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Calmodulin (CaM) activates the nitric-oxide synthases (NOS) by a mechanism that is not completely understood. A recent crystal structure showed that bound CaM engages in a bridging interaction with the NOS FMN subdomain. We investigated its importance in neuronal NOS (nNOS) by mutating the two residues that primarily create the bridging interaction (Arg752 in the FMN subdomain and Glu47 in CaM). Mutations designed to completely destroy the bridging interaction prevented bound CaM from increasing electron flux through the FMN subdomain and diminished the FMN-to-heme electron transfer by 90%, whereas mutations that partly preserve the interaction had intermediate effects. The bridging interaction appeared to control FMN subdomain interactions with both its electron donor (NADPH-FAD subdomain) and electron acceptor (heme domain) partner subdomains in nNOS. We conclude that the Arg752–Glu47 bridging interaction is the main feature that enables CaM to activate nNOS. The mechanism is bi-modal and links a single structural aspect of CaM binding to specific changes in nNOS protein conformational and electron transfer properties that are essential for catalysis.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins (FDXs) can distribute electrons originating from photosynthetic water oxidation, fermentation, and other reductant-generating pathways to specific redox enzymes in different organisms. The six FDXs identified in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are not fully characterized in terms of their biological function. In this report, we present data from the following: (a) yeast two-hybrid screens, identifying interaction partners for each Chlamydomonas FDX; (b) pairwise yeast two-hybrid assays measuring FDX interactions with proteins from selected biochemical pathways; (c) affinity pulldown assays that, in some cases, confirm and even expand the interaction network for FDX1 and FDX2; and (d) in vitro NADP+ reduction and H2 photo-production assays mediated by each FDX that verify their role in these two pathways. Our results demonstrate new potential roles for FDX1 in redox metabolism and carbohydrate and fatty acid biosynthesis, for FDX2 in anaerobic metabolism, and possibly in state transition. Our data also suggest that FDX3 is involved in nitrogen assimilation, FDX4 in glycolysis and response to reactive oxygen species, and FDX5 in hydrogenase maturation. Finally, we provide experimental evidence that FDX1 serves as the primary electron donor to two important biological pathways, NADPH and H2 photo-production, whereas FDX2 is capable of driving these reactions at less than half the rate observed for FDX1.  相似文献   

Small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) become activated when GDP is replaced by GTP at the highly conserved nucleotide binding site. This process is intrinsically very slow in most GTPases but is significantly accelerated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Nucleotide exchange in small GTPases has been widely studied using spectroscopy with fluorescently tagged nucleotides. However, this method suffers from effects of the bulky fluorescent moiety covalently attached to the nucleotide. Here, we have used a newly developed real-time NMR-based assay to monitor small GTPase RhoA nucleotide exchange by probing the RhoA conformation. We compared RhoA nucleotide exchange from GDP to GTP and GTP analogues in the absence and presence of the catalytic DH-PH domain of PDZ-RhoGEF (DH-PHPRG). Using the non-hydrolyzable analogue guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), which we found to be a reliable mimic of GTP, we obtained an intrinsic nucleotide exchange rate of 5.5 × 10−4 min−1. This reaction is markedly accelerated to 1179 × 10−4 min−1 in the presence of DH-PHPRG at a ratio of 1:8,000 relative to RhoA. Mutagenesis studies confirmed the importance of Arg-868 near a conserved region (CR3) of the Dbl homology (DH) domain and revealed that Glu-741 in CR1 is critical for full activity of DH-PHPRG, together suggesting that the catalytic mechanism of PDZ-RhoGEF is similar to Tiam1. Mutation of the single RhoA (E97A) residue that contacts the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain rendered the mutant 10-fold less sensitive to the activity of DH-PHPRG. Interestingly, this mutation does not affect RhoA activation by leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG), indicating that the PH domains of these two homologous GEFs may play different roles.  相似文献   

Resorcylic acid lactones are fungal polyketides that display diverse biological activities, with the potent Hsp90 inhibitor radicicol being an important representative member. Two fungal iterative polyketide synthases (IPKSs), Rdc5, the highly reducing IPKS, and Rdc1, the nonreducing IPKS, are required for the biosynthesis of radicicol in Pochonia chlamydosporia. In this study, the complete reconstitution of Rdc5 and Rdc1 activities both in vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae uncovered the earliest resorcylic acid lactone intermediate of the radicicol biosynthetic pathway, (R)-monocillin II. The enzymatic synthesis of (R)-monocillin II confirmed the exquisite timing of the Rdc5 enoyl reductase domain. Using precursor-directed biosynthesis, the chemical modularity of the dual IPKS system was determined. Rdc1 readily accepted an N-acetylcysteamine thioester mimic of the reduced pentaketide product of Rdc5 to synthesize (R)-monocillin II with four additional iterations of polyketide elongation, indicating the C2' ketone group found in (R)-monocillin II is incorporated via the functions of Rdc1 instead of Rdc5. The involvement of the thioesterase domain in Rdc1 in macrolactonization was confirmed through both site-directed mutagenesis and domain deletion. The Rdc1 thioesterase domain was also shown to be tolerant of the opposite stereochemistry of the terminal hydroxyl nucleophile, demonstrated in the precursor-directed synthesis of the enantiomeric (S)-monocillin II. Finally, reconstitution of the halogenase Rdc2 was demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro in the synthesis of pochonin D and a new halogenated analog 6-chloro, 7',8'-dehydrozearalenol.  相似文献   

Lipoate-protein ligase A (LplA) catalyzes the attachment of lipoic acid to lipoate-dependent enzymes by a two-step reaction: first the lipoate adenylation reaction and, second, the lipoate transfer reaction. We previously determined the crystal structure of Escherichia coli LplA in its unliganded form and a binary complex with lipoic acid (Fujiwara, K., Toma, S., Okamura-Ikeda, K., Motokawa, Y., Nakagawa, A., and Taniguchi, H. (2005) J Biol. Chem. 280, 33645–33651). Here, we report two new LplA structures, LplA·lipoyl-5′-AMP and LplA·octyl-5′-AMP·apoH-protein complexes, which represent the post-lipoate adenylation intermediate state and the pre-lipoate transfer intermediate state, respectively. These structures demonstrate three large scale conformational changes upon completion of the lipoate adenylation reaction: movements of the adenylate-binding and lipoate-binding loops to maintain the lipoyl-5′-AMP reaction intermediate and rotation of the C-terminal domain by about 180°. These changes are prerequisites for LplA to accommodate apoprotein for the second reaction. The Lys133 residue plays essential roles in both lipoate adenylation and lipoate transfer reactions. Based on structural and kinetic data, we propose a reaction mechanism driven by conformational changes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the combined presence of two cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s) can affect the function of both enzymes, results that are consistent with the formation of heteromeric P450·P450 complexes. The goal of this study was to provide direct evidence for a physical interaction between P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) and P450 2B4 (CYP2B4), by determining if the interactions required both enzymes to reside in the same lipid vesicles. When NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and a single P450 were incorporated into separate vesicles, extremely slow reduction rates were observed, demonstrating that the enzymes were anchored in the vesicles. Next, several reconstituted systems were prepared: 1) CPR·CYP1A2, 2) CPR·CYP2B4, 3) a mixture of CPR·CYP1A2 vesicles with CPR·CYP2B4 vesicles, and 4) CPR·CYP1A2·CYP2B4 in the same vesicles (ternary system). When in the ternary system, CYP2B4-mediated metabolism was significantly inhibited, and CYP1A2 activities were stimulated by the presence of the alternate P450. In contrast, P450s in separate vesicles were unable to interact. These data demonstrate that P450s must be in the same vesicles to alter metabolism. Additional evidence for a physical interaction among CPR, CYP1A2, and CYP2B4 was provided by cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate. The results showed that after cross-linking, antibody to CYP1A2 was able to co-immunoprecipitate CYP2B4 but only when both proteins were in the same phospholipid vesicles. These results clearly demonstrate that the alterations in P450 function require both P450s to be present in the same vesicles and support a mechanism whereby P450s form a physical complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

Pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O) catalyzes the oxidation by O2 of d-glucose and several aldopyranoses to yield the 2-ketoaldoses and H2O2. Based on crystal structures, in one rotamer conformation, the threonine hydroxyl of Thr169 forms H-bonds to the flavin-N5/O4 locus, whereas, in a different rotamer, it may interact with either sugar or other parts of the P2O·sugar complex. Transient kinetics of wild-type (WT) and Thr169 → S/N/G/A replacement variants show that d-Glc binds to T169S, T169N, and WT with the same Kd (45–47 mm), and the hydride transfer rate constants (kred) are similar (15.3–9.7 s−1 at 4 °C). kred of T169G with d-glucose (0.7 s−1, 4 °C) is significantly less than that of WT but not as severely affected as in T169A (kred of 0.03 s−1 at 25 °C). Transient kinetics of WT and mutants using d-galactose show that P2O binds d-galactose with a one-step binding process, different from binding of d-glucose. In T169S, T169N, and T169G, the overall turnover with d-Gal is faster than that of WT due to an increase of kred. In the crystal structure of T169S, Ser169 Oγ assumes a position identical to that of Oγ1 in Thr169; in T169G, solvent molecules may be able to rescue H-bonding. Our data suggest that a competent reductive half-reaction requires a side chain at position 169 that is able to form an H-bond within the ES complex. During the oxidative half-reaction, all mutants failed to stabilize a C4a-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate, thus suggesting that the precise position and geometry of the Thr169 side chain are required for intermediate stabilization.  相似文献   

Transportin 3 (TNPO3 or TRN-SR2) has been shown to be an important cellular factor for early steps of lentiviral replication. However, separate studies have implicated distinct mechanisms for TNPO3 either through its interaction with HIV-1 integrase or capsid. Here we have carried out a detailed biophysical characterization of TNPO3 and investigated its interactions with viral proteins. Biophysical analyses including circular dichroism, analytical ultracentrifugation, small-angle x-ray scattering, and homology modeling provide insight into TNPO3 architecture and indicate that it is highly structured and exists in a monomer-dimer equilibrium in solution. In vitro biochemical binding assays argued against meaningful direct interaction between TNPO3 and the capsid cores. Instead, TNPO3 effectively bound to the functional intasome but not to naked viral DNA, suggesting that TNPO3 can directly engage the HIV-1 IN tetramer prebound to the cognate DNA. Mass spectrometry-based protein footprinting and site-directed mutagenesis studies have enabled us to map several interacting amino acids in the HIV-1 IN C-terminal domain and the cargo binding domain of TNPO3. Our findings provide important information for future genetic analysis to better understand the role of TNPO3 and its interacting partners for HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

The identity of the source of the biological reductant needed to convert cobalamin to its biologically active form adenosylcobalamin has remained elusive. Here we show that free or protein-bound dihydroflavins can serve as the reductant of Co2+Cbl bound in the active site of PduO-type ATP-dependent corrinoid adenosyltransferase enzymes. Free dihydroflavins (dihydroriboflavin, FMNH2, and FADH2) effectively drove the adenosylation of Co2+Cbl by the human and bacterial PduO-type enzymes at very low concentrations (1 μm). These data show that adenosyltransferase enzymes lower the thermodynamic barrier of the Co2+ → Co+ reduction needed for the formation of the unique organometalic Co–C bond of adenosylcobalamin. Collectively, our in vivo and in vitro data suggest that cobalamin reductases identified thus far are most likely electron transfer proteins, not enzymes.  相似文献   

Most bacterial pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes from either Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria have E1 components with an α2 homodimeric quaternary structure. In a sequel to our previous publications, we present the first NMR study on the flexible regions of the E1 component from Escherichia coli and its biological relevance. We report sequence-specific NMR assignments for 6 residues in the N-terminal 1–55 region and for a glycine in each of the two mobile active center loops of the E1 component, a 200-kDa homodimer. This was accomplished by using site-specific substitutions and appropriate labeling patterns along with a peptide with the sequence corresponding to the N-terminal 1–35 amino acids of the E1 component. To study the functions of these mobile regions, we also examined the spectra in the presence of (a) a reaction intermediate analog known to affect the mobility of the active center loops, (b) an E2 component construct consisting of a lipoyl domain and peripheral subunit binding domain, and (c) a peptide corresponding to the amino acid sequence of the E2 peripheral subunit binding domain. Deductions from the NMR studies are in excellent agreement with our functional finding, providing a clear indication that the N-terminal region of the E1 interacts with the E2 peripheral subunit binding domain and that this interaction precedes reductive acetylation. The results provide the first structural support to the notion that the N-terminal region of the E1 component of this entire class of bacterial pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes is responsible for binding the E2 component.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase (MBH) supports growth of Ralstonia eutropha H16 with H2 as the sole energy source. The enzyme undergoes a complex biosynthesis process that proceeds during cell growth even at ambient O2 levels and involves 14 specific maturation proteins. One of these is a rubredoxin-like protein, which is essential for biosynthesis of active MBH at high oxygen concentrations but dispensable under microaerobic growth conditions. To obtain insights into the function of HoxR, we investigated the MBH protein purified from the cytoplasmic membrane of hoxR mutant cells. Compared with wild-type MBH, the mutant enzyme displayed severely decreased hydrogenase activity. Electron paramagnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopic analyses revealed features resembling those of O2-sensitive [NiFe] hydrogenases and/or oxidatively damaged protein. The catalytic center resided partially in an inactive Niu-A-like state, and the electron transfer chain consisting of three different Fe-S clusters showed marked alterations compared with wild-type enzyme. Purification of HoxR protein from its original host, R. eutropha, revealed only low protein amounts. Therefore, recombinant HoxR protein was isolated from Escherichia coli. Unlike common rubredoxins, the HoxR protein was colorless, rather unstable, and essentially metal-free. Conversion of the atypical iron-binding motif into a canonical one through genetic engineering led to a stable reddish rubredoxin. Remarkably, the modified HoxR protein did not support MBH-dependent growth at high O2. Analysis of MBH-associated protein complexes points toward a specific interaction of HoxR with the Fe-S cluster-bearing small subunit. This supports the previously made notion that HoxR avoids oxidative damage of the metal centers of the MBH, in particular the unprecedented Cys6[4Fe-3S] cluster.  相似文献   

Tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from Streptococcus pyogenes is a class I aldolase that exhibits a remarkable lack of chiral discrimination with respect to the configuration of hydroxyl groups at both C3 and C4 positions. The enzyme catalyzes the reversible cleavage of four diastereoisomers (fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), psicose 1,6-bisphosphate, sorbose 1,6-bisphosphate, and tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate) to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and d-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate with high catalytic efficiency. To investigate its enzymatic mechanism, high resolution crystal structures were determined of both native enzyme and native enzyme in complex with dihydroxyacetone-P. The electron density map revealed a (α/β)8 fold in each dimeric subunit. Flash-cooled crystals of native enzyme soaked with dihydroxyacetone phosphate trapped a covalent intermediate with carbanionic character at Lys205, different from the enamine mesomer bound in stereospecific class I FBP aldolase. Structural analysis indicates extensive active site conservation with respect to class I FBP aldolases, including conserved conformational responses to DHAP binding and conserved stereospecific proton transfer at the DHAP C3 carbon mediated by a proximal water molecule. Exchange reactions with tritiated water and tritium-labeled DHAP at C3 hydrogen were carried out in both solution and crystalline state to assess stereochemical control at C3. The kinetic studies show labeling at both pro-R and pro-S C3 positions of DHAP yet detritiation only at the C3 pro-S-labeled position. Detritiation of the C3 pro-R label was not detected and is consistent with preferential cis-trans isomerism about the C2–C3 bond in the carbanion as the mechanism responsible for C3 epimerization in tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase.  相似文献   

The persulfide sulfur formed on an active site cysteine residue of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-dependent cysteine desulfurases is subsequently incorporated into the biosynthetic pathways of a variety of sulfur-containing cofactors and thionucleosides. In molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, MoeB activates the C terminus of the MoaD subunit of molybdopterin (MPT) synthase to form MoaD-adenylate, which is subsequently converted to a thiocarboxylate for the generation of the dithiolene group of MPT. It has been shown that three cysteine desulfurases (CsdA, SufS, and IscS) of Escherichia coli can transfer sulfur from l-cysteine to the thiocarboxylate of MoaD in vitro. Here, we demonstrate by surface plasmon resonance analyses that IscS, but not CsdA or SufS, interacts with MoeB and MoaD. MoeB and MoaD can stimulate the IscS activity up to 1.6-fold. Analysis of the sulfuration level of MoaD isolated from strains defective in cysteine desulfurases shows a largely decreased sulfuration level of the protein in an iscS deletion strain but not in a csdA/sufS deletion strain. We also show that another iscS deletion strain of E. coli accumulates compound Z, a direct oxidation product of the immediate precursor of MPT, to the same extent as an MPT synthase-deficient strain. In contrast, analysis of the content of compound Z in ΔcsdA and ΔsufS strains revealed no such accumulation. These findings indicate that IscS is the primary physiological sulfur-donating enzyme for the generation of the thiocarboxylate of MPT synthase in MPT biosynthesis.  相似文献   

All but 11 of the 323 known actin sequences have Tyr at position 53, and the 11 exceptions have the conservative substitution Phe, which raises the following questions. What is the critical role(s) of Tyr-53, and, if it can be replaced by Phe, why has this happened so infrequently? We compared the properties of purified endogenous Dictyostelium actin and mutant constructs with Tyr-53 replaced by Phe, Ala, Glu, Trp, and Leu. The Y53F mutant did not differ significantly from endogenous actin in any of the properties assayed, but the Y53A and Y53E mutants differed substantially; affinity for DNase I was reduced, the rate of nucleotide exchange was increased, the critical concentration for polymerization was increased, filament elongation was inhibited, and polymerized actin was in the form of small oligomers and imperfect filaments. Growth and/or development of cells expressing these actin mutants were also inhibited. The Trp and Leu mutations had lesser but still significant effects on cell phenotype and the biochemical properties of the purified actins. We conclude that either Tyr or Phe is required to maintain the functional conformations of the DNase I-binding loop (D-loop) in both G- and F-actin, and that the conformation of the D-loop affects not only the properties that directly involve the D-loop (binding to DNase I and polymerization) but also allosterically modifies the conformation of the nucleotide-binding cleft, thus increasing the rate of nucleotide exchange. The apparent evolutionary “preference” for Tyr at position 53 may be the result of Tyr allowing dynamic modification of the D-loop conformation by phosphorylation (Baek, K., Liu, X., Ferron, F., Shu, S., Korn, E. D., and Dominguez, R. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 11748–11753) with effects similar, but not identical, to those of the Ala and Glu mutations.  相似文献   

The toroid-shaped nuclear protein export factor CRM1 is constructed from 21 tandem HEAT repeats, each of which contains an inner (B) and outer (A) α-helix joined by loops. Proteins targeted for export have a nuclear export signal (NES) that binds between the A-helices of HEAT repeats 11 and 12 on the outer surface of CRM1. RanGTP binding increases the affinity of CRM1 for NESs. In the absence of RanGTP, the CRM1 C-terminal helix, together with the HEAT repeat 9 loop, modulates its affinity for NESs. Here we show that there is an electrostatic interaction between acidic residues at the extreme distal tip of the C-terminal helix and basic residues on the HEAT repeat 12 B-helix that lies on the inner surface of CRM1 beneath the NES binding site. Small angle x-ray scattering indicates that the increased affinity for NESs generated by mutations in the C-terminal helix is not associated with large scale changes in CRM1 conformation, consistent with the modulation of NES affinity being mediated by a local change in CRM1 near the NES binding site. These data also suggest that in the absence of RanGTP, the C-terminal helix lies across the CRM1 toroid in a position similar to that seen in the CRM1-Snurportin crystal structure. By creating local changes that stabilize the NES binding site in its closed conformation and thereby reducing the affinity of CRM1 for NESs, the C-terminal helix and HEAT 9 loop facilitate release of NES-containing cargo in the cytoplasm and also inhibit their return to the nucleus.  相似文献   

How microorganisms obtain energy is a challenging topic, and there have been numerous studies on the mechanisms involved. Here, we focus on the energy substrate traffic in the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. This bacterium can use insoluble sulfur as an energy substrate and has an intricate sulfur energy metabolism involving several sulfur-reducing and -oxidizing supercomplexes and enzymes. We demonstrate that the cytoplasmic rhodanese SbdP participates in this sulfur energy metabolism. Rhodaneses are a widespread family of proteins known to transfer sulfur atoms. We show that SbdP has also some unusual characteristics compared with other rhodaneses; it can load a long sulfur chain, and it can interact with more than one partner. Its partners (sulfur reductase and sulfur oxygenase reductase) are key enzymes of the sulfur energy metabolism of A. aeolicus and share the capacity to use long sulfur chains as substrate. We demonstrate a positive effect of SbdP, once loaded with sulfur chains, on sulfur reductase activity, most likely by optimizing substrate uptake. Taken together, these results lead us to propose a physiological role for SbdP as a carrier and sulfur chain donor to these key enzymes, therefore enabling channeling of sulfur substrate in the cell as well as greater efficiency of the sulfur energy metabolism of A. aeolicus.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes (LTs), derived from arachidonic acid (AA) released from the membrane by the action of phospholipase A2, are potent lipid mediators of the inflammatory response. In 1983, Dahlén et al. demonstrated that LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4 mediate antigen-induced constriction of bronchi in tissue obtained from subjects with asthma (Dahlén, S. E., Hansson, G., Hedqvist, P., Björck, T., Granström, E., and Dahlén, B. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 1712–1716). Over the last 25+ years, substantial progress has been made in understanding how LTs exert their effects, and a broader appreciation for the numerous biological processes they mediate has emerged. LT biosynthesis is initiated by the action of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX), which catalyzes the transformation of AA to LTA4 in a two-step reaction. Ca2+ targets 5-LOX to the nuclear membrane, where it co-localizes with the 5-LOX-activating protein FLAP and, when present, the downstream enzyme LTC4 synthase, both transmembrane proteins. Crystal structures of the AA-metabolizing LOXs, LTC4 synthase, and FLAP combined with biochemical data provide a framework for understanding how subcellular organizations optimize the biosynthesis of these labile hydrophobic signaling compounds, which must navigate pathways that include both membrane and soluble enzymes. The insights these structures afford and the questions they engender are discussed in this minireview.  相似文献   

The vaccinia viral protein A27 in mature viruses specifically interacts with heparan sulfate for cell surface attachment. In addition, A27 associates with the viral membrane protein A17 to anchor to the viral membrane; however, the specific interaction between A27 and A17 remains largely unclear. To uncover the active binding sites and the underlying binding mechanism, we expressed and purified the N-terminal (18–50 residues) and C-terminal (162–203 residues) fragments of A17, which are denoted A17-N and A17-C. Through surface plasmon resonance, the binding affinity of A27/A17-N (KA = 3.40 × 108 m−1) was determined to be approximately 3 orders of magnitude stronger than that of A27/A17-C (KA = 3.40 × 105 m−1), indicating that A27 prefers to interact with A17-N rather than A17-C. Despite the disordered nature of A17-N, the A27-A17 interaction is mediated by a specific and cooperative binding mechanism that includes two active binding sites, namely 32SFMPK36 (denoted as F1 binding) and 20LDKDLFTEEQ29 (F2). Further analysis showed that F1 has stronger binding affinity and is more resistant to acidic conditions than is F2. Furthermore, A27 mutant proteins that retained partial activity to interact with the F1 and F2 sites of the A17 protein were packaged into mature virus particles at a reduced level, demonstrating that the F1/F2 interaction plays a critical role in vivo. Using these results in combination with site-directed mutagenesis data, we established a computer model to explain the specific A27-A17 binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Cell survival and death-inducing signals are tightly associated with each other, and the decision as to whether a cell survives or dies is determined by controlling the relationship between these signals. However, the mechanism underlying the reciprocal regulation of such signals remains unclear. In this study, we reveal a functional association between PDK1 (3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1), a critical mediator of cell survival, and ASK1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1), an apoptotic stress-activated MAPKKK. The physical association between PDK1 and ASK1 is mediated through the pleckstrin homology domain of PDK1 and the C-terminal regulatory domain of ASK1 and is decreased by ASK1-activating stimuli, such as H2O2, tumor necrosis factor α, thapsigargin, and ionomycin, as well as insulin, a PDK1 stimulator. Wild-type PDK1, but not kinase-dead PDK1, negatively regulates ASK1 activity by phosphorylating Ser967, a binding site for 14-3-3 protein, on ASK1. PDK1 functionally suppresses ASK1-mediated AP-1 transactivation and H2O2-mediated apoptosis in a kinase-dependent manner. On the other hand, ASK1 has been shown to inhibit PDK1 functions, including PDK1-mediated regulation of apoptosis and cell growth, by phosphorylating PDK1 at Ser394 and Ser398, indicating that these putative phosphorylation sites are involved in the negative regulation of PDK1 activity. These results provide evidence that PDK1 and ASK1 directly interact and phosphorylate each other and act as negative regulators of their respective kinases in resting cells.  相似文献   

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