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A number of cyclosporins, including certain non-immunosuppressive ones, are potent inhibitors of the intraerythrocytic growth of the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The major cyclosporin-binding proteins of P. falciparum were investigated by affinity chromatography on cyclosporin-Affigel followed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, and peptide mass fingerprinting. The two bands obtained on gels were shown to correspond to cyclophilins, PfCyP-19A (formerly PfCyP-19) and PfCyP-19B, whose genes had been characterised previously. PfCyP-19B was an abundant protein of intraerythrocytic P. falciparum (up to 0.5% of parasite protein) that was present in the highest amounts in schizont-stage parasites. Unexpectedly, given its apparent signal sequence, it was located primarily in the cytosol of the parasite. The peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity of recombinant PfCyP-19B had the same profile of susceptibility to cyclosporin derivatives as the bulk isomerase activity of crude P. falciparum extracts. The binding of cyclosporins to cyclophilins may be relevant to the mechanism of action of the drug in the parasite.  相似文献   

The intraerythrocytic asexual cycle of the malarial parasite is complex and atypical: during schizogony the parasite undergoes multiple rounds of DNA replication and asynchronous nuclear division without cytokinesis. This cell cycle deviates from the classical eukaryotic cell cycle model where, 'DNA replicates only once per cell cycle'. A clear understanding of the molecular switches that control this unusual developmental cycle would be of great interest, both in terms of fundamental Plasmodium biology and in terms of novel potential drug target identification. In recent years considerable effort has been made to identify the malarial orthologues of the cyclin-dependent kinases, which are key regulators of the orderly progression of the eukaryotic cell cycle. This review focuses on the current state-of-knowledge of Plasmodium falciparum cyclin-dependent kinase-like kinases and their regulators.  相似文献   

The genotypes of merozoite surface protein-1, merozoite surface protein-2 and glutamine rich protein are frequently used to distinguish recrudescence from reinfection when parasitaemia reappears after antimalarial drug treatment. However, none of the previous reports has clearly assessed the change of genetic diversity following drug treatment. In the present study, we have assessed the impact of pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine and chlorproguanil/dapsone on the genetic diversity of isolates and the multiplicity of infection in patient isolates from Kilifi, Kenya. We have analysed the length polymorphism of merozoite surface protein-1, merozoite surface protein-2 and glutamine rich protein and the data clearly show that treatment with pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine and chlorproguanil/dapsone did not change the multiplicity of infection found in patients, in contrast to the selection that these drugs exert on the genes encoded by the target enzymes. In addition, we report that children of less than 2 years tend to have fewer numbers of clones per isolate when compared with older children. Overall, this study shows that the selection for genes that confer drug resistance is not a factor in reducing the genetic diversity of parasite clones in a patient.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, is totally dependent on de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. A gene encoding P. falciparum dihydroorotase (pfDHOase) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as monofunctional enzyme. PfDHOase revealed a molecular mass of 42 kDa. In gel filtration chromatography, the major enzyme activity eluted at 40 kDa, indicating that it functions in a monomeric form. This was similarly observed using the native enzyme purified from P. falciparum. Interestingly, kinetic parameters of the enzyme and inhibitory effect by orotate and its 5-substituted derivatives parallel that found in mammalian type I DHOase. Thus, the malarial enzyme shares characteristics of both type I and type II DHOases. This study provides the monofunctional property of the parasite DHOase lending further insights into its differences from the human enzyme which forms part of a multifunctional protein.  相似文献   

The invasion of red blood cells (RBCs) is an essential event in the life cycle of all malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites; however, there are major gaps in our knowledge of this process. Here, we use video microscopy to address the kinetics of RBC invasion in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Under in vitro conditions merozoites generally recognise new target RBCs within 1 min of their release from their host RBC. Parasite entry ensues and is complete on average 27.6 s after primary contact. This period can be divided into two distinct phases. The first is an ∼11 s ‘pre-invasion’ phase that involves an often dramatic RBC deformation and recovery process. The second is the classical ‘invasion’ phase where the merozoite becomes internalised within the RBC in a ∼17 s period. After invasion, a third ‘echinocytosis’ phase commences when about 36 s after every successful invasion a dramatic dehydration-type morphology was adopted by the infected RBC. During this phase, the echinocytotic effect reached a peak over the next 23.4 s, after which the infected RBC recovered over a 5-11 min period. By then the merozoite had assumed an amoeboid-like state and was apparently free in the cytoplasm. A comparison of our data with that of an earlier study of the distantly related primate parasite Plasmodium knowlesi indicated remarkable similarities, suggesting that the kinetics of invasion are conserved across the Plasmodium genus. This study provides a morphological and kinetic framework onto which the invasion-associated physiological and molecular events can be overlaid.  相似文献   

Humans immunized by the bites of irradiated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoite-infected mosquitoes are protected against malaria. Radiation attenuates the sporozoites preventing them from fully developing and replicating in hepatocytes, but the effects of radiation on gene expression in sporozoites are unknown. We used RT-PCR (35 cycles of PCR followed by densitometry) to assess the expression of ten genes in Pf sporozoites, and in sporozoites irradiated with 15,000cGy. Irradiation reduced expression substantially (>60%) of two DNA repair genes; moderately (30-60%) of PfUIS3, the Pf orthologue of PbUIS3, a gene up-regulated in Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and of a third DNA repair gene; and minimally (<30%) of the Pf18S ribosomal RNA, PfCSP, PfSSP2/TRAP, and PfCELTOS genes. Irradiation increased expression of PfSPATR minimally. PfLSA1 RNA was not detectable in sporozoites. These results establish that radiation of sporozoites affects gene expression levels and provide the foundation for studies to identify specific genes involved in attenuation and protective immunity.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial electron transport system is necessary for growth and survival of malarial parasites in mammalian host cells. NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory complex I was demonstrated in isolated mitochondrial organelles of the human parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the mouse parasite Plasmodium berghei by using the specific inhibitor rotenone on oxygen consumption and enzyme activity. It was partially purified by two sequential steps of fast protein liquid chromatographic techniques from n-octyl glucoside solubilization of the isolated mitochondria of both parasites. In addition, physical and kinetic properties of the malarial enzymes were compared to the host mouse liver mitochondrial respiratory complex I either as intact or as partially purified forms. The malarial enzyme required both NADH and ubiquinone for maximal catalysis. Furthermore, rotenone and plumbagin (ubiquinone analog) showed strong inhibitory effect against the purified malarial enzymes and had antimalarial activity against in vitro growth of P. falciparum. Some unique properties suggest that the enzyme could be exploited as chemotherapeutic target for drug development, and it may have physiological significance in the mitochondrial metabolism of the parasite.  相似文献   

Potassium channels are essential for cell survival and regulate the cell membrane potential and electrochemical gradient. During its lifecycle, Plasmodium falciparum parasites must rapidly adapt to dramatically variant ionic conditions within the mosquito mid-gut, the hepatocyte and red blood cell (RBC) cytosols, and the human circulatory system. To probe the participation of K+ channels in parasite viability, growth response assays were performed in which asexual stage P. falciparum parasites were cultured in the presence of various Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocking compounds. These data describe the novel anti-malarial effects of bicuculline methiodide and tubocurarine chloride and the novel lack of effect of apamine and verruculogen. Taken together, the data herein imply the presence of K+ channels, or other parasite-specific targets, in P. falciparum-infected RBCs that are sensitive to blockade with Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocking compounds.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductases (DHFRs) from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) and various species of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms have a conserved tryptophan (Trp) at position 48 in the active site. The role in catalysis and binding of inhibitors of the conserved Trp48 of PfDHFR has been analysed by site-specific mutagenesis, enzyme kinetics and use of a bacterial surrogate system. All 19 mutant enzymes showed undetectable or very low specific activities, with the highest value of k(cat)/K(m) from the Tyr48 (W48Y) mutant (0.12 versus 11.94M(-1)s(-1)), of about 1% of the wild-type enzyme. The inhibition constants for pyrimethamine, cycloguanil and WR99210 of the W48Y mutants are 2.5-5.3 times those of the wild-type enzyme. All mutants, except W48Y, failed to support the growth of Escherichia coli transformed with the parasite gene in the presence of trimethoprim, indicating the loss of functional activity of the parasite enzyme. Hence, Trp48 plays a crucial role in catalysis and inhibitor binding of PfDHFR. Interestingly, W48Y with an additional mutation at Asn188Tyr (N188Y) was found to promote bacterial growth and yielded a higher amount of purified enzyme. However, the kinetic parameters of the purified W48Y+N188Y enzyme were comparable with W48Y and the binding affinities for DHFR inhibitors were also similar to the wild-type enzyme. Due to its conserved nature, Trp48 of PfDHFR is a potential site for interaction with antimalarial inhibitors which would not be compromised by its mutations.  相似文献   

The development of new effective antimalarial agents is urgently needed due to the ineffectiveness of current drug regimes on the most virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Antisense (AS) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) have shown promise as chemotherapeutic agents. Phosphorothioate AS ODNs against different regions of P. falciparum topoisomerase II gene were investigated. Chloroquine- and pyrimethamine-resistant P. falciparum K1 strain was exposed to phosphorothioate AS ODNs for 48 h and growth was determined by flow cytometric assay or by microscopic assay. Exogenous delivery of phosphorothioate AS ODNs between 0.01 and 0.5 microM significantly inhibited parasite growth compared with sense sequence controls suggesting sequence specific inhibition. This inhibition was shown to occur during maturation stages, with optimal inhibition being detected after 36 h. These results should prove useful in future designs of novel antimalarial agents.  相似文献   

Tryptophan-threonine-rich antigen (TryThrA) is a Plasmodium falciparum homologue of Plasmodium yoelii-infected erythrocyte membrane pypAg-1 antigen. pypAg-1 binds to the surface of uninfected mouse erythrocytes and has been used successfully in vaccine studies. The two antigens are characterized by an unusual tryptophan-rich domain, suggesting similar biological properties. Using synthetic peptides spanning the TryThrA sequence and human erythrocyte we have done binding assays to identify possible TryThrA functional regions. We describe four peptides outside the tryptophan-rich domain having high activity binding to normal human erythrocytes. The peptides termed HABPs (high activity binding peptides) are 30884 ((61)LKEKKKKVLEFFENLVLNKKY(80)) located at the N-terminal and 30901 ((401)RKSLEQQFGDNMDKMNKLKKY(420)), 30902 ((421)KKILKFFPLFNYKSDLESIM(440)) and 30913 ((641)DLESTAEQKAEKKGGKAKAKY(660)) located at the C-terminal. Studies with polyclonal goat antiserum against synthetic peptides chosen to represent the whole length of the protein showed that TryThrA has fluorescence pattern similar to PypAg-1 of P. yoelii. All HABPs inhibited merozoite in vitro invasion, suggesting that TryThrA protein may be participating in merozoite-erythrocyte interaction during invasion.  相似文献   

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is known to have numerous pharmacological properties. In the present study, we have shown that EGCG inhibits enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfENR) by following a two-step, slow, tight-binding inhibition mechanism. The association/isomerization rate constant (k5) of the reversible and loose PfENR-EGCG binary complex to a tight [PfENR-EGCG] or EI complex was calculated to be 4.0 × 10−2 s−1. The low dissociation rate constant (k6) of the [PfENR-EGCG] complex confirms the tight-binding nature of EGCG. EGCG inhibited PfENR with the overall inhibition constant (Ki) of 7.0 ± 0.8 nM. Further, we also studied the effect of triclosan on the inhibitory activity of EGCG. Triclosan lowered the k6 of the EI∗ complex by 100 times, lowering the overall Ki of EGCG to 97.5 ± 12.5 pM. The results support EGCG as a promising candidate for the development of tea catechin based antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

The exoerythrocytic stage of Plasmodium falciparum has remained a difficult phase of the parasite life-cycle to study. The host and tissue specificity of the parasite requires the experimental infection of humans or non-human primates and subsequent surgical recovery of parasite-infected liver tissue to analyze this stage of the parasites development. This type of study is impossible in humans due to obvious ethical considerations and the cost and complexity in working with primate models has precluded their use for extensive studies of the exoerythrocytic stage. In this study we assessed, for the first time, the use of transgenic, chimeric mice containing functioning human hepatocytes as an alternative for modeling the in vivo interaction of P. falciparum parasites and human hepatocytes. Infection of these mice with P. falciparum sporozoites produced morphologically and antigenically mature liver stage schizonts containing merozoites capable of invading human red blood cells. Additionally, using microdissection, highly enriched P. falciparum liver stage parasites essentially free of hepatocyte contamination, were recovered for molecular studies. Our results establish a stable murine model for P. falciparum that will have a wide utility for assessing the biology of the parasite, potential anti-malarial chemotherapeutic agents and vaccine design.  相似文献   

Increase in drug detoxification and alteration of drug uptake and efflux of Plasmodium falciparum were investigated for their possible association with mefloquine (MQ) resistance in five different clones of P. falciparum from Thailand (T994b3, K1CB2, PR70CB1, PR71CB2 and TM4CB8-2.2.3). Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) values from these five clones varied between 30- and 50-fold. Regarding the detoxification mechanism, the ability of P. falciparum clones to biotransform MQ was shown in vitro by parasite microsomal protein prepared from parasite infected red blood cells protein (30 μg), NADPH (1 nM) and phosphate buffer pH 7.4, carried out at 37 °C with agitation. Radiolabelled unmetabolized MQ and possible metabolite(s) generated from the reaction was extracted into ethylacetate and separated by radiometric-HPLC after 1 h. All clones were capable of converting MQ into carboxymefloquine (CMQ), which is the main metabolite in human plasma. In addition, another unidentified metabolite eluted at 4.2 min on the chromatograph could be detected from the incubation reaction. This metabolite has never been detected in human liver microsomes before. There was no significant difference in the percentages of CMQ formed in the resistant (T994b3, PR70CB1, PR71CB2) and sensitive (TM4CB8-2.2.3, K1CB2) clones. Another possible mechanism, i.e., alteration in the accumulation of MQ in the parasites was investigated in vitro using [14C]MQ as a tracer. The time courses of [14C]MQ uptake and efflux were generally characterized by two phases. A trend of increased efflux of [14C]MQ was observed in the resistant compared with sensitive clones.  相似文献   

Inferring the origin and dispersal of the chloroquine-resistant (CQR) malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is of academic and public health importance. The Pfcrt gene of P. falciparum is widely known as the CQR gene and two major haplotypes of this gene (CVIET and SVMNT) occur widely across CQR-endemic regions of the globe. In India, studies to date of the Pfcrt gene have indicated the widespread prevalence of the SVMNT haplotype (prevalent in the South America and Papua New Guinea), whereas the CVIET haplotype, primarily found in southeast Asia, was not detected at a high frequency in India. This distribution pattern of the two most common CQR-Pfcrt haplotypes in India is quite surprising. Thus, in order to understand probable evolutionary and migration patterns of the CQR-Pfcrt haplotypes into India, we generated new sequence data of exon 2 of the Pfcrt gene and collected published information on the CQR-Pfcrt haplotype data from India, Papua New Guinea, southeast Asia and South America, and performed several population and evolutionary genetic analyses. Among several interesting findings, statistically significant longitudinal clines for the CVIET and SVMNT haplotypes (in opposite directions) in India, and the clustering of India and Papua New Guinea under the SVMNT-specific clade in the phylogenetic tree, are the two most remarkable aspects of the data. It also appears that both the SVMNT and CVIET haplotypes in India have migrated from southeast Asia. In particular, whereas the Indian CVIET haplotype has a southeast Asian origin, the SVMNT haplotype, prevalent in India, seems to have originated in Papua New Guinea and entered India through southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing has revealed the existence of a second gene for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a key factor in a variety of DNA metabolic events. The alternate copy of PCNA (PfPCNA2) shows only 23% identity to an earlier reported P. falciparum PCNA homologue (PfPCNA1). Our analysis indicated structural conservation of PfPCNA2 compared to eukaryotic PCNAs. PfPCNA1 and 2 polypeptides showed differential expression in the intraerythrocytic cell cycle of the malaria parasite. PfPCNA1 expression slowly increases about threefold from the ring to the late schizont stage. In contrast PfPCNA2 showed robust expression in trophozoites and early schizonts with a sudden drop in expression in the late schizont stage, suggesting that the two PfPCNAs may function under different physiological conditions. Chemical cross-linking indicated the presence of a trimeric PfPCNA2 protein, indicating the possible existence of a functional ring-like PfPCNA2 structure.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the origin recognition complex (ORC) is essential for the initiation of DNA replication. The largest subunit of this complex (ORC1) has a regulatory role in origin activation. Here we report the cloning and functional characterization of Plasmodium falciparum ORC1 homolog. Using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we show here that PfORC1 is expressed in the nucleus during the late trophozoite and schizont stages where maximum amount of DNA replication takes place. Homology modelling of the carboxy terminal region of PfORC1 (781-1033) using Saccharomyces pombe Cdc6/Cdc18 homolog as a template reveals the presence of a similar AAA+ type nucleotide-binding fold. This region shows ATPase activity in vitro that is important for the origin activity. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of an individual ORC subunit that shows ATPase activity. These observations strongly suggest that PfORC1 might be involved in DNA replication initiation during the blood stage of the parasitic life cycle.  相似文献   

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