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1995 ̄1996年,作撰写《中国动物志·蜥蜴亚目》卷鬣蜥科岩蜥属Laudakia时,详细研究了中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室收藏的岩蜥属全部标本,发现其中采自西藏自治区波密县易贡及通麦的9号标本在《西藏两栖爬行动物》书中被鉴定为喜山鬣蜥拉萨亚种Agama himalayana sacra,已上升为种,改隶岩蜥属,称拉萨岩蜥Laudakia sacra,实际与拉萨岩蜥不是同种动物,而  相似文献   

西藏岩蜥属一新种描述:(蜥蜴亚目:鬣蜥科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵尔宓 《动物学研究》1998,19(5):401-404
995~1996年,作者撰写《中国动物志·蜥蜴亚目》卷鬣蜥科岩蜥属(Laudakia)时,曾详细研究了中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室收藏的岩蜥属全部标本,发现其中采自西藏自治区扎达县的1号雄性标本是未经描述的新种,将其订名为西藏岩蜥(Laudakiapapenfusi)。其种名取自美国柏克利加州大学脊椎动物学博物馆TheodoreJ.Papenfus先生的姓氏。Papenfuss先生在本世纪80年代与我所合作进行我国西部两栖爬行动物分类与生态的研究,曾数次到西藏野外工作。西藏岩蜥与南亚岩蜥(Laudakiatuberculata)相近,二者的主要区别在于:(1)前者鼻鳞椭圆形,鼻孔开口于其中央;后者鼻鳞梨形,鼻孔开口于其膨大部。(2)前者上鼻鳞1枚;后者上鼻鳞2枚。(3)前者上睫脊较不发达,脊缘钝且不上翘;后者上睫脊发达,脊缘锐利且向上翘。(4)前者体背及体侧分散有多数较小浅色点斑,点斑处为普通小鳞片,体背及体侧分散的若干较大锥鳞都不位于浅色点斑处;后者体背及体侧分散有若干橘黄色圆斑,圆斑所在或为1枚大的锥鳞,或为数枚较大刺鳞,或为中央1枚大的锥鳞围以一圈小鳞,圆斑之外无刺鳞或锥鳞。  相似文献   

正西藏岩蜥(Laudakiapapenfussi)隶属于爬行纲(Reptilia)有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)鬣蜥科(Agamidae)岩蜥属(赵尔宓等1999,Baig et al. 2012)。1998年,赵尔宓仅以1号雄性标本描述了西藏岩蜥新种,没有雌性标本。邹大虎等(2016)丰富了西藏岩蜥的标本,特别是补充了西藏岩蜥雌性标本的空白。目前,  相似文献   

陈欣  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2007,26(2):392-394,I0008
对一个物种变异特征的研究在种及种下分类工作中有着重要的意义。本文以中国科学院成都生物研究所(CIB)两栖爬行动物标本馆馆藏铜蜓蜥(Sphenomorphus indicus)标本430号为对象,对其鳞片数目及排列的变异做了统计分析。鳞被特征是有鳞目蜥蜴亚目物种重要的鉴别特征,本文主要研究了铜蜓蜥吻鳞、上鼻鳞、额鼻鳞、额鳞、前额鳞、眶上鳞、额顶鳞、顶间鳞、顶鳞、颈鳞、鼻鳞、颊鳞、颞鳞、上唇鳞、下唇鳞、颏鳞、后颏鳞、颔片、背中线鳞、腹中线鳞、环体一周鳞的特征及其变异情况,并运用Microsoft Office Excel2003计算鳞片的变异频率、变异范围、平均鳞片数目。根据鳞片变异频率的不同可将其分为三类:数量恒定无变异的鳞片、可出现变异的鳞片、绝对有变异的鳞片。发现:①过去文献对于颈鳞有无的判断存在不足;②西藏墨脱地区标本头部眶上鳞、额顶鳞、顶间鳞数目和排列方式的特殊变异现象。研究结果为今后铜蜓蜥的鉴别提出了更准确的标准,并建议今后应对铜蜓蜥西藏墨脱居群进行更深入的研究。以解释其头部鳞片特殊变异的成因。  相似文献   

<正>2020年8月25日,在贵州省荔波县(108.027 637°E,25.217 600°N,海拔735 m)进行两栖爬行动物调查时,于1株灌木上采集到白环蛇属Lycodon Fitzinger, 1826雌性成体标本1号。经形态对比,鉴定为锦白环蛇Lycodon pictus Janssen, Pham, Ngo, Le, Nguyen&Ziegler, 2019(图1),贵州省新记录。标本保存于中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物标本馆(标本号:CIB 119085)。  相似文献   

李胜全  李成  王跃招 《四川动物》2000,19(3):156-157
米仓山攀蜥(Japaluramicangshanensis)是宋鸣涛(1987)依据1982年在陕西省宁强县青木川所采标本描述的种。目前仅知分布于陕西南部地区。作者1999年6~7月在甘肃省陇南地区进行野外考察,先后于6月10日~6月14日、7月9日~17日在文县刘家坪、康县阳坝和文县碧口采到鬣蜥科龙蜥属标本22号,经鉴定为米仓山攀蜥,为甘肃省新纪录。米仓山攀蜥与草绿攀蜥(JaplaluraflavicepsBarbourandDunn)相近似。区别是前者没有喉褶;上唇鳞7~8枚,下唇鳞8~9枚;尾长为头体长的两倍(个别超出两倍)。草绿攀…  相似文献   

受亚洲两栖爬行动物学会委托,由中国科学院、中国动物学会、中国两栖爬行动物学会、成都地奥制药(集团)、中国科学院成都生物研究所等单位联合举办的第四届亚洲两栖爬行动物学国际学术报告会暨第五届中国两栖爬行动物学会代表大会将于2000年7月中旬在成都举行,已有数十位亚洲和欧美学者表示届时将参加学术交流,近期将发出会议正式通知。热烈欢迎全国的两栖爬行动物学界的学者、专家以及热爱两栖爬行动物学的人士参加这一在成都举行的世纪之交的学术盛会。国际会议消息  相似文献   

2004年7月17日~8月20日,由沈阳师范大学组织、世界自然保护联盟中国两栖爬行动物专家组参与进行了西藏两栖爬行动物考察.本文简要报道藏东队从拉萨到察隅的考察结果,本线路考察共采集到302份两栖爬行动物标本及大量蝌蚪,以及丰富的DNA组织样品和上万张影像图片资料.标本经鉴定隶属7科12属17种.  相似文献   

2004年7月17日~8月20日,由沈阳师范大学组织、世界自然保护联盟中国两栖爬行动物专家组参与进行了西藏两栖爬行动物考察。本文简要报道藏东队从拉萨到察隅的考察结果,本线路考察共采集到302份两栖爬行动物标本及大量蝌蚪,以及丰富的DNA组织样品和上万张影像图片资料。标本经鉴定隶属7科12属17种。  相似文献   

正在塔克拉玛干沙漠的边缘和腹地,我们随处都可以看到变色沙蜥的足迹,这是一种刻画在沙漠表面的清晰的足迹曲线,让人联想起它那轻快的脚步,时而快速奔跑,时而悠闲漫步。变色沙蜥是鬣蜥科沙蜥属的爬行动物。它的蜥头体长41~58毫米,尾长55~70毫米。头长圆形,宽度略大于长。吻圆稍尖,吻鳞较大。身体平扁而宽阔,颈侧褶和体侧褶发达。其背部没有突起的鳞丛或棱鳞,但是具有背鳞,较大,往两侧逐渐变  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas (Synurophyceae), Mallomonas jejuensis sp. nov., has been found in Jeju Island, South Korea. This species is placed in the series Mangoferae (section Torquatae) because it has a collar of elongated domed scales, domeless body scales, rear scales with spines and all scales ornamented with papillae. The morphological characteristics of the scales and bristle of the new species are described by EM and compared with those reported for the other species of the series Mangoferae.  相似文献   

Summary A new marine species of Chrysochromulina, characterized by distinctive spined and spineless scales is described. The value of the new species for the experimental study of haptonema movements is outlined and a brief comparison is made with four other previously named species with spined scales.  相似文献   

A new Anolis species of the Alpha section from the north region of eastern Cuba (Holguín province) is described. It differs from all Cuban species of Anolis in its green coloration with greenish gray bands on body, legs and tail, in having subtriangular mental scales as well as in other details of color and scutellation. This new species is most closely related to A. isolepis but it can be distinguished from both, A. i. isolepis and A. i. altitudinalis, by its coloration and pattern, the larger body size, the presence of smooth ventral scales (similar in size to the dorsal scales) and by the absence of enlarged postcloacal scales in the male.  相似文献   

Atherton S  Hochberg R 《ZooKeys》2012,(190):81-94
A new species of Acanthodasys (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida, Thaumastodermatidae) is described from sublittoral sediments off the Atlantic coast of Florida. Acanthodasys paurocactussp. n. is a relatively small species (to 450 μm long) with a strap-shaped outline, a series of anterior, lateral, and ventrolateral adhesive tubes, paired caudal pedicles with posterior adhesive tubes, and a morphologically diverse cuticle. The cuticle contains both spined and unspined scales. Unspined scales are present in two general shapes: lanceolate and eye shaped, with some transitional shapes. All scales have a thickened rim and depressed central region; some scales of both shapes bear either one or more central bumps, a parallel ridge, or a perpendicular ridge that gives the appearance of a cross-shaped pattern under transmitted light. Spined scales are somewhat quadrangular in shape and bear uniancres to 15 μm long with a cross-shaped sectional profile. The new species is now one of five described species to possess both spined and spineless scales, and only one of two species to possess two types of spineless scales (the second species is an incompletely described specimen from Norway).  相似文献   

Based on material collected from Cape Town, a new sand-dwelling, marine species of Prymnesium is described. Using light and electron microscopy, Prymnesium nemamethecum sp. nov. has been found to resemble other species of the genus in size, organelle arrangement, and swimming behavior. It differs from other described species in that it has three types of scales, one of which is confined to the region of appendage insertion and forms a sheath of simple plate scales over the haptonema. In addition, the scales constituting the proximal body scale layer(s) are unusual because they are not simple plate scales but are specifically ornamented.  相似文献   

The South African genus Hymenolepis Cass. was recently distinguished from Athanasia L. by Källersjö. It differs by its slender capitula and a pappus of scales. A key to the 7 species is presented and the new species H. cynopus Bremer & Källersjö is described.  相似文献   

A new sciaenid,Johnius (Johnius) laevis, is described from northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. Amongst theJohnius (Johnius) species with no mental barbel, ctenoid body scales, and more than 10 lower gill rakers, the new species is distinguished by the combination of the following characters: dorsal soft rays 29–34; scales above the lateral line 5–6, and below 8–10; eye diameter 22.4–30% HL; interorbital width 24.6–29.8% HL; and body scales with weakly developed ctenii.  相似文献   

本文报道产自贵州西南部中三叠世拉丁期晚期竹杆坡组的软骨鱼类鱼鳞化石,这些化石归属于4属6种,其中有3新种,即Rugosicoronaci rcacarina sp.nov.,Fragilicorona wanlantricuspis sp.nov.和Glabrisubcorona triridgecorona sp.nov.。并将中国西南部与加拿大东南部相当地层中软骨鱼类微体化石进行了初步对比。  相似文献   

A new species of cyprinid fish, Mekongina lancangensis, is described from the upper Mekong River drainage in Southern Yunnan, China. The new species is distinguished from the other species of Mekongina occurring in the lower Mekong River drainage by possessing the following combination of characters: one pair of rostral barbels; two rows of tubercles irregularly scattered on the snout and cheeks, with two enlarged tubercles present at each side of anterior of the snout; 19–27 rostral marginal lappets; lateral line with 38–41 scales; 5·5 or 6·5 scales in transverse series from dorsal‐fin origin to lateral line; 18–20 circumpeduncular scales; snout length 31·9–36·9% head length; tip of depressed anal‐fin rays extending to the caudal‐fin base.  相似文献   

Seven genera of wax scales (Ceroplastinae) have been accepted as valid by some or all coecidologists: Ceroplastes Gray, Ceroplastidia Cockerell, Cerostegia De Lotto, Gascardia Targioni Tozzetti, Paracerostegia Tang, Vinsonia Signoret and Waxiella De Lotto. The status of most these genera is controversial. The present study reviews the taxonomic history of wax scales and presents a new classification based on cladistic analysis of morphological data from the adult females of eighty-three species. The analysis indicates that the wax scales form a monophyletic group, that Waxiella is monophyletic but that Ceroplastidia, Gascardia and Vinsonia are not, and fails to support the generic status of Cerostegia and Paracerostegia. Apart from the type species of Vinsonia , which was placed as a sister to the rest of wax scales, the only other species assigned to Vinsonia and most species of all other genera fall within Ceroplastes in the cladogram. Recognition of any of these genera renders Ceroplastes paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Thus, cladistically, the wax scales should be classified into one genus, Ceroplastes.  相似文献   

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