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通过文献和标本考证,发现《中国植物志》第77卷第2分册和《Flora of China》第20~21卷中均误将黑穗橐吾(Ligularia melanothyrsa Hand.-Mazz.)鉴定为植夫橐吾(L. fangiana Hand.-Mazz.),而真正的植夫橐吾应处理为川鄂橐吾[L. wilsoniana (Hemsl.) Greenm.]的异名。  相似文献   

将芥形橐吾(Ligularia brassicoides Hand.-Mazz.)、岷县橐吾(L. ianthochaeta C. C. Chang)和半裂橐吾(L. paradoxa Hand.-Mazz. var. palmatifida S. W. Liu  相似文献   

由于对模式标本考证有误,狭舌橐吾(Ligularia angustiligulata C.C.Chang)长期以来被处理为沼生橐吾[L.lamarum(Diels)C.C.Chang]的异名。经我们考证,狭舌橐吾的主模式应为藏于PE的蔡希陶58004号标本(为唯一有狭舌橐吾的作者张肇骞先生所写定名签的标本),LBG藏有1份同号模式标本,它们与狭舌橐吾的原白完全吻合,而藏于KUN(2份)和SZ(1份)的同号标本与狭舌橐吾的原白在一些重要性状上相冲突,均非狭舌橐吾的模式标本;进而发现狭舌橐吾与叶状鞘橐吾(L.phyllocoleaHand.-Mazz.)在形态上没有本质区别,故应处理为后者的异名,而藏于KUN和SZ的3份标本均属于沼生橐吾。同时还指出长柄橐吾(L.longipes C.C.Chang)的名实有待进一步研究,其模式与叶状鞘橐吾有较大区别,似不宜将其处理为叶状鞘橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

刘建全 《植物研究》2000,20(3):313-317
研究了款冬属的核形态。染色体间期为简单型与复杂型的过渡型;前期染色体为近基型与中间型的过渡型。染色体较小,核型不对称,具明显的二型性;数目与核型公式为2n=60=42m+10sm+6st+2t。比较发现款冬的核型明显不同于千里光族中已有的核型记载,其核型特征似乎与它独特的形态特征相联系,具有重要的系统学意义。  相似文献   

了款冬属的核形态。染色体间期为简单型与复杂型的过渡型;前期染色体为近基型的过渡型。染色体较小,核型不对称,具明显的二型性;数目与核型公式为2n=60=42m+10sm_6st+2t。比较发现款冬的核型不同于千里光族中已有的核型记载,其核型特征似乎与它独特的形态特征相联系,具有重要的系统学意义。  相似文献   

将康定橐吾(Ligularia kangtingensis S.W.Liu)处理为细茎橐吾[L.hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hand.-Mazz.]的异名。Senecio ficariifolius H.Lév.Vaniot长期以来被处理为细茎橐吾的异名,但我们检查模式材料后发现其头状花序盘状,与头状花序辐射状的细茎橐吾明显不同,而与头状花序盘状的贵州橐吾[L.leveillei(Vaniot)Hand.-Mazz.]没有区别,故将其处理为贵州橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

假橐吾属, 中国菊科植物一新属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多年生草本,根状茎粗短,有多数纤维状根,茎基部有残存的叶柄。叶互生、纸质,基生叶在花期宿存,具长叶柄,长圆状心形或宽卵状心形,楔状下延成具翅的叶柄,基部扩大,半抱茎,但绝无叶鞘;中部茎叶与下部叶同形,较小,具短叶柄,叶柄具翅,自中部向基部逐渐扩大,基部具叶状卵形抱茎的叶耳。头状花序盘状,在茎端排列成总状;花序梗有2枚小  相似文献   

大吴风草属、假橐吾属花粉表面纹饰及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察了千里光族款冬亚族中大吴风草属,假橐吾属及其相关类群5属共8种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉性状,所有种类的花粉外壁均为刺状纹饰,但在刺的长短,刺部是否膨大、刺基膨大上的纹饰以及刺基之间的纹饰等方面存在差别,大吴风草的花粉外壁性状不同于橐吾属,从而不支持它与后者有较近亲缘关系的观点它与花粉超薄结构同为“向日葵型”的多榔菊属的花粉外壁性状也不相同,假橐吾属不同于橐吾属和垂头菊属的花粉外壁性状,研究结果支持本单种属的成立。  相似文献   

中国菊科橐吾属一新种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国菊科橐吾属一新种*张勉赵显国王峥涛徐珞珊徐国钧余国奠(中国药科大学,南京210038)ANEWSPECIESOFLIGULARIA(COMPOSITAE)FROMCHINAZhangMian,ZhaoXianguo,WangZhengtao,Xu...  相似文献   

掌裂橐吾的胚胎学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次报道了掌裂橐吾的胚胎发育过程。药壁发育双子叶型;绒毡层发育属、The Cosmos bipinnatus”型,成熟花粉为3细胞型;单珠被,薄珠心,倒生胚珠;具发达的珠被绒毡层;胚囊发育为4孢子型,类似德鲁撒型(Drusa);胚乳发育为核型,胚胎发育为紫菀型千里光变型。  相似文献   

Investigated in the present work was the karyomorphology of Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen. The interphase nuclei were categorized to be the complex chromocenter type, and the mitotic prophase chromosomes were categorized to be the interstitial type. The metaphase chromosomes ranged from 2.70 μm to 4.70μm with the average 3.62 μm in length. The karyotype was formulated as 2n = 58 = 34m + 18sm(2sat) + 6st and belonged to 2A type. The karyomorphological characteristics of Ligulariopsis are very similar to those of Ligularia and Parasenecio, but there are moresubmedian-centromeric and median-centromeric chromosomes in Ligulariopsis.  相似文献   

大吴风草(菊科:千里光族)的核形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建全 《西北植物学报》2001,21(1):159-163,T007
研究了大吴风草属的核形态,染色体间期为复杂型;前期 色体为中间型,染色体长度从3.70μm到2.64μm,平均长度为3.20μm;核型公式为2n=60=14m 26sm 20st(4SAT),为3A类型。过去认为大吴风草属与橐吾属接近,并比之原始,但染色体和花粉特征并不支持这种处理。  相似文献   

华蟹甲草属和蟹甲草属4种植物的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4种植物的染色体间期均为复杂型,前期染色体为中间型。华蟹甲草两居群的染色体数目及核型为2n=60=44m+16sm(4SAT)和2n=60=42m+18sm(2SAT)。蟹甲草属3种:阔柄蟹甲草为2n=60=50m+10sm;蛛毛蟹甲草为2n=60=50m+10sm(2SAT);三角叶蟹甲草两居群分别为2n=60=44m+16sm(2SAT)和2n=60=44m+16sm。核型均为2A型,尽管华蟹  相似文献   

Reported in this paper was the karyomorphology of the monotypic genus Pomatosace Maxim. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes of P. filicula Maxim. were categorized to be complex chromocenter type and interstitial type respectively; themetaphase chromosomes were counted to be 2n = 20, ranging in length from 6.4µm to 4.1µm; the karyotype was formulated as 2n= 18m + 2sm, with the karyotype asymmetry belonging to 2A. The similar karyomorphological characteristics of interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes between Pomatosace and Androsace, together with the similar sizeand morphology of their metaphase chromosomes, support the viewpoint that they are closelyrelated.  相似文献   

Compared to organelle genomes, the nuclear genome comprises a vast reservoir of genes that potentially harbor phylogenetic signal. Despite the valuable data that sequencing projects of model systems offer, relatively few single-copy nuclear genes are being used in systematics. In part this is due to the challenges inherent in generating orthologous sequences, a problem that is ameliorated when the gene family in question has been characterized in related organisms. Here we illustrate the utility of diverse sequence databases within the Asteraceae as a framework for developing single-copy nuclear genes useful for inferring phylogenies in the tribe Senecioneae. We highlight the process of searching for informative genes by using data from Helianthus annuus, Lactuca sativa, Stevia rebaudiana, Zinnia elegans, and Gerbera cultivar. Emerging from this process were several candidate genes; two of these were used for a phylogenetic assessment of the Senecioneae and were compared to other genes previously used in Asteraceae phylogenies. Based on the preliminary sampling used, one of the genes selected during the searching process was more useful than the two previously used in Asteraceae. The search strategy described is valid for any group of plants but its efficiency is dependent on the phylogenetic proximity of the study group to the species represented in sequence databases. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The karyomorphology of 16 species in 13 genera representing Moraceae and Cecropiaceae was investigated in an effort to contribute to a better understanding of chromosome features and evolution in the families. All genera investigated have similar karyomorphology, but differences are found in (1) chromosome features of Interphase nucleus (simple, simple-complex, or complex chromocenter type), (2) basic chromosome number (x=13 or 14), (3) size variation (mono-or bimodial), and (4) frequencies of chromosomes with median centromeres (m-chromosome) (25–85%) and those with subterminal (or terminal) centromeres (st-chromosome) (14–69%). Comparisons with Ulmaceae as an outgroup of the remainder of Urticales suggest that the simple chromocenter type,x=14 comprising bothm- andst-chromosomes, and the monomodial karyotype are plesiomorphies in Moraceae and Cecropiaceae. Most of Moraceae and Cecropiaceae retain generalized chromosome features of the order, but have involved a few evolutionary changes in karyomorphology. Based on some detailed karyomorphological data, inter- and infrafamilial relationships are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

研究了鸡骨常山属(Alstonia)3个种的核形态,其中盆架树(A.rostrata)的核型属首次报道,3个种的体细胞染色体数目均为2n=42,且糖胶树(A.scholaris)和鸡骨常山(A.yunnanensis)的染色体数目同前人报道的2n=44不同。盆架树的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为棒状前染色体型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=3M+21m+18sm,核型不对称性类型为2A型。糖胶树的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为球状前染色体型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=14m+24sm+4st,核型不对称性类型为3A型。鸡骨常山的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为复杂染色体中央粒型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=5m+37sm,核型不对称性类型为3B型。根据核形态结果,结合形态学特征和已有的细胞学资料,初步讨论了该属几个种的系统位置及演化趋势。  相似文献   

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