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报道了中国蓼属两新种。蜀蓼(Polygonum shuense)与大理蓼(P.subscapsum)相似,但基生叶的基部渐狭,沿叶柄下延,边缘具圆齿,花白色,花柱3,离生,瘦果长卵形,无光泽可以区别。察隅蓼(P.chayuum)产西藏,这个新种的茎不分枝,自基部至中部无叶,仅有托叶鞘,叶着生于茎的上部,这些特征奇特,明显不同于其它种类。  相似文献   

描述了中国新疆蓼科Polygonaceae蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum section Polygonum 3新种。乌鲁木齐萹蓄P. urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在体态上与萹蓄P. aviculare L.很相近, 但花在枝上部叶腋簇生成穗状花序, 雄蕊5–6枚, 瘦果两型, 长果表面密具不规则排列的小点, 易于区别。塔城萹蓄P. tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在枝上部的花不形成总状花序, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面具成行的小点等方面与萹蓄近缘, 其区别在于3–6花仅簇生于枝上部叶腋, 叶片条状披针形, 背面主、侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 约达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉; 又因其茎直立, 花簇生于枝上部叶腋而与展枝萹蓄P. patulum M. Bieb.相近, 其区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 枝上部的叶不渐小, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序, 瘦果表面具成行的小点。石河子萹蓄Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu茎直立, 花3–6朵簇生于枝上部叶腋, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽, 与帚萹蓄P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze相近, 区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序; 同时在体态上又与塔城萹蓄十分相近, 但其枝上部的叶逐渐变小,瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽,易于区别。对3个新种及其近缘种的花粉形态、叶表皮特征和瘦果微形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜比较观察。  相似文献   

描述了山东产羊茅属的2个新类群,即毛鞘羊茅和崂山小颖羊茅。毛鞘羊茅与羊茅相近,表现在叶片内卷成线状,圆锥花序紧缩成穗状,外稃背部粗糙,区别在于具有向上膜质的叶耳,叶鞘密被倒向的微毛,小穗长7-10mm,第1外稃长4-5mm,顶端具0.5-1mm长的芒或无,内稃脊光滑;崂山小颖羊茅与原变种的区别在于第1颖卵状披针形,长1.5-2mm,具2-3脉。  相似文献   

Wentsaiboea renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, a new genus and species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This genus is similar to Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang in the shape of stigma, but differs by having leaves reniform, palmately nerved and base cordate, corolla obliquely campanulate, corolla lobes rounded, and both stamens and staminodes adnate to corolla tube near base. It is also similar to Chiritopsis W. T. Wang in the habit, but differs by having leaves palmately nerved, corolla tube campanulate and abaxially swollen, and stigma hippocrepiform.  相似文献   

广西苦苣苔科一新属——文采苣苔属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了在广西发现的苦苣苔科一新属和一新种,即文采苣苔属Wentsaiboea D. Fang & D. H. Qin及文采苣苔W. renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, 并提供墨线图。文采苣苔属的柱头外形略似长檐苣苔属Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang, 不同在于前者叶肾形,基部心形,具掌状脉,花冠斜钟状,裂片圆形,雄蕊和退化雄蕊着生于冠筒近基部。新属在体态上还接近小花苣苔属Chiritopsis W. T. Wang, 但前者叶具掌状脉,冠筒钟状,远轴侧膨胀,柱头马蹄形;在后者叶具羽状脉,冠筒筒状,不膨胀,柱头下唇倒梯形至线形。  相似文献   

Euphrasia brevilabris Y. F. Wang, Y. S. Lian & G. Z. Du, a new species of the Scrophulariaceae from Gannan grassland of Gansu belonging to the east edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China, is described and illustrated. It is related to E. regelii Wettst. by having dense tentacle on the leaves, bracts and calyces, but differs from plant shorter, 3–7 cm high, without ramification, leaves smaller, 3–5 mm long, corolla yellow, the back 3–5 mm long, and labium shorter than muffle. It is also similar to E. pectinata Ten. by bracts obviously bigger than vegetative leaves, but differs from plant shorter, leaves smaller, having dense tentacle on the leaves, bracts and calyces, corolla yellow, labium shorter than muffle.  相似文献   

中国荞麦属(蓼科)一新种——密毛野荞麦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了蓼科一新种——密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu),本种与细柄野荞麦(F. gracilipes(Hemsl.) Damm. et Diels)相近似,不同在于植株全体密被白色直立长毛,茎枝较粗壮,节较密集,节间较短, 叶较大,长(0.9~)1.7~6 cm,宽(0.7~)1.2~5.1 cm,阔卵形,心形,阔心形,阔卵状心形,卵形,长卵形,三角状卵形或卵状三角形,在上面具细皱纹,明显小泡状突起,叶柄较长,长 (0.5~) 2.6~7.5 cm,果实较小,长1.8~2.5 mm,直径1.5~2 mm,易于区别。  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny of taxa of two subtribes (Labicheinae, Dialiinae) of caesalpinioid tribe Cassieae, characterized by reduced number of floral organs, was compared. All three taxa studied are distichous; Petalostylis labicheoides flowers are solitary in leaf axils, Labichea lanceolata has few-flowered racemes, and Dialium guineense has numerous-flowered cymes. The first sepal primordium in each is initiated abaxially and nonmedianly. Order of organogenesis in Petalostylis is: five sepals bidirectionally, five petals and carpel simultaneously, then five stamens bidirectionally, starting abaxially. The order in Labichea is: five sepals helically (one lagging in time), five petals unidirectionally starting abaxially, the carpel and petals concurrently, then two stamens successively, starting laterally. Order in Dialium is: five sepals bidirectionally, the single petal adaxially, and lastly the carpel and two stamens concurrently. Specializations include (1) reduction of the five sepals to four by fusion in Petalostylis and Labichea; (2) reduction of petal number to one in Dialium; (3) reduction of stamen number to two in Labichea and Dialium, and reduction of functional stamens to three in Petalostylis; and (4) an elaborate, late-developing style in Petalostylis. Floral asymmetry, another specialization, characterizes Labichea, expressed by dissimilar stamens, while the other genera have zygomorphic flowers. Floral ontogenies are compared with other taxa of Cassieae.  相似文献   

描述了蓼科一新变种——翅果密毛野荞麦[Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu var.pterocarpum J. L. Liuet X.J.Li],并绘制了形态图。新变种瘦果较大,长2.5~3mm,宽(2~)2.5~3mm,果棱上具翅,翅宽0.5~1mm,雄蕊长于雌蕊,从而区别于原变种密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosumJ.L.Liu);另外,新变种全株密被短毛或长毛,茎枝较粗壮,红褐色,节较密集,叶片在表面具细皱纹和小泡状突起,雄蕊长于雌蕊,而又不同于齿翅野荞麦[Fagopyrum gracilipes(Hemsl.)Damm.et Diels var. odontopterum(Gross)Sam]。  相似文献   

中国蓼属春蓼组植物果实形态及果皮微形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
应用解剖镜和扫描电镜对中国产蓼属春蓼组(Polygonum sect. Persicaria)19种3变种植物的果实形态和果皮微形态特征进行了观察和研究。结果表明,蓼属春蓼组植物的果实形态为卵形或椭圆状卵形,具三棱、双凹或双凸,顶端渐狭,有喙或无喙;果皮微形态可分为7种类型: 洼点、浅洼点,脑纹状纹饰,拟脑纹状纹饰,网状纹饰,不规则褶皱,不规则小疣状颗粒以及密浅网状纹饰。观察结果支持将绵毛酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L. var. salicifolium Sibth.)合并到酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L.),做为酸模叶蓼的异名处理;支持将长鬃蓼(P. longisetum De Br.)作为丛枝蓼(P. posumbu Buch. Ham. ex D.Don)的变种处理的意见;认为密毛酸模叶蓼(P. lapathifolium L. var. lanatum (Roxb.) Stew.)应恢复种级,圆基长鬃蓼(P. longisetum De Br. var. rotunatum A.J.Li)应升为种级;支持平武蓼(Polygonum pingwuense F. Z. Li et Y. T. Hou et S. J. Fan, sp. nov.)新种的成立。  相似文献   

记载了中国虎耳草属Saxifraga二新种, 即班玛虎耳草S. banmaensis J. T. Pan和丁青虎耳草S. dingqingensis J. T. Pan。其中, 班玛虎耳草仅见于青海班玛, 与小伞虎耳草S. umbellulata Hook. f. &; Thoms.近缘, 但其萼片先端具软骨质短尖头, 花瓣线形, 非提琴状长圆形至提琴形, 基部无爪, 可资区别。丁青虎耳草见于西藏丁青, 与近加拉虎耳草S. llonakhensis W. W. Smith相似, 但其萼片3脉, 于先端汇合成1疣点, 花瓣具8痂体和4-5脉, 基部截形或近耳形, 可以区别。此两种均系中国特有种, 隶属于莲座状亚组subsect. Rosulares Gornall。  相似文献   

Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng, a new species of Cyperaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species resembles C. scaposa C. B. Clarke in its arundinaceous leaves and spikes arranged in a compound panicle, but differs from the latter in having glabrous culms, cauline leaves, and rachises of secondary inflorescences, panicle with fewer secondary inflorescences, and spikes with sparse pistillate flowers. Micromorphology of culms, cauline leaves, peduncles of secondary inflorescences, and achenes under SEM supports the recognition of this new species as well.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞属(茄科)一新种和一新变种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了宁夏茄科枸杞属一新种小叶黄果枸杞和一新变种密枝枸杞。小叶黄果枸杞与宁夏枸杞相接近,但前者枝条成"之"字形曲折,叶片较小,条形、条状披针形、条状倒披针形或狭椭圆形,花1~2朵与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花萼杯状或筒状,常2浅裂,裂片边缘无毛;花冠筒部与冠檐近等长,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的喉部,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛,浆果扁球形或椭圆球形,常为淡黄色,近透明,长6~10mm,直径6~8mm,种子5~8枚而与后者明显不同。在外部形态上,小叶黄果枸杞与新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞也比较接近,但新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞的枝条不成"之"字形曲折,花常2~3朵或更多与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花冠筒部长约为檐部裂片长的2倍,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的近中部,浆果红色。尤其是土库曼枸杞的花萼为宽钟形,常4~5裂,花冠裂片边缘有短而稀疏的缘毛而明显有异于小叶黄果枸杞。宁夏枸杞的变种密枝枸杞与原变种的区别在于前者植株分枝多而密,叶片小,狭长椭圆形、倒披针形或匙形,长1~1.8cm,宽1.5~2.5mm;雄蕊着生于花冠喉部,长短不等,其中两枚较短,其余3枚较长,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛;浆果卵球形或椭圆形,长5~8mm,直径3~6mm,淡紫色,近透明,多汁,味甜,种子2~4粒。  相似文献   

中国珍珠菜属(报春花科)一新种——右旋过路黄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新种右旋过路黄Lysimachia dextrorsiflora X. P. Zhang, X. H. Guo &; J. W. Shao进行了描述和绘图。该新种产于中国安徽和福建, 因茎匍匐, 叶对生, 花黄色, 单生叶腋与过路黄L. christinae Hance近缘, 但其花冠裂片在蕾期右旋(顺时针)旋转排列(俯视), 花梗通常长于叶片与叶柄长之和, 花期4月初至5月初而不同。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(3):287-289
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁Vitis wenxianensis W.T.Wang。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge var.ternata(W.T.Wang)C.L.Li有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名V.ternata Baker,因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

Manihot allemii M. J. Silva is described and illustrated as a new species, and its morphological affinities and conservation status is discussed. It is most similar to M. salicifolia Pohl in having a subshrubby and erect habit and in the general aspect of its unlobed leaves, but differs from it in having leaves that are conspicuously petiolate, an inflorescence that is a congested spike‐like thyrse, entire and diminute bracts and bracteoles subtending flowers of both sexes, pistillate calyx that is deeply lobed with oblong lobes, and staminate flowers with 8 or 10 stamens. Both species belong to a group of 14 species recognized by their possession of entire and unlobed leaves, which are the subject of taxonomic studies by the second author. Some notes on the leaf anatomy of species of Manihot that have entire and unlobed leaves are also presented.  相似文献   

描述了我国广西大苗山莎草科Cyperaceae一新种——大苗山薹草Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。本种形态上与花葶薹草C. scaposa C. B. Clarke接近, 区别主要在秆、秆生叶和支花序轴均无毛, 支花序数较少, 小穗疏生雌花。对秆、支花序梗、秆生叶和小坚果扫描电镜观察也显示了这二者的区别。  相似文献   

Nanocnide zhejiangensis X.F. Jin & Y.F. Lu, a new species of Urticaceae from Zhejiang, east China, is described with illustrations. The new species is morphologically similar to Nanocnide japonica in having staminate inflorescence longer than leaves, but differs by having glabrous stems, petioles, peduncles and abaxial leaf surfaces, glabrous perianth lobes of staminate flowers, dorsally glabrous perianth lobes of pistillate flowers, and acuminate or solitary spinose–setaceous at the apex. Analysis based on ITS, atpF–H, atpB–rbcL and trnL–F sequences also demonstrate that Nanocnide japonica is the closest extant relative to the new species.  相似文献   

Glycosmis longipetala F. J. Mou & D. X. Zhang is described from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in southwestern China. The new species is similar to G. Cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre ex Engl. By its simple leaves, but distinguishable in having long-elliptic or oblanceolate (vs. Ovate) leaves, long-ovoid to ellipsoid (vs. Ovoid) floral buds, ovaries with many tubercles (vs. Smooth) and glabrous (vs. Pubescent) stamens. The pollen grains of the new species are 23.9±3.09 (20.8-27.0)×22.0±1.80 (20.4-24.4) μm in size with reticulate exine ornamentation in equatorial area and foveolate in polar area. The chromosome number of the new species is 2n=72.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):224-226
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁(Vitis wenxianensis W. T. Wang)。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁[V. bryoniifolia Bunge var. ternata(W. T. Wang)C. L. Li]有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁(V. bryoniifolia Bunge)衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名(V. ternata Baker),因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

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