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In insects, increasing evidence suggests that small secreted pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) and odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are important for normal olfactory detection of airborne pheromones and odorants far from their source. In contrast, it is unknown whether extracellular ligand binding proteins participate in perception of less volatile chemicals, including many pheromones, that are detected by direct contact with chemosensory organs. CheB42a, a small Drosophila melanogaster protein unrelated to known PBPs or OBPs, is expressed and likely secreted in only a small subset of gustatory sensilla on males' front legs, the site of gustatory perception of contact pheromones. Here we show that CheB42a is expressed specifically in the sheath cells surrounding the taste neurons expressing Gr68a, a putative gustatory pheromone receptor for female cuticular hydrocarbons that stimulate male courtship. Surprisingly, however, CheB42a mutant males attempt to copulate with females earlier and more frequently than control males. Furthermore, CheB42a mutant males also attempt to copulate more frequently with other males that secrete female-specific cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones, but not with females lacking cuticular hydrocarbons. Together, these data indicate that CheB42a is required for a normal gustatory response to female cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones that modulate male courtship.  相似文献   

Male American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are attracted to virgin females by volatile sex pheromones. After antennal contact with the female they turn through 180° and spread their wings in courtship display. A chemical contact stimulus releasing male courtship is demonstrated in the female cuticle. Experiments with standardized olfactory stimulation by volatile sex pheromones revealed that the contact stimulus is sex-specific and species-specific. It can be washed off the cuticle with non-polar solvents and was successfully transferred to glass dummies. However, it is not effective in the absence of volatile sex pheromones. Thus volatile sex pheromones are responsible for male attraction and sexual motivation, while mate recognition is accomplished through the contact pheromone.  相似文献   

Finding mates is frequently problematic for parasitoid wasps. In some parasitoid species, males rely on volatile, airborne sex pheromones for locating mates, while in others they rely on contact, trail sex pheromones. This study sought to shed light on the mate finding mechanism of males of Aphytis melinus. Specifically, the goal was to determine whether A. melinus males use airborne or contact pheromones, or both, for locating mates. The study showed that A. melinus males rely on a contact, trail sex pheromone for locating mates: A. melinus males responded to substrate-borne cues left by virgin females, while they did not respond to airborne cues from virgin females. Specifically, males more frequently encountered virgin females when the females walked across an arena to a fixed encounter point compared to when they were manually placed at the encounter point, and spent greater than expected time on surfaces previously visited by virgin females compared to control surfaces not visited by females. In contrast, males did not respond to airborne cues from virgin females in an airflow olfactometer nor to traps baited with virgin females in the field, and spent similar lengths of time on surfaces visited by newly-mated or 24-h mated females versus control surfaces not visited by females. The main effect of the trail sex pheromone on the behavior of A. melinus males was to direct their search and, so, increase the likelihood of encountering mates. This effect apparently is not preceded by longer-range attraction of males via an airborne female sex pheromone. Overall, the results of this study support a hypothesis in which A. melinus males searching on substrates on which females may be present rely exclusively on a trail sex pheromone to locate mates.  相似文献   

Honeybee queen attendants disperse queen pheromones to supplement pheromone dispersal by direct queen-worker contacts. With time they lose their dispersal function exponentially due mainly to volatilization of queen pheromones carried on their bodies. The elimination of those airborne pheromones together with the air while ventilating the hive is balanced by pheromone release by the queen. This equilibrium results in a certain level of queen pheromones in the broodnest. The change of the pheromone level (for example, due to loss of the colony of its queen) can serve as a signal to alter the behaviour of the workers and the state of the colony.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, pheromones play a crucial role in regulating courtship behaviors. In males, female aphrodisiac pheromones promote male‐female courtship, and male antiaphrodisiac pheromones inhibit male‐male courtship. Previous studies have reported that receptor proteins belonging to the pickpocket (ppk) family, ionotropic receptor family and gustatory receptor family are required for pheromone detection and normal courtship. However, none of them has been shown to be sufficient for sensing pheromones after ectopic expression in originally unresponsive cells. “M” cells are activated by male antiaphrodisiac pheromones but not female aphrodisiac pheromones, and the activated cells inhibit male‐male courtship. In our study, male flies with ectopic expression of ppk25, ppk29 and ppk23 in “M” cells showed decreased male‐female courtship. Using an in vivo calcium imaging approach, we found that the “M” cells expressing these three ppks were significantly activated by the female aphrodisiac pheromone 7,11‐heptacosadiene (7,11‐HD). Our results indicate that a sodium channel consisting, at minimum, of ppk25, ppk29 and ppk23, can sense 7,11‐HD, most likely as a receptor. Our findings may help us gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of pheromonal functions.  相似文献   

Courtship pheromones play an important role in salamander reproductive behaviour. In salamanders of the family Plethodontidae, males deliver specialized pheromones to females during courtship interactions. These courtship pheromones increase female receptivity and may be involved in mate discrimination. In order to test hypotheses related to mate discrimination, we staged courtship encounters between male-female Plethodon shermani pairs in which the female received pheromones obtained from either conspecific (P. shermani) or heterospecific (P. yonahlossee orP. montanus ) males. Both conspecific and heterospecific pheromones increased female receptivity. Moreover, pheromones from both heterospecific species were as effective as the conspecific pheromone in increasing female receptivity inP. shermani females. Our results suggest that the courtship pheromone signal and function may be conserved across related species, with mate discrimination occurring before pheromone delivery. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1. The elements that make up the courtship behaviour of males and of females are briefly described. It is pointed out that some of the terms used, such as female ‘repelling’ behaviour, are misleading as they do not reflect the known functions of the behaviours. 2. Evidence has been presented for a number of distinct pheromones with different functions during courtship. These claims are critically examined as the evidence is incomplete and at times conflicting. It seems unlikely that any pheromones other than those acting over a very short distance are involved in courtship. There is sound evidence for an aphrodisiac pheromone produced by all females which stimulates male courtship. A pheromone, which may be the same one, is produced by males less than 12 h old, which also stimulates male courtship. No function is ascribed to this pheromone. Fertilized females either produce less aphrodisiac pheromone or they may, in addition, produce one that inhibits male courtship. Mature males may also produce an inhibitory pheromone. Females produce a contact pheromone which is species-specific and involved in sexual isolation. It is not at present clear whether this is different from the aphrodisiac pheromone. 3. There is considerable variability in the importance of vision in courtship. Many species will mate satisfactorily in the dark, suggesting that visual stimuli are not critical. Most species use vision to orient towards one another and for males to track and follow females. Even in light-independent species such as D. melanogaster, specific visual signals may be used in courtship although they are not obligatory. Thus the red eye of the male is a sexual signal for females. Conversely, some light-dependent species do not appear to make use of visual signals as a major factor in courtship. Some, however, do perform behaviours that are clearly visual and which may act to emphasize markings on wings, head or body. 4. The majority of Drosophila species perform courtship songs by vibrating one or both wings. The songs produced by males sexually stimulate the females. They are species specific and there is considerable indirect and some direct evidence that the songs are involved in sexual isolation. Males of many species produce two different songs during courtship and it is probable that one is concerned mainly with sexual stimulation and the other with species recognition. Females of certain species of Drosophila and Zaprionus also sing during courtship and these songs may aid species recognition by males. In addition males and unreceptive females perform ‘aggressive’ songs. 5. Almost all studies of Drosophila courtship have been made in very confined conditions in the laboratory. Interpretation of some of the results obtained in this way may require modification in the light of ecological research and observation of courtships under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

Pheromones are important chemical signals for many vertebrates, particularly during reproductive interactions. In the terrestrial salamander Plethodon shermani, a male delivers proteinaceous pheromones to the female as part of their ritualistic courtship behavior. These pheromones increase the female's receptivity to mating, as shown by a reduction in courtship duration. One pheromone component in particular is plethodontid receptivity factor (PRF), a 22-kDa protein with multiple isoforms. This protein alone can act as a courtship pheromone that causes the female to be more receptive. We used a bacterial expression system to synthesize a single recombinant isoform of PRF. The recombinant protein was identical to the native PRF, based on mass spectrometry, circular dichroism spectra, and a behavioral bioassay that tested the effects of recombinant PRF (rPRF) on female receptivity (21% reduction in courtship duration). The rPRF appears to mimic the activity of a mixture of PRF isoforms, as well as a mixture of multiple different proteins that comprise the male courtship gland extract. Pheromones that are peptides have been characterized for some vertebrates; to date, however, rPRF is one of only 2 synthesized vertebrate proteins to retain full biological activity.  相似文献   

Spider sex pheromones: emission, reception, structures, and functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spiders and their mating systems are useful study subjects with which to investigate questions of widespread interest about sexual selection, pre- and post-copulatory mate choice, sperm competition, mating strategies, and sexual conflict. Conclusions drawn from such studies are broadly applicable to a range of taxa, but rely on accurate understanding of spider sexual interactions. Extensive behavioural experimentation demonstrates the presence of sex pheromones in many spider species, and recent major advances in the identification of spider sex pheromones merit review. Synthesised here are the emission, transmission, structures, and functions of spider sex pheromones, with emphasis on the crucial and dynamic role of sex pheromones in female and male mating strategies generally. Techniques for behavioural, chemical and electrophysiological study are summarised, and I aim to provide guidelines for incorporating sex pheromones into future studies of spider mating. In the spiders, pheromones are generally emitted by females and received by males, but this pattern is not universal. Female spiders emit cuticular and/or silk-based sex pheromones, which can be airborne or received via contact with chemoreceptors on male pedipalps. Airborne pheromones primarily attract males or elicit male searching behaviour. Contact pheromones stimulate male courtship behaviour and provide specific information about the emitter's identity. Male spiders are generally choosy and are often most attracted to adult virgin females and juvenile females prior to their final moult. This suggests the first male to mate with a female has significant advantages, perhaps due to sperm priority patterns, or mated female disinterest. Both sexes may attempt to control female pheromone emission, and thus dictate the frequency and timing of female mating, reflecting the potentially different costs of female signalling and/or polyandry to both sexes. Spider sex pheromones are likely to be lipids or lipid soluble, may be closely related to primary metabolites, and are not necessarily species specific, although they can still assist with species recognition. Newer electrophysiological techniques coupled with chemical analyses assist with the identification of sex pheromone compounds. This provides opportunities for more targeted behavioural experimentation, perhaps with synthetic pheromones, and for theorising about the biosynthesis and evolution of chemical signals generally. Given the intriguing biology of spiders, and the critical role of chemical signals for spiders and many other animal taxa, a deeper understanding of spider sex pheromones should prove productive.  相似文献   

Pheromones constitute an important cue used by both males and females during courtship. Here, we investigate the effect of male pheromones on female behaviour in the swordtail characin (Corynopoma riisei), a species of fish where males have a caudal pheromone gland which has been suggested to affect female behaviour during courtship. We subjected female C. riisei to male courtship pheromones and investigated the effect on both female behaviour and brain serotonergic activity levels compared to a control group. While no difference in serotonergic activity was found, the pheromone‐treated females showed lower stress levels compared to the control group. Furthermore, pheromone‐treated females increased locomotor activity over time, while a decrease in locomotor activity was observed in the control group. These results suggest that the male courtship pheromones may serve to reduce female stress and increase female activity, possibly to aid males in gaining access to females and facilitating sperm transfer.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication is crucial with regard to mate choice in many animals including insects. Drosophila melanogaster flies produce a pheromonal bouquet with many cuticular hydrocarbons some of which diverge between the sexes and differently affect male courtship behavior. Cuticular pheromones have a relatively high weight and are thought to be -- mostly but not only -- detected by gustatory contact. However, the response of the peripheral and central gustatory systems to these substances remains poorly explored. We measured the effect induced by pheromonal cuticular mixtures on (i) the electrophysiological response of peripheral gustatory receptor neurons, (ii) the calcium variation in brain centers receiving these gustatory inputs and (iii) the behavioral reaction induced in control males and in mutant desat1 males, which show abnormal pheromone production and perception. While male and female pheromones induced inhibitory-like effects on taste receptor neurons, the contact of male pheromones on male fore-tarsi elicits a long-lasting response of higher intensity in the dedicated gustatory brain center. We found that the behavior of control males was more strongly inhibited by male pheromones than by female pheromones, but this difference disappeared in anosmic males. Mutant desat1 males showed an increased sensitivity of their peripheral gustatory neurons to contact pheromones and a behavioral incapacity to discriminate sex pheromones. Together our data indicate that cuticular hydrocarbons induce long-lasting inhibitory effects on the relevant taste pathway which may interact with the olfactory pathway to modulate pheromonal perception.  相似文献   

In spiders, sex pheromones are often associated with silk produced by females, and function in mate attraction, recognition, and evaluation. Silk-bound pheromones typically elicit courtship behaviour in web-building spiders. Here we (1) describe courtship interactions of Steatoda grossa males with virgin or mated females, and (2) show that silk and methanol extracts of silk produced by virgin females trigger courtship behaviour (silk production) by males, whereas silk of mated females does not. Our results indicate that (1) virgin females produce a silk-bound sex pheromone, (2) males discriminate between virgin and mated females based on silk cues, and (3) male silk likely functions in sexual communication.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The acoustic properties of the clicks emitted in response to male courtship pheromone by female Pyrrharctia Isabella (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) have been investigated. Extracts of male scent organs or synthetic male pheromones can be applied to a glass rod and used to stimulate females to produce these sounds. Power spectra, sound pressure readings, and oscillographic analyses show that the acoustic signals elicited by male extracts or synthetic male pheromones are not distinguishable from those produced in response to disturbance (handling). This is the first reported example of a sound produced by a female moth in a sexual context, and is the first reported example in moths of an acoustic response to a pheromonal stimulus.  相似文献   

The mating behaviour of three species of reptile tick, Aponomma hydrosauri, Amblyomma albolimbatum and Amb. limbatum is similar and involves a female sex pheromone which activates males to detach from their hosts and search. After contacting females, a stereotyped six-phase courtship sequence occurs. There are qualitative differences between the species in courtship behaviour at phase 3 (reversal of position by dorsally mounted males) and phase 6 (the copulation position). On-host observations of non-conspecific mating show that females of the three species have species-specific activation pheromones, which is contrary to reports in other species of tick. Such specificity should result in reproductive isolation of the three species; however, under certain circumstances it may not prevent non-conspecific contacts between the sexes. Off-host observations of courtship behaviour show that once males of the three species contact non-conspecific females, they attempt courtship and are persistent with their courtship. Rarely did non-conspecific courtships proceed beyond phase 4 of the courtship sequence, as non-conspecific females did not lift their bodies to allow males venter contact. Differences between the species in leg orientation in the copulation position, together with body size differences, are responsible for a complete barrier to successful non-conspecific copulation. The observations illustrate the role that behavioural mechanisms play in reproductively isolating these three species of tick.  相似文献   

J. F. Ferveur  J. M. Jallon 《Genetics》1993,133(3):561-567
The production of Drosophila cuticular hydrocarbons, including contact pheromones, is under polygenic control. To investigate X-linked loci, EMS mutations were induced in Drosophila simulans flies. A mutant strain was discovered which in both sexes show a reduction in the biosynthesis of both 7-tricosene (7-T) the species contact pheromone and all other linear hydrocarbons. The locus controlling this effect, kete, is recessive and was localized to I, 18.5. Unlike a previously identified gene on the second chromosome of this species, Ngbo, kete does not affect the ratio of 7-T:7-pentacosene (7-P). Other reproductive characteristics are also affected, including egg-hatching. However, courtship behaviors in both sexes appear normal.  相似文献   

Internal fertilization without copulation or prolonged physical contact is a rare reproductive mode among vertebrates. In many newts (Salamandridae), the male deposits a spermatophore on the substrate in the water, which the female subsequently takes up with her cloaca. Because such an insemination requires intense coordination of both sexes, male newts have evolved a courtship display, essentially consisting of sending pheromones under water by tail-fanning towards their potential partner. Behavioral experiments until now mostly focused on an attractant function, i.e. showing that olfactory cues are able to bring both sexes together. However, since males start their display only after an initial contact phase, courtship pheromones are expected to have an alternative function. Here we developed a series of intraspecific and interspecific two-female experiments with alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) and palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus) females, comparing behavior in male courtship water and control water. We show that male olfactory cues emitted during tail-fanning are pheromones that can induce all typical features of natural female mating behavior. Interestingly, females exposed to male pheromones of their own species show indiscriminate mating responses to conspecific and heterospecific females, indicating that visual cues are subordinate to olfactory cues during courtship.  相似文献   

L. Tompkins  S. P. McRobert 《Genetics》1989,123(3):535-541
We have shown that the Sex-lethal (Sxl) gene, which controls morphological aspects of sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster, also regulates sexual behavior. Chromosomal males that are hemizygous for a deletion of the entire Sxl locus perform normal courtship and synthesize the two courtship-inhibiting pheromones that normal males make. However, ectopic expression of female-specific Sex-lethal gene products drastically alters chromosomal males' ability to perform and elicit courtship and increases the probability that they will synthesize a courtship-stimulating pheromone or fail to synthesize one of the inhibitory pheromones. These observations suggest that male sexual behavior is a consequence of the Sxl gene's being functionally inactive in haplo-X flies.  相似文献   

Appropriate displays of aggression rely on the ability to recognize potential competitors. As in most species, Drosophila males fight with other males and do not attack females. In insects, sex recognition is strongly dependent on chemosensory communication, mediated by cuticular hydrocarbons acting as pheromones. While the roles of chemical and other sensory cues in stimulating male to female courtship have been well characterized in Drosophila, the signals that elicit aggression remain unclear. Here we show that when female pheromones or behavior are masculinized, males recognize females as competitors and switch from courtship to aggression. To masculinize female pheromones, a transgene carrying dsRNA for the sex determination factor transformer (traIR) was targeted to the pheromone producing cells, the oenocytes. Shortly after copulation males attacked these females, indicating that pheromonal cues can override other sensory cues. Surprisingly, masculinization of female behavior by targeting traIR to the nervous system in an otherwise normal female also was sufficient to trigger male aggression. Simultaneous masculinization of both pheromones and behavior induced a complete switch in the normal male response to a female. Control males now fought rather than copulated with these females. In a reciprocal experiment, feminization of the oenocytes and nervous system in males by expression of transformer (traF) elicited high levels of courtship and little or no aggression from control males. Finally, when confronted with flies devoid of pheromones, control males attacked male but not female opponents, suggesting that aggression is not a default behavior in the absence of pheromonal cues. Thus, our results show that masculinization of either pheromones or behavior in females is sufficient to trigger male-to-female aggression. Moreover, by manipulating both the pheromonal profile and the fighting patterns displayed by the opponent, male behavioral responses towards males and females can be completely reversed. Therefore, both pheromonal and behavioral cues are used by Drosophila males in recognizing a conspecific as a competitor.  相似文献   

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