytoplankton volume varying between 125–393 mm3/m3 in the years 1990–2000. The phytoplankton community is dominated by species of the groups Chrysophyceae and Cryptophyceae. The chrysophytes dominate the phytoplankton in the early part of the growth season (May–June) while the cryptophytes increase throughout the season and dominate in the autumn. Among the chrysophytes different species of chrysomonads were most frequent together with common species of the genus Dinobryon like D. borgei, D. cylindricum var. alpinum and D. crenulatum. A total of 22 species or taxa of chrysophytes were recorded in the samples. Common among the cryptomonads were several species of the genus Cryptomonas. Most important quantitatively, however, were Rhodomonas lacustris and Katablepharis ovalis. The succesion of the phytoplankton throughout the growth season was similar from year to year in quantitative as well as qualitative terms, but some changes were recorded after the great flood in 1995. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) shows a slight, but significant, phytoplankton community change over the succeeding years.  相似文献   

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