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Bovine rhodopsin was bleached and regenerated with 7,9-dicis-retinal to form 7,9-dicis-rhodopsin, which was purified on a concanavalin A affinity column. The absorption maximum of the 7,9-dicis pigment is 453 nm, giving an opsin shift of 1600 cm-1 compared to 2500 cm-1 for 11-cis-rhodopsin and 2400 cm-1 for 9-cis-rhodopsin. Rapid-flow resonance Raman spectra have been obtained of 7,9-dicis-rhodopsin in H2O and D2O at room temperature. The shift of the 1654-cm-1 C = N stretch to 1627 cm-1 in D2O demonstrates that the Schiff base nitrogen is protonated. The absence of any shift in the 1201-cm-1 mode, which is assigned as the C14-C15 stretch, or of any other C-C stretching modes in D2O indicates that the Schiff base C = N configuration is trans (anti). Assuming that the cyclohexenyl ring binds with the same orientation in 7,9-dicis-, 9-cis-, and 11-cis-rhodopsins, the presence of two cis bonds requires that the N-H bond of the 7,9-dicis chromophore points in the opposite direction from that in the 9-cis or 11-cis pigment. However, the Schiff base C = NH+ stretching frequency and its D2O shift in 7,9-dicis-rhodopsin are very similar to those in 11-cis- and 9-cis-rhodopsin, indicating that the Schiff base electrostatic/hydrogen-bonding environments are effectively the same. The C = N trans (anti) Schiff base geometry of 7,9-dicis-rhodopsin and the insensitivity of its Schiff base vibrational properties to orientation are rationalized by examining the binding site specificity with molecular modeling.  相似文献   

P. Hegemann  W. Grtner    R. Uhl 《Biophysical journal》1991,60(6):1477-1489
Orientation of the green alga Chlamydomonas in light (phototaxis and stop responses) is controlled by a visual system with a rhodopsin as the functional photoreceptor. Here, we present evidence that in Chlamydomonas wild-type cells all-trans retinal is the predominant isomer and that it is present in amounts similar to that of the rhodopsin itself.

The ability of different retinal isomers and analog compounds to restore photosensitivity in blind Chlamydomonas cells (strain CC2359) was tested by means of flash-induced light scattering transients or by measuring phototaxis in a taxigraph. All-trans retinal reconstitutes behavioral light responses within one minute, whereas cis-isomers require at least 50 × longer incubation times, suggesting that the retinal binding site is specific for all-trans retinal. Experiments with 13-demethyl(dm)-retinal and short-chained analogs reveal that only chromophores with a β-methyl group and at least three double bonds in conjugation with the aldehyde mediate function. Because neither 13-dm-retinal, nor 9,12-phenylretinal restores a functional rhodopsin, a trans/13-cis isomerisation seems to take place in the course of the activation mechanism. We conclude that with respect to its chromophore, Chlamydomonas rhodopsin bears a closer resemblence to bacterial rhodopsins than to visual rhodopsins of higher animals.


1. Retinal isomers extracted from the acid-hydrolysate of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-treated dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (bRD) were analyzed in a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) system. The extract from bRD contains almost equal molar amounts of both 13-cis retinal and all-trans retinal isomers. The extent of isomerization and the yield of both isomers during the isolation process were investigated by the application of the same extraction procedure to artificial bacteriorhodopsin reconstituted with 13-cis retinal isomer (13-cis bacteriorhodopsin) and also to light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (bRL) which has been shown to contain only the all-trans isomer (all-trans bacteriorhodopsin). 2. A reconstituted bacteriorhodopsin, which had been prepared from apo-bacteriorhodopsin and an equimolar mixture of both 13-cis retinal and all-trans retinal isomers, showed an absorption spectrum having the same maximum wavelength as that of bRD even at the beginning of the reconstitution process. 3. Analysis of the photosteady states of bRD at -190 degrees C revealed that it was composed of two different species, one having 13-cis retinal and the other having all-trans retinal isomers in approximately equal molar amounts. These two also gave their respective photoproducts. 4. From these results it can be concluded that bRD contains both 13-cis retinal and all-trans retinal isomers in nearly equal molar amounts as its chromophore.  相似文献   

Phoborhodopsin (pR or sensory rhodopsin II, sRII) and pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR or pharaonis sRII, psRII) have a unique absorption maximum (lambda(max)) compared with three other archaeal rhodopsins: lambda(max) of pR and ppR is approx. 500 nm and of others (e.g. bacteriorhodopsin, bR) is 560-590 nm. To determine the residue contributing to the opsin shift from ppR to bR, we constructed various ppR mutants, in which a single residue was substituted for a residue corresponding to that of bR. The residues mutated were those which differ from that of bR and locate within 5 A from the conjugated polyene chain of the chromophore or any methyl group of the polyene chain. The shifts of lambda(max) of all mutants were small, however. We constructed a mutant in which all residues which differ from those of bR in the retinal binding site were simultaneously substituted for those of bR, but the shift was only from 499 to 509 nm. Next, we constructed a mutant in which 10 residues located within 5 A from the polyene as described above were simultaneously substituted. Only 44% of the opsin shift (lambda(max) of 524 nm) from ppR to bR was obtained even when all amino acids around the chromophore were replaced by the same residues as bR. We therefore conclude that the structural factor is more important in accounting for the difference of lambda(max) between ppR and bR rather than amino acid substitutions. The possible structural factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure of the retinal chromophore in the hR578 form of halorhodopsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Halorhodopsin is a retinal-containing pigment that is thought to function as a light-driven chloride ion pump in the cell membrane of Halobacterium halobium. To address the role of the retinal chromophore in chloride ion transport, resonance Raman spectra have been obtained of the hR578 form of chromatographically purified halorhodopsin (hR). The close similarity of the frequencies and intensities of the hR578 Raman bands with those of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (bR568) shows that the chromophore in hR578 has an all-trans configuration and that the protein environment around the chromophore in these two pigments is very similar. In addition, hR578 exhibits a Raman line at 1633 cm-1 which is assigned as the stretching vibration of a protonated Schiff base linkage to the protein based on its shift to 1627 cm-1 in D2O. The reduced frequency of the Schiff base stretching vibration compared with bR568 (1640 cm-1) is shown to result from a reduction of its coupling with the NH in-plane rock. This may be due to a reduction in hydrogen-bonding between the Schiff base proton and an electronegative counterion in halorhodopsin.  相似文献   

K Ozaki  R Hara  T Hara    T Kakitani 《Biophysical journal》1983,44(1):127-137
The configurations of the retinal chromophore in light and dark reactions of squid retinochrome were investigated by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. Orange light isomerized the chromophore of retinochrome, all-trans-retinal, mainly to the 11-cis configuration in metaretinochrome. Irradiation with shorter-wavelength lights not only accelerates the photoreversal of metaretinochrome to retinochrome but also leads to a slight production of isoretinochrome (13-cis-retinochrome), yielding a photoequilibrium mixture of three kinds of retinochrome. 13-cis- and 9-cis-retinochromes are photosensitive, and are converted into metaretinochrome upon irradiation with orange light. When steadily exposed to orange light in the presence of a trace of retinochrome-protein, all of the all-trans-, 13-cis-, and 9-cis-retinals are catalytically isomerized only to the 11-cis form, although the reaction rate is reduced in the order of the retinals listed above. In the dark, 9-cis-retinochrome, like retinochrome, remains unchanged, but both meta- and 13-cis-retinochromes slowly change to retinochrome. The chromophore of 13-cis-retinochrome changes directly to the all-trans form, whereas the 11-cis chromophore of metaretinochrome goes to all-trans mainly through the 13-cis form. The direct isomerization from 11-cis to all-trans hardly occurs at temperatures as low as 20 degrees C, and shows high values of the activation enthalpy and entropy changes. Based upon these findings, the role of retinochrome in the photoreception of the visual cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Magic angle sample spinning (MASS) 13C NMR spectra have been obtained of bovine rhodopsin regenerated with retinal prosthetic groups isotopically enriched with 13C at C-5 and C-14. In order to observe the 13C retinal chromophore resonances, it was necessary to employ low temperatures (-15-----35 degrees C) to restrict rotational diffusion of the protein. The isotropic chemical shift and principal values of the chemical shift tensor of the 13C-5 label indicate that the retinal chromophore is in the twisted 6-s-cis conformation in rhodopsin, in contrast to the planar 6-s-trans conformation found in bacteriorhodopsin. The 13C-14 isotropic shift and shift tensor principal values show that the Schiff base C = N bond is anti. Furthermore, the 13C-14 chemical shift (121.2 ppm) is within the range of values (120-123 ppm) exhibited by protonated (C = N anti) Schiff base model compounds, indicating that the C = N linkage is protonated. Our results are discussed with regard to the mechanism of wavelength regulation in rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Application of theoretical considerations to the analysis of ELISA data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Solid-phase immunoassays such as the ELISA are in routine use in many areas of biological research. Data from these assays are analyzed in a variety of ways, frequently without taking into account the immunochemical principles of the assay. The Reference Standard Method is often used and is suitable and convenient for obtaining concentration (or activity) values from the antigen-specific ELISA or spRIA, sandwich assays, and inhibition assays. The standard curve required for this method may be obtained by simple linear regression analysis of logarithmic or logitlogarithmic transformed data obtained from titration of the reference standard. The shape of the logarithmic plot of the reference standard provides information on the performance of the assay. Examining data from multiple dilutions of the samples is essential to assure that each titrates with the same slope as does the reference standard; the analysis routine must permit this comparison to be made. ELISANALYSIS is a program for the IBM PC which was developed to perform such analyses. It is presented here as a model, with sufficient information provided for the development of similar analytical routines by interested users. This approach to ELISA data analysis is presented as an alternative to complicated empirical curve-fitting systems and simple endpoint methods, which can be immunochemically misleading or, in some cases, even invalid. The consistent use of the described routines would encourage greater uniformity in the means of data interpretation and thereby enhance our understanding of immunobiology.  相似文献   

Carboxyl groups of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membranes were activated using a hydrophobic reagent and then covalently labeled with a pH-sensitive reporter group, nitrotyrosine methyl ester. The membrane-bound reporter group had different spectral properties, and a pK 3 units higher than in solution. In purple membranes, an isosbestic point between the 428nm absorption peak of nitrotyrosine methyl ester, and the bacteriorhodopsin 570nm chromophore seen in alkaline titration, indicated interactions between the reporter group and retinal. Modification of white membranes (bacterioopsin from R1mW strain) revealed similar, unusual spectral and ionization properties. Thus, the hydrophobic environment, not retinal interactions perse, are responsible for the ionization behavior of the reporter group. These results indicate that a carboxyl group is near the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

The analysis of the vibrational spectrum of the retinal chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin with isotopic derivatives provides a powerful "structural dictionary" for the translation of vibrational frequencies and intensities into structural information. Of importance for the proton-pumping mechanism is the unambiguous determination of the configuration about the C13=C14 and C=N bonds, and the protonation state of the Schiff base nitrogen. Vibrational studies have shown that in light-adapted BR568 the Schiff base nitrogen is protonated and both the C13=C14 and C=N bonds are in a trans geometry. The formation of K625 involves the photochemical isomerization about only the C13=C14 bond which displaces the Schiff base proton into a different protein environment. Subsequent Schiff base deprotonation produces the M412 intermediate. Thermal reisomerization of the C13=C14 bond and reprotonation of the Schiff base occur in the M412------O640 transition, resetting the proton-pumping mechanism. The vibrational spectra can also be used to examine the conformation about the C--C single bonds. The frequency of the C14--C15 stretching vibration in BR568, K625, L550 and O640 argues that the C14--C15 conformation in these intermediates is s-trans. Conformational distortions of the chromophore have been identified in K625 and O640 through the observation of intense hydrogen out-of-plane wagging vibrations in the Raman spectra (see Fig. 2). These two intermediates are the direct products of chromophore isomerization. Thus it appears that following isomerization in a tight protein binding pocket, the chromophore cannot easily relax to a planar geometry. The analogous observation of intense hydrogen out-of-plane modes in the primary photoproduct in vision (Eyring et al., 1982) suggests that this may be a general phenomenon in protein-bound isomerizations. Future resonance Raman studies should provide even more details on how bacterio-opsin and retinal act in concert to produce an efficient light-energy convertor. Important unresolved questions involve the mechanism by which the protein catalyzes deprotonation of the L550 intermediate and the mechanism of the thermal conversion of M412 back to BR568. Also, it has been shown that under conditions of high ionic strength and/or low light intensity two protons are pumped per photocycle (Kuschmitz & Hess, 1981). How might this be accomplished?(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I) is a retinal-containing pigment which functions as a phototaxis receptor in Halobacterium halobium. We have obtained resonance Raman vibrational spectra of the native membrane-bound form of SR587 and used these data to determine the structure of its retinal prosthetic group. The similar frequencies and intensities of the skeletal fingerprint modes in SR587, bacteriorhodopsin (BR568), and halorhodopsin (HR578) as well as the position of the dideuterio rocking mode when SR-I is regenerated with 12,14-D2 retinal (915 cm-1) demonstrate that the retinal chromophore has an all-trans configuration. The shift of the C = N stretching mode from 1628 cm-1 in H2O to 1620 cm-1 in D2O demonstrates that the chromophore in SR587 is bound to the protein by a protonated Schiff base linkage. The small shift of the 1195 cm-1 C14-C15 stretching mode in D2O establishes that the protonated Schiff base bond has an anti configuration. The low value of the Schiff base stretching frequency together with its small 8 cm-1 shift in D2O indicates that the Schiff base proton is weakly hydrogen bonded to its protein counterion. This suggests that the red shift in the absorption maximum of SR-I (587 nm) compared with HR (578 nm) and BR (568 nm) is due to a reduction of the electrostatic interaction between the protonated Schiff base group and its protein counterion.  相似文献   

Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methylidene- 2-methyl-5-oxoimidazolacetate (HBMIA) is a model chromophore of green fluorescent protein. The electronic structure of HBMIA in aqueous solution phase is studied using a hybrid method of quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics, RISM-SCF-SEDD. The solvatochromic shift is correctly reproduced by the present computations.  相似文献   

Diffusion-enhanced fluorescence energy transfer was used to study the structure of photoreceptor membranes from bovine retinal rod outer segments. The fluorescent energy donor was Tb3+ chelated to dipicolinate and the acceptor was the 11-cis retinal chromophore of rhodopsin in vesicles made from disc membranes. The rapid-diffusion limit for energy transfer was attained in these experiments because of the long excited state lifetime of the terbium donor (~2 ms). Under these conditions, energy transfer is very sensitive to a, the distance of closest approach between the donor and acceptor (Thomas et al., 1978). Vesicles containing terbium dipicolinate in their inner aqueous space were prepared by sonicating disc membranes in the presence of this chelate and chromatographing this mixture on a gel filtration column. The sidedness of rhodopsin in these vesicles was the same as in native disc membranes. The transfer efficiency from terbium to retinal in this sample was 43%. For an R0 value of 46.7 Å and an average vesicle diameter of 650 Å, this corresponds to an a value of 22 Å from the inner aqueous space of the vesicle. The distance of closest approach from the external aqueous space, determined by adding terbium dipicolinate to a suspension of already formed vesicles, was found to be 28 Å. These values of a show that the retinal chromophore is far from both aqueous surfaces of the disc membrane. Hence, the transverse location of the retinal chromophore is near the center of the hydrophobic core of the disc membrane. These findings suggest that conformational changes induced by photoisomerization are transmitted through a distance of at least 20 Å within rhodopsin to trigger subsequent events in visual excitation.  相似文献   

Time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the hRL intermediate of halorhodopsin have been obtained. The structurally sensitive fingerprint region of the hRL spectrum is very similar to that of bacteriorhodopsin's L550 intermediate, which is known to have a 13-cis configuration. This indicates that hRL contains a 13-cis chromophore and that an all-trans----13-cis isomerization occurs in the halorhodopsin photocycle. hRL exhibits a Schiff base stretching mode at 1644 cm-1, which shifts to 1620 cm-1 in D2O. This demonstrates that the Schiff base linkage to the protein is protonated. The insensitivity of the C-C stretching mode frequencies to N-deuteriation suggests that the Schiff base configuration is anti. The 24 cm-1 shift of the Schiff base mode in D2O indicates that the Schiff base proton in hRL has a stronger hydrogen-bonding interaction with the protein than does hR578.  相似文献   

We have used fluorescence energy transfer in the rapid-diffusion limit (RDL) to estimate the trans-membrane depth of retinal in the purple membrane (PM). Chelates of Tb(III) are excellent energy donors for the retinal chromophore of PM, having a maximum Ro value for F?rster energy transfer of approximately 62 A (assuming a donor quantum yield of 1). Energy transfer rates were measured from the time-resolved emission kinetics of the donor. The distance of closest approach between chelates and the chromophore was estimated by simulating RDL energy-transfer rate constants according to geometric models of either PM sheets or membrane vesicles. The apparent rate constant for RDL energy transfer between Tb(III)HED3A and retinal in PM sheets is 1.5(+/- 0.1) x 10(6) M-1 s-1, corresponding to a depth of approximately 10 +/- 2 A for the retinal chromophore. Cell envelope vesicles (CEVs) from Halobacterium halobium were studied by using RDL energy transfer to assess the proximity of retinal to either the extracellular or intracellular face of the PM. The estimated depth of retinal from the extravesicular face of the PM is 10 +/- 3 A, based on the RDL energy-transfer rate constant. Energy-transfer levels to retinal in the PM were estimated by an indirect method with energy donors trapped in the inner-aqueous space of CEVs. The rate constants derived for this arrangement are too low to be consistent with the shortest depth of retinal deduced for PM sheets. Thus, the intravesticular face of CEVs, corresponding to the cytoplasmic face of cells, is the more distant surface from the chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Kandori H  Shimono K  Shichida Y  Kamo N 《Biochemistry》2002,41(14):4554-4559
pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR; also called pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II, psR-II) is a photoreceptor for negative phototaxis in Natronobacterium pharaonis. ppR has a blue-shifted absorption spectrum with a spectral shoulder, which is highly unique for the archaeal rhodopsin family. The primary reaction of ppR is a cis-trans photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore to form the K intermediate, like the well-studied proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR). Recent comparative FTIR spectroscopy of the K states in ppR and BR revealed that more extended structural changes take place in ppR than in BR with respect to chromophore distortion and protein structural changes [Kandori, H., Shimono, K., Sudo, Y., Iwamoto, M., Shichida, Y., and Kamo, N. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 9238-9246]. FTIR spectroscopy of the N105D mutant protein reported here assigns the vibrational bands at 1704 and 1700 cm(-1) as C=O stretches of Asn105 in ppR and ppR(K), respectively. A comparative investigation between ppR and BR further reveals that the structure at position 105 in ppR is similar to that of the corresponding position (Asp115) in BR; this observation is supported by the recent X-ray crystallographic structures of ppR [Luecke, H., Schobert, B., Lanyi, J. K., Spudich, E. N., and Spudich, J. L. (2001) Science 293, 1499-1503; Royant, A., Nollert, P., Edman, K., Neutze, R., Landau, E. M., Pebay-Peyroulla, E., and Navarro, J. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 10131-10136]. Nevertheless, structural changes upon photoisomerization at position 105 in ppR are greater than those at position 115 in BR. As a consequence of a unique chromophore-protein interaction in ppR, extended protein structural changes accompanying retinal photoisomerization occur, and these include Asn105 which is approximately 7 A from the retinal chromophore.  相似文献   

The recent identification of nonvisual opsins has revealed an expanding family of vertebrate opsin genes. The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and Müller cells contain a blue and UV light-absorbing opsin, the RPE retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR, or RGR opsin). The spectral properties of RGR purified from bovine RPE suggest that RGR is conjugated in vivo to a retinal chromophore through a covalent Schiff base bond. In this study, the isomeric structure of the endogenous chromophore of RGR was identified by the hydroxylamine derivatization method. The retinaloximes derived from RGR in the dark consisted predominantly of the all-trans isomer. Irradiation of RGR with 470-nm monochromatic or near-UV light resulted in stereospecific isomerization of the bound all-trans-retinal to an 11-cis configuration. The stereospecificity of photoisomerization of the all-trans-retinal chromophore of RGR was lost by denaturation of the protein in SDS. Under the in vitro conditions, the photosensitivity of RGR is at least 34% that of bovine rhodopsin. These results provide evidence that RGR is bound in vivo primarily to all-trans-retinal and is capable of operating as a stereospecific photoisomerase that generates 11-cis-retinal in the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

By using a photoactivatable analog of 11-cis-retinal in rhodopsin, we have previously identified the amino acids Phe-115, Ala-117, Glu-122, Trp-126, Ser-127, and Trp-265 as major sites of cross-linking to the chromophore. To further investigate the amino acids that interact with retinal, we have now used site-directed mutagenesis to replace a variety of amino acids in the membrane-embedded helices in bovine rhodopsin, including those that were indicated by cross-linking studies. The mutant rhodopsin genes were expressed in monkey kidney cells (COS-1) and purified. The mutant proteins were studied for their spectroscopic properties and their ability to activate transducin. Substitution of the two amino acids, Trp-265 and Glu-122 by Tyr, Phe, and Ala and by Gln, Asp and Ala, respectively, resulted in blue-shifted (20-30 nm) chromophore, and substitution of Trp-265 by Ala resulted in marked reduction in the extent of chromophore regeneration. Light-dependent bleaching behavior was significantly altered in Ala-117----Phe, Trp-265----Phe, Ala, and Ala-292----Asp mutants. Transducin activation was reduced in these mutants, in particular Trp-265 mutants, as well as in Glu-122----Gln, Trp-126----Leu (Ala), Pro-267----Ala (Asn, Ser), and Tyr-268----Phe mutants. These findings indicate that Trp-265 is located close to retinal and Glu-122, Trp-126, and probably Tyr-268 are also likely to be near retinal.  相似文献   

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