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The Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna is reviewed and shown to be closely comparable with the younger Burgess Shale fauna. but with various differences in detail. A diverse group of more or less annulated lobopod animals including 'armoured lobopods' are regarded as representatives of the phylum Onychophora. 'Trilobitomorphs' include several new types. Probable protaspides of the trilobitomorph Naraoia are described. No molluses or deuterostomes have been identified. The preservational orientations of the various taxa are reviewed and compared with orientations of the Burgess Shale taxa. Orientation in the sediment is found to be closely correlated to the original shape of individuals. Several new genera and species are described: the segmented. worm-shaped Yunnanozoon lividum gen. et sp.n., the 'armoured lobopods' Onychodictyon ferox gen. et sp.n. and Cardiodictyon catenulum gen. et sp.n. and the arthropods Saperion glumaceum gen. et sp.n., Sinoburius Iunaris gen. et sp.n., and Xandarella spectaculum gen. et sp.n.  相似文献   

Ten new species of Haliotrema from Australian fish are described and figured: H. cteno-chaeti sp. n. from Ctenochaetus strigosus; H. falcanalis sp. n. from Triacanthus falcanalis; H. lineate sp. n. from Acanthurus lineatus; H. chrysotaeniae sp. n. from Lutjanuschrysotaenia; H. cromileptis sp. n. from Cromileptis altivelis; H. epinepheli sp. n. from Epinephelus merra and E. fasciatus; H. holocentri sp. n. from Holocentrus ruber; Haliotrema chrysostomi sp. n. from Lethrinus chrysostomus and Plectorhinchus pictus; H. fleti sp. n. n. from L. fletus and L. chrysostomus; H. scari sp. N. from Scarus fasciatus.
H. dempsteri (Mizelle & Price, 1964) comb. n. from Acanthrus mata, A. dussumieri and A. xanthopterus: H. johnii (Tripathi, 1959) comb. n. from Lutjanus johni and L. fulviflamma: H. parahaliotrema (Mizelle & Price, 1964) comb. n. from Zebrasoma veliferum and A. grammoptilus: and H. obesa (Caballero, Bravo Hollis & Grocott, 1955) comb. n. from Tetraodon hispidus are redescribed and transferred from the genera Parahaliotrema Mizelle & Price, 1964, Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839, Parahaliotrema , and Tetrancistrum Goto & Kikuchi, 1917 respectively.
H. brevis (Mizelle & Price, 1964) comb, n. , H. canescens (Mizelle & Price, 1964) comb. n. and H. zanclus (Mizelle & Price, 1964) comb. n. are transferred from Pseudohaliotrema Yamaguti, 1953; H. eilatica (Paperna, 1965) comb. n. , H. teuthis (MacCallum, 1915) comb. n. , H. triacantha (Tripathi, 1959) comb. n. and H. lethrini (Yamaguti, 1937) comb. n. are transferred from Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839.
The generic diagnosis is emended to include the above-mentioned species and the taxonomy of the genus is discussed and the formation of six species groups is proposed.  相似文献   

An examination of the cuticle of six aquatic oligochaete species using transmission electron microscopy revealed a larger morphological variation than previously known. Three freshwater species, Aulodrilus pluriseta, Spirosperma ferox (both Tubificidae), and Pristina breviseta (Naididae), and three marine species, Clitellio arenarius, Heterochaeta costata (both Tubificidae), and Paranais litoralis (Naididae), were investigated. The arrangement of the collagen fibers in the cuticle differs among the studied species. Only S. ferox shows an "orthogonal grid," i.e., layers of parallel fibers perpendicular to each other, as earlier described for lumbricids and enchytraeids. Clitellio arenarius and H. costata have fibers arranged in layers, while A. pluriseta and P. litoralis have irregularly distributed fibers. Pristina breviseta lacks cuticular fibers. The matrix surrounding the collagen fibers (when present) continues outside the fiber layer, making up a thin epicuticle, which has a unique banding in each of the studied species. The external surface of the epicuticle is covered with epicuticular projections. Their number, shape, and attachment to the epicuticle vary among the studied species. Furthermore, a distinctive internal substructure of the projections was observed in H. costata, A. pluriseta, S. ferox, and P. breviseta. Microvilli, extensions from the epidermal cells, penetrate the cuticle and terminate at its outer surface. In three species microvilli were observed to pinch off the epicuticular projections. The size, number, and shape of the latter vary; no typical microvilli were observed in S. ferox.  相似文献   

The genus Holostaspella of the family Macrochelidae consists of more than 30 species. Of these, seven species have been recorded from Indonesia. In the present study, we review the genus in Indonesia, record two species ( H. pulchella and H. similiornata ) for the first time from Indonesia, and describe two new species ( H. oblonga n. sp. and H. villosa n. sp.) on the basis of the specimens collected in Java and Sulawesi. A key to the species of the genus in Indonesia is also provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. The European species of the Hilara maura-group are revised. Three species are described as new to science, namely, H.nitidorella sp.n., H.discalis sp.n. (both temperate Central and Western Europe) and H.mauroides sp.n. (Caucasus, male only). A further five species, H.hybrida Collin, H.femorella Zetterstedt, H.sulcitarsis Strobl, H.tyrolensis Strobl and H.bartaki Straka are redescribed, and H.eumera Loew, 1873 becomes a new synonym of H.nitidula Zetterstedt, 1838. Seven lectotypes are designated. All IS European species are keyed, the main differential characters are illustrated, and additional data on biology and distribution are given. The Hilara maura-group is recognized as a monophyletic group within the genus, characterized by a set of apomorphous characters, and the hypothetical phylogenetic relationships of the species, classified into four natural complexes, are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The following 13 species of predacious mites of the family Phytoseiidae are recorded from various plants in Kenya: Amblyseius albizziae sp. nov., A. kenyae sp. nov., A. natalensis Van der Merwe, A. lokele Pritchard & Baker, A. largoensis (Muma), A. rykei Pritchard & Baker, A. teke Pritchard & Baker, Typholdromus kikuyuensis sp. nov., T. magdalenae Pritchard & Baker, Phytoseius amba Pritchard & Baker, p. ferox Pritchard & Baker, Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese), I. gongylus Pritchard & Baker. The new species and the male of A. natalensis are described.  相似文献   

Hydromermis contorta (Kohn) and Hydromermis pseudocontorta n. sp. are described from chironomids in Lake Itasca and Long Lake, Minnesota, respectively. The former was recovered from adult females of Glyptotendipes paripes (Edwards) and the latter from fourth-instar larvae of Chironomus sp. Hydromermis pseudocontorta n. sp. resembles H. contorta in cephalic structures, overall size, and the presence of a restricted trophosome in the female. The terminal mouth, long uterine and vulvar limbs of the vagina, and the strongly chitinized brownish spicule of H. contorta contrast with the subventral mouth, short vaginal limbs, and the light yellow spicule of H. pseudocontorta n. sp. Both nematode species emerge from the host as sexually mature adults and both species give evidence of mating while in the host. The H. contorta described by Welch is designated as a new species, Hydromermis albionis n. sp.  相似文献   

Australian species of the genus Helonotus Amyot and Serville, viz. H. auricomus Miller and H. curvidens Miller, are synonymised with H. exsugiens Stål from New Guinea. H. exsugiens is redescribed with a lectotype and paralectotypes designated. Two new species, H. sextuberculatus sp. n. and H. queenslandensis sp. n. are described from northern Australia and a key to species is given.  相似文献   

Five species of snakes in Florida, from Palm Beach County in the south and Alachua County 450 km to the north, occur in similar habitat but have distinctive Hepatozoon species characteristic of each host species. In Palm Beach County, Diadophis punctatus is host to Hepatozoon punctatus n. sp., Thamnophis sauritus sackenii to Hepatozoon sauritus n. sp., and Nerodia fasciata pictiventris to Hepatozoon pictiventris n. sp. In Alachua County, N. fasciata pictiventris is parasitized by Hepatozoon fasciatae n. sp., Seminatrix p. pygaea by Hepatozoon seminatrici n. sp., and Thamnophis s. sirtalis by Hepatozoon sirtalis n. sp. Each Hepatozoon sp. has distinctive gamonts and sporogonic characters and, in the 4 species where known, meronts. Nerodia floridana is host to Haemogregarina floridana n. sp. in both localities, with generic identification tentative, based upon presence of erythrocytic meronts. The presence of sporocysts in the proboscis of 31% of Aedes aegypti infected by H. pictiventris is the first report of infective stages of a reptilian Hepatozoon species within the mouthparts of a dipteran vector. This study suggests that in Florida, at least, the diversity of the Hepatozoon community not only equals but probably exceeds the diversity of the snake communities present, and that host specificity in nature may be much greater than that postulated from previous studies.  相似文献   

Five new and five previously described species of Hurleytrematoides are reported from 19 of 34 chaetodontid species examined from the Great Barrier Reef; new species are H. faliexae n. sp., H. galzini n. sp., H. loi n. sp., H. morandi n. sp., and H. sasali n. sp. Previously described species are H. coronatum, H. fijiensis, H. prevoti, H. bartolii, and H. zebrasomae. The genus is rediagnosed in the light of morphological variation of the new species; the degree of spination and shape of the terminal genitalia distinguish individual species. Species of Hurleytrematoides infect almost every clade of the family Chaetodontidae found on the Great Barrier Reef, but obligate corallivores are not infected. All ten species were found at Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, but only six at Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef. For three of the four species not present at Lizard Island, the absence appears to be statistically significant. Although all species are apparently restricted to chaetodontids on the GBR, specificity within the family varies from oioxenous to euryxenous; a core/satellite host paradigm explains the distribution of several species.  相似文献   

A review of species of the genus Hyperaxis Gemminger et Harold from Vietnam is given. Five new species (H. dentifemur sp. n., H. longipilosa sp. n., H. sonlanga sp. n., H. phanrangi sp. n. and H. buonloica sp. n.) and a new subspecies (H. buonloica darlaki subsp. n.) are described. A key to all the 11 species of the Vietnamese fauna is given. The genitalia are figured for all species. Lectotype is designated for Hyperaxis pallidipes Pic.  相似文献   

Huffmanela moraveci n. sp. (Nematode: Trichosomoididae) is described from the skin of fins and gills of the silversides Odontesthes smitti Lahille, 1949, and Odontesthes nigricans Richardson, 1848 (Pisces: Atheriniformes), from southwestern Atlantic coast, on the basis of the morphology of adults and eggs found in the host tissues. Huffmanela moraveci n. sp. can be distinguished from Huffmanela carcharini, H. banningi, H. japonica, H. mexicana, H. paronai, H. schouteni, H. shikokuensis, H. branchialis, H. filamentosa, H. ossicola, and H. lata by the size and shape of the eggs. The adult stage of H. moraveci n. sp. can be differentiated from H. hufmani and H. canadensis by the position of the nerve ring and by the total esophagus length/body length ratio. Huffmanela moraveci n. sp. also differs from H. huffmani by the presence of bacillary bands and by the body length. This is the first report of a species of Huffmanela in South America, the first report of a species of Huffmanela with Odontesthes spp. as host, and the third known adult form in the genus.  相似文献   

Five Halacarus species were found in deep sea collections of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The five species, viz. Halacarus atlanticus sp.n. H. longior sp.n. H. obtusus sp.n. H. peregrinus sp.n. and H. triunguis sp.n. are described, and discussed in terms of related species.  相似文献   

Heterocoptes lombokensis sp. n. from Lombok, Bali and Java (Indonesia), H. sumatrensis sp. n. from Sumatra (Indonesia), H. samueli sp. n. from Australia, H. barbarae sp. n. from New Britain Islands (Papua New Guinea), H. marcellae sp. n. from Sulawesi (Indonesia) and Nolaecoptes tanahloticus sp. n. from Bali (Indonesia) are described. The female of Uvallicoptes peeteri Haitlinger, 1999 is described and new records for this species are given. Males and females of the genus Heterocoptes are keyed.  相似文献   

Henneguya cartilaginis n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) is described from wild masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou in Hokkaido, Japan. H. cartilaginis n. sp. produced white cysts, up to 3mm in size, in the head of masu salmon. Infected fish exhibited cranial protrusion due to the cysts. Spores (11.4 × 8.6μm) of H. cartilaginis n. sp. were egg-shaped with the posterior end more pointed and possessed two caudal appendages (34.2μm average length). Histological observations revealed that large plasmodia possessing fine fibrous pseudopodia on the surface developed in the head cartilage. H. cartilaginis n. sp. resembles H. cerebralis, which was described from the cranial cartilage of Kosogol grayling Thymallus nigrescens in Mongolia. However, they were distinguishable by spore morphology. Molecular analysis of the 18S rDNA sequences indicated that H. cartilaginis n. sp. was most closely related to Henneguya zschokkei, H. nuesslini and H. salminicola of salmonid fish, with genetic similarities of 95.3%, 95.1% and 93.9%, respectively. Based on these differences in spore morphology, molecular data, the site of infection and geographical distribution, the present species is considered to be a new species.  相似文献   

The genus Hemibidessus Zimmermann, 1921 is revised. Six species are recognized in the genus. Two new species are described, H. spirodiscus sp. n. from Bolivia and H. spangleri sp. n. from Argentina. A key for identifying the species is presented. The female genitalia are thoroughly illustrated and described for the first time for any species of Bidessini. Other important diagnostic structures are also illustrated including the male genitalia. A cladistic analysis is presented for 8 species (6 ingroup and 2 outgroup species) and 13 characters. A single most parsimonious cladogram was found.  相似文献   

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