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We have analyzed in detail the phosphorylation of p53 from normal (3T3) and simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed (SV3T3) BALB/c mouse cells and from normal (F111) and SV40-transformed [FR(wt648)] rat cells by two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping and phosphoamino acid analyses. To accommodate the different half-lives of p53 in normal (half-life, 15 min) and transformed (half-life, 20 h) cells and possible differences in the rates of turnover of phosphate at specific sites, cells were labeled for 2 h (short-term labeling) or 18 h (long-term labeling). Depending on the labeling conditions, either close similarities or marked differences were observed in the phosphorylation patterns of p53 from normal and transformed cells. After the 2-h labeling, the phosphorylation patterns of p53 from normal and transformed mouse cells were quite similar. In contrast, p53 from normal and transformed rat cells exhibited dramatic quantitative and qualitative differences under these labeling conditions. The reverse was found after an 18-h label leading to steady-state phosphorylation of p53 in transformed cells: while p53 in transformed mouse cells revealed a marked quantitative increase in phosphorylation compared with p53 from normal cells, the corresponding patterns of p53 from normal and transformed rat cells were similar. Our data thus indicate species-specific differences in the phosphorylation of mouse and rat p53 in SV40-transformed cells, reflected by (i) different turnover rates at specific sites in mouse and rat p53 and (ii) phosphorylation of nonhomologous serine and threonine residues in rat p53, as revealed by indirect assignment of phosphorylation sites to the phosphopeptides of rat p53. Analyses of p53 from the SV40 tsA58 mutant-transformed F111 cell lines FR(tsA58)A (N type) and FR(tsA58)57 (A type) yielded no conclusive evidence for a direct correlation between phosphorylation of p53, the metabolic stabilization of p53, and expression of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

Normal fibroblasts display two distinct growth controls which can be assayed as requirements for serum or for anchorage. Interaction of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts with simian virus 40 (SV40) thus generates four classes of transformed cells. We have examined viral gene expression in these four classes of cell lines. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts with an antiserum obtained from tumor-bearing hamsters detected the SV40 large T and small t proteins (94,000 molecular weight [94K], 17K) and the nonviral host 54K protein in all cell lines tested. A tumor antigen with an apparent molecular weight of 100,000 was also found in some, but not all, lines. Similar "super T" molecules have been found by others in many rodent transformed lines. We carried out an analysis of the relation of phenotype to relative amounts of these proteins in cell lines of the four classes, using the Spearman rank correlation test. The amount of the 100K T antigen relative to the 94K T antigen or to total viral protein was well correlated with the ability to form colonies in semisolid medium. No significant correlation was found between quantities of labeled 94K T antigen, 54K host antigen, or 17K t antigen and either serum or anchorage independence. Mouse cells transformed with the small t SV40 deletion mutant 884 synthesized a 100K T antigen, suggesting that small t is not required for the production of this protein. The 100K T antigen migrated more slowly than lytic T. Since mixtures of extracts from cells expressing and lacking the 100K T antigen yielded the expected amount of this protein, it is unlikely that the 100K T derives from the 94K protein by a posttranslational modification.  相似文献   

Extracts from several simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed nonproducer cells were prepared by the hot-phenol procedure normally used to extract cellular RNA. These extracts contained SV40 infectious units. Part of the infectious units were identified as SV40 form I DNA molecules. The results of reconstruction experiments suggest that SV40 form I DNA is extractable by the hot-phenol procedure because of its fast renaturation rate. The significance of the presence of free viral DNA in nonproducer transformed cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of antigens were detected in simian virus 40-transformed mouse cells, in addition to the large (94,000 daltons) and small (20,000 daltons) tumor antigens. These antigens were immunoprecipitated from cell extracts by using anti-T serum and not normal, nonimmune serum. One of these was a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 130,000 and was present in some but not all SV40-transformed mouse cells. The other, which we have named Tau antigen, has a molecular weight of 56,000 as estimated by electrophoresis through acrylamide gels and was found in all virus-transformed cells examined. The 13,000-daltons antigen contained about 15 methionine-tryptic peptides which were also present in the large SV40 tumor antigen as determined by ion-exchange chromatography. This strongly suggested that the protein was virus coded. The 56,000-dalton Tau antigen appeared to share only two methionine-tryptic peptides with the large species of SV40 tumor antigen, as determined by ion-exchange and paper chromatographies. Our results are compatible with a cellular origin for Tau antigen. However, our data do not exclude the possibility that this protein contains sequences specified by the virus DNA.  相似文献   

M I Freed  I Lubin    D T Simmons 《Journal of virology》1983,46(3):1061-1065
Simian virus 40-transformed cells synthesize high-molecular-weight protein complexes (22 to 30S) that consist of the virus-coded large T antigen (81,500 daltons) and the cellular antigen pp53. These complexes were partially purified from lysates of transformed rat cells by sucrose velocity sedimentation. The stoichiometry of the two proteins in the complex was studied by direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, using alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-T and anti-pp53 monoclonal antibodies. The results from these experiments indicate that the T antigen-to-pp53 ratio in the complex is 0.87 +/- 0.27. No statistically significant differences were found in this ratio for faster- and slower-sedimenting complexes. These results from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and previous molecular weight estimates of the complex suggest that this complex is composed, on the average, of four molecules of T antigen and four or five molecules of pp53.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA insertions from SV40-transformed mouse cell line W-2K-11 and its revertants M18, M31, and M42 were cloned. W-2K-11 cells contain 1.5 copies of the SV40 sequences in a partially tandem duplicated form. The endpoints of the viral sequences at the virus-host junctions are located very close to those reported by others, indicating that there are some preferred sites for integration and rearrangement in SV40 sequences. One flanking cellular sequence is a long stretch of adenine and thymine with repeated AAAT, and the other is a stretch of guanine and cytosine with repeated CCG. There are patchy homologies between the flanking cellular sequences and the corresponding parental SV40 sequences. The sequences around both junctions were retained in all the revertants, whereas most of the internal SV40 sequences coding for large T antigen were deleted. The coding sequences for small T antigen are intact, and small T antigen was expressed in all the revertants. The fragments cloned from M18 and M42 were identical and 3.9 kilobases of SV40 sequences were deleted. The parental SV40 sequences around the deletion site have sequences capable of forming a secondary structure which might reduce the effective distance between the two regions. The SV40 DNA retained in M31 is colinear with SV40 virion DNA, and a unit length of SV40 DNA was deleted within the SV40 sequences present in W-2K-11 cells. These results indicated that two types of deletion occurred during the reversion, one between homologous sequences and the other between nonhomologous sequences.  相似文献   

Three simian virus (SV40)-phi X174 recombinant genomes were isolated from single BSC-1 monkey cells cotransfected with SV40 and phi X174 RF1 DNAs. The individual cell progenies were amplified, cloned, and mapped by a combination of restriction endonuclease and heteroduplex analyses. In each case, the 600 to 1,000 base pairs of phi X174 DNA (derived from different regions of the phi X174 genome) were present as single inserts, located in either the early or late SV40 regions; the deletion of SV40 DNA was greater than the size of the insert; and the remaining portions of the hybrid genome were indistinguishable from wild-type SV40 DNA, as judged by both mapping and biological tests. Hence, apart from the deletion which accommodates the phi X174 DNA insert, no other rearrangements of SV40 DNA were detected. The restriction map of a SV40-phi X174 recombinant DNA isolate before molecular cloning was indistinguishable from those of two separate cloned derivatives of that isolate, indicating that the species cloned was the major amplifiable recombinant structure generated by a single recombinant-producing cell. The relative simplicity of the SV40-phi X174 recombinant DNA examined is consistent with the notion that most recombinant-producing BSC-1 cells support single recombination events generating only one amplifiable recombinant structure.  相似文献   

SV40-transformed FR 3T3 rat cells were previously shown to exhibit different patterns of accumulation of the virus-coded T-antigen. One group of transformants accumulates T-antigen throughout the cell cycle, whereas in another group, only the cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle are stained by immunofluorescence with anti-T antigen antibodies. We investigated the mechanism involved by determining the amounts of early SV40 RNA during the cell cycle. Cells in the various phases of the cell cycle were sorted from an asynchronously growing population using a flow cytofluorimeter. Determination of the amounts of viral RNA in the different nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA fractions showed that in transformants with a G2-restricted accumulation of T-antigen, viral RNA was present in G2, to some extent in S, but could not be detected in cells in G1. In contrast, equivalent amounts of viral RNA were detected in all the phases of the cell cycle in the other group of transformants. Cell sorting, performed after pulse-labeling the cells for 2 h with [35S]methionine, confirmed that translation of the viral mRNAs occurred only in G2 in the first group of transformants, and throughout the cell cycle in the second group.  相似文献   

Rat 3T3 cells transformed by simian virus 40 were injected into rats to examine their capacity to develop into tumors. Both large T-dependent (N) transformants and large T-independent (A) transformants were used. All the transformed cell lines contained large T and small t and could multiply efficiently in agar. Only some transformants could develop into tumors. All tumor cells examined had lost both large T and small t. Tumor cells in which the viral genome could still be detected were found together with tumor cells in which the simian virus 40 DNA could no longer be detected. N transformants which displayed the transformed phenotype in a temperature-sensitive manner became temperature insensitive during tumor formation.  相似文献   

Treatment of African green monkey kidney CV-1 cells with human alpha interferons before infection with simian virus 40 (SV40) inhibited the accumulation of SV40 mRNAs and SV40 T-antigen (Tag). This inhibition persisted as long as the interferons were present in the medium. SV40-transformed human SV80 cells and mouse SV3T3-38 cells express Tag, and interferon treatment of these cells did not affect this expression. SV80 and SV3T3-38 cells which had been exposed to interferons were infected with a viable SV40 deletion mutant (SV40 dl1263) that codes for a truncated Tag. Exposure to interferons inhibited the accumulation of the truncated Tag (specified by the infecting virus) but had no significant effect on the accumulation of the endogenous Tag (specified by the SV40 DNA integrated into the cellular genome). The level of Tag in SV40-transformed mouse SV101 cells was not significantly decreased by interferon treatment. SV40 was rescued from SV101 cells and used to infect interferon-treated and control African green monkey kidney Vero cells. Tag accumulation was inhibited in the cells which had been treated with interferons before infection. Our data demonstrate that even within the same cell the interferon system can discriminate between expression of a gene in the SV40 viral genome and expression of the same gene integrated into a host chromosome.  相似文献   

Phenotypic revertants were isolated from simian virus 40-transformed cells in order to examine the relationship between simian virus 40 T-antigen expression and G1 arrest of growth. Revertant clones with increased adherence were selected from cultures of SVT2, a simian virus 40-transformed BALB/c mouse cell line, and screened to find arrestable revertant clones which inhibited DNA synthesis when crowded. The clones selected from untreated SVT2 were unstable and showed little or no inhibition of DNA synthesis when crowded. Stable revertants were found after treatment of SVT2 with Colcemid to increase ploidy. The stable revertants all lost most transformed growth properties tested, including tumorigenicity, but only a few showed the same degree of inhibition of DNA synthesis at high cell density as BALB/3T3. All revertant clones expressed T antigen at low cell density. Three revertants showed coordinate inhibition of DNA synthesis and apparent loss of T antigen at high cell density. We suggest that changes in gene dosage rather than mutations caused the altered properties of the new revertants and that continued DNA synthesis in confluent cultures may be the transformed phenotype that requires the least simian virus 40 T antigen.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40-transformed hamster cells were induced to produce infectious virus by treatment with mitomycin C or gamma-irradiation. A portion of the simian virus-40 DNA, which is integrated into the host cell genome in uninduced cells, was recovered in a pool of relatively low-molecular-weight DNA early after induction treatment in the absence of DNA replication. The data indicte that excision of the viral genome occurs subsequent to the induction stimulus.  相似文献   

Mink lung epithelial cells were transfected with two cloned mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNAs, a 9-kilobase clone derived from an unintegrated exogenous viral genome and a 14-kilobase clone containing an integrated endogenous provirus along with cellular flanking sequences. Mink lung cells were chosen because they do not contain endogenous MMTV sequences. On the basis of our observation that simian virus 40 DNA efficiently transforms these cells, we isolated cell clones containing MMTV DNA by using transformation with simian virus 40 DNA as a selective marker in cotransfection experiments. Levels of the 9-kilobase MMTV mRNA representing the entire viral genome and of the spliced 4.4-kilobase mRNA which codes for the viral envelope proteins were glucocorticoid dependent in transformed cells. Expression of low levels of Pr77gag, the precursor of the group-specific viral core proteins, and of gPr73env, the precursor of the viral envelope proteins, was also hormone dependent. We conclude that these cloned MMTV DNAs contain all the information necessary for the synthesis of normal viral RNAs and proteins. These findings also provide further evidence that the DNA sequences involved in the hormone responsiveness of MMTV expression are contained within the viral genome.  相似文献   

Investigation of the cellular distribution of a 105 kDa phosphoprotein (pp 105) in transformed mouse fibroblasts, showed that only a minor amount was located on the surface of logarithmically grown suspension cells. More than 90% of total pp 105 was contained in the cytosolic fracion representing about 0.2% of total cytosolic proteins. Surface and cytosolic pp 105 had identical phosphopeptide patterns. Cytosolic pp 105 was highly purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by three chromatographic steps and gel electrophoresis. The purified pp 105 was capable of weak autophosphorylation. In the stationary growth phase of suspension cells, the amount of pp 105 detectable by endogenous phosphorylation was only 10–15% of that observed during logarithmic growth. pp 105 was also detected in normal mouse tissue and its distribution determined.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from nontransformed and Simian virus 40-transformed mouse fibroblast cultures catalyzed carrier-mediated D-glucose transport without detectable metabolic conversion to glucose 6-phosphate. Glucose transport activity was stereospecific, temperature-dependent, sensitive to inactivation by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate, and accompanied plasma membrane material during subcellular fractionation. D-Glucose efflux from vesicles was inhibited by phloretin, an inhibitor of glucose uptake in intact cells. Cytochalasin B, a potent inhibitor of glucose uptake when tested with the intact cells used for vesicle isolation did not inhibit glucose transport in vesicles despite the presence of high affinity cytochalasin binding sites in isolated membranes. The enhanced glucose uptake observed in intact cells after viral transformation was not expressed in vesicles: no significant differences in glucose transport specific activity could be detected in vesicle preparations from nontransformed and transformed mouse fibroblast cultures. These findings indicate that cellular components distinct from glucose carriers can mediate changes in glucose uptake in mouse fibroblast cultures in at least two cases: sensitivity to inhibition by cytochalasin B and the enhanced cellular sugar uptake observed after viral transformation.  相似文献   

The transport of 2-deoxyglucose in BALB/c 3T3 cells, Simian virus 40-transformed BALB/c 3T3 (SVT2) cells, and concanavalin A-selected revertant cells of SVT2 has been measured. Sparsely-seeded BALB/c 3T3 cells transport the sugar at about one-fourth, and sparsely-seeded revertant cells at three-fourths, the rate of SVT2 cells. BALB/c 3T3 cells undergo a dramatic drop in sugar uptake at confluency, transporting sugar at about one-tenth the rate of subconfluent cells. Revertant cells (contact-inhibited variants of transformed cells) are similar in this respect, but the drop is only 5-fold. SVT2 cells show no such change in uptake over wide cell densities. Subconfluent BALB/c 3T3, SVT2, and revertant cells have similar Km and Vmax values for 2-deoxyglucose transport; however, confluent 3T3 and confluent revertant cells show a large increase in Km and a 5-fold decrease in Vmax as compared to their subconfluent counterparts or SVT2 cells—indications of a decreased number of transport sites and a decreased affinity of these sites for sugar when these cells make intimate contacts with each other. These data indicate that extensive changes in the architecture of the cell surface occur when contactinhibited cells are in close apposition with each other, regardless of the persistence of partially expressed SV40 genetic information, and are discussed with regard to the membrane compositions of these cell lines.  相似文献   

Four T antigen-positive phenotypic revertants were isolated by negative selection with BUdR from SV40-transformed rat and mouse cells which contain six and two viral genome equivalents per cell, respectively. Karyological analysis indicated that one rat and one mouse revertant had a hyperploid number of chromosomes, while the remaining two rat revertants had a subtetraploid number similar to those of the transformed parent cells. The hyperploid revertants were unable to grow in soft agar medium and were nontumorigenic in nude mice. One of the subtetraploid revertants formed large colonies at a very low frequency and induced tumors after a prolonged incubation period. These results indicate that there is a good correlation between the capacity of cells to grow without anchorage and the capacity to form tumors in nude mice and suggest that the revertant phenotype is stable in the presence of T antigen when the number of chromosomes is greatly increased as compared with that of the transformed parent cells.  相似文献   

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