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Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the major protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and a critical element of cholesterol metabolism. To better elucidate the role of the apoA-I structure-function in cholesterol metabolism, the conformation of the apoA-I N terminus (residues 6-98) on nascent HDL was examined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic analysis. A series of 93 apoA-I variants bearing single nitroxide spin label at positions 6-98 was reconstituted onto 9.6-nm HDL particles (rHDL). These particles were subjected to EPR spectral analysis, measuring regional flexibility and side chain solvent accessibility. Secondary structure was elucidated from side-chain mobility and molecular accessibility, wherein two major α-helical domains were localized to residues 6-34 and 50-98. We identified an unstructured segment (residues 35-39) and a β-strand (residues 40-49) between the two helices. Residues 14, 19, 34, 37, 41, and 58 were examined by EPR on 7.8, 8.4, and 9.6 nm rHDL to assess the effect of particle size on the N-terminal structure. Residues 14, 19, and 58 showed no significant rHDL size-dependent spectral or accessibility differences, whereas residues 34, 37, and 41 displayed moderate spectral changes along with substantial rHDL size-dependent differences in molecular accessibility. We have elucidated the secondary structure of the N-terminal domain of apoA-I on 9.6 nm rHDL (residues 6-98) and identified residues in this region that are affected by particle size. We conclude that the inter-helical segment (residues 35-49) plays a role in the adaptation of apoA-I to the particle size of HDL.  相似文献   

Self-association is an inherent property of the lipid-free forms of several exchangeable apolipoproteins, including apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the main protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and an established antiatherogenic factor. Monomeric lipid-free apoA-I is believed to be the biologically active species, but abnormal conditions, such as specific natural mutations or oxidation, produce an altered state of self-association that may contribute to apoA-I dysfunction. Replacement of the tryptophans of apoA-I with phenylalanines (ΔW-apoA-I) leads to unusually large and stable self-associated species. We took advantage of this unique solution property of ΔW-apoA-I to analyze the role of self-association in determining the structure and lipid-binding properties of apoA-I as well as ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1)-mediated cellular lipid release, a relevant pathway in atherosclerosis. Monomeric ΔW-apoA-I and wild-type apoA-I activated ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid release with similar efficiencies, whereas the efficiency of high order self-associated species was reduced to less than 50%. Analysis of specific self-associated subclasses revealed that different factors influence the rate of HDL formation in vitro and ABCA1-mediated lipid release efficiency. The α-helix-forming ability of apoA-I is the main determinant of in vitro lipid solubilization rates, whereas loss of cellular lipid release efficiency is mainly caused by reduced structural flexibility by formation of stable quaternary interactions. Thus, stabilization of self-associated species impairs apoA-I biological activity through an ABCA1-mediated mechanism. These results afford mechanistic insights into the ABCA1 reaction and suggest self-association as a functional feature of apoA-I. Physiologic mechanisms may alter the native self-association state and contribute to apoA-I dysfunction.  相似文献   

An important event in cholesterol metabolism is the efflux of cellular cholesterol by apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein of high density lipoproteins (HDL). Lipid-free apoA-I is the preferred substrate for ATP-binding cassette A1, which promotes cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells in the arterial wall. However, the vast majority of apoA-I in plasma is associated with HDL, and the mechanisms for the generation of lipid-free apoA-I remain poorly understood. In the current study, we used fluorescently labeled apoA-I that exhibits a distinct fluorescence emission spectrum when in different states of lipid association to establish the kinetics of apoA-I transition between the lipid-associated and lipid-free states. This approach characterized the spontaneous and rapid exchange of apoA-I between the lipid-associated and lipid-free states. In contrast, the kinetics of apoA-I exchange were significantly reduced when apoA-I on HDL was cross-linked with a bi-functional reagent or oxidized by myeloperoxidase. Our observations support the hypothesis that oxidative damage to apoA-I by myeloperoxidase limits the ability of apoA-I to be liberated in a lipid-free form from HDL. This impairment of apoA-I exchange reaction may be a trait of dysfunctional HDL contributing to reduced ATP-binding cassette A1-mediated cholesterol efflux and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

In the acute phase of the inflammatory response, secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) reaches its maximum levels in plasma, where it is mostly associated with high density lipoproteins (HDL). Overexpression of human sPLA2 in transgenic mice reduces both HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plasma levels through increased HDL catabolism by an unknown mechanism. To identify unknown PLA2-mediated activities on the molecular components of HDL, we characterized the protein and lipid products of the PLA2 reaction with HDL. Consistent with previous studies, hydrolysis of HDL phospholipids by PLA2 reduced the particle size without changing its protein composition. However, when HDL was destabilized in the presence of PLA2 by the action of cholesteryl ester transfer protein or by guanidine hydrochloride treatment, a fraction of apoA-I, but no other proteins, dissociated from the particle and was rapidly cleaved. Incubation of PLA2 with lipid-free apoA-I produced similar protein fragments in the range of 6–15 kDa, suggesting specific and direct reaction of PLA2 with apoA-I. Mass spectrometry analysis of isolated proteolytic fragments indicated at least two major cleavage sites at the C-terminal and the central domain of apoA-I. ApoA-I proteolysis by PLA2 was Ca2+-independent, implicating a different mechanism from the Ca2+-dependent PLA2-mediated phospholipid hydrolysis. Inhibition of proteolysis by benzamidine suggests that the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of PLA2 proceed through different mechanisms. Our study identifies a previously unknown proteolytic activity of PLA2 that is specific to apoA-I and may contribute to the enhanced catabolism of apoA-I in inflammation and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

For several decades, the standard model for high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles reconstituted from apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and phospholipid (apoA-I/HDL) has been a discoidal particle ∼100 Å in diameter and the thickness of a phospholipid bilayer. Recently, Wu et al. (Wu, Z., Gogonea, V., Lee, X., Wagner, M. A., Li, X. M., Huang, Y., Undurti, A., May, R. P., Haertlein, M., Moulin, M., Gutsche, I., Zaccai, G., Didonato, J. A., and Hazen, S. L. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 36605–36619) used small angle neutron scattering to develop a new model they termed double superhelix (DSH) apoA-I that is dramatically different from the standard model. Their model possesses an open helical shape that wraps around a prolate ellipsoidal type I hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystalline phase. Here, we used three independent approaches, molecular dynamics, EM tomography, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy (FRET) to assess the validity of the DSH model. (i) By using molecular dynamics, two different approaches, all-atom simulated annealing and coarse-grained simulation, show that initial ellipsoidal DSH particles rapidly collapse to discoidal bilayer structures. These results suggest that, compatible with current knowledge of lipid phase diagrams, apoA-I cannot stabilize hexagonal I phase particles of phospholipid. (ii) By using EM, two different approaches, negative stain and cryo-EM tomography, show that reconstituted apoA-I/HDL particles are discoidal in shape. (iii) By using FRET, reconstituted apoA-I/HDL particles show a 28–34-Å intermolecular separation between terminal domain residues 40 and 240, a distance that is incompatible with the dimensions of the DSH model. Therefore, we suggest that, although novel, the DSH model is energetically unfavorable and not likely to be correct. Rather, we conclude that all evidence supports the likelihood that reconstituted apoA-I/HDL particles, in general, are discoidal in shape.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I-containing nascent HDL particles produced by the ATP binding cassette transporter A1 have different sizes and compositions. To understand the molecular basis for this heterogeneity, the HDL particles produced by apoA-I-mediated solubilization of phospholipid (PL)/free (unesterified) cholesterol (FC) bilayer membranes in cell and cell-free systems are compared. Incubation of apoA-I with ATP binding cassette transporter A1-expressing baby hamster kidney cells leads to formation of two populations of FC-containing discoidal nascent HDL particles. The larger 11-nm diameter particles are highly FC-enriched (FC/PL = 1.2/1 mol/mol) relative to the smaller 8 nm particles and the cell plasma membrane (FC/PL = 0.4/1). ApoA-I-mediated spontaneous solubilization of either multilamellar or unilamellar vesicles made of a membrane-PL mixture and FC yields discoidal HDL particles with diameters in the range 9–17 nm and, as found with the cell system, the larger particles are relatively enriched in FC despite the fact that all particles are created by solubilization of a common FC/PL membrane domain. The size-dependent distribution of FC among HDL particles is due to varying amounts of PL being sequestered in a boundary layer by interaction with apoA-I at the disc edge. The presence of a relatively large boundary layer in smaller discoidal HDL promotes preferential distribution of phosphatidylserine to such particles. However, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin which are the primary PL constituents of nascent HDL do not exhibit selective incorporation into HDL discs of different sizes. This understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the heterogeneity in lipid composition of nascent HDL particles may provide a basis for selecting subspecies with preferred cardio-protective properties.  相似文献   

HDL has been considered to be a protective factor in sepsis; however, most contributing studies were conducted using the endotoxic animal model, and evidence from clinically relevant septic animal models remains limited and controversial. Furthermore, little is known about the roles of HDL in sepsis other than LPS neutralization. In this study, we employed cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), a clinically relevant septic animal model, and utilized apoA-I knock-out (KO) and transgenic mice to elucidate the roles of HDL in sepsis. ApoA-I-KO mice were more susceptible to CLP-induced septic death as shown by the 47.1% survival of apoA-I-KO mice versus the 76.7% survival of C57BL/6J (B6) mice (p = 0.038). ApoA-I-KO mice had exacerbated inflammatory cytokine production during sepsis compared with B6 mice. Further study indicated that serum from apoA-I-KO mice displayed less capacity for LPS neutralization compared with serum from B6 mice. In addition, apoA-I-KO mice had less LPS clearance, reduced corticosterone generation, and impaired leukocyte recruitment in sepsis. In contrast to apoA-I-KO mice, apoA-I transgenic mice were moderately resistant to CLP-induced septic death compared with B6 mice. In conclusion, our findings reveal multiple protective roles of HDL in CLP-induced sepsis. In addition to its well established role in neutralization of LPS, HDL exerts its protection against sepsis through promoting LPS clearance and modulating corticosterone production and leukocyte recruitment. Our study supports efforts to raise HDL levels as a therapeutic approach for sepsis.  相似文献   

The principal protein of high density lipoprotein (HDL), apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, in the lipid-free state contains two tertiary structure domains comprising an N-terminal helix bundle and a less organized C-terminal domain. It is not known how the properties of these domains modulate the formation and size distribution of apoA-I-containing nascent HDL particles created by ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1)-mediated efflux of cellular phospholipid and cholesterol. To address this issue, proteins corresponding to the two domains of human apoA-I (residues 1–189 and 190–243) and mouse apoA-I (residues 1–186 and 187–240) together with some human/mouse domain hybrids were examined for their abilities to form HDL particles when incubated with either ABCA1-expressing cells or phospholipid multilamellar vesicles. Incubation of human apoA-I with cells gave rise to two sizes of HDL particles (hydrodynamic diameter, 8 and 10 nm), and removal or disruption of the C-terminal domain eliminated the formation of the smaller particle. Variations in apoA-I domain structure and physical properties exerted similar effects on the rates of formation and sizes of HDL particles created by either spontaneous solubilization of phospholipid multilamellar vesicles or the ABCA1-mediated efflux of cellular lipids. It follows that the sizes of nascent HDL particles are determined at the point at which cellular phospholipid and cholesterol are solubilized by apoA-I; apparently, this is the rate-determining step in the overall ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid efflux process. The stability of the apoA-I N-terminal helix bundle domain and the hydrophobicity of the C-terminal domain are important determinants of both nascent HDL particle size and their rate of formation.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin-related protein (Hpr) is a component of a minor subspecies of high density lipoproteins (HDL) that function in innate immunity. Here we show that assembly of Hpr into HDL is mediated by its retained N-terminal signal peptide, an unusual feature for a secreted protein and the major difference between Hpr and the soluble acute phase protein haptoglobin (Hp). The 18-amino acid signal peptide is necessary for binding to HDL and interacts directly with the hydrocarbon region of lipids. Utilizing model liposomes, we show that the rate of assembly and steady-state distribution of Hpr in lipid particles is mediated by the physical property of lipid fluidity. Dye release assays reveal that Hpr interacts more rapidly with fluid liposomes. Conversely, steady-state binding assays indicate that more rigid lipid compositions stabilize Hpr association. Lipid association also plays a role in facilitating hemoglobin binding by Hpr. Our data may offer an explanation for the distinct distribution of Hpr among HDL subspecies. Rather than protein-protein interactions mediating localization, direct interaction with phospholipids and sensitivity to lipid fluidity may be sufficient for localization of Hpr and may represent a mechanism of HDL subspeciation.  相似文献   

A number of naturally occurring mutations of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, the major protein of HDL, are known to be associated with hereditary amyloidosis and atherosclerosis. Here, we examined the effects of the G26R point mutation in apoA-I (apoA-IIowa) on the structure, stability, and aggregation propensity to form amyloid fibril of full-length apoA-I and the N-terminal fragment of apoA-I. Circular dichroism and fluorescence measurements demonstrated that the G26R mutation destabilizes the N-terminal helix bundle domain of full-length protein, leading to increased hydrophobic surface exposure, whereas it has no effect on the initial structure of the N-terminal 1–83 fragment, which is predominantly a random coil structure. Upon incubation for extended periods at neutral pH, the N-terminal 1–83 variants undergo a conformational change to β-sheet-rich structure with a great increase in thioflavin T fluorescence, whereas no structural change is observed in full-length proteins. Comparison of fibril-forming propensity among substituted mutants at Gly-26 position of 1–83 fragments demonstrated that the G26R mutation enhances the nucleation step of fibril formation, whereas G26K and G26E mutations have small or inhibiting effects on the formation of fibrils. These fibrils of the 1–83 variants have long and straight morphology as revealed by atomic force microscopy and exhibited significant toxicity with HEK293 cells. Our results indicate dual critical roles of the arginine residue at position 26 in apoA-IIowa: destabilization of the N-terminal helix bundle structure in full-length protein and enhancement of amyloid fibril formation by the N-terminal 1–83 fragment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although the critical role of apolipoprotein E (apoE) allelic variation in Alzheimer's disease and in the outcome of CNS injury is now recognized, the functions of apoE in the CNS remain obscure, particularly with regard to lipid metabolism. We used density gradient ultracentrifugation to identify apoE-containing lipoproteins in human CSF. CSF apoE lipoproteins, previously identified only in the 1.063–1.21 g/ml density range, were also demonstrated in the 1.006–1.060 g/ml density range. Plasma lipoproteins in this density range include low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction 1 (HDL1). The novel CSF apoE lipoproteins are designated HDL1. No immunoreactive apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) or B could be identified in the CSF HDL1 fractions. Large lipoproteins 18.3 ± 6.6 nm in diameter (mean ± SD) in the HDL1 density range were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Following fast protein liquid chromatography of CSF at physiologic ionic strength, apoE was demonstrated in particles of average size greater than particles containing apoA-I. The largest lipoproteins separated by this technique contained apoE without apoA-I. Thus, the presence of large apoE-containing lipoproteins was confirmed without ultracentrifugation. Interconversion between the more abundant smaller apoE-HDL subfractions 2 and 3 and the novel larger apoE-HDL1 is postulated to mediate a role in cholesterol redistribution in brain.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein M (apoM), a lipocalin family member, preferentially associates with plasma HDL and binds plasma sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), a signaling molecule active in immune homeostasis and endothelial barrier function. ApoM overexpression in ABCA1-expressing HEK293 cells stimulated larger nascent HDL formation, compared with cells that did not express apoM; however, the in vivo role of apoM in HDL metabolism remains poorly understood. To test whether hepatic apoM overexpression increases plasma HDL size, we generated hepatocyte-specific apoM transgenic (APOM Tg) mice, which had an ∼3–5-fold increase in plasma apoM levels compared with wild-type mice. Although HDL cholesterol concentrations were similar to wild-type mice, APOM Tg mice had larger plasma HDLs enriched in apoM, cholesteryl ester, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, and S1P. Despite the presence of larger plasma HDLs in APOM Tg mice, in vivo macrophage reverse cholesterol transport capacity was similar to that in wild-type mice. APOM Tg mice had an ∼5-fold increase in plasma S1P, which was predominantly associated with larger plasma HDLs. Primary hepatocytes from APOM Tg mice generated larger nascent HDLs and displayed increased sphingolipid synthesis and S1P secretion. Inhibition of ceramide synthases in hepatocytes increased cellular S1P levels but not S1P secretion, suggesting that apoM is rate-limiting in the export of hepatocyte S1P. Our data indicate that hepatocyte-specific apoM overexpression generates larger nascent HDLs and larger plasma HDLs, which preferentially bind apoM and S1P, and stimulates S1P biosynthesis for secretion. The unique apoM/S1P-enriched plasma HDL may serve to deliver S1P to extrahepatic tissues for atheroprotection and may have other as yet unidentified functions.  相似文献   

Five nontruncating missense APOB mutations, namely A31P, G275S, L324M, G912D, and G945S, were identified in heterozygous carriers of familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) in the Italian population. To test that the FHBL phenotype was a result of impaired hepatic secretion of mutant apoB proteins, we performed transfection studies using McA-RH7777 cells stably expressing wild type or mutant forms of human apolipoprotein B-48 (apoB-48). All mutant proteins displayed varied impairment in secretion, with G912D the least affected and A31P barely secreted. Although some A31P was degraded by proteasomes, a significant proportion of it (although inappropriately glycosylated) escaped endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control and presented in the Golgi compartment. Degradation of the post-ER A31P was achieved by autophagy. Expression of A31P also decreased secretion of endogenous apoB and triglycerides, yet the impaired lipoprotein secretion did not lead to lipid accumulation in the cells or ER stress. Rather, expression of genes involved in lipogenesis was down-regulated, including liver X receptor α, sterol regulator element-binding protein 1c, fatty acid synthase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and lipin-1. These results suggest that feedback inhibition of hepatic lipogenesis in conjunction with post-ER degradation of misfolded apoB proteins can contribute to reduce fat accumulation in the FHBL liver.  相似文献   

C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) phosphorylates and down-regulates the Src family tyrosine kinases (SFKs). Crystallographic studies of Csk found an unusual arrangement of the SH2 and SH3 regulatory domains about the kinase core, forming a compact structure. However, recent structural studies of mutant Csk in the presence of an inhibitor indicate that the enzyme accesses an expanded structure. To investigate whether wt-Csk may also access open conformations we applied small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). We find wt-Csk frequently occupies an extended conformation where the regulatory domains are removed from the kinase core. In addition, all-atom structure-based simulations indicate Csk occupies two free energy basins. These basins correspond to ensembles of distinct global conformations of Csk: a compact structure and an extended structure. The transitions between these structures are entropically driven and accessible via thermal fluctuations that break local interactions. We further characterized the ensemble by generating theoretical scattering curves for mixed populations of conformations from both basins and compared the predicted scattering curves to the experimental profile. This population-combination analysis is more consistent with the experimental data than any rigid model. It suggests that Csk adopts a broad ensemble of conformations in solution, populating extended conformations not observed in the crystal structure that may play an important role in the regulation of Csk. The methodology developed here is broadly applicable to biological macromolecules and will provide useful information about what ensembles of conformations are consistent with the experimental data as well as the ubiquitous dynamic reversible assembly processes inherent in biology.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1, the most common cause of meningitis in neonates, has been shown to interact with GlcNAc1–4GlcNAc epitopes of Ecgp96 on human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) via OmpA (outer membrane protein A). However, the precise domains of extracellular loops of OmpA interacting with the chitobiose epitopes have not been elucidated. We report the loop-barrel model of these OmpA interactions with the carbohydrate moieties of Ecgp96 predicted from molecular modeling. To test this model experimentally, we generated E. coli K1 strains expressing OmpA with mutations of residues predicted to be critical for interaction with the HBMEC and tested E. coli invasion efficiency. For these same mutations, we predicted the interaction free energies (including explicit calculation of the entropy) from molecular dynamics (MD), finding excellent correlation (R2 = 90%) with experimental invasion efficiency. Particularly important is that mutating specific residues in loops 1, 2, and 4 to alanines resulted in significant inhibition of E. coli K1 invasion in HBMECs, which is consistent with the complete lack of binding found in the MD simulations for these two cases. These studies suggest that inhibition of the interactions of these residues of Loop 1, 2, and 4 with Ecgp96 could provide a therapeutic strategy to prevent neonatal meningitis due to E. coli K1.  相似文献   

Virulent enteric pathogens have developed several systems that maintain intracellular pH to survive extreme acidic conditions. One such mechanism is the exchange of arginine (Arg(+)) from the extracellular region with its intracellular decarboxylated form, agmatine (Agm(2+)). The net result of this process is the export of a virtual proton from the cytoplasm per antiport cycle. Crystal structures of the arginine/agmatine antiporter from Escherichia coli, AdiC, have been recently resolved in both the apo and Arg(+)-bound outward-facing conformations, which permit us to assess for the first time the time-resolved mechanisms of interactions that enable the specific antiporter functionality of AdiC. Using data from ~1 μs of molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the protonation of Glu-208 selectively causes the dissociation and release of Agm(2+), but not Arg(+), to the cell exterior. The impact of Glu-208 protonation is transmitted to the substrate binding pocket via the reorientation of Ile-205 carbonyl group at the irregular portion of transmembrane (TM) helix 6. This effect, which takes place only in the subunits where Agm(2+) is released, invites attention to the functional role of the unwound portion of TM helices (TM6 Trp-202-Glu-208 in AdiC) in facilitating substrate translocation, reminiscent of the behavior observed in structurally similar Na(+)-coupled transporters.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is the principal protein component of triacylglyceride (TAG)-rich lipoproteins, including chylomicrons and very low density lipoprotein, which is the precursor to LDL (the “bad cholesterol”). TAG-rich lipoprotein assembly is initiated by the N-terminal βα1 superdomain of apoB, which co-translationally binds and remodels the luminal leaflet of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The βα1 superdomain contains four domains and is predicted to interact directly with lipids. Using drop tensiometry, we examined the interfacial properties of the α-helical and C-sheet domains and several subdomains to establish a detailed structure-function relationship at the lipid/water interface. The adsorption, stress response, exchangeability, and pressure (Π)-area relationship were studied at both triolein/water and triolein/1-palmitoyl, 2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/water interfaces that mimic physiological environments. The α-helical domain spontaneously adsorbed to a triolein/water interface and formed a viscoelastic surface. It was anchored to the surface by helix 6, and the other helices were ejected and/or remodeled on the surface as a function of surface pressure. The C-sheet instead formed an elastic film on a triolein/water interface and was irreversibly anchored to the lipid surface, which is consistent with the behavior of amphipathic β-strands. When both domains were adsorbed together on the surface, the C-sheet shielded a portion of the α-helical domain from the surface, which retained its globular structure. Overall, the unique secondary and tertiary structures of the N-terminal domains of apoB support the intrinsic capability of co-translational lipid recruitment. The evidence presented here allows the construction of a detailed model of the initiation of TAG-rich lipoprotein assembly.  相似文献   

The conformational stability and activity of Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) in the polar and nonpolar organic solvents were investigated by molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations. The conformation change of CALB in the polar and nonpolar solvents was examined in two aspects: the overall conformation change of CALB and the conformation change of the active site. The simulation results show that the overall conformation of CALB is stable in the organic solvents. In the nonpolar solvents, the conformation of the active site keeps stable, whereas in the polar solvents, the solvent molecules reach into the active site and interact intensively with the active site. This interaction destroys the hydrogen bonding between Ser105 and His224. In the solvents, the activation energy of CALB and that of the active site region were further simulated by quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulation. The results indicate that the conformation change in the region of active sites is the main factor that influences the activity of CALB.  相似文献   

Recognition of cell-surface sialyldisaccharides by influenza A hemagglutinin (HA) triggers the infection process of influenza. The changes in glycosidic torsional linkage and the receptor conformations may alter the binding specificity of HAs to the sialylglycans. In this study, 10-ns molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to examine the structural and dynamic behavior of the HAs bound with sialyldisaccharides Neu5Acα(2–3)Gal (N23G) and Neu5Acα(2–6)Gal (N26G). The analysis of the glycosidic torsional angles and the pair interaction energy between the receptor and the interacting residues of the binding site reveal that N23G has two binding modes for H1 and H5 and a single binding mode for H3 and H9. For N26G, H1 and H3 has two binding modes, and H5 and H9 has a single binding mode. The direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonding interactions between the receptors and HAs play dominant roles in the structural stabilization of the complexes. It is concluded from pair interaction energy and Molecular Mechanic-Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area calculations that N26G is a better receptor for H1 when compared with N23G. N23G is a better receptor for H5 when compared with N26G. However, H3 and H9 can recognize N23G and N26G in equal binding specificity due to the marginal energy difference (≈2.5 kcal/mol). The order of binding specificity of N23G is H3 > H5 > H9 > H1 and N26G is H1 > H3 > H5 > H9, respectively. The proposed conformational models will be helpful in designing inhibitors for influenza virus.  相似文献   

The upstream signaling pathway leading to the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) by high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the role of AMPK in HDL-induced antiatherogenic actions were investigated. Experiments using genetic and pharmacological tools showed that HDL-induced activation of AMPK is dependent on both sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors and scavenger receptor class B type I through calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase and, for scavenger receptor class B type I system, additionally serine-threonine kinase LKB1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. HDL-induced activation of Akt and endothelial NO synthase, stimulation of migration, and inhibition of monocyte adhesion and adhesion molecule expression were dependent on AMPK activation. The inhibitory role of AMPK in the adhesion molecule expression and monocyte adhesion on endothelium of mouse aorta was confirmed in vivo and ex vivo. On the other hand, stimulation of ERK and proliferation were hardly affected by AMPK knockdown but completely inhibited by an N17Ras, whereas the dominant-negative Ras was ineffective for AMPK activation. In conclusion, dual HDL receptor systems differentially regulate AMPK activity through calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase and/or LKB1. Several HDL-induced antiatherogenic actions are regulated by AMPK, but proliferation-related actions are regulated by Ras rather than AMPK.  相似文献   

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