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Pollination by hummingbirds was observed in two species of Vellozia (Velloziaceae) in southeastern Brazil. Both species have purplish-pink to dark purple tepals, tube-like arrangement of stamens, large and protected nectar chamber, and no odour. Tepals are reflexed in V. leptopetala and narrow in V. declinans, further enhancing the tube-like effect given by the long yellow anthers. Nectar is very dilute (ca. 10%). Three species of hummingbirds were observed pollinating these Vellozia species: Colibri serrirostris, Augastes scutatus, and Chlorostilbon aureoventris. The first species established feeding territories in the vicinity of V. leptopetala flowers. A bee-pollinated Vellozia flower-type may give rise to a hummingbird-flower by relatively simple adjustments, consisting mainly of the reflexion of tepals, increase in stamen length, enhancement of reddish pigments, enlargement of nectar chamber and dilution of nectar. Vellozia declinans may be likened to one of the hypothetical stages of this trend towards ornithophily, whereas V. leptopetala is possibly one of the extremes within the genus.  相似文献   

The proportion of dioecious species in the flora of the British Isles has been underestimated in the past, partly because the total number of native species was overestimated and partly because some dioecious species were omitted for various reasons. We estimate that, in a total native angiosperm flora of 1377 species and species-equivalents, 4.3% (59 species) are dioecious, a substantially higher percentage than the previous estimates of 2, 3.1 and 3%. If gymnosperms are included, 4.4% (61 of 1380 species of seed plant) are dioecious. A review of published work shows that few of these dioecious species have been well-studied, and that for some little or no information is available about their sex ratios and reproductive biology.  相似文献   

Floral traits that increase attractiveness to pollinators are predicted to evolve through selection on male function rather than on female function. To determine the importance of male-biased selection in dioecious Wurmbea dioica, we examined sexual dimorphism in flower size and number and the effects of these traits on pollinator visitation and reproductive success of male and female plants. Males produced more and larger flowers than did females. Bees and butterflies responded to this dimorphism and visited males more frequently than females, although flies did not differentiate between the sexes. Within sexes, insect pollinators made more visits to and visited more flowers on plants with many flowers. However, visits per flower did not vary with flower number, indicating that visitation was proportional to the number of flowers per plant. When flower number was experimentally held constant, visitation increased with flower size under sunny but not overcast conditions. Flower size but not number affected pollen removal per flower in males and deposition in females. In males, pollen removal increased with flower size 3 days after flowers opened, but not after 6 days when 98% of pollen was removed. Males with larger flowers therefore, may have higher fitness not because pollen removal is more complete, but because pollen is removed more rapidly providing opportunities to pre-empt ovules. In females, pollen deposition increased with flower size 3 days but not 6 days after flowers opened. At both times, deposition exceeded ovule production by four-fold or more, and for 2 years seed production was not limited by pollen. Flower size had no effect on seed production per plant and was negatively related to percent seed set, implying a tradeoff between allocation to attraction and reproductive success. This indicates that larger flower size in females is unlikely to increase fitness. In both sexes, gamete production was positively correlated with flower size. In males, greater pollen production would increase the advantage of large flowers, but in females more ovules may represent a resource cost. Selection to increase flower size and number in W. dioica has probably occurred through male rather than female function. Received: 15 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

The variation of floral morphology and its effect on the flower visitors of Polygala vayredae Costa (Polygalaceae), a narrow endemic species from the Oriental pre-Pyrenees, were examined. First, to account for the main floral reward (i.e., nectar), the relationship between the dimensions of the nectar gland and nectar production was investigated. Second, floral traits variation was assessed within and between the three most representative populations of the species. Finally, the role of several floral traits in the female fitness was evaluated. Furthermore, as nectar robbing was highly frequent, preferences of robbers for specific floral traits and their impact on legitimate pollinations were also evaluated. The flowers of this species are characterized by significant variations in floral characteristics and nectar rewards. A significant and positive correlation between the nectar gland dimensions and nectar production per flower was observed, with the gland dimensions being a good measure to infer the rewards offered by the flowers of P. vayredae. In general, corolla traits were significant and positively correlated with each other. Nectar was revealed to be an important trait in flower–visitor interactions, with legitimate pollinations being primarily influenced by this floral reward. Negative correlations between robbing frequency and legitimate pollinations were observed in two of the studied populations, and positive correlations between flower size and robbing frequency were observed in one population. An indirect negative selection over phenotypic floral traits mediated by nectar robbers is proposed.  相似文献   

While Ficus present a series of traits often associated with dioecy, the prevalence of dioecy in Ficus is atypical. In Asian floras, dioecious Ficus species generally outnumber monoecious ones. Further this is also true in relatively northerly locations for Ficus such as the island of Taiwan. Ficus are pollinated by species-specific wasps that use fig flowers as breeding sites. In dioecious fig species, pollinators develop only in the inflorescences of male fig trees. In this study, we investigated the reproductive phenology of four dioecious Ficus species with distinct ecologies in several locations in northern and southern Taiwan. The two first species (Ficus erecta and Ficus septica) were investigated in four locations. Reproductive phenology was quite different among sites, even within a single species. For example, F. erecta presented well-defined crops at the population level in its usual high-elevation habitat but continuous fig production at low elevations, especially in South Taiwan. The two other fig species (Ficus pedunculosa var. mearnsii and Ficus tinctoria subsp. swinhoei), are shrubs growing together along seashores in exposed locations on coral reef remnants. These two species presented quite different traits allowing the survival of pollinating wasp populations. Ficus pedunculosa var. mearnsii produced figs continuously so that fresh receptive figs were always available for the pollinating wasps while F. tinctoria subsp. swinhoei extended the period of receptivity of its figs, so that receptive figs that had been waiting for pollinating wasps were almost always available. In summary, dioecious figs in Taiwan showed remarkable variation in their phenology, within species among locations or among species within location. Nevertheless, despite this variation, the phenology of the trees always allowed survival of pollinating wasp populations. Dioecious figs seem to have adopted a differentiated set of strategies which result in high resilience of pollinator populations. This resilience could help explain the atypical prevalence of dioecy in Ficus.  相似文献   

Floral morphology, phenology and mode of pollination have been studied in Indotristicha ramosissima (Wt.) van Royen. Although the plants are submerged, self-pollination (autogamy) occurs above water. This is aided by considerable elongation of the pedicel (20 mm) prior to pollination. The filaments of the stamens also elongate rapidly (∼6.5 mm/h) before and after pollination. The flowers are typically trimerous. Each anther contains 1743 ± 187 pollen grains. These are spherical, multiporate, 3-celled and ∼97% fertile at the time of shedding. Germination of pollen on the stigma and the growth of pollen tubes have been traced in both naturally and manually (self- as well as cross-) pollinated pistils. The pollen:ovule ratio is ∼72:1 and the ovule: seed ratio is ∼2:1. Mature fruits are 8 or 9 ribbed and open by 2 or 3 longitudinal slits that release ∼32 seeds.  相似文献   

The pollination process and breeding system of the sympatric Habenaria johannensis, H. macronectar, H. megapotamensis and H. montevidensis was documented for native populations from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All species investigated offer a nectar reward (mean values of total sugars ranging from 18 to 26%) concealed in a spur. Habenaria montevidensis is pollinated by butterflies (Hesperiidae, especially of the genus Urbanus) that carry pollinaria on their eyes; the other three species are pollinated by Sphingidae. Habenaria johannensis is pollinated by the moths Manduca rustica and M. sexta that carry the pollinaria at the base of the proboscis. Habenaria macronectar is pollinated by the moths Eumorpha labrusca and M. cf. lucetius, and these bear pollinaria between the palpi. Habenaria megapotamensis is pollinated by moths of M. cf. lucetius that bear the pollinaria on the proboscis. All species studied are self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. They also displayed high reproductive success (ranging from 69.48 to 97.40%) and male efficiency factors slightly higher than 1, suggesting that at least one flower was pollinated for each flower acting as pollen donor. At the study sites, the investigated Habenaria spp. are isolated (in terms of pollination) by a set of factors that includes differing floral morphologies, different pollinators and/or different pollinarium placement on the pollinator. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

The flowering, sex ratio, and spatial distribution of four dioecious species of Trichilia (Meliaceae) were studied in a semi-deciduous forest in southeastern Brazil. All reproductive trees (T. clausseni, T. pallida and T. catigua) with dbh > or = 5 cm within a 1-ha plot were collected, sexed, mapped and, for individuals of each species, the distances to the nearest neighbour of the same and opposite sex were measured. For the shrub species T. elegans (dbh < 5 cm), all reproductive individuals were sampled randomly in 10 samples of 10 x 10 m. The reproductive phenology was observed at weekly to monthly intervals from May 1988 to January 1990. The species are strictly dioecious, did not present any sex-mixed trees or sex switching during the study, and sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1 : 1. The size distributions and the relative size variation were not significantly different between sexes. There was no significant segregation or clumping between individuals of either sex and no fruit production without pollination. Onset of flowering and flowering peak were synchronous between male and female plants for all species studied. Flower synchrony was related to outcrossing and pollinator attraction rather than climatic factors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Isertia laevis (Rubiaceae) possesses flowers with traits typical for the pollination syndrome of sphingophily. Diurnal flower observation showed that nine different hummingbirds (Trochilidae) and one flower piercer (Coerebidae) were frequent visitors. Their activity on the flowers peaked in the morning hours. Very low nectar volumes were found in the morning (8.00 h) in unbagged flowers. Nectar volumes, however, reached their peaks (27 μl) at night (2.00 h) in bagged, as well as in unbagged flowers. At night few individuals of sphingids were observed. Pollination experiments showed that flowers presented to nocturnal pollinators from 18.00 h to 6.00 h had low fruit set (14 %) but high seed set (59 %). Flowers accessible from 6.00 h to 18.00 h for diurnal flower visitors showed high fruit set of 63 % but low seed set of 14 %. This suggests that pollination of individual flowers is less effective during daytime. Regarding relative reproductive success, i.e., efficiency of pollination defined as fruit set x seed set, both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, however, are equally successful. We conclude that frequently occurring, but not very effective pollinators contribute substantially to seed production, when the expected pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

Microorganisms colonize the nectar of many angiosperms. Variable diversity and spatio-temporal dynamics of nectar-inhabiting microorganisms (e.g., yeasts) may drive variation in nectar sugar composition and subsequent plant–pollinator interactions. We assessed yeast frequency of occurrence and density in the nectar of the perennial herb, Delphinium nuttallianum, across multiple spatio-temporal scales, including flower lifetime and sex-phase transition, flowering season, populations, and years. We tested the hypothesis that pollinators vector yeasts by comparing densities between virgin flowers and those open to visitation. Finally, we identified yeasts using molecular methods and tested for an association between yeast density and nectar composition using ultra-performance liquid chromatography. Yeasts were frequent colonists of Delphinium nectar, occurring in all populations and years sampled. Yeast frequency of occurrence and density varied across most spatio-temporal scales examined. Pollinators were vectors of yeast: virgin flowers remained yeast-free, while those open to visitation became inoculated. Nectar samples were species-poor, with a majority colonized by Metschnikowia reukaufii. Finally, increasing yeast density was correlated with a decrease in sucrose and an increase in monosaccharides. Our results document that yeasts form species-poor communities in populations of this hermaphroditic perennial, in addition to highlighting their spatio-temporal dynamics and effects on nectar quality. Spatio-temporal variation in frequency of occurrence, density, and changes in nectar may have important implications for the nature and strength of interactions between Delphinium and its pollinators.  相似文献   

该研究采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM,scanning electron microscope)对箭叶淫羊藿13个居群(含箭叶淫羊藿光叶变种1个居群)、天平山淫羊藿7个居群进行花粉形态和外壁纹饰的观察及对比研究。结果表明:两个类群的花粉均为近球形,具三孔沟,大小相近。箭叶淫羊藿的花粉大小为(18.21~21.66)μm×(19.55~23.63)μm,天平山淫羊藿的花粉大小为(18.32~21.43)μm×(19.73~23.48)μm。外壁纹饰是花粉形态的重要性状。不同居群间花粉外壁纹饰存在较大差异,主要分为网纹纹饰、条网纹纹饰和颗粒状纹饰三大类,继而根据网脊类型和网眼密度分为六亚类。其中,箭叶淫羊藿的花粉形态包含了全部的三大类六亚类,天平山淫羊藿包含其中的三大类四亚类。天平山淫羊藿花粉特征为箭叶淫羊藿花粉形态变异的子集。整体而言,外壁纹饰类型随纬度和海拔增加呈现出由网状纹饰向条网状纹饰过渡的趋势。花粉主要形态性状特征均与海拔存在密切相关性。在花粉形态及外壁纹饰特征上,天平山淫羊藿在箭叶淫羊藿变异范围之内,与其他宏观形态性状变异一致。花粉形态性状无法将两类群有效区分,未能提供天平山淫羊藿...  相似文献   

Clusia hilariana (Clusiaceae), a dioecious tree, is an important nurse plant in the open, patchy restinga vegetation of coastal sandy plains in northern Rio de Janeiro (SE-Brazil). Although highly abundant locally, we found low production of fruit and viable seeds in open-pollinated as compared to hand-pollinated flowers. Reward from flowers of both sexes was resin, which was produced in higher quantities in male flowers. Flower visitors, including honeybees, were infrequent. We argue that low sexual reproductive success was due to inefficient pollen transport, and that vegetative propagation may contribute significantly to the high abundance of plants of this species.  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera folisa)的繁育系统与传粉生物学特征,对其开花物候、花粉活力与柱头可授性、人工授粉、花的挥发性成分以及昆虫传粉行为进行了研究。结果表明,多叶斑叶兰的唇瓣黄色,萼片白色或白色带红褐色;单花花期为(9.4±0.8)d;花粉在开花后第1天具备活力,柱头在开花后第2天具备可授性,花粉活力和柱头可授性都在开花后第5天达到峰值。去雄套袋和不去雄套袋都不能结实,人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株异花授粉的结实率分别为93.3%、95.0%和96.7%,自然结实率为43.3%。花朵的主要挥发性成分为1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛醇和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺。多叶斑叶兰传粉者为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)。多叶斑叶兰具有自交亲和能力,但在自然界不具有主动自交现象,必须依赖中华蜜蜂传粉,花色及花香气味为吸引传粉者的主要因素。  相似文献   

黄花牛耳朵(苦苣苔科)的传粉生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外观察和繁育系统的实验,对黄花牛耳朵(Chirita lutea Yan Liu et Y.G.wei)的传粉生物学进行了研究.结果表明,黄花牛耳朵的花期从7月初至8月底,单株花期约35~47 d,单花化期约6~10 d,花的开放无固定的时间.在花期内花粉活性约80%,柱头可授性约75%~90%.花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)为1 215.73±266.13.柱头在花药散粉时已生长至花筒口部,明显高于花药,便于接受异花花粉.黄花牛耳朵不存在无融合生殖,高度白交亲和,但较难发生自动的白花授粉,产生种子主要依靠传粉媒介.自然授粉的结实率明显低于人工授粉的结实率,存在传粉限制,蜜蜂(Apidae sp.)、方头泥蜂(Crabro sp.)、无垫蜂(Ameglla sp.)是主要的传粉者.  相似文献   

Psilochilus modestus Barb. Rodr. is a basal epidendroid orchid occurring in both the semi-deciduous and Atlantic rain forests of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. This species presents a perfect flowering synchrony within populations, since all the mature buds of each plant open simultaneously in the morning hours of the same day. These flowers are available only for 1 day and are pollinated by several species of small solitary and social native bees. These bees exploit both pollen and nectar as a reward. The bees collecting pollen promote a higher fruit set and perform mainly self-pollination while those collecting nectar, which are less numerous, are responsible for an increase in cross-pollinations. P. modestus is self-compatible but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set (open pollination) is low when compared with the numbers obtained under manual self- and cross-pollination. Low fruit set in natural conditions is related to deficient pollen transfer, and pollinator inefficiency seems to be the main factor. Some factors, such as the small amount of nectar produced, the low number of flowers per inflorescence and their availability for 1 day only added to the perfect flowering synchrony seem to be responsible for the increase of cross-pollinations. The offering of both pollen and nectar as a reward can represent a transitional condition in basal Epidendroideae. Based on floral morphology, reward production and pollinator behavior, the relationship of P. modestus with the basal and most derived groups within Orchidaceae is discussed.  相似文献   

Pollination mechanisms within the genusCampanula were studied. Tests were undertaken to examine whether in vitro culture of pollen grains can serve as a useful tool for understanding the self- and cross-pollination mechanisms among species. Characteristics of pollen germination were interpreted in relation to mating system and floral biology. Four annual species (Campanula kremeri, C. dichotoma, C. afra, C. lusitanica), and two perennial species (C. rotundifolia andC. persicifolia) were investigated. In the annual species pollen germinability is controlled by (1) the age of pollen and/or (2) in what position pollen is deposited around the style. Correlations were found between pollen germinability and mating system in three of the four annual species. No correlations were found either between germinability and age of pollen or position on the style in the perennial species. Pollen germinability reached its maximum in the middle of the male phase in all species, except forC. dichotoma, which had a decreasing germinability throughout anthesis. The germinability was lowest at the time of stigma receptivity for all species except forC. persicifolia, where the stigma did not develop as long as pollen remained on the style. The pollen collecting hairs and pollen removal have been found to play an important role controlling the stigma development, thus affecting self-pollination. This was especially pronounced inC. persicifolia. Further studies will be undertaken to elucidate factors influencing pollination within the genusCampanula.  相似文献   

毛菍传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨毛菍(Melastoma sanguineum Sims.)传粉生物学特性,对海南霸王岭国家级自然保护区林缘、林内和林隙3个生境内毛菍的花期、花部形态、访花昆虫等进行观察,同时对其繁育系统相关指标进行了测定。结果表明:毛菍无花蜜分泌;花瓣对访花昆虫有吸引作用;访花昆虫主要有蜂类、食蚜蝇类和丽金龟类;主要传粉昆虫有木蜂、熊蜂,其中木蜂传粉活动最为活跃,为最有效传粉昆虫。毛菍具典型的异型雄蕊,长、短雄蕊在传粉过程中具有明确的功能分化,推测这是毛菍保证传粉成功的策略。毛菍为自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉;人工自交和异交均具有较高的坐果率;不存在无融合生殖、主动自花授粉和滞后自交的生殖保障现象;其繁育系统是兼性自交。昼夜温差较小和相对湿度较高的林内和林隙生境有利于延长群体花期;光照充足、温度相对较高的林缘生境,花朵发育较快,柱头可授性的时间稍早。花粉、传粉者和环境条件是制约毛菍野外传粉效率的主要因素。  相似文献   

Decaspermum parviflorum is a common shrub or treelet in clearings in eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is widely distributed in SE Asia. It produces numerous white flowers and small blue-black fruits. Individual shrubs were of two types in 1:1 ratio, one bearing staminate flowers, the other bearing flowers with both stamens and carpels. The 'hermaphrodite' flowers were shown to have sterile pollen so the species is functionally dioecious. The flowers and floral sprays of the two sexes differed in several measurements: the male flowers had more anthers and were larger and more numerous, making the corporate visual image of male sprays more than twice as large as that for sprays of female flowers. Flowers, individuals of which last only one day, opened only every second day, when all bushes flower synchronously. When the anthers burst in the morning, pollen and sterile pollen was collected vigorously by a variety of bees, mostly Apis dorsata and Nomia spp. Most of the pollen was collected within 1 h of anthesis. Anthesis in males takes place about 20 min earlier than in females; insect visitation follows this pattern. The minute quantity of nectar was collected by only few insects and mostly after the pollen had gone, if at all. Fruits were eaten by birds. The species displays many features typical of dioecious tropical plants with the unusual feature of pollen being the main food reward for pollinators. It was pollinated effectively in Sulawesi.  相似文献   

青阳参花部特征及其传粉适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青阳参花(Cynanchum otophyllum)部综合特征、访花昆虫种类、访花行为及传粉过程进行了研究,结果表明,青阳参花结构复杂,两个子房基部离生、花柱联合与雄蕊形成合蕊柱,柱头表面被邻近花药的侧翼紧密包围形成5个柱头腔。青阳参的花粉形成独特的花粉块,一次传粉过程可以转运大量的花粉。东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)是青阳参的主要传粉昆虫,其传粉包括两个过程:(1)当蜜蜂的口器或足插入着粉腺的槽口后借助蜜蜂的力量将花粉块从花上拔起;(2)当蜜蜂再次访花时将携带的花粉块插入其中一个柱头腔。花粉块里面的花粉粒住柱头腔中萌发出花粉管,然后沿着花柱道向下生长最后进入子房。在整个花期仡粉保持有相对较高的生活力,而其柱头可授性则在7天后逐渐降低。  相似文献   

The pollination syndromes ofLeonotis (Pers.)R. Br. are discussed. Ornithophily accounts for most of the nutlets set in perennialLeonotis species but in the annual species [L. nepetifolia (L.)R. Br.] autogamy prevails.Leonotis species are predominantly pollinated by a variety of sunbirds, although bees are also involved. Nectar is sucrose-dominant in perennial species but hexose-dominant in the annual.  相似文献   

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