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The electrostatic properties of lens fiber cell membranes have been investigated by recording the electrophoretic mobility of membrane vesicles formed from isolated fiber cells. The vesicles appear to be sealed and have external surfaces that are representative of the extracellular surface of fiber cells. The average mobility of a vesicle in normal Ringer's solution was 0.9 microns/s per v/cm, which gives a zeta potential of -9 mV, a value similar to that reported for other cells (McLaughlin, S. 1989. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 18:113-136.). There was no significant difference in the mobility of vesicles formed from peripheral, middle cortical, or nuclear fiber cells. Vesicle surface changes were titrated using Ca and Mg and each had a pK of approximately 2, which is similar to that for the most common phospholipids. We also titrated these charges with varying pH and found the most significant changes in mobility at pH values between 5 and 6. The majority of lipids found in biological membranes are not titratable in this pH range, so the pH effect is probably through a membrane protein charged group. These experimental data in conjunction with the previously measured extracellular voltage gradient (Mathias, R. T., and J. L. Rae. 1985. Am. J. Physiol. 249:C181-C190) imply that electroosmosis can generate a fluid velocity of approximately 0.6 mm/h, directed from the aqueous or vitreous toward the center of the lens, along intercellular clefts.  相似文献   

While intercellular communication systems in Gram-negative bacteria are often based on homoserine lactones as signalling molecules, it has been shown that autoinducing peptides are involved in intercellular communication in Gram-positive bacteria. Many of these peptides are exported by dedicated systems, posttranslationally modified in various ways, and finally sensed by other cells via membrane-located receptors that are part of two-component regulatory systems. In this way the expression of a variety of functions including virulence, genetic competence and the production of antimicrobial compounds can be modulated in a co-ordinated and cell density- and growth phase-dependent manner. Occasionally the autoinducing peptide has a dual function, such as in the case of nisin that is both a signalling pheromone involved in quorum sensing and an antimicrobial peptide. Moreover, biochemical, genetic and genomic studies have shown that bacteria may contain multiple quorum sensing systems, underlining the importance of intercellular communication. Finally, in some cases different peptides may be recognised by the same receptor, while also hybrid receptors have been constructed that respond to new peptides or show novel responses. This paper provides an overview of the characteristics of autoinducing peptide-based quorum sensing systems, their application in various gram-positive bacteria, and the discovery of new systems in natural and engineered ecosystems. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Cell K activity,a k, was measured in the short-circuited frog skin by simultaneous cell punctures from the apical surface with open-tip and K-selective microelectrodes. Strict criteria for acceptance of impalements included constancy of the open-tip microelectrode resistance, agreement within 3% of the fractional apical voltage measured with open-tip and K-selective microelectrodes, and constancy of the differential voltage recorded between the open-tip and the K microelectrodes 30–60 sec after application of amiloride or substitution of apical Na. Skins were bathed on the serosal surface with NaCl Ringer and, to reduce paracellular Cl conductance and effects of amiloride on paracellular conductance, with NaNO3 Ringer on the apical surface.Under control conditionsa k r was nearly constant among skins (mean±SD=92±8mM, 14 skins) in spite of a wide range of cellular currents (5 to 70 A/cm2). Cell current (and transcellular Na transport) was inhibited by either apical addition of amiloride or substitution of Na by other cations. Although in some experiments the expected small increase ina k r after inhibition of cell current was observed, on the average the change was not significant (98±11mM after amiloride, 101±12mM after Na substitution), even 30 min after the inhibition of cell current. The membrane potential, which in the control state ranged from –42 to –77 mV, hyperpolarized after inhibition of cell current, initially to –109±5mV, then depolarizing to a stable value (–88±5mV) after 15–25 min. At this time K was above equilibrium (E k=98±2mV), indicating that the active pump mechanism is still operating after inhibition of transcellular Na transport.The measurement ofa k r permitted the calculation of the passive K current and pump current under control conditions. assuming a constant current source with almost all of the basolateral conductance attributable to K. We found a significant correlation between pump current and cell current with a slope of 0.31, indicating that about one-third of the cell current is carried by the pump, i.e., a pump stoichiometry of 3Na/2K.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp recording from the apical surface of the epithelium of frog lens reveals a cation-selective channel after pressure (about ±30 mm Hg) is applied to the pipette. The open state of this channel has a conductance of some 50 pS near the resting potential (–56.1±2.3 mV) when 107mm NaCl and 10 HEPES (pH 7.3) is outside the channel. The probability of the channel being open depends strongly on pressure but the current-voltage relation of the open state does not. With minimal Ca2+ (55±2 m) outside the channel, the current-voltage relation is nonlinear even in symmetrical salt solutions, allowing more current to flow into the cell than out. The channel, in minimal Ca2+ solution, is selective among the monovalent cations in the following sequence K+>Rb+>Cs+>Na+>Li+. The conductance depends monotonically on the mole fraction of K+ when the other ion present is Li+ or Na+. The single-channel current is a saturating function of [K+] when K+ is the permeant ion, for [K+]214mm. When [Ca2+]=2mm, the currentvoltage relation is linearized and the channel cannot distinguish Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction method has been applied for investigating ocular lens native tissue of the frog. X-ray diffraction patterns of intact lenses, their nuclei and cortices are similar and contain a set of concentric diffuse diffraction maxima. The most intensive of these maxima corresponding to the Bragg-spacings of 14.6, 9.1 and 4.6 A are presumably associated with intramolecular structure of lens proteins--crystallins. Intensive small-angle X-ray scattering and diffraction patterns isotropy indicates unavailability of crystallin molecule ordering or orientation in the lens. The shift of 14.6 A maximum up to 12.8 A being the result of nuclei drying shows the necessity of aqueous surrounding for these protein native structure maintenance.  相似文献   

Summary The isolated frog lens epithelium can be maintained intact in both appearance and electrical properties for more than 24 hours. The mean resting membrane potential was –80 mV and the cells were depolarized by both high potassium and low calcium Ringer's solution in a manner very similar to that of the whole lens. The epithelial cells were found to be well coupled using both electrical and dye-injection techniques. Electrical coupling was measured using separate current-injection and voltage-measuring electrodes and the relationship between the induced voltage and distance from the current-passing electrode could be well fitted by a Bessel Function solution to the cable equation. The values obtained from the fit for the membrane and internal resistances were 1.95 m2 and 25 m, respectively. Exposure to octanol (500m) or low external Ca2+ (<1m) failed to disrupt significantly the intercellular flow of current. There was evidence to suggest thatraised intracellular calcium does, however, uncouple the cells. Dye coupling was investigated by microinjecting Lucifer Yellow CH into single epithelial cells. Diffusion into surrounding cells was rapid and, in control medium, occurred in a radially symmetrical manner. In contrast to the electrical coupling data, dye transfer appeared to be blocked by exposure to 500 m octanol and was severely restricted on perfusing with low external calcium. Differences between the electrical and dye-coupling experiments indicate either that there are two types of junction within the cell and only the larger type, permeable to Lucifer Yellow, is capable of being uncoupled or that there is only one large type of junction which can be partially closed by uncoupling agents.  相似文献   

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The localization of transport properties in the frog lens.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The selectivity of fiber-cell membranes and surface-cell membranes in the frog lens is examined using a combination of ion substitutions and impedance studies. We replace bath sodium and chloride, one at a time, with less permeant substitute ions and we increase bath potassium at the expense of sodium. We then record the time course and steady-state value of the intracellular potential. Once a new steady state has been reached, we perform a small signal-frequency-domain impedance study. The impedance study allows us to separately determine the values of inner fiber-cell membrane conductance and surface-cell membrane conductance. If a membrane is permeable to a particular ion, we presume that the conductance of that membrane will change with the concentration of the permeant ion. Thus, the impedance studies allow us to localize the site of permeability to inner or surface membranes. Similarly, the time course of the change in intracellular potential will be rapid if surface membranes are the site of permeation whereas it will be slow if the new solution has to diffuse into the intercellular space to cause voltage changes. Lastly, the value of steady-state voltage change provides an estimate of the lens' permeability, at least for chloride and potassium. The results for sodium are complex and not well understood. From the above studies we conclude: (a) surface membranes are dominated by potassium permeability; (b) inner fiber-cell membranes are permeable to sodium and chloride, in approximately equal amounts; and (c) inner fiber-cell membranes have a rather small permeability to potassium.  相似文献   

Airway epithelia are positioned at the interface between the body and the environment, and generate complex signaling responses to inhaled toxins and other stresses. Luminal mechanical stimulation of airway epithelial cells produces a propagating wave of elevated intracellular Ca(2+) that coordinates components of the integrated epithelial stress response. In polarized airway epithelia, this response has been attributed to IP(3) permeation through gap junctions. Using a combination of approaches, including enzymes that destroy extracellular nucleotides, purinergic receptor desensitization, and airway cells deficient in purinoceptors, we demonstrated that Ca(2+) waves induced by luminal mechanical stimulation in polarized airway epithelia were initiated by the release of the 5' nucleotides, ATP and UTP, across both apical and basolateral membranes. The nucleotides released into the extracellular compartment interacted with purinoceptors at both membranes to trigger Ca(2+) mobilization. Physiologically, apical membrane nucleotide-release coordinates airway mucociliary clearance responses (mucin and salt, water secretion, increased ciliary beat frequency), whereas basolateral release constitutes a paracrine mechanism by which mechanical stresses signal adjacent cells not only within the epithelium, but other cell types (nerves, inflammatory cells) in the submucosa. Nucleotide-release ipsilateral and contralateral to the surface stimulated constitutes a unique mechanism by which epithelia coordinate local and distant airway defense responses to mechanical stimuli.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of intracellular respiratory and metabolic acid or alkali loads, at constant or variable external pH, on the apical membrane Na+-specific conductance (ga) and basolateral membrane conductance (gb), principally due to K+, in the short-circuited isolated frog skin epithelium. Conductances were determined from the current-voltage relations of the amiloride-inhibitable cellular current pathway, and intracellular pH (pHi) was measured using double barreled H+-sensitive microelectrodes. The experimental set up permitted simultaneous recording of conductances and pHi from the same epithelial cell. We found that due to the asymmetric permeability properties of apical and basolateral cell membranes to HCO3- and NH+4, the direction of the variations in pHi was dependent on the side of addition of the acid or alkali load. Specifically, changing from control Ringer, gassed in air without HCO3- (pHo = 7.4), to one containing 25 mmol/liter HCO3- that was gassed in 5% CO2 (pHo = 7.4) on the apical side caused a rapid intracellular acidification whereas when this maneuver was performed from the basolateral side of the epithelium a slight intracellular alkalinization was produced. The addition of 15 mmol/liter NH4Cl to control Ringer on the apical side caused an immediate intracellular alkalinization that lasted up to 30 min; subsequent removal of NH4Cl resulted in a reversible fall in pHi, whereas basolateral addition of NH4Cl produced a prolonged intracellular acidosis. Using these maneouvres to change pHi we found that the transepithelial Na+ transport rate (Isc), and ga, and gb were increased by an intracellular alkalinization and decreased by an acid shift in pHi. These variations in Isc, ga, and gb with changing pHi occurred simultaneously, instantaneously, and in parallel even upon small perturbations of pHi (range, 7.1-7.4). Taken together these results indicate that pHi may act as an intrinsic regulator of epithelial ion transport.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell proliferation is a critical aspect of the development of multicellular organisms. The ocular lens is an excellent model system in which to unravel the mechanisms controlling cell proliferation during development. In recent years, several cell cycle regulators have been shown to be essential for maintaining normal patterns of lens cell proliferation. Additionally, many growth factor signaling pathways and cell adhesion factors have been shown to have the capacity to regulate lens cell proliferation. Given this complexity, understanding the cross talk between these many signaling pathways and how they are coordinated are important directions for the future.  相似文献   

The origin of the transient asymmetry of intracellular resting potentials between the anterior and posterior lens fibers was investigated in the isolated American bullfrog lens by a conventional microelectrode technique. In high K+, Rb+, Cs+, or NH+4 test solution applied only to the lens anterior or posterior side, anterior fibers depolarized at a slower rate than posterior ones. After a long exposure, however, the transient potential difference disappeared. The magnitude of the depolarizations of the lens fibers was in the order of K+ greater than Rb+ greater than Cs+ greater than NH+4. The resting potentials plotted as a function of external K+ concentrations ([K]0) were in agreement with Nernst equation predictions with a slope of 58 mV/decade ion concentration change. A small Na+ permeability is unmasked at a [K]0 less than 10 mM. It was concluded that the transient difference measured in potentials of anterior and posterior lens fibers on increasing external K+, Rb+, Cs+ or NH+4 depends on the anterior epithelial cell layer, which is a diffusional barrier for ions penetrating into the lens interior.  相似文献   

Cell volume regulation in frog urinary bladder   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have studied the problem of cell volume homeostasis in toad and frog urinary bladder by using electrophysiological measurements and an optical measure of cell volume. After osmotically induced swelling, urinary bladder cells spontaneously regulate their volume through a net loss of potassium, chloride, and water. During inhibition of sodium transport by amiloride the cells swell to the same extent as controls, but the volume-regulatory process is blocked. Electrophysiological results under isosmotic conditions indicate that basolateral membrane resistance increases simultaneously with the amiloride-induced rise in apical membrane resistance during transport inhibition. These independent observations indicate that inhibition of apical membrane sodium entry results in a secondary decrease in basolateral membrane potassium permeability. When cells are exposed to calcium-free, hyposmotic Ringer's solution, cell volume regulation is blocked; subsequent addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 is ineffective in restoring the regulatory process. The ionophore does induce volume regulation, however, in amiloride-inhibited, osmotically swollen cells in the presence of external calcium. Calcium thus seems to control basolateral membrane potassium permeability and may be the intracellular mediator of apical and basolateral membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Ion-sensitive microelectrodes and current-voltage analysis were used to study intracellular pH (pHi) regulation and its effects on ionic conductances in the isolated epithelium of frog skin. We show that pHi recovery after an acid load is dependent on the operation of an amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger localized at the basolateral cell membranes. The antiporter is not quiescent at physiological pHi (7.1-7.4) and, thus, contributes to the maintenance of steady state pHi. Moreover, intracellular sodium ion activity is also controlled in part by Na+ uptake via the exchanger. Intracellular acidification decreased transepithelial Na+ transport rate, apical Na+ permeability (PNa) and Na+ and K+ conductances. The recovery of these transport parameters after the removal of the acid load was found to be dependent on pHi regulation via Na+/H+ exchange. Conversely, variations in Na+ transport were accompanied by changes in pHi. Inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase by ouabain produced covariant decreases in pHi and PNa, whereas increases in Na+ transport, occurring spontaneously or after aldosterone treatment, were highly correlated with intracellular alkalinization. We conclude that cytoplasmic H+ activity is regulated by a basolateral Na+/H+ exchanger and that transcellular coupling of ion flows at opposing cell membranes can be modulated by the pHi-regulating mechanism.  相似文献   

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