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Juvenile hormone (JH) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) are well known to play a gonadotropic role in adult insects. In Drosophila the mechanism of reciprocal regulation of JH and 20E is shown to be responsible for their proper balance. Dopamine is a mediator in this JH and 20E interplay. A proper balance between JH and 20E is crucial for the normal progress of oogenesis. An imbalance of gonadotropins leads to reproductive defects: a rise in JH titre leads to oviposition arrest, a rise in 20E level, to the degradation of vitellogenic oocytes. Upon a change in the level of one of the gonadotropins, the balance is restored owing to the relative change in the titre of the other.  相似文献   

Summary Consecutive sections of certain neurons in the central ganglia of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis appear to be immunoreactive to anti-dopamine and anti-serotonin. The Cerebral Giant Neurons stain in addition with antivasotocin. The observations indicate the presence of two biogenic amines within the same neuron and in addition their co-existence with a biologically active peptide.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Methode zur fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Lokalisation von Catechol- und Tryptaminen wurde die Verteilung dieser Stoffe im ZNS von Rana esculenta untersucht. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Neurone liegen im Nucleus reticularis mesencephali. Außerdem finden sich catecholaminhaltige Nervenzellen im Organon vasculosum hypothalami und in der Area praeoptica. Diese aminproduzierenden Zellen entsenden Zellfortsätze durch die Ependymschicht in den Ventrikel. Über diese Ausläufer erfolgt möglicherweise eine Sekretion biogener Amine in den Liquor cerebrospinalis. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Axone erreichen voneinander verschiedene Kerngebiete und Areale. Neben dem periventrikulären Zellager im Tuber cinereum und in der Area praeoptica werden vor allem der ventrolaterale Teil des lateralen Septumkerns, Striatum ventrale und Epistriatum von Endstrecken catecholaminhaltiger Axone durchdrungen. Serotoninhaltige Varicositäten finden sich dagegen vor allem in Kerngebieten, die in sensorische Bahnen eingeschaltet sind (Nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, Area praetectalis, Tectum opticum, Thalamus dorsalis, Neostriatum). Weitere Ausbreitungsgebiete 5-Hydroxytryptamin-haltiger Fasern sind die Habenula und der Nucleus interpeduncularis, Kerngebiete, über die Erregungen aus dem limbischen System auf vegetative Zentren der Medulla oblongata geleitet werden.
Biogenic amines in the brain of the frog (Rana esculenta)
Summary The distribution of biogenic amines in the central nervous system of Rana esculenta was investigated by means of the fluorescence-microscopical detection of catecholand tryptamines. The nucleus reticularis mesencephali was found to contain numerous neurones rich in catechol- and tryptamines. Apart from this nucleus nerve cells in the organon vasculosum hypothalami and in the area praeoptica were found to contain catecholamines. The clublike processes of these neurones penetrate the ependymal layer and extend into the ventricle. These structures are presumably responsible for a secretion of biogenic amines into the cerebrospinal fluid. Catecholamine- and serotonin-containing axons terminate on different nuclei and areas. Besides the periventricular cellular layer of the tuber cinereum and the area praeoptica, the pars ventrolateralis of the nucleus septalis lateralis, striatum ventrale and epistriatum are pervaded by terminals of catecholamine-containing neurons. Serotonincontaining varicosities are mainly to be found in nuclei, which are intercalated in sensory pathways (nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, area praetectalis, tectum opticum, thalamus dorsalis, neostriatum). Further areas of distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine-fibers are the habenula and the nucleus interpeduncularis, nuclei which coordinate impulses from the limbic system projecting them on visceral centers of the medulla oblongata.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The decarboxylation of tyrosine by certain lactic acid bacteria leads to the undesirable presence of tyramine in fermented foods. Tyramine is the most frequent biogenic amine found in cheese and is also commonly found in other fermented foods and beverages. The tyramine-producing strain Enterococcus durans IPLA 655 was grown in a bioreactor under different conditions to determine the influence of carbon source, tyrosine and tyramine concentrations, and pH on tyramine production. The carbon source appeared to have no significant effect on the production of tyramine. In contrast, tyrosine was necessary for tyramine production, while the presence of tyramine itself in the growth medium inhibited such production. pH showed by far the greatest influence on tyramine synthesis; tyramine was produced in the greatest quantities at pH 5.0, although this was accompanied by a reduced growth rate.  相似文献   

Effects of carbon concentration and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio on six biocontrol fungal strains are reported in this paper. All fungal strains had extensive growth on the media supplemented with 6–12 g l−1 carbon and C:N ratios from 10:1 to 80:1, and differed in nutrient requirements for sporulation. Except for the two strains of Paecilomyces lilacinus, all selected fungi attained the highest spore yields at a C:N ratio of 160:1 when the carbon concentration was 12 g l−1 for Metarhizium anisopliae SQZ-1-21, 6 g l−1 for M. anisopliae RS-4-1 and Trichoderma viride TV-1, and 8 g l−1 for Lecanicillium lecanii CA-1-G. The optimal conditions for P. lilacinus sporulation were 8 g l−1 carbon with a C:N ratio of 10:1 for M-14 and 12 g l−1 carbon with a C:N ratio of 20:1 for IPC-P, respectively. The results indicated that the influence of carbon concentration and C:N ratio on fungal growth and sporulation is strain dependent; therefore, consideration for the complexity of nutrient requirements is essential for improving yields of fungal biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Summary Radioenzymatic assays and light microscope radioautographic studies performed on photophores of Porichthys notatus demonstrated (1) significant amounts of catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) in these organs; (2) selective uptake and storage of [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) by axon terminals innervating the photocytes, and (3) strong accumulation of [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine ([3H]5-HT) within the photocytes. Uptake and storage of [3H]NA in the nerve fibers were seemingly unaffected by the addition of ten-fold molar concentrations of unlabelled serotonin. Accumulation of [3H]5-HT by the photocytes was dose-dependent and diminished markedly in the presence of ten-fold molar concentrations of non-radioactive noradrenaline. Neither neuronal uptake of [3H]5-HT or [3H]A, nor photocytic accumulation of [3H]A were detectable under the conditions of the present experiments. This information should provide a framework for further investigations of the regulation of photophore luminescence by the biogenic amines.Supported by grants from the National Research Council and Medical Research Council of CanadaJacques de Champlain and Lise Farley provided facilities and expertise with the radioenzymatic techniques. The technical assistance of Sylvia Garcia and Marie-Hélène Parizeau was also appreciated  相似文献   

Entomologists have used a range of techniques to treat insects with neuroactive compounds, but it is not always clear whether different treatment methods are equally effective in delivering a compound to a target organ. Here, we used five different techniques to treat honeybees with 3H-octopamine (3H-OA), and analysed the distribution of the 3H radiolabelled compound within different tissues and how it changed over time. All treatment methods, including injection of the median ocellus, resulted in 3H-OA detection in all parts of the honeybee. Injection through the median ocellus was the most effective method for delivering 3H-OA to the brain. Topical application of 3H-OA dissolved in dimethylformamide (dMF) to the thorax was as effective as thoracic injections of 3H-OA in delivering 3H-OA to the brain, but topical applications to the abdomen were less so. Most of the 3H-OA applied topically remained associated with the cuticle and the tissues of the body segment to which it had been applied. For all treatment methods, 3H-OA was rapidly lost from the brain and head capsule, and accumulated in the abdomen. Our findings demonstrate the value of thoracic topical treatment with compounds dissolved in dMF as an effective non-invasive method for short-term, systemic pharmacological treatments.  相似文献   

In Phormia regina, the rate of juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis rises rapidly after the ingestion of an adequate protein meal. In a previous publication we have localized the neurons containing Manduca sexta allatotropin (Mas-AT)-like substances in the brain of P. regina and demonstrated the allatotropic effect of synthetic Mas-AT in sugar-fed flies in vitro. In this current study, we examined the possible role of the brain of P. regina after the fly received a protein meal. In vitro studies showed that the brain releases, at 8 h after a protein meal, a factor(s) with a strong allatotropic effect. This factor(s) stimulates the corpus allatum (CA) to produce 6.9 times more juvenile hormones (JHs) than the control CA. Time course studies showed that the release of this allatotropic factor(s) is temporally controlled. Only the brains collected from flies at 6 and 8 h after the onset of a liver meal release allatotropic factor(s). Injection of anti-Mas-AT antiserum partially suppressed the fly follicle development in vivo. Presence of anti-Mas-AT antiserum decreased the allatotropic effect of the brain released allatotropic factor(s) in vitro. In addition to a Mas-AT-like substance, it is possible that the brains of liver-fed P. regina females may synthesize other allatotropic factors that are chemically unrelated or partially related to Mas-AT, which cannot be recognized/neutralized by our anti-Mas-AT antiserum.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude par la méthode histochimique de fluorescence de Falck, du ganglion cérébroïde ét de la chaine nerveuse ventrale de Glycera convoluta K. a permis la mise en évidence de péricaryons et de fibres présentant une fluorescence jaune et verte. La nature et le métabolisme des amines mises en évidence histochimiquement ont été étudiées par des techniques biochimiques. La présence d'adrénaline et de 5-hydroxytryptamine a pu être établie avec certitude. Deux autres amines identifiées chromatographiquement comme étant de la dopamine et de la noradrénaline présentent cependant des caractéristiques spectrofluorimétriques légèrement différentes de ces deux substances.La rétention de la noradrénaline et de la dopamine étudiée par des techniques radiochimiques s'est montrée plus longue que dans le canal déférent du Rat. Les composants lipidiques, protéolipidiques et protéiques étudiés chromatographiquement sont apparus assez différents de ceux rencontrés chez les Mammifères.Des données récentes ont montré l'importance de l'arrangement spatial des groupements fonctionnels dans la molécule du médiateur par rapport à la (ou aux) protéine (s) lors de la fixation de la noradrénaline dans les fibres adrénergiques des Mammifères. Aussi peut on estimer que les différences observées entre les caractéres spectrofluorimétriques des catécholamines de G. convoluta et du Rat pourraient tenir plus à la forme de capture et de stockage des amines qu'à une différence profonde de leur nature chimique.
Biogenic amine study of Glycera convoluta K. (annelida, polychaeta)
Summary The supra-oesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve cord of Glycera convoluta K. were studied with the fluorescence method of Falck. Many perikarya and fibers show a green and yellow fluorescence. The nature and metabolism of the observed biogenic amines were studied by biochemical methods. Epinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine were certainly present. Two other amines show chromatographic characters of dopamine and norepinephrine, but exhibit a slight difference in their fluorimetric spectra with these two catecholamines.Radiochemical methods have shown that the retention of norepinephrine and dopamine is longer in the ventral nerve cord of G. convoluta than in the vas deferens of the rat.The lipids, proteolipids and proteins of G. convoluta were different from those found in mammals as demonstrated by chromatographic analysis.Recent findings have shown the importance of the spatial arrangement of active groups in the molecule of transmitter for its retention by the protein matrix in the adrenergic fibers of mammals. The differences found by spectrofluorimetry and by measurements of the time of retention between catecholamines of rat and G. convoluta can be explained by differences in the nature of the protein matrix or by the spatial arrangement of active groups in the transmitter molecule.
Nos remerciements vont à Mme L. Desgroux-Lelièvre et à M.B. Lesbats, pour la collaboration qu'ils nous ont apportée dans la réalisation de ce travail, ainsi qu'au personnel de la Station Biologique de Roscoff qui nous a aimablement fourni les animaux utilisés.  相似文献   

The development of the cephalothecoid peridium of Aporothielavia leptoderma was examined using light and electron microscopy. Early stages in ascoma initiation were consistent with previous reports for other species in the Chaetomiaceae. However, as young cleistothecia increased in size, clusters of peridial cells in the outer textura angularis elongated in a radial pattern around a central cell or cell cluster to form rosettes of relatively thick-walled segments that marked the central areas of incipient cephalothecoid plates. The external flank along median portions of the radial cells became thin walled and swelled outwards so that each plate became concave and was separated from adjacent plates by a more or less circular to polygonal ridge of knuckle-shaped swellings. When dry, mature peridia split apart along some of the ridges demarcating individual plates but an internal mechanism for liberating ascospores from the confines of the ascoma was not observed. Physical disturbance of mature cleistothecia by beetles, when enclosed together in a Petri dish, shattered the peridia, liberating the ascospores. Smaller insects were unable to cause disarticulation of the cephalothecoid plates. Because of the presence of an apical germ pore in the ascospores and morphological similarity to Chaetomidium arxii, the new combination Chaetomidium leptoderma (syn. Thielavia leptoderma) comb. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

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