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一例罕见的复杂易位携带者的染色体绘画研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
傅俊江  夏家辉 《遗传学报》1996,23(4):255-260
本文报道了一例罕见的复杂易位男性携带者,结婚8年,其妻连续7次流产、死胎和出生早夭的畸型儿。用染色体显微切割、PCR技术构建的人类7号和8号染色体特异性探针地对其进行了染色体绘画研究,分析确定其核型为:46,XY,-7,-8,-9,+der(7)、t(7;9)(q2200;p24),+der(8)invins(8;7)(q2100;q31.2q2200),+der(9)t(9;7)(p24;q31.2).ishder(7)t(7;9)(wcp7+),der(8)invins(8;7)(wcp7+,wcp8+),der(9)t(9;7)(wcp7+)。染色体绘画技术为研究染色体异常提供了一种有效的分子细胞遗传学技术,本文并对携带者复杂易位的发生机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文报道一例罕见复杂易位核型:46,XX,t(1;14;10).并结合以往资料,探讨和分析复杂易位和一般平衡易位对表型及生育的遗传效应.结果显示,一般易位导致智能低下和多发畸形的频率各为3.57%;复杂易位所致智能低下频率为21.73%,多发畸形的频率为17.39%.提示复杂易位所致智能低下和畸形频率明显高于一般易位。 Abstract:In this paper,we report a rare karyotype of complex translocation:46,XX,t(1;14;10).Based on sufficient published data,we discussed and analyzed the genetic effect of complex translocation and general balanced translocation on phenotype and fertilization.The results show that general balanced translocation caused 3.57% low intelligence and multi-deformation while complex translocation caused 21.73% low intelligence and 17.39% multi-deformation respectively.These results sugget that there is a higher incedence of low intelligence and multi-deformation caused by complex translocation than that caused by general balanced translocation.  相似文献   

廖亚平  王春景  梁猛  胡小梅  吴琦 《遗传》2017,39(5):396-412
为探讨中国人群平衡复杂染色体重排(complex chromosome rearrangements, CCRs)的类型、特征和减数分裂行为及其与生殖异常的关系,采用常规G显带技术对因生育问题就诊的1063对夫妇进行核型分析,并检索中国人群平衡CCR携带者的核型及临床资料进行统计分析。在受检者中检出2例平衡CCR携带者,并从国内外数据库中检索发现的平衡CCR携带者总共124例,3方和4方重排为主要类型,占51.6%,双重相互易位占26.6%,特殊CCR占21.8%。平衡CCR携带者或其配偶自然流产和胚胎停止发育(胎停育)发生率为77.6%,多发性先天畸形(multiple congenital abnormalities, MCA)等不良妊娠发生率为9.7%。三种类型平衡CCR携带者各种妊娠结局发生率的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对男性CCRs累及的染色体分析发现,累及1号染色体的CCRs多表现为生精障碍,累及8号染色体的CCRs多发生不良妊娠(P≤0.05)。分析CCRs减数分裂染色体分离模式发现,后代的异常核型多来自于邻近-1分离方式(8/12)。发生不对称分离(3:2、4:2和5:3分离)的CCRs中D-G组染色体累及频率相对高(46.2%)。结果表明,平衡CCR携带者不良妊娠风险高,即使正常妊娠也应进行产前诊断。男性平衡CCR携带者生精障碍发生机率高,CCRs累及的染色体对男性携带者生育能力有影响。另外,CCRs携带者减数分裂染色体分离模式也与累及的染色体有关。分析CCRs的类型、累及的染色体和易位片段的大小等因素可针对特定CCR做出更准确的遗传和生育指导。  相似文献   

为了解河南地区群体染色体畸变发病率情况,研究可能与染色体畸变有关的 因素及再现风险。综合运用多种现代细胞遗传学技术对3068例新生儿进行染色体核型分析,并对染色体核型异常者进行家系分析、再现风险及病例对照研究。结果表明:河南地区新生儿染色体畸变发生率为2.74%;其中13.1%由亲代遗传,86.9%为子代新生突变;病例组84例中有46例再次生育,再现染色体畸变8例,染色体畸变再发生率为17.39%;孕妇高龄、异常妊娠史、妊娠期间致畸因素接触史及胎儿宫内发育迟缓等可能是新生儿染色体畸变的高危因素。 Abstract:To investigate the incidence of chromosomal aberrations and recurrence risk in Henan and inqure into the risk factors resulting in newborn chromosomal aberrations,3 068 newbors were karyotyped with several advanced cytogenetic methods.The result showed the incidence of chromosomal aberrations was 2.74%(84cases),only 13.1% out of 84 aberrations were transmitted from the previous generation and 86.9% arose de novo.Within 46 second babies being born after their sibling with chromosomal aberrations,8 were abnormal karyotypes,the recurrence rate was 17.39%.The case-control study showed mothers with advanced age,mothers exposure to detrimental factors in pregancy and mothers with abnormal reproductive histories,intranter growth retardation may be the risk factors resulting in chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

本文通过对不同来源大赖草及其可能供体物种的EST、GOT、SOD同工酶及HMW-GS的分析, 发现不同来源大赖草的同工酶及蛋白图谱呈一定差异,但其中为不同来源大赖草所共有的一些谱带, 同时也存在于具N染色体组物种的分析图谱中,而在具J染色体组的物种中却没有特异性分布,推断大赖草中含有N染色体组,但可能不含J染色体组。 Abstract:The zymogram phenotypes of Esterase(EST),Glutamate oxalocate transminase(GOT),Superoxide dismutase(SOD)and the banding patterns of high molecular weight glutenin subunits(HMW-GS) were determined for different Leymus racemosus accessions and their putative donor species,It was found that although the zymogram phenotypes and the HMW-GS banding patterns appeared polymorphism,common bands for different Lr accessions were found in the species with N genome,but not in those with J genome,suggesting that the Psathyrostachys species with N genome must be phylogenetically closer to Lr,while the Thinopyrum species with J genome are farther to it.  相似文献   

用染色体特异的卫星DNA探针进行染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析恶性血液病,发现着丝粒和着丝粒周染色体的重排并非罕见.分子生物学技术和基因组计划的发展,促进了对异染色质分子本质的研究.本文就着丝粒和着丝粒周异染色质的分子结构及其重排机制作一综述。 Abstract:Fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) analysis with chromosome-specific satellite DNA probes of various hematopoietie malignancies have revealed that centric and pericentric chromosome rearrangements occurred more frequently than hitherto admitted.The development of molecular biology and genome project have fostered much interest in the structure and function of centromeric heterochromatin.In this paper,recent advances in molecular structure and rearrangement mechanisms of centric and pericentric heterochromatin are reviewed and future study is also discussed.  相似文献   

摩尔根与染色体遗传学说的建立   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
高翼之 《遗传》2002,24(4):459-462
1866年至1900年间,即孟德尔论文完全被人们所忽视之时,细胞学经历了巨大的发展,染色体在有丝分裂、减数分裂以及受精作用中的行为已经基本上搞清了。 1900年孟德尔论文被重新发现后,美国哥伦比亚大学的研究生萨顿(Sutton)就在1902年12月和1903年1月发表的两篇文章中指出:染色体的行为与遗传性状的行为完全平行。萨顿以很有说服力的分析表明,只要假定遗传因子在染色体上,就可以十分圆满地解释孟德尔遗传定律。 但是,当时国际遗传学的“主帅”贝特森却坚决反对把遗传因子与任何物质实体联系起来。1909年创造“基因”一词的约翰逊也只是把基因作为“一种计算或统计单位”,反对“基因是物质的、具有形态特征的结构”。萨顿的假设还遭到当时还是实验胚胎学家的摩尔根(Morgan)的反对,宣称他绝不接受“没有实验基础的结论”。实际情况是,虽然萨顿提出的各种细胞学现象都是实验观察的结果,但是把这些细胞学现象与孟德尔遗传理论联系起来,确实没有任何实验证据。完成这一历史使命的是通过实验彻底转变思想而成为国际遗传学第二代“主帅”的摩尔根。  相似文献   

重庆温光型雄性不育小麦的染色体分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈静  余懋群  邓光兵  任正隆 《遗传》2002,24(2):163-165
本研究采用种子醇溶蛋白酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(APAGE)和染色体C分带技术对重庆温光型雄性不育小麦的染色体组成进行分析,结果表明:不育系染色体1B短臂(1BS)已被黑麦1R短臂(1RS)取代,具有1RS/1BL易位染色体及普通小麦细胞质。 Abstract:Seed gliadin acid-polyacrlamide-gel-electrophoresis(APAGE) and chromosome C-banding techniques were used to identify chromosome constitution of Chongqing thermo-photo sensitive male sterile wheat.Results showed that 1BS of the male sterile lines was substituted by 1RS of rye.They were 1B/1R wheat with Triticum aestivum cytoplasm.  相似文献   

以性成熟公猪睾丸和外周血为材料,采用长低渗、高氯仿卡诺固定液固定和外周血细胞培养制备减数分裂粗线期二价体和有丝分裂中期染色体,通过对二价体和有丝分裂中期染色体分裂指数和长度的比较研究,发现二价体的分裂指数和长度分别是有丝分裂中期染色体的5倍和3.42倍(1.87~5.98);同时以12号染色体为例, 比较了二价体上的染色粒结构带与有丝分裂中期染色体G-带,表明染色粒结构带比中期染色体G-带带纹丰富,而与早中期G-带带纹吻合。 Abstract:Meiotic pachytene bivalents were obtained from porcine testes using prolonged hypotonic treatment combined with high chloroform Carnory's fixative solution. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes were prepared from blood cell culture. Comparative studies on division index and length of pachytene bivalents and mitosis metaphase chromosomes showed that those of the former are 5 times higher and 3.42(1.87~5.98) times longer than the latter, respectively. Chromomere maps of bivalents are more abundant than mitotic metaphase G-bands, while they are correspondent with mitotic early-metaphase G-bands. The result was found by using the chromosome 12 as a sample.  相似文献   

通过2n=50和2n=49两种核型三品种杂交水牛繁殖记录分析和其中2n=49三品种杂交水牛联会复合体及其精子染色体研究,结果表明,后者虽然公母都是可育的,由于它产生两种正常配子(n=24,n=25)和两种异常配子(n=24+1,n=25-1),自群繁殖导致其子代染色体多态性(2n=50,2n=49和2n=48);其异常配子,与正常配子结合,则产生非整倍性,致其繁殖力降低,表现为情期配种受胎率降低12.3%;年受胎率降低6.4%;产仔间隔长97.6天;终生(11岁)产仔数减少1.33~1.54头。 Abstract:After analysis of reproduction records of two types of karyotypes (2n=50 & 2n=49) of triple crossbreed buffaloes (TCB) and studies of synaptinemal complex and sperm chromosome of 2n=49 TCB,the results showed that 2 sorts of normal gametes (n=24 and n=25) and 2 sorts of abnormal gametes (n=24+1 and n=25-1) were produced in 2n=49 TCB.Thus,both male and female of 2n=49 TCB are reproducible,and chromosomal polymorphyism (2n=50,2n=49 & 2n=48) occurred in the progenies after intermating.But its fertility decreased because of aneuploidy combined between normal and abnormal gametes.Compared with 2n=50 TCB,the conception rates for individual inseminations and for whole year reduced 12.3% and 6.4%,calving interval were prolonged by 97.6 days,and calf numbers in its lifetime (up to 11-year old) were lower by approximate 1.5 calves,respectively.  相似文献   

In several mammalian species, genetic defects can be responsible for the interruption of and/or the deviation from the sequential steps of normal gonadal differentiation, leading to a sex-reversal syndrome. In pigs, female-to-male sex-reversal conditions are particularly frequent, but their aetiologies remain unclear. Chromosomal abnormalities that co-occur with sex-reversal disorders can be useful in the identification of loci containing responsible or susceptibility genes. This report describes a female-to-male SRY-negative intersex pig with a de novo paracentric inversion of the short arm of one chromosome 9 (p1.2; p2.2). We have fine mapped the proximal chromosomal breakpoint of this rearrangement because it corresponded to a region potentially involved in the pig intersexuality. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments carried out with Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) clones located within the critical region defined by genetic linkage analysis and ordered on the porcine RH map allowed us to locate the proximal breakpoint between markers SW2571 and SW539. Further investigations are currently in progress to find new markers inside this interval, in order to determine the BAC in which the break occurred.  相似文献   

运用表面铺展联会复合体(synaptonemal cotnplex,SC)的电镜技术对一位46,XY,t(11;18)平衡易位携带者性细胞进行SC观察,分析了30个精母细胞(从早粗线期→晚粗线期)中SC图象,这些精母细胞中均显示了1个性二价体、20个常染色体二价体(SC)和1个四价体。对其中的21个四价体配对行为进行分析,发现有20个四价体发生部分异源配对,其中4、14和2个四价体分别发生在早、中和晚粗线期,发生在早粗线期的异源配对是一种直接的异源配对,与以前报道的发生在晚粗线期经联会调整的异源配对不同。并对该患者发生生殖失败的机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

石玉平  马绍武 《遗传学报》1993,20(6):488-492
本文对一便生育过先天愚型儿的个体刊进行了细胞与分子遗传学研究。发现先证者拥有t(14;21)用一个短臂增大变异为15号标记染色体。通过G-显带、C-显带、Q-显带、硝酸银染色及Y染色体长臂异染色质区特异控针pY3.4对先证者基因组DNA的斑点杂交和中期染色体的原位杂交,证实变异部分由Y染色体长臂异染色质区易位所形成,从而排除了巨大随体的存在或其他染色体参与重排形成变的可能性,结果表明,常规显带与染  相似文献   

The ovuliferous structure of Ginkgo biloba L. has been variously interpreted morphologically. As a result the systematic position and the relationship with other gymnosperms of this ancestral gymnosperm have long been under dispute. In the present paper, a brief survey of the main views as to the nature of the ovuliferous structure is givcn. Based on morphological and teratological data previously reported, a new interpretation is proposed. The essential points are summarized as follows: 1. In morphological essence, a fertile dwarf shoot with some ovuliferous structures in Ginkgo biloba L. might as a whole be nothing but a megasporophyll strobilus (female cone), which is shared actually by all the conifers in the gymnosperms. The fertile dwarf shoot has appearance extremely similar to that of the vegetative dwarf shoot, suggesting that in Ginkgo biloba L. the vegetative organs and the reproductive organs have not been yet well differentiated, and thus its megasporophyll strobilus might represent one of the most primitive compound strobilus types. 2. In Ginkgo biloba, the ovuliferous structure borne in the axil of a scale leaf (sometimes a normal leaf) on the dwarf shoot, together with the scale leaf itself, might be the homogenous organ corresponding to the bract-scale and seed-scale complex of the compound female strobilus of the typical conifers. The complex is a relatively isolated reproductive unit on the strobilus. The normal leaves and the scale leaves on the dwarf shoot might be equivalent to the bract-scales in the typical cones, though the normal leaves still retain the vegetative nature as the foliage leaves on the vegetative shoot. The stalk hearing ovules at its top might be equivalent to a seed-scale of the typical cones. 3. The megasporophyll strobilus in Ginkgo biloba, namely a whole fertile dwarf shoot as mentioned above, seems to show much more primitive characteristics than those of typical conifers. In this plant it is very difficult to distinguish the fertile dwarf shoot from the common vegetative dwarf shoot before reproduction time. Moreover, its megasporophyll strobilus often exhibits more atavistic abnormalities than those of other conifers. All the evidence indicates that the primitive ancestor of conifers might have had the fertile organs which might be of basically identical morphology as vegetative shoots, except that in the fertile organs there might exist numerous fertile leaves bearing one or many ovules. 4. The longer stalk of the ovuliferous structure in Ginkgo biloba might have come from mainly a secondary elongation growth of the seed scale, and only a little part of it might be the remains of the original shoot. The fork structure bearing ovules at the top of the stalk might be the rudementary part of the petioles of the only two extremely reduced megasporophylls. The collar around the base of the ovule might be a secondary protective structure. 5. A correct morphological interpretation of the female strobilus in Ginkgo biloba is doubtless of important significance for our better understanding of the evolution of the female reproductive organs in conifers. According to our interpretation mentioned above, together with the concept of the bractscale and seed-scale complex proposed in the present paper, which is mainly based on the concept of the seed-scale complex propose by Florin, here we put forward an evolutionary theory of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex. According to this theory, the female reproductive organs of the ancestral conifers should be very similar, as mentioned above, to the sterile foliage shoot except that the former might have some fertile leaves which could produce ovules at reproduction time. This ancestral female reproductive organ type might have had evolved towards two directions and thus formed two main evolutionary lines. One is represented by the genus Cycas and we may call it the Cycas Evolutionary Line (C-line), in which the megasporophyll strobilus is monopodial, with the fertile leaves and sterile bracts occurring directly on the main axis. The Cycadaceae is the only living gymnosperm member along this evolutionary line. The second line is represented by all the conifers including Ginkgo, which all have the structure of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex, and thus we called it the "Bract-scale and Seed-scale Complex Evolutionary Line" (BS-line). The members along this line have multipodial female strobilus, i.e. compound strobilus. On the main axis occur some sterile vegetative bracts. In the axils of some or most of the bracts occur the seed-scales. The seed-scales are actually the remains of the extremely, or smetimes completely reduced fertile shoots. Each part of the bractt-scale and seed-scale complex and the main axis of the strobilus could have undergone independent or correlated changes, and thus have had formed various types of strobilus which are found in the living conifers. 6. Our theory on the evolution of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex seems to support the division of all the gymnosperms into two major groups as proposed by Chamberlain, and is also in favour of the placement of Ginkgo biloba into the conifers as the most primitive member along BS-line. 7. Based on their similar morphological characters, it can be considered that Ginkgo biloba might have close relationships with the Nageiaceae, Ephedraceae, Welwitschiaceae and Araucariaceae. All these groups have multinerved leaves without costa. These living gymnosperms might have a more direct relationship withthe ancestral cordaites.  相似文献   

The contiguous gene syndrome involving 8p11.2 is recognized as a combined phenotype of both Kallmann syndrome and hereditary spherocytosis, because the genes responsible for these 2 clinical entities, the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) and ankyrin 1 (ANK1) genes, respectively, are located in this region within a distance of 3.2Mb. We identified a 3.7Mb deletion of 8p11.2 in a 19-month-old female patient with hereditary spherocytosis. The identified deletion included ANK1, but not FGFR1, which is consistent with the absence of any phenotype or laboratory findings of Kallmann syndrome. Compared with the previous studies, the deletion identified in this study was located on the proximal end of 8p, indicating a pure interstitial deletion of 8p11.21. This patient exhibited mild developmental delay and distinctive facial findings in addition to hereditary spherocytosis. Thus, some of the genes included in the deleted region would be related to these symptoms.  相似文献   

Mutations in MITF lead to a large variety of phenotypes in human, mice and other species. They mostly affect pigmentation and hearing, whereas in mice, they may additionally cause microphthalmia and osteopetrosis. In this study, we report a single case of a Holstein calf with lack of pigmentation and microphthalmia born to healthy parents. Mendelian analysis of high‐density SNP genotypes reveals a large number of parentage errors showing missing paternal alleles in the offspring, indicating a deletion encompassing 19 Mb on BTA 22. The genomic deletion affects the paternal allele and includes MITF and 131 other annotated genes. As the calf shows only one copy of the BTA 22 segment, the observed phenotype is probably caused by haploinsufficiency of the genes in that genomic region. Both the observed lack of skin pigmentation and reduced eye size can most likely be explained by a lack of MITF function.  相似文献   

A de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement is very rare but likely to be present in a child with developmental disabilities and physical alterations. A child presented in this study showed global developmental delay and some typical phenotypes. Initial karyotyping and FISH analysis in the patient showed an apparently de novo balanced translocation between chromosome 3 and 8, t(3;8)(q13.1;q24.2). Further analysis using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and array-based comparative genomic hybridization revealed a cryptic microdeletion on 3p13 region. Nearly one-third of balanced rearrangements are reported to involve cryptic disruptions at breakpoints, however, the microdeletion of the proposita was present in non-translocated region of the chromosome 3. After careful reevaluation of the results, a pericentric inversion, inv(3)(p13q13.1) that induced deletion was revealed. The clinical features of developmental delay in cognition, language, and motor function and facial and physical phenotype of the proposita were similar to those found in the children with 3p13 deletion. This case shows that combined molecular cytogenetic techniques with routine karyotyping are very useful to identify subtle genomic changes associated with abnormal phenotypes.  相似文献   

The effect of pre- and posttreatment incubation of UV-irradiated and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) treated cells with non-toxic concentrations of inhibitors of de novo purine synthesis (dnPS) on expression of potentially lethal and premutational damage at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) locus in V79 cells has been examined. The concentrations of inhibitors used were shown to profoundly perturb de novo DNA synthesis, by measurements of [14C]formate uptake, and cell cycle progression by flow cytofluorimetry. Postincubation in 6-methyl mercaptopurine ribonucleoside (MMPR) usually but not invariably potentiated the cytotoxic effects of UV and EMS but azaserine (AZS) and methotrexate (MTX) were without effect. No effects on mutant frequencies were observed on posttreatment with any of these agents. Caffeine produced the least effect on dnPS, but invariably potentiated lethal damage. This potentiation of lethal damage is not mediated by dnPS inhibition as has been suggested for Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells.  相似文献   

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