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During apoptosis, the dying cell activates an intrinsic mechanism that quickly dismantles itself. The apoptotic cell corpses are then recognized and removed by neighboring cells or professional phagocytes. How dying cells are degraded after internalization is poorly understood. Here, we report the identification and characterization of unc-108, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the human Rab GTPase 2, as a novel component involved in the degradation of apoptotic cells. unc-108 is expressed and functions in the engulfing cells and is likely to affect the degradation rather than the internalization of cell corpses. Similar to other Rab GTPases, unc-108 also affects endocytosis, acting in the endosomal trafficking from early to late endosome and late endosome to lysosome. UNC-108 co-localizes with RAB-5, RAB-7 and LMP-1 to the phagosome and promotes cell corpse degradation, possibly by mediating phagosome maturation.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of a C. elegans trans-splice acceptor.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Apoptotic DNA degradation has been thought to be a cell-autonomous process. Recent evidence suggests that heterophagic recognition and engulfment of dying cells by non-apoptotic cells may be critical for the activation and/or action of apoptogenic DNases.  相似文献   

Cell death genes are essential for apoptosis and other cellular events, but their nonapoptotic functions are not well understood. The midbody is an important cytokinetic structure required for daughter cell abscission, but its fate after cell division remains elusive in metazoans. In this paper, we show through live-imaging analysis that midbodies generated by Q cell divisions in Caenorhabditis elegans were released to the extracellular space after abscission and subsequently internalized and degraded by the phagocyte that digests apoptotic Q cell corpses. We further show that midbody degradation is defective in apoptotic cell engulfment mutants. Externalized phosphatidylserine (PS), an engulfment signal for corpse phagocytosis, exists on the outer surface of the midbody, and inhibiting PS signaling delayed midbody clearance. Thus, our findings uncover a novel function of cell death genes in midbody internalization and degradation after cell division.  相似文献   

Yu X  Odera S  Chuang CH  Lu N  Zhou Z 《Developmental cell》2006,10(6):743-757
Dynamins are large GTPases that act in multiple vesicular trafficking events. We identified 14 loss-of-function alleles of the C. elegans dynamin gene, dyn-1, that are defective in the removal of apoptotic cells. dyn-1 functions in engulfing cells to control the internalization and degradation of apoptotic cells. dyn-1 acts in the genetic pathway composed of ced-7 (ABC transporter), ced-1 (phagocytic receptor), and ced-6 (CED-1's adaptor). DYN-1 transiently accumulates to the surface of pseudopods in a manner dependent on ced-1, ced-6, and ced-7, but not on ced-5, ced-10, or ced-12. Abnormal vesicle structures accumulate in engulfing cells upon dyn-1 inactivation. dyn-1 and ced-1 mutations block the recruitment of intracellular vesicles to pseudopods and phagosomes. We propose that DYN-1 mediates the signaling of the CED-1 pathway by organizing an intracellular vesicle pool and promoting vesicle delivery to phagocytic cups and phagosomes to support pseudopod extension and apoptotic cell degradation.  相似文献   

We designed a real-time computer vision system, the Multi-Worm Tracker (MWT), which can simultaneously quantify the behavior of dozens of Caenorhabditis elegans on a Petri plate at video rates. We examined three traditional behavioral paradigms using this system: spontaneous movement on food, where the behavior changes over tens of minutes; chemotaxis, where turning events must be detected accurately to determine strategy; and habituation of response to tap, where the response is stochastic and changes over time. In each case, manual analysis or automated single-worm tracking would be tedious and time-consuming, but the MWT system allowed rapid quantification of behavior with minimal human effort. Thus, this system will enable large-scale forward and reverse genetic screens for complex behaviors.  相似文献   

KLF6 degradation after apoptotic DNA damage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Krüppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a cancer gene (www.sanger.ac.uk/genetics/CGP/Census/). Here, we demonstrate that KLF6 protein is rapidly degraded when apoptosis is induced via the intrinsic pathway by cisplatin, adriamycin, or UVB irradiation in multiple cell lines (HCT116, SW40, HepG2, PC3-M, Skov3, NIH-3T3, 293T, GM09706, and MEF, IMR-90). KLF6 degradation occurred in the presence or absence of p53, was associated with ubiquitination, mediated by the proteasome (half-life 16 min, unstimulated), and independent of caspases and calpain. KLF6 was unchanged by apoptosis via the extrinsic/death-receptor pathway. Deregulation of KLF6 stability may alter its tumor suppressor function and/or the response of tumors to chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

In the canonical Wnt pathway, signaling results in the stabilization and increased levels of β-catenin in responding cells. β-catenin then enters the nucleus, functioning as a coactivator for the Wnt effector, TCF/LEF protein. In the absence of Wnt signaling, TCF is complexed with corepressors, together repressing Wnt target genes. In C. elegans, Wnt signaling specifies the E blastomere to become the endoderm precursor. Activation of endoderm genes in E requires not only an increase in β-catenin level, but a concomitant decrease in the nuclear level of POP-1, the sole C. elegans TCF. A decrease in nuclear POP-1 levels requires Wnt-induced phosphorylation of POP-1 and 14-3-3 protein-mediated nuclear export. Nuclear POP-1 levels remain high in the sister cell of E, MS, where POP-1 represses the expression of endoderm genes. Here we express three vertebrate TCF proteins (human TCF4, mouse LEF1 and Xenopus TCF3) in C. elegans embryos and compare their localization, repression and activation functions to POP-1. All three TCFs are localized to the nucleus in C. elegans embryos, but none undergoes Wnt-induced nuclear export. Although unable to undergo Wnt-induced nuclear export, human TCF4, but not mouse LEF1 or Xenopus TCF3, can repress endoderm genes in MS, in a manner very similar to POP-1. This repressive activity requires that human TCF4 recognizes specific promoter sequences upstream of endoderm genes and interacts with C. elegans corepressors. Domain swapping identified two regions of POP-1 that are sufficient to confer nuclear asymmetry to human TCF4 when swapped with its corresponding domains. Despite undergoing Wnt-induced nuclear export, the human TCF4/POP-1 chimeric protein continues to function as a repressor for endoderm genes in E, a result we attribute to the inability of hTCF4 to bind to C. elegans β-catenin. Our results reveal a higher degree of species specificity among TCF proteins for coactivator interactions than for corepressor interactions, and uncover a basic difference between how POP-1 and human TCF4 steady state nuclear levels are regulated.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences in Caenorhabditis elegans are interspersed along the holocentric chromosomes. We have physically mapped some of these repetitive families and found that, although the distribution of members of each family is relatively even along the chromosomes, members of more than one family tend to cluster in some locations. We compared the sequence organization of 11 clusters located at known positions on different chromosomes in the N2 strain. These studies allow a comparison between repetitive elements belonging to the same family that are located on the same or on different chromosomes, providing an important tool in the study of genome turnover and evolution.  相似文献   

Appropriate clearance of apoptotic cells (cell corpses) is an important step of programmed cell death. Although genetic and biochemical studies have identified several genes that regulate the engulfment of cell corpses, how these are degraded after being internalized in engulfing cell remains elusive. Here, we show that VPS-18, the Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of yeast Vps18p, is critical to cell corpse degradation. VPS-18 is expressed and functions in engulfing cells. Deletion of vps-18 leads to significant accumulation of cell corpses that are not degraded properly. Furthermore, vps-18 mutation causes strong defects in the biogenesis of endosomes and lysosomes, thus affecting endosomal/lysosomal protein degradation. Importantly, we demonstrate that phagosomes containing internalized cell corpses are unable to fuse with lysosomes in vps-18 mutants. Our findings thus provide direct evidence for the important role of endosomal/lysosomal degradation in proper clearance of apoptotic cells during programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans is a powerful animal model for the study of functional genomics. The completed and well-annotated DNA sequence is available and a systematic study of gene function by RNA-interference-mediated knockdown of every gene is in progress. Full-genome DNA microarrays and DNA chips can be used to determine expression changes at different stages of development and in different mutant backgrounds, and a protein-interaction map based on the yeast two-hybrid approach is in progress. These high-capacity approaches to studying gene function will provide new insights into invertebrate and vertebrate biology.  相似文献   


An original signal extraction procedure is applied to database of 146 base nucleosome core DNA sequences from C. elegans (S. M. Johnson et al. Genome Research 16, 1505–1516, 2006). The positional preferences of various dinucleotides within the 10.4 base nucleosome DNA repeat are calculated, resulting in derivation of the nucleosome DNA bendability matrix of 16x10 elements. A simplified one-line presentation of the matrix (“consensus” repeat) is…A(TTTCCGGAAA)T…. All 6 chromosomes of C. elegans conform to the bendability pattern. The strongest affinity to their respective positions is displayed by dinucleotides AT and CG, separated within the repeat by 5 bases. The derived pattern makes a basis for sequence-directed mapping of nucleosome positions in the genome of C. elegans. As the first complete matrix of bendability available the pattern may serve for iterative calculations of the species-specific matrices of bendability applicable to other genomic sequences.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is an essential and highly orchestrated process that plays a major role in morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis during development. In humans, defects in regulation or execution of cell death lead to diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Two major types of PCD have been distinguished: the caspase-mediated process of apoptosis and the caspase-independent process involving autophagy. Although apoptosis and autophagy are often activated together in response to stress, the molecular mechanisms underlying their interplay remain unclear. Here we show that BEC-1, the C. elegans ortholog of the yeast and mammalian autophagy proteins Atg6/Vps30 and Beclin 1, is essential for development. We demonstrate that BEC-1 is necessary for the function of the class III PI3 kinase LET-512/Vps34, an essential protein required for autophagy, membrane trafficking, and endocytosis. Furthermore, BEC-1 forms a complex with the antiapoptotic protein CED-9/Bcl-2, and its depletion triggers CED-3/Caspase-dependent PCD. Based on our results, we propose that bec-1 represents a link between autophagy and apoptosis, thus supporting the view that the two processes act in concerted manner in the cell death machinery.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation/degradation is an important step for apoptosis. However, in unicellular organisms such as yeast, this process has rarely been investigated. In the current study, we revealed eight apoptotic nuclease candidates in Saccharyomyces cerevisiae, analogous to the Caenorhabditis elegans apoptotic nucleases. One of them is Tat-D. Sequence comparison indicates that Tat-D is conserved across kingdoms, implicating that it is evolutionarily and functionally indispensable. In order to better understand the biochemical and biological functions of Tat-D, we have overexpressed, purified, and characterized the S. cerevisiae Tat-D (scTat-D). Our biochemical assays revealed that scTat-D is an endo-/exonuclease. It incises the double-stranded DNA without obvious specificity via its endonuclease activity and excises the DNA from the 3'- to 5'-end by its exonuclease activity. The enzyme activities are metal-dependent with Mg(2+) as an optimal metal ion and an optimal pH around 5. We have also identified three amino acid residues, His(185), Asp(325), and Glu(327), important for its catalysis. In addition, our study demonstrated that knock-out of TAT-D in S. cerevisiae increases the TUNEL-positive cells and cell survival in response to hydrogen hyperoxide treatment, whereas overexpression of Tat-D facilitates cell death. These results suggest a role of Tat-D in yeast apoptosis.  相似文献   

Endonuclease G (EndoG) is a mitochondrial protein that traverses to the nucleus and participates in chromosomal DNA degradation during apoptosis in yeast, worms, flies, and mammals. However, it remains unclear how EndoG binds and digests DNA. Here we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans CPS-6, a homolog of EndoG, is a homodimeric Mg2+-dependent nuclease, binding preferentially to G-tract DNA in the optimum low salt buffer at pH 7. The crystal structure of CPS-6 was determined at 1.8 Å resolution, revealing a mixed αβ topology with the two ββα-metal finger nuclease motifs located distantly at the two sides of the dimeric enzyme. A structural model of the CPS-6-DNA complex suggested a positively charged DNA-binding groove near the Mg2+-bound active site. Mutations of four aromatic and basic residues: Phe122, Arg146, Arg156, and Phe166, in the protein-DNA interface significantly reduced the DNA binding and cleavage activity of CPS-6, confirming that these residues are critical for CPS-6-DNA interactions. In vivo transformation rescue experiments further showed that the reduced DNase activity of CPS-6 mutants was positively correlated with its diminished cell killing activity in C. elegans. Taken together, these biochemical, structural, mutagenesis, and in vivo data reveal a molecular basis of how CPS-6 binds and hydrolyzes DNA to promote cell death.  相似文献   

Kim YC  Lee J  Koo HS 《Nucleic acids research》2000,28(9):2012-2017
To investigate the function of a DNA topoisomerase III enzyme in Caenorhabditis elegans, the full-length cDNA of C.elegans DNA topoisomerase IIIα was cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited identities of 48 and 39% with those of human DNA topoisomerase IIIα and Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA topoisomerase III, respectively. The overexpressed polypeptide showed an optimal activity for removing negative DNA supercoils at a relatively high temperature of 52–57°C, which is similar to the optimum temperatures of other eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase III enzymes. When topoisomerase IIIα expression was interfered with by a cognate double-stranded RNA injection, pleiotropic phenotypes with abnormalities in germ cell proliferation, oogenesis and embryogenesis appeared. These phenotypes were well correlated with mRNA expression localized in the meiotic cells of gonad and early embryonic cells.  相似文献   

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