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The archaeal ribosomal stalk complex has been shown to have an apparently conserved functional structure with eukaryotic pentameric stalk complex; it provides access to eukaryotic elongation factors at levels comparable to that of the eukaryotic stalk. The crystal structure of the archaeal heptameric (P0(P1)2(P1)2(P1)2) stalk complex shows that the rRNA anchor protein P0 consists of an N-terminal rRNA-anchoring domain followed by three separated spine helices on which three P1 dimers bind. Based on the structure, we have generated P0 mutants depleted of any binding site(s) for P1 dimer(s). Factor-dependent GTPase assay of such mutants suggested that the first P1 dimer has higher activity than the others. Furthermore, we constructed a model of the archaeal 50 S with stalk complex by superposing the rRNA-anchoring domain of P0 on the archaeal 50 S. This model indicates that the C termini of P1 dimers where translation factors bind are all localized to the region between the stalk base of the 50 S and P0 spine helices. Together with the mutational experiments we infer that the functional significance of multiple copies of P1 is in creating a factor pool within a limited space near the stalk base of the ribosome.  相似文献   

Isocyanide (formerly isonitrile) hydratase (EC is an enzyme of the DJ-1 superfamily that hydrates isocyanides to yield the corresponding N-formamide. In order to understand the structural basis for isocyanide hydratase (ICH) catalysis, we determined the crystal structures of wild-type and several site-directed mutants of Pseudomonas fluorescens ICH at resolutions ranging from 1.0 to 1.9 Å. We also developed a simple UV-visible spectrophotometric assay for ICH activity using 2-naphthyl isocyanide as a substrate. ICH contains a highly conserved cysteine residue (Cys101) that is required for catalysis and interacts with Asp17, Thr102, and an ordered water molecule in the active site. Asp17 has carboxylic acid bond lengths that are consistent with protonation, and we propose that it activates the ordered water molecule to hydrate organic isocyanides. In contrast to Cys101 and Asp17, Thr102 is tolerant of mutagenesis, and the T102V mutation results in a substrate-inhibited enzyme. Although ICH is similar to human DJ-1 (1.6 Å C-α root mean square deviation), structural differences in the vicinity of Cys101 disfavor the facile oxidation of this residue that is functionally important in human DJ-1 but would be detrimental to ICH activity. The ICH active site region also exhibits surprising conformational plasticity and samples two distinct conformations in the crystal. ICH represents a previously uncharacterized clade of the DJ-1 superfamily that possesses a novel enzymatic activity, demonstrating that the DJ-1 core fold can evolve diverse functions by subtle modulation of the environment of a conserved, reactive cysteine residue.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase c-Met is implicated in oncogenesis and is the target for several small molecule and biologic agents in clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Binding of the hepatocyte growth factor to the cell surface receptor of c-Met induces activation via autophosphorylation of the kinase domain. Here we describe the structural basis of c-Met activation upon autophosphorylation and the selective small molecule inhibiton of autophosphorylated c-Met. MK-2461 is a potent c-Met inhibitor that is selective for the phosphorylated state of the enzyme. Compound 1 is an MK-2461 analog with a 20-fold enthalpy-driven preference for the autophosphorylated over unphosphorylated c-Met kinase domain. The crystal structure of the unbound kinase domain phosphorylated at Tyr-1234 and Tyr-1235 shows that activation loop phosphorylation leads to the ejection and disorder of the activation loop and rearrangement of helix αC and the G loop to generate a viable active site. Helix αC adopts a orientation different from that seen in activation loop mutants. The crystal structure of the complex formed by the autophosphorylated c-Met kinase domain and compound 1 reveals a significant induced fit conformational change of the G loop and ordering of the activation loop, explaining the selectivity of compound 1 for the autophosphorylated state. The results highlight the role of structural plasticity within the kinase domain in imparting the specificity of ligand binding and provide the framework for structure-guided design of activated c-Met inhibitors.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structures of NagZ of Bacillus subtilis, the first structures of a two-domain β-N-acetylglucosaminidase of family 3 of glycosidases, were determined with and without the transition state mimicking inhibitor PUGNAc bound to the active site, at 1.84- and 1.40-Å resolution, respectively. The structures together with kinetic analyses of mutants revealed an Asp-His dyad involved in catalysis: His234 of BsNagZ acts as general acid/base catalyst and is hydrogen bonded by Asp232 for proper function. Replacement of both His234 and Asp232 with glycine reduced the rate of hydrolysis of the fluorogenic substrate 4′-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide 1900- and 4500-fold, respectively, and rendered activity pH-independent in the alkaline range consistent with a role of these residues in acid/base catalysis. N-Acetylglucosaminyl enzyme intermediate accumulated in the H234G mutant and β-azide product was formed in the presence of sodium azide in both mutants. The Asp-His dyad is conserved within β-N-acetylglucosaminidases but otherwise absent in β-glycosidases of family 3, which instead carry a “classical” glutamate acid/base catalyst. The acid/base glutamate of Hordeum vulgare exoglucanase (Exo1) superimposes with His234 of the dyad of BsNagZ and, in contrast to the latter, protrudes from a second domain of the enzyme into the active site. This is the first report of an Asp-His catalytic dyad involved in hydrolysis of glycosides resembling in function the Asp-His-Ser triad of serine proteases. Our findings will facilitate the development of mechanism-based inhibitors that selectively target family 3 β-N-acetylglucosaminidases, which are involved in bacterial cell wall turnover, spore germination, and induction of β-lactamase.  相似文献   

Lipoate-protein ligase A (LplA) catalyzes the attachment of lipoic acid to lipoate-dependent enzymes by a two-step reaction: first the lipoate adenylation reaction and, second, the lipoate transfer reaction. We previously determined the crystal structure of Escherichia coli LplA in its unliganded form and a binary complex with lipoic acid (Fujiwara, K., Toma, S., Okamura-Ikeda, K., Motokawa, Y., Nakagawa, A., and Taniguchi, H. (2005) J Biol. Chem. 280, 33645–33651). Here, we report two new LplA structures, LplA·lipoyl-5′-AMP and LplA·octyl-5′-AMP·apoH-protein complexes, which represent the post-lipoate adenylation intermediate state and the pre-lipoate transfer intermediate state, respectively. These structures demonstrate three large scale conformational changes upon completion of the lipoate adenylation reaction: movements of the adenylate-binding and lipoate-binding loops to maintain the lipoyl-5′-AMP reaction intermediate and rotation of the C-terminal domain by about 180°. These changes are prerequisites for LplA to accommodate apoprotein for the second reaction. The Lys133 residue plays essential roles in both lipoate adenylation and lipoate transfer reactions. Based on structural and kinetic data, we propose a reaction mechanism driven by conformational changes.  相似文献   

Histamine is an important chemical mediator for a wide variety of physiological reactions. l-Histidine decarboxylase (HDC) is the primary enzyme responsible for histamine synthesis and produces histamine from histidine in a one-step reaction. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of human HDC (hHDC) complexed with the inhibitor histidine methyl ester. This structure shows the detailed features of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate inhibitor adduct (external aldimine) at the active site of HDC. Moreover, a comparison of the structures of hHDC and aromatic l-amino acid (l-DOPA) decarboxylase showed that Ser-354 was a key residue for substrate specificity. The S354G mutation at the active site enlarged the size of the hHDC substrate-binding pocket and resulted in a decreased affinity for histidine, but an acquired ability to bind and act on l-DOPA as a substrate. These data provide insight into the molecular basis of substrate recognition among the group II pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent decarboxylases.  相似文献   

The enzymatic transfer of the sugar mannose from activated sugar donors is central to the synthesis of a wide range of biologically significant polysaccharides and glycoconjugates. In addition to their importance in cellular biology, mannosyltransferases also provide model systems with which to study catalytic mechanisms of glycosyl transfer. Mannosylglycerate synthase (MGS) catalyzes the synthesis of α-mannosyl-D-glycerate using GDP-mannose as the preferred donor species, a reaction that occurs with a net retention of anomeric configuration. Past work has shown that the Rhodothermus marinus MGS, classified as a GT78 glycosyltransferase, displays a GT-A fold and performs catalysis in a metal ion-dependent manner. MGS shows very unusual metal ion dependences with Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) and, to a lesser extent, Mn(2+), Ni(2+), and Co(2+), thus facilitating catalysis. Here, we probe these dependences through kinetic and calorimetric analyses of wild-type and site-directed variants of the enzyme. Mutation of residues that interact with the guanine base of GDP are correlated with a higher k(cat) value, whereas substitution of His-217, a key component of the metal coordination site, results in a change in metal specificity to Mn(2+). Structural analyses of MGS complexes not only provide insight into metal coordination but also how lactate can function as an alternative acceptor to glycerate. These studies highlight the role of flexible loops in the active center and the subsequent coordination of the divalent metal ion as key factors in MGS catalysis and metal ion dependence. Furthermore, Tyr-220, located on a flexible loop whose conformation is likely influenced by metal binding, also plays a critical role in substrate binding.  相似文献   

The phenylacetic acid (PAA) degradation pathway is the sole aerobic route for phenylacetic acid metabolism in bacteria and facilitates degradation of environmental pollutants such as styrene and ethylbenzene. The PAA pathway also is implicated in promoting Burkholderia cenocepacia infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Intriguingly, the first enzyme in the PAA pathway is present in two copies (paaK1 and paaK2), yet each subsequent enzyme is present in only a single copy. Furthermore, sequence divergence indicates that PaaK1 and PaaK2 form a unique subgroup within the adenylate-forming enzyme (AFE) superfamily. To establish a biochemical rationale for the existence of the PaaK paralogs in B. cenocepacia, we present high resolution x-ray crystal structures of a selenomethionine derivative of PaaK1 in complex with ATP and adenylated phenylacetate intermediate complexes of PaaK1 and PaaK2 in distinct conformations. Structural analysis reveals a novel N-terminal microdomain that may serve to recruit subsequent PAA enzymes, whereas a bifunctional role is proposed for the P-loop in stabilizing the C-terminal domain in conformation 2. The potential for different kinetic profiles was suggested by a structurally divergent extension of the aryl substrate pocket in PaaK1 relative to PaaK2. Functional characterization confirmed this prediction, with PaaK1 possessing a lower K(m) for phenylacetic acid and better able to accommodate 3' and 4' substitutions on the phenyl ring. Collectively, these results offer detailed insight into the reaction mechanism of a novel subgroup of the AFE superfamily and provide a clear biochemical rationale for the presence of paralogous copies of PaaK of B. cenocepacia.  相似文献   

d-tyrosyl-tRNATyr deacylase (DTD) is an editing enzyme that removes d-amino acids from mischarged tRNAs. We describe an in-depth analysis of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum DTD here. Our data provide structural insights into DTD complexes with adenosine and d-amino acids. Bound adenosine is proximal to the DTD catalysis site, and it represents the authentic terminal adenosine of charged tRNA. DTD-bound d-amino acids cluster at three different subsites within the overall active site pocket. These subsites, called transition, active, and exit subsites allow docking, re-orientation, chiral selection, catalysis, and exit of the free d-amino acid from DTD. Our studies reveal variable modes of d-amino acid recognition by DTDs, suggesting an inherent plasticity that can accommodate all d- amino acids. An in-depth analysis of native, ADP-bound, and d- amino acid-complexed DTD structures provide the first atomic snapshots of ligand recognition and subsequent catalysis by this enzyme family. We have mapped sites for the deacylation reaction and mark possible routes for entry and egress of all substrates and products. We have also performed structure-based inhibitor discovery and tested lead compounds against the malaria parasite P. falciparum using growth inhibition assays. Our studies provide a comprehensive structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of DTD enzymes and have implications for inhibition of this enzyme in P. falciparum as a route to inhibiting the parasite.  相似文献   

β-Lactamases are bacterial enzymes that hydrolyze β-lactam antibiotics. TEM-1 is a prevalent plasmid-encoded β-lactamase in Gram-negative bacteria that efficiently catalyzes the hydrolysis of penicillins and early cephalosporins but not oxyimino-cephalosporins. A previous random mutagenesis study identified a W165Y/E166Y/P167G triple mutant that displays greatly altered substrate specificity with increased activity for the oxyimino-cephalosporin, ceftazidime, and decreased activity toward all other β-lactams tested. Surprisingly, this mutant lacks the conserved Glu-166 residue critical for enzyme function. Ceftazidime contains a large, bulky side chain that does not fit optimally in the wild-type TEM-1 active site. Therefore, it was hypothesized that the substitutions in the mutant expand the binding site in the enzyme. To investigate structural changes and address whether there is an enlargement in the active site, the crystal structure of the triple mutant was solved to 1.44 Å. The structure reveals a large conformational change of the active site Ω-loop structure to create additional space for the ceftazidime side chain. The position of the hydroxyl group of Tyr-166 and an observed shift in the pH profile of the triple mutant suggests that Tyr-166 participates in the hydrolytic mechanism of the enzyme. These findings indicate that the highly conserved Glu-166 residue can be substituted in the mechanism of serine β-lactamases. The results reveal that the robustness of the overall β-lactamase fold coupled with the plasticity of an active site loop facilitates the evolution of enzyme specificity and mechanism.  相似文献   

8-Halogenated guanine (haloG), a major DNA adduct formed by reactive halogen species during inflammation, is a promutagenic lesion that promotes misincorporation of G opposite the lesion by various DNA polymerases. Currently, the structural basis for such misincorporation is unknown. To gain insights into the mechanism of misincorporation across haloG by polymerase, we determined seven x-ray structures of human DNA polymerase β (polβ) bound to DNA bearing 8-bromoguanine (BrG). We determined two pre-catalytic ternary complex structures of polβ with an incoming nonhydrolyzable dGTP or dCTP analog paired with templating BrG. We also determined five binary complex structures of polβ in complex with DNA containing BrG·C/T at post-insertion and post-extension sites. In the BrG·dGTP ternary structure, BrG adopts syn conformation and forms Hoogsteen base pairing with the incoming dGTP analog. In the BrG·dCTP ternary structure, BrG adopts anti conformation and forms Watson-Crick base pairing with the incoming dCTP analog. In addition, our polβ binary post-extension structures show Hoogsteen BrG·G base pair and Watson-Crick BrG·C base pair. Taken together, the first structures of haloG-containing DNA bound to a protein indicate that both BrG·G and BrG·C base pairs are accommodated in the active site of polβ. Our structures suggest that Hoogsteen-type base pairing between G and C8-modified G could be accommodated in the active site of a DNA polymerase, promoting G to C mutation.  相似文献   

α-Galactosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal α-1,6-galactosyl units from galacto-oligosaccharides and polymeric galactomannans. The crystal structures of tetrameric Saccharomyces cerevisiae α-galactosidase and its complexes with the substrates melibiose and raffinose have been determined to 1.95, 2.40, and 2.70 Å resolution. The monomer folds into a catalytic (α/β)8 barrel and a C-terminal β-sandwich domain with unassigned function. This pattern is conserved with other family 27 glycosidases, but this enzyme presents a unique 45-residue insertion in the β-sandwich domain that folds over the barrel protecting it from the solvent and likely explaining its high stability. The structure of the complexes and the mutational analysis show that oligomerization is a key factor in substrate binding, as the substrates are located in a deep cavity making direct interactions with the adjacent subunit. Furthermore, docking analysis suggests that the supplementary domain could be involved in binding sugar units distal from the scissile bond, therefore ascribing a role in fine-tuning substrate specificity to this domain. It may also have a role in promoting association with the polymeric substrate because of the ordered arrangement that the four domains present in one face of the tetramer. Our analysis extends to other family 27 glycosidases, where some traits regarding specificity and oligomerization can be formulated on the basis of their sequence and the structures available. These results improve our knowledge on the activity of this important family of enzymes and give a deeper insight into the structural features that rule modularity and protein-carbohydrate interactions.  相似文献   

The phosphobase methylation pathway catalyzed by the phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase in Plasmodium falciparum (PfPMT), the malaria parasite, offers an attractive target for anti-parasitic drug development. PfPMT methylates phosphoethanolamine (pEA) to phosphocholine for use in membrane biogenesis. Quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations tested the proposed reaction mechanism for methylation of pEA involving the previously identified Tyr-19–His-132 dyad, which indicated an energetically unfavorable mechanism. Instead, the QM/MM calculations suggested an alternative mechanism involving Asp-128. The reaction coordinate involves the stepwise transfer of a proton to Asp-128 via a bridging water molecule followed by a typical Sn2-type methyl transfer from S-adenosylmethionine to pEA. Functional analysis of the D128A, D128E, D128Q, and D128N PfPMT mutants shows a loss of activity with pEA but not with the final substrate of the methylation pathway. X-ray crystal structures of the PfPMT-D128A mutant in complex with S-adenosylhomocysteine and either pEA or phosphocholine reveal how mutation of Asp-128 disrupts a hydrogen bond network in the active site. The combined QM/MM, biochemical, and structural studies identify a key role for Asp-128 in the initial step of the phosphobase methylation pathway in Plasmodium and provide molecular insight on the evolution of multiple activities in the active site of the PMT.  相似文献   

The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls plays a central role in the carbon cycle and is of increasing environmental and industrial significance. The enzymes that catalyze this process include xylanases that degrade xylan, a β-1,4-xylose polymer that is decorated with various sugars. Although xylanases efficiently hydrolyze unsubstituted xylans, these enzymes are unable to access highly decorated forms of the polysaccharide, such as arabinoxylans that contain arabinofuranose decorations. Here, we show that a Clostridium thermocellum enzyme, designated CtXyl5A, hydrolyzes arabinoxylans but does not attack unsubstituted xylans. Analysis of the reaction products generated by CtXyl5A showed that all the oligosaccharides contain an O3 arabinose linked to the reducing end xylose. The crystal structure of the catalytic module (CtGH5) of CtXyl5A, appended to a family 6 noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding module (CtCBM6), showed that CtGH5 displays a canonical (α/β)(8)-barrel fold with the substrate binding cleft running along the surface of the protein. The catalytic apparatus is housed in the center of the cleft. Adjacent to the -1 subsite is a pocket that could accommodate an l-arabinofuranose-linked α-1,3 to the active site xylose, which is likely to function as a key specificity determinant. CtCBM6, which adopts a β-sandwich fold, recognizes the termini of xylo- and gluco-configured oligosaccharides, consistent with the pocket topology displayed by the ligand-binding site. In contrast to typical modular glycoside hydrolases, there is an extensive hydrophobic interface between CtGH5 and CtCBM6, and thus the two modules cannot function as independent entities.  相似文献   

d-Xylulokinase (XK; EC catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of d-xylulose (Xu) to produce xylulose 5-phosphate (Xu5P). In mammals, XK is the last enzyme in the glucuronate-xylulose pathway, active in the liver and kidneys, and is linked through its product Xu5P to the pentose-phosphate pathway. XK may play an important role in metabolic disease, given that Xu5P is a key regulator of glucose metabolism and lipogenesis. We have expressed the product of a putative human XK gene and identified it as the authentic human d-xylulokinase (hXK). NMR studies with a variety of sugars showed that hXK acts only on d-xylulose, and a coupled photometric assay established its key kinetic parameters as Km(Xu) = 24 ± 3 μm and kcat = 35 ± 5 s−1. Crystal structures were determined for hXK, on its own and in complexes with Xu, ADP, and a fluorinated inhibitor. These reveal that hXK has a two-domain fold characteristic of the sugar kinase/hsp70/actin superfamily, with glycerol kinase as its closest relative. Xu binds to domain-I and ADP to domain-II, but in this open form of hXK they are 10 Å apart, implying that a large scale conformational change is required for catalysis. Xu binds in its linear keto-form, sandwiched between a Trp side chain and polar side chains that provide exquisite hydrogen bonding recognition. The hXK structure provides a basis for the design of specific inhibitors with which to probe its roles in sugar metabolism and metabolic disease.  相似文献   

Diabetic tissues are enriched in an "activated" form of human aldose reductase (hAR), a NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase involved in sugar metabolism. Activated hAR has reduced sensitivity to potential anti-diabetes drugs. The C298S mutant of hAR reproduces many characteristics of activated hAR, although it differs from wild-type hAR only by the replacement of a single sulfur atom with oxygen. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements revealed that the binding constant of NADPH to the C298S mutant is decreased by a factor of two, whereas that of NADP(+) remains the same. Similarly, the heat capacity change for the binding of NADPH to the C298S mutant is twice increased; however, there is almost no difference in the heat capacity change for binding of the NADP(+) to the C298S. X-ray crystal structures of wild-type and C298S hAR reveal that the side chain of residue 298 forms a gate to the nicotinamide pocket and is more flexible for cysteine compared with serine. Unlike Cys-298, Ser-298 forms a hydrogen bond with Tyr-209 across the nicotinamide ring, which inhibits movements of the nicotinamide. We hypothesize that the increased polarity of the oxidized nicotinamide weakens the hydrogen bond potentially formed by Ser-298, thus, accounting for the relatively smaller effect of the mutation on NADP(+) binding. The effects of the mutant on catalytic rate constants and binding constants for various substrates are the same as for activated hAR. It is, thus, further substantiated that activated hAR arises from oxidative modification of Cys-298, a residue near the nicotinamide binding pocket.  相似文献   

Nerve agents are chiral organophosphate compounds (OPs) that exert their acute toxicity by phosphorylating the catalytic serine of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The inhibited cholinesterases can be reactivated using oximes, but a spontaneous time-dependent process called aging alters the adduct, leading to resistance toward oxime reactivation. Human butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) functions as a bioscavenger, protecting the cholinergic system against OPs. The stereoselectivity of BChE is an important parameter for its efficiency at scavenging the most toxic OPs enantiomer for AChE. Crystals of BChE inhibited in solution or in cristallo with racemic V-agents (VX, Russian VX, and Chinese VX) systematically show the formation of the P(S) adduct. In this configuration, no catalysis of aging seems possible as confirmed by the three-dimensional structures of the three conjugates incubated over a period exceeding a week. Crystals of BChE soaked in optically pure VX(R)-(+) and VX(S)-(-) solutions lead to the formation of the P(S) and P(R) adduct, respectively. These structural data support an in-line phosphonylation mechanism. Additionally, they show that BChE reacts with VX(R)-(+) in the presence of racemic mixture of V-agents, at odds with earlier kinetic results showing a moderate higher inhibition rate for VX(S)-(-). These combined results suggest that the simultaneous presence of both enantiomers alters the enzyme stereoselectivity. In summary, the three-dimensional data show that BChE reacts preferentially with P(R) enantiomer of V-agents and does not age, in complete contrast to AChE, which is selectively inhibited by the P(S) enantiomer and ages.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Streptococcus agalactiae produces polysaccharide lyases and unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase (UGL), which are prerequisite for complete degradation of mammalian extracellular matrices, including glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin and hyaluronan. Unlike the Bacillus enzyme, streptococcal UGLs prefer sulfated glycosaminoglycans. Here, we show the loop flexibility for substrate binding and structural determinants for recognition of glycosaminoglycan sulfate groups in S. agalactiae UGL (SagUGL). UGL also degraded unsaturated heparin disaccharides; this indicates that the enzyme released unsaturated iduronic and glucuronic acids from substrates. We determined the crystal structures of SagUGL wild-type enzyme and both substrate-free and substrate-bound D175N mutants by x-ray crystallography and noted that the loop over the active cleft exhibits flexible motion for substrate binding. Several residues in the active cleft bind to the substrate, unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide with a sulfate group at the C-6 position of GalNAc residue. The sulfate group is hydrogen-bonded to Ser-365 and Ser-368 and close to Lys-370. As compared with wild-type enzyme, S365H, S368G, and K370I mutants exhibited higher Michaelis constants toward the substrate. The conversion of SagUGL to Bacillus sp. GL1 UGL-like enzyme via site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that Ser-365 and Lys-370 are essential for direct binding and for electrostatic interaction, respectively, for recognition of the sulfate group by SagUGL. Molecular conversion was also achieved in SagUGL Arg-236 with an affinity for the sulfate group at the C-4 position of the GalNAc residue. These residues binding to sulfate groups are frequently conserved in pathogenic bacterial UGLs, suggesting that the motif "R-//-SXX(S)XK" (where the hyphen and slash marks in the motif indicate the presence of over 100 residues in the enzyme and parentheses indicate that Ser-368 makes little contribution to enzyme activity) is crucial for degradation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistant bacterium Acinetobacter baumannii is a significant cause of nosocomial infection. Biofilm formation, that requires both disulfide bond forming and chaperone-usher pathways, is a major virulence trait in this bacterium. Our biochemical characterizations show that the periplasmic A. baumannii DsbA (AbDsbA) enzyme has an oxidizing redox potential and dithiol oxidase activity. We found an unexpected non-covalent interaction between AbDsbA and the highly conserved prokaryotic elongation factor, EF-Tu. EF-Tu is a cytoplasmic protein but has been localized extracellularly in many bacterial pathogens. The crystal structure of this complex revealed that the EF-Tu switch I region binds to the non-catalytic surface of AbDsbA. Although the physiological and pathological significance of a DsbA/EF-Tu association is unknown, peptides derived from the EF-Tu switch I region bound to AbDsbA with submicromolar affinity. We also identified a seven-residue DsbB-derived peptide that bound to AbDsbA with low micromolar affinity. Further characterization confirmed that the EF-Tu- and DsbB-derived peptides bind at two distinct sites. These data point to the possibility that the non-catalytic surface of DsbA is a potential substrate or regulatory protein interaction site. The two peptides identified in this work together with the newly characterized interaction site provide a novel starting point for inhibitor design targeting AbDsbA.  相似文献   

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