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生物体衰老与复制衰老--体内与体外研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
体外连续培养的细胞在有人数的细胞分裂后,更新换代合成DNA及分裂的能力,最后导致增殖能力的丧失,但基本代谢过程仍能维持,这种现象称为复制衰老。本文讨论了复制衰老现象存在的普遍性,描述了衰老细胞伯特征,对复制衰老和生物体衰老之间的联系进行了重点分析。现有的研究虽然还不完全,但都提示复制衰老是生物体衰老在细胞水平上的反映,并充分肯定了复制衰老是一个较好的研究机体衰老的模型。  相似文献   

干旱导致树木死亡机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球气候变化,气温上升,干旱发生的可能性增加,干旱导致树木死亡现象的发生也越来越普遍,但干旱导致树木死亡确切的生理学机制还未完全解决,目前仍是研究的热点。近来提出的干旱导致树木死亡的假说主要有:水力学失败假说,认为干旱导致的低水势阻碍植物体内水分的长距离运输,使植物因组织脱水干燥而死亡;碳饥饿假说,认为干旱过程中发生的气孔关闭会限制碳摄取,导致植物体内可利用碳的耗竭;生物攻击假说,认为干旱中的植物易受生物因子(昆虫和病原体)的攻击而死亡。3种假说各自都能解释一定的现象,但又都存在缺陷,主要问题是不能解释所有干旱导致树木死亡的现象。近来的研究越来越关注这些机制之间的共同作用或相互作用,水力学失败、碳饥饿和生物因子之间会相互影响而加重干旱对植物的作用,尤其是水力学失败和碳饥饿相耦合已得到越来越多的认可。本文主要综述这几种致死机制的试验证据及存在的问题,同时综述当前研究存在的局限性,并讨论了未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

超电荷绿色荧光蛋白(sc GFP)是一种表面带很高净电荷的新型功能蛋白质。ScGFP具有很强的水溶性和抗蛋白质聚集的能力,在生物技术、医药和材料科学方面有着广泛的应用前景。带正电荷的sc GFP能够穿透细胞膜,具有运载核酸和蛋白质等生物大分子进入哺乳动物细胞内的能力。与传统的转运载体相比,sc GFP有细胞毒性低、转运效率高和具广泛的细胞普适性等优点。带正电荷的sc GFP与带负电荷的核酸分子之间通过静电相互作用形成自组装的多离子复合物,这与生物体中的组蛋白和带负电荷的DNA之间自组装成染色质的行为非常相似。本文以带有36个正电荷的超电荷绿色荧光蛋白(+36GFP)为例,对超电荷蛋白的性质,细胞穿透能力以及其作为生物大分子穿透载体的应用等方面做一综述。  相似文献   

颜景军 《生物学通报》2006,41(10):19-20
细胞分化的实质是基因在时间和空间上的选择性表达,这种选择性的表达不仅造成多细胞生物体细胞之间形成差异,还会使单细胞生物个体发生形态和生理上阶段性的变化。所以,细胞分化不是多细胞生物体的专利,单细胞生物也有细胞分化的过程。  相似文献   

肝脏是机体重要的代谢器官,在机体全身衰老中尤为重要。脂肪肝、肝硬化和肝癌等老年常见病都与肝脏衰老密切相关。细胞凋亡作为一种细胞自我清除的保护机制,在生物机体衰老过程中不可或缺。越来越多的研究证据表明,凋亡在肝脏衰老中起着重要作用。适度的凋亡对于肝脏衰老是必要的;过度凋亡会造成功能细胞的大量丧失、疾病恶化,甚至最后导致肝功能衰竭;凋亡不足则会使损伤的细胞积蓄,导致细胞坏死或癌变。因此,维持细胞凋亡在衰老肝脏中的适度平衡可延缓或减轻肝脏衰老对机体的影响。该文针对肝脏衰老过程中凋亡的调控机制包括氧化应激、基因不稳定性、脂肪毒性、内质网应激、营养感应失调等的研究进展进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物种群周期性波动的自我调节假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强  王德华 《兽类学报》2004,24(3):260-266
种群调节是种群生态学的一个核心问题。文章主要阐述了小型哺乳动物种群在其低数量期自我调节的4 种可能假说和相关的实验证据。其中, 有关衰老—母体效应假说近年已受到普遍重视, 而支持多态行为假说、社会生物学假说和远交假说的证据较少, 尚需更多的实验来加以验证。衰老—母体效应假说是在应激假说的基础上发展而成的。该假说认为, 母体质量会在整个高峰期的动物中发生改变, 并能够延续到衰减期和低数量期。在低数量期, 种群内的老年个体增多, 导致它们不能维持内分泌的自稳态, 可能通过影响后代的存活和生殖而维持低数量, 进而起到调节种群周期的作用。针对国际上研究的发展趋势, 我们还对未来的研究方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

魏君同  李国荣 《生命科学》2020,32(5):477-484
细胞衰老呈现不可逆的永久性细胞周期停滞的状态,它可以促进组织在发育过程中和损伤后的重塑,但也会导致老年生物体组织再生潜力和功能的下降,以及炎症和肿瘤的发生。研究发现,清除衰老细胞可以延缓衰老相关疾病的发生。因此,探究衰老细胞的分子特征与探索清除衰老细胞的新药成为衰老研究领域的热点。近年来,人们发现一类称为senolytics的小分子化合物能特异性靶向衰老细胞并帮助清除衰老细胞,从而延长哺乳动物的寿命及健康寿命。该文对衰老细胞的分子特征、作为衰老相关疾病的治疗靶点及具有senolytics活性的化合物作用机制和潜在应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

植物衰老是由内外环境因子共同调节的,发生在细胞、组织、器官和个体等多个层面上的衰退和死亡过程,涉及基因表达、蛋白翻译和修饰水平变化以及多种细胞结构和代谢途径的变化,并与激素和生物/非生物胁迫的应答等过程形成复杂的调控网络。近年的研究表明,表观遗传修饰参与了对植物衰老过程的调节,是除经典遗传学以研究基因序列影响生物学功能之外在非核酸序列改变的情况下导致可遗传的基因表达变化的机制。本文综述了植物衰老过程中表观遗传调控的机理,包括染色质构象变化、DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、ATP依赖的重构因子和非编码RNA介导的调控等,并对这一领域今后的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

切花保鲜原理和简便方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹艺林 《生物学通报》1997,32(11):24-25
切花是指可供插入瓶中进行水养或制成花篮、花环等花卉植物的花朵、花枝、枝叶、果实等器官的统称。切花保鲜主要是研究花枝、花朵的保鲜,延长切花的寿命,增加观赏价值。1切花的衰老与保鲜切花采取后生理代谢发生很大变化,衰老进程比留在母体快。常温下,一般只能保持3~5天的寿命。保鲜就是设法减缓衰老进程。1.且导致切花衰老的主要原因1.1.1体内水分平衡失调,导致切花凋萎维持细胞紧张度是切花保鲜的必要条件之一。细胞含有充足的水分,才能维持本身的紧张度和正常代谢,才能保持花的正常姿态和新鲜度,这就要求保鲜过程中,切花…  相似文献   

线粒体为细胞正常生命运动提供能量和物质;然而各种因素会导致线粒体损伤,衰老及功能紊乱,它们是细胞潜在的危险因素,必需及时清除,线粒体自噬可以起到这一作用,维持细胞稳态。当细胞处于恶劣环境时,线粒体自噬可通过降解线粒体补充生命必需物质,从而度过危机维持生存。另外线粒体自噬会在某些情况下通过降解正常线粒体来维持线粒体质量和数量的平衡。不同生物中具有不同的线粒体自噬途径和机制,酵母中主要通过Atg32磷酸化调控线粒体自噬;哺乳动物中则存在分别由Parkin-PINK1、Nix、FUNDC1等不同蛋白介导的线粒体自噬调控机制;植物线粒体自噬的研究主要集中在拟南芥,其途径及具体调控机制尚不明确。综述了近年来酵母、动物和植物中线粒体自噬的作用机制及调控因子等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

A systematic survey of intrinsically disordered (ID) regions was carried out in 2109 human plasma membrane proteins with full assignment of the transmembrane topology with respect to the lipid bilayer. ID regions with 30 consecutive residues or more were detected in 41.0% of the human proteins, a much higher percentage than the corresponding figure (4.7%) for inner membrane proteins of Escherichia coli. The domain organization of each of the membrane protein in terms of transmembrane helices, structural domains, ID, and unassigned regions as well as the distinction of inside or outside of the cell was determined. Long ID regions constitute 13.3 and 3.5% of the human plasma membrane proteins on the inside and outside of the cell, respectively, showing that they preferentially occur on the cytoplasmic side. We interpret this phenomenon as a reflection of the general scarcity of ID regions on the extracellular side and their relative abundance on the cytoplasmic side in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Intracochlear electric fields arising out of sound-induced receptor currents, silent currents, or electrical current injected into the cochlea induce transmembrane potential along the outer hair cell (OHC) but its distribution along the cells is unknown. In this study, we investigated the distribution of OHC transmembrane potential induced along the cell perimeter and its sensitivity to the direction of the extracellular electric field (EEF) on isolated OHCs at a low frequency using the fast voltage-sensitive dye ANNINE-6plus. We calibrated the potentiometric sensitivity of the dye by applying known voltage steps to cells by simultaneous whole-cell voltage clamp. The OHC transmembrane potential induced by the EEF is shown to be highly nonuniform along the cell perimeter and strongly dependent on the direction of the electrical field. Unlike in many other cells, the EEF induces a field-direction-dependent intracellular potential in the cylindrical OHC. We predict that without this induced intracellular potential, EEF would not generate somatic electromotility in OHCs. In conjunction with the known heterogeneity of OHC membrane microdomains, voltage-gated ion channels, charge, and capacitance, the EEF-induced nonuniform transmembrane potential measured in this study suggests that the EEF would impact the cochlear amplification and electropermeability of molecules across the cell.  相似文献   

Intracochlear electric fields arising out of sound-induced receptor currents, silent currents, or electrical current injected into the cochlea induce transmembrane potential along the outer hair cell (OHC) but its distribution along the cells is unknown. In this study, we investigated the distribution of OHC transmembrane potential induced along the cell perimeter and its sensitivity to the direction of the extracellular electric field (EEF) on isolated OHCs at a low frequency using the fast voltage-sensitive dye ANNINE-6plus. We calibrated the potentiometric sensitivity of the dye by applying known voltage steps to cells by simultaneous whole-cell voltage clamp. The OHC transmembrane potential induced by the EEF is shown to be highly nonuniform along the cell perimeter and strongly dependent on the direction of the electrical field. Unlike in many other cells, the EEF induces a field-direction-dependent intracellular potential in the cylindrical OHC. We predict that without this induced intracellular potential, EEF would not generate somatic electromotility in OHCs. In conjunction with the known heterogeneity of OHC membrane microdomains, voltage-gated ion channels, charge, and capacitance, the EEF-induced nonuniform transmembrane potential measured in this study suggests that the EEF would impact the cochlear amplification and electropermeability of molecules across the cell.  相似文献   

Is the periplasm continuous in filamentous multicellular cyanobacteria?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria are multicellular organisms in which individual cells exchange nutrients and, presumably, regulatory molecules. Unknown mechanisms underlie this exchange. Classical electron microscopy shows that filamentous cyanobacteria bear a Gram-negative cell wall comprising a peptidoglycan layer and an outer membrane that are external to the cytoplasmic membrane, and that the outer membrane appears to be continuous along the filament of cells. This implies that the periplasmic space between the cytoplasmic and outer membranes might also be continuous. We propose that a continuous periplasm could constitute a communication conduit for the transfer of compounds, which is essential for the performance of these bacteria as multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), mitochondrial outer membrane components, are present in organisms from fungi to animals and plants. They are thought to function in the regulation of metabolite transport between mitochondria and the cytoplasm. Sufficient knowledge on plant VDACs has been accumulated, so that we can here summarize the current information. Then, the involvement of mitochondria in plant defense and cell death is overviewed. While, in mammals, it is suggested that VDAC, also known as a component of the permeability transition pore (PTP) complex formed in the junction site of mitochondrial outer and inner membrane, is a key player in mitochondria-mediated cell death, little is known about the role of plant VDACs in this process. We have shown that plant VDACs are involved in mitochondria-mediated cell death and in defense against a non-host pathogen. In light of the current findings, we discuss the role of the PTP complex and VDAC as its component in plant pathogen defense and cell death.  相似文献   

Polysialic acid (polySia) is a long polyanionic polymer (with the degree of polymerization, DP, up to 200) of negatively charged sialic acid monomers. PolySia chains are bound to the external surface of some neuroinvasive bacterial cells and neural cells. PolySia serves as a potent regulator of cell interactions via its unusual biophysical properties. In the present paper, the analysis, based on the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation, of transmembrane potential changes resulting from transmembrane translocation of polySia is performed. The relationships between the transmembrane potential and the polySia DP (up to 200), the temperature, the cation/ anion permeability ratio, and the inner/outer concentration ratio of polySia has been plotted and discussed. The maximal membrane potential changes, up to 118 mV, were found for a permeability ratio greater than one. The increase of the polySia chain length resulted in the diminution of this effect. The temperature-dependent changes in membrane potential were less than 7 mV in the range 0-50 degrees C. The change in the concentration ratio (into its reciprocal) resulted in a mirror reflection of the membrane potential curves. The results show that the expression of polySia chains in bacterial cells can be responsible for the modulation of the transmembrane potential of the bacterial inner membrane. We suggest that the polySia chains can influence the transmembrane potential of neural cell membranes in a similar way. This analysis also describes the effect of the transmembrane translocation of negatively charged polyanionic polynucleotydes on the cell membrane potential.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms the regulated cell death apoptosis is critically important for both ontogeny and homeostasis. Mitochondria are indispensable for stress-induced apoptosis. The BCL-2 protein family controls mitochondrial apoptosis and initiates cell death through the pro-apoptotic activities of BAX and BAK at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). Cellular survival is ensured by the retrotranslocation of mitochondrial BAX and BAK into the cytosol by anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins. BAX/BAK-dependent OMM permeabilization releases the mitochondrial cytochrome c (cyt c), which initiates activation of caspase-9. The caspase cascade leads to cell shrinkage, plasma membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation, and apoptotic body formation. Although it is clear that ultimately complexes of active BAX and BAK commit the cell to apoptosis, the nature of these complexes is still enigmatic. Excessive research has described a range of complexes, varying from a few molecules to several 10,000, in different systems. BAX/BAK complexes potentially form ring-like structures that could expose the inner mitochondrial membrane. It has been suggested that these pores allow the efflux of small proteins and even mitochondrial DNA. Here we summarize the current state of knowledge for mitochondrial BAX/BAK complexes and the interactions between these proteins and the membrane.  相似文献   

The complex organization of the mycobacterial cell wall poses unique challenges for the study of its assembly. Although mycobacteria are classified evolutionarily as Gram-positive bacteria, their cell wall architecture more closely resembles that of Gram-negative organisms. They possess not only an inner cytoplasmic membrane, but also a bilayer outer membrane that encloses an aqueous periplasm and includes diverse lipids that are required for the survival and virulence of pathogenic species. Questions surrounding how mycobacterial outer membrane lipids are transported from where they are made in the cytoplasm to where they function at the cell exterior are thus similar, and similarly compelling, to those that have driven the study of Gram-negative outer membrane transport pathways. However, little is understood about these processes in mycobacteria. Here we contextualize these questions by comparing our current knowledge of mycobacteria with better-defined systems in other organisms. Based on this analysis, we propose possible models and highlight continuing challenges to improving our understanding of outer membrane assembly in these medically and environmentally important bacteria. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Bacterial Lipids edited by Russell E. Bishop.  相似文献   

We have used the decay kinetics of Signal IIf in Tris-washed chloroplasts as a direct probe to reactions on the oxidizing side of Photosystem II. A study of the salt concentration dependence of the rate of reduction of Z . + by the ascorbate monoanion has been interpreted by using the Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer model and allows the calculation of an inner membrane surface charge density of -3.4 +/- 0.3 microC . cm-2 at pH = 8.0 in the vicinity of Photosystem II. We have also measured the outer membrane surface charge density at this pH in Tris- and sucrose-washed chloroplasts by monitoring the rate of potassium ferricyanide oxidation of Q-, and arrive at values of -2.2 +/- 0.3 microC . cm-2 and -2.1 microC . cm-2, respectively. From these experiments we conclude that in dark-adapted chloroplasts at pH 8.0 there exists a transmembrane electric field in the vicinity of Photosystem II which arises from this surface charge asymmetry. In the presence of 10 mM monovalent salts, the transmembrane potential difference is of the order of 20 mV, corresponding to a field of 4 . 10(4) V . cm-1 (negative inside) for a 50A membrane. It is both smaller in magnitude and in the opposite direction compared to the photoinduced transmembrane field which gives rise to the 515 nm absorption change. We have also found non-double layer Ca2+ effects on the decay kinetics of Signal IIf with both charged (ascorbate monoanion) and neutral (diphenylcarbazide) donors. These results suggest a change in the environment of Z from lipophilic to hydrophilic upon specific binding of Ca2+.  相似文献   

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