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The assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with the use of two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques at 500 MHz is described. The assignments are based entirely on the known amino acid sequence and the nuclear magnetic resonance data. Individual resonance assignments were obtained for all backbone and Cβ protons, with the exception of those of Arg1, Pro2, Pro13 and the amide proton of Gly37. The side-chain resonance assignments are complete, with the exception of Pro2 and Pro13, the Nδ protons of Asn44 and the peripheral protons of the lysine residues and all but two of the arginine residues.  相似文献   

Studies of proton-proton nuclear Overhauser effects were used to obtain individual assignments of 17 amide proton resonances in the 360 MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. First, optimizing the conditions for obtaining selective nuclear Overhauser effects in the presence of spin diffusion in macromolecules is discussed. Truncated driven nuclear Overhauser experiments were used to assing the amide proton resonances of the beta-sheet in the inhibitor. It is suggested that these techniques could serve quite generally to obtain individual resonance assignments in beta-sheet secondary structures of proteins. Combination of nuclear Overhauser studies with spin decoupling further resulted in individual assignments of the gamma-methyl resonances of the two isoleucines and numerous Calpha and Cbeta protons.  相似文献   

G H Snyder  R Rowan  S Karplus  B D Sykes 《Biochemistry》1975,14(17):3765-3777
The low-field portions of the 250-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) specra of native and chemically modified bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) have been studied as a function of pH over the range pH 5-13. Resonances associated with the 16 protons of the aromatic rings of the four BPTI tyrosines have been located and assigned to specific tyrosyl residues. Titrations of pH yielded pK's for tyrosines-10, -21, -23, and -35 of 10.4, 11.0, 11.7, and 11.1, respectively. The resonances associated with the nitrotyrosine-10 protons of mononitrated BPTI and the nitrotyrosine-10 and -21 protons of dinitrated BPTI have been similarly located, assigned and titrated yielding pK's for nitrotyrosine-10 and -21 of 6.6 and 6.4, respectively. The high-field NMR spectrum indicates that the aromatic ring of tyrosine-35 rotates less than 160 times per second at 25 degrees for pH's in the range 5-9.  相似文献   

G Wagner  D Brühwiler 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):5839-5843
A total of 54 of the 58 alpha-carbon resonances and numerous side-chain carbon signals were individually assigned in the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor by using two-dimensional heteronuclear correlated and relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy with proton detection. No isotope enrichment was used, and the spectra were recorded in 5-mm sample tubes. The pulse sequences were optimized to eliminate, prior to phase cycling, the signals of protons attached to 12C. We have concentrated on assignments of carbons bearing a single hydrogen in view of a relatively easy interpretation of carbon relaxation times, and most of these carbon resonances could be assigned. Furthermore, we demonstrate that two-dimensional heteronuclear correlated and relayed coherence transfer spectra can be used to elucidate connectivities between degenerate resonances within proton spin systems that often occur in threonines and aromatic side chains.  相似文献   

G H Snyder  R Rowan  B D Sykes 《Biochemistry》1976,15(11):2275-2283
The low-field portions of the 250-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of native and chemically modified basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor have been studied as a function of pH over the range pH 5-13. In derivatives selectively reduced and carboxamidomethylated at cystine 14-38, resonances associated with 15 of the 16 protons of the aromatic rings of the four tyrosines of the inhibitor have been located and assigned to specific tyrosyl residues. Titrations of pH yielded pK's for tyrosines 10, 21, 23, and 35 in the modified inhibitor of 9.9, 10.6, 11.6, and 11.0, respectively. Resonances associated with the three nitrotyrosine 10 protons of the mononitrated derivative and the six nitrotyrosine 10 and 21 protons of the dinitrated derivative have been similarly located, assigned, and titrated, yielding pK's for nitrotyrosines 10 and 21 of 6.5 and 6.4, respectively. Previously reported results for derivatives with cystine 14-38 intact have been revised on the basis of new data. Comparison of these revised results with the new data for derivatives with modified cystine 14-38 reveals no changes in pK's for any tyrosine or nitrotyrosing ring and no changes in chemical shift for resonances of nitrotyrosine 21 or tyrosines 21 and 23. However, modification of cystine 14-38 causes significant changes in chemical shifts of resonances of the nearby nitrotyrosine 10 and tyrosine 10 and 35 rings. Tyrosine 35 remains relatively immobile, rotating less than 1600 times/s at 25 degrees C for pH's in the range 5-13.  相似文献   

Fourier transform 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments at 360 MHz using convolution difference techniques to improve the spectral resolution were employed to investigate the resonances of the lysyl residues in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The observations in both native protein and in chemically modified protein containing Nepsilon-dimethyllsysine show that three of the four lysines extend predominantly freely into the solvent, whereas lysine-41 is involved in an intramolecular interaction with tyrosine-10. Since in the single crystal structure tyrosine-10 is involved in an intermolecular interaction with arginine-42 of the neighboring protein molecule, the NMR data thus reveal a local conformation difference for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in solution and in the crystalline form which appears to result primarily from intermolecular interaction in the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) assignments for the aromatic spin systems of the four tyrosines and four phenylalanines in the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) were reinvestigated using novel 13C-1H heteronuclear two-dimensional experiments. Resonance lines which are degenerate in homonuclear 1H n.m.r. spectra could thus be resolved. Based on this new evidence the previous assignments for Phe22 and Phe33 had to be corrected. This affects the earlier conclusions on aromatic ring flips in BPTI in that Phe22 is rotating rapidly on the n.m.r. time scale at 36 degrees C, rather than being immobilized up to 80 degrees C.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance study of the ribosomal protein E-L30 is reported. Five two-dimensional techniques, namely: nuclear magnetic resonance J-resolved spectroscopy, correlated spectroscopy, double quantum spectroscopy, relayed coherence transfer and nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy were used. Qualitative inspection of the spectra obtained by these techniques provided evidence that the E-L30 molecule has a well-defined structure in solution. This analysis indicated that, despite the fact that the protein is stable only at moderate temperatures and neutral pH, a structural analysis of the molecule would be feasible. A detailed analysis of the spectra permitted unambiguous discrimination between the spin systems of different amino acids, resulting in residue-specific resonance assignments. We were able to assign all resonances of all six threonine, four valine, five alanine, two histidine, two serine, one phenylalanine, one asparagine and one aspartic acid residue of E-L30. Complete resonance assignment was obtained for two glycine residues. Partial assignments became available for all six isoleucine, three glycine and one glutamine residue. These results form a sound basis for the structure determination of the protein described in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectrum of the trypsin inhibitor homologue K from the venom of Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis is described and documented. The assignments are based entirely on the amino acid sequence and on 2-dimensional n.m.r. experiments at 360 and 500 M Hz. Individual assignments were obtained for the backbone and C beta protons of all 57 residues of the inhibitor homologue K, with the exceptions of the N-terminal amino group, the amide protons of Arg16, Gly37 and Gly40 and the C beta protons of Arg16 and Pro19. The assignments for the non-labile protons of the amino acid side-chains are complete, with the exception of Gln29, Glu49 and all the proline, lysine and arginine residues. For Asn and Trp the labile side-chain protons have also been assigned. The chemical shifts for the assigned resonances are listed for an aqueous solution at 50 degrees C and pH 3.4.  相似文献   

E Tüchsen  C Woodward 《Biochemistry》1987,26(7):1918-1925
New assignments of three previously undetected amide proton NMR resonance lines in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor are reported. These are the peptide amide proton of Gly-37 and the primary amide protons of Asn-44. Specific assignments of Asn-44 and Asn-43 HE and HZ resonances are also reported. The Gly-37 NH and Asn-44 HZ resonances are shifted upfield to 4.3 and 3.4 ppm, respectively, by the ring current of the Tyr-35 aromatic group, while Asn-44 HE resonates at 7.8 ppm. The abnormal chemical shifts of Asn-44 HZ and Gly-37 NH indicate that both NH's interact with the pi-electron cloud of the Tyr-35 ring. This is consistent with their location in the crystal structure. The resonances are resolved by differential labeling techniques and are studied by combined use of NOE and exchange difference spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Dickerson and his colleagues have described the structure of the DNA dodecamer C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G in the B form at a level that shows clearly several aspects of some base sequence-dependent departures from the ideal, regular helical structure of B-DNA. I argue that the detailed conformation is a consequence of simple steric repulsive forces between purine bases in consecutive base-pairs but on opposite backbones. These repulsions are a consequence of the “propeller twist” of the base-pairs, together with the larger size of the purine bases, and they may occur in either the major or the minor groove. The argument is conducted in terms of the structural mechanics of a deformable elastic system. These repulsive forces between the base-pairs are resisted by stresses in the helical backbones, which may be studied quantitatively via the variation in torsion angles δ along the backbones, at the points where the sugar rings are connected. There is also a correlation between the cross-chain purine repulsions and the perturbations in helical twist angle between successive base-pairs. The work suggests some comments on the proposed “alternating B” form, the Z form and the A form of DNA.  相似文献   

The specific assignment of resonances in the 300-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of anthopleurin-A, a polypeptide cardiac stimulant from the sea anemone Anthopleura xanthogrammica, is described. Assignments have been made using two-dimensional NMR techniques, in particular the method of sequential assignments, where through-bond and through-space connectivities to the peptide backbone NH resonances are used to identify the spin systems of residues adjacent in the amino acid sequence. Complete assignments have been made of the resonances from 33 residues out of a total of 49, and partial assignments of a further 3. The resonances from several of the remaining residues have been identified but not yet specifically assigned. A complicating factor in making these assignments is the conformational heterogeneity exhibited by anthopleurin-A in solution. The resonances from a number of amino acid residues in the minor conformer have also been assigned. These assignments contribute towards identification of the origin of this heterogeneity, and permit some preliminary conclusions to be drawn regarding the secondary structure of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

An analogue of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) folding intermediate that contains only the disulphide bond between Cys5 and Cys55 has been prepared in Escherichia coli by protein engineering methods, with the other four Cys residues replaced by Ser. Two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the analogue have resulted in essentially complete resonance assignments of the folded form of the protein. The folded protein has a compact conformation that is structurally very similar to that of native BPTI, although there are subtle differences and the folded conformation is not very stable. Approximately half of the protein molecules are unfolded at 3 degrees C, and this proportion increases at higher temperatures. The folded and unfolded conformations are in slow exchange. The conformational properties of the analogue can explain many aspects of the kinetic role that the normal (5-55) intermediate plays in the folding of BPTI.  相似文献   

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectrum of the alpha-amylase inhibitor Tendamistat was completely assigned with the use of phase-sensitive homonuclear two-dimensional n.m.r. The assignments include the non-labile protons of the 74 amino acid residues as well as the labile protons which exchange sufficiently slowly to be observed in H2O solution. The proton chemical shifts are listed at 50 degrees C and pH 3.2, which coincides with the conditions used for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of Tendamistat.  相似文献   

H Roder  G Wagner  K Wüthrich 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7407-7411
A novel experiment is described for measurements of amide proton exchange rates in proteins with a time resolution of about 1 s. A flow apparatus was used to expose protein solutions in 2H2O first to high temperature for a predetermined time period, during which 1H-2H exchange proceeded, and then to ice-water. The technique was applied for exchange studies in thermally unfolded, selectively reduced basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Measurements were made by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance after the exchange was quenched by rapid cooling. Thereby, the sequence-specific resonance assignments for the folded protein could be used, which had been previously obtained. The results of this study indicate that the exchange rates in the thermally unfolded protein are close to those expected for a random chain and that the NH exchange is catalyzed by 2H+ and O2H- up to high temperature, with no significant contributions from p2H-independent catalysis. We conclude that the parameters derived by Molday et al. [Molday, R. S., Englander, S. W., & Kallen, R. G. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 150-158] from measurements with small model peptides can be used to calculate intrinsic exchange rates in unfolded proteins and thus provide a reliable reference for the interpretation of exchange rates measured under native conditions.  相似文献   

E Tüchsen  P E Hansen 《Biochemistry》1988,27(23):8568-8576
The carbonyl region of the natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor is examined, and 65 of the 66 expected signals are characterized at varying pH and temperature. Assignments are reported for over two-thirds of the signals, including those of all buried backbone amide groups with slow proton exchange and all side-chain carbonyl groups. This is the first extensively assigned carbonyl spectrum for any protein. A method for carbonyl resonance assignments utilizing amide proton exchange and isotope effects on nuclear shielding is described in detail. The assignments are made by establishing kinetic correlation between effects of amide proton exchange observed in the carbonyl 13C region with development of isotope effects and in the amide proton region with disappearance of preassigned resonances. Several aspects of protein structure and dynamics in solution may be investigated by carbonyl 13C NMR spectroscopy. Some effects of side-chain primary amide group hydrolysis are described. The main interest is on information about intramolecular hydrogen-bond energies and changes in the protein due to amino acid replacements by chemical modification or genetic engineering.  相似文献   

Structural perturbations due to a series of mutations at the 30-51 disulfide bond of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor have been explored using NMR. The mutants replaced cysteines at positions 30 and 51 by alanine at position 51 and alanine, threonine, or valine at position 30. Chemical shift changes occur in residues proximate to the site of mutation. NOE assignments were made using an automated procedure, NASIGN, which used information from the wild-type crystal structure. Intensity information was utilized by a distance geometry algorithm, VEMBED, to generate a series of structures for each protein. Statistical analyses of these structures indicated larger averaged structural perturbations than would be expected from crystallographic and other information. Constrained molecular dynamics refinement using AMBER at 900 K was useful in eliminating structural movements that were not a necessary consequence of the NMR data. In most cases, statistically significant movements are shown to be those greater than approximately 1 A. Such movements do not appear to occur between wild type and A30A51, a result confirmed by crystallography (Eigenbrot, C., Randal, M., & Kossiakoff, A.A., 1990, Protein Eng. 3, 591-598). Structural alterations in the T30A51 or V30A51 mutant proteins near the limits of detection occur in the beta-loop (residues 25-28) or C-terminal alpha-helix, respectively.  相似文献   

Assignments are reported for a substantial number of heme and amino acid proton resonances in the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the carbon monoxide complex of isolated hemoglobin alpha-chains. These resonances provide information on the solution conformation of the protein, particularly in the vicinity of the heme. The heme pocket structure is generally similar to that of carbonmonoxymyoglobin; several conserved residues adopt virtually identical positions relative to the heme in the two proteins. The largest conformational differences involve residues surrounding the ligand-binding site, notably Val62 (E11) and His58 (E7). The chemical shifts of the proximal His87 (F8) resonances are very similar in spectra of the two proteins, indicating a highly conserved coordination geometry and similar hydrogen bonding to the backbone carbonyl of Leu83 (F4).  相似文献   

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