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This study tested effects of maternal body size on foraging behavior and progeny development in a thelytokous population of Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Small and large wasps were reared from first and second instar hosts [black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hemiptera: Aphididae)], respectively, and each was provided with a patch (bean leaf disk) containing either 15 small (second instar) or 15 large (fourth instar) hosts for a 30‐min foraging period. Neither body size nor host size affected time allocation to various behaviors within a patch, but second instar aphids produced significantly more mummies than fourth instars. The preferred attack orientation was from the side of the aphid, suggesting wasps were sensitive to the risk of smearing with cornicle secretions. Few wasps developed in fourth instar hosts, suggesting later host instars were somewhat resistant to parasitism. Second instar hosts, the most suitable stage for L. fabarum development, relied more on defensive behavior, specifically kicking and secreting cornicle droplets. Large wasps were more likely to elicit a double cornicle secretion, indicating that aphids graded their response to the size of the attacker. Larger wasps were also more likely to be smeared with cornicle secretion, suggesting they were more vulnerable than small wasps. Although small wasps had smaller eggs than large wasps, there was no effect of maternal egg size on the size of progeny. However, daughters of small females emerged with larger egg loads than daughters of large mothers, and their eggs tended to be slightly smaller, although not significantly. Regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between maternal egg size and progeny developmental time for small and large wasps, and between maternal egg size and progeny egg load for small wasps. These results confirm maternal effects of body size in an aphid parasitoid, and reveal that vulnerability to host behavioral defenses is also body size dependent.  相似文献   

To determine whether host body size is the currency used by the aphidiine parasitoid, Lysiphlebus ambiguus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), in assessing host quality, the aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae), was reared at either high or low temperature to yield hosts of the same instar with different body sizes. Cohorts of A. fabae raised at 15 degrees C and 30 degrees C and exposed to individual female L. ambiguus in no-choice tests were successfully parasitized in all host stages from 1st instar nymphs to adults. However, younger and smaller aphids were more susceptible to parasitism than older and larger nymphs or adults, as measured by the number of mummies produced. For aphid cohorts reared at 15 degrees C, the proportion of female progeny, progeny adult size, and development time all increased linearly with aphid size at the time of attack. In contrast, for aphid cohorts raised at 30 degrees C, the proportion of female progeny and progeny adult size declined with aphid size, while development time remained unaffected. Through manipulation of host rearing temperature, we have shown that at cooler temperatures the koinobiont parasitoid, L. ambiguus, responds to host size in the same way as an idiobiont parasitoid, but that this response is compromised at higher temperatures. Our results suggest that differential mortality during development is likely to influence the observed secondary sex ratio in relation to aphid size for aphid cohorts raised at higher temperatures due to disruption of the activity of the host's primary endosymbiont and that such reduced nutritional quality of aphids cannot be compensated by increased development time.  相似文献   

A strong relationship exists between body size and fitness in parasitoids. However, it is unclear whether the relationship is symmetric or asymmetric in males and females. The present study investigated the body size and fitness relationship in Diaeretiella rapae emerged from small and large nymphs of cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. A positive relationship existed between the size of the aphid host and growth of parasitoid larva developing in it. The fitness gain in males and females was not proportionate to their body size gain. Females mated with larger males produced 10?% more female offspring than females mated with smaller males. However, females that developed in large hosts produced 62?% more offspring (total male and female) than the females emerged from smaller hosts. The findings suggest that the number of offspring and the progeny sex ratio were affected by the body size of both male and female D. rapae.  相似文献   

In an apple orchard at Armidale, the Northern Tablelands of NSW, population sex ratios ofAphelinus mali (Haldeman), an endoparasitoid of the woolly apple aphid,Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) varied from 0.51 (proportion of males) at low host densities to female-biased at high host densities (proportion of males ranged from 0.35–0.39). This shift in sex ratio seems to be caused by the differences in allocation of sons and daughters to hosts of different sizes. In the fieldA. mali parasitizes all life stages (four nymphal instars and adult) of the woolly aphid upon encountering. According to Hughes'(1979) optimal diet model, such general host acceptance seems to be the best strategy. However, it allows the host nymphs or adults to continue to develop or reproduce until about to mummify (pupate). No mortality was observed when first or second-instar hosts were parasitized in the laboratory. Field collected small mummified hosts yielded male-biased sex ratios whereas large mummified hosts produced mainly females. In the laboratory, progeny from smaller hosts (first to third-instars) produced sex ratios which were not significantly different from 0.5 whereas progeny from larger hosts (third and fourth-instars) produced female-biased sex ratio. During winter (June–August) and early spring (September–October) when the host populations in the orchard were predominantly nymphs, the parasitoid tended to allocate equal resources to male and female offspring. In contrast, at peak population densities in summer and autumn (December–May) when larger hosts were available, the sex ratios were female-biased. The host size ofE. lanigerum andA. mali is, therefore, an important component in the dynamics of host-parasitoid interactions.  相似文献   

The mealybug parasitoid Anagyrus spec. nov near sinope (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is an undescribed parasitoid of the Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). We investigated the preference of Anagyrus spec. nov near sinope for six developmental stadia (first‐ and second‐instar nymphs, third‐instar immature females, third‐ or fourth‐instar immature males, pre‐reproductive adult females, and ovipositing adult females) of P. madeirensis and the fitness consequences of the host stage selection behavior. In the no‐choice test, Anagyrus spec. nov near sinope parasitized and completed development in all host stadia except third‐instar immature males. When all host stadia were offered simultaneously, the parasitoids preferred third‐instar immature and pre‐reproductive adult females. Dissection of the stung mealybugs revealed that the clutch size (number of eggs per host) was approximately four and three in the third‐instar and pre‐reproductive females, respectively, and one egg per first‐instar nymph. Parasitoids emerged from P. madeirensis parasitized at third‐instar or pre‐reproductive adult female completed development in the shortest duration, achieved a higher progeny survival rate, larger brood and body size, and the lowest proportion of males. We showed that the continued development of mealybugs had significant influence on the fitness of the parasitoids. Although deposited as eggs in first‐ or second‐instar nymphs, parasitoids emerged from mummies that had attained third‐instar or adult development achieved similar progeny survival rate, brood size, body size, and sex ratio as those parasitoids deposited and developed in third‐instar or adult mealybugs. By delaying larval development in young mealybugs, Anagyrus spec. nov near sinope achieved higher fitness by allowing the parasitized mealybugs to grow and accumulate body size and resources. We suggest that the fitness consequence of host stage selection of a koinobiont parasitoid should be evaluated on both the time of parasitism and the time of mummification.  相似文献   

Adaptiveness of sex ratio control by the solitary parasitoid wasp Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in response to host size was studied, by examining whether differential effects of host size on the fitness of resulting wasps are to be found between males and females. The offspring sex ratio (male ratio) decreased with increasing host size. Larger hosts yielded larger wasps. Male larvae were less efficient in consuming larger hosts than female larvae. No significant interaction in development time was found between parasitoid sex and host size. Larger female wasps lived longer than smaller females, while longevity of male wasps did not increase with increasing wasp size. Smaller males were able to mate either with small or with large females, while larger males failed to mate with small females. Larger female wasps had a greater number of ovarioles and mature eggs at any one time than smaller females, although the number of eggs produced per host-feeding was not influenced by female wasps. Thus, the differential effect of host size on the fitness of males and females exists in I. naranyae. The basic assumption of the host-size model was therefore satisfied, demonstrating that sex ratio control by I. naranyae in response to host size is adaptive.  相似文献   

Host stage selection and sex allocation by Gyranusoidea tebygi Noyes (Hym,, Encyrtidae) were studied in choice and no-choice experiments in the laboratory. The parasitoid reproduced on first, second, and third instars of the mango mealybug, Rastrococcus invadens Williams (Hem., Pseudococcidae), and it avoided hosts that were already parasitized. Host feeding was occasionally observed. Sex ratios of the offspring produced by individual wasps were highly biased in favor of females, whereas the sex ratio of groups of wasps foraging under crowded conditions varied from male biased in smaller hosts to female biased in larger hosts. Females had longer developmental times than males, developed faster in larger mealybugs than in smaller ones, and were always larger than males emerging from the same host instar. Their size increased with the instar of the host at oviposition. About 90% of all ovipositions in second and third instar nymphs resulted from an attack with multiple stings, starting with a sting in the head of the host for the most part. The function of these head stings is either to assess quality of the host or to subdue hosts prior to oviposition. Encounter rates, number of attacks, and number of stings during one attack increased, while ovipositions decreased with host instar. Time investment per oviposition and time spent preening increased with increasing host age because older hosts defended themselves more vigorously than younger ones. Thus, while fitness of the parasitoid increased with host size, fitness returns per time decreased. The implications of this host selection behavior for the biological control of the mango mealybug are discussed.  相似文献   

Oviposition behaviour and host size selection of the solitary parasitoid Leptomastix epona(Walker) and the gregarious Pseudaphycus flavidulus(Brèthes) [both Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae] were examined on five size classes of the mealybug Pseudococcus viburni(Signoret) [Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae]. The host size classes mostly consisted of one stage (first, second, third instar nymph, young adult and preovipositing adult) and were presented together to wasps of either parasitoid species. Both parasitoid species locate the host by drumming the surface of the patch with the antennae. Leptomastix eponaseems to use mainly the antennae to examine the host but P. flavidulusmay accept or reject a host for oviposition after antennation or insertion of the ovipositor. Leptomastix eponaattempts oviposition in all the host stages from second instar nymphs but P. flavidulusincludes first instar. Both parasitoid species select mainly larger hosts (>1 mm, third instar nymphs) to oviposit but P. flavidulusis able to parasitize more second instar nymphs compared to L. epona. Female wasps of L. eponamay host feed on small mealybugs (second and third instar nymphs) that they do not use for oviposition. Oviposition experience of either parasitoid species for 24 hours does not influence host size selection on patches with hosts of similar mixed sizes. Oviposition decisions are independent of the host sizes of the preceding ovipositions. Implications about stability of a single parasitoid – host system and the success of biological control of the mealybug were discussed in respect of the developmental refugia of the two parasitoid species. Niche overlap of the two parasitoid species was discussed with a view to giving an insight into a single or multiple introduction.  相似文献   

Many species of parasitoid wasps produce a greater proportionof sons in small than in large hosts. As described by the host-sizemodel, natural selection is becoming a standard explanationfor the evolution of this phenomenon. We examined a criticalassumption of the host-size model, that host size has a morepositive effect on female than on male reproductive success.In laboratory experiments with the parasitoid wasp Spalangiacameroni, females that developed on larger hosts contained moreeggs at emergence. However, more eggs did not translate intomore offspring, at high or low density and regardless of whethera female had to burrow to reach hosts. The size of host on whicha female developed was also unrelated to her longevity, regardlessof the presence or absence of hosts. The size of host on whicha male developed had no effect on his sperm production or abilityto inseminate females, regardless of whether insemination abilitywas measured by the amount of sperm transferred to a female,by the proportion of a male's mates that produced any daughters,or by the proportion of daughters that a male's mates produced.Thus, despite data on multiple measures of fitness under a rangeof conditions, sex ratio manipulation in response to host sizein S. cameroni does not appear to be adaptive, and another explanationis needed.  相似文献   

The effects of host instar of Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy (Homoptera: Aphididae) on the performance of the parasitoid Lipolexis oregmae (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), originally Lipolexis scutellaris Mackauer, were evaluated in an effort to increase basic knowledge of this host-parasitoid association, improve field sampling methods, and potentially predict the success of parasitism in the field. L. oregmae was able to oviposit and develop in all four instars of T. citricida; however, there are differences in the quality of different host instars. Although second-instar hosts produce more L. oregmae progeny and a higher female-biased sex ratio, fourth-instar hosts produce L. oregmae progeny that are larger and have a higher realized fecundity. However, fourth-instar hosts require a longer handling time and expose the parasitoid female to more aphid behavioral defenses than do second-instar hosts. Additionally, results suggest that fourth-instar hosts may elicit a physiological immune response to parasitism; when aphids were observed being stung once, the number of L. oregmae larvae present on dissection after 4 d and the number of eclosed adults was lower in fourth- than in second-instar hosts. Pupal mortality of L. oregmae was also higher in fourth-instar hosts compared with second-instar hosts. The results of this study confirm that L. oregmae has a high reproductive rate and low incidence of incomplete parasitization on this host and is one of only a few natural enemies able to complete development in all instars of the brown citrus aphid in Florida.  相似文献   

The influence of aphid size on the host quality assessment and progeny performance of aphidiine parasitoids was examined using the mealy plum aphid parasitoid, Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae), as a readily acceptable alternate host. Aphid size in relation to stage of development was manipulated by rearing synchronous aphid cohorts at either 15 or 30 °C. At 15 °C, 2nd instar aphids were approximately the same size as 4th instar aphids reared at 30 °C. Cohorts of 30 aphids from each instar, reared at each temperature, were exposed to parasitism by a single parasitoid female for a period of 5 h. Overall susceptibility to parasitism did not vary between aphid cohorts, but the parasitoid response to aphid size differed significantly between rearing temperatures for both progeny sex ratio (parent female assessment of host quality) and larval growth and development (host suitability for parasitoid development). For aphids reared at 15 °C, the proportion of female progeny and emerging adult size for the parasitoid increased linearly with aphid size at the time of attack, while development time remained constant. In contrast, for aphids reared at 30 °C, the proportion of female progeny, emerging adult size, and the development time of the parasitoid all declined with aphid size at the time of attack. The contrasting responses of the parasitoid to host size for aphids reared at the two temperatures suggest that host quality is only indirectly related to aphid size among aphidiine parasitoids. The possible effects of higher temperatures on nutritional stress, obligate endosymbionts, and future growth potential of the aphids are discussed as explanations for the variation in host quality for parasitoid development.  相似文献   

1. The reproductive fitness of a parasitoid depends on its mating and ovipositing success. Virgin haplodiploid females can reproduce, but produce only males, and may diminish fitness by producing more male offspring than required. Therefore, females must decide on whether to mate or oviposit first. 2. This study was conducted to assess the mating versus ovipositing decision and its impact on the reproductive fitness of Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphididae), an endoparasitoid of the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). 3. When newly emerged females were given a choice between mating and ovipositing, about 62% of D. rapae females preferred to mate before ovipositing. Those females who oviposited before mating parasitised only 10% of the available aphids. After mating, females superparasitised their hosts with fertilised eggs, which resulted in a highly female‐biased sex ratio in the offspring. 4. Mating success was very high (91%) in the presence of hosts (cabbage aphid nymphs) compared with that in the absence of aphids. However, mating success was not influenced by the quality (size) of the hosts present in the mating arena, despite a parasitoid preference for larger hosts during oviposition. The time between pairing and mating was also shorter in the presence of host aphids. The mean number of aphids parasitised and the parasitism rate were significantly greater after mating.  相似文献   

Charnov's host-size model explains parasitoid host-size-dependent sex ratio as an adaptive consequence when there is a differential effect of host size on the offspring fitness of parasitoid males versus females. This article tests the predictions and the assumptions of the host-size model. The parasitoid wasp Pimpla nipponica Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) laid more female eggs in larger or fresher host pupae when choice among hosts of different sizes or ages was allowed. Then, whether an asymmetrical effect of host size and age on the fitness of females versus males existed in P. nipponica was examined. Larger or fresher host pupae yielded larger wasps. Larger females lived longer, whereas male size did not influence male longevity. Large males mated successfully with relatively large females but failed with small females, whereas small males could mate successfully either with small or with large females. Thus, small-male advantages were found, and this held true even under male–male competition. Ovariole and egg numbers at any one time did not differ among females of different sizes. Larger females attained higher oviposition success and spent less time and energy for oviposition in hosts. Larger females produced more eggs from a single host meal. Taken together, females gained more, and males lost more, by being large. Host size and age thus asymmetrically affected the fitness of offspring males versus females through the relationships between host size or hast age and wasp size, which means the basic assumption of the host-size model was satisfied. Therefore, sex ratio control by P. nipponica in response to host size and age is adaptive. Received: November 13, 1998 / Accepted: January 18, 1999  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different host: parasitoid ratios on the efficacy of the parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus attacking the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii. When host density was held constant (100 second instars) and parasitoid density was decreased from 15 to 1 females, the percentage of total host mortality was significantly lower at low parasitoid densities. The number of host nymphs killed, and the number of female parasitoid progeny per female, increased 3.6 and 20.4 times, respectively. The emergence rate, sex ratio, longevity, and body lengths of progeny were significantly larger at the lowest parasitoid density while developmental time was significantly shorter. When the number of hosts was increased from 5 to 250 and parasitoid density was held constant (5 females), the percentage of nymphal mortality decreased 1.6 times. The percentage of desiccated nymphs was significantly highest (65.7%) at the lowest host density, while percentage parasitism (34.3%) was significantly lowest at the lowest host density. The data could be described using a Type I functional response curve. We propose a generalized index of efficacy (GIE) to summarize and compare the total effects of parasitoid--host ratios. This index showed that the most efficient ratio was one parasitoid female per ten second instar host nymphs.  相似文献   

Aenasius arizonensis (Girault) is an important solitary endoparasitoid of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley. To optimise the mass production of high-quality females, it is important to assess the influence of mating regimes on the progeny fitness and sex allocation. We, therefore, hypothesise that mating combinations in A. arizonensis adults emerged from different host instars may influence parasitism and sex allocation in the subsequent generation. Therefore, we compared three nymphal instars (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and adults host stages of Psolenopsis for parasitism and sex allocation by A. arizonensis. Further, F1 female progeny of the parasitoid emerged from different host instars was henceforth evaluated for its fitness in six mating combinations. A. arizonensis females parasitised all the host stages except the 1st instar nymphs. The parasitised 2nd instar nymphs yielded only males, while the sex ratio in the later host instars was strongly female-biased. The parasitoid females preferred 3rd instar nymphs with respect to higher parasitism (74.0–84.0%) and produced more females in the F1 progeny as compared to other host stages. F1 females that emerged from 3rd instar nymphs produced significantly higher parasitism (74.0–79.0%). These mating combinations also yielded more female progeny in the F2 generation. However, parasitism by F1 females was significantly lower (9.0–12.0%) when mated with males that emerged from 2nd instar P. solenopsis nymphs. Moreover, latter combinations yielded only male progeny in F2 generation. These findings can be used in laboratory mass rearing of this parasitoid vis-à-vis biological control of P. solenopsis.  相似文献   

Host-size related feeding and oviposition behaviour, and allocation of progeny sex by Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) were tested on Sitophilus oryzae L. The parasitoid showed a host-size-dependent partition of feeding and oviposition behaviour, preferring small hosts for feeding, but large hosts for oviposition. Neither the mutual interference nor the host density showed any effect on the behaviour of the parasitoid. Allocation of progeny sex by the female parasitoid appeared to be based more likely on absolute than on relative host size encountered. A model for the progeny sex ratio was constructed based on: (1) ovipositional preference of the parasitoid on large hosts; (2) feeding preferentially on small hosts; and (3) host-size-related regulation of progeny sex ratio. The progeny sex ratio of the parasitoid predicted by the model was in close agreement with the observed value.  相似文献   

徐清华  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2007,50(5):488-493
研究寄生蜂对寄主不同龄期的寄生策略通常采用适温下(≈25℃)培养的寄主进行试验。 为探究蚜茧蜂对高温下生长的寄主蚜虫的寄生反应及其适合度表现,在30℃条件下饲养寄主孤雌胎生无翅黑豆蚜Aphis fabae Scopli,获得不同龄期若蚜和刚羽化的成蚜,分别提供给可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus ambiguous Haliday寄生,观察蚜茧蜂的寄生率以及后代性比、体型大小和发育时间等适合度相关特性。结果表明: 可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂对1至4龄若蚜及成蚜均寄生,但偏向寄生较早龄期的若蚜,对成蚜的寄生率为28.0%,显著低于对1龄(400%)和2龄(42.8%)寄主若蚜的寄生率。后代雌蜂比例和体型随寄主龄期(体型)增大而减小,而发育历期则呈现“中间低,两头高”的格局。后代性比、体型大小及发育历期等适合度表现与此前适温(≈25℃)下得到的结果截然相反。因此推测,寄主黑豆蚜体型或龄期可能不是或不全部是可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂评价寄主质量的依据,其他与寄主蚜虫内共生菌动态相关的线索(如行为的,化学的等)可能才是其评价寄主质量的依据。  相似文献   

Summary When host quality varies, parasitoid wasps are expected to oviposit selectively in high-quality hosts. We tested the assumption underlying host-size models that, for solitary species of wasps, quality is based on host size. Using Ephedrus californicus, a solitary endoparasitoid of the pea aphid, we evaluated the influence of aphid size (= mass), age and defensive behaviours on host selection. Experienced parasitoid females were given a choice among three classes of 5-day-old apterous nymphs: small aphids that had been starved daily for 4 h (S4) and 6 h (S6) respectively, and large aphids permitted to feed (F) normally. Wasps attacked more, and laid more eggs in, small than large aphids (S6>S4>F). This rank-order for attack did not change when females could choose among aphids of the same size that differed in age; however, wasps oviposited in all attacked aphids with equal probability. Host size did not influence parasitoid attack rates when aphids were anaesthetized so that they could not escape or defend themselves. As predicted by host-size models, wasp size increased with host size (F>S4; S6), but large wasps required longer to complete development than their smaller counterparts (S4E. californicus reflects a trade-off between maximization of fitness gains per egg and the economics of search-time allocation. Because large aphids are more likely to escape parasitization, a wasp must balance her potential gain in fitness by ovipositinng in a high-quality (large) aphid against her potential cost in terms of lost opportunity time if the attack fails.  相似文献   

Many aspects of a parasitoid's biology may be affected by its host. Host size, for example, could affect parasitoid fitness, especially in gregarious parasitoids, in which the resource is used by multiple siblings. Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a gregarious larval–pupal endoparasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), a major pest of crucifers worldwide, and is able to superparasitize the host. This study focuses on the hypothesis that because resource availability is higher in larger hosts, parasitoids developing in larger hosts will fare better. However, superparasitized hosts are expected to yield larger numbers of parasitoid offspring of smaller body size. Results showed that superparasitism increased the number of parasitoid offspring produced per host and increased offspring longevity, but decreased offspring body size. However, developmental time and sex ratio of parasitoid offspring was similar among hosts parasitized once, twice, or three times. Regardless of superparasitism, parasitoids emerging from larger hosts that were fed honey solution lived longer than similarly fed progeny from smaller hosts (36.4 vs. 22.1 days). The results partially support the hypothesis that Oomyzus gained fitness from an increase in host size; moreover, superparasitism seems advantageous for Oomyzus due to increased offspring numbers and longevity.  相似文献   

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