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苍鹭营巢习性的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高欣  刘明玉 《四川动物》2002,21(2):96-97
2000年3-4月在辽宁省凌源市对苍鹭的营巢习性进行观察表明:苍鹭在营巢过程中雄性外出取材,雌性筑巢,营巢期6-9天;雄性取材次数随着营巢天数的增加而增多,每日取材次数有两个高峰期,即上午7-9时、下午3-5时;巢平均值为外径50cm,内径29.2cm,巢高24cm,巢深11cm,巢材主要为树木枯枝。  相似文献   

朱鹮的营巢、产卵、孵化和育雏   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
系统地总结了 1981~ 2 0 0 0年朱筑巢、产卵、孵化和育雏的情况 ,对朱的繁殖情况进行了全面的评价。在此期间 ,朱野生群体共计营巢 12 3窝 ,产卵 3 63枚 ,出壳 2 76只 ,离巢出飞幼鸟 2 16只。朱的平均窝卵数为 3 0 4枚 ,窝卵数在年际间无显著差异 ,孵化期为 2 8天 ,育雏期为 4 0~ 4 5天。在孵化过程中朱的每日晾卵次数和时间逐渐增加 ,在育幼过程中亲鸟的喂食量在育雏中期最多 ,雌雄亲鸟对后代的贡献没有显著差异。近年来朱营巢地的海拔高度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

朱Xuan的营巢、产卵、孵化和育雏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地总结了1981-200年朱Xuan筑巢、产卵、孵化和育雏的情况,对朱Xuan的繁殖情况进行了全面的评价。在此期间,朱Xuan野生群体共计营巢123窝,产卵363枚,出壳276只,离巢出飞幼鸟216只。朱Xuan的平均窝卵数为3.04枚,窝卵数在年际间无显著差异,孵化期为28天,育雏期为40-45天。在孵化过程中朱Xuan的每日晾卵次数和时间逐渐增加,在育幼过程中亲鸟的喂食量在育雏中期最多,雌雄亲鸟对后代的贡献没有显著差异。近年来朱Xuan营巢地的海拔高度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

1986年5、6月间在扎龙保护区内,采取移卵、移换雏鸟,移换鸟巢等方法在苍鹭与草鹭之间进行的移巢易亲的研究结果报告。这个实验对鹭属形态与生态习性相近的两个种间移巢易亲后,义亲的产卵孵化、育雏等行为以及义子卵的孵化、雏鸟生长发育等根据实验结果做了客观分析、并对实验中7只雏鸟(2只苍鹭、5只草鹭)做了环志,为进一步研究这两种鹭的迁徙行为研究提供一些可能有用的线索。  相似文献   

自1993年以来,对戴胜的繁殖习性进行了观察。戴胜在新疆维吾尔自治区为夏候鸟,常以榆树洞为巢,5月初产卵,窜卵数5 ̄7枚,孵化期16 ̄18天,育雏期24 ̄26天,主食昆虫。  相似文献   

虎纹伯劳 (Laniustigrinus)俗称“嘎嘎儿” ,在青岛地区为夏候鸟。我们于 1 985~ 1 999年在青岛市自来水公司中韩水源地、青岛市的老鸦岭及青岛市动物园等地对其繁殖过程、迁徙季节作了观察 ,结果如下。1 迁徙和栖息环境虎纹伯劳每年 5月中旬迁来当地。多为成对迁来 ,偶见单个到达。于 1 0月中旬南迁 ,最晚迁走时间1 0月 1 4日。在当地居留时间 1 50天左右。南迁时多集小群 ,以 6~ 8只居多 ,并在沿海林地做短时间的栖息 ,补充一定的食物后再迁徙。繁殖场所多为丘陵及低海拔的阔叶林和混交林地。主要树种有刺槐 (Robin…  相似文献   

绿鹭的繁殖习性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年4-9月在合肥市对绿鹭(Butorides striatus)的繁殖习性进行了观察。绿鹭营巢生境主要选择在建筑物附近的高大阔叶树上,常一树一巢,未见与其他鹭类混群营巢。每巢产3-5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率62.5%。育雏期雏鸟主要食物为小型鱼类。在4所大学校园及1处公园统计到有效巢56个,推算绿鹭224只。绿鹭在合肥繁殖属首次记录。  相似文献   

红螯螯虾繁殖习性的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
对红螯螯虾的繁殖习性进行了较为详细地描述。性成熟的雌虾通常经过生殖蜕皮后交配、产卵,受精卵粘附于腹肢的刚毛上;在水温28℃左右的条件下,幼体孵出的约需39天,性成熟雌虾能多次产卵。  相似文献   

2011年6月10~24日,在北京松山自然保护区采用全日观察法,对在游览道路旁的人工巢箱内繁殖的1对白眉姬鹟的育雏行为及其栖息地环境条件进行了系统观察与数据采集.结果显示育雏前期和后期雌雄鸟日喂食次数及各时段雌雄鸟进出巢的平均次数均有一定差异,白眉姬鹟在育雏过程中雌鸟喂食次数随雏鸟生长而增加,雄鸟则无明显变化.游客及人为干扰对雌雄鸟出入巢穴均有一定影响,雌鸟较之雄鸟更为胆怯和谨慎.表明白眉姬鹟雌雄鸟在育雏中的行为存在分工和差异.  相似文献   

2001年5~7月,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区对暗绿柳莺Phylloscopus trochiloides的孵卵行为进行了初步研究.结果 表明,孵化期内雌鸟日活动期长度平均为(848.5±14.8) min (n=17),每天离巢(16.0±3.0)次(n=15),每次离巢时间为(12.3±5.0) min (n=251),每次在巢时间为(43.6±21.9) min (n=236),在巢率为(78.8±2.4)%.雌鸟在巢时卵温平均为(31.3±3.5)℃ (n=10646),离巢时卵温平均为(26.6±4.8)℃ (n=2876);夜晚的平均卵温为(30.6±3.5)℃ (n=9239).孵卵温度在孵卵期有逐渐上升的趋势.  相似文献   

灵长类婴幼儿断奶是个体生命的重要过程,即标志着婴幼猴能独立获取营养,也体现雌性繁殖调控和特定环境下物种断奶行为的适应机制.为了解滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)婴幼猴断奶过程及影响因素,于2008年5月至2010年4月,以云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山滇金丝猴种群为研究对象,采用10 min间隔的瞬时扫描取...  相似文献   

Parent–offspring conflict over the supply of parental care results in offspring attempting to exert control using begging behaviours and parents attempting to exert control by manipulating brood sizes and hatching patterns. The peak load reduction hypothesis proposes that parents can exert control via hatching asynchrony, as the level of competition amongst siblings is determined by their age differences and not by their growth rates. Theoretically, this benefits the parents by reducing both the peak load of the offspring's demand and their overall demand for food and benefits the offspring by reducing the amplification of their competition. However, the peak load reduction hypothesis has only received mixed support. Here, we describe an experiment where we manipulated the hatching patterns of domesticated zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata broods and quantified patterns of nestling begging and parental feeding effort. There was no difference in the begging intensity of nestlings raised in asynchronous or experimentally synchronous broods, yet parental feeding effort was lower when provisioning asynchronous broods and particularly so when levels of nestling begging were low. Further, both parents acted in unison, as there was no evidence of parentally biased favouritism in relation to hatching pattern. Therefore, our study provided empirical support for the prediction that hatching asynchrony reduces the feeding effort of parents, thereby providing empirical support for the peak load reduction hypothesis.  相似文献   

2007年4~6月对红翅薮鹛滇西亚种卵进行了人工孵化试验.入孵10枚, 受精9枚,受精率为90%; 出雏4羽, 孵化率为44%; 孵化温度为37.7℃, 相对湿度为45%~60%; 平均孵化期为15 d; 平均卵失重为0.91 g,平均失重率为19.43%; 孵化期卵的实际重量(y)与卵孵化期天数(x)的直线回归方程是y=4.792-0.054x (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Changes in adult body mass during breeding can reveal how parents prepare energetically for care, the stress of care, and the need to terminate care in a state conducive for future reproduction. Interpreting changes in parent mass can be difficult, however, because temporal variation in body mass may reflect a constraint imposed by the stress of care, revealing conflict within the family, or a shift to a new body mass optimum adaptive for a different stage of the breeding cycle. Here, we examined the effect of food deprivation and parenting on variation in female body mass of Nicrophorus orbicollis, an insect in which parents and offspring share a common food resource (a prepared carrion ball). Female parents demonstrated a remarkable degree of regulation of body mass: Despite varied periods of food deprivation (0–8 d) prior to discovery of a carcass, females attained a similar body mass (108.3–109.2% of pre‐deprivation mass) at the time of larval hatching. Females attained a greater body mass in anticipation of rearing a greater number of young. Mothers lost mass during active parental care, and mass at the end of caregiving was less in mothers that reared more and heavier young. Body mass at the end of care was less than the preferred mass for females searching for a carcass, indicating that the mothers sacrificed self‐maintenance and future reproductive potential for their current brood. Contrary to prediction, pre‐breeding food deprivation had no effect on offspring size or on female condition at the end of care. We conclude that there is a limited degree of conflict over the sharing of food among N. orbicollis parents and offspring, but that this conflict is not exacerbated by food deprivation prior to breeding.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology of the crosshatch triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento (Balistidae) was studied at Hachijojima, Izu Islands, Japan. Males established territories and repeatedly chased females passing nearby. There were 1–3 females in each male's territory before spawning and during egg care. This species spawned in pairs on the sandy bottom. Eggs were scattered and attached to sand particles. Females care for the eggs by blowing water on them and guarding them against intruders, while males helped in guarding. Thus, biparental egg care was observed for 2 days until hatching. Both the males and females disappeared from the territories after the egg care. The reproductive ecology of this species is compared with that of other balistids and the unique features of X. mento are described.  相似文献   

Parental care and sexual selection are highly interrelated. Understanding the evolution of sex‐specific patterns of parental care and sexual selection is a major focus of current evolutionary ecology research and requires empirical studies that simultaneously quantify components of both parental care and sexual selection in a single species. In this study, we quantify the dynamics of paternal care and sexual selection in the giant water bug Belostoma lutarium. Specifically, we examined (1) which sex potentially experiences sexual selection, (2) which traits, if any, are associated with attaining a mate by males and/or females (i.e. which traits are potentially under selection), and (3) which male and female traits, if any, relate to paternal care and offspring survival. Our findings suggest that (1) males are likely the choosier sex and that heavier females are more likely to mate than smaller females, (2) that female body weight is under selection if female weight is a trait that is stable within a given individual and (3) body size is sexually dimorphic, with females being the larger sex in this species. There was no evidence of male or female traits being linked to offspring survival in this species, although this is potentially due to the lack of egg predators in our study. We discuss our findings in relation to the evolution of sex roles and future avenues of research in this species.  相似文献   

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