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生命周期管理研究述评   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
黄和平 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4587-4598
生命周期管理起源于生命周期思想,它是生命周期思想在实践中的具体应用,是面向可持续生产和消费,对产品、工艺和服务的全生命周期环境影响进行的综合管理,是解决复合生态系统中结构无序、效率不高和代谢冗余的有效途径,是基于生命周期评价原则与框架的一种环境管理手段或环境管理体系。全面回顾了生命周期管理的起源与内涵,阐述了生命周期管理与生命周期评价的区别与联系,梳理了生命周期管理与环境管理体系的关系。对生命周期管理在产品、企业、行业及城市等层次上的具体应用进行了总结与述评,并对其今后需深入研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of LCA as a tool for process environmental management, thereby moving the focus from product to process oriented analysis. The emphasis is on Improvement Assessment in which the “hot spots” in the system are targeted for maximum environmental improvements. In this context, it is useful to use multiobjective optimisation which renders Valuation unnecessary. The approach is illustrated by the case study of the system processing boron ores to make five different products. The results of Inventory Analysis and Impact Assessment are presented and discussed. In Improvement Assessment, a number of improvement options are identified and evaluated, using system optimisation. It is shown that the site environmental performance can be improved over current operation by an average of 20% over the whole life cycle. Thus the study demonstrates that the optimisation approach to environmental process management may assist in identifying optimal ways to operate a process or plant from “cradle to grave”. This may help the process industries not only to comply with legislation but also provide a framework for taking a more proactive approach to environmental management leading to more sustainable industrial operations and practices.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the three greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O) from a vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland (VSSF CW, 1000 m2) and a cluster of conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the city of Changzhou, China. The two estimated emissions are set up for comparison. The results show that the WWTP system emits 7.3 kg CO2-eq to remove 1 kg BOD in the studied life cycle, while the VSSF system only emits 3.18 kg CO2-eq, which is only half of the amount given off by the WWTP system. Especially at the treatment stage, the WWTP system's GHG emissions are almost 7 times higher than the VSSF system's. N2O emissions in both systems are only a minor fraction of the total emissions. Therefore, this study has concluded that the VSSF system is an effective option for GHG emissions mitigation in the wastewater sector. The study further suggests that developing countries like China should extensively build up VSSF systems for decentralized wastewater treatment, which could also potentially reduce GHG emissions by 8-17 million ton CO2-eq per year compared with the centralized scenario.  相似文献   

基于LEAP的厦门市节能与温室气体减排潜力情景分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
曹斌  林剑艺  崔胜辉  唐立娜 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3358-3367
城市是人类社会经济活动的中心,聚集了世界一半以上的人口。在城市发生的温室气体排放量占全球排放总量的75%左右,因此在城市这个尺度上研究温室气体减排意义重大。从城市这个尺度出发,以厦门市为实际研究案例,应用LEAP模型进行节能减排政策情景分析,定量分析评价城市节能减排潜力,并详细分析各种控制情景和各部门的节能减排贡献率。研究结果显示:在综合控制情景下,厦门能源消费总量年均增长率、万元地区生产总值能耗和温室气体排放总量年均增长率都有所下降;清洁燃料替代措施节能减排效果最好,工业部门节能减排潜力最大;优化能源使用结构蕴藏巨大减排潜力。  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Life cycle assessment models typically use product-specific, plant-level or national aggregate data. However, many decisions by regional policy makers would be better informed by local or regional aggregate data. This research is intended to construct and apply a regional US economic input-output analysis-based life cycle assessment (REIO-LCA) model based upon publicly available datasets. The model uses Gross State Product (GSP) estimates to calculate regional economic multipliers and then link them to regional electricity and fuel use, and air emission factors. Target audiences are governmental decision makers, industry experts and researchers concerned with the regional economic and environmental effects of public and private decisions. Methods A regional version of the existing US EIO-LCA model was developed using regional economic multipliers and state environmental data. The national model is based on the US 491 by 491 economic input-output model, and uses sectoral energy consumption and emission factors to approximate the environmental effects of production and services. The proportion of the regional value added (Gross State Product) to the national value added for each sector was used to develop economic multipliers to allocate the output of industries to individual states and multi-state regions. Inter-sectoral transaction matrices were constructed for eight regions. Regional environmental emission and resource use factors were formed based upon publicly available data of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy. The Toxics Release Inventory include facility location parameters, enabling the estimation of sectoral toxic emissions for the regions. The national electricity and fuel use, air pollutants (CO, NOx, PM10, SO2 and VOC) and greenhouse gas emissions used by the EIO-LCA model were proportioned based upon state totals for each sector. Results A regional economic input-output model was created for US regions, and sectoral energy use and environmental emission factors were estimated for Pennsylvania, the Far West (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington) and the Mideast (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania) economic areas. The use of the framework for regional IO-LCA model is demonstrated through two case studies. Discussion As a validation exercise, the regional outputs of petroleum refineries were calculated using the regional input-output matrices and the outcomes were compared to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Petroleum State Profile data. The model results show that approximately 70% of the total national sectoral production takes place in three regions, i.e., South West, South East and Far West, which corresponds with the EIA statistics. The REIO-LCA model constructed for the Far West is used to conduct a second case study estimating the annual toxic air emissions of power plants in the region in 2003. The results are evaluated by comparison to data provided by the US EPA. The estimated pollutions do not differ significantly from those presented in the Toxics Release Inventory reports. Conclusions The usefulness of IO LCA models can be improved through the incorporation of local economic and environmental characteristics. Wiht the lack of US regional sectoral data, the allocation of national industrial production to regions can provide a framework to create smaller scale IO models. The results of case studies support the assumption that the GSP multipliers may be used to allocate the sectoral production to the regions, and show that the framework IO LCA model provides a reasonable approximation of supply chain economic activities and environmental effects caused by production and services. Recommendations and Perspectives The quality of data, e.g., age and level of aggregation, and the assumed linearity between sectoral outputs and environmental emissions represent the main sources of uncertainty in the model. The results show that the GSP estimates are appropriate to construct a framework for a regional economic input-output and environmental assessment model. However, further research is recommended to construct more specific state-level input-output matrices incorporating interstate commodity flows, and state environmental factors in order to mitigate the parameter uncertainties. Further, the model might be improved by updating it regularly, as more recent data become available.  相似文献   

Polyamines (PA) are believed to protect DNA minimizing the effect of radiation damage either by inducing DNA compaction and aggregation or acting as scavengers of free radicals. Using an in vitro pDNA double strand breakage assay based on gel electrophoretic mobility, we compared the protective capability of PA against γ-radiation with that of compounds generated by the supramolecular self-assembly of nuclear polyamines and phosphates, named Nuclear Aggregates of Polyamines (NAPs). Both unassembled PA and in vitro produced NAPs (ivNAPs) were ineffective in conferring pDNA protection at the sub-mM concentration. Single PA showed an appreciable protective effect only at high (mM) concentrations. However, concentrations of spermine (4+) within a critical range (0.481 mM) induced pDNA precipitation, an event that was not observed with NAPs–pDNA interaction. We conclude that the interaction of individual PA is ineffective to assure DNA protection, simultaneously preserving the flexibility and charge density of the double strand. Furthermore, data obtained by testing polyamine and ivNAPS with the current radiation-induced DNA damage model support the concept that PA-phosphate aggregates are the only forms through which PA interact with DNA.  相似文献   

重大工程建设在给区域发展带来经济效益的同时,还会对周围生态环境和居民生活产生影响,如何兼顾工程建设及其所在地区的自然、社会和经济发展,从多尺度、多方面构建一个和谐、稳定的生态系统,对于工程建设和区域可持续发展具有重要意义,也是对工程建设区实施生态系统管理的主要目标.西气东输工程属于西部投资开发的基础性产业,对于西部地区的社会经济发展和国家的资源结构优化具有重要意义.尽管该工程本着"绿色工程"的原则在工程建设运行中开展了大量的环保工作,却由于保护工作只集中在有限的范围内,而且在实施环境保护的过程中并没有充分考虑到管道沿线不同人群的看法、愿望和需求,因此未能起到应有的效果.研究主要针对西气东输管道东段沿线的相关公众对管道建设、管道环境影响的看法以及他们的生态环境认识水平进行了调查和分析.研究发现:①大部分调查对象了解工程建设的意义,但认为工程建设"有利于本地经济的发展"的人数则有明显减少;公众的居住地、文化程度和职业背景是影响其看法的主要因素.西部经济欠发达地区的农民是对管道工程建设的意义认同度较低,因此,需要特别关注这一社会群体的想法和愿望.②西部地区的农民是对工程建设破坏的植被和土壤最为关注的群体,因此,如果在工程施工过程中对沿线的土壤、植被采取有效的保护和恢复措施,并对周边居民由此而受到的损失进行合理的赔偿,将极大的提高周边公众对管道工程的认同与支持.③多数调查对象不了解生态恢复公众参与的重要性,而更多人认为应是当地政府和工程施工单位的主要责任,反映出管道沿线公众在这方面的生态环境认识有待提高.  相似文献   

A typical contaminated land was spatially investigated and assessed based on Chinese guidelines to establish remediation strategy for exploring the shortcomings of the current guidelines to suggest improvements. Results showed that Cr, As, Pb, and Cd should be regarded as the priority pollutants under sensitive land use, while Cr and As should be regarded as the priority pollutants under insensitive land use. Ingestion of soil for each studied metal appeared to be the main exposure pathway under both the land uses. The calculated screening values of the priority metals were conservative to certain extent—even some were lower than their background values. Therefore, an integrated risk management strategy was suggested and the hierarchic clean-up values were proposed considering the health risk, local background value, land remediation cases, current remediation technology, and financial cost. Consequently, it was suggested the clean-up values of Cr(VI), Cr, As, Pb, and Cd, under future sensitive land use, should be 7.5, 1000, 30, 250, and 1.4 mg/kg in the first class control layer, respectively. For future insensitive land use, the clean-up values of Cr(VI), Cr, As, Pb, and Cd should be 20.4, 8000, 60, 580, and 4.3 mg/kg in the first class control layer, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Adaptive management (AM) remains a commonly cited, yet frequently misunderstood, management approach. The aim of AM is to improve environmental management through ‘learning by doing’ and understand the impact of incomplete knowledge, but AM more commonly consists of ad hoc changes in managing environmental resources in the absence of adequate planning and monitoring. Here, we trace and review the development of AM, the central roles of consultation, collaboration and of monitoring, and of quantitative models and simulations. We identify a series of formalized, structured steps included in one AM cycle and review how current AM programs build upon such cycles. We conclude that the best AM outcomes require rigorous and formalized approaches to planning, collaboration, modelling and evaluation. Finally, simulating potential outcomes of an AM cycle in the presence of existing uncertainty can help to identify management strategies that are most likely to succeed in relation to clearly articulated goals.  相似文献   

Global recognition of climate change and its predicted consequences has created the need for practical management strategies for increasing the ability of natural ecosystems to capture and store atmospheric carbon. Mangrove forests, saltmarshes and seagrass meadows, referred to as blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs), are hotspots of atmospheric CO2 storage due to their capacity to sequester carbon at a far higher rate than terrestrial forests. Despite increased effort to understand the mechanisms underpinning blue carbon fluxes, there has been little synthesis of how management activities influence carbon stocks and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in BCEs. Here, we present a global meta‐analysis of 111 studies that measured how carbon stocks and GHG fluxes in BCEs respond to various coastal management strategies. Research effort has focused mainly on restoration approaches, which resulted in significant increases in blue carbon after 4 years compared to degraded sites, and the potential to reach parity with natural sites after 7–17 years. Lesser studied management alternatives, such as sediment manipulation and altered hydrology, showed only increases in biomass and weaker responses for soil carbon stocks and sequestration. The response of GHG emissions to management was complex, with managed sites emitting less than natural reference sites but emitting more compared to degraded sites. Individual GHGs also differed in their responses to management. To date, blue carbon management studies are underrepresented in the southern hemisphere and are usually limited in duration (61% of studies <3 years duration). Our meta‐analysis describes the current state of blue carbon management from the available data and highlights recommendations for prioritizing conservation management, extending monitoring time frames of BCE carbon stocks, improving our understanding of GHG fluxes in open coastal systems and redistributing management and research effort into understudied, high‐risk areas.  相似文献   

Due to higher oil prices, abundance of labor and suitable land and its stable political climate, Tanzania attracted many investments in Jatropha. Although several studies on Jatropha's economic potential are available, its true economics are still uncertain. This paper aims to add to the growing body of knowledge on the socio‐economic performance of the Jatropha system by (i) studying the economic potential (net present value – NPV) of the current most prevailing Jatropha system for Tanzanian farmers and its regional differences, by (ii) making a greenhouse gas (GHG) balance and its economic value of the Jatropha activities on regional level, and by (iii) calculating break‐even thresholds for yield and seed price. Therefore, regional yield modeling, regional life‐cycle assessment, and NPV calculations based on Monte Carlo simulations, each with its set of assumptions, are combined. This study shows positive economic potential of Jatropha cultivation in most of the Tanzanian regions. However, the results also show that 13 of 20 Tanzanian regions will not attain a net positive GHG balance within 10 years. This indicates that the environmental impacts might be more restrictive for Jatropha's sustainability potential in Tanzania than the socio‐economic potential. These results are based on the combination of three models, which consists of strong interdisciplinary modeling work. However, this modeling also contains simplifications (e.g., no opportunity cost for ‘marginal’ land) and uncertainties (e.g., using globally modeled potential yield estimations), which have to be considered in the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

The literature widely recognizes that shift workers have more health complaints than the general population. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of sleep complaints and verify the polysomnographic (PSG) variables of shift workers in two Brazilian nuclear power plants. We carried out a subjective evaluation with a sleep questionnaire. Based on these results, the interviewees that reported sleep‐related complaints were referred for polysomnographic evaluation. Of the 327 volunteers initially evaluated by the sleep questionnaire, 113 (35%) reported sleep complaints; they were significantly older, had higher body mass index (BMI), and worked more years on shifts than those without sleep complaints. Of these 113, 90 met criteria for various sleep disorders: 30 (9%) showed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 18 (5.5%) showed limb movement, and 42 (13%) evidenced both sleep problems and had a significantly higher proportion of sleep stage 1 and arousals compared with the 23 shift workers that had no indices of sleep problems. The present study found that 90 (27.5%) of the evaluated participants met the PSG criteria of some type of clinical sleep disorder. This high proportion should be investigated for associations with other aspects of work, such as working hours, working schedule, years performing shift work, and access to health services. Due to the strong association between sleep disorders and the incidence of fatigue and sleepiness, the evaluation of the sleep patterns and complaints of shift workers is essential and should be considered to be one of the basic strategies of industry to prevent accidents.  相似文献   

张轶群  吴迪  付晓  吴钢 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8063-8074
煤电基地的开发对中国能源利用格局具有深远的影响,是煤炭行业发展的重要方向,但也对生态环境提出了严峻的挑战。在我国煤电基地的生态建设中,基于景观生态学的应用研究较多,缺乏对居民感知、愿景和福祉等方面的联系和研究。以内蒙古锡林郭勒煤电基地为例,在分析因煤电基地的开发建设而导致的生态环境问题基础上,运用景感生态学的理论和方法,从煤电基地的景感营造、景感修复、景感保护监测管理、生态文明的建设共4个方面进行了分析,为煤电基地的生态建设、保护与管理提出了具有建设性的措施和建议。结合生态环境物联网对所选景感指标的监测、谜码数据平台的评价分析及预警系统,对实现煤电基地的生态健康保障、生态服务提升、以及居民愿景和福祉的提高有着重要意义,为实现区域可持续发展的目标提供了有效措施。本研究为煤电基地相关区域的生态建设、保护与管理提供科学依据和有效对策,为后续相关研究打下基础。  相似文献   

1. An Index of Stream Condition (ISC) has been developed to assist broad scale management of waterways by providing an integrated measure of their environmental condition. 2. The ISC provides scores for five components of stream condition: (i) hydrology (based on change in volume and seasonality of flow from natural conditions); (ii) physical form (based on bank stability, bed erosion or aggradation, influence of artificial barriers, and abundance and origin of coarse woody debris); (iii) streamside zone (based on types of plants; spatial extent, width, and intactness of riparian vegetation; regeneration of overstorey species, and condition of wetlands and billabongs); (iv) water quality (based on an assessment of phosphorus, turbidity, electrical conductivity and pH); and (v) aquatic life (based on number of families of macroinvertebrates). 3. The ISC is intended for use by managers at state and regional levels and can be used to report on stream condition, assist with priority setting, judge the long-term effectiveness of rehabilitation programs and assist with adaptive management. The best available scientific information was used by a multidisciplinary group of scientists and managers to create a stream assessment procedure that can be used routinely by people with limited scientific training. 4. ISC development included trials in four catchments in Victoria, Australia. Over 80 stream reaches were assessed and the results were used to refine the ISC to improve the ease of measurement and ensure that outcomes met the expectations of users. The ISC is now available to be used more widely for reporting on stream condition.  相似文献   

A large-scale tidal power project in the upper reaches of the Bay of Fundy would cause major changes in the tidal elevations of the headpond which would have a pronounced effect on intertidal ecology. The new mean low water level would be, on average, slightly above the present mean sea level whilst the new mean high water level would drop about 0.7 m. This would result in a much compressed intertidal zone. Mud and sand flats, below the present mean sea level, would be converted to sub-tidal habitat, whilst the high saltmarsh, flooded at present only on the highest spring tides, would become colonized by terrestrial vegetation. There would be major shifts in the relative importance of primary production by saltmarshes, intertidal microalgae and phytopiankton, but overall, it is likely that production would increase. Changes in both primary food sources and habitat area would affect the abundance of intertidal invertebrate organisms and the fish and migratory shorebirds that feed upon them.  相似文献   

The natural resources are currently overexploited and since 1992 the Conference of Rio de Janeiro has focused on sustainable development to safeguard our planet for future generations. The Fungi kingdom includes producers of goods and services for ecosystems and organisms widely used in the food industry. Besides, macrofungi are recognized as non-timber forest products and could be utilized as agents of environmental management through weed biocontrol and environmental improvement. Moreover, the cultivation of fungi, in particular truffles, can provide an important income in agroecosystems, especially in marginal areas, along with the development of new technologies to produce novel products from fungi.  相似文献   

There is ongoing debate concerning the possible environmental and human health impacts of growing genetically modified (GM) crops. Here, we report the results of a life-cycle assessment (LCA) comparing the environmental and human health impacts of conventional sugar beet growing regimes in the UK and Germany with those that might be expected if GM herbicide-tolerant (to glyphosate) sugar beet is commercialized. The results presented for a number of environmental and human health impact categories suggest that growing the GM herbicide-tolerant crop would be less harmful to the environment and human health than growing the conventional crop, largely due to lower emissions from herbicide manufacture, transport and field operations. Emissions contributing to negative environmental impacts, such as global warming, ozone depletion, ecotoxicity of water and acidification and nutrification of soil and water, were much lower for the herbicide-tolerant crop than for the conventional crop. Emissions contributing to summer smog, toxic particulate matter and carcinogenicity, which have negative human health impacts, were also substantially lower for the herbicide-tolerant crop. The environmental and human health impacts of growing GM crops need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis using a holistic approach. LCA is a valuable technique for helping to undertake such assessments.  相似文献   

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