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目的 了解致泻性大肠埃希菌(DEC)在急性腹泻患者中的分布及对常用抗菌药物的敏感性,为疾病的防控和治疗提供依据。方法 收集2014年1月至2015年12月期间就诊于浙江大学医学院附属第一医院急性腹泻患者粪便标本,采用常规病原菌检验流程对常见肠道致病菌进行分离培养鉴定,分离到的疑似大肠埃希菌采用多重PCR和单重PCR进行鉴定、分型,采用纸片扩散法(K-B法)对各型DEC进行18种常用药物敏感试验。结果 从1 019例急性腹泻患者标本中分离到396株病原菌,其中DEC 230株,分离率为22.6%,占所有分离菌株的58.1%,居病原菌首位。230株DEC中,ETEC占56.5%,EAEC占30.4%,EPEC占8.7%,STEC占0.4%,混合型DEC占0.9%,未发现EIEC。各型DEC全年均有检出,其中夏季(6~8月)分离率最高,达24.0%,患者主要分布在19~45岁,男女检出率分别为21.8%和23.2%,差异无统计学意义。DEC对氨苄西林的耐药率最高,达49.3%,对头孢唑林、复方新诺明、氨苄西林/舒巴坦的耐药率分别为46.4%、35.7%、30.9%,其余抗菌药物耐药率均低于15.0%,未出现亚胺培南耐药株。207株DEC中,产ESBLs菌株占41.1%,多重耐药菌株占44.9%。结论 DEC是本地区急性腹泻最常见的细菌性病原,是临床肠道感染中不可忽视的病原之一,尤其是同时携带多型别毒力基因菌株及产ESBLs菌株和多重耐药菌。长期持续监测其分布及耐药趋势,对疾病的预防、治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that macrophages are difficult to transfect. In the present study, we investigated whether J774A.1 macrophages can be efficiently transfected using nucleofector technology. Nucleofection of J774A.1 macrophages with mRNA resulted in transfection efficiencies up to 75% without cell death as compared to control pulsed macrophages. In contrast, introduction of DNA into J774A.1 cells caused apoptosis without expression of the gene of interest. Our results show that mRNA nucleofection is a new high-speed transfection method for macrophages.  相似文献   

In order to quantify intracellular Staphylococcus aureus within a macrophage-like cell line by a bioluminescence technique, the mouse cell line J774 and opsonized Staphylococcus aureus were incubated together to allow phagocytosis to occur. Experiments using UV microscopy and fluorescent stained S. aureus were performed to determine an estimate of the mean intracellular bacterial numbers. For enumeration of intracellular bacteria by a bioluminescence technique, extracellular bacteria were removed by washing, the macrophages lysed mechanically and osmotically and treated with apyrase to remove somatic ATP. Bacterial cells were washed and the intracellular ATP measured by firefly luciferase bioluminescence in a luminometer. This new method of enumerating intracellular bacteria was compared to the conventional method of viable counts and found to correlate (r = 0.78). The bioluminescence assay developed was found to be a relatively rapid alternative method to the techniques currently used to enumerate intracellular bacteria and could prove advantageous in studies of intracellular killing and effects of antimicrobial agents on intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) bearing CFA/I or CFA/II adhesive factors specifically adhere onto the brush border of the polarized epithelial human intestinal Caco-2 cells in culture. Heat-killed Lactobacillus acidophilus strain LB, that adheres onto Caco-2 cells, inhibits diarrheagenic Escherichia coli adhesion in a concentration-dependent manner. Since the L. acidophilus does not express ETEC-CFA adhesive factors, it can be postulated that the heat-killed L. acidophilus LB cells inhibit diarrheagenic E. coli attachment by steric hindrance of the human enterocytic ETEC receptors.  相似文献   

Synthesis and lysis of formate by immobilized cells of Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Formate hydrogenlyase (FHL) activity was induced in a strain of Escherichia coli S13 during anaerobic growth in yeast extract-tryptone medium containing 100 mM formate. The cells obtained at the optimum growth phase were immobilized in 2.5% (w/v) agar gel when 50-60% of the whole cell FHL activity was retained. The immobilized FHL system had good storage stability and recycling efficiency. In the lysis of formate, an increase of formate concentration to 1.18M increased QH(2) (initial) value of the immobilized cell, and subsequently cells, hydrogen evolution, in general, ceased after 6 to 8 of incubation, resulting in incomplete lysis of formate. Presence of small amount of glucose (28 mM) was more or less quantitatively lysed with concomitant disappearence of glucose from the medium. Synthesis of formate from hydrogen and bicarbonate solution by the immobilized cells was also characterized. Presence of glucose (10 mM) in 50 mM bicarbonate solution stimulated formate synthesis by immobilized cells. The pH optimum range, K(m), and specific activity of the immobilized cells for the lysis of formate were 6.8-7.2 0.4M, and 66 mL/g cell-h, respectively. The cells could fix hydrogen to the extent of 24.4% (w/w) of its own wet cell mass in a 72-h reaction cycle. Potentiality of the immobilized FHL system for biotechnological exploitation was discussed.  相似文献   

This work explores the influence of cadmium on a suspension cell culture of Nicotiana tabacum (TBY‐2) by examining cell morphology, viability and DNA integrity. Changes in these parameters were strikingly dependent on concentration of cadmium in the culture medium: a concentration of 50–100 mmol m ? 3 CdSO4 induced apoptotic changes including DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosomal units, while 1 mol m ? 3 Cd2 + showed strong cytotoxicity, but no fragmentation of DNA. Low cadmium concentrations (below 10 mmol m ? 3) affected neither cell viability nor DNA integrity. A detailed kinetic study showed a significant delay in the onset of apoptosis after the application of high concentrations of cadmium. From days 0–3 after the application of 50 mmol m ? 3 CdSO4, the morphology of the cells, their viability and growth were indistinguishable between control and treated cells, and ‘domain’ DNA fragmentation into 50–200 kb fragments was observed at the DNA level. After this (days 4–7), there was a characteristic and rapid decrease in cell viability, distinct changes in cell morphology and oligonucleosomal fragmentation. The results suggest that chronic exposure of plant cells to cadmium can trigger programmed cell death.  相似文献   

As the initiation step of bacterial infection or biofouling, bacterial adhesion on cells or substrates is generally an optimal target for antibacterial design. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the principal phospholipid in bacteria, and its function in bacterial adhesion remains unclear. In this study, four E. coli strains including two PE-deficient mutants (PE?PC? and PE?PC+?strains) and two PE-containing wild-type controls (PE?+?PC? strains) were recruited to investigate the influence of PE deficiency on bacterial adhesion. We found that PE deficiency could impair E. coli adhesion on macrophages (human THP-1-derived and mouse RAW264.7 macrophages) or glass coverslips by downregulating lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, which could be reversible by high galactose/lactose but not glucose cultivation. The data imply that PE play important role in bacterial adhesion probably via affecting LPS biosynthesis and suggest that targeting PE biosynthesis is also a potential antibacterial strategy.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel verocytotoxin named VT2y was described which belongs to the STx family and is produced by Escherichia coli isolated from domestic poultry with swollen head syndrome (SHS). The VT2y toxin induced apoptosis in Vero, HeLa, CHO, CEF (primary chicken embryo fibroblast) and PCK (primary chicken kidney) cell lines. Morphological evidence (nuclear shrinkage, chromatin condensation and blebbing of the plasma membrane) of apoptosis could be distinguished in 15 min and was maximal at 1 h after treatment with VT2y. This was confirmed by the terminal dUTP nick-end-labeling (TUNEL) method.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), a leading cause of infant diarrhea, is an important public health problem in Brazil and other developing countries. In vitro assays of bacterial adhesion to cultured cells are important tools for studying bacterial pathogenicity but do not reproduce all the events that occur in natural infections. In this study, the effects of oral infection with EPEC on mice selected for their minimal acute inflammatory response (AIRmin) were evaluated. Mice were orally infected with EPEC and variations in body weight, bacterial shedding and antibody production observed. The infected animals developed seric and secretory anti‐EPEC antibodies; however, neither mortality nor diarrhea was observed. Light microscopy of their intestines demonstrated histological modifications that were not present in controls. However, electron microscopy did not show bacteria attached to the intestinal epithelia to form attaching and effacing lesions, characteristic of EPEC in humans. The bacteria were detected in Peyer's patches and intestinal contents up to 5 hr post‐infection. When human anti‐EPEC secretory immunoglobulin A or avian immunoglobulin Y antibodies were administered to infected animals, they developed minor histological alterations compared with non‐treated animals. In summary, it was found that EPEC triggers immune responses and intestinal histological alterations but does not produce evidence of diarrheal disease in mice infected by the oral route. This study of EPEC experimental infection provides a better understanding of the effects of antibodies on bacterial infections and may provide a suitable model for the design and testing of immunobiological products for active or passive immunization.  相似文献   

Abstract Adenylate cyclase mutants of Escherichia coli showed the heat-shock response. The heat-shock response was studied in two different mutants and in different growth media, including rich and minimal media. These results are in disagreement with the proposal that the cya gene regulates the expression of the heat-shock genes.  相似文献   

The colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) is one of the most epidemiologically relevant enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) fimbrial adhesins, which mediates the binding to human small intestine epithelium. A recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid, pRECFA, encoding the CFA/I protein fused to the glycoprotein D of herpes simplex type 1 virus, was used to generate an antibody response in a murine model following intramuscular inoculation of purified DNA. Eukaryotic cells (BHK-21) transfected with pRECFA expressed the CFA/I protein in vitro, as revealed by Western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy. Administration of a single pRECFA 100-microg dose induced a long-term CFA/I-specific antibody response in BALB/c mice composed mainly of IgG and, to a lesser extent, IgA isotypes. The major CFA/I-specific IgG subclass was IgG2a, suggesting a Th-1-type immune response. A second dose with the same amount of purified DNA, given 2 weeks later, caused a booster effect on the immunoglobulin levels, but did not qualitatively alter the isotypes and subclasses of the induced antibody response. Immunization with different amounts of purified DNA and/or number of doses showed that maximal transient CFA/I-specific antibody levels could be obtained after two 100-microg doses of pRECFA given 2 weeks apart, but long-term antibody levels were similar.  相似文献   

Abstract Vaccine regimens which mimic actual infection with bacterial enteropathogens should offer the best opportunity for successful long-term immunoprotection against diarrheal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) or Vibrio cholerae . Based on this principle, we designed and tested an oral whole cell anti-ETEC vaccine consisting of intact cells of ETEC strain H-10407 (ST+LT+; O78: H11: CFA/I) which were rendered incapable of replication by treatment with a potent DNA endonuclease, colicin E2. Young healthy volunteers were administered two oral doses of either placebo or approx. 3 × 1010 vaccine cells. In a double-blind study, 9 of 10 vaccinees responded with an increase in CFA/I-specific intestinal IgA antibody, determined as percent of total IgA. Challenge with virulent strain H-10407 (5 × 109 living cells) produced diarrhea in 8 of 9 (89%) of the placebo-treated volunteers and in 2 of 10 (20%) of the vaccinees. Thus, the colicin E2-killed whole cell vaccine afforded both a significant intestinal immune response and significant protection against challenge with the virulent organism. The data presented here suggest that for this vaccine preparation an intestinal anti-CFA/I IgA response is a good indicator of a protective immune response, which most likely involves antibody responses to a number of antigens in addition to CFA/I. We conclude that the colicin E2 method for preparing an oral anti-ETEC vaccine merits further study and that this method may also be applicable to other enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract Invasive Escherichia coli strains of certain serotypes invade by the same mechanism as the Shigella sp. It has been proposed that invasion of epithelial cells by EPEC strains may also occur; this is a previously overlooked property. In the present study E. coli strains isolated from patients with diarrhoea or ulcerative colitis, lacking the inv plasmid mediating classical invasion, but hybridizing with probes for different adhesins, were analyzed for their ability to invade HeLa and Caco-2 cells. The majority of strains invaded Caco-2 cells to a higher extent than HeLa cells. Adhesion to Caco-2 cells was a prerequisite for subsequent invasion of the cells but EAF, eae , EAgg and other known virulence factors were not sufficient to mediate invasion. In 8/9 E. coli strains invasion was enhanced after growth under iron restriction. Growth during anaerobic conditions did not influence subsequent invasion by E. coli strains whereas 6/9 strains had their invasive ability significantly decreased after growth in the presence of 1% glucose. The invasive process was inhibited by mannose but not by lactose, fucose or galactose. Our data indicate that strains of E. coli may invade Caco-2 cells by novel mechanisms which require adhesion to the cells but which differ from those of Salmonella sp., Yersinia sp., Shigella sp. and classical enteroinvasive E. coli .  相似文献   

The probiotic Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 (Mutaflor) of serotype O6:K5:H1 was reported to protect gnotobiotic piglets from infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. An important virulence property of Salmonella is invasion of host epithelial cells. Therefore, we tested for interference of E. coli strain Nissle 1917 with Salmonella invasion of INT407 cells. Simultaneous administration of E. coli strain Nissle 1917 and Salmonella resulted in up to 70% reduction of Salmonella invasion efficiency. Furthermore, invasion of Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigella flexneri, Legionella pneumophila and even of Listeria monocytogenes were inhibited by the probiotic E. coli strain Nissle 1917 without affecting the viability of the invasive bacteria. The observed inhibition of invasion was not due to the production of microcins by the Nissle 1917 strain because its isogenic microcin-negative mutant SK22D was as effective as the parent strain. Reduced invasion rates were also achieved if strain Nissle 1917 was separated from the invasive bacteria as well as from the INT407 monolayer by a membrane non-permeable for bacteria. We conclude E. coli Nissle 1917 to interfere with bacterial invasion of INT407 cells via a secreted component and not relying on direct physical contact with either the invasive bacteria or the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

【目的】通过融合基因表达载体和共免疫基因表达载体研究大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素(LT)B亚基基因对犬细小病毒VP2DNA疫苗免疫应答的影响。【方法】提取大肠杆菌44815菌株基因组DNA,通过PCR方法从基因组DNA中扩增LTB基因,同时采用PCR方法从含有犬细小病毒VP2基因的质粒中扩增VP2的主要抗原表位基因(VP2-70,编码70个氨基酸)。将上述基因分别连接到含有人CD5信号肽序列的载体pcDNA-CD5sp上,分别构建成它们的分泌型真核表达载体,pcDNA-CD5sp-LTB和pcDNA-CD5sp-VP2-70。再利用酶切连接的方法构建LTB与VP2-70融合的真核表达载体pcDNACD5sp-LTB-VP2-70。然后用pcDNACD5sp-VP2-70(VP2-70组)、pcDNACD5sp-LTB-VP2-70(VP2-LTB融合组)、pcDNA-CD5sp-LTB/pcDNACD5sp-VP2-70(VP2-LTB共免疫组)和pcDNA3.1A(空载体对照组)分别免疫小鼠。免疫后用间接ELISA检测不同时间小鼠血清的抗体水平,用MTT方法检测小鼠免疫5周后脾脏淋巴细胞的增殖活性。【结果】经过测序表明本研究扩增的LTB和VP2基因序列和构建的相关表达载体结构正确。通过Western-blot检测证明构建的表达载体均能介导相应基因在真核细胞进行分泌表达。ELISA检测结果表明,3组实验组小鼠接受VP2DNA疫苗免疫后均能产生特异的体液免疫应答反应,特别是VP2-LTB基因融合组小鼠的抗体水平在第5周时高达1:5120,明显高于其它两组(P<0.01)。3组免疫小鼠抗体的亚型均表现IgG1抗体水平明显高于IgG2a抗体水平(P<0.01)。淋巴细胞增殖实验结果表明,在ConA的刺激下,3组免疫小鼠的淋巴细胞刺激指数均明显高于对照组(P<0.01),说明VP2DNA疫苗能够引起淋巴细胞的增殖。但3组免疫小鼠之间的刺激指数没有明显差异(P>0.05)。【结论】在小鼠体内,LTB基因表达载体可明显提高CPVVP2DNA疫苗的体液免疫应答水平。  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the efficacy of liposome oral administration to induce systemic and mucosal immune responses against verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) and the effect of the induced antibodies on the binding of the bacteria to Caco-2 cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mice were immunized orally with VTEC antigen and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL)-containing liposomes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine and cholesterol (1 : 1 : 2, molar ratio) (PS-liposome). After immunization, significant IgA and IgG responses to VTEC were induced in both serum and the intestinal lavage fluid in all mice tested. Furthermore, anti-VTEC IgA and IgG antibodies in the lavage fluid effectively inhibited the adhesion of VTEC to Caco-2 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Oral immunization with liposome-associated E. coli O157:H7 antigen can induce significant systemic and mucosal antibody responses against the bacterial antigen and antibodies produced in the intestinal tract, thus functioning as inhibitors for preventing VTEC infection. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Oral PS-liposome vaccines containing MPL have the potential usefulness for the induction of a protective mucosal immune response against intestinal diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract An enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) strain (DS92), isolated from a case of infantile diarrhea, was shown to express mannose-resistant hemagglutination and HeLa cell adhering properties when grown at 37°C but not at 28°C. Cellular adherence properties of DS92, which belonged to enteropathogeci serogroup 0125, were shown to correlate well with the expression of fimbriae that were encoded by a 112 kb plasmid. The fimbriae of the EAggEC strain DS92 were composed of 20 kDa subunit proteins and were serologically distinct from fimbrial or non-fimbrial cell surface antigen(s) of other diarrheagenic E. coli strains including the reference EAggEC strain 17-2. Interestingly, the 20-kDa fimbrial protein was found to be antigenically related to 18- and 14.5-kDa cell surface proteins of two other locally isolated EAggEC strains belonging to the enteropathogenic serogroup 086.  相似文献   

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