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农田生态系统的概念、组成和特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 农田生态系统的概念农田生态系统是人类为了满足生存需要 ,积极干预自然生态系统 ,依靠土地资源 ,利用农作物的生长繁殖来获得产品物质而形成的半自然人工生态系统 ;是由农作物及其周围环境构成的物质转化和能量流动系统 ,在自然生态系统的基础之上 ,“迭加”了人类的经济活动而形成的更高层次上的自然与经济的统一体 ,具有自然和社会的双重属性。2 农田生态系统的组成农田生态系统的内部组成 ,也可分为非生物的环境部分——自然环境组分、人工环境组分 (包括电力、机械、肥料、农药、除草剂、防护林和水利设施等 )和生物部分——生产者…  相似文献   

综合认识大尺度的宏观生态系统结构功能、空间变异和动态演变的过程机理和模式机制,实现对生态系统变化及其对人类福祉影响的定量模拟、科学评估和预测预警,服务生态系统的利用保护及调控管理,是当代宏观生态系统科学的重要发展方向,正在孕育并形成大尺度的宏观生态系统科学整合生态学(IEMES)研究新领域。本研究通过对宏观生态系统科学整合生态学研究的基础理论、多学科知识融合途径及其关键技术问题的系统分析,形成以下几个基本认识: 1)宏观生态系统科学整合生态学研究是以区域、大陆和全球尺度的宏观生态系统为研究对象,采用多学科知识融合方法和技术,致力于解决人类社会发展的食物安全、资源安全、生态安全、环境安全等重大资源环境问题。2)宏观生态系统科学整合生态学研究的基本科技任务是: 理解宏观生态系统的结构功能基本属性,监测生态系统状态变化,解释生态系统时空演变规律,认知生态系统运维过程机理,定量评估生态系统功能状态及服务能力,预测生态系统动态演变及地理格局,预警生态系统变化及生态环境灾害。3)宏观生态系统科学整合生态学研究需要重新构造“多源数据分析-多模型模拟-多学科知识融合”的理论和方法学体系,发展“多尺度观测、多方法印证、多过程融合、跨尺度模拟”的多学科知识融合关键技术。4)大陆尺度的地基-空基-天基多时空尺度生态系统观测试验网络是承载多学科知识深度融合研究的基础科技设施,需要围绕区域、大陆和全球尺度的宏观生态系统科学问题,发展多要素-多过程-多界面-多介质-多尺度-多方法的多学科维度生态学知识融合关键技术。  相似文献   

人类社会对解决区域及全球重大资源环境问题的迫切需求,快速地推进了自然科学与人文科学的多学科交叉融合,推动了宏观生态系统科学(MES)的兴起及科学理论创新,以及大陆和全球尺度的科学研究方法与技术体系发展。本研究以服务大陆及全球尺度的生态系统状态变化及其资源环境效应研究的多学科知识体系及方法论体系的融合发展为应用目标,系统论述了大陆尺度宏观生态系统科学研究的多学科维度基本问题、逻辑关系及前沿性领域,讨论了构建大陆及全球尺度宏观生态系统科学研究方法学体系的理念和内容,并提出了开展大陆尺度的联网观测-联网实验-数值模拟-知识融合技术系统的设想,期望为中国及全球生态系统观测试验研究网络的理论设计提供参考。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统是地球生物圈系统的核心组分,是人类生活、生产及社会经济活动的场所.然而,人类文明发展和科学技术进步在不断地扩大对资源的利用规模和强度,也导致了严重威胁社会可持续发展的全球气候变化、生物多样性丧失、环境污染、资源枯竭、生态系统退化等环境问题.社会公众期望生态学研究能够为区域、大陆及全球尺度的生态系统的利用和保...  相似文献   

污染生态学是研究生物与污染环境之间相互关系和基本规律的科学,是环境科学的一个重要分支。目前正在进行生态系统本底值的普查和污染情况的监测,并从宏观和微观两方面深入研究污染物在生态系统各个层次上的迁移、转化、积累规律,探索生态系统的净化能力,确定各项有关参数,为评价环境质量和保护环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

生物多样性在可持续发展中的有效开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
康实 《生物学通报》2002,37(6):31-32
世界自然保护大纲 WCS中提出 :“人类对生物圈利用的管理是为了现代人类有可能持续的获得最大利益 ,与此同时要对未来人类的需要保存其潜力。”动植物和微生物的种类基因、纷繁多彩的生态系统 ,体现了生物间及其生存环境间复杂的相互关系 ,也是生物资源丰富多彩的标志。很大程度上人类生活水平的不断提高主要建立在利用生物多样性的基础上 ,因此作为实现社会持续发展的一个重要方面 ,应该明确保护生物资源和自然历史与文物遗产的主旨并合理持续利用 ,以促进人类环境的改善和经济繁荣。1 合理开发生物多样性资源在可持续发展中的重要性我…  相似文献   

蚯蚓环境生态作用研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
黄初龙  张雪萍 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1466-1470
蚯蚓的环境生态作用有促进微生物和其它土壤动物活动、破碎和消化分解枯落物、提高土壤肥力及环境指示等方面.目前,国内蚯蚓环境生态作用研究侧重于污染生态系统,湿地和森林两大天然生态系统的相关研究较少.国外,20世纪70年代的研究主题与我国现状相似,80年代从蚯蚓生理生态、种群生态、群落生态、生态系统生态等多尺度展开研究,90年代以来向蚯蚓生态学微观尺度的分子生态、宏观尺度的景观生态拓展.今后,继续研究蚯蚓促进物质循环、治理污染、提高土壤肥力及蚯蚓与农业、与微生物的关系等热点问题的同时,还应利用新技术提高研究精度,注意室内外研究相结合及特殊蚓种的环境适应性比较与接种研究以提高研究成果的实用性.  相似文献   

范玉龙  胡楠  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6729-6737
生态系统服务概念的提出将人类福祉与生态环境更直接地联系起来,有助于认识和解决发展与保护的难题。从生态系统服务网络的视角出发,可以更好的理解生态系统服务供给、流动和需求等相关复杂问题。(1)生态系统服务网将不同生态过程与服务有机联系起来,为生态系统服务交互研究提供参考。(2)不同尺度下生态系统服务间的交互作用以及自然-社会的互动是网络体系的重要组成部分,按服务网络间联系方式可以划分为网状层次、关系模块和对象模块。(3)生态系统服务在生物、生境网络中形成,受自然因素和人为因素的双重影响,服务网络间的联系与转化受生态系统服务流和网络关系的制约。(4)景观异质性、生物多样性和生态循环分别是生态系统服务网络形成的基础、核心和形成机制。(5)生态系统服务网络便于生态系统服务价值评估、空间制图,是提高人类对环境认知的重要手段。(6)人类福祉与生态系统服务间的非线性关系适宜用网络来表达,景观优化实质上是生态系统服务网调控的动态过程。  相似文献   

<正>生物产业是利用微生物、植物和动物的功能,进行规模化物质加工与转化的绿色可持续发展生产方式,涉及农业、食品、医药、健康、化工、轻工、能源、环境等众多事关国计民生的重要工业领域,具有环境友好、循环经济的特征,是解决人类面临的资源短缺、环境污染及可持续发展等问题的重要途径之一。国际上,生物产业被普遍认为是朝阳产业,根据OECD发布的《The Bioeconomy to 2030》报告,健康、  相似文献   

高校校园生态系统可控性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万皓  林智莉  吴明红  张萌  何欢  吴成武  徐宁  马振 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7172-7181
在环境问题日趋严重的背景下,人类一直在探索将城市生态系统改造成能够自身循环、更好利用可再生能源、同时大幅减少排放的受控系统,但由于该系统的复杂度太高,可控程度较低,其实现难度很大。高校校园可视为比较典型的城市生态系统的子系统,在合理的管控与现代信息技术的支持下,高校校园最有可能实现生态系统可控化建设。对四个主要生态流(物质流、能量流、人口流、信息流)在高校生态系统中的作用进行理论阐述,针对具有中国特色、学生大规模集中居住的高校校园,提出了一种新的受控生态系统改造方案。通过对现有校园生态工程技术进行组装,完成校园生态系统基础构筑。利用综合的校园生态系统信息流管理平台监管校园物质循环、能量流动、人口流动,探讨了可实现的高校受控生态系统的建设模式,最终提出了高校受控生态系统建设的理论模型,以期达到高校校园物质与能源利用效率最大化,降低碳排放,改善局部小型气候群,进而改善环境大气候。研究结果如能较好的应用到实践中,将为城市生态系统建设提供重要参考,意味着现代生态学将为人类发展作出一定的贡献。  相似文献   

生态承载力研究进展   总被引:28,自引:12,他引:16  
基于生态承载力的概念发展,介绍了常用的生态承载力研究方法,包括生态足迹法、人类净初级生产力占用法、状态空间法、综合评价法、系统模型法和生态系统服务消耗评价法,并客观评述了这些方法的优缺点,指出了目前生态承载力研究中存在的薄弱环节。未来生态承载力研究需要完善理论体系,深入研究承载力过程机理与承载机制,将生态系统服务的空间流动因素纳入评估体系,构建完善的评价指标体系,加强生态承载力时空动态评估。最终将生态承载力作为解决生态脆弱区资源环境问题的抓手,建立区域资源环境监测预警机制,并落实到主体功能规划和生态安全建设上,为生态文明建设提供有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

Regional Patterns in Global Resource Extraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents an account of global resource extraction for the year 1999 by material groups, world regions, and development status. The account is based on materials flow analysis methodology and provides benchmark information for political strategies toward sustainable resource management. It shows that currently around 50 thousand megatons of resources are extracted yearly on a global scale, which results in a yearly global average resource use of around 8 tonnes per capita. Assuming further growth in world regions not yet close to the levels of resource use in the industrial cores—such as India or China—numbers could easily double once these parts of the world come to fully incorporate the industrial mode of production and consumption. This article contributes to information on resource use indicators, complementing and enriching information from economic accounting in order to facilitate political measures toward a sustainable use of resources.  相似文献   

Ecosystem properties result in part from the characteristics of individual organisms. How these individual traits scale to impact ecosystem‐level processes is currently unclear. Because metabolism is a fundamental process underlying many individual‐ and population‐level variables, it provides a mechanism for linking individual characteristics with large‐scale processes. Here we use metabolism and ecosystem thermodynamics to scale from physiology to individual biomass production and population‐level energy use. Temperature‐corrected rates of individual‐level biomass production show the same body‐size dependence across a wide range of aerobic eukaryotes, from unicellular organisms to mammals and vascular plants. Population‐level energy use for both mammals and plants are strongly influenced by both metabolism and thermodynamic constraints on energy exchange between trophic levels. Our results show that because metabolism is a fundamental trait of organisms, it not only provides a link between individual‐ and ecosystem‐level processes, but can also highlight other important factors constraining ecological structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem engineering has been proposed recently to account for key processes between organisms and their environment which are not directly trophic or competitive, and which result in the modification, maintenance and/or creation of habitats. Since the initial reporting of the idea, little work has been undertaken to apply the proposed concept to potential ecosystem engineers in the marine environment. Biological and ecological data for the burrowing ghost shrimp Callianassa filholi (Decapoda: Thalassinidea) allowed for a formal assessment of this species as an ecosystem engineer, in direct accordance with published criteria. Despite a low population density and the short durability of its burrow structures, Callianassa filholi affected a number of resource flows by its large lifetime per capita activity. Ecosystem effects were evident in significant changes in macrofauna community composition over small spatial and temporal scales. Seasonal variation in the effects of ghost shrimp activity were associated with changes in seagrass (Zostera novazelandica) biomass, which revealed the probability of interactions between antagonistic ecosystem engineers. The formal assessment of Callianassa filholi provides the opportunity to aid discussion pertaining to the development of the ecosystem engineering concept.  相似文献   

生态产业园的复合生态效率及评价指标体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘晶茹  吕彬  张娜  石垚 《生态学报》2014,34(1):136-141
生态产业园的建设在国内取得了丰富的成果,已成为我国循环经济建设和可持续发展的重要载体之一。与国外不同,我国的生态产业园最终将演化为生态城市,其功能也从工业生产功能发展为融生产、生活和生态为一体的复合功能。生态效率是评价一个研究对象投入产出效益的量化工具,将生态效率的理念融入生态产业园,从园区作为区域可持续发展的载体、作为生态城市演化的一个特定阶段的视角,提出了复合生态效率的概念,构建了园区复合生态效率评价指标体系,并以郑州经济技术开发区为例,说明了复合生态效率指标在产业园中的应用。  相似文献   

The production of biocatalysts and biomolecules from extremophiles   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The discovery of life in seemingly prohibitive environments continues to challenge conventional concepts of the growth-limiting conditions of many cellular organisms. The diversity of extremophiles has barely been tapped –estimates generally agreeing that <1% of the microorganisms in the environment have been cultivated in pure cultures to date. The production of extremophilic biomass is very important to provide sufficient material for enzyme and biomolecule isolation and characterization, eventually revealing particular features of industrial interest. Hence, special equipment and custom-tailored processes have been developed and are currently under evaluation for the improvement of fermentation productivity. Despite the remarkable opportunities that these uncommon organisms present for biotechnological applications only few instances can be reported for actual exploitation. This lack of progress from the research findings at a laboratory-scale to the actual development of pilot and large-scale production is correlated with the difficulties encountered in extremophile cultivations. Here, we report recent achievements in the production of biomass and related enzymes and biomolecules from extremophile sources, especially focusing on the application of novel fermentation strategies.  相似文献   

生态脆弱区约占中国国土面积的60%以上,全球变化和人类活动导致该区域生态系统退化加剧,资源环境承载力降低。准确量化生态脆弱区资源环境承载力对于应对全球变化风险挑战和加快生态文明建设进程具有重要意义。然而,现有的区域资源环境承载力评估方法很难体现生态系统结构、过程和功能变化在资源环境要素与承载力之间的传导作用。因此,构建网络化的野外观测体系以及获取资源环境要素-生态系统结构功能和过程-生态系统承载力变化的综合数据集,是发展资源环境承载力理论和评估方法的必要途径。本文介绍了通量以及无人机协同监测网络,包括思路、实践以及其在生态脆弱区生态系统结构、过程和功能研究中取得的初步成果。同时,基于目前已取得的成果和进展展望了联网协同观测在承载力评估方面的应用。  相似文献   

Understanding the link between community diversity and ecosystem function is a fundamental aspect of ecology. Systematic losses in biodiversity are widely acknowledged but the impact this may exert on ecosystem functioning remains ambiguous. There is growing evidence of a positive relationship between species richness and ecosystem productivity for terrestrial macro‐organisms, but similar links for marine micro‐organisms, which help drive global climate, are unclear. Community manipulation experiments show both positive and negative relationships for microbes. These previous studies rely, however, on artificial communities and any links between the full diversity of active bacterial communities in the environment, their phylogenetic relatedness and ecosystem function remain hitherto unexplored. Here, we test the hypothesis that productivity is associated with diversity in the metabolically active fraction of microbial communities. We show in natural assemblages of active bacteria that communities containing more distantly related members were associated with higher bacterial production. The positive phylogenetic diversity–productivity relationship was independent of community diversity calculated as the Shannon index. From our long‐term (7‐year) survey of surface marine bacterial communities, we also found that similarly, productive communities had greater phylogenetic similarity to each other, further suggesting that the traits of active bacteria are an important predictor of ecosystem productivity. Our findings demonstrate that the evolutionary history of the active fraction of a microbial community is critical for understanding their role in ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Resource and energy efficiency are key strategies for production and recycling networks. They can contribute to more sustainable industrial production and can help cope with challenges such as competition, rising resource and energy prices, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and scarce and expensive landfill space. In pursuit of these objectives, further enhancements of single processes are often technologically sophisticated and expensive due to past achievements that have brought the processes closer to technical optima. Nevertheless, the potential for network‐wide advancements may exist. Methods are required to identify and assess the potential for promising resource and energy efficiency measures from technical, economic, and ecological perspectives. This article presents an approach for a material flow‐based techno‐economic as well as ecological analysis and assessment of resource efficiency measures in production and recycling networks. Based on thermodynamic process models of different production and recycling processes, a material and energy flow model of interlinked production and recycling processes on the level of chemical compounds is developed. The model can be used to improve network‐wide resource efficiency by analyzing and assessing measures in scenario and sensitivity analyses. A necessary condition for overcoming technical and economic barriers for implementing such measures can be fulfilled by identifying strategies that appear technologically feasible and economically and ecologically favorable. An exemplary application to a production and recycling network of the German steel and zinc industry is presented. From a methodological point of view, the approach shows one way of introducing thermodynamics and further technological aspects into industrial planning and assessment.  相似文献   

1.  Describing distribution and abundance is requisite to exploring interactions between organisms and their environment. Recently, the resource selection function (RSF) has emerged to replace many of the statistical procedures used to quantify resource selection by animals.
2.  A RSF is defined by characteristics measured on resource units such that its value for a unit is proportional to the probability of that unit being used by an organism. It is solved using a variety of techniques, particularly the binomial generalized linear model.
3.  Observing dynamics in a RSF – obtaining substantially different functions at different times or places for the same species – alerts us to the varying ecological processes that underlie resource selection.
4.  We believe that there is a need for us to reacquaint ourselves with ecological theory when interpreting RSF models. We outline a suite of factors likely to govern ecologically based variation in a RSF. In particular, we draw attention to competition and density-dependent habitat selection, the role of predation, longitudinal changes in resource availability and functional responses in resource use.
5.  How best to incorporate governing factors in a RSF is currently in a state of development; however, we see promise in the inclusion of random as well as fixed effects in resource selection models, and matched case–control logistic regression.
6.  Investigating the basis of ecological dynamics in a RSF will allow us to develop more robust models when applied to forecasting the spatial distribution of animals. It may also further our understanding of the relative importance of ecological interactions on the distribution and abundance of species.  相似文献   

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