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The avian secondary palate exhibits the unique feature of a midline cleft. Cryostat sections indicated that although extensive contact between homologous shelves was present, chick palatal medial edge epithelium (MEE) failed to fuse. The failure of fusion and subsequent clefting of the avian palate were correlated with continued proliferation of the avian MEE, a failure of selective MEE cell death, and an absence of elevated levels of intracellular cAMP. Moreover, immunohistochemical staining for cAMP and microspectrophotometric quantitation of staining intensity indicated that staining of chick MEE was significantly (p less than .01) less than murine MEE at comparable gestational ages. These data indicate that differentiation of the avian secondary palate is fundamentally different than reported for the mammalian palate in that many developmental events known to be associated with normal mammalian palate formation (cessation of MEE proliferation, MEE cell death, elevated levels of MEE cAMP) fail to occur in the chick. The developing avian secondary palate, with its midline cleft, thus provides an interesting and useful model system with which to compare mammalian palate formation where the palate is normally fused in the midline.  相似文献   

In vitro development of the hamster and chick secondary palate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of experiments were undertaken to compare the in vitro behaviour of the medial edge epithelium (MEE) of hamster, in which palatal shelves normally fuse, and chick, in which they do not fuse. Homotypic pairs of hamster and chick embryo palatal processes, single palatal processes, and heterotypic palatal shelves of both animals were grown in vitro. The results indicated that contact between palatal shelves may not be crucial for MEE differentiation in mammals. The ability to acquire pre-fusion characteristics may be present in mammalian palatal tissue from their early development and may be expressed by cessation of DNA synthesis in the MEE, elevation of cAMP, and MEE cell death. Isolated chick palatal shelf cultured under identical conditions did not express these mammalian pre-fusion characteristics. When MEE of hamster and chick palatal shelves were placed in contact with one another, the intervening epithelia underwent cytolysis. This could be due to either the destruction of chick MEE by lysosomal enzymes liberated from adjacent degenerating hamster MEE cells, or by induction of cell death in chick MEE by hamster mesenchyme. Heterotypic palatal tissue combinations also suggest that release of lysosomal enzymes in the hamster MEE, which leads to its dissolution, may be the terminal event in epithelial differentiation prior to the establishment of mesenchymal continuity. It is suggested that an inverse relationship exists between DNA synthesis and cAMP levels during palatogenesis: when palate closes (as in mammals) the MEE is eliminated by increasing cAMP levels, whereas when palate remains open (as in birds) low level of cAMP preserve the integrity of MEE by supporting DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Formation of secondary palate in hamster was studied with electron microscopy. Prior to assuming horizontal position, the palatal shelves were covered by a two to three cell layer thick epithelium which was separated from the underlying mesenchyme by an intact basal lamina. Epithelial cells were attached to each other by desmosomes. Early hemidesmosomes could be identified as thickenings of the cytoplasmic membrane opposing the basal lamina. Epithelial cells, like other embryonic cells, contained only few organelles but were rich in polyribosomes. As the horizontal shelves approached each other towards the midline, lysosomes and tonofilaments appeared in the superficial and basal cells of the epithelia. Superficial cells showed degeneration and eventual lysis. Fusion of the opposing epithelia occurred between the deeper cells by means of newly formed desmosomes. The epithelial seam resulting from fusion of the epithelia was limited on each side by a continuous basal lamina. Its subsequent thining and eventual fragmentation resulted from the loss of cells by autophagy. There was no evidence of mesenchymal invasion of the epithelial seam. Mesenchymal macrophages appeared in the later stage of palatogenesis and were responsible for phagocytosis of cellular debris. Formation of the soft palate was basically similar to that of the secondary hard palate and occurred by fusion of the opposing shelves. Similarly, anterior closure of the palate occurred by fusion of the lower end of the nasal septum to the primary and secondary palates. Hyperplasia of the opposing epithelia, prior to their fusion, was often seen. It is suggested that formation of the palate occurs in predictable and coordinated fashion and that timely appearance of lysosomes causing lysis of intervening epithelia is of great significance in normal palatogenesis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relation between the steroidogenic activity and cell proliferation of individual follicles in mature hamster ovaries during the estrous cycle, the localization of enzymes involved in estrogen biosynthesis and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation were examined immunohistochemically. Moreover, granulosa cells from the early atretic follicle were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Immunoreactivity for aromatase was localized in the granulosa cells of healthy developing follicles and Graafian follicles, as well as in newly formed granulosa lutein cells. In the healthy follicles of an ovulation cycle, intensity of aromatase immunoreactivity was suddenly decreased on day 3. The theca interna cells of healthy developing follicles were immunopositive for 17-hydroxylase/C17–C20 lyase (17-lyase) from day 2 to the morning of day 4, but on the evening of day 4 most theca interna cells were immunonegative except for only a few cells of the large Graafian follicles. BrdU incorporation was observed in the granulosa cells of healthy developing follicles, in the endothelial cells of capillaries around the developing follicles, and of newly formed corpora lutea. Very early morphological signs of atresia was the pyknotic change of a few granulosa cells lining the antral cavity. In that follicle, the number of BrdU-incorporating granulosa cells was suddenly decreased whilst immunoreactivity of aromatase and 17-lyase were gradually decreased. These data suggest that the mechanism of the loss of aromatase activity from the granulosa cells of atretic follicles appears to differ from that in cycling follicles. Even in the early stage of atresia, the granulosa cells showed remarkable morphological change characteristic of apoptosis, as visualized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cessation of granulosa cell proliferation may occur earlier than apoptotic change and the degeneration of the granulosa cells becomes rapid once atresia starts.  相似文献   

The secondary metabolite avarol, a potent cytostatic and antibacterial sesquiterpenoid hydroquinone, is present in large amounts only in the sponge Dysidea avara (2.7 g avarol/1 kg of fresh material). The present study was designed to determine the storage site of this compound within the organism. Light and transmission electron microscopic studies revealed that avarol is probably stored only in spherular cells. The compound is compartmented in intracellular cytoplasmic vesicles in a paracrystalline form, and therefore can have no inhibitory effect on the sponge cells. Quantitative analysis utilizing high-pressure liquid chromatography revealed that avarol is present at a concentration of 3.2 micrograms/10(6) spherular cells. It appears that avarol is released from the cells into the extracellular space in a merocrine manner. We suggest that it is involved in regulating the bacteria with which the sponge is symbiotically associated.  相似文献   

Synopsis When perfused through an animal immediately after death, ferric potassium ferrocyanide does not pass into or across endothelial cells and does not inhibit tissue cholinesterases. Perfusion of a 2% aqueous solution of the compound offers a convenient and easy method for recognizing the relationship of structures, demonstrated by cholinesterase histochemistry, to injected vessels.  相似文献   

Particulate guanylate cyclase (GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing] has been cytochemically evidentiated in the cells which make-up the lung air-blood barrier. The cytochemical procedure utilized demonstrates the presence of membrane-bound guanylate cyclase activity through precipitation of lead pyrophosphate in tissues incubated with GTP or with guanylyl imidodiphosphate. Electron microscopic examination reveals that guanylate cyclase (GC) is localized, as micropinocytic vesicles, within endothelial components of small blood vessels, in basal lamina and in the flat alveolar cells. The secretory alveolar cells also exhibit the positive GC reactivity in their peripheric cytoplasm and in their microvilli. The observations support that GC and cGMP are involved in cellular transport phenomena. The enzyme might play a role in the secretion process of surface active material. Positive staining has been found also in other types of cells, namely alveolar macrophages and fibroblasts. A biochemical evaluation of GC activity shows that about 30-40% of this activity is associated with the particulate fraction, which justifies its abundance in the cytochemical reports shown in the paper.  相似文献   

Closure between the secondary palate and the primary palate and between the former and the nasal septum was studied in the Syrian golden hamster at light- and electron-microscopic level. Sequential changes in the epithelia before, during and after the closure of the primary and the secondary palate were described. A characteristic epithelial thickening was observed prior to epithelial fusion between the nasal septum and the secondary palatal shelf. Fusion of the opposing epithelia was characterized by formation of desmosomes. An unilateral or bilateral empty space was observed on each side of the epithelial seam, and it was suggested that this may represent the incisive foramen in the adult.  相似文献   

A correlated autoradiographic and biochemical study of RNA synthesis in the nucleoli of chinese hamster ovary cells has been made. Quantitative analysis of the labeling indicates that the fibrillar ribonucleoprotein (RNP) component is labeled faster than 80S RNP and 45S RNA molecules, but approaches simultaneously a steady-state 3H to 14C ratio or grains/mum2 after 30 min of [3H]uridine incorporation. On the other hand, the 55S RNP, the 36S + 32S RNA, and the granular RNP components have the same kinetic of labeling with [3H]uridine. These results suggest that the fibrillar and granular RNP components of the nucleolus are the ultrastructural substratum of, respectively, the 80S RNP (45S RNA) and 55S RNP (36S + 32S RNA). The possibility that precursors to 80S RNP exist also in the fibrillar region of the nucleolus is strongly suggested by the rapid labeling of the fibrils on the autoradiographs.  相似文献   

Cellular aspects of vertical development of the secondary palate were examined in control and 6-mercaptopurine (6MP)-treated hamster embryos. Cross-sectional area of the palatal shelf was measured and the numbers of both epithelial and mesenchymal cells counted. Also, in 6MP-treated palates the damaged mesenchymal cells, characterized by the presence of dense bodies, were counted. DNA synthesis in both control and treated fetuses was measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation. The results indicated that both the shelf area and cell numbers increased with age in control and 6MP-treated palates. However, in controls the mesenchymal cell density and DNA synthesis showed two peaks that were absent following 6MP treatment. Unlike controls, in treated embryos the damage to mesenchymal cells became increasingly pronounced between days 10:00 and 10:12 but subsided by day 11:00 of gestation. It is suggested that a major force in the development of the initial primordia and early vertical development of the palatal shelf may be provided by a spurt of DNA synthesis in the mesenchymal cells resulting in their increased number. After 6MP treatment, depression of DNA synthesis and consequent reduction in the mesenchymal cell number and density followed by cell damage lead to retardation in the vertical development of the palatal shelves.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide (CP), when injected in hamster mother between days 9 and 11 of pregnancy, was teratogenic in fetuses. On the basis of a morphological study it was deduced that CP delayed the reorientation of hamster palatal shelves by 16-20 h. In a subsequent experiment, in both control and CP-treated palatal shelves, the numbers of epithelial and mesenchymal cells were counted and cross-sectional area was measured. DNA synthesis, measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation, was used as an index of growth by cell proliferation. The results showed that during the vertical development of palatal shelves, the mesenchymal cells reached their peak number during the initial 24 hours, i.e., at the end of the second peak in DNA synthesis, and remained unchanged thereafter throughout reorientation. The shelf area also showed rapid increase during the initial 24 h followed by a spurt 2 h prior to reorientation. Cyclophosphamide prolonged the acquisition of these features by affecting the mesenchymal cells and consequently delayed the reorientation of the vertical shelves until such time that the number of healthy mesenchymal cells and shelf area were restored to the control values. The data lend further support to the hypothesis that the acquisition of a specific number of cells and shelf volume, during vertical palatal development, may be essential for palatal shelf reorientation.  相似文献   

The cytopathology, virogenesis and replication of monodon baculovirus (MBV) in Penaeus monodon from Australia are described. Electron-dense unenveloped nucleocapsids, not previously described for MBV, are shown in the cytoplasm and attached to the nuclear envelope of infected hepatopancreatocytes. These nucleocapsids comprise a missing link in the published literature on the replication cycle of MBV by providing evidence for the means by which the viral genome travels from the plasma membrane of the hepatopancreatocyte to the nucleus. Features similar to those of MBV from other areas, but not previously reported for MBV from Australia include empty capsids attached to the nuclear pore, central filaments in developing capsids, capsids partly filled with nucleic acid, and filaments in subapical envelope expansions. A model for virogenesis and replication is illustrated which takes into account the new observations as well as previously described ultrastructural characteristics of the developing viral particle.  相似文献   

Embryonic development of the secondary palate of the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica, was studied. The palatal shelves appeared on day 5 of incubation in a horizontal direction over the dorsal surface of the tongue. Subsequently, unlike those in mammals, the opposing palatal shelves do not fuse, and a physiological cleft persists between them. In comparison with the chick, where the palatal shelves do not fuse and the medial edge epithelium (MEE) becomes orthokeratinized stratified squamous type, the quail MEE differentiates into a parakeratinized stratified squamous type. The basal cells of the quail MEE differentiated from cuboidal to columnar and showed reorganization of their cytoplasmic organelles. In contrast to both the chick and mammalian MEE, quail MEE showed very little ruthenium red (RR) binding at the plasma membrane of both the basal and superficial cells. Initial development in a horizontal direction, lack of fusion, and an absence of programmed cell death in MEE of developing quail palate distinguished it from the mammalian palatogenesis. Also, although the morphogenesis of palate in quail and chick was similar, the pattern of cytodifferentiation in their MEE was different, which may be attributed to their ontogenesis.  相似文献   

R M Shah  Y P Chen  D N Burdett 《Teratology》1989,40(2):173-180
The contribution made by mesenchymal cells during the later stages of palatal development was examined in control and hydrocortisone-treated hamster embryos. Cross-sectional area of the palatal shelf was measured, and the numbers of both epithelial and mesenchymal cells were counted. DNA synthesis was measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation and was used as an index of growth by cell proliferation. The observations in controls indicated that, unlike development during the initial 24 hr, the later period of vertical palate development, followed by reorientation of shelves and their closure, was characterized by a steady level of mesenchymal cell number and palatal shelf area. An absence of corresponding growth in the epithelial cell number suggests that the cells may accommodate the growth either by increasing their size and/or by stretching along the basal lamina. Hydrocortisone treatment did not alter the growth pattern of cell numbers or shelf area. However, it prevented the fusion between the opposing shelves, perhaps by affecting the cytodifferentiation of the palatal tissues. Although a continuous increase in the number of mesenchymal cells during the latter half of vertical shelf development, i.e., between days 11:00 and 12:00 of gestation, is not required for reorientation and fusion of the shelves, it is not clear from the data from the present study whether a critical number of cells and/or cell density is essential for reorientation and fusion of the palate. It was suggested that, for normal palatal development, information on cell cycle and positioning of mesenchymal cells within the shelf during the vertical development may be crucial for further understanding of subsequent events of palatogenesis.  相似文献   

In the present study, the morphological, histochemical, biochemical, and cellular aspects of the pathogenesis of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-induced cleft palate in hamster fetuses were analyzed. Morphological observations indicated that BrdU interferes with the growth of the vertical shelves and thus induces cleft palate. At an ultrastructural level, BrdU-induced changes were first seen in the mesenchymal cells. Eighteen hours after drug administration, the initial alterations were characterized by swelling of the nuclear membrane and the appearance of lysosomes in the mesenchymal cells of the roof of the oronasal cavity. During the next 6 hr, as the palatal primordia developed, lysosomes were also seen in the overlying epithelial cells. The appearance of lysosomal activity, which was verified by acid phosphatase histochemistry, was temporally abnormal and was interpreted as a sublethal response to BrdU treatment. Later the cellular alterations subsided; 48 hr after BrdU treatment, they were absent in both the epithelial and mesenchymal cells of the vertically developing palatal shelves. Subsequently, unlike controls (in which the palatal shelves undergo reorientation and fusion), the BrdU-treated shelves remained vertical until term. Biochemical determination of DNA synthesis indicated that although there was an inhibition of DNA synthesis at the time of appearance of palatal primordia, a catch-up growth during the ensuing 12 hr may have restored the number of cells available for the formation of a vertical palatal shelf. It was suggested that BrdU affected cytodifferentiation in the palatal tissues during the critical phase of early vertical development to induce a cleft palate.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural examination of bovine mammary tissues revealed the presence of 9+0 or primary cilia protruding from surfaces of alveolar epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Cilia of epithelial cells protruded approximately 1200 nm into lumina of alveoli and arose from a basal body centriole, the associated centriole of the diplosome, and an accessory rootlet system. Cilia on epithelial cells were more frequently observed than cilia on myoepithelial cells. Occasional cilia made contact with macrophages in the alveolar lumen. The structures were more commonly found in tissues from nonlactating cows, and most were observed in the ventral portion of the mammary gland.  相似文献   

The bone marrows of five patients with primary myelofibrosis at different stages of the disease have been studied. In the myelofibrotic bone marrow, associated with "reticulum cells", two other cell types have been identified, namely fibroblast-like and myofibroblast-like reticulum cells, as well as a spectrum of transitional forms. Our findings suggest that reticulum cells may represent a reserve stromal cell pool (i.e. primitive reticulum cells) able to modulate themselves and to transform differently according to functional requirements. Some suggestions regarding the functional significance of fibroblast-like and myofibroblast-like reticulum cells in primary myelofibrosis are suggested.  相似文献   

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