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Virulence surveys of Swedish Bremia lactucae populations confirmed that the virulence factors vl to v12 were present in high or very high frequencies. Virulence associated with recently defined new resistance genes was also present. Laboratory tests of lettuce cultivars and Lactuca accessions using different Bremia isolates and field tests with natural inoculum showed that previously undetected virulence factors were present. Due to a lack of highly effective genes for specific resistance and the frequent sexual recombination of virulence genes it is suggested that any future breeding programmes concentrate on non-specific resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The host-pathogen interaction between lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) is mainly differential and the resistance so far utilized in the host is vertical. As in many other obligate parasites, the introduction of cultivars with new vertical resistance has exerted a strong selection pressure on the pathogen resulting in significant changes in virulence frequencies and in the establishment of races with new combinations of virulence. Genetic diversity in pathogen populations may arise through mutation and gene flow, and new virulence genotypes may then be established through parasexuality and sexual recombination. In Swedish populations of Bremia lactucae, the pattern of variation in the parasite agrees well with that which might be expected in a diploid, outcrossing organism with frequent sexual reproduction. This is supported by: two or more isolates, different in virulence and mating type, may occur together on the same lettuce leaf; zygotes (oospores) are formed in all populations investigated and the frequency varies from 22% to 98%; oospores germinate rather frequently under suitable conditions. To breed for resistance in dynamic host-pathogen systems such as this one is difficult and the program should preferably be based on race-non-specific resistance.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1990,14(4):299-309
The size and organization of the genome of Bremia lactucae, a highly specialized fungal pathogen of lettuce, has been characterized using dot blot genomic reconstructions, reverse genomic blots, and genomic DNA reassociation kinetics. The haploid genome contains 5 × 107 bp of DNA and 65% of the nuclear DNA is repeated. Low copy sequences are interspersed with repeated sequences in a short-period interspersion pattern. This pattern of genome organization is different to that described for other fungi. Although most fungi have been shown to contain some form of repetitive DNA other than the ribosomal repeat, the high percentage of repetitive DNA and the interspersion of low copy and repeated sequences are atypical of fungi characterized previously.  相似文献   

Specificity of interactions between eight Lactuca species and 8 Bremia lactucae isolates was studied in seedlings and adult plants of 36 Lactuca accessions plus one L. serriola × L. sativa hybrid. Pathogenicity of the isolates and/or plant susceptibility was expressed by sporulation intensity. A highly compatible relationship was observed in all of L. serriola accession/isolate interactions tested. A differential reaction was found in numerous cases testifying to physiological specialization of the pathogen in a wild pathosystem. Nonspecific nondifferential compatibility (quantitative resistance) can be expected in L. serriola PI 281876. Age dependent resistance (seedlings versus adult plants, and vice versa) and heterogeneity of reactions were also recorded. The comparisonof B. lactucae isolates from L. sativa and L. serriola has shown a significant shift of pathogenicity in favour of L. serriola accessions. A high level of resistance was found in the L. serriola × L. sativa hybrid. The existence of basic incompatibility can be expected in L. saligna and L. virosa as well as in such taxonomically remote species as L. viminea, L. squarrosa and L. biennis. Other taxonomically remote species, i.e. L. dentata and L. alpina, exhibited a compatible reaction, although the reaction of the former was differential. A high level of sporulation was recorded in all accession/isolate interactions of L. alpina.  相似文献   

We report the distribution and disease level of downy mildew on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and virulence variation in populations of its causal agent (Bremia lactucae) in the Czech Republic during the period 1999–2011. Disease incidence was not high; among a total of 92 different localities surveyed, 43.4% of them were infected by lettuce downy mildew at least once during the whole period. However, among individual years, differences were found in disease incidence that ranged from 4.8% (2009) to 66.7% (2004). A total of 128 isolates of B. lactucae collected from infected leaf samples in 35 different localities during the surveying period were included in the virulence analysis. Virulence was examined on a set of 19 differential genotypes of Lactuca sativa and Lactuca serriola (EU‐A test set). Isolates exhibited quite a broad variation in virulence to individual Lactuca differential genotypes. Eighteen of 19 virulence factors (v‐factors) tested were present in the samples. The most frequently detected factors were v1–4, v5/8, v6, v7, v10–14, v16, v36 and v38; factor v17 was not found. The most pronounced temporal shift was recorded for factors v36 and v38 whose frequency increased during the studied period. V‐factors 15, 17, 18 and 37 were present in low frequencies in a pathogen population, and their corresponding gene (Dm15) or resistance factors (R17, R18 and R37) may have the best potential for resistance breeding in the Czech Republic. Broad diversity of v‐phenotypes (63 different ones) was identified during the study period. The numbers of v‐factors per v‐phenotype (resp. isolate) varied within a range of 5–15. Within the 128 analysed isolates, only 9 v‐phenotypes were recorded repeatedly (three or more times). Possible reasons of recorded virulence variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Anagnostakis SL 《Genetics》1982,102(1):25-28
The loci cre, met and ts segregate independently in Endothia parasitica. The phenotype brown (br) seems to be determined by an allele at or very near the cre locus. The vegetative compatibility types (v-c) 5 and 39 are determined by different alleles at a locus that is not linked to cre, met or ts. Analysis of two crosses of v-c 5 strains by v-c 10 strains provides evidence that these two v-c groups are different at 5 or more v-c loci.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of specific resistance was studied in F2 populations which segregated for either one or two resistance genes. The resistance factors 1, 11 and 14 which had not previously been characterized genetically segregated as single dominant genes (Dm). Resistance was determined by three linkage groups; R 1/14, 2, 3, and 6 in the first, R 5/8, and 10 in the second and R 4, 7 and 11 in the third. Cultivars of lettuce commonly used in the differential series to detect virulence to R3 and R10, were demonstrated to carry two tightly linked resistance genes. Implications of this linkage arrangement to the manipulation and characterization of these resistance genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Callus cultures derived from isogenic lines of the tomato cultivars Moneymaker and Craigella, resistant or susceptible to F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, were inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1. Fungal growth was restricted on callus derived from resistant plants, after inoculation with a conidial suspension, whereas callus derived from susceptible plants was totally overgrown by the fungus within 7 days. The concentration of the phytoalexin rishitin was significantly higher in the callus culture derived from a resistant tomato line compared with the callus culture from a susceptible line, 2 and 3 days after inoculation with mycelium. The results of the experiments were compared with experiments with whole plants. Rishitin production as well as growth of the fungus was comparable with responses in plant-fungus interaction. Therefore callus culture may be useful in studying the interaction between tomato plants and race 1 of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.  相似文献   

Although aphids are worldwide crop pests, little is known about aphid effector genes underlying virulence and avirulence. Here we show that controlling the genetics of both aphid and host can reveal novel recombinant genotypes with previously undetected allelic variation in both virulence and avirulence functions. Clonal F1 progeny populations were derived from reciprocal crosses and self-matings between two parental genotypes of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) differing in virulence on a Medicago truncatula host carrying the RAP1 and RAP2 resistance genes. These populations showed Mendelian segregation consistent with aphid performance being controlled largely by a dominant virulence allele derived from only one parent. Altered segregation ratios on near-isogenic host genotypes differing in the region carrying RAP1 were indicative of additional heritable functions likely related to avirulence genes originating from both parents. Unexpectedly, some virulent F1 progeny were recovered from selfing of an avirulent parent, suggesting a reservoir of cryptic alleles. Host chlorosis was associated with virulence, whereas necrotic hypersensitive-like response was not. No maternal inheritance was found for any of these characteristics, ruling out sex-linked, cytoplasmic, and endosymbiotic factors. Our results demonstrate the tractability of dissecting the genetic basis of pest-host resistance mechanisms and indicate that the annual sexual cycle in aphids may lead to frequent novel genotypes with both increased and decreased virulence. Availability of genomes for both pest and host can facilitate definition of cognate gene-for-gene relationships, potentially leading to selection of crop genotypes with multiple resistance traits.  相似文献   

Laboratory methods are described for the culture and observation of Bremia lactucae on lettuce. Mycelial growth of the fungus within the cotyledons of the cultivar Cheshunt Early Giant progressed to a minimum density at which sporulation occurred, and then continued to a maximum density coinciding with peak sporulation. The timing and intensity of sporulation was influenced by the concentration of the inoculum. Seedlings often became systemically infected and this, together with intensity of sporulation, was a good indicator of fungal growth and hence host susceptibility. The severity of disease development on four susceptible lettuce cultivars (Cheshunt Early Giant, Paris White, Trocadero Improved and Crackling Ice) decreased with age and development of the seedlings at inoculation. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of resistance to Bremia lactucae determined by the resistance genes Dm5/8 and Dm7 in lettuce was examined; incompatibility involved the hypersensitive reaction (HR) which occurred only within penetrated cells at early and late stages of fungal development, respectively. Autofluorescence observed under UV and blue light excitation in cells undergoing the HR was associated with the accumulation of ester-linked syringaldehyde and caffeic acid on plant cell walls. Two phases of phenolic deposition were identified. The first was highly localized around penetration points and occurred during incompatible and compatible interactions. The second and major phase was only activated after the occurrence of irreversible membrane damage in the penetrated cell and was reduced by inhibitors of mRNA synthesis. Fungal structures, primary and secondary vesicles, intercellular hyphae and haustoria also became autofluorescent during incompatible interactions. Changes in the fluorescence due to preformed phenolics located in the plant cell vacuole were found just before plasma membrane damage became irreversible during the HR. In addition to localized deposition of phenolics, increases in the concentrations of the major free phenolic esters identified as dicaffeoyl tartaric and chlorogenic acids also occurred during incompatible interactions. The results suggest that membrane damage in penetrated cells occurs at different rates in resistance controlled by Dm5/8 and Dm7 and indicate an important role for irreversible membrane damage in lettuce as a key signalling event leading to widespread activation of defence responses in surrounding cells.  相似文献   

The genetic map of Bremia lactucae was expanded utilizing 97 F(1) progeny derived from a cross between Finnish and Californian isolates (SF5xC82P24). Genetic maps were constructed for each parent utilizing 7 avirulence genes, 83 RFLP markers, and 347 AFLP markers, and a consensus map was constructed from the complete data set. The framework map for SF5 contained 24 linkage groups distributed over 835cM; the map for C82P24 contained 21 linkage groups distributed over 606cM. The consensus map contained 12 linkage groups with markers from both parents and 24 parent-specific groups. Six avirulence genes mapped to different linkage groups; four were located at the ends of linkage groups. The closest linkages between molecular markers and avirulence genes were 3cM to Avr4 and 1cM to Avr7. Mating type seemed to be determined by a single locus, where the heterozygote determined the B(2) type and the homozygous recessive genotype determined the B(1) type.  相似文献   

The association between variation for pre-infection peroxidase activity and levels of field resistance-susceptibility to downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) was investigated in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cultivars, accessions of L. serriola (prickly lettuce), segregating F2 populations and selected F3 families from a cross between field resistant and susceptible lettuce cultivars. A trend was apparent in this series of experiments indicating that one component of field resistance could be related to a high level of peroxidase activity prior to infection. The data suggest that in breeding programmes there could be merit in imposing primary selection for high peroxidase activity prior to field selection for resistance.  相似文献   

In total, seventy two Lactuca aculeata and three Lactuca serriola samples originating from natural populations of these species in Turkey, Jordan, and Israel were analysed by eight microsatellite and 287 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Neighbor–Network and Bayesian clustering were used for visualisation of the differences among the analysed L. aculeata and L. serriola samples, and to confirm hybrid origin (L. aculeata × L. serriola) of three samples (343-8A, 343-8B, 54/07) previously indicated by their morphological traits. Molecular data reflect the geographical origin, i.e., the clustering of samples according to their country of origin. Samples from neighbouring parts of Jordan and Israel expressed similar genetic characteristics, indicating the possibility of migration or artificial introduction of plant material. Forty-one L. aculeata samples were screened for their response to five Bremia lactucae races (Bl: 17, Bl: 18, Bl: 24, Bl: 27, and Bl: 28). Susceptible reactions of L. aculeata prevailed. L. aculeata samples were most frequently susceptible to races Bl: 18, Bl: 24, Bl: 27, Bl: 28; and least susceptible to Bl: 17. No highly efficient source of resistance was detected; however, race-specific reaction patterns were frequently recorded, indicating the possible presence of some race-specific resistance factors/genes in the studied samples of L. aculeata. Conservation and exploitation of this material in lettuce breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

SKIDMORE, D. I. & INGRAM, D. S., 1985. Conidial morphology and the specialization of Bremia lactucae Regel (Peronosporaceae) on hosts in the family Compositae . Conidia of Bremia lactucae were collected from Lactuca saliva, Sonchus oleraceus, S. asper, Senecio vulgaris, S. bicolor subsp. cineraria, Cirsium arvense, Centaurea nigra and Picris hieracioides , from a wide distribution in the British Isles. There were no consistent differences between isolates taken from the different hosts in the lengths, breadths or length: breadth ratios of the conidia, the lengths of the conidiophores or the numbers of sterigmata per conidiophorc branch. Therefore, as there are no significant morphological differences between the isolates of Bremia lactucae from these hosts, the pathogen is classified upon host specialization. A review is presented of cross-infection studies in which isolates of B. lactucae had been inoculated on to a range of species of Compositae. On the basis of these investigations it is recommended that the term 'formae speciales' is used to denote host specialization of isolates within the species Bremia lactucae .  相似文献   

The results of the first detailed screening of a resistance to Bremia lactucae in naturally growing populations of Lactuca saligna are presented here. In total, 146 accessions from 25 populations of L. saligna originating in Israel (N = 136), France (N = 8), Jordan (N = 1) and Turkey (N = 1) were tested at seedling stage for their resistance to 10 highly virulent isolates (races) of B. lactucae from Lactuca sativa (DEG2, Bl:5, Bl:15, Bl:16, Bl:17, Bl:18, Bl:21, Bl:22, Bl:24 and Bl:25). Our study strongly supports the suggestion that L. saligna is indeed generally highly resistant to B. lactucae. However, our results provide evidence that at least at a seedling stage L. saligna may not be a non‐host plant for B. lactucae, as was hypothesised for approximately the last 30 years. Some accessions expressed a differential (i.e. race‐specific) response, which accords with other recently published data for this Lactuca species. Furthermore, some geographical differences in race‐specific resistance were observed, too. Tests performed at an adult‐plant stage, however, did not prove race‐specificity of the respective accessions. To summarise, what is behind the race‐specific character of the responses observed at a seedling stage is still uncertain, as is its comparability with the race‐specific resistance of some other Lactuca species such as L. sativa or L. serriola. The presence of plant stage‐dependent resistance, governed by a combined effect of different quantitative trait loci in young and adult plants of L. saligna, is discussed.  相似文献   

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