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Type IV fimbriae are essential virulence factors of Dichelobacter nodosus, the principal causative agent of ovine foot rot. The fimA fimbrial subunit gene is required for virulence, but fimA mutants exhibit several phenotypic changes and it is not certain if the effects on virulence result from the loss of type IV fimbria-mediated twitching motility, cell adherence, or reduced protease secretion. We showed that mutation of either the pilT or pilU gene eliminated the ability to carry out twitching motility. However, the pilT mutants displayed decreased adhesion to epithelial cells and reduced protease secretion, whereas the pilU mutants had wild-type levels of extracellular protease secretion and adherence. These data provided evidence that PilT is required for the type IV fimbria-dependent protease secretion pathway in D. nodosus. It was postulated that sufficient fimbrial retraction must occur in the pilU mutants to allow protease secretion, but not twitching motility, to take place. Although no cell movement was detected in a pilU mutant of D. nodosus, aberrant motion was detected in an equivalent mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These observations explain how in D. nodosus protease secretion can occur in a pilU mutant but not in a pilT mutant. In addition, virulence studies with sheep showed that both the pilT and pilU mutants were avirulent, providing evidence that mutation of the type IV fimbrial system affects virulence by eliminating twitching motility, not by altering cell adherence or protease secretion.  相似文献   

Dichelobacter nodosus is the essential causative agent of footrot in sheep. The major D. nodosus-encoded virulence factors that have been implicated in the disease are type IV fimbriae and extracellular proteases. To examine the role of the fimbriae in virulence, allelic exchange was used to insertionally inactivate the fimA gene, which encodes the fimbrial subunit protein, from the virulent type G D. nodosus strain VCS1703A. Detailed analysis of two independently derived fimA mutants revealed that they no longer produced the fimbrial subunit protein or intact fimbriae and did not exhibit twitching motility. In addition, these mutants were no longer capable of undergoing natural transformation and did not secrete wild-type levels of extracellular proteases. These effects were not due to polar effects on the downstream fimB gene because insertionally inactivated fimB mutants were not defective in any of these phenotypic tests. Virulence testing of the mutants in a sheep pen trial conducted under controlled environmental conditions showed that the fimA mutants were avirulent, providing evidence that the fimA gene is an essential D. nodosus virulence gene. These studies represent the first time that molecular genetics has been used to determine the role of virulence genes in this slow growing anaerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

The dorsoventral axis of the Drosophila embryo is defined by a ventral signal that arises within the perivitelline space, an extracellular compartment between the embryo plasma membrane and the vitelline membrane layer of the eggshell. Production of the ventral signal requires four members of the serine protease family, including a large modular protein with a protease domain encoded by the nudel gene. Here we provide evidence that the Nudel protease has an integral role in eggshell biogenesis. Mutations in nudel that disrupt Nudel protease function produce eggs having vitelline membranes that are abnormally permeable to the dye neutral red. Permeability varies among mutant nudel alleles but correlates with levels of Nudel protease catalytic activity and function in embryonic dorsoventral patterning. These mutations also block cross-linking of vitelline membrane proteins that normally occurs upon egg activation, just prior to fertilization. In addition, Nudel protease autoactivation temporally coincides with vitelline membrane cross-linking and can be triggered in mature eggs in vitro by conditions that lead to egg activation. We discuss how the Nudel protease might be involved in both eggshell biogenesis and embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

Genetic recombination in Helicobacter pylori is believed to be involved in host adaptation of this gastric pathogen and uptake of DNA by natural transformation can result in changes in virulence factors as well as antigenic variation. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in natural transformation we tested two genes with homology to known competence genes (dprA and traG) for their role in this process. Insertion mutants in these genes were constructed in two different H. pylori strains and their competence by natural transformation was compared to the wild-type. Mutation of the traG homolog did not reduce competence. Mutation of the dprA gene, however, severely impaired natural transformation both with plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Our data indicate that dprA and comB3 are essential parts of a common pathway for chromosomal and plasmid transformation.  相似文献   

The expression of type IV pili (Tfp) by Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been shown to be essential for natural genetic transformation at the level of sequence-specific uptake of DNA. All previously characterized mutants defective in this step of transformation either lack Tfp or are altered in the expression of Tfp-associated properties, such as twitching motility, autoagglutination and the ability to bind to human epithelial cells. To examine the basis for this relationship, we identified potential genes encoding polypeptides sharing structural similarities to PilE, the Tfp subunit, within the N. gonorrhoeae genome sequence database. We found that disruption of one such gene, designated comP (for competence-associated prepilin), leads to a severe defect in the capacity to take up DNA in a sequence-specific manner, but does not alter Tfp biogenesis or expression of the Tfp-associated properties of auto-agglutination, twitching motility and human epithelial cell adherence. Indirect evidence based on immunodetection suggests that ComP is expressed at very low levels relative to that of PilE. The process of DNA uptake in gonococci, therefore, is now known to require the expression of at least three distinct components: Tfp, the recently identified PilT protein and ComP.  相似文献   

We identified an exported protease in Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis strain IL1403 belonging to the HtrA/DegP family. Inactivation of the chromosomal gene (htrALl) encoding this protease (HtrALl) results in growth thermo-sensitivity at very high temperatures (above 37 degrees C for L. lactis). The role of htrALl in extracellular proteolysis under normal growth conditions was examined by testing the stability of different exported proteins (i.e. fusions, a heterologous pre-pro-protein or a native protein containing repeats), having different locations. In the wild-type (wt) strain, degradation products, including the C-terminal protein ends, were present in the medium, indicating that proteolysis occurs during or after export to the cell surface; in one case, degradation was nearly total. In contrast, proteolysis was totally abolished in the htrA strain for all five proteins tested, and the yield of full-length products was significantly increased. These results suggest that HtrALl is the sole extracellular protease that degrades abnormal exported proteins. In addition, our results reveal that HtrALl is needed for the pro-peptide processing of a natural pro-protein and for maturation of a native protein. We propose that in lactococci, and possibly in other Gram-positive organisms with small sized-genomes, a single surface protease, HtrA, is totally responsible for the housekeeping of exported proteins.  相似文献   

GTP is required for iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis in mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster biogenesis in mitochondria is an essential process and is conserved from yeast to humans. Several proteins with Fe-S cluster cofactors reside in mitochondria, including aconitase [4Fe-4S] and ferredoxin [2Fe-2S]. We found that mitochondria isolated from wild-type yeast contain a pool of apoaconitase and machinery capable of forming new clusters and inserting them into this endogenous apoprotein pool. These observations allowed us to develop assays to assess the role of nucleotides (GTP and ATP) in cluster biogenesis in mitochondria. We show that Fe-S cluster biogenesis in isolated mitochondria is enhanced by the addition of GTP and ATP. Hydrolysis of both GTP and ATP is necessary, and the addition of ATP cannot circumvent processes that require GTP hydrolysis. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments suggest that GTP must enter into the matrix to exert its effects on cluster biogenesis. Upon import into isolated mitochondria, purified apoferredoxin can also be used as a substrate by the Fe-S cluster machinery in a GTP-dependent manner. GTP is likely required for a common step involved in the cluster biogenesis of aconitase and ferredoxin. To our knowledge this is the first report demonstrating a role of GTP in mitochondrial Fe-S cluster biogenesis.  相似文献   

alpha-Lytic protease is a bacterial serine protease of the trypsin family that is synthesized as a 39-kD preproenzyme (Silen, J. L., C. N. McGrath, K. R. Smith, and D. A. Agard. 1988. Gene (Amst.). 69: 237-244). The 198-amino acid mature protease is secreted into the culture medium by the native host, Lysobacter enzymogenes (Whitaker, D. R. 1970. Methods Enzymol. 19:599-613). Expression experiments in Escherichia coli revealed that the 166-amino acid pro region is transiently required either in cis (Silen, J. L., D. Frank, A. Fujishige, R. Bone, and D. A. Agard. 1989. J. Bacteriol. 171:1320-1325) or in trans (Silen, J. L., and D. A. Agard. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 341:462-464) for the proper folding and extracellular accumulation of the enzyme. The maturation process is temperature sensitive in E. coli; unprocessed precursor accumulates in the cells at temperatures above 30 degrees C (Silen, J. L., D. Frank, A. Fujishige, R. Bone, and D. A. Agard. 1989. J. Bacteriol. 171:1320-1325). Here we show that full-length precursor produced at nonpermissive temperatures is tightly associated with the E. coli outer membrane. The active site mutant Ser 195----Ala (SA195), which is incapable of self-processing, also accumulates as a precursor in the outer membrane, even when expressed at permissive temperatures. When the protease domain is expressed in the absence of the pro region, the misfolded, inactive protease also cofractionates with the outer membrane. However, when the folding requirement for either wild-type or mutant protease domains is provided by expressing the pro region in trans, both are efficiently secreted into the extracellular medium. Attempts to separate folding and secretion functions by extensive deletion mutagenesis within the pro region were unsuccessful. Taken together, these results suggest that only properly folded and processed forms of alpha-lytic protease are efficiently transported to the medium.  相似文献   



The Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) DOUBLE-STRANDED RNA BINDING (DRB) protein family consists of five members, DRB1 to DRB5. The biogenesis of two developmentally important small RNA (sRNA) species, the microRNAs (miRNAs) and trans-acting small interfering RNAs (tasiRNAs) by DICER-LIKE (DCL) endonucleases requires the assistance of DRB1 and DRB4 respectively. The importance of miRNA-directed target gene expression in plant development is exemplified by the phenotypic consequence of loss of DRB1 activity (drb1 plants).

Principal Findings

Here we report that the developmental phenotype of the drb235 triple mutant plant is the result of deregulated miRNA biogenesis in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) region. The expression of DRB2, DRB3 and DRB5 in wild-type seedlings is restricted to the SAM region. Small RNA sequencing of the corresponding tissue of drb235 plants revealed altered miRNA accumulation. Approximately half of the miRNAs detected remained at levels equivalent to those of wild-type plants. However, the accumulation of the remaining miRNAs was either elevated or reduced in the triple mutant. Examination of different single and multiple drb mutants revealed a clear association between the loss of DRB2 activity and altered accumulation for both the elevated and reduced miRNA classes. Furthermore, we show that the constitutive over-expression of DRB2 outside of its wild-type expression domain can compensate for the loss of DRB1 activity in drb1 plants.


Our results suggest that in the SAM region, DRB2 is both antagonistic and synergistic to the role of DRB1 in miRNA biogenesis, adding an additional layer of gene regulatory complexity in this developmentally important tissue.  相似文献   

SmD1 is required for spliced leader RNA biogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Sm-binding site of the kinetoplastid spliced leader RNA has been implicated in accurate spliced leader RNA maturation and trans-splicing competence. In Trypanosoma brucei, RNA interference-mediated knockdown of SmD1 caused defects in spliced leader RNA maturation, displaying aberrant 3′-end formation, partial formation of cap 4, and overaccumulation in the cytoplasm; U28 pseudouridylation was unaffected.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn Gram-negative bacteria, type Va and Vc autotransporters are proteins that contain both a secreted virulence factor (the “passenger” domain) and a β-barrel that aids its export. While it is known that the folding and insertion of the β-barrel domain utilize the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex, how the passenger domain is secreted and folded across the membrane remains to be determined. The hairpin model states that passenger domain secretion occurs independently through the fully-formed and membrane-inserted β-barrel domain via a hairpin folding intermediate. In contrast, the BamA-assisted model states that the passenger domain is secreted through a hybrid of BamA, the essential subunit of the BAM complex, and the β-barrel domain of the autotransporter.MethodsTo ascertain the models' plausibility, we have used molecular dynamics to simulate passenger domain secretion for two autotransporters, EspP and YadA.ResultsWe observed that each protein's β-barrel is unable to accommodate the secreting passenger domain in a hairpin configuration without major structural distortions. Additionally, the force required for secretion through EspP's β-barrel is more than that through the BamA β-barrel.ConclusionsSecretion of autotransporters most likely occurs through an incompletely formed β-barrel domain of the autotransporter in conjunction with BamA.General significanceSecretion of virulence factors is a process used by practically all pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Understanding this process is a necessary step towards limiting their infectious capacity.  相似文献   

A bilobed structure marked by TbCentrin2 regulates Golgi duplication in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. This structure must itself duplicate during the cell cycle for Golgi inheritance to proceed normally. We show here that duplication of the bilobed structure is dependent on the single polo-like kinase (PLK) homologue in T. brucei (TbPLK). Depletion of TbPLK leads to malformed bilobed structures, which is consistent with an inhibition of duplication and an increase in the number of dispersed Golgi structures with associated endoplasmic reticulum exit sites. These data suggest that the bilobe may act as a scaffold for the controlled assembly of the duplicating Golgi.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene flow is a driving force for bacterial adaptation. Among the three distinct mechanisms of gene transfer in bacteria, conjugation, transduction, and transformation, the latter, which includes competence induction, DNA binding, and DNA uptake, is perhaps the most versatile mechanism and allows the incorporation of free DNA from diverse bacterial species. Here we review DNA transport machineries mediating uptake of naked DNA in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Different putative models of transformation machineries comprising components similar to proteins of type IV pili are presented. Emphasis is placed on a comparative discussion of the underlying mechanisms of DNA transfer in mesophilic and extremely thermophilic bacteria, highlighting conserved and distinctive features of these transformation machineries.  相似文献   

Vacuole membrane protein 1 (Vmp1) is membrane protein of unknown molecular function that has been associated with pancreatitis and cancer. The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum has a vmp1-related gene that we identified previously in a functional genomic study. Loss-of-function of this gene leads to a severe phenotype that compromises Dictyostelium growth and development. The expression of mammalian Vmp1 in a vmp1(-) Dictyostelium mutant complemented the phenotype, suggesting a functional conservation of the protein among evolutionarily distant species and highlights Dictyostelium as a valid experimental system to address the function of this gene. Dictyostelium Vmp1 is an endoplasmic reticulum protein necessary for the integrity of this organelle. Cells deficient in Vmp1 display pleiotropic defects in the secretory pathway and organelle biogenesis. The contractile vacuole, which is necessary to survive under hypoosmotic conditions, is not functional in the mutant. The structure of the Golgi apparatus, the function of the endocytic pathway and conventional protein secretion are also affected in these cells. Transmission electron microscopy of vmp1(-) cells showed the accumulation of autophagic features that suggests a role of Vmp1 in macroautophagy. In addition to these defects observed at the vegetative stage, the onset of multicellular development and early developmental gene expression are also compromised.  相似文献   

The molecular cloning and sequence analysis of four structurally variant linked genes ( omp1A,B,C,D ) that encode the major outer membrane protein of Dichelobacter nodosus strain VCS1001 are described. The isolation of rearranged copies of omp1A and omp1B , and the identification in the 5' regions of all four genes of short cross-over-site sequences that were similar to the Din family of cross-over-site sequences, suggested that site-specific DNA inversion was involved in omp1 rearrangement. Evidence for site-specific inversion of the 497 bp DNA fragment, which was located between the divergently orientated omp1A and omp1B genes, and which contained the promoter and 5t' coding sequence of omp1 , was obtained by polymerase chain reaction-mediated amplification of inverted forms of these genes. However, to account for all of the omp1 gene copies cloned in this study, a more widespread inversion phenomenon must be involved in the rearrangement of these genes and a model for multiple site-specific DNA inversions at the omp1 locus is described. In this model the four structurally variant omp1 genes can be assembled from one of four structurally variant C-terminal coding regions and a conserved N-terminal coding region and can be expressed from a single promoter. It is postulated that this genetic capability endows D. nodosus with the ability to switch the antigenic specificity of one of its major surface proteins.  相似文献   

The acrosome is a specialized organelle that covers the anterior part of the sperm nucleus and plays an essential role in the process of fertilization. The molecular mechanism underlying the biogenesis of this lysosome-related organelle (LRO) is still largely unknown. Here, we show that germ cell-specific Atg7-knockout mice were infertile due to a defect in acrosome biogenesis and displayed a phenotype similar to human globozoospermia; this reproductive defect was successfully rescued by intracytoplasmic sperm injections. Furthermore, the depletion of Atg7 in germ cells did not affect the early stages of development of germ cells, but at later stages of spermatogenesis, the proacrosomal vesicles failed to fuse into a single acrosomal vesicle during the Golgi phase, which finally resulted in irregular or nearly round-headed spermatozoa. Autophagic flux was disrupted in Atg7-depleted germ cells, finally leading to the failure of LC3 conjugation to Golgi apparatus-derived vesicles. In addition, Atg7 partially regulated another globozoospermia-related protein, Golgi-associated PDZ- and coiled-coil motif-containing protein (GOPC), during acrosome biogenesis. Finally, the injection of either autophagy or lysosome inhibitors into testis resulted in a similar phenotype to that of germ cell-specific Atg7-knockout mice. Altogether, our results uncover a new role for Atg7 in the biogenesis of the acrosome, and we provide evidence to support the autolysosome origination hypothesis for the acrosome.  相似文献   

ADAMTS13 is a plasma metalloproteinase that cleaves von Willebrand factor to smaller, less thrombogenic forms. Deficiency of ADAMTS13 activity in plasma leads to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. ADAMTS13 contains eight thrombospondin type 1 repeats (TSR), seven of which contain a consensus sequence for the direct addition of fucose to the hydroxyl group of serine or threonine. Mass spectral analysis of tryptic peptides derived from human ADAMTS13 indicate that at least six of the TSRs are modified with an O-fucose disaccharide. Analysis of [(3)H]fucose metabolically incorporated into ADAMTS13 demonstrated that the disaccharide has the structure glucose-beta1,3-fucose. Mutation of the modified serine to alanine in TSR2, TSR5, TSR7, and TSR8 reduced the secretion of ADAMTS13. Mutation of more than one site dramatically reduced secretion regardless of the sites mutated. When the expression of protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 (POFUT2), the enzyme that transfers fucose to serines in TSRs, was reduced using siRNA, the secretion of ADAMTS13 decreased. A similar outcome was observed when ADAMTS13 was expressed in a cell line unable to synthesize the donor for fucose addition, GDP-fucose. Although overexpression of POFUT2 did not affect the secretion of wild-type ADAMTS13, it did increase the secretion of the ADAMTS13 TSR1,2 double mutant but not that of ADAMTS13 TSR1-8 mutant. Together these findings indicate that O-fucosylation is functionally significant for secretion of ADAMTS13.  相似文献   

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