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A decoding algorithm is tested that mechanistically models the progressive alignments that arise as the mRNA moves past the rRNA tail during translation elongation. Each of these alignments provides an opportunity for hybridization between the single-stranded, -terminal nucleotides of the 16S rRNA and the spatially accessible window of mRNA sequence, from which a free energy value can be calculated. Using this algorithm we show that a periodic, energetic pattern of frequency 1/3 is revealed. This periodic signal exists in the majority of coding regions of eubacterial genes, but not in the non-coding regions encoding the 16S and 23S rRNAs. Signal analysis reveals that the population of coding regions of each bacterial species has a mean phase that is correlated in a statistically significant way with species () content. These results suggest that the periodic signal could function as a synchronization signal for the maintenance of reading frame and that codon usage provides a mechanism for manipulation of signal phase.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

Top-down proteomics is emerging as a viable method for the routine identification of hundreds to thousands of proteins. In this work we report the largest top-down study to date, with the identification of 1,220 proteins from the transformed human cell line H1299 at a false discovery rate of 1%. Multiple separation strategies were utilized, including the focused isolation of mitochondria, resulting in significantly improved proteome coverage relative to previous work. In all, 347 mitochondrial proteins were identified, including ∼50% of the mitochondrial proteome below 30 kDa and over 75% of the subunits constituting the large complexes of oxidative phosphorylation. Three hundred of the identified proteins were found to be integral membrane proteins containing between 1 and 12 transmembrane helices, requiring no specific enrichment or modified LC-MS parameters. Over 5,000 proteoforms were observed, many harboring post-translational modifications, including over a dozen proteins containing lipid anchors (some previously unknown) and many others with phosphorylation and methylation modifications. Comparison between untreated and senescent H1299 cells revealed several changes to the proteome, including the hyperphosphorylation of HMGA2. This work illustrates the burgeoning ability of top-down proteomics to characterize large numbers of intact proteoforms in a high-throughput fashion.Although traditional bottom-up approaches to mass-spectrometry-based proteomics are capable of identifying thousands of protein groups from a complex mixture, proteolytic digestion can result in the loss of information pertaining to post-translational modifications and sequence variants (1, 2). The recent implementation of top-down proteomics in a high-throughput format using either Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (35) or Orbitrap instruments (6, 7) has shown an increasing scale of applicability while preserving information on combinatorial modifications and highly related sequence variants. For example, the identification of over 500 bacterial proteins helped researchers find covalent switches on cysteines (7), and over 1,000 proteins were identified from human cells (3). Such advances have driven the detection of whole protein forms, now simply called proteoforms (8), with several laboratories now seeking to tie these to specific functions in cell and disease biology (911).The term “proteoform” denotes a specific primary structure of an intact protein molecule that arises from a specific gene and refers to a precise combination of genetic variation, splice variants, and post-translational modifications. Whereas special attention is required in order to accomplish gene- and variant-specific identifications via the bottom-up approach, top-down proteomics routinely links proteins to specific genes without the problem of protein inference. However, the fully automated characterization of whole proteoforms still represents a significant challenge in the field. Another major challenge is to extend the top-down approach to the study of whole integral membrane proteins, whose hydrophobicity can often limit their analysis via LC-MS (5, 1216). Though integral membrane proteins are often difficult to solubilize, the long stretches of sequence information provided from fragmentation of their transmembrane domains in the gas phase can actually aid in their identification (5, 13).In parallel to the early days of bottom-up proteomics a decade ago (1721), in this work we brought the latest methods for top-down proteomics into combination with subcellular fractionation and cellular treatments to expand coverage of the human proteome. We utilized multiple dimensions of separation and an Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer to achieve large-scale interrogation of intact proteins derived from H1299 cells. For this focus issue on post-translational modifications, we report this summary of findings from the largest implementation of top-down proteomics to date, which resulted in the identification of 1,220 proteins and thousands more proteoforms. We also applied the platform to H1299 cells induced into senescence by treatment with the DNA-damaging agent camptothecin.  相似文献   

A Boolean network is a model used to study the interactions between different genes in genetic regulatory networks. In this paper, we present several algorithms using gene ordering and feedback vertex sets to identify singleton attractors and small attractors in Boolean networks. We analyze the average case time complexities of some of the proposed algorithms. For instance, it is shown that the outdegree-based ordering algorithm for finding singleton attractors works in time for , which is much faster than the naive time algorithm, where is the number of genes and is the maximum indegree. We performed extensive computational experiments on these algorithms, which resulted in good agreement with theoretical results. In contrast, we give a simple and complete proof for showing that finding an attractor with the shortest period is NP-hard.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

Quantifying the similarity of spectra is an important task in various areas of spectroscopy, for example, to identify a compound by comparing sample spectra to those of reference standards. In mass spectrometry based discovery proteomics, spectral comparisons are used to infer the amino acid sequence of peptides. In targeted proteomics by selected reaction monitoring (SRM) or SWATH MS, predetermined sets of fragment ion signals integrated over chromatographic time are used to identify target peptides in complex samples. In both cases, confidence in peptide identification is directly related to the quality of spectral matches. In this study, we used sets of simulated spectra of well-controlled dissimilarity to benchmark different spectral comparison measures and to develop a robust scoring scheme that quantifies the similarity of fragment ion spectra. We applied the normalized spectral contrast angle score to quantify the similarity of spectra to objectively assess fragment ion variability of tandem mass spectrometric datasets, to evaluate portability of peptide fragment ion spectra for targeted mass spectrometry across different types of mass spectrometers and to discriminate target assays from decoys in targeted proteomics. Altogether, this study validates the use of the normalized spectral contrast angle as a sensitive spectral similarity measure for targeted proteomics, and more generally provides a methodology to assess the performance of spectral comparisons and to support the rational selection of the most appropriate similarity measure. The algorithms used in this study are made publicly available as an open source toolset with a graphical user interface.In “bottom-up” proteomics, peptide sequences are identified by the information contained in their fragment ion spectra (1). Various methods have been developed to generate peptide fragment ion spectra and to match them to their corresponding peptide sequences. They can be broadly grouped into discovery and targeted methods. In the widely used discovery (also referred to as shotgun) proteomic approach, peptides are identified by establishing peptide to spectrum matches via a method referred to as database searching. Each acquired fragment ion spectrum is searched against theoretical peptide fragment ion spectra computed from the entries of a specified sequence database, whereby the database search space is constrained to a user defined precursor mass tolerance (2, 3). The quality of the match between experimental and theoretical spectra is typically expressed with multiple scores. These include the number of matching or nonmatching fragments, the number of consecutive fragment ion matches among others. With few exceptions (47) commonly used search engines do not use the relative intensities of the acquired fragment ion signals even though this information could be expected to strengthen the confidence of peptide identification because the relative fragment ion intensity pattern acquired under controlled fragmentation conditions can be considered as a unique “fingerprint” for a given precursor. Thanks to community efforts in acquiring and sharing large number of datasets, the proteomes of some species are now essentially mapped out and experimental fragment ion spectra covering entire proteomes are increasingly becoming accessible through spectral databases (816). This has catalyzed the emergence of new proteomics strategies that differ from classical database searching in that they use prior spectral information to identify peptides. Those comprise inclusion list sequencing (directed sequencing), spectral library matching, and targeted proteomics (17). These methods explicitly use the information contained in empirical fragment ion spectra, including the fragment ion signal intensity to identify the target peptide. For these methods, it is therefore of highest importance to accurately control and quantify the degree of reproducibility of the fragment ion spectra across experiments, instruments, labs, methods, and to quantitatively assess the similarity of spectra. To date, dot product (1824), its corresponding arccosine spectral contrast angle (2527) and (Pearson-like) spectral correlation (2831), and other geometrical distance measures (18, 32), have been used in the literature for assessing spectral similarity. These measures have been used in different contexts including shotgun spectra clustering (19, 26), spectral library searching (18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 2729), cross-instrument fragmentation comparisons (22, 30) and for scoring transitions in targeted proteomics analyses such as selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 (23, 31). However, to our knowledge, those scores have never been objectively benchmarked for their performance in discriminating well-defined levels of dissimilarities between spectra. In particular, similarity scores obtained by different methods have not yet been compared for targeted proteomics applications, where the sensitive discrimination of highly similar spectra is critical for the confident identification of targeted peptides.In this study, we have developed a method to objectively assess the similarity of fragment ion spectra. We provide an open-source toolset that supports these analyses. Using a computationally generated benchmark spectral library with increasing levels of well-controlled spectral dissimilarity, we performed a comprehensive and unbiased comparison of the performance of the main scores used to assess spectral similarity in mass spectrometry.We then exemplify how this method, in conjunction with its corresponding benchmarked perturbation spectra set, can be applied to answer several relevant questions for MS-based proteomics. As a first application, we show that it can efficiently assess the absolute levels of peptide fragmentation variability inherent to any given mass spectrometer. By comparing the instrument''s intrinsic fragmentation conservation distribution to that of the benchmarked perturbation spectra set, nominal values of spectral similarity scores can indeed be translated into a more directly understandable percentage of variability inherent to the instrument fragmentation. As a second application, we show that the method can be used to derive an absolute measure to estimate the conservation of peptide fragmentation between instruments or across proteomics methods. This allowed us to quantitatively evaluate, for example, the transferability of fragment ion spectra acquired by data dependent analysis in a first instrument into a fragment/transition assay list used for targeted proteomics applications (e.g. SRM or targeted extraction of data independent acquisition SWATH MS (33)) on another instrument. Third, we used the method to probe the fragmentation patterns of peptides carrying a post-translation modification (e.g. phosphorylation) by comparing the spectra of modified peptide with those of their unmodified counterparts. Finally, we used the method to determine the overall level of fragmentation conservation that is required to support target-decoy discrimination and peptide identification in targeted proteomics approaches such as SRM and SWATH MS.  相似文献   

Quantitative proteome analyses suggest that the well-established stain colloidal Coomassie Blue, when used as an infrared dye, may provide sensitive, post-electrophoretic in-gel protein detection that can rival even Sypro Ruby. Considering the central role of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in top-down proteomic analyses, a more cost effective alternative such as Coomassie Blue could prove an important tool in ongoing refinements of this important analytical technique. To date, no systematic characterization of Coomassie Blue infrared fluorescence detection relative to detection with SR has been reported. Here, seven commercial Coomassie stain reagents and seven stain formulations described in the literature were systematically compared. The selectivity, threshold sensitivity, inter-protein variability, and linear-dynamic range of Coomassie Blue infrared fluorescence detection were assessed in parallel with Sypro Ruby. Notably, several of the Coomassie stain formulations provided infrared fluorescence detection sensitivity to <1 ng of protein in-gel, slightly exceeding the performance of Sypro Ruby. The linear dynamic range of Coomassie Blue infrared fluorescence detection was found to significantly exceed that of Sypro Ruby. However, in two-dimensional gel analyses, because of a blunted fluorescence response, Sypro Ruby was able to detect a few additional protein spots, amounting to 0.6% of the detected proteome. Thus, although both detection methods have their advantages and disadvantages, differences between the two appear to be small. Coomassie Blue infrared fluorescence detection is thus a viable alternative for gel-based proteomics, offering detection comparable to Sypro Ruby, and more reliable quantitative assessments, but at a fraction of the cost.Gel electrophoresis is an accessible, widely applicable and mature protein resolving technology. As the original top-down approach to proteomic analyses, among its many attributes the high resolution achievable by two dimensional gel-electrophoresis (2DE)1 ensures that it remains an effective analytical technology despite the appearance of alternatives. However, in-gel detection remains a limiting factor for gel-based analyses; available technology generally permits the detection and quantification of only relatively abundant proteins (35). Many critical components in normal physiology and also disease may be several orders of magnitude less abundant and thus below the detection threshold of in-gel stains, or indeed most techniques. Pre- and post-fractionation technologies have been developed to address this central issue in proteomics but these are not without limitations (15). Thus improved detection methods for gel-based proteomics continue to be a high priority, and the literature is rich with different in-gel detection methods and innovative improvements (634). This history of iterative refinement presents a wealth of choices when selecting a detection strategy for a gel-based proteomic analysis (35).Perhaps the best known in-gel detection method is the ubiquitous Coomassie Blue (CB) stain; CB has served as a gel stain and protein quantification reagent for over 40 years. Though affordable, robust, easy to use, and compatible with mass spectrometry (MS), CB staining is relatively insensitive. In traditional organic solvent formulations, CB detects ∼ 10 ng of protein in-gel, and some reports suggest poorer sensitivity (27, 29, 36, 37). Sensitivity is hampered by relatively high background staining because of nonspecific retention of dye within the gel matrix (32, 36, 38, 39). The development of colloidal CB (CCB) formulations largely addressed these limitations (12); the concentration of soluble CB was carefully controlled by sequestering the majority of the dye into colloidal particles, mediated by pH, solvent, and the ionic strength of the solution. Minimizing soluble dye concentration and penetration of the gel matrix mitigated background staining, and the introduction of phosphoric acid into the staining reagent enhanced dye-protein interactions (8, 12, 40), contributing to an in-gel staining sensitivity of 5–10 ng protein, with some formulations reportedly yielding sensitivities of 0.1–1 ng (8, 12, 22, 39, 41, 42). Thus CCB achieved higher sensitivity than traditional CB staining, yet maintained all the advantages of the latter, including low cost and compatibility with existing densitometric detection instruments and MS. Although surpassed by newer methods, the practical advantages of CCB ensure that it remains one of the most common gel stains in use.Fluorescent stains have become the routine and sensitive alternative to visible dyes. Among these, the ruthenium-organometallic family of dyes have been widely applied and the most commercially well-known is Sypro Ruby (SR), which is purported to interact noncovalently with primary amines in proteins (15, 18, 19, 43). Chief among the attributes of these dyes is their high sensitivity. In-gel detection limits of < 1 ng for some proteins have been reported for SR (6, 9, 14, 44, 45). Moreover, SR staining has been reported to yield a greater linear dynamic range (LDR), and reduced interprotein variability (IPV) compared with CCB and silver stains (15, 19, 4649). SR is easy to use, fully MS compatible, and relatively forgiving of variations in initial conditions (6, 15). The chief consequence of these advances remains high cost; SR and related stains are notoriously expensive, and beyond the budget of many laboratories. Furthermore, despite some small cost advantage relative to SR, none of the available alternatives has been consistently and quantitatively demonstrated to substantially improve on the performance of SR under practical conditions (9, 50).Notably, there is evidence to suggest that CCB staining is not fundamentally insensitive, but rather that its sensitivity has been limited by traditional densitometric detection (50, 51). When excited in the near IR at ∼650 nm, protein-bound CB in-gel emits light in the range of 700–800 nm. Until recently, the lack of low-cost, widely available and sufficiently sensitive infrared (IR)-capable imaging instruments prevented mainstream adoption of in-gel CB infrared fluorescence detection (IRFD); advances in imaging technology are now making such instruments far more accessible. Initial reports suggested that IRFD of CB-stained gels provided greater sensitivity than traditional densitometric detection (50, 51). Using CB R250, in-gel IRFD was reported to detect as little as 2 ng of protein in-gel, with a LDR of about an order of magnitude (2 to 20 ng, or 10 to 100 ng in separate gels), beyond which the fluorescent response saturated into the μg range (51). Using the G250 dye variant, it was determined that CB-IRFD of 2D gels detected ∼3 times as many proteins as densitometric imaging, and a comparable number of proteins as seen by SR (50). This study also concluded that CB-IRFD yielded a significantly higher signal to background ratio (S/BG) than SR, providing initial evidence that CB-IRFD may be superior to SR in some aspects of stain performance (50).Despite this initial evidence of the viability of CB-IRF as an in-gel protein detection method, a detailed characterization of this technology has not yet been reported. Here a more thorough, quantitative characterization of CB-IRFD is described, establishing its lowest limit of detection (LLD), IPV, and LDR in comparison to SR. Finally a wealth of modifications and enhancements of CCB formulations have been reported (8, 12, 21, 24, 26, 29, 40, 41, 5254), and likewise there are many commercially available CCB stain formulations. To date, none of these formulations have been compared quantitatively in terms of their relative performance when detected using IRF. As a general detection method for gel-based proteomics, CB-IRFD was found to provide comparable or even slightly superior performance to SR according to most criteria, including sensitivity and selectivity (50). Furthermore, in terms of LDR, CB-IRFD showed distinct advantages over SR. However, assessing proteomes resolved by 2DE revealed critical distinctions between CB-IRFD and SR in terms of protein quantification versus threshold detection: neither stain could be considered unequivocally superior to the other by all criteria. Nonetheless, IRFD proved the most sensitive method of detecting CB-stained protein in-gel, enabling high sensitivity detection without the need for expensive reagents or even commercial formulations. Overall, CB-IRFD is a viable alternative to SR and other mainstream fluorescent stains, mitigating the high cost of large-scale gel-based proteomic analyses, making high sensitivity gel-based proteomics accessible to all labs. With improvements to CB formulations and/or image acquisition instruments, the performance of this detection technology may be further enhanced.  相似文献   

Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.Insulin plays a central role in the regulation of vertebrate metabolism. The hormone, the post-translational product of a single-chain precursor, is a globular protein containing two chains, A (21 residues) and B (30 residues). Recent advances in human genetics have identified dominant mutations in the insulin gene causing permanent neonatal-onset DM2 (14). The mutations are predicted to block folding of the precursor in the ER of pancreatic β-cells. Although expression of the wild-type allele would in other circumstances be sufficient to maintain homeostasis, studies of a corresponding mouse model (57) suggest that the misfolded variant perturbs wild-type biosynthesis (8, 9). Impaired β-cell secretion is associated with ER stress, distorted organelle architecture, and cell death (10). These findings have renewed interest in insulin biosynthesis (1113) and the structural basis of disulfide pairing (1419). Protein evolution is constrained not only by structure and function but also by susceptibility to toxic misfolding.  相似文献   

A variety of high-throughput methods have made it possible to generate detailed temporal expression data for a single gene or large numbers of genes. Common methods for analysis of these large data sets can be problematic. One challenge is the comparison of temporal expression data obtained from different growth conditions where the patterns of expression may be shifted in time. We propose the use of wavelet analysis to transform the data obtained under different growth conditions to permit comparison of expression patterns from experiments that have time shifts or delays. We demonstrate this approach using detailed temporal data for a single bacterial gene obtained under 72 different growth conditions. This general strategy can be applied in the analysis of data sets of thousands of genes under different conditions.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

Mathematical tools developed in the context of Shannon information theory were used to analyze the meaning of the BLOSUM score, which was split into three components termed as the BLOSUM spectrum (or BLOSpectrum). These relate respectively to the sequence convergence (the stochastic similarity of the two protein sequences), to the background frequency divergence (typicality of the amino acid probability distribution in each sequence), and to the target frequency divergence (compliance of the amino acid variations between the two sequences to the protein model implicit in the BLOCKS database). This treatment sharpens the protein sequence comparison, providing a rationale for the biological significance of the obtained score, and helps to identify weakly related sequences. Moreover, the BLOSpectrum can guide the choice of the most appropriate scoring matrix, tailoring it to the evolutionary divergence associated with the two sequences, or indicate if a compositionally adjusted matrix could perform better.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the biological functions of large signaling peptides (>4 kDa) requires comprehensive characterization of their amino acid sequences and post-translational modifications, which presents significant analytical challenges. In the past decade, there has been great success with mass spectrometry-based de novo sequencing of small neuropeptides. However, these approaches are less applicable to larger neuropeptides because of the inefficient fragmentation of peptides larger than 4 kDa and their lower endogenous abundance. The conventional proteomics approach focuses on large-scale determination of protein identities via database searching, lacking the ability for in-depth elucidation of individual amino acid residues. Here, we present a multifaceted MS approach for identification and characterization of large crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH)-family neuropeptides, a class of peptide hormones that play central roles in the regulation of many important physiological processes of crustaceans. Six crustacean CHH-family neuropeptides (8–9.5 kDa), including two novel peptides with extensive disulfide linkages and PTMs, were fully sequenced without reference to genomic databases. High-definition de novo sequencing was achieved by a combination of bottom-up, off-line top-down, and on-line top-down tandem MS methods. Statistical evaluation indicated that these methods provided complementary information for sequence interpretation and increased the local identification confidence of each amino acid. Further investigations by MALDI imaging MS mapped the spatial distribution and colocalization patterns of various CHH-family neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine organs, revealing that two CHH-subfamilies are involved in distinct signaling pathways.Neuropeptides and hormones comprise a diverse class of signaling molecules involved in numerous essential physiological processes, including analgesia, reward, food intake, learning and memory (1). Disorders of the neurosecretory and neuroendocrine systems influence many pathological processes. For example, obesity results from failure of energy homeostasis in association with endocrine alterations (2, 3). Previous work from our lab used crustaceans as model organisms found that multiple neuropeptides were implicated in control of food intake, including RFamides, tachykinin related peptides, RYamides, and pyrokinins (46).Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH)1 family neuropeptides play a central role in energy homeostasis of crustaceans (717). Hyperglycemic response of the CHHs was first reported after injection of crude eyestalk extract in crustaceans. Based on their preprohormone organization, the CHH family can be grouped into two sub-families: subfamily-I containing CHH, and subfamily-II containing molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH) and mandibular organ-inhibiting hormone (MOIH). The preprohormones of the subfamily-I have a CHH precursor related peptide (CPRP) that is cleaved off during processing; and preprohormones of the subfamily-II lack the CPRP (9). Uncovering their physiological functions will provide new insights into neuroendocrine regulation of energy homeostasis.Characterization of CHH-family neuropeptides is challenging. They are comprised of more than 70 amino acids and often contain multiple post-translational modifications (PTMs) and complex disulfide bridge connections (7). In addition, physiological concentrations of these peptide hormones are typically below picomolar level, and most crustacean species do not have available genome and proteome databases to assist MS-based sequencing.MS-based neuropeptidomics provides a powerful tool for rapid discovery and analysis of a large number of endogenous peptides from the brain and the central nervous system. Our group and others have greatly expanded the peptidomes of many model organisms (3, 1833). For example, we have discovered more than 200 neuropeptides with several neuropeptide families consisting of as many as 20–40 members in a simple crustacean model system (5, 6, 2531, 34). However, a majority of these neuropeptides are small peptides with 5–15 amino acid residues long, leaving a gap of identifying larger signaling peptides from organisms without sequenced genome. The observed lack of larger size peptide hormones can be attributed to the lack of effective de novo sequencing strategies for neuropeptides larger than 4 kDa, which are inherently more difficult to fragment using conventional techniques (3437). Although classical proteomics studies examine larger proteins, these tools are limited to identification based on database searching with one or more peptides matching without complete amino acid sequence coverage (36, 38).Large populations of neuropeptides from 4–10 kDa exist in the nervous systems of both vertebrates and invertebrates (9, 39, 40). Understanding their functional roles requires sufficient molecular knowledge and a unique analytical approach. Therefore, developing effective and reliable methods for de novo sequencing of large neuropeptides at the individual amino acid residue level is an urgent gap to fill in neurobiology. In this study, we present a multifaceted MS strategy aimed at high-definition de novo sequencing and comprehensive characterization of the CHH-family neuropeptides in crustacean central nervous system. The high-definition de novo sequencing was achieved by a combination of three methods: (1) enzymatic digestion and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) bottom-up analysis to generate detailed sequences of proteolytic peptides; (2) off-line LC fractionation and subsequent top-down MS/MS to obtain high-quality fragmentation maps of intact peptides; and (3) on-line LC coupled to top-down MS/MS to allow rapid sequence analysis of low abundance peptides. Combining the three methods overcomes the limitations of each, and thus offers complementary and high-confidence determination of amino acid residues. We report the complete sequence analysis of six CHH-family neuropeptides including the discovery of two novel peptides. With the accurate molecular information, MALDI imaging and ion mobility MS were conducted for the first time to explore their anatomical distribution and biochemical properties.  相似文献   

Top-down mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics is arguably a disruptive technology for the comprehensive analysis of all proteoforms arising from genetic variation, alternative splicing, and posttranslational modifications (PTMs). However, the complexity of top-down high-resolution mass spectra presents a significant challenge for data analysis. In contrast to the well-developed software packages available for data analysis in bottom-up proteomics, the data analysis tools in top-down proteomics remain underdeveloped. Moreover, despite recent efforts to develop algorithms and tools for the deconvolution of top-down high-resolution mass spectra and the identification of proteins from complex mixtures, a multifunctional software platform, which allows for the identification, quantitation, and characterization of proteoforms with visual validation, is still lacking. Herein, we have developed MASH Suite Pro, a comprehensive software tool for top-down proteomics with multifaceted functionality. MASH Suite Pro is capable of processing high-resolution MS and tandem MS (MS/MS) data using two deconvolution algorithms to optimize protein identification results. In addition, MASH Suite Pro allows for the characterization of PTMs and sequence variations, as well as the relative quantitation of multiple proteoforms in different experimental conditions. The program also provides visualization components for validation and correction of the computational outputs. Furthermore, MASH Suite Pro facilitates data reporting and presentation via direct output of the graphics. Thus, MASH Suite Pro significantly simplifies and speeds up the interpretation of high-resolution top-down proteomics data by integrating tools for protein identification, quantitation, characterization, and visual validation into a customizable and user-friendly interface. We envision that MASH Suite Pro will play an integral role in advancing the burgeoning field of top-down proteomics.With well-developed algorithms and computational tools for mass spectrometry (MS)1 data analysis, peptide-based bottom-up proteomics has gained considerable popularity in the field of systems biology (19). Nevertheless, the bottom-up approach is suboptimal for the analysis of protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and sequence variants as a result of protein digestion (10). Alternatively, the protein-based top-down proteomics approach analyzes intact proteins, which provides a “bird''s eye” view of all proteoforms (11), including those arising from sequence variations, alternative splicing, and diverse PTMs, making it a disruptive technology for the comprehensive analysis of proteoforms (1224). However, the complexity of top-down high-resolution mass spectra presents a significant challenge for data analysis. In contrast to the well-developed software packages available for processing data from bottom-up proteomics experiments, the data analysis tools in top-down proteomics remain underdeveloped.The initial step in the analysis of top-down proteomics data is deconvolution of high-resolution mass and tandem mass spectra. Thorough high-resolution analysis of spectra by horn (THRASH), which was the first algorithm developed for the deconvolution of high-resolution mass spectra (25), is still widely used. THRASH automatically detects and evaluates individual isotopomer envelopes by comparing the experimental isotopomer envelope with a theoretical envelope and reporting those that score higher than a user-defined threshold. Another commonly used algorithm, MS-Deconv, utilizes a combinatorial approach to address the difficulty of grouping MS peaks from overlapping isotopomer envelopes (26). Recently, UniDec, which employs a Bayesian approach to separate mass and charge dimensions (27), can also be applied to the deconvolution of high-resolution spectra. Although these algorithms assist in data processing, unfortunately, the deconvolution results often contain a considerable amount of misassigned peaks as a consequence of the complexity of the high-resolution MS and MS/MS data generated in top-down proteomics experiments. Errors such as these can undermine the accuracy of protein identification and PTM localization and, thus, necessitate the implementation of visual components that allow for the validation and manual correction of the computational outputs.Following spectral deconvolution, a typical top-down proteomics workflow incorporates identification, quantitation, and characterization of proteoforms; however, most of the recently developed data analysis tools for top-down proteomics, including ProSightPC (28, 29), Mascot Top Down (also known as Big-Mascot) (30), MS-TopDown (31), and MS-Align+ (32), focus almost exclusively on protein identification. ProSightPC was the first software tool specifically developed for top-down protein identification. This software utilizes “shotgun annotated” databases (33) that include all possible proteoforms containing user-defined modifications. Consequently, ProSightPC is not optimized for identifying PTMs that are not defined by the user(s). Additionally, the inclusion of all possible modified forms within the database dramatically increases the size of the database and, thus, limits the search speed (32). Mascot Top Down (30) is based on standard Mascot but enables database searching using a higher mass limit for the precursor ions (up to 110 kDa), which allows for the identification of intact proteins. Protein identification using Mascot Top Down is fundamentally similar to that used in bottom-up proteomics (34), and, therefore, it is somewhat limited in terms of identifying unexpected PTMs. MS-TopDown (31) employs the spectral alignment algorithm (35), which matches the top-down tandem mass spectra to proteins in the database without prior knowledge of the PTMs. Nevertheless, MS-TopDown lacks statistical evaluation of the search results and performs slowly when searching against large databases. MS-Align+ also utilizes spectral alignment for top-down protein identification (32). It is capable of identifying unexpected PTMs and allows for efficient filtering of candidate proteins when the top-down spectra are searched against a large protein database. MS-Align+ also provides statistical evaluation for the selection of proteoform spectrum match (PrSM) with high confidence. More recently, Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Based Proteoform Identification and Characterization (TopPIC) was developed (http://proteomics.informatics.iupui.edu/software/toppic/index.html). TopPIC is an updated version of MS-Align+ with increased spectral alignment speed and reduced computing requirements. In addition, MSPathFinder, developed by Kim et al., also allows for the rapid identification of proteins from top-down tandem mass spectra (http://omics.pnl.gov/software/mspathfinder) using spectral alignment. Although software tools employing spectral alignment, such as MS-Align+ and MSPathFinder, are particularly useful for top-down protein identification, these programs operate using command line, making them difficult to use for those with limited knowledge of command syntax.Recently, new software tools have been developed for proteoform characterization (36, 37). Our group previously developed MASH Suite, a user-friendly interface for the processing, visualization, and validation of high-resolution MS and MS/MS data (36). Another software tool, ProSight Lite, developed recently by the Kelleher group (37), also allows characterization of protein PTMs. However, both of these software tools require prior knowledge of the protein sequence for the effective localization of PTMs. In addition, both software tools cannot process data from liquid chromatography (LC)-MS and LC-MS/MS experiments, which limits their usefulness in large-scale top-down proteomics. Thus, despite these recent efforts, a multifunctional software platform enabling identification, quantitation, and characterization of proteins from top-down spectra, as well as visual validation and data correction, is still lacking.Herein, we report the development of MASH Suite Pro, an integrated software platform, designed to incorporate tools for protein identification, quantitation, and characterization into a single comprehensive package for the analysis of top-down proteomics data. This program contains a user-friendly customizable interface similar to the previously developed MASH Suite (36) but also has a number of new capabilities, including the ability to handle complex proteomics datasets from LC-MS and LC-MS/MS experiments, as well as the ability to identify unknown proteins and PTMs using MS-Align+ (32). Importantly, MASH Suite Pro also provides visualization components for the validation and correction of the computational outputs, which ensures accurate and reliable deconvolution of the spectra and localization of PTMs and sequence variations.  相似文献   

Decomposing a biological sequence into its functional regions is an important prerequisite to understand the molecule. Using the multiple alignments of the sequences, we evaluate a segmentation based on the type of statistical variation pattern from each of the aligned sites. To describe such a more general pattern, we introduce multipattern consensus regions as segmented regions based on conserved as well as interdependent patterns. Thus the proposed consensus region considers patterns that are statistically significant and extends a local neighborhood. To show its relevance in protein sequence analysis, a cancer suppressor gene called p53 is examined. The results show significant associations between the detected regions and tendency of mutations, location on the 3D structure, and cancer hereditable factors that can be inferred from human twin studies.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]  相似文献   

Comprehensive proteomic profiling of biological specimens usually requires multidimensional chromatographic peptide fractionation prior to mass spectrometry. However, this approach can suffer from poor reproducibility because of the lack of standardization and automation of the entire workflow, thus compromising performance of quantitative proteomic investigations. To address these variables we developed an online peptide fractionation system comprising a multiphasic liquid chromatography (LC) chip that integrates reversed phase and strong cation exchange chromatography upstream of the mass spectrometer (MS). We showed superiority of this system for standardizing discovery and targeted proteomic workflows using cancer cell lysates and nondepleted human plasma. Five-step multiphase chip LC MS/MS acquisition showed clear advantages over analyses of unfractionated samples by identifying more peptides, consuming less sample and often improving the lower limits of quantitation, all in highly reproducible, automated, online configuration. We further showed that multiphase chip LC fractionation provided a facile means to detect many N- and C-terminal peptides (including acetylated N terminus) that are challenging to identify in complex tryptic peptide matrices because of less favorable ionization characteristics. Given as much as 95% of peptides were detected in only a single salt fraction from cell lysates we exploited this high reproducibility and coupled it with multiple reaction monitoring on a high-resolution MS instrument (MRM-HR). This approach increased target analyte peak area and improved lower limits of quantitation without negatively influencing variance or bias. Further, we showed a strategy to use multiphase LC chip fractionation LC-MS/MS for ion library generation to integrate with SWATHTM data-independent acquisition quantitative workflows. All MS data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001464.Mass spectrometry based proteomic quantitation is an essential technique used for contemporary, integrative biological studies. Whether used in discovery experiments or for targeted biomarker applications, quantitative proteomic studies require high reproducibility at many levels. It requires reproducible run-to-run peptide detection, reproducible peptide quantitation, reproducible depth of proteome coverage, and ideally, a high degree of cross-laboratory analytical reproducibility. Mass spectrometry centered proteomics has evolved steadily over the past decade, now mature enough to derive extensive draft maps of the human proteome (1, 2). Nonetheless, a key requirement yet to be realized is to ensure that quantitative proteomics can be carried out in a timely manner while satisfying the aforementioned challenges associated with reproducibility. This is especially important for recent developments using data independent MS quantitation and multiple reaction monitoring on high-resolution MS (MRM-HR)1 as they are both highly dependent on LC peptide retention time reproducibility and precursor detectability, while attempting to maximize proteome coverage (3). Strategies usually employed to increase the depth of proteome coverage utilize various sample fractionation methods including gel-based separation, affinity enrichment or depletion, protein or peptide chemical modification-based enrichment, and various peptide chromatography methods, particularly ion exchange chromatography (410). In comparison to an unfractionated “naive” sample, the trade-off in using these enrichments/fractionation approaches are higher risk of sample losses, introduction of undesired chemical modifications (e.g. oxidation, deamidation, N-terminal lactam formation), and the potential for result skewing and bias, as well as numerous time and human resources required to perform the sample preparation tasks. Online-coupled approaches aim to minimize those risks and address resource constraints. A widely practiced example of the benefits of online sample fractionation has been the decade long use of combining strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX) with C18 reversed-phase (RP) for peptide fractionation (known as MudPIT – multidimensional protein identification technology), where SCX and RP is performed under the same buffer conditions and the SCX elution performed with volatile organic cations compatible with reversed phase separation (11). This approach greatly increases analyte detection while avoiding sample handling losses. The MudPIT approach has been widely used for discovery proteomics (1214), and we have previously shown that multiphasic separations also have utility for targeted proteomics when configured for selected reaction monitoring MS (SRM-MS). We showed substantial advantages of MudPIT-SRM-MS with reduced ion suppression, increased peak areas and lower limits of detection (LLOD) compared with conventional RP-SRM-MS (15).To improve the reproducibility of proteomic workflows, increase throughput and minimize sample loss, numerous microfluidic devices have been developed and integrated for proteomic applications (16, 17). These devices can broadly be classified into two groups: (1) microfluidic chips for peptide separation (1825) and; (2) proteome reactors that combine enzymatic processing with peptide based fractionation (2630). Because of the small dimension of these devices, they are readily able to integrate into nanoLC workflows. Various applications have been described including increasing proteome coverage (22, 27, 28) and targeting of phosphopeptides (24, 31, 32), glycopeptides and released glycans (29, 33, 34).In this work, we set out to take advantage of the benefits of multiphasic peptide separations and address the reproducibility needs required for high-throughput comparative proteomics using a variety of workflows. We integrated a multiphasic SCX and RP column in a “plug-and-play” microfluidic chip format for online fractionation, eliminating the need for users to make minimal dead volume connections between traps and columns. We show the flexibility of this format to provide robust peptide separation and reproducibility using conventional and topical mass spectrometry workflows. This was undertaken by coupling the multiphase liquid chromatography (LC) chip to a fast scanning Q-ToF mass spectrometer for data dependent MS/MS, data independent MS (SWATH) and for targeted proteomics using MRM-HR, showing clear advantages for repeatable analyses compared with conventional proteomic workflows.  相似文献   

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