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Summary I hypothesize that three conditions, (1) food-shelter coincidence, (2) strong selection for defense, and (3) ability to defend, are sufficient, although not necessary, for the evolution of eusociality in group-living animals. Reasons for this association between ecology and eusociality include extremely high value of the habitat, possibilities for habitat inheritance, high relatedness in claustral situations, self-sufficiency of juveniles, greater ability of workers to reproduce, and trade-offs between defensive ability and dispersal.  相似文献   

Earlier, it was questioned whether gap junctions (GJs) were necessary for cell-cell communication in smooth muscle, and GJs were not seen in some smooth muscles. We reexamined this question in the myometrium and in intestinal smooth muscle, in light of current knowledge of the presence and function of GJs. In the uterus, numerous studies show that an increase in GJ number is associated with the onset of delivery and is required for effective parturition. In all cases, this increase in GJ number and the changes in uterine contractility were correlated with increased electrical and metabolic coupling. Evidence for the much smaller, but detectable, degree of electrical coupling in the preterm uterus is explained by the small (but again detectable) number of GJs present. In the intestine, GJs are readily detected in the circular muscle layer but have not been described in the adjacent longitudinal layer. While our immunohistochemical studies failed to detect GJs in the longitudinal layer, this may not be adequate to prove their absence. Therefore, current knowledge of GJ number and function is adequate to explain cell-cell coupling in the uterus. Although it remains uncertain whether GJs are absent from the longitudinal muscle of the intestine, there is no definitive evidence that cell-cell coupling can occur by means other than GJs.  相似文献   

Rode BM  Flader W  Sotriffer C  Righi A 《Peptides》1999,20(12):1513-1516
The rather unique properties of prions and their presence in very different kinds of living species suggest that this type of molecule was created at a very early stage of evolution and may even represent a relic from a time where peptide evolution was ongoing and RNA/DNA did not yet exist. A comparison of the most frequently occurring amino acid sequences in known prions with the sequences preferentially formed in the salt-induced peptide formation reaction, the most simple mechanism enabling the formation of peptides under primitive earth conditions, shows a remarkable coincidence that strongly supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Some major evolutionary theories predict a relationship between rates of proliferation of new species (species diversification) and rates of morphological divergence between them. However, this relationship has not been rigorously tested using phylogeny-based approaches. Here, we test this relationship with morphological and phylogenetic data from 190 species of plethodontid salamanders. Surprisingly, we find that rates of species diversification and morphological evolution are not significantly correlated, such that rapid diversification can occur with little morphological change, and vice versa. We also find that most clades have undergone remarkably similar patterns of morphological evolution (despite extensive sympatry) and that those relatively novel phenotypes are not associated with rapid diversification. Finally, we find a strong relationship between rates of size and shape evolution, which has not been previously tested.  相似文献   

Ecologists often consider how environmental factors limit a species' geographic range. However, recent models suggest that geographic distribution also may be determined by a species' ability to adapt to novel environmental conditions. In this study, we empirically tested whether further evolution would be necessary for northern expansion of the weedy annual cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) in its native North American range. We transplanted seedlings beyond the northern border and photoperiodically manipulated reproductive timing, a trait important for adaptation to shorter growing seasons at higher latitudes within the range, to determine whether further evolution of this trait would result in a phenotype viable beyond the range. Earlier reproductive induction enabled plants to produce mature seeds beyond the range and to achieve a reproductive output similar to those grown within the range. Therefore, evolution of earlier reproduction in marginal populations would be necessary for northward range expansion. This study is the first to empirically show that evolution in an ecologically important trait would enable a species to survive and reproduce beyond its current range. These results suggest that relatively few traits may limit a species' range and that identifying evolutionary constraints on such traits could be important for predicting geographic distribution.  相似文献   

A recently suggested method for refinement of structural data obtained from two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance experiments using molecular dynamics (MD) is explored. In this method, the time-averaged values of the appropriate internal co-ordinates of the molecule, calculated from the MD trajectory, are driven by restraints towards the experimental target values. This contrasts with most refinement procedures currently in use, where restraints are applied based on the instantaneous values of the appropriate co-ordinates. Both refinement methods are applied to the EcoRI restriction site DNA hexamer d(GAATTC)2, using target nuclear Overhauser enhancement distances derived from a one nanosecond unrestrained MD simulation of this structure. The resulting refined structures are compared to the results of the unrestrained MD trajectory, which serves as our "experimental" data. We show that although both methods can yield an average structure with the correct gross morphology, the new method allows both a much more realistic picture of inherent flexibility, and reproduces fine conformational detail better, such as sequence dependency. We also analyze the very long MD trajectory generated here (longer than any previously reported for a DNA oligomer), and find that significantly shorter simulations, typical of those frequently performed, may not yield acceptably reliable values for certain structural parameters.  相似文献   

The biological hierarchy of genes, cells, organisms and societies is a fundamental reality in the living world. This hierarchy of entities did not arise ex nihilo at the origin of life, but rather has been serially generated by a succession of critical events known as ‘evolutionary transitions in individuality’ (ETIs). Given the sequential nature of ETIs, it is natural to look for candidates to form the next hierarchical tier. We analyse claims that these candidates are found among ‘supercolonies’, ant populations in which discrete nests cooperate as part of a wider collective, in ways redolent of cells in a multicellular organism. Examining earlier empirical work and new data within the recently proposed ‘Darwinian space’ framework, we offer a novel analysis of the evolutionary status of supercolonies and show how certain key conditions might be satisfied in any future process transforming these collaborative networks into true Darwinian individuals.  相似文献   

Evolutionary stability of dioecy and nuclear gynodioecy in higher plants requires that females produce over twice as many successful seeds as hermaphrodites. This fitness differential is widely thought to derive primarily from the advantages of outcrossing caused by high selfing rates and inbreeding depression in the hermaphrodite. This study hypothesized that (i) extraordinarily high deleterious mutation rates are necessary to double female seed success due to outcrossing, and (ii) the large difference in outcrossing rates between sex morphs causes differential purging of these mutations, resulting in additional genetic selection on male sterility. Using genetically explicit models, I showed that the phenotypic outcrossing advantage requires at least one new highly recessive deleterious mutation per genome per generation, regardless of selection coefficient. However, under this mutational regime, differential purging created strong genetic selection against recessive male sterility that overwhelmed the phenotypic selection in favour of outcrossing. In very small populations and for dominant male sterility, this genetic selection was weaker or absent. This first genetically explicit study of the outcrossing advantage of unisexual females may shed new light on both the genetic and selective conditions for the evolution of gynodioecy and dioecy.  相似文献   

To explore the necessity of electronic crossmatching applied to irregular antibodies from blood donors, to ensure blood transfusion safety. Irregular antibody screening was performed on blood samples collected in the Dongguan Blood Center from Apr 17, 2014 to Dec 31, 2017. Primary screening was performed on the Sanquin automatic blood group analyzer by the microcolumn gel method (Sanquin). The positive samples were analyzed again using the salt medium method, polybrene method and micro-column gel method (Diana) for the second screening. If the second screening was positive, it was used to determine irregular antibody specificity (using panel cells) and any irregular antibody titer was detected. A total of 208,004 samples were detected, of which 316 were positive (316/208,004; 0.152%). Among them, 120 alloantibodies (120/135,139; 0.088%) were detected in male donors, which was much lower than in female donors (173/72,865; 0.237%) (P<0.01). A total of 16 kinds of known irregular antibodies and 40 cases of unknown antibody specificity were detected, with 119 cases of IgG type and 197 cases of IgM type, at the ratio of 1.65:1. In female donors, the frequencies of anti-D, anti-E, anti-M and anti-Lea were significantly higher than in male donors (P<0.01). In married couples, the frequencies of anti-D and anti-E were significantly higher than those unmarried (P<0.05). In minority nationalities, the frequency of anti-M was significantly higher than in the Han nationality (P<0.05). In non-Guangdong donors, the frequencies of anti-D and anti-Lea were significantly higher than in Guangdong donors. 87.02% of irregular antibody positive donors’ antibody titers were lower than “++”, which was deemed as no serious hazard for clinical transfusion. The study suggests that it is unnecessary to screen for irregular antibodies in blood donors. Male donors from Guangdong may not be required to undergo screening for irregular antibodies, and anti-D and anti-E only identification is also not required to be detected in female donors.  相似文献   

Daniel  E. E.  Daniel  V. P.  Duchon  G.  Garfield  R. E.  Nichols  M.  Malhotra  S. K.  Oki  M. 《The Journal of membrane biology》1976,28(1):207-239
Summary Electronmicroscopic study of electrically coupled smooth muscles was undertaken to determine the distribution of nexuses in various types of smooth muscle. The study revealed that while nexal structures were commonplace in some types of smooth muscle, they were very rare or absent in others, even though in some cases these cells were only a few nanometers distant from one another. The persistence in thin section of these structures in the main circular muscle of dog intestine after poor fixation, fixation under strain, cell shrinkage, and metabolic damage of various sorts seems to rule out the thesis that they are labile. The absence of nexuses in longitudinal muscle of dog intestine examined both by thin section and by freeze fracture suggests that in this tissue they are absent or very rarein vivo and cannot account for electrical coupling.Nexuses were discernible in thin sections of main circular muscle after a variety of experimental conditions of fixation. Metabolic inhibition orin vitro permanganate fixation partially destroyed nexal contacts. These procedures induced tissue, membrane apposition and an accompanying increase in the number of structures which resemble nexuses at low magnification (nexus-like structures). Nexus-like structures occurred in all smooth muscle fixed byin vitro permanganate associated with apposition of membranes and poor preservation of basement membrane. A technique ofin vitro permanganate fixation was developed which prevented tissue swelling; consequently nexus-like structures were absent in tissues so treated. The suggestion is made that some structures described in the literature as nexuses, following permanganate fixation, may represent nexus-like structures.The balance of evidence suggests that nexuses need not be present for electrical coupling of some smooth muscle cells, in which other types of cell-to-cell contacts must be invoked.  相似文献   

To explore the necessity of electronic crossmatching applied to irregular antibodies from blood donors, to ensure blood transfusion safety. Irregular antibody screening was performed on blood samples collected in the Dongguan Blood Center from Apr 17, 2014 to Dec 31, 2017. Primary screening was performed on the Sanquin automatic blood group analyzer by the microcolumn gel method (Sanquin). The positive samples were analyzed again using the salt medium method, polybrene method and micro-column gel method (Diana) for the second screening. If the second screening was positive, it was used to determine irregular antibody specificity (using panel cells) and any irregular antibody titer was detected. A total of 208,004 samples were detected, of which 316 were positive (316/208,004; 0.152%). Among them, 120 alloantibodies (120/135,139; 0.088%) were detected in male donors, which was much lower than in female donors (173/72,865; 0.237%) (P<0.01). A total of 16 kinds of known irregular antibodies and 40 cases of unknown antibody specificity were detected, with 119 cases of IgG type and 197 cases of IgM type, at the ratio of 1.65:1. In female donors, the frequencies of anti-D, anti-E, anti-M and anti-Lea were significantly higher than in male donors (P<0.01). In married couples, the frequencies of anti-D and anti-E were significantly higher than those unmarried (P<0.05). In minority nationalities, the frequency of anti-M was significantly higher than in the Han nationality (P<0.05). In non-Guangdong donors, the frequencies of anti-D and anti-Lea were significantly higher than in Guangdong donors. 87.02% of irregular antibody positive donors’ antibody titers were lower than “++”, which was deemed as no serious hazard for clinical transfusion. The study suggests that it is unnecessary to screen for irregular antibodies in blood donors. Male donors from Guangdong may not be required to undergo screening for irregular antibodies, and anti-D and anti-E only identification is also not required to be detected in female donors.  相似文献   



The processes governing the origin and maintenance of mimetic phenotypes can only be understood in a phylogenetic framework. Phylogenetic estimates of evolutionary relationships can provide a context for analyses of character evolution; however, when phylogenetic estimates conflict, rigorous analyses of alternative evolutionary histories are necessary to determine the likelihood of a specific history giving rise to the observed pattern of diversity. The polyphenic butterfly Limenitis arthemis provides a case in point. This species is comprised of three lineages, two of which are mimetic and one of which is non-mimetic. Conflicting estimates of the relationships among these three lineages requires direct evaluation of the alternative hypotheses of mimicry evolution.  相似文献   

Is free halogen necessary for disinfection?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The principle of Le Chatelier was used in demonstrating that 3-chloro-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone (compound 1) itself kills Staphylococcus aureus rather than the very small amount of free chlorine in hydrolysis equilibrium with compound 1. On the other hand, when the N-bromo analog of compound 1 (compound 1B) was used as the disinfectant, the mixture of combined compound 1B and free bromine formed in the hydrolysis equilibrium provided disinfection. When the hydrolysis equilibrium for 1B was suppressed to the level at which a negligible amount of free bromine remained in solution, combined compound 1B was much more efficacious than combined compound 1 at killing S. aureus.  相似文献   

The evolution of reading frame maintenance must have been an early event, and presumably preceded the emergence of the three domains Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. Features evolved early in reading frame maintenance may still exist in present-day organisms. We show that one such feature may be the modified nucleoside 1-methylguanosine (m(1)G37), which prevents frameshifting and is present adjacent to and 3' of the anticodon (position 37) in the same subset of tRNAs from all organisms, including that with the smallest sequenced genome (Mycoplasma genitalium), and organelles. We have identified the genes encoding the enzyme tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase from all three domains. We also show that they are orthologues, and suggest that they originated from a primordial gene. Lack of m(1)G37 severely impairs the growth of a bacterium and a eukaryote to a similar degree. Yeast tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase also synthesizes 1-methylinosine and participates in the formation of the Y-base (yW). Our results suggest that m(1)G37 existed in tRNA before the divergence of the three domains, and that a tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltrans ferase is part of the minimal set of gene products required for life.  相似文献   

A crucially important part of the biosphere - the virosphere - is too often overlooked. Inclusion of the virosphere into the global picture of protein structure space reveals that 63 protein domain superfamilies in viruses do not have any structural and evolutionary relatives in modern cellular organisms. More than half of these have functions which are not virus-specific and thus might be a source of new folds and functions for cellular life. The number of viruses on the planet exceeds that of cells by an order of magnitude and viruses evolve up to six orders of magnitude faster. As a result, cellular species are subject to a constitutive 'flow-through' of new viral genetic material. Due to this and the relaxed evolutionary constraints in viruses, the transfer of domains between host-to-virus could be a mechanism for accelerated protein evolution. The virosphere could be an engine for the genesis of protein structures, and may even have been so before the last universal common ancestor of cellular life.  相似文献   

There is an increasing body of evidence to show that viruses are important drivers of microbial evolution and that they can store a great deal of the Earth's microbial diversity in their genomes. Examination of microbial diversity in polar regions has revealed a higher than expected diversity of viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic microbes. Further, the few available studies in polar regions reveal that viral control of microbial mortality is important in these habitats. In this opinion article, we argue that strong relationships between viruses and their hosts in a range of polar habitats could be key in explaining why polar regions are in fact hot spots of microbial diversity and evolution. Further, we argue that periodic glaciations, and particularly the Neoproterozoic low-latitude glaciation, known as 'snowball Earth', could have been periods of intense diversification in aquatic refuges.  相似文献   

Arthropods use a variety of chemical substances to repel potential predators, but how did they arrive at the suite of chemicals that they use? One way to explore this question is to map chemically defended arthropod species in a multidimensional "compound" space. Clustering within this space indicates species that share similar combinations of chemical compounds and can reflect a phylogenetic signal, common biochemical pathways, or both. More important for this study, clustering can help to identify allomone targets. We herein compare common arthropod allomones with known vertebrate trigeminal irritants. We argue that the degree of overlap between these two groups of compounds indicates that chemesthesis was an important determining factor in the evolution of many arthropod allomones. The multidimensional scaling methods used may also allow the identification of new irritant receptors.  相似文献   

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