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本实验观察了乌拉坦浅麻醉下的大鼠海马不同部位在脑缺血/再灌流所致的选择性CA1区损害前后θ节律的变化,以及海马部位的组织病理改变。结果发现在缺血前和对照组,单侧海马慢性植入电极记录到的同侧海马浅θ波和深1-θ波位相一致,且与深2-θ波位相相反。深2-θ暂时消失时,浅θ和深1-θ仍可正常存在;浅θ和深1-θ消失时,深2-θ亦可存在。双侧海马电活动记录组,观察到的浅θ和对侧的深2-θ波无恒定位相关系。前脑缺血20min,再灌流12h内,海马各部θ节律可逐渐恢复至缺血前水平。24h后,波幅再次明显降低,而位相关系无变化。48h后,光镜下可见CA1区神经元发生损害;海马其余部位及隔区神经元无明显病理改变。实验结果提示:海马浅θ和深1-θ具同一发生器,深2-θ为另一发生器产生。CA1区神经元功能结构的完整,对于海马各部θ节律的维持起着重要作用。脑缺血/再灌流后海马θ节律的变化反映CA1区神经元受到损害。  相似文献   

本实验观察了乌拉坦浅麻醉下的大鼠海马不同部位在脑缺血/再灌流所致的选择性CA1区损害前后θ节律的变化,以及海马部位的组织病理改变。结果表明在缺血前和对照组,单侧海马慢性植入电极记录到的同侧海马浅θ和深1-θ波位相一致,且与深2-θ波位相相反。2-θ暂时消失时,浅θ和深1-θ仍可正常存在;浅θ和深1-θ消失时,深2-θ亦可存在。双侧海马电活动记录组,观察到的浅θ和对侧的深2-θ波无恒定位相关系。前脑  相似文献   

目的 间歇性θ节律刺激(iTBS)作为一种新型的经颅磁刺激模式,已经广泛应用于探索大脑认知功能和神经调控等方面,但其电生理调控机制尚不清晰,探索iTBS对大脑认知功能的影响及其电生理机制,对脑疾病的治疗和磁刺激的临床应用具有重要意义。方法 本文利用iTBS制备磁刺激大鼠模型,采集记录大鼠在执行工作记忆(WM)任务过程中腹侧海马(vHPC)和内侧前额叶皮层(mPFC)的局部场电位(LFPs)信号,应用格兰杰因果网络分析方法,研究了iTBS对大鼠WM过程中vHPC与mPFC跨脑区神经网络协同和信息交互的影响。结果 iTBS增强了大鼠的学习记忆能力,使其完成工作记忆任务所需时长减少(2.67±1.63)d(P<0.05),iTBS显著改善了大鼠的行为学表现;同时iTBS增强了大鼠在WM期间vHPC与mPFC脑区的自因果网络连接,增加了网络连接强度、连接密度和全局效率(P<0.05);并且iTBS增强了vHPC与mPFC脑区的跨脑区网络连接,增加了vHPC-mPFC跨脑区的节点度和因果流向(P<0.05)。结论 iTBS磁刺激对大鼠工作记忆行为学及相关脑区神经网络均有显著的积极作用,iTBS可以促进大鼠认知能力,提高大脑神经网络的信息交互和传递效率,iTBS的神经调控机制可能是通过增强大脑vHPC与mPFC之间的网络连接和信息交互来提高工作记忆能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在大鼠海马神经元原代培养过程中,阿糖胞苷对培养神经元的影响。方法:将新生24 h大鼠,分离出海马组织,进行原代海马神经元培养,再将细胞分为阿糖胞苷组和对照组,阿糖胞苷组加入1μmol/L阿糖胞苷,通过检测神经元特异性标志物微管相关蛋白-2(Map-2)计算培养神经元的数量,通过台盼蓝染色法观察细胞的存活率。结果:培养第7天,阿糖胞苷组神经元数量为(11±3)个,对照组为(10±4)个,两组无明显差异;阿糖胞苷组神经元细胞在培养第14天时存活率为74%,培养第21天时存活率为49%,而对照组神经元14天时存活率为96%,21天存活率为88%,两组神经元存活率差异明显。结论:原代培养海马神经元时,阿糖胞苷对神经元产量及形态影响不明显,但是由于阿糖胞苷的毒性作用,明显缩短神经元的存活时间,影响长期培养神经元的存活率。  相似文献   

糖皮质激素对癫痫大鼠海马c-fos表达的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用免疫组织化学方法观察了糖皮质激素对马桑内酯致痫大鼠海马c-fos的影响。侧脑室注射马桑内酯2h后。导致动物急性癫痫样发作。海马内出现c-fos的高度表达。单纯向侧脑室注射糖皮质激素100μg以后,动物不出现癫痫行为。海马内也几科无c-fos表达,但先向侧脑室注射糖皮质激素100μg1h,再向侧脑室内注射马桑丙酯2h后,海马内c-fos表达明显减少。除双侧肾上腺一周,再向侧脑室注射马桑内酯2h后,动物癫痫发作更明显,海马内c-fos表达较单纯且马桑内酯致痫动物更强。结果提示:糖皮质激素对马桑内酯致痫有明显的抑制作用,为临床应用糖皮质激素治疗癫痫提供了形态学参考。  相似文献   

急性重复缺氧对大鼠海马电活动的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本实验以大鼠喘呼吸的出现为重复缺氧时每次缺氧耐受极限(下次缺氧开始的标志),观察重复缺氧对海马CA1、CA3区群锋电位(populationspike,PS)及海马脑电图的影响。结果表明,首次缺氧早期,刺激同侧隔区所诱发CA1和CA3的PS幅值无明显变化。随着缺氧程度的加深,CA1和CA3的PS幅值逐渐降低,CA1-PS于缺氧8min时消失,此时CA3-PS为缺氧前的60%;海马脑电图θ慢波的波幅和频率也随着缺氧的加深而降低。随着缺氧重复次数的增加,耐受时间逐次延长,CA1-PS和CA3-PS幅度均逐次降低,到第4次缺氧时,维持在很低水平。CA1-PS于缺氧14min时消失,此时CA3的PS为缺氧前的5%,缺氧16─18min时CA3-PS才消失;CAl区海马脑电图经常表现为自发性放电,而CA3区则表现低幅低频慢波。结果提示,重复缺氧时缺氧耐受性的逐次增高与海马电活动逐次抑制相关,重复缺氧使海马CA1、CA3区缺氧耐受性差异增大。  相似文献   

海马(HPC)和前额叶皮层(PFC)的协同作用是记忆加工过程的关键,其相互作用对学习和记忆功能至关重要.大量证据表明,情景记忆的形成、巩固与检索依赖于特征神经节律在PFC和HPC脑区间的同步作用,这些节律包括theta节律、gamma节律和sharp wave ripples (SWRs)节律等.在精神类疾病中患者往往伴随出现学习记忆功能障碍,基于人类和动物的脑电研究均发现以上3种神经节律在HPC和PFC之间的同步性下降,可能作为反映精神病理下认知功能障碍的重要指标.本文从HPC-PFC网络中的神经节律研究出发,总结了theta节律、gamma节律和SWRs节律在两脑区间的协调交互模式在情景记忆中的作用,以及精神分裂症和抑郁症状态下HPC-PFC通路上神经节律的异常表现及其潜在损伤机制,为今后精神疾病的快速诊断提供客观依据.  相似文献   

低铅暴露对大鼠海马突触可塑性范围的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长时程增强(LTP)和长时程抑制(LTD),作为突触可塑性变化的两种主要形式,被认为是学习记忆的可能机制.突触可塑性范围可以定量的表征突触可塑性的变化.应用在体电生理技术,在同一只动物上记录LTP和LTD,研究了发育过程中慢性铅暴露对大鼠海马齿状回颗粒细胞突触可塑性范围和双脉冲易化的影响.对照组的LTP、LTD的幅度分别是187.9±6.2%(n=7),85.2±1.6%(n=7),而铅处理组分别为140.5±1.2%(n=7),102.8±3.8%(n=7).与对照组相比,铅处理组的LTP的幅度降低了47.4%,LTD的诱导几乎完全被铅损伤.先诱导出LTP后再通过低频刺激则可以在铅处理组诱导出LTD(81.5±2.2%(n=7)),但远远小于对照组(66.8±4.3%(n=7)).对照组突触可塑性范围是103.1±11.5%(n=7),是铅处理组突触可塑性范围(37.7±9.6%(n=7))的2.7倍.在对照组,双脉冲易化反应是从脉冲间隔20ms时开始,而铅处理组则是从50ms开始.当脉冲间隔为70ms时,两组的双脉冲易化幅度均达到最大值,但易化的强度有显著的差异,分别为211.6±32.2%(n=7),11.1±26.9%(n=7).结果表明铅显著地抑制了大鼠海马齿状回颗粒细胞的双脉冲易化效应,降低了双脉冲易化的间隔范围和突触可塑性范围.这可能是铅损伤学习记忆功能的机制之一.  相似文献   

目的:探究尖波间期和无尖波恢复期颞叶癫痫大鼠模型的海马CA1网络theta节律随癫痫发展进程的变化规律。方法:14只成年雄性Wistar大鼠(200~250 g)麻醉后开颅,在海马的背侧埋入一个双极性钢电极(直径小于1 mm),在颅骨上埋入三个不锈钢皮质电极,在左和右额皮质内分别植入两个电极,在小脑埋入参考电极,粘合颅骨,检测、记录大鼠脑电图;之后腹腔注射癫痫诱发药物,匹罗卡品氢氯化物(pilocarpine hydrochloride,310 mg/kg),30 min后给予大鼠莨菪碱 (scopolamine, 1 mg/kg);借助14只大鼠在嗅行(exploration)时脑深部记录(SEEG),应用Gabor小波时频能量分析估算断裂段数(以350 ms为1段),与总段数的比值定义为断裂比,用来衡量theta节律断裂程度,分别计算了癫痫发展进程的早期(D7)和晚期(D25)中两个邻近尖波之间时间段(定义为尖波间期)和随后无尖波恢复期theta节律断裂比,与注射前脑电图比较。结果:① 与对照脑电图比较,癫痫诱发大鼠的D7和D25的theta节律断裂比显著升高(P<0.05),并且D7远高于晚期D25;② 在无尖波恢复期,theta节律断裂比与尖波间期相当 (P<0.05)。结论:癫痫尖波直接导致了theta节律断裂,断裂程度将随癫痫发展进程而动态变化,早期伤害尤其严重。  相似文献   

脑啡肽对大鼠海马神经细胞IL-6基因表达的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了大鼠海马内微量注射甲硫-脑啡肽(M-ENK)对海马细胞的白细胞介素-6(Interleukin-6,IL-6)基因表达的影响。大鼠双侧海马内微量注射细菌内毒素脂多糖各1μl(LPS,浓度:50ng/ml),于90min后用原位杂交技术检测到海马结构IL-6的基因表达,以齿状回颗粒细胞层显著。当海马内预先注射M-ENK(每侧1μl,浓度:10μg/μl),30min后再给予脂多糖则未见IL-6基因表达。结果表明M-ENK及LPS可影响脑内IL-6的基因表达,在中枢调节机体免疫功能中,IL-6可能具有重要作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of two different light intensities, dim (100 lx) and bright (5,000 lx), during the daytime on the circadian rhythms of selected acute phase proteins of C‐reactive protein (CRP), α1‐acid glycoprotein (AGP), α1‐antichymotrypsin (ACT), transfferin (TF), α2‐macroglobulin (α2‐m), haptoglobin (HP), and ceruloplasmin (CP). Serum samples were collected from 7 healthy volunteers at 4 h intervals during two separate single 24 h spans during which they were exposed to the respective light intensity conditions. A circadian rhythm was detected only in ACT concentration in the bright light condition. The concentration of ACT, a positive acute phase protein (APP), increased (significantly significant differences in the ACT concentration were detected at 14:00 and 22:00 h) and AGP showed a tendency to be higher under the daytime bright compared to dim light conditions. There were no significant differences between the time point means under daytime dim and bright light conditions for α2‐M, AGP, Tf, Cp, or Hp. The findings suggest that some, but not all, APP may be influenced by the environmental light intensity.  相似文献   

The effect of light stimulation in vitro on the labelling of neuroactive amino acids derived from [14C]glucose or [14C]glutamine in the rat retina has been studied. [14C]Glutamine, at 700 microM, provided about 50% of the tissue pools of glutamate, aspartate, and GABA; and the labelling of these decreased on light stimulation, both in the photoreceptor cells (glu and asp) and in the inner retina (glu, asp, and GABA). In contrast, there were no significant changes in the entry of label derived from [14C]glucose, although similar trends were apparent in the data obtained for the photoreceptor cell layer. The pools may, therefore, be separate. Other results support the contention that glucose is the principal energy source for the retina, its entry into non-amino acid derivates being decreased on light stimulation.  相似文献   

Rats were kindled through nonmagnetic electrodes stereotaxically implanted into the medial septum. Concentrations of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were measured by radioimmunoassay in seven brain regions after microwave fixation during the development and expression of kindled seizures. Hippocampal concentrations were similar to untreated controls (cyclic GMP level in the left and right hippocampus, 0.66 +/- 0.04 and 0.68 +/- 0.07 pmol/mg of protein, respectively; cyclic AMP, 9.4 +/- 0.9 and 9.6 +/- 0.8 pmol/mg of protein, respectively), in kindled animals that were not stimulated, and in naive animals in response to septal stimulation, in spite of the presence in the latter group of bilateral hippocampal afterdischarges. Animals that failed to develop kindling and kindled animals that failed to have a seizure in response to stimulation also showed no change in cyclic nucleotide concentrations in any brain region. Kindled animals that developed a seizure following stimulation showed significant elevations in levels of both cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP in hippocampus and in several other brain regions. A single naive animal that had a seizure in response to its first stimulation also appeared to have elevated concentrations of both cyclic nucleotides in hippocampus. These data suggest that the elevation in levels of both cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP during kindled seizures is associated with seizure development rather than with the generation of afterdischarges or with the kindling engram.  相似文献   

张明  蔡景霞 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):344-350
采用split-litter法对仔鼠进行分组和处理,共5组NTS组(未经实验人员抓握和标记),PND2—9TS组和PND10—17TS组(分别在仔鼠出生后的2—9天、10—17天,每天短暂抓握和标记仔鼠),PND2—9MS组和PND10—17MS组(分别在仔鼠出生后的2—9天、10—17天,除了按TS组相同方式抓握并在不同部位标记外,每天把仔鼠与母鼠分离1h)。待雌鼠成年后,进行明/暗箱测试和一次性被动回避反应测试。结果发现与NTS组相比,PND2—9TS组和PND10—17TS组的雌鼠在明/暗箱测试中停留于明室的累计时间明显较长,在被动回避作业中的重测试潜伏期也明显较长,表明新生期的触觉刺激经历减少雌性大鼠成年后在新异环境中的焦虑,并改善情绪记忆。与相应TS组相比,MS处理组的所有行为指标都无显著性差异,说明短时间母婴分离对雌鼠成年后的焦虑和情绪记忆无明显影响。结果提示,新生期的触觉刺激和母婴分离经历对仔鼠神经系统的发育产生不同的长期效应。  相似文献   

A 47‐yr‐old male was admitted to the Institute for Fatigue and Sleep Medicine complaining of severe fatigue and daytime sleepiness. His medical history included diagnosis of depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Antidepressant drugs failed to improve his condition. He described a gradual evolvement of an irregular sleep‐wake pattern within the past 20 yrs, causing marked distress and severe impairment of daily functioning. He had to change to a part‐time position 7 yrs ago, because he was unable to maintain a regular full‐time job schedule. A 10‐day actigraphic record revealed an irregular sleep-wake pattern with extensive day‐to‐day variability in sleep onset time and sleep duration, and a 36 h sampling of both melatonin level and oral temperature (12 samples, once every 3 h) showed abnormal patterns, with the melatonin peak around noon and oral temperature peak around dawn. Thus, the patient was diagnosed as suffering from irregular sleep‐wake pattern. Treatment with melatonin (5 mg, 2 h before bedtime) did not improve his condition. A further investigation of the patient's daily habits and environmental conditions revealed two important facts. First, his occupation required work under a daylight intensity lamp (professional diamond‐grading equipment of more than 8000 lux), and second, since the patient tended to work late, the exposure to bright light occurred mostly at night. To recover his circadian rhythmicity and stabilize his sleep‐wake pattern, we recommended combined treatment consisting of evening melatonin ingestion combined with morning (09:00 h) bright light therapy (0800 lux for 1 h) plus the avoidance of bright light in the evening. Another 10‐day actigraphic study done only 1 wk after initiating the combined treatment protocol revealed stabilization of the sleep‐wake pattern with advancement of sleep phase. In addition, the patient reported profound improvement in maintaining wakefulness during the day. This case study shows that chronic exposure to bright light at the wrong biological time, during the nighttime, may have serious effects on the circadian sleep‐wake patterns and circadian time structure. Therefore, night bright light exposure must be considered to be a risk factor of previously unrecognized occupational diseases of altered circadian time structure manifested as irregularity of the 24 h sleep‐wake cycle and melancholy.  相似文献   

Intense artificial light can phase-shift circadian rhythms and improve performance, sleep, and well-being during shiftwork simulations. In real shiftworkers, however, exposure to sunlight and other time cues may decrease the efficacy of light treatment, and occupational and family responsibilities may make it impractical. With these considerations in mind, we designed and tested light-treatment protocols for NASA personnel who worked on shifted schedules during two Space Shuttle missions. During the prelaunch week, treatment subjects self-administered light of ∼10,000 lux at times of day that phase-delay circadian rhythms. Treatment continued during the missions and for several days afterward. No treatment was administered to subjects in the control group. Treatment subjects reported better sleep, performance, and physical and emotional well-being than control subjects and rated the treatment as highly effective for promoting adjustment to their work schedules. Light treatment is both feasible and beneficial for NASA personnel who must work on shifted schedules during Space Shuttle missions.  相似文献   

目的 深部脑刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)利用持续的电脉冲高频刺激(high-frequency stimulation,HFS)调控神经元的活动,可望用于治疗更多脑疾病。为了深入了解HFS的作用机制,促进DBS的发展,本文研究轴突HFS在引起轴突阻滞期间神经元胞体的改变。方法 在麻醉大鼠海马CA1区的锥体神经元轴突上施加脉冲频率为100 Hz的1 min逆向高频刺激(antidromic high-frequency stimulation,A-HFS)。为了研究胞体的响应,利用线性垂直排列的多通道微电极阵列,记录刺激位点上游CA1区锥体神经元胞体附近各结构分层上的诱发电位,包括A-HFS脉冲诱发的逆向群峰电位(antidromic population spike,APS)以及A-HFS期间施加的顺向测试脉冲诱发的顺向群峰电位(orthodromic population spike,OPS),并计算诱发电位的电流源密度(current-source density,CSD),用于分析A-HFS期间锥体神经元胞体附近动作电位的生成和传导。结果 锥体神经...  相似文献   

Melatonin production by the pineal organ is influenced by light intensity, as has been described in most vertebrate species, in which melatonin is considered a synchronizer of circadian rhythms. In tench, strict nocturnal activity rhythms have been described, although the role of melatonin has not been clarified. In this study we investigated daily activity and melatonin rhythms under 12∶12 light‐dark (LD) conditions with two different light intensities (58.6 and 1,091 µW/cm2), and the effect of 1 h broad spectrum white light pulses of different intensities (3.3, 5.3, 10.5, 1,091.4 µW/cm2) applied at middarkness (MD) on nocturnal circulating melatonin. The results showed that plasma melatonin in tench under LD 12∶12 and high light conditions displayed rhythmic variation, where values at MD (255.8±65.9 pg/ml) were higher than at midlight (ML) (70.7±31.9 pg/ml). Such a difference between MD and ML values was reduced in animals exposed to LD 12∶12 and low light intensity. The application of 1 h light pulses at MD lowered plasma melatonin to 111.6±3.2 pg/ml (in the 3.3–10.5 µW/cm2 range) and to 61.8±18.3 pg/ml (with the 1,091.4 µW/cm2 light pulse) and totally suppressed nocturnal locomotor activity. These results show that melatonin rhythms persisted in tench exposed to low light intensity although the amplitude of the rhythm is affected. In addition, it was observed that light pulses applied at MD affected plasma melatonin content and locomotor activity. Such a low threshold suggests that the melatonin system is capable of transducing light even under dim conditions, which may be used by this nocturnal fish to synchronize to weak night light signals (e.g., moonlight cycles).  相似文献   

Abstract: Regional protein synthesis of brain was measured by quantitative autoradiography in normo- and hypothermic rats submitted to 30 min of four-vessel occlusion. The tracer, [14C]leucine, was applied by controlled intravenous infusion to achieve constant plasma specific activity, and the admixture by proteolysis of unlabeled amino acids to the brain amino acid precursor pool was corrected by measuring the ratio of the labeled-to-unlabeled leucine distribution space in plasma and brain. In normothermic rats preischemic protein synthesis rate was 16.0 ± 3.2, 9.2 ± 3.4, 15.5 ± 2.8, and 15.5 ± 3.1 nmol of leucine/g/min (mean ± SD) in the frontal cortex, striatum, hippocampal CA1 sector, and thalamus, respectively. After 30 min of ischemia at a constant brain temperature of 36°C and a recirculation time of 1 h, protein synthesis was reduced in these regions to 6, 9, 8, and 36%, respectively. With ongoing recirculation, protein synthesis gradually returned to normal within 3 days in all areas except in the stratum pyramidale of the hippocampal CA1 sector where inhibition of neuronal protein synthesis was irreversible. Lowering of brain temperature to 30°C during ischemia did not prevent the early global postischemic depression of protein synthesis, but promoted recovery to or above normal within 6 h in all areas including the stratum pyramidale of the CA1 sector. Improvement of protein synthesis in the CA1 sector was associated with improved neuronal survival, which increased from 1% in the normothermic to 69% in the hypothermic animals. These observations suggest that the protective effect of mild hypothermia on ischemic injury of the hippocampal CA1 sector is mediated by the reversal of the postischemic inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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